Ord 0280- AMENDING NO. 249 OF THE TOWN OF LG ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIESn mn I, US, ?%T O=.D" `'t~ eCE _E: DI.''~ OPJI 1;w,7p+ OF "77,11E m~ nn T,03, 1~ . "0 E ,~^OP~-r;rs A - r..; .ITTIL ~D DII,~' CODE, ES'2i - ENTITLED ~a 0: ~I ~1 .ml.U LISn 7_"G FIRM ZO,": 'S w..0VI":,I","r FOR ES. sr mT.., Tr' :^2.z Y 0 n mTrE + T,. - '•,r F T _ G4~ i'0'~ O~~S p til,iV Os; S F0-, S . Sect' on 1. T'-_ u- Section 1 of Or6.inemce No. entitled, si p, O~-uinance Ado-oti n` LTni fore SuilCli'lg voLe, Establi shino, e - ° 2 CL ,.Cones 2.na Providin` for Penal't_es , ss sSearCt aCOosteCa,. ]b-- NM o?:-n Council of t'_e Torn of Los G2tos on U. of Dece ioer, 1940 be anC;. the s~ir.e is hereby a2!ienc_ed. to rer.e. as follows. 9 1 (a) Pules anC. regi lati 0i:ls for the e °ect~_on, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moTrin-g, removal., conversion, C.enlo- li t=on, occupanc`,,r, eou4-,DL1ent, use, height, area., anC. ':icinte'aance of buildings and st ruct.":res having been hint ec_ c s a coc:.e In boo'-. fora, said code being enti flee!, "Pacific Coast Builc_ing Officials Conference Uniform. Building Code, ss 194c EIit_on, three co-.-Iles of sai.C. cote v ,it:-) the ampendin t ereto, together= zrith three copies of the 'sSrecifi cation Documents" therein, -efezrrec to hav been for use anC_ el aminc.ti on of the YJu~,Dlic, in the office of the ToT°m Cler': of the To' n of Los Gatos, "ii-ef e:.-ence being hereby r?`.C~!e to se.1-L code anc". c "?penC_ix and -S 1eci Pica ti on Documents for aLl u~_e y Lt1~. 1 .<s, o vris! ons, conG:Zu_.o_ s -e . s, =.nC._ _ ec era enU t','ierein SI--o'[cn, sai".. re uIE1 vloi^:s, --Iro7,Tis !_cns, conC!.i t-.ons, terms ani _ = L_ o _ -,:)en ' ~r r S,^ c;.!7 C_,._ c. -_C! oeci - 1 egi_7ire_: ent s cnE said code, Loge _ier . , f: + ' i e--ev I"Jr ^a i isCL~. , hereof, t-Ine CaU on Y~i ~i'u.!!~i lei U,rJ are 1..,..~'„ G~:LQv UeCGt. _.e a JG._ U same as if fully set forth i '1 this ord-inance, anc-i. .re by such reference adoptec_ as Sections of t- is ordini amce, ' e^Ting the sa__.e nuerica.l Section designations as aaoeai^ in said Uniform Building Ion as a:re her e in.~_af to-r ce.~ t ~ o*I,t _ Subsecti on Coc,_e e:--c e;~ L s of 2 nC_ as such 1s aC'tC"4~teG as 2ndi 0~' the PU7 1G_i n- CO~ e Of file To n -I- 0 i of LOS aa-os. (r) Y "s S UI10`" 300 -e~:.~'_ as follows: _ 17 o ire"iT bt ilc.+_in =s nr n or ?G e e C l b.,' C i i1 C.Ci. t"i On A^ n elristiil;~ bui IC i ng ~ + g f: G:~ a _ - own on ye , eC_ o L~ xS eo_ 1G' any use G t~ ie.L-' ui1. an :i a1 G., U si ,-9 e Gccu,nf I,i BLtilc.inr" Pe_"! i t antil c, ce=tificate Of occu-o n c y Gi_vll have ''.teen S""OTTON 4-504 v-'E'Ll ...s fo110Trs. 0:-"7_el -7-indo7-s, 7J lconies, unroofec_ 'JOa-,c,-?es, cornices a?'?C. `.;elt courses P,,na FJ-")en- sLi"t^ e~' 2'J? s, c'apitals, bases an" oche. scot tiVe 7 the _ u. j i e 7 / ~_~il J c Bc:. e s o ject over , c of L~ e Ju__v site a c'..ist.~:.nce as I--eter_Iined by u'^B clearance of the lc'"eSv, 'Joint of _...o':~^sa the 'o5:'G jecti Ori above th e arc^-C.'.e i1'.1ileaic^^.tel;, !::ei07iT, as f^1-~ L122..r '^.cB ciJOVe c>Ge eS t'_icn B ~h t ( ~)Oe`v--:~O _;J "OjeCts On is ~Jerrzitted. Clearance above Grace over eight feet (el)--one inch (141) of 'Oro j ection is Oermitted for eac' add, ti0-na! f 00 t of clearance, J"OVided that no Such JrOjBC%.i0i'~ Sh~.11 e1'Ceed c;. C.1St' .?1Ce Of four -L eet SEOTIC'L3 4-506 shall read as f cllo"s. _ o-, able 2''I1in:yS Or hoods '_:_a have combustible co*'re_'i"_^_'VS su-p,"orted on in- com.'JUS t_ e a_iies at ached to one 1Jai lc._n ga a7..7ni n J o-r hoo,"'- entend over the -oubl-i c pL,o-Jerty not --.?ore tham t To-thirC-s the .S"'' e. ce from u'l^.e ro-,7e~rt J' li~n.e to t'~~e ne~;i-st curb in front of the ~.:ulif,n' site. The 1Ot,?est "Jt of any L10vcCJie awning o:' hood fr.ane s!iall be not less than f e e t (71) above the grounc_ immi-,ediately Belo*r,:r, and the 1oT,•rest part of any hinge attached to such a-.Yning r or hood, in the front or curb side, shr1l be not less than feet (b,) above t.''^_B r -.C.e i 1r:1eC 42 te1y bel0''' anC_ t.ne 10 .°^st c C t - P- ,,T fringe at -aciieC_ t0 SucI1 a-':-ning° Or .=00G'= On the Other SiU-es shall b ~:.o`c ss than fe t ~ s.:...ov size ft._,._imec1 at el beloiT. Section 2. This 0 -rc.i nance s gall ta'-e effect anc_ 1--;e in fo --ce U .T (30) ca,ys from ancL after C-ate of itS passage anfL before c : e 1 be e x,oi ration of fifteen l5 } :.a s of u~_ its ssaze i, U sha -oub'lishe once the names of the _aemnbers v otinv for anCL against the s= ?e in the neT,:Ts-pr,r~er emu, l; shed- in tLe TO?`'i1 of Los r:-atop. Intros-uced. at 2, re-27'ala.l°' meeting of the I.o':.:-n Council of tine Torn of Los u ~tos, State of Cali`'or_'_a., helc on tine 5,"h ~.ay of i'„ia y 194-7. Passe-11 an _ o-oteO 8.s a v"'"inace of t= e M0 7,.-n 0f Los ua..''tos, California, at regular P:,eet=n ' of the To-vn Council t'.'!e~-'eoT helo_ on the ay of 1_947 i~'"•' the folio?..ring vote: DES: COUNC!U EN Aal ROVED : , CF THE TC7,'17 0?' LOS GATOS ATTEST: r' TO' . 17N OF T'CJ'