M 08-03-19813 3 TOWN COUNCI L ROLL CAL L PLEDGE O F ALLEGIANC E COMMUNICATIONS August 3,198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Counci l Chambers of the Town Hall at 7 :40 p .m ., in regular session . PRESENT : Ruth Cannon, Thomas J . Ferrito, and Mayor Peter W . Siemens . ABSENT : MarLyn J . Rasmussen and Brent N . Ventura . Given by all in attendance . Mayor Siemens announced there would not be a quorum for th e August 17,1981,Council meeting . Therefore, the meeting i s cancelled and any business scheduled . for the meeting will b e carried over to the ; September 8,1981,Council meeting . Mayor Siemens corrected Page 3,(Hannegan's Appeal on Condition s of Operation Hours) to read, "11 :30 a .m . to 2 :00 a .m ., o n Friday and Saturday ." Mr . Ferrito corrected Page 2, (Appeal of Bacci Spinazzi Condo's 758,766 and 768 Pollard Road) to read, !'Mr . Ferrito moved Counci l reverse Planning Conunission's decision and grant the Use Permi t for fifteen units . That the Architecture and Site Applicatio n S-80-71 be remanded to the Commission to give further consideratio n to the DRC recommendations and to the ratio of parking to unit s outside the transportation corridor ." Mrs . Cannon moved the minutes of July 20,1981 be approved a s corrected and approve the July 27,1981 minutes . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . 1.Letter from the Parks Protection League, requesting th e condemnation of the Novi ate Park Site be placed on th e November 3, 1981,regular school election ballot . Mayo r Siemens suggested this be noted and filed for the followin g reasons : 1) it is currently under litigation ;2)the pric e has not been established on the property and ;3)the Court s have found the Town does not have jurisdiction in institutin g condemnation . 2.Letter from Carolyn Cassady,19231 Bancroft Avenue, protestin g the closing of the Los Gatos Cinema, replacing the Lyndo n Hotel with the Lyndon Plaza and not having a bus station . Staff to respond . 3.Communication from O .L . Johns, regarding the removal of th e bus stop from in front of his business located at 151 N . Santa Cruz Avenue and complaint of people trespassing on hi s property while waiting for the bus . Staff to respond an d notify Mr . Johns the Town is in the process of finding anothe r location for the bus stop . 4.Letter from the Rinconada Hills Association, 100 Avenida de l Sol, requesting to be kept informed of any action or decisio n taken on the "Anderson Property", located on Pollard an d Quito Roads . Referred to staff . 5.The residents of Gregg Drive and Hershner Drive wish to b e placed on the August 17,1981,Council agenda to discuss th e problems of the Stop-N-Go Market on the corner of Leig h Avenue and Hershner Drive . Staff to contact residents an d set for the first available date . 6.Letter from Marlon Smith informing Council that he will no t seek reappointment to the Planning Commission and thank s the Council for allowing him the opportunity of serving Lo s Gatos . A resolution of appreciation thanking Mr . Smith fo r his service and accepting his resignation, to be prepare d for the September 8,1981,Council meeting . 34 August 3, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a ZONE CHANGE Mayor Siemens stated this is the time and place duly publishe d NICHOLSON &for public hearing to consider Zone Change Application Z-81-7 , WILDER AVENUES requesting change of zone from RM :5-20-4-LHP to R-ID-LHP-P D for property located at the southeast corner of Nicholson an d Wilder Avenues . Mr . Bowman reported to the Council on Planning's recommendations . No one in the audience wished to speak on thi s issue, Mayor Siemens declared the public hearing closed . Mr . Ferrito moved reading be waived for AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOW N OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE EFFECTING ZONE CHANG E NO . FROM RM :5-20-R-LHP TO R-ID-LHP-PD . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . Deputy Town Clerk read title . Mr . Ferrit o moved Ordinance be introduced, make Negative Declaration and , make findings that the zone change is consistent with the Genera l Plan . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . .APPEAL - TOP Mayor Siemens stated this is the time and place duly publishe d OF THE HILL for public hearing to consider the appeal of Planning Commission's ROAD - MAXF{IMER decision to place conditions as to road widening and gradin g around or removal of certain trees on the approval of th e construction of a single family dwelling on Top of the Hill Road . Preston Hill, attorney representing Mr . & Mrs . Maxhimer, state d the roadway should not be built and distributed copies of th e description of what Mr . Johnson owns . After some discussion , Mr . Ferrito stated this should be returned to the Plannin g Commission . Mrs . Cannon agreed, since Planning did not have al l the facts that they should have a chance to review all the facts . Mayor Siemens concurred with Mr . Ferrito and Mrs . Cannon . Jo Bartlett, Oak Hill Way, spoke of the problems with Oak tree s when roadway's are built close to the,•-trees . Bradley Honholt ,131 W . Main Street, spoke in support of Mr . Johnson's roadway and showed survey map of the area in question . Mr . Johnson , property owner, spoke in support of his roadway and discusse d his water easement as described in his deed . No one else wishe d to speak, Mr . Ferrito moved this be referred to the Town Attorne y for review of the material submitted by Preston Hill and t o determine whether the access easement does exist . This issue i s continued to the September 8, 1981 Council meeting . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . WEED Mayor Siemens stated this is the time and place duly publishe dABATEMENTfor public hearing to consider the proposed weed abatement charges .Mr . Van Houten, Public Works Director, spoke on the recommendations . No one in the audience wished to speak on this issue, Mrs . Canno n moved hearing be closed . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimousl y carried . Mrs . Cannon moved Resolution No . 1981-168, A RESOLUTIO N ADOPTING REPORT DESCRIBING PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY, AND SHOWIN G AMOUNT OF WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES TO BE COLLECTED ON THE TAX ROL L OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, FOR TH E FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . APPEAL - 28-30 Removed by the request of the applicant . BAYVIEW AVENU E VERBAL 1 . Mr . John Lochner, Creffield Heights, questioned the change sCOMMUNICATIONSof "Verbal Communications" to after the lengthy public hearings . Mayor Siemens stated that verbal communications take a lo t time and it is not fair to those who have been duly notice d and scheduled for public hearing to have to wait for extensiv e periods of time to be heard . Mrs . Cannon concurred wit h this decision . Mr . Lochner requested that Council reconside r their action . Mr . Ferrito would like the record to reflec t he was not present when the decision was made . 2 . Harry Cohn, expressed his .distain of the dirty condition th e downtown area has taken on, especially the corner of Sant a Cruz and Main Street . Mr . Ferrito stated he had spoken t oMr. Bryant about the situation and Mr . Bryant is going to 3 5 August 3, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a VERBAL present plan to the Park Commission for the redesign of th e COMMUNICATIONS Park . Complaint referred to the Parks Commission and at th e (CONTINUED)same time have staff present to the Commission what plan s they might have . Mr . Egon Jensen, 182 Lester Lane, also spoke on the movin g of the "Verbal Communications" and the five minute time limit . 4 .Ms .Simes,140 Whitney Avenue, spoke on the poor servic e from Teleprompter . Mr . Ferrito moved to direct matter o f Teleprompter service to the Cultural Resources Commission , Youth Commission and Community Services Commission for a report to Council . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried . HERBICIDES -Mrs . Cannon moved to accept staff report concerning herbicide s WEED ABATEMENT for weed abatement . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . ANNEXATIO N ENGLEWOO D AVENUE NO .2 . NOTICES OF COMPLETION & CERTIFICATES O F ACCEPTANC E PARKIN G RESTRICTION - CHARTER OAK S DRIVE PLANNIN G MONTHLY REPORT S LIQUOR STOR E ORDINANC E RADA R ENFORCEMEN T SUPPORT AB-136 1 BROADWA Y EXTENSION - APPROPRIATIO N ZONIN G ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - PS ZONE Mrs . Cannon moved to adopt Resolution No . 