t .,
}` ~l . .
t `Ordinance amending Or-
d~i~nce No. 5~, Entitled:
f "An Ordinance EsLaulish-
t ; ing Water ~~te~•"
t 1•
~'•~HE BOARD OF Thus 7;);S of th~i
Town of Los hates d ordain us
j follo+cs:
8>:c'rrox 1.-Section 11 of aid Ordin-
~, ante NJ. 54 is h~reby:amen d so a6 to
~. rend as fol'lo+ce:
k k ~.Yc~irot: 11.-Tor >puh c
tl,water closets, where, ehei'e s 1.00
only one., per month.....
a' hor each additional one, .r'
~--7nonth .......................'.......8(1
hor pri+•ate, per month.... • .90
~ Ali C1'InN 1.--SeC(10^ 20 of said Urdiu-
t. ante No. 54 is hereby ame ed so as to
' rrad as }OI10++'E:
It `,. Scc'rrofi .~0•-For hnild ng
' ,.,., .
' and }rlastering, for water t ed
~•.~ I.,h}' plas;lriers, for slaking ~tcl+
' ~ 'i•''batrslof]iute...,......., .......15
~;. I or water used h3, brick ay-
C; ,,: ers to matte mortar and da np •
~ en .brick, for each 7,000 13`~ick • • • • • • ..75
$LCrutx 3.-Section 27 f saio Ordin-
ance No. 59 fs hereby am~nded so ae to `
.~ ! read as follu++'c;
' i 5rc'rtoN 27; -For +~ater
carts and wagons, for use of
~~..,~ ;water for sprinkling s sets
'`t only, 1m~ eauh 1,0011 gr tuns
':1 ...18
need ................••' 'Enid Ottlin-
8sc'rtox 4.-4ection 31, f
• "ante No. 04 is hereby amended so as to
•~ '~ "Tread as iollo++•s:
'~' SUCTION 31.-For +vate~ used 1
~b}~=me.tera minimonr t+.harEe
L31 0l I~1 per tnnnth which ahtitles 1
the user to 1,000 gal Ion .
e F. a• next 3,000 gallo a, per
.i~tltonsard ............. `.............DSO
., t I`or ^P.%t 0,000 gallo s, per
,~ thousand,,,, .. .x ..............35
Fot next 5,000 gallcpte, per .......30
• thousand ......... .....
;' For next 5,000 gallons, per
thousand............t ...............25
~ For nll beer 2(1,000': =n bus,
tisc•rroN 6 --Seiaim u of said Ordin-
- I ante No. 5•S is herelay amended so as to
read astoll~t+'~:
Ssrrros36.-For n• ter used
froth hcchanis {ur n•e pur-
I ' i po~us fry the Tu++•t~ of .Los
liat.os, for each hyd~'art, Pet' 2,00
nwrtth .. .. ....... ...
flrc'rroNfi.-Thiso~dinance shall take
i etl'eot and be in force from and after
qi ~,,Iune 30th. 1594
,ldopted this, thel0t.h day of IvIarch;
!E; , • 7591, by the following vote:
~i:a;;; illassol, iSpvel'sJn, Simons,
,' 'anti ,lohnson .
' I 1'r:•rra dun~soN,
• {>resu9rnt of Board.
9itest.: ti. :1. Bu'rt,ra,
.. - --- r+--~
i`, ,.
~~YJ~'2 ~z ~d /~•~?//iv~.,~ C/./li~~~iYG~vvcc-~
1.-4~y, Lr~-y ~ ~_
/~~ 1o-•zZVZ-Y/O~~oS ~,~'~~U-v . ~vv~c- mac.
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