Ord 078B-PREVENT THE OBSTRUCTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN"' ~- ORDINANCE No, 70o I r! ®~~~~~~ c~ ~®. ~9.' OODIN~NC~ No. OOo =_; • An ordinance ro amend `a'n ordinance i IIE BOARD OP TRUSTEES OF i I entitled"An Ordinance Creating a Public T -~ An 'Ordinance to Pre- (Pound, end providing for`,1he burial of , the Town of Los Gatos do ordain as vent the Qbstruction O'~ ~ D4ad animate." ? follows: ' r .~t~reet~ and Sidewalks y •The Board•of Traeteeaof the Town of S>:cTro*r r-Will M. Beggs, the city at- L`oa Gatos •do ordain as follows : 1:RYney of the town of Loa Gatos, is hereby Ifl the TOwn Of LOS ~ Section 1: Section 9, of ordinance 75, I authorized to commence aq action or ac- e ~~C"atQS, , is amended to read as folloyvs: tions, against any person or persons in It io'hereby declared unlawful for app the name of the town of Loe Gatos to °`hI3E BOAIi,D OL' TP~UST,Eh;S OrTIIE '~ dog, riot duly licensed and registered iu open Whitney avenue iu the town of Los 1 Town of Los Gatos, ordains ne fol- I accordancm~with the provisions of this Gatos, and to prosecute the person or 'losve: f ordinance, to rup 'or bed"t- large in any persons obstructing Bald street. ' Sacrtoz` i-It shall he unlawful for any ~ :of; tha~etreetfl lance of alleys, :courts or Saamrox n-This ordinance shall take person to:place or cause to be placed any- I plaoee, or publfo?groun$e 'intthe;Tow^ of affect and be in full force from and after Nhere upon a public way, street or side- I Loa <xa[os and it rs her;Ejby made the I its paaaago, approval and publication. ,wnik:•in the town Ot Loe Gtitoa, and no )duty of the '.pound roaster to •take up 1 Passed this 20th do}` of Januar}`, 18~J6, >=person owning, occupying or haying con- 'and impound any dog; `not-licensed and ~ ti:$Iof any premises, shall suffer to re- ~ registered, found running at large in ~ Arra-T. J. Davie, henry Schomberg, .main in front thereof upon the sidewalk, II any street, lane, all®y, court, or plac® and E. N. Davis. ?s'treet or way next to such premises i^ or public-grounds in said Town, and N°>s-None. ..acid town, anything which shallobetruct Ito notify the owner thereof, if known. AasanT-rep Maasol and D. P. Si- '.the fret; pneanae of sucji street or side- Any dog so impounded may be re- moRr3, walk, for more than one hoar at a time. I deemed by the owner or possessor of Approved; ~; This sectien..aliadl notappl}`; the enpie within three days after being I ]r. AT. Dn\'I6, first-To goods or merchandise fn act- I impounded, or after notice, when Prea. Protein of Board. slat course of receipt, delivery or removal; i notice is given, upon the paymentto said Attest: 1. Second-I:dmp posts or hydrantserect_ Pound-master of the sum o[ two dot- G. A. BrTLSir, Town Clerk, `_ed by permission of thebonrd of trustees; I tare for impounding, and ten cents ~'Chird-Q.r>7amental trees planted along ~ each day .far keeping the same. All l the outer"line of the sidewalk, or within ; dogs not redeemed as herein provided ;:the purb or barriers, for the protection of ~ shall be sold or killed by the pound the same; master and any licensed and registered ~ fourth-14ntering troughs placed b}• dog found running at large w^'.thout n-~' 7,l`peri~iission of the board of trustees, upo^ tag as reynired by law `shall be jaXio eide~~•alla fur tho accommodation of taken by the pound-master to the t. >" ° Pound, anal if claime$ b the owner with-• • li ~t}ie public; Y ^I sl+'ifth-11Saterials used on the conetrno_ ~ in three days, the Pound-master shall ! I lion or repair of n building, during the be entitled to receive the=sum of one ~ I /~ existence of n n ritteu permission of the dollar ,from the owner or posessor ~ ~ snperinteudent. of streets. thereof ae a fee for impounding the . ~ ` ~ ~ ~ SLC. a-.1u}• person violating the pro- same, ~ ~~ F, visions of this ordinance, shall be deom_ And all do;;s impounded and un- V edguilty of a miedemenuor, and upon a ~ claimed and notinteuded to be sold by V ~ ~ C, ' I the pouud master within three days ~J 1~ ;conviction thereof, ehnll be punished by ~ , , '~ ~~ t~ n line. not exceeuing ;~30, or by imprison- !shall be killed and buried in the , , ~, •~ "meat in the County Jail of Santa Clara 'Town banal ground, for dead animals ~ ~ I c t-: j}, couple for a periodnotexcseding75dnve, by the pound 14aster and ha shalt be Z , ~~ h `•~ -~ ~r Ms or both such line and imprisonment. entitled to receive from the City the ``~ t \ t=` spin of one dollar for .each therefor. ~ t, `~ 8i:c. ni-.111 ordiunncesincont3ictw•ith f 1 this ordiunuce are hore.b}- repealed. Any person desiring a dog to run at t:; large shall pay in adc'ance to the e Src. n'-'Phis ordinance shall tape ef- pouud•-master an annual tux of two ~ ~ 1 . feet and be in force, from and after its dollars for the terra of one year, or ~ ~ r~. kpaaaage, alproval suet publication. I part of a year, commencing ou the Srst _\`~ ~ t , ~ ~ ~ ~' Passed-this 20th clay of Januar}`, ISO6. day of Jauuar.~ of each year. A me- ~'' \.~ t .9Ylsa-T. J. Davis, E. N. Davis and faille tag shall be furnished by the ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~,~ ~Ii, Schomberg, Youndmaster which the owner shall t \ors-'.Cone. attach to the collar around the neck of ~ ~ 1 ' \~ \ ~~ Aiisic>; r-ll. 1'. Simons nn$ rep -ias- the dog, and keep the same displayed 1 R~ ~ sot. at all times. ~ ~ Section 3 r All ordinances, and parts ~ ~~ ~ \ ,\ ~ •a .11,proved : ' ~ ^~ ~~ of ordinance,, in conttict with this: ~ ~~ Cao Pres. 1'rutem of Board. mrdinance, are hereby repealed. i ~i~ , f\~ `~ ~~ • ~~ Attest: Section 3: Thisordinanceshall take: \~ ~ ~ ~~ ~,~ `\\C ~,, A, BcTLiaa, Town Clerk, i effect and be in force from and after ~ ~\ h ~,- ~ r ~ ~C its passage, approval and publication. 1 ~ ~ • ' Passed thisLOth day of Jan., 1SOti. ~ \~, . ~ ~! \'( ,~ Q Ayes, H. Schomberg, E. N. Davis, ~ wa IT. J, llavis; Noes, none; Absent, ~ ~ D. I'. Snuonds, Fe^ Maesol. ~ ~ 1~ t' ~~ ATmnsr t;. A. Butler Town Clerk. ~' '°'-~- (a ~ ~~ ..~ a - Arrxovisn: L. N. llavia, ~ President of Board pro tem. - _ \ ~'j i ~' \ -- -,ti.'c: I ~~ r ~ ~ ~ i ~~~ , T -- - ____ >E- -- i ... 11 y zry P ~ ~ ~ti _ _~