proclamationTOWN of LOS GATOS Ik Incorporated August 10, 1887 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Pascagoula, a city of 26,000 residents located on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, suffered great devastation and personal hardships as a result of Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005; and WHEREAS, Hurricane Katrina damaged 90% of the homes in Pascagoula, many severely, and thousands of residents are still living in temporary quarters or emergency trailers; and WHEREAS, city facilities in Pascagoula Nvere hea. ilv dama eel and required the closure of all parks, City Hall, recreation facilities, the Librarc and otlicr civic facilities that are vital to the quality of life of residents; and 1 WHEREAS, almost all Pascacoiila businesses .~,-e impacted and most closed for several i months, depriving residents of eniplovnient and income, and si-rnificantly reducirn revenues to the City's General fund; and WHI:IZEAS, Pascagoula resident=, busuicsses, and connnunitY or--~anirations face many years of recovery and rebuildiii alicad; and WHEREAS, in the spirit of extcrndirn compassion to those affected by the hurricane, the Los Gatos Town-to-Town Katrina Consortiurni Nvas formed; and WHEREAS, the Los Gatos 1 wN'i1-to- Cows 1~atrina Consortium has "adopted" Pascagoula,, committing to provide assistance Frith the long process of rehuilclin.g the community and the lives of its residents; and _ WHERJ-AS, the Tow°rn of 1-os Gatos wishes to cornfirm its eoritimyin~-5 commitment to the coininunity of Pascagoula thrott,:J-iout its rebuildin- and recover , oncl coi„nictnorate the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina NOW, THERI=FOR1, 131: 1T R1:SOLVF1), 1, I)iarnc 'i\1cAutt, b. the virtue of the authority vested in me as Ma.o, of the Town of Los lratos, dr> deem it appropriate and do hereby proclaim August 27, ?C 1l "I~zscaonla 1)av" in the I own of Los Clatos. Proclaimed this 16th day of August 2006 in the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS Atteat: 00, MarLyn RasinuL- 6n, Clerk Administrator JC