Ord 084-REGULATE THE SALE OF MILK IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF VIOLATIONS THEREOFi Sec'. G-:1u}• person ha\-ing milk in his i ORDl~A~~E NO 04 pp ipn, sold or intending to he spkl i h ~ ,w . ~t li e use of anc ~ G or r.. prpcFS@ of deliven• for t resident of Lhe to~cn of Los Gntoe, ~ I B shall upon demand deliver to anc ~ ,tj nOrdinaneetoRegulatelmembpr of the I3pprd of Flenlth' 1 t'.t~ ~th e Sale of Milk I n th e I free of charge, fur the purpose of in- , ~ t -r' speptipn, u quantity of such milk not Own Of LOS GatOS, and I excoeding one-htllf pint taken from .ench i t` Providing for ~ne PUn- I~can or other vessel in e•hich the milk is ' • { ishment Of Vloiatlons Icontssined, if eo required- The o(tic~r I ~ 1 shall make a careful and thoroa~h e~agt• ;l 7 tht9t'eOf. lnatton of fire sampieet~ken, and ff up4n J • l' + , HE f3W.aitD OR TRUSTf:ESOF'PPII ench examination the milk ebnll not Le 3 Tosvn of Los Cantos do Ordain ae found of the standard quality of paella}• g~ .. I ft ;folloae: and wholeeomenese required by EectfAp ^ :~a i $scrtos 1-[t shall be unlaa•inl for any' 2 of this Or(linance, he shall file with•tlie , ~: i ipereou tp sell or offer for sole or to have. 13oard of Health, a }•eport, jn R'ritinK, ;~ .in his possessipn, for the purpose of gift specifying the particulr.re jn u•ltich it is ;> a oreale, ssithin the Town of I,os Uutos, deficient, and the Board of Ilenlth shall y ' fray milk, n'ithout holding nt the time a thet•eupon revokethe permit of theper- ;~~k ; li! ~ennit in full fprcp 16enpd 1,\• tlte. P,oard eon eo found violating the conditions bf Health nnthrn iziu,~ said sale. upon whiph said permit was issued. Im- I!:; err. Y-'Phe Bonrd of Health shall is- mediately npop filing the said .report the ~ .I • a.ie all penults to sell milk, but such per- ; 1•iarshal shill rnal:e a complaint before , l~ ~ tits shall no! be issued except upon the the llecerder of lhp Tpn•n of Los Cintoa ~ ' ~ . ~Uoa'ing expressed condition, to wit: against the person or persons so found ~ j " t ~ d'6e npplipanl fora permit shall present. violating theprovisiuusotthisordinnnce, ~ ao the Buar.l of Health ttt the limp of soli no permit shall be issued to e~ch 'I snaking his appliwdion, a certificate from perspn or pst'sons \vhose permit has beon , i lthe County \'eterinar}• lnspectoro[ Santa revoked, and against whom emnplaint 'Clara (:panty showing that the cosy or ~ has been made before theTon'n Itocorder cows which he owns nn(LL•om which he 'as ntoreanhL until final acquittal or cur,- i expects to secure the milk to be ofl'ered viction upon said complaintnnd the. pay- ~ f .for sale, nro perfectly healthy and .free meat pf the fine or the serving of the t i (from ever}• disease schntsoever. That term o[ imprisonment has been com- the person to whom the permit is issued I .; pleted. I i ~ shell not Limself m• through the n~~ency I Sr:(•. fi-It shall be the duty of the of any scrvtuti, or employee, sell or offer Board of Ik•ulth to visit from tints to limp • for sale. or have in his p',ssrssiou for the i ,. purpose of sale, [Wilk from any diseased ~ and menect all dairies and other lilaces' , tram \thitL milk is supplied and compel I ~ cosy, nr vole fell, in whale or in part, on ~ , the keeping of such premises and all yes- ~ • ~i still slips. or other food calculated to yen- eels nod vehicles used in the business in J ~ (ter the milk of such .cosy un\vholesome, I a perfectly cleanl,vand sanitary condition, ~ ! or nusuitable 6x human (ootl; or milk to i mtd any permit ma}' be revoked by the + x•hich n'xueror anc foreign substance has ~ Bonrd of Health for n fn~hn•e to co:nplc ~ been adda:L, or which pontninamore than) ssith its dire(•tions iu relation to these ' eichtp-seven (S-1 per