20 Staff Report - Community and Youth Sports Facilities Within Vasona Parktp`N N dF h ~0s ca DATE: O: FROM: SUBJEC"t COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MAY 23. 2008 MAYOR AND '1'0\\"N COUNCIL GREG LARSON. TO1A,N tMANAGER MEETING DATE: 612/08 ITEM NO: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING COMMUNITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF TOWN LAND WITHIN VASONA PARK RECOMMENDATI It is recommended that Council: Direct staff to initiate the preparation of Master Plans for Balzar Field and Blossom Hill Park to ensure the continued availability and use of existin" baseball fields and tennis courts: Authorize organized soccer practice use of the Oak Meado,,v Park field Monday through Thursday afternoons during the typical youth soccer season: 3. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a trade and sale of I3 acres of unusable Town land within Vasona Comity Park for $6 million. subject to the condition that the land NN III be maintained in perpetuity for open space and public park uses only. 4. Direct staff to prepare an ordinance requiring that the proceeds from such sale. and all interest accruuig thereof. be placed in a reserve legally restricted for community and youth sports facilities. Accelerate the General Plan Update studies and public discussion regarding community recreation and youth scrvices as directed by Town Council: 6. Direct the creation ol'an ad hoc interagency task force to identify and procure land for community and N'outh sports facilities involvin`a public. private and non-profit organizations. PREPARED BY: GREG LARSON Town Manager GL:pg \3CiR'.IJinfnll'nr il~?t1i13 Cuiincfl Reporls'6 -OS Sports I aeilfi~ Vasima Lund Joc 7 Reviewed by: `.7 Assistant Towil /Manager ~ f own Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL StTBJECT: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECONIMENDATIONS REGARDING COMNILTNITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF "1'O\VN LAND WITHIN VASONA PARK MAY 23. 2008 BACKGROUND: The 'T'own Council has initiated siuniiicant projects to meet Town needs as specified in the General Plan, the Capital Improvement Program" the Civic Centel iMaster Plan and other priority-setting doCLIIIIents, Most recently. the Council has authorized: Police Operations Building acquisition and construction: and New Library design and funding. At the Tox~ n Council Retreat in March. there was a convergence of public, e\pert and Council support for initiation of efforts to make a community and youth sports facility a reality in Los Gatos. With the police and library projects now well underway. the Town must begin planning for the next priority project: a communih~ and youth sports facility to meet the gro%ving recreational needs of Los Gatos. This document and these recommendations are a blueprint for achieving that potential reality despite the difficult fiscal conditions faced by most levels of government for the foreseeable future. DISC'IISSION The Town Council has received numerous staff reports and has conducted at least three public meetings on the need for additional sports facilities and the potential use of Town land Nvithin Vasona Park. Key past reports will be available on the Town website along with the full Council meeting packet to be distributed on 'fhursday. May 28. This staff report is provided in advance at the request of the Council. Existing Sports Facilities: The recently completed Recreational and Open Space Inventory prepared as an initial step for the General Plan Update identified a multitude of Town. public, educational, non-profit and private recreational and open space resources. programs and amenities serving Los Gatos. Ofthe sports facilities identified, relatively few are directly owned and maintained by the Town itself. nonetheless, they are some of the most heavily used resources available. Specifically. the two baseball fields at Balzar Field and Blossom Hill Park, and the tennis courts at Blossom Hill and Rinconada Parks are particularly in demand. A recent comprehensive operational assessment of the Town"s park system identified that updated park master plans are needed for all 14 of the Town's parks. Given the need to maintain the limited existing sports facilities provided by the Town, it is recommended that Master Plans be prepared first for Balzar Field and Blossom Hill Park. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECOi1IMENDATIONS REGARDING COWMUNITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF TOWN LAND WITHIN VASONA PARK MAY 23. 