04 Staff Report - Town Council Study Session MinutesDRAFT Council/Agency Meeting 9115108 Item # q MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AUGUST 25, 2008 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman, Council Member Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Joe Pirzynski. Absent: None. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (Three-minute time limit) Open Verbal Communications Mr. Mintz • Thanked the Town for their time and stated that they would like to move forward with the development of a portion of the North Forty. Closed Verbal Communications PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Barbara Spector led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. DISCUSSION OF NORTH FORTY A. BACKGROUND B. PRIOR DIRECTION C. NEXT STEPS Staff report made by Greg Larson, Town Manager and Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development. North Forth Discussion - Continued Council Comments • Clarification on option #3 which would require the applicant to prepare a master plan and submit a Planned Development. Mr. Lortz • Clarified the differences between a master plan and a specific plan. Council Comments • Questioned what is needed to complete the current North Forty Specific plan. Mr. Lortz • Commented that the plan is generally complete, but could be updated and needs further direction regarding infrastructure, design, and land use. Council Comments • Requested clarification about the portion of the North Forty Specific Plan that suggests that all major projects be processed as a Planned Development. • Questioned the current market value of the North Forty. • Commented that the North Forty Specific Plan is 90% complete. • Questioned if a recreation element was included in the North Forty Plan. Mr. Lortz • Clarified that there could be a recreational link as a community benefit consideration. Council Comments • Questioned if roads and intersection congestion surrounding the North Forty are near capacity. Mr. Lo rtz • Commented about prior traffic studies and planned mitigation efforts as part of the North Forty Specific Plan. Council Comments • Questioned if the North Forty Specific Plan encourages pedestrian traffic. • Questioned the amount of retail verses office space included in the North Forty Specific Plan. 2 North Forty Discussion - Continued Council Comments • Requested clarification about incorporating a public charette during North Forty Specific Plan process. Mr. Lortz • Commented about adding a public charette to the process. Council Comments • Expressed concerns that the current North Forty Plan does not address sports fields, street maintenance, and public schools. Mr. Lortz • Clarified that the location may not be a prime location for sports fields and that it would be possible for a developer to purchase land off-site. • Commented that a benefit district is an option for maintaining the lights and roads. • Commented that school districts would need to evaluate proposed projects to determine potential impacts. Mr. Larson • Clarified how the North Forty Specific Plan should address recreation, sports fields and schools. Council Comments • Questioned if the General Plan Committee, Planning Commission, and staff could review the land use portion of the North Forty Specific Plan for recommendations on financing for the infrastructure. Mr. Lortz • Clarified that a CEQA report would need to be done. • Commented that entertainment and recreation is included in the North Forty Master Plan. Council Comments • Questioned the timeframe for completion of the CEQA report and design of the North Forty Specific plan. • Commented that sports use is included in the General Plan as well as the Specific Plan. • Commented that none of the maps from the 1999 specific plan include recreation areas. 3 North Forty Discussion - Continued Mr. Lortz • Commented that sports use is a part of the North Forty Specific Plan and Master Plan and that the location of sports fields is a Council policy decision. Council Comments • Commented that residential growth may impact basic aide funding for schools. • Commented that the document should be reviewed given the passage of time. • Would like to make sure that the North Forty Plan does not compete with the downtown area. Mr. Lortz • Clarified the proposed potential uses for the North Forty. • Commented that downtown uses were not contemplated in the North Forty Plan. Council Comments • Questioned timing for completion of the North Forty Specific Plan. Mr. Lortz • Clarified the timing for completion and indicated that a plan should be in place before development plans are submitted. Council Comments • Questioned if the Town could process an application under the North Forty Specific Plan before the Plan is completed. • Indicated that a more significant sport component should be part the current North Forty Specific Plan. • Questioned if the Town could sell some of the Fannie Mae bonds and invest in a portion of the North Forty. 4 North Forty Discussion - Continued Mr. Lortz • Clarified that recreational use is part of the North Forty Specific Plan, but does not indicate a specific location. Council Comments • Questioned if the Town could consider an application for a portion of the North Forty with the current General Plan and North Forty Specific Plan. Mr. Larson • Commented that the General plan is adopted, but the North Forty Specific Plan is only a draft. • Commented that all development proposals would come to Council for approval and that the North Forty Specific Plan would guide Council decisions. Council Comments • Questioned the possibility of fast-tracking the Specific Plan and the need to be thorough on the final North Forty Specific Plan. Mr. Lortz • Commented that the CEQA report would have to be done, but information from the current report could be used to speed up the process. Council Discussion • Commented that shuttle services and light rail need to be addressed as part of the North Forty Specific Plan. • Commented that residential neighborhood needs be addressed as part of the North Forty Specific Plan. • Commented that "big box" retail should not be considered as part of the plan. 5 North Forty Discussion - Continued Council Discussion • Expressed concerns about the potential impact on schools, funding and maintaining the infrastructure, and addressing recreational needs. • Commented that high end retail that does not compete with the downtown may be appropriate for the area. • Suggested completing the specific plan as soon as possible. • Commented on the benefit of mixed use including neighborhoods, commercial, conference spaces and hotels. • Commented on unmet community needs such as high-end housing for seniors. • Commented that recreational use is a high priority for the Council and the community. • Would like to see two or three sports fields around Town instead of one within the North Forty. • Commented that the General Plan can guide the development of the North Forty Specific Plan. • Suggested sending the land use portion of the current North Forty Specific Plan back to the General Plan Committee for review. MOTION; Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to direct staff to expedite completion of the North Forty Specific Plan with recommendations from Council. Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski. Opened Public Comments Mr. Pau Commented that the Yuki family owns a majority of the land, and has not been a part of the North Forty Specific plan process, and does not agree with the North Forty Specific Plan. Commented that the Yuki family prefers using a master plan approach rather than a specific plan. Would like to submit a master plan for Council consideration. Council Discussion • Commented that all parties need to come to some kind of agreement. Asked Mr. Pau if he has submitted a master plan. 6 North Forty Discussion Continued Mr. Pau • Commented that the Town's North Forty Specific Plan and the developer's Master Plan are not consistent. • Commented that Mr. Yuki has a vision for the property and would like to work with the Town to identify alternative approaches. Closed Public Comments Council Discussion • Questioned if the master plan submitted by Mr. Pau is limited to the ten acres he is planning to purchase. • Commented that it is very important to move forward with the Town's North Forty Specific Plan. • Commented the Specific Plan would guide future developers about the possibilities and limitations for the North Forty. • Commented that the North Forty Specific Plan would be the overlay for the basis of discussion for developers. • Commented that the time to complete the Specific Plan may take over 12 months. • Expressed interest in a variety of uses for the North Forty and would like to receive community input. • Suggested including the Yuki family in the North Forty Specific Plan process. Mr. Lortz • Commented that the plan is a reflection of the Town's vision as memorialized by the General Plan. VOTE; Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Attest- Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator 7