Ord 0135-AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE SALARY OF THE TOWN CLERKORDTNATlCE N0. 15;x. AN ORDINANCE ESTABT~7:SHING THE SAI,AHY O:E THE TOWN CLINK. ohs Board of ~rustees~ of the down of I.oa Gatoas do as°dain, as fallowa:w Sec. ~> The salax•y of the down Clerk and Asaeat~or is hereby fixed in the sum of Forty Dollax~a (~40m00) pew month to inclx~de all sex°~ices appertaining to the office, and payalale monthly. Seo. 2® All ordinances and pasta of ordinances in conflict; with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Seo. 3. T'hia ordinance shah. make effect and be in force fram. anti after its passage and publicatian. Passed a11d adopted thin -~~ .day of April, 1~0$, by the fal7.owing ~vote:® Ayes. T''rustee~ ~ILGr ~~N/`-?~-~ '~o~/,® 1.%~~~7 Na e 6. ~111'rli at e e a E~~~l/`-~-~ Absent . Truat•eea Q/~~~ _ ~s+°ea~der~L 9f oa~°d o~ ~rus~e~a`°_~ AT'~EST 7iv't~ii+2~/ ~"'~2°