2008 There is also a need for additional soccer facilities in Town. The Council has previously authorized limited youth soccer practice on the field at Oak Meadow Park, but the field has not been used for such g,iven its prior condition. However. a smoothing and returfing of the Oak Ivlcadow Field has just been completed. so organized soccer practice can now be allowed for tip to four days a ,,week during the youth soccer season. This will partially alleviate some of the immediate need for additional soccer facilities. Last. the Town needs to maintain the balance of its park and open space facilities for informal recreational use. including impromptu, family or neighborhood softball. soccer. football. flying, disc. volleyball. lacrosse, field hockey or equivalent sporting, practice. Vasona County Lake Park: For nearly 50 years the Town of Los Gatos has been a partner with the Santa Clara County Department of Parks and Recreation in providing a passive recreational and open space amenity for the residents of Los Gatos and the broader Silicon Valle) region through a long-term lease of 13 acres in the middle of Vasona Lake County Park (Vasona Park). With that long-term support from the Town. Vasona Park has emerged as the single most popular park in the County-- providing, over 1 50 acres of creek, trail. habitat and lake resources, including 45 acres of grassy fields, for casual recreational and sports use. In addition. Vasona Park serves as the location for the non-profit Youth Science Institute- the annual Fantasy of Lights holiday display, and annual events like the recent Persian NOLirotiz Festival, a celebration of Spring. The County estimates that a majority of the visitors to Vasona Park are from Los Gatos. Municipal park facilities are traditionally used for more active recreational purposes while Count} facilities are traditionally used for more passive recreational purposes. Consequently. in order to maintain Vasona as the popular passive recreational resource that it has become. the County has again offered the Town an extremely favorable acquisition price ($6 million) based on a residentially appraised valuation. even though the Towns 13 acres would be restricted in perpetuity to parks and open space use. This increases the funding available to the 'I'o\\ n for a I'uture sports facility from a lower open space appraisal of roughly $2 million to the offered S6 million residential appraisal without anv loss to Vasona Park or other recreational resources in Los Gatos. In addition. the Town has historically supported the operation ofthe Billy Jones Railroad at Oak i1-leadow and Vasona Parks. The offer from the County also includes providing, two-thirds of an acre of County land (appraised at $525.000) to complete the Town ownership of the Billy Jones Railroad structures in Oak Meadow Park. As discussed below under Alternatives. the To«n's 13 acres within Vasona Park are unsuitable for active recreational use and the County is unwilling to consider any land trade within Vasona Park given the popularity and value of the park as it is. 4 PAGE =4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING COMMUNITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF TO% N LAND ~VITI IIN VASONA PARK IMAY 23. 2008 In addition. public assertions that the appraised valuation of the Town's land is too lot' neglect to consider- that the Town's B acres are effectIN-ely landlocked within Vasona Park and are undevelopable due to environmental constraints and Resource Conservation zoning?. Restricted FundinL) for a New Shorts Facili The S6 million offered bN- the County is the sinule largest source of funds available to the To\\n for new or expanded parks. Given the priority for a community and youth sports Eacility. It is recommended that the entire $6 million. Plus interest accruing thereof ($100.000 to $500.000 per rear), be placed in a reserve leually restricted for community and youth sports facilities as directed by the Council. In addition to being "new money that the Town would not otherwise have for a sports facility, the $6 million in restricted funds also provides an opportunity to leverage additional financial and property resources for a future sports facility. All past Toxvn efforts for increased sports facilities have been hampered b}- the lack of financial resources to make the project a reality. The availability of these restricted fiords are necessary to increase the priority and viability of the Town's efforts to finally create a community and youth sports facility. General Plan Update: As noted earlier. the General Plan Update work has already created an inventory of existing recreational and open space resources serving Los Gatos. The next step is to more fully define the future recreational and sports needs of Los Gatos to drive the planning for a community and youth sports facility. The General Plan Update process is an ideal way to undertake this planning work because it: 1) focuses on the future needs of Los Gatos_ 2) incorporates potential land use and development opportunities. and 3) entails a highly public and participatory process focused on the General