M 10-26-1981October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Counci l Chambers of the Town Hall at 7 :40 p .m . in regular session . ROLL CALL PRESENT : Ruth Cannon, Thomas J . Ferrito, MarLyn J . Rasmussen , Brent N . Ventura and Mayor Peter W . Siemens . ABSENT : None . PLEDGE O F ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance . REPORT RE Mayor Siemens reported on the Executive Session that was hel d EXECUTIVE prior to the Council meeting, stating the following matter s SESSION were discussed : 1.Status report on the defense of the lawsuit against th e Town by Pedro's, with aid to handicapped access . 2.Status report on the Town's appeal of the Novitiate Eminen t Domain Decision . 3.Status report from the Attorney of record relating t o Town's defense of the Villa Vasona's lawsuit . 4.The Town's appeal on the PUC decision relating to the ZU M area and dropped further action for now,on basis of recent : PUC action . PRESENTATION -This matter is continued to November 2, 1981 . C . WEDEMEYE R MINUTES Mr . Ventura requested the following corrections of the Octobe r 5, 1981, minutes . Page 3, subject, ZONE CHANGE ANDERSO N PROPERTY the third sentence to read, "Mr . Brown info pled th e Council the price of the BMP units are in the neighlorhood o f $60,000 and are 1200 square feet in size ."Page 4, srubject , TOWN GOALS STATEMENT - second element under the Character o f Downtown Area to read, "Assure compatability of co na n:i al developments with existing ...". Page 8, subject,- DFLY BILLING - to read, "In view of the donation of Attorne y services by the Town Attorney, Mr . Ventura moved Conroe i t authorize additional payment of $2,850 .37 to Town Attorne y for Medfly Litigation ." Mrs . Rasmussen moved minutes b e approved as corrected . Mr . Ventura seconded . Carried by a vote of four ayes . Mrs . Cannon abstained . Letter from O .L . Johns, 151 N . Santa Cruz Avenue, regardin g bus stop in front of his building . It was consensus o f Council that action be deferred to November 2, 1981 an d copy of staff report be sent to Mr . Johns . Tri County Apartment Association communication requestin g meeting be set with Council sub-committee and Tri-Count y representatives to discuss Arbitration complaint . Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council accept staff recommendation . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Carried by four ayes . Mr . Ventur a abstained . Mrs . Rasmussen and Mrs . Cannon were appointe d to the Council sub-committee . Evangel Christian Fellowship requested to hold a Christma s Concert at the Town Plaza . Mrs . Rasmussen moved Counci l accept staff recommendation and approve the request t o hold a concert in the Town Plaza on December 19th, 1981 , from 2 :00 to 5 :00 p .m . Subject to approval of the Polic e and Parks Departments taffs . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . 4.Letter from Art Docents requesting money from the Town fo r the current year . Mr . Ferrito moved Council accept staff recommendation to allow staff to discuss this request wit h Art Docents and report back t o -Council at a later date . Mrs .Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . 5.Mr .Ferrito moved to accept staff recommendation on th e following ABC applications : L & L Importers, Inc .100 Scarsborough Way recommends denia l - 1 - WRITTEN 1 . COMMUNICATION S (REPORTS) 2 . 3 . October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a WRITTE N COMMUNICATION S (FOR ACTION ) (CONTINUED) 5 WRITTEN 1 . COMMUNICATION S (REFERRAL AND/O R FILE) 2 . Hag Seven Corp .15525 Los Gatos Blvd . (Stuff Pizza ) CUP for beer and wine approved 4/9/81 . Tam,Bing Kwong, 20 S . Santa Cruz Avenue (Jasmine ) CUP needed and application applied for . Buerry, DiNapoli,.Tarasco 26 N . Santa Cruz Ave . (Frank's Market)Transfer of liquor license for existin g use .No CUP required , Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Letter from Rinconada Hills Association, makeing a forma l complaint re the Los Gatos Fall and Spring Cleanup Schedul e with Green Valley Disposal . Their complaint is about th e time the disposal trucks come into the community and th e noise element . Mr . Ventura moved this be referred to staf f for report . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Letter from Frank Filer, representative of the Los Gato s Youth Park, Inc, and they are interested in acquiring tw o pieces of property next to Highway 17 behind the Los Gato s Hi g h School . Mr . Ferrito moved this be referred to staf f to investigate all issues on said property and report bac k to Council . Mr . Ventura seconded . Carried by four ayes . Mrs . Rasmussen abstained . Letter from Wendy Bogert . Center for Orthopedic Therapy , concerning road resurfacing of parking area on he r commercial property located at 14850 Los Gatos Blvd . Mr . Ferrito moved this issue be referred to staff for repor t back to Council . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimousl y carried . Letter from Loren McRoberts, spokeperson for local resident s and concerned citizens of Oka Road area,. stating th e residents and taxpayers of Los Gatos hereby hand the Medfl y Headquarters a 30 day eviction notice to move to a mor e appropriate location . Mr . McRoberts, from audience , stated this had been done so they could get some attentio n and have some of the problems such as . parking, traffi c congestion, helicopter landings looked into . After furthe r discussion it was announced that some of these issues wil l be addressed at the Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday . Mayor Siemens stated that a sub-committee of Councilperson s Mrs . Rasmussen and Mr . Ferrito will be meeting and workin g with the School Board as how to approach the differen t problems . 5 . Resolution adopted by the City of Carson supporting Mr . Clayton Moore's efforts to regain the right to wear hi s mask and is urging Los Gatos Tom Council to adopt a similar resolution . Consensus of Council to note and file . . Letter from Jack Panighetti, of the Parks Protection League , regarding their opposition of the condemnation proceeding s of the Novitiate Park Site and informing Council the y have decided not to continue the initiative process an d stating their reasons . Mrs . Cannon moved letter be note d and filed . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . 7.Letter from the City of Hawthorne, stating their Counci l has adopted a resolution urging the State Board of Priso n Terms to rescind the early release date for Sirhan Sirhan , the convicted murderer of Robert F . Kennedy, and urgin g the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos to adopt a simila r resolution . Mrs . Cannon moved to direct staff to draft a similar resolution and present to Council at the nex t meeting . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . 8.Notice from Pacific Gas and Electric Co . that they file d with the PUC requesting authorization to . increase P .G . & E's electric rates and charges related to energy costs . After some discussion, Mr . Ferrito moved to register oppositio n to the rate increase .Mrs .Rasmussen seconded . Further discussion was held and Mrs .Rasmussen withdrew her second . Motion died . Mr .Ferrito moved to oppose the rate increas e October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a WRITTEN 8 . COMMUNICATION S (REFERRAL AND/O R FILE)9 . (CONTINUED) 12 . if any increase is related to expenses of Diablo Canyon . Mr . Siemens seconded . Carried by vote of three ayes . Mrs . Rasmussen voting no .Mrs .Cannon abstained . Letter from West Valley Multi-Modal Transportation Corrido r Task Force urging Council to adopt some recommendation s they have outlined re Route 85 . Later agenda item . 10 . Letter from Campaign Against Spraying, urging Council t o adopt a resolution endorsing the call for a grand jury investigation . Mrs . Rasmussen moved this request b e noted and filed . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried . Revenue and Expenditur e 1981 from the Office o f Town Treasurer's repor t 11 .reports for the month of September , Town Cler k for the month of September, 1981 . Mr . Ferrito referred to letter from Mr . Lewis concerning lack of handicapped access to various places . The Town Manager stated this letter had not been received in tim e for this agenda and report is being made on it at th e meeting of November 2, 1981 . ZONING Mayor Siemens stated this is the time and place duly publishe d AMENDMENT RE for public hearing to consider request to modify variou s MASSAGE provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to include the activitie s ESTABLISHMENTS of members of the American Massage Therapy Association a s exceptions to the definition of massage establishments o r schools . Mr . Ferrito spoke on his concerns re lack of trainin g for message credentials, as most professions have . an extensive amount of training and licensing . Mr . Bowman stated as th e Ordinance is written now, massage parlors, as such, tare no t allowed at this time . Mrs . Lois Chapson, fromauch nce, spoke as to her concerns and feels the Town Council shovlb set up rigid requirements if this is allowed . There be i-ny,.o on e else wishing to speak, Mr . Ferrito moved hearing b.e :alosed . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr-.-Mentura moved no action be taken on the Ordinance amendment_.. Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . ZONING AMENDMENT Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place duly publishe d RE MOBILEHOMES for public hearing to consider the . request to modify variou s provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to permit mobilehomes o r other temporary structures on any lot for a limited period o f time . Mr . Lee Bowman spoke on the proposed Ordinance, statin g that Section 1 .00 .80 should read, "Moible home occupied as a dwelling except in a mobile park and except as a temporar y structure as approved by the deciding body ." Discussion wa s held on specific time limit being designated and if ther e should be a fee charged for renewal . Jo Bartlett, from audience , stated if time limit was set it should be reasonable time . There being no one else wishing to speak on this issue, Mr . Ventura moved hearing be closed . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Ventura suggested that Council requir e adequate temporary landscaping . After some discussion, it wa s consensus of Council to add under Sec . 3 .75 .010, "f . Land- scaping appropriate to .the site and the duration of the use ." Mr . Ventura moved reading be waived for ORDINANCE OF THE TOW N OF LOS GATOS TO PERMIT MOBILE HOMES OR OTHER TEMPORAR Y STRUCTURES ON LOTS UPON APPROVAL OF AN ARCHITECTURE AND SIT E APPLICATION . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Clerk read title . Mr . Ventura moved Ordinance be introduce d as amended .Mrs .Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . APPEAL Appeal was withdrawn at the request of the applicant . HANNEGAN'S -3 - October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place duly publishe d for public hearing to consider the appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Use Permit Application U-81-12 an d Architecture and Site Application S-81-2A, requesting approva l to construct a shopping center with commercial and office use s on property located at 15466 Los Gatos Blvd . Jack Bariteau , representative of applicant of said project, spoke on th e merits of said plans . He also spoke on questions and concern s expressed by the Town Planning Commission at the hearing o f August 26, 1981 . Jo Bartlett,from audience, spoke re the lac k of housing in Los Gatos and if Council had considered th e possibility of a mix of commercial plus housing above ; Alber t Berger, operator of the Burger Pit next to proposed project , spoke on common driveway and the possibility of reversing th e building plan . He further stated he was not opposed to th e proposed development .Discussion was held on the design an d the possibility of reversing the building plan on the lot . Mr . Kellogh, Architect for development, stated the best use o f the land is as it is proposed on said plans due to the shap e and contour of the lot . Jim McHugh, owner of McHugh Lincoln Mercury,Inc .,spoke in favor of the project and recommend s endorsement of the development . Chris Kinzel, Traffic Enginee r for said project, spoke on access alternatives to sai d development . Other persons speaking for the project were De e Craven and Marcie Burns . After further discussion and no on e else from the audience wishing to speak, Mrs . Rasmussen move d hearing be closed . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Discussion was held by Council and it was general consensu s that the project is good but had concerns with design, traffi c safety, and design of median . But Council feels these can b e worked out if the developer works with and informs the Plannin g Commission as they did with the Council tonight Mr . Baritea u stated he would like some consensus of direction from th e Council to the Planning Commission . Mr . Ventura moved that . Council approves the project in concept and direct Plannin g Commission to go back and look at specific issues that individua l Council members have raised and try to resolve them to th e best of their ability .Mrs .Rasmussen seconded . Individua l specific issues to be looked at are : 1 . Height of buildings along Carlton Avenue to make sure the y are not to high to block view of apartments on Carlto n Avenue ; 2 Alternate design or scematic layout of project ; 3 Traffic generation and traffic circulation, possible signa l installation and this be tied in with New Town projec t across the street ; and 4 .request some conifer trees be put in front of the projec t to reduce the asphalt expand . The above motion carried unanimously . Mr . Bariteau asked wha t specific objection Council has to what they see now of th e development . Mr . Ventura stated they are curious to see if th e plan can be improved . RECESS Mayor Siemens declared a recess . Meeting reconvened at 11 :15 p .m . APPEAL Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place duly noted fo r PEDRO'S continued public hearing on appeal of Planning Commission's HANDICAPPED approval of Architecture and Site Application S-75-35B,requestin g ACCESS RAMP permission to construct a handicap access ramp and canopy a t Pedro's restaurant . Mr .Hays reported to Council on history o f Pedro's lawsuit . Mr . Lewis, from audience, spoke on different alternatives as presented to Council and asked that Counci l approve alternate A Dave Takemoto, Architect for the project , stated Mr . Rameriz is in agreement with rear entrance plan an d would pay 1/3 of cost . There being no one else wishing t o speak on this issue, Mayor Siemens declared the public hearing closed . After further discussion on the various alternatives , APPEAL LO S GATOS VILLAG E SQUARE 1546 6 LOS GATOS BLVD -4 - October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a APPEAL.