M 07-27-198132 July 27,198 1 Los Gatos, C A TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council reconvened its continued meeting fro m July 20,1981,at 7 :44 P .M . Members present were Mayo r Peter W . Siemens, Vice-Mayor Brent N . Ventura, Council - members Ruth Cannon, Thomas J . Ferrito, and MarLyn J . Rasmussen . NEIGHBORHOOD It was the consensus of Council that Vice-Mayor Ventur a CENTER MURAL meet with the Cultural Resources Commission to discus s Council concerns about the proposed mural for th e Neighborhood Center . GENERAL Vice-Mayor Ventura advised the Council that the Publi c TELEPHONE CO .Utilities .Commission (PUC) decided to continue to receiv e ZUM RATES comments on the proposed Zone Usage Measurement (ZUM ) rates and boundaries proposed by the General Telephon e Company . Discussion centered on generating communit y input into the PUC deliberations . Mr . Ferrito moved, an d Mrs . Cannon seconded adoption of the proposed RESOLUTION O F THE TOWN COUNCIL CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ZON E USAGE MEASUREMENT RATES FOR LOS GATOS BY GENERAL TELEPHON E COMPANY, and approval of the draft letter to PUC submitte d by Mr . Ventura . Unanimously carried . Copies of resolutio n and letter to be distributed to neighboring cities and al l Northern California areas served by GTE . TOWN MANAGER Mrs . Cannon moved and Mrs . Rasmussen seconded adoption o f EMPLOYMENT the proposed RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE TOW N AGREEMENT MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, TO BE EFFECTIVE JULY 1,1981 . The specific amendments included increasing the Tow n Manager's annual salary to $51,000 and amending the agree- ment to allow the Manager to contribute a portion of hi s fringe benefit allocation to ICMA Deferred Compensatio n Program . The Mayor is further authorized to execute sai d amendments . Unanimously carried . SUPPLEMENTAL Mr . Ferrito moved and Mrs . Cannon seconded approval of a APPROPRIATION supplemental appropriation of $5,750 to the Town Manager's budget for salary, retirement, unemployment insurance, an d life insurance expenses . The appropriation is made fro m the General Fund Appropriated Contingency for FY 1981-82 . Unanimously carried . TOWN ATTORNEY Mayor Siemens appointed a subcommittee of Mrs . Cannon an d SERVICES Mr . Ventura to work with the Town Manager on an analysis o f levels of service for the Town Attorney's office . ASSISTANT TOWN Mayor Siemens and Mrs . Rasmussen volunteered to work wit h MANAGER the Town Manager on the selection of the Assistant Tow n Manager . MEDFLY Mayor Siemens was authorized to forward a letter to th e State MEDFLY Project protesting the lack of 36 hour s notice on aerial spraying in some Town neighborhoods . ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs . Rasmussen moved an d Mr . Ferrito seconded that the meeting be adjourned . Unanimously carried at 8 :05 P .M . ATTEST :