Plan Update priorities previously established by Council. including recreation and youth services. However. the entire General Plan Update process will not be completed until early 2010. Consequently, movinis the proposed community and youth sports facility ahead more quicklN will require accelerating the research and drafting of the proposed new Recreation Element of the General Plan. Upon Council approval Of this recommendation. stall xvill Nvork Nyith the proposed General Plan C0I15u1tant to adjust the work plan accordingly, Los Gatos Sports Facility Task Force: Achieving a nc,,v community and youth sports facility for Los Gatos will need to be a community-wide priorit\- focusing on achieving that end. With the funds provided bN- the Count'. the Town will be able to lead that effort with other potentially interested parties. such as the local schools. }'oath sports organizations. the Jewish Community Center. the County. seryicc clubs. neiohborim, and special t_ Z7 PAGE 5 MAYOR AND "DOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING COMMUNITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF TO%VN LAND WITHIN VASONA PARK MAY 23. 2008 jurisdictions, the Santa Clara Valley Water District. the San Jose Water Company. major property opt hers and/or other stakeholders and supporters. Consequently. the Town should establish an intera(yencv ad hoc task force- drawinc, on the work of the General Plan Update. to assist efforts to identify. acquire and develop a community and youth sports facility. The Town Manager's Office will directly staff this effort and regular updates will be provided to the Council and public. ALTERNATIVES Other alternatives have been proposed and are presented and analyzed below: Force the Cot no, to Provide ,-/cure Recreational Space within 1'asona Park The County has been steadfast in opposing any change to their traditional role of providing passive recreational space, leaving the provision of active recreational space and sports facilities to local municipalities. as is usually the case. This policy position has existed for decades and extends from Parks staff through executive management to the Board of Supervisors. The argument that the Tw n Could force a change upon the County by restricting public use of Town park land «~ithin Vasona Park upon expiration of the current lease is not a viable option for two reasons: 1) The Town does not have any effective access to its land except through and tivith the permission of the County: and 2) the public impact from and opposition to any closure or degradation of the Town's park land within Vasona would likely be severe. 2. Town to Use Its Land 11• Ithin [asona Park far Active Recreational Uses The Town's 13 acres within the middle of Vasona Park are unsuitable for active recreational use as the) primarily consist of a creek. oak knoll. trails. road. parking, a picnic area and a portion of a tot lot. The existing small grassy area is insufficient for any sports field use. Significant development to increase the urassv area for fields would require eliminatinu existing services (e.g.. Hilly Jones Railroad and tot lot) and significant envirwirriental inipacts to the existing creek and trees. Further. maintenance of the Town's I3 acres lvould require additional staff and resources that are not currently budgeted or a proportional reduction in the maintenance of other parks and medians throu-lout the Town. Last, it is unlikely that the County would provide the access needed to use or maintain any active recreational facilities in the middle of Vasona Park. PAGE 6 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING CONIMUNITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF TOyt-N LAND WITIIIN VASONA PARK MAY 23.2008 Delay The County's offer to provide $6 million to the Town while maintaining the Towns land as park and open space has been withdrawn once before and has only been offered again for a limited tinge. Delaying acceptance of the County's offer could lead to a significant reduction in the valuation of the Town's land due to either- declinin<-Y real estate market conditions o►• future appraisals based on existing. rather- than residential, zoning. Any delay also delays the availability of the funds needed to create a community and youth sports facility. CONCLUSION Based oil the preceding discussion. staff recommends that Council: 1. Direct staff to initiate the preparation of Master Plans for Balzar Field and Blossom Hill Park to ensure the continued availability and use of existing baseball fields and tennis courts: 2. Authorize organized soccer practice use of the Oaf: Meadow Park field Monday through Thursday afternoons durinu the typical youth soccer season: Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a trade and sale of 13 ZZ: acres of unusable Toxyn land within Vasona County Park