cent. of cvutery fluid I mnttprs. ~ i l il b h d : .or less than thirte(:n (13) per cent. solid uty of r te I hlcc. `- t spo e t e one fourth of sshich~is butter-tut ; ~ matter j alnrshltl to defect snit prosecate all per- n , or grill; from \vhich nay porlio^ of the I sous viohtting any of the nrp,vi:ious of ~ ~- ~~ 1 ~- ~ ~ . ~ ' ` ~ craaw bas l,::en removed unless such ~ this ordiunnce. ~ . r.; -- C ~ ,~_~.l C i ~ milk Is r(L resented at the timeo(deliverv ~ Fr:c. 8-~1n~' person ebo shall vialnte / ~ G / to bt, sl urnued mi k," ..and the Words j any p:ocisimt ut Uns ordinnnGe shall "ski nu t i milk'' ale distinptlp marked ~ upcn consi(tiun be pw l~heil by rt fine ~ 11 f, (-z%era '` .>.=-r ~-(.-cQ.~ `• io pl uu i,othic letters pf not less than ~ not escerding one himdre(1 dollars or by i %~ ~- 4; l~ ~c-O ~ (' 'tiu C~' ~% ~ t ~ ( ~ `~1 T ~~-~ - one inch iu leaglh upon the outside and I imprisonment in the C'ount.y JYiilof Santa ~ ~ < ' nctu the top o[ ench C•an, measure or other ~ Clara i•ount}' not excecdiug silty (Lacs or <~• ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~p ¢' ' ~ ~ ' - vessel useil in the sale and deliver}• of i b}' both such tine and imprisonment, ~ . ~-c-~ ( ~ 2--' ('~ , '~- i /` ench akimmpd milk. Set•. p-III unlintuu•rs or puts pf m•di- Inaneua hl cpulhri herescith flee tarebi' I ' ' (~, :ll'z o'~ !;~'.Q2zc:err'-r~ •'r /'{'t't-/~C'~"` ~~ err I rt,Ktotet -h Ql b( l.tirs m rho I re (aleu ,~ p . 7tLr( [ th. Irrri cf 11(ulih to replete ;hnl'I l r( •m;l(l th( Wan t of rile pm bun ` ~er•. lit-'Chia nrdinanoe shall t:i1tP P.f- ~ ~ .~ _ ,`','r ' ~ Cy-~C-i~'t i G~ ~-w'Zi '~-~ ~YJ 'i4-TlZU " ( ' o \,I,.,~o tar t~rl urn m t,oce,l. tbp unute : ( ~~ ( I ,( tl,e •iukc in' tLc t:::rricul;tr rte-ignniion, ' feet Feptemherlst, ]tt`)G, niter its passage, „n .~.~ ~~ 2 .~ E~c..,a~o ~•,<.. <"i Z (`~~..-~` ~' ut•L r .\ 1 t ,the I,arinpe t_ condt cted, I nlrprucnl an f 1 ul lirnti+::. h d d I P _ / ,i / - I ~ { asse i ] th ay \,f :luptsf, IR~4 f ni 11 a re im: rile location of lit miry i ~ fA s< ,.~ . ~ t.t.x:~~ ^~12a'~u~ ' or : I -r I n.•c it ut shish the milli is to I .1r1:~-7 i. l+.n•ia. 17cnt•c <, h-:nil,, r1, l the number cuuktmed h : 4 ua nm l Pp^ 11lassol 1 ~ ~, ~ z, -• ~ . I , ~ % ~ ' l . . . . . , . , "CL'O ~<-cif ~~k.~_ ..2 ".f.~(/ i (.1 z,i(•t-C/ 1 in tbs l,.~rn,it la~.wd. Lf ;: co-partnuship i \ulis-~unr. de;in•s a permit it shall ILIo with tl,e :1nzrsr-L•'. \. 14n'is and R. F. \1'ily r , Gt 7,'. ~•E'..-~ L'~-'L!_<-~ ~r fry-U~' i%~u{E'd UI lIi'lllth of the (IIl1B pf applll'n- ]Ifl In °. / tlpll. an r.didu\'I[ pl a III C•Inber of Lhe e0• :1 ppt'n s'ed :1ll~llsl 1,, 15SI11. pltftne, Clt ll~ e.t ll!Itlg the Il Eilrlen Of lire leer" I`r\ ~f:\b'~t,l., 1 ~, /~ ~,~ -~/'-l'' ~ _''~- I l ~~/ `~ ~~ / <l-• ~~~ ~~ ~ sons con~titin>! the lion, and ii a torpor- I l'resi:lrnl ..t L'nut.l- anon desires a permit it shall ILIe a certi-' at,est: ~ /i-.~`-~-- - . - ` ficpte signed by the (resident and laces- i f C;. d. Br•rr.ett, I 7,'own Clet I:. utrv thereat gic;nt; the names pf etas cs~a- I P, s• J. I) Pecs, ,or:urdirectors. ~ Deputy'1'~svn C'Icr.l:. `;t:r..L_.,UI penults shall contain the i -___- 1 _ cpoditions mentioned in 6pction ? of this : f!nlin ;acs and an ngrpentent ou ihp Part ~ got th i~ } e ~ ~" f _ ~~ ~'-~ ~ ~ 4 e npl,llcnnt to faithiully keep an ; Fpbaerve th f ll - j,: / im / ~~~ ~'~ e same. Auch pprm t sha Le ' .v ~~ ~. nu+ds in duplicate, one copy of which , r j4 ~'° shall by retained in the office of rite 'x :_, ,~. ~' ourd of Health. The numbetseontained r , x~ ~ jj • ~` :FILe permit shall lip plainly trialked 3n 1' ~< :,, -pt?nyp}pyoug place on rho outside of Lhe, I ' ^ ~ ~., ]tagpn-or other vehicle containing the ' t illiz hr figures not lees than three. ,i(•lieu4il height. ~: -