01 Staff Report - Study Session MinutesDRAFT Council/Agency Meeting 03/05/07 Item # i MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FEBRUARY 12, 2007 . The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday, February 12, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member Steve Gickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike Wasserman. Absent: None. Council Member Steve Glickman was present via a conference call during tonight's Study Session. CLOSED SESSION REPORT CONFERENCE WITH REAL NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54956.8) Property: 15900 Los Gatos Boulevard (Verizon) Negotiating parties: Town of Los Gatos (Negotiator: Debra Figone, Town Manager) Owner's Representative, Jeff Hardy, CB Richard Ellis Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment Mr. Korb stated direction was given and no action was taken. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Davis ■ Commented regarding the building of oversized homes in Los Gatos. PRESENTATION - CIVIC CENTER/LIBRARY MASTER PLAN Study Session and direction on the vision, conceptual costs, funding sources,. and phasing options for the Civic Center/Library Master Plan. Mayor Joe Pirzynski ■ 'Commented regarding tonight's study session on the vision of the Civic Center/Library Master Plan (CCMP). Presentation Continued Debra Figone, Town Manager ■ Commented regarding: o The great work produced by staff and the consulting team. o The history of the CCMP dating from the early 1980s. o Why planning for the future is valuable. o The elements of the CCMP to-date. o The key principles shaping the CCMP. o That space estimates are based on the services desired by the community and technical analyses, and that the targeted square footage represent basic space needs. Pamela Anderson-Brule, Brule Architects ■ Commented regarding the vision for the Civic Center site, including: o A police facility on the west side of the site, with 'a parking garage (one level underground). o 'A library/community center on the east side, with an underground parking garage. o A one-floor library with views to Pageant Park. o The realignment of Fiesta Way to the eastern edge of the site. o Renovations to the existing Town Hall with a one stop shop Community Development Center. o The extensive amount of green spaces. o Public assembly spaces and conference spaces o Protection of the majority of significant trees on the site. ■ Commented on a phased vision for the Civic Center site, allowing phased build-out of the CCMP through a separate two-story Library and separate two-story Community Center. Ms. Figone ■ Commented on the highlights of the conceptual cost model to implement the CCMP, including: o Estimates based on concepts, not actual buildings. o The high cost of underground parking. o The parking analysis which is still being developed. o Escalation over time will increase cost estimates. o The cost for furniture, fixtures and equipment not included in the conceptual cost model. ■ Commented regarding potential financing sources for the CCMP, including reserve accounts, capital campaigns/fundraising, property sales, joint partnerships, Redevelopment Agency bonds, or General Obligation bonds. 2 Presentation Continued Pamela Jacobs, Assistant Town Manager ■ Commented regarding a public opinion poll conducted to obtain benchmark information about-voters opinions related to public facilities and potential support for a bond measure, including: o Voters feel positively about Town services o 61 % had not heard anything about the CCMP o Support for a bond measure fell below 2/3 majority needed o Support for a new library was slightly higher than support for other facilities. o Public outreach and education is needed before undertaking a bond measure. o The Library should be a central focus of any potential bond measure. Ms. Figone ■ Commented regarding deficiencies pertaining to the facilities of the current Civic Center. ■ Suggested Council feedback relating to the site vision and phasing and financing options for the proposed CCMP. ■ Commented regarding direction and next steps for the Civic Center/Master plan. Council Comments ■ Clarification regarding the vision for the Civic Center site. Ms. Anderson-Brule ■ Clarified the elements in the site vision, the phasing possible, and the uses of the existing pods. Council Comments ■ Questioned if the garage on the west side and the library could be built without affecting the existing facilities. ■ Clarification regarding the phasing option relating to Fiesta Way. ■ Questioned,the use of the existing buildings for administrative services. ■ Questioned the option of adding new buildings versus utilizing the existing buildings. ■ Questioned the cost impacts to property taxes for the residents. ■ Questioned the funding options if the project were phased. Ms. Figone ■ Commented on the costs associated with bonds relating to property taxes on assessed values. 3 Public Comment Mr. Davis ■ Commented on supporting an off-site police facility. ■ Commented that he feels that the Town is built out, and there is no need for a new Civic Center. Ms. Baum ■ Commented regarding the critical needs for the library. ■ Commented regarding the green spaces, and the areas for community gatherings. ■ Commented that the library has outgrown the current space and would benefit with a larger space to accommodate all the needs of the community who use the library. Ms. Olsen ■ Suggested extending the bond measure to the residents in the county pockets. ■ Questioned if the green space in the proposed plan is smaller than the current green space. Ms. Figone Commented on the options for bonds reaching to the unincorporated areas. ■ Clarified that the green space is larger in the site vision than current green space. Closed Public Comment Council Discussion ■ Commented regarding the preservation of the current structure. ■ Commented regarding the deficient library and police facilities. ■ Commented regarding more green areas and parking in the proposed plan. ■ Commented regarding phasing the project to accomplish what can be done. ■ Commented that the option to move police off-site is worth pursuing. ■ Commented that the plan has had significant community input. ■ Commented that the vision for the CCMP is a sensible plan. ■ Commented that the library should be the first phase. Commented that the police facility should be the first phase. ■ Commented that the facilities should be pursued concurrently. 4 Presentation Continued Council Discussion - Continued ■ Would like to see more creative options to meet the needs of parking. ■ Would like to explore an off-site police facility. ■ Commented regarding lower parking demand if the police department is located off-site. ■ Commented that downtown merchants may be concerned if a new garage is built at the Civic Center. ■ Suggested expanding the library after the police department has moved off-site. ■ Commented regarding the higher costs for adding on or retrofitting existing Town Hall for the library relative to building a new facility. ■ Commented regarding the lack of support from the community relating to a bond measure in the initial public opinion poll. ■ Commented regarding the 70% support in the public poll relating to the need for a new police facility. ■ Commented regarding the 70% support in the public poll relating to the need for a new Library. ■ Suggested supporting these needs with Redevelopment Agency bonding and the "pay as you go" option. ■ Commented .regarding the community support needed to fund a new Library. ■ Commented regarding the vision for the CCMP as a very appropriate look into the future. ■ Supports the idea of phasing and community education relating to the next steps for the CCMP. ■ Supports the idea of a bond measure to fund facilities rather than using Town reserves. ■ Commented regarding Council majority to move forward to the next steps with the direction given tonight. ADJOURNMENT Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator 5