for $6 million. subject to the condition that the laud vyill be maintained in perpetuity for open space and public park uses only. 4. Direct staff to prepare all ordinance requiring that the proceeds from such sale, and all interest accruing thereof. be placed in a reserve legally restricted for community and youth sports facilities; Accelerate the General Plan Update studies and public discussion regarding community recreation and youth services as directed by Town Council: Direct the creation of an ad hoc interagency task force to identify and procure land for cornmunity and youth sports facilities inyolying public. private and non-profit organizations. ENVIRONNIENTAL ASSESSMENT: Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. PAGE 7 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER STAFF REPORT AND RECOMNIENDATIONS REGARDING COMNU NITY AND YOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES AND DISPOSITION OF TOWN LAND XVITH N VASONA PARK MAY 2132008 FISCAL POPAC T: Acceptance of the recommendations will result in S6 million being placed in a reserve lc~()all)- restricted for community and youth sports facilities. Minor budget or workload adjustments may also be required to prepare the Balzar and Blossom Hill Parks 1%,laster Plans and accelerating the Recrcation Element of the Gencral Plan Update. Att,ichmenk* I . Resolution approving sale of Vasona property to Santa Clara County Aerial photo of Vasona land RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE TOIA,- 1 COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FENDING IT TO BE IN THE COMMON BENEFIT OF THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS TO SELL I'OVA'N'-OXVNED PROPERLY IN VASONA CREEK COUNTY PARK TO TIIE COUNTY OF SANTA CI.ARA AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT NVI TH -THE COUNTY SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC TERMS WHEREAS: A. The Tovin onns a 13-acre parcel ofland (-'Vasuna") located in and surrounded by Vasona Lake COMM- Park. which is oN\ned by the County of Santa Clara. B. Vasona was acquired by the Town sometime between 1910 and 1920, and was leased by the Town for various private commercial uses. including gravel quarry operations. from approximately the mid-1940s until 1960. C. Vasona was leased at no cost to the County of Santa Clara in 1960 "to establish and maintain a public park...," Vasona Lake Count)- Park was thereafter developed by the County of Santa Clara usinu State of California Park Bond fields. The lease was for a period of-2 5 rears NN ith an option for an additional 25 %-cars_ exercised by the COLIMN` Without objection by the Town. The lease terminates on January I , 2010. D. In December 1965. the Town Council adopted resolution 196-260 asking the County of Santa Clara to acquire Vasona using funds available for park acquisition. The County declined the Town's request in March 1966. E. Billy Jones %Vildcat Railroad. a historic miniature steam railroad attraction operating since 1968. is located. in part (two thirds (0.66) of an acre). on County-ox\lied property in Vasona Lake County Part: and. in part, on property owned by the Town. ATTACHMENT 1 F. In 2003 the County proposed to acquire Vasona from the Town. The parties explored the possibility of a land transfer with the County Ultimately deciding to make a cash-only offer. The Town and County aLsreed that the purchase price Should be based on a I11LIUM11 acceptable appraisal of the Vasona Property. G. In March 2005. a jointly funded appraisal conducted by HUlberg & Associates. an appraisal firm with significant experience conduCtnlg appraisals on behalf of public agencies. determined the value of Vasona to be $7.025.000. The appraiser based the value ol'the Vasona Property on the assumption that the highest and best use of the property is residential development at a density of 5.9 dwelling units per acre. The value is favorable to the Town given that the land is zoned Resource Conservation (RC). a designation that does not allo» for residential development. The appraisal also reflects land value during a high market period for residential properties. An earlier appraisal performed by Hulberg & Associates determined the fair market value of Vasona as of IMarch S. 2004 to be $2.982.000 based on a highest and best use of one single-family residence. the maximum residential density permitted under the current zoning of Vasona. Resource Conservation (RC) H. On March 26, 2006, the County made a final offer of six million dollars ($6,000,000) for Vasona, which would include an exchange of the 0.66 acre of County land on which the portion of Billy Jones \Vidcat Railroad facility is located. The offer is based on the lIulberg appraisal with two adjustments. including a $500.000 deduction in consideration ofthe cost to acquire road easements and road/bridge improvements necessary to gain access to Vasona. assuring residential development, and a deduction Of S525.000 to account for the 0.66 acre land Cxchan,,e involving the portion of Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad facility located on County land. 2 L On \lat 9. 