1981-169, A RESOLUTIO N INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN INHABITE D TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ENGLEWOOD AVENUE NO . 2 TO THE TOWN OF LO S GATOS, and setting the matter for public hearing on September 8 , 1981 . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved Notices of Completion and Certificates o f Acceptance be approved for : a)Lot Division, 432 Los Gatos Boulevard (Hutchinson ) b)Installation of Grease Interceptor Tank at Town Servic e Center - Project 254-GF . Slurry Sealing of Various Streets Project 249-SS . Installation of Carpeting in the Los Gatos Civic Center - Project 251-CT . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved to accept the monthly Planning Report . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved to accept the report on the ordinance regardin g liquor stores and findings required for Conditional Use Permits . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-171,A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE USE OF RADAR FOR THE ENFORCEMENT O F SPEED LIMITS ON TOWN ARTERIAL STREETS . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved to adopt Resolution No . 1981-172, A RESOLUTIO N SUPPORTING AB-1361 CONCERNING THE EXPANSION OF RADAR AUTHORIT Y FOR LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Passed wit h Mr . Ferrito abstaining . Mrs . Cannon moved to appropriate $26,313 .55 from proceeds of th e sale of bonds for the Broadway Extension Assessment District t o the Broadway Extension Acquisition and Construction Account . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved to adopt Ordinance No . 1511, AN ORDINANCE O F THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNIN G USES PERMITTED AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN THE PS (PUBLI C SCHOOL OVERLAY) ZONE . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . c ) d ) PARKING RESTRICTION - CHARTER OAKS DRIVE . Mr . Unanimously carried . Mrs .Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-170 , seconded .Ferrito August 3, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a BUILDING CODE Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Ordinance No . 1512, (amending AMENDMENT Section 7 .01 .145 of the Town Code, Building Code), AN ORDINANC E OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE TOWN CODE CONCERNING PERMI T EXPIRATION . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . PAYROLL AND Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of the July payroll in thy _WARRANT DEMANDS of $275,310 .76, and the July warrant demands in the amount o f $634,373 .69 . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . AMENDMENT -Discussion was held on the examples of duties for an Administrativ e TOWN Secretary . Mr : Stoops requested the job title and descriptio n CLASSIFICATION be studied . Mrs . Cannon moved this be sent to a committe e PLAN composed of the Town Manager, Town Treasurer, Town Clerk, Counci l members Mrs . Rasmussen and Mayor Siemens, for discussion of jo b description . A report is to be back to Council at the Septembe r 8, 1981 Council meeting . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimousl y carried . OLDE DRIVE Mrs . Cannon moved this be continued to the Council meeting o f September 21, 1981 and be referred to staff and the Town Attorney , for review . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . PERSONNEL Mr . Mora recommended Council p roceed with the appointment o f BOARD Town residents to the Personnel Board . Mr . Ferrito moved t o readvertise for applicants with the cut off date of Septembe r 16, 1981, at 5 :00 p .m . Reinvite those persons who had been interviewed earlier for another interview and set Septembe r 21, 1981, for interivews . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried. TEST DRIVING Note and file . VEHICLES - PLACER OAK S `CHAIN LINK Mrs . Cannon moved to approve a Supplemental Appropriation fro m FENCE- SO SANTA the General Fund, in the amount of $650 .00 to cover the install - CRUZ AVENUE ation of the fence plus contingencies . Mr . Ferrito seconded . PROJECT 259-GF Unanimously carried . DISCUSSION ON Discussion was held on establishing a policy on limiting th e PUBLIC HEARINGS number of public hearings that will be heard at any one regularl y scheduled meeting . Mayor Siemens feels the Council should hav e control over how many public hearings are set, rather than jus t having staff and the Clerk set them . Mr . Hill spoke against a fixed number of public hearings . Mr . Jensen spoke on the purpos e of holding public hearings . After further discussion,. it was the decision of Council to be advised in advance of schedule o f hearings . The Manager, Clerk and Mayor to work together t o facilitate scheduling with no number limit imposed . ADOPTION OF Mr . Mora spoke cn his report that the Council adopt a policy t o RESOLUTIONS not adopt resolutions unless the Council has before it a fina l draft copy of the proposed resolution . Mr . Siemens suggeste d to adopt the resolution that discusses how Council wants to draf t their findings and refer this back to staff and attorney for a resolution that clearly stated the Council's intent . Mr . Siemen s so ordered to refer this back to staff and Town Attorney . RECESS Mayor Siemens declared a five minute recess . Council reconvene d at 9 :35 p .m . Record shows that Mr . Ventura arrived at 9 :15 p .m . APPOINTMENTS - The Council appointed Mr . Eric D . Carlson to a four year ter m PLANNING on the Planning Commission . Mr . Sam E . Laub was reappointed t oCOMMISSIONanother four year term on the Planning Commission . -4 3 7 August 3, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a 15 UNIT Mr . Ferrito moved to adopt Resolution No .1981-173, A RESOLUTIO N CONDOMINIUM -REVERSING A DECISION OF THE TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION (758, 766 & POLLARD ROAD 768 POLLARD ROAD ., BACCI-SPINAZZI), with modifications to th e FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph as follows : "The Architecture an d Site Application #S-80-71 is remanded to the Commission to giv e further consideration to the DRC recommendations and to the rati o of parking spaces to units outside the transportation corridor ." Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . LIQUOR SALES - Discussion was held on the resolution affirming the Plannin g 444 N . SANTA Commission decision for off-premises liquor sales for 444 N . CRUZ AVENUE Santa Cruz Avenue, Mrs . Cannon is against the resolutio n because, "it should . not have been made retroactive". Mr . Ferrit o wished to set the record straight on two points : 1) Th e Ordinance was not retroactive, it was applied after its effectiv e date ." and 2) "the proposed uses of the property is not essentia l or desirable to the public c4nvenience or welfare . And so tha t the proposed use of the property is not in harmony with th e various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purpos e of the Ordinance ." Resolution No .1981-174,A RESOLUTION AFFIRMIN G A DECISION OF THE TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION (444 N . SANTA CRU Z LOUIE), was carried by a vote of thee ayes . Mrs . Cannon voting no . 2-LOT Mr . Ventura moved to amend the resolution to read, "... SUBDIVISION consider the aesthetic effect of an electrolier in an histori c 114 MASSOL .district ." Mr . Ferrito seconded the motion to adopt Resolutio n AVENUE No .1981-175,A RESOLUTION MODIFYING A DECISION OF THE TOW N PLANNING COMMISSION (-114 MASSOL AVENUE - BANNAN), as amended . Unanimously carried . IGC MEETING Mr . Ventura asked Council if they wanted . to become involved wit h the IGC . Mrs . Cannon moved not to financially support the IGC . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Motion carried by a vote of three ayes . Mr . Ventura voting no . LARK . AVENUE &Mr . Ferrito requested staff to monitor and report back to Counci l OKA ROAD on parking and traffic . congestion in the vicinity of Oka Roa d and Lark Avenue . ABC BOARD Mr . Ventura requested the Town Attorney to advise the Alcoholi c Beverage Control Board that the Town has filed litigatio n concerning Number One Broadway and report back to Council wit h recommendations for appropriate action . ADJOURNMENT Mayor Siemens declared the meeting adjourned to an Executiv e Session at 10 :05 p .m .,and adjourn to a joint meeting of th e Council, Planning Commission and Town Advisory Committee o n August 10, 1981, at 7 :30 p .m .in the Downtown Neighborhood Center . So ordered . ATTEST : Rebecca L . Bain e Deputy Clerk