- PEDRO'S Mrs . Rasmussen moved to accept Alternative C access plan HANDICAPPED (which is to modify the front entrance). Mr . Ventura seconded , ACCESS RAMP if motion includes installation of a handicapped parkin g (CONTINUED)nearby . Maker of motion accepted the suggestion and th e following findings : Council upholds the appeal as Plannin g erred in not considering other alternatives that provide d better handicapped access with less land-use problems . Motion carried unanimously . It was consensus of Council to direc t staff to study and recommend handicapped parking in the are a and direct the Attorney to prepare resolution noting th e findings and bring back to Council at their next meeting . PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place duly note d WAY ABANDONMENT for continued public hearing re proposed abandonment of exces s 234 LOS GATOS portion of public right-of-way located at 234 Los Gatos Blvd . BOULEVARD There being no one in audience wishing to speak on thi s issue, Mr . Ferrito moved hearing be closed . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Ferrito moved to defe r final action on the resolution of vacation until afte r correction of the pending zoning violations, completion o f landscaping improvements and clarification of the requirement s by Genge, Inc . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . HOUSING AND Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place dul y COMMUNITY published for public hearing on the Housing and Communit y DEVELOPMENT Development 8th, 9th and 10th CDBG Program years . Jill Cod y 3-YEAR GRANT Director of Community Programs, stated the purpose of th e PROGRAM .hearings is due to 1981 legislative amendments to the HCDA of 1974 . There being no one in . audience wishing to speak o n this issue, Mr . Ferrito moved hearing be closed and Counci l accept staff report . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimousl y carried . It was noted that the 2nd hearing is s ;o?he_duled fo r November 2, 1981 . AGREEMENT WITH Mr . Hays, Town Attorney, referred to contract agreement an d RUTAN-TUCKER stated Council members have suggested changes tos id contrac t ATTORNEY'S RE as follows : 7th paragraph to read, "Attorney shall obtai n VILLA VASONA.the consent of the Town Council prior to incurring an y extraordinary costs ." Also there should be a limit se t regarding costs and recommends . Page 1, (Parties agree), to read - "1 .Town shall compensate Attorney at the rate o f $90/hour, plus costs, payable monthly, provided that th e billings shall not exceed $25,000 without special approva l by the Town Council ." Page 2, last word in the firs t paragraph should say, "Council". Mr . Ventura moved Agreemen t be approved as amended and Resolution No . 1981-217 be adopte d entitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING "CONTRACT FOR SERVICES " BETWEEN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANDRUTAN & TUCKER (ATTORNEY S AT LAW). Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Mayor Siemens questioned whether the Town would be charged for trave l time by the Attorneys . Mr . Hays stated the Town would pa y for those charges . TAPING OF Mr . Ventura moved for adoption of Ordinance No .1518 entitled , EXECUTIVE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS REQUIRING THE COUNCIL T O SESSIONS DESIGNATE A PERSON TO TAPE RECORD CLOSED SESSIONS, AND DIRECTING _ THE TOWN CLERK TO KEEP THE TAPES AS CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . CLAIM FOR Mr . Ventura moved the claim for damages filed on behalf o f DAMAGES Kirk Stendell be denied .Mrs .Rasmussen seconded . Unanimousl y carried . VERBAL Chuck Weber, from audience, asked Council to delete th e COMMUNICATIONS requirement for Dr . & Mrs . Kavanaugh to install street improvement s on Camino Del Sol . The improvement consists of the installatio n of curb, gutters and sidewalk along frontage of Kavanaug h -5 - 73 ' project . After some discussion, Mr . Ventura moved this b e referred to Planning Commission for reconsideration . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Brooks Gleason,stated he was before Council to reques t release of bonds on Tract 62$2 . This matter was directed t o staff for study . Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption . of Resolution No . 1981-21 8 entitled, RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING FINAL MAP O F TRACT NO .7123 .Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . VACATION OF . Mrs .Rasmussen moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-21 9 STORM DRAIN entitled, A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION O F EASEMENT -THE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EASEMENT WITHIN THE LANDS OF LOS GATO S LOS GATOS MEDICAL PARK (POLLARD ROAD AND KNOWLES DRIVE). Setting th e MEDICAL PARK public hearing for November 16, 1951 .Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . This issue is also referred to th e Planning Commission for determination that the propose d abandonment is not contrary to the General Plan . Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council accept staff recommendation an d approve a $2,000 supplemental appropriation from unallocate d revenue sharing funds to Project 235-RS .Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . STREET LIGH T CONVERSIO N PROJECT 238-RS WINCHESTE R BOULEVARD RR . CROSSING PROJEC T 216-SS It was consensus of Council to continue this issue to nex t meeting and request staff report as to the value of the . property . So ordered . COUNTY Mrs .Rasmussen moved Council . accept staff recommendation o n REFERRALS the following : 1547-29-41-51LA North side of Old Santa Cruz Hw y Lot line adjustment No comment . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . DIRECTIONAL Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption of Ordinance No . 151 9 SIGN entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CHANGING TH E ORDINANCE DEFINITION OF VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL SIGNS SHOWING THE DIRECTIO N AMENDMENT TO A PRIVATE FACILITY THAT SERVES THE GENERAL PUBLIC UPO N CERTAIN FINDINGS BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . ANDERSON Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption of Ordinance No .152 0 PROPERTY - ZONE entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING TH E CHANGE TO ZONING ORDINANCE AFFECTING ZONE CHANGE NO . 56 FROM R-1 :20,00 0 R-1 :20,000-PD TO R-1 :20,000-PD . Mr .Ventura seconded . Carried by a vote o f four ayes .Mr . Ferrite voting no . AMENDMENT TO Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption of Resolution No, 1981-22 0 PLANNING FEE entitled, RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ZONIN G SCHEUDLES CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, SUBDIVISION PROCEEDING S AND VARIOUS ENGINEERING SERVICES . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . (This Resolution rescinds Resolution No . 1981-213). ADOPTION Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption of Resolution No .1981-22 1 COMMUNITY GOALS entitled, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING COMMUNITY GOALS (This t o include the following amendment under Police Services . Add , "Assure that contacts with adult and juvenile members of th e public are made in a professional and courteous manner ."). Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . DIXIELAND JAZZ The Town Manager gave report on the Chamber of Commerce reques t JUBILEE to hold a Dixieland Jazz Jubilee in various restaurants/clubs 74 . October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a DIXIELAND JAZZ in Los Gatos on.November 15,1981 .Mrs . Rasmussen moved Counci l JUBILEE accept staff report that no problems are anticipated concernin g (CONTINUED)this event . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . I t was consensus of Council that letter be sent to the Chambe r of Commerce stating Council woul d.prefer that bands move betwee n various clubs by vehicle rather than walking, this woul d eliminate large groups parading up and down the streets . POLICE ACTIVITY Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council accept the third quarter polic e REPORT activity report . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council accept staff report on the continue d police enforcement on Wood Road . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council accept staff report for informatio n purposes re schedule of coming public hearings . Mr . Ventur a seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmussen moved to accept staff recommendation an d appropriate $4,000 from unappropriated 2106 gas tax funds fo r Winchester Boulevard two-way left-turn lane improvements . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . POLICE DEPARTMENT As requested by the Town Manager, this issue was withdrawn fro m PHYSICAL the agenda and will be reagendized on November 16, 1981 . EXAM PROGRA M POLICE SERVICES Mrs .Rasmussen moved to accept staff recommendation an d TO MONTE SERENO formally offer Police Services to Monte Sereno at :coast a s outlined in the proposal with condition that this snclude s crime prevention at Daves Avenue School, Mrs .Cannon seconded . Carried by vote of four ayes . Mr . Ventura abstained . YOUTH OUTREACH Mayor Siemens stated that rather than accept staff :recommendatio n PROGRAM as written he moved to basically adopt the concept-that th e Youth Outreach Program will be run by the Police J epartmen t and staff continue to work on a program approach -so we can define exactly how we want . the program to run . Mr . Ventur a seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption of Resolution No .1981-22 2 entitled, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A FOUR-WAY VEHICULAR STO P AT THE INTERSECTION OF LOS GATOS-AIMADEN ROAD WITH NATIONA L AVENUE . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Carried by a vote of fou r ayes . Mr . Ventura voting no . Mr. Ventura moved to accept State proposal and direct staf f to work with the Cal Trans to achieve the earliest possibl e implementation . Mr . Siemens seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and direc t staff to make the striping modifications proposed in the report . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Dr . Knott, from audience, spoke in favor of recommendation . Mr . Ferrito moved to accept staff recommendation and deny th e request for relief from the requirement to install an electroli e on Villa Avenue . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Ferrito moved for adoption of Resolution No .1981-22 3 entitled, A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LO S GATOS RESCINDING EXECUTION OF THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AN D COOPERATION AGREEMENT TO UNDERTAKE OR ASSIST IN THE UNDERTAKIN G OF ESSENTIAL ACTIVITIES PURSUANT TO TABLE 1 OF THE HOUSING AN D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 AS AMENDED, WITH A THRE E YEAR TERM UNTIL JUNE 30, 1985 AND RECISSION OF TOWN OF LO S WOOD ROA D ENFORCEMEN T PUBLIC HEARING S SCHEDUT,E WINCHESTE R BOULEVARD - TW O WAY LEFT TURN VEHICULAR STOP AT LOS GATOS- ALMADEN & NATIONA L SIGNING HIGHWA Y 17 - S . SANTA CRUZ AVENU E CHARTER OAK S DRIVE AND LARK AVENU E INTERSECTIO N TRACT 639 8 STREET LIGH T REQUIREMEN T CDBG JOIN T POWER S AGREEMENT - 7 - October 26, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a CDBG JOIN T POWERS - AGREEMEN T (CONTINUED) GATOS RESOLUTION NO . 1981-197 . Unanimously carried . 7 5 TOWN BUDGET The Town Manager presented first quarter budget report (fo r information). SENIOR Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-224 COORDINATING entitled,A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WIT H COUNCIL SENIOR COORDINATING COUNCIL, and authorize Town Manager t o AGREEMENT negotiate and execute said contract amendment on behalf o f the Town Mr . Ventura seconded . Carried by a vote of four ayes . Mrs . Rasmussen abstained , STATE SENATE Mrs . Rasmussen moved for adoption of said Resolution re Stat e LEGISLATIVE Senate Legislative Reapportionment . Mrs . Cannon seconded . REAPPORTION-Mr . Ferrito moved to propose an amendment to the propose d MENT Resolution . Discussion was held on Councils concern abou t losing local representation . Mr . Ferrito made the followin g substitute motions He moved that Council go on record wit h State Senate and the Assembly opposing the elimination of al l representation in State Senate . Mr . Ventura seconded . Carried by a vote of four ayes . Mr . Siemens voting no .Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council go on record as supporting the ballo t measure for reapportionment . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Discussio n was held on the motion and Mrs .Cannon moved for substitut e motion, that Council take the reapportionment out of th e hands of the legislature . Mr . Ventura seconded . Carrie d unanimously . GUADALUPE Mr . Shelly Williams made a presentation on proposed Guadalup e CORRIDOR Corridor alternatives . Mayor Siemens spoke on Technica l ALTERNATIVES Advisory Committee's preferred alternative recommendation on said Corridor and he would move to su pport the recommendatio n of Technical Advisory Committee as written . After som e discussion, it was consensus of Council to hold this issu e until November 2 . 1981 Council meeting . MEDIATORS It was consensus of Council to have subcommittee of Counci l EVALUTION members Mrs . Cannon and Mrs . Rasmussen to review this an d report back to Council .Mr .Ventura abstained . OTHER ITEMS Mrs . Rasmussen requested written report defining duties/relation - ship of Clerk, Treasurer, Manager and Assistant Manager . Mrs . Rasmussen and Mr .Ventura requested staff report o n illegal uses at 217 N . Santa Cruz Ave . and 51 N . Santa Cruz Avenue . Mayor Siemens requested follow-up on possible . Police Department citations for illegal helicopter landings . ADJOURNMENT Mrs . Rasmussen moved meeting be adjourned at 1 :40 a .m ., Tuesday, October 27, 1981 . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimousl y carried . ATTEST :