2007. the Torn Plaluung Commission determined pursuant to Government Code section 65402 that the proposed sale of Vasona to the County conformed with the Town's General Plan. J. Oil it,lav 1. 2007, the Tone Parks Commission advised pursuant to Los Gatos Ton n Code section 19 20.010 whether the Tm\n should sell Vasona to the County. The Commission recommended that Council sell Vasona to the C'ount\-. K. Opponents of the sale of Vasona stress the need for youth sports facilities in the Town and the lack of available land for such facilities. In light of these concerns. opponents question the adequacy of'the County's offer. particularly the County's reluctance to cxchanuc other County park property to be developed for youth sports activities. Opponents assert that the Town should reject the County's offer and either develop Vasona for soccer fields or await a better Offer 11'0111 the COLIIltV. which opponents assert would occur upon expiration of the lease. 1. The concerns ofopponents are countered by the follow 1. The development of Vasona for active sports facilities is environmentally insensitive and impractical. Vasona is narrow. hilly. covered in part milli numerous mature trees. and located adjacent to Los Gatos Creek. which must be crossed in order to obtain access via I onu-on ned land. All other access to Vasona is controlled by the Count\. Consequently. Vasona cannot be developed for active sports activities. especially soccer fields. without extensive tree removal and -radinL,. Also. the Torn mill have great difficultV developin" suitable access to Vasona over the creek and is unlikely to gain access via County-mviied property-. 2. The County's motivation to acquire Vasona is unlikely to increase upon expiration of the lease. It is entirely impracticable for the Tonn to block continuing use of Vasona for park purposes. Which substantially benefits all residents of the Town. i!poll expiration of the lease. Vasona «ill likely continue to be used as a park in the same Tanner as that developed and maintained by the County for over 40 years. Consequently. the County has no need to cither increase its cash offer. which is already highly favorable to the Town. or reconsider its policies a~aainst exchanging park land or converting passive park land to acti1 e uses. The "1*0«n will incur additional costs to operate and maintain Vasona. ithout an increase in revenues. which play result in a reduction in services in maintaining other Town-owned park properties. 4. The proceeds of the sale of Vasona can be dedicated for use by the To%\n, in conjunction with other public agencies. to acquire and develop other land in the Town for development of sports facilities. J. Pursuant to Town Code section 3730. the Town may purchase. lease, receive. hold. and enjoy real and personal property-, and control and dispose of it for the common benefit. K. The Tov%n Council finds that the sale of Vasona benefits the citizens of the To«n of Los Gatos as follows: i. By preserving in perpetuity at no cost to the Town a public park use that has existed in the Town for over 40 years. ii. By preserving in perpetuity at no cost to the Town the natural features of Vasona. includin{- hills. creek. trees and lawn. iii. By receiving six million dollars ($6,000.000) for the ToNin's lee interest in Vasona, an amount in excess of the value of the land with its highest and best use limited to its Current zoning. Resource Conservation (RC). iv. By committing the proceeds of the sale of Vasona to fund the acquisition of land in the Town and development of sports facilities thereon. 4 V. By receiving fee title to .66 acre of County land on which the portion of 13111% Tones NVildcat Railroad facility is located. RESOLVED: The Town Manauer is authorised to nevotiate and 11111V eXecute on behalf of the Town all doculllellts necessary to complete the sale of Vasona to the County of Santa Clara according to the following terms: 1. The County shall pad the Town six million dollars (S6.000.000). The County shall deed all of its interests in 0.66 acre of land occupied and used by Bill, Jones NVildcat Railroad. 3. A deed restriction shall be recorded limitinc, Vasona to parr use in perpetuity. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos. California held on 2"d day of June 2008 by the following vote. COUNCIL Ml---MBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT ABSTAIN: SIGNED: NMAYOR OF THE TO\\N OF LOS GATOS. CALIFORNIA ATTEST CLERK ADMINISTRATOR LOS GATOS. CALIFORNIA \_',\IGR niniWorkFiles 2008 Council Reports 6-2-08 RLSO Vasona sale.do,: 5