10 Staff Report - 615 Blossom Hill Road~pW N 0 ~5.4 t ,y yR !ps • 6~A'~~5 DATE: TO: FROM: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 4/3/06 ITEM NO. I March 28, 2006 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDER AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION TO APRIL 13, 2006 FOR A PROJECT TO CONSTRUCT 49 APARTMENT UNITS AND A RECREATIONAL BUILDING ON PROPERTY ZONED RM:5-12:PD. APNS: 529-16-026,073 AND 529-14-012 ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION S-06-036 PROPERTY LOCATION: 615 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD PROPERTY OWNER: STEVEN DILBECK AND CUPERTINO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPLICANT/APPELLANT: CUPERTINO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open and hold the public hearing. 2. Close the public hearing. 3. Uphold the Planning Commission's decision to approve the time extension for two months and deny the appeal. 4. Refer to the Town Attorney for the preparation of the appropriate resolution. If the Town Council determines that the Planning Commission's decision should be reversed or modified: 1. The Council needs to find one or more of the following: (1) where there was error or abuse of discretion on the part of the Planning Commission; or (2) the new information that was submitted to the Council during the appeal process that was not readily and reasonably available for submission to the Commission; or (3) an issue or policy over which the Commission did not have discretion to modify or address, but which is vested in the Council for modification or decision. (Continued to Page 2) "NU ~P~k PREPARED BY: BUD N. LO1~TZ DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Finance Community Development - Revised: 3/28/06 3:45 pm Reformatted: 5/30/02 i MEETING DATE: 4/3/06 °W N ITEM NO. COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT !ps GA DATE: March 28, 2006 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDER AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION TO APRIL 13, 2006 FOR A PROJECT TO CONSTRUCT 49 APARTMENT UNITS AND A RECREATIONAL BUILDING ON PROPERTY ZONED RM:5-12:PD. APNS: 529-16-026,073 AND 529-14-012 ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION S-06-036 PROPERTY LOCATION: 615 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD PROPERTY OWNER: STEVEN DILBECK AND CUPERTINO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPLICANT/APPELLANT: CUPERTINO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open and hold the public hearing. 2. Close the public hearing. 3. Uphold the Planning Commission's decision to approve the time extension for two months and deny the appeal. 4. Refer to the Town Attorney for the preparation of the appropriate resolution. If the Town Council determines that the Planning Commission's decision should be reversed or modified% 1. The Council needs to find one or more of the following: (1) where there was error or abuse of discretion on the part of the Planning Commission; or (2) the new information that was submitted to the Council during the appeal process that was not readily and reasonably available for submission to the Commission; or (3) an issue or policy over which the Commission did not have discretion to . modify or address, but which is vested in the Council for modification or decision. (Continued to Page 2) PREPARED BY: BUD N. LO TZ DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager !~__Community Development own Attorney Clerk Finance Revised: 3/28/06 3:45 pm Reformatted: 5/30/02 Page 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: APPEAL 615 BLOSSOM HILL RD April 3, 2006 2. If the predominant reason for modifying or reversing the decision of the Planning Commission is new information as defined in Subsection (2) above, it is the Town's policy that the application be returned to the Commission for review in light of the new information unless the new information has a minimal effect on the application. 3. Refer to the Town Attorney for preparation of the appropriate resolution. BACKGROUND On March 19, 2001, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No.2081 for a Planned Development (PD) to construct up to 49 apartment units and a recreation building on the subject properties. On February 12, 2003, the Planning Commission approved an Architecture and Site application to construct the 49 units and the recreation building. On November 17, 2003, Town Council adopted Ordinance 2122 (Exhibit A of Attachment 5) to amend the original PD ordinance to delete the requirement for an emergency access road. The applicant did not vest their approval and received approval for a time extension on December 8, 2004. Due to ongoing weakness in the market for apartment units, the applicant has requested a second time extension (Exhibit B of Attachment 5). No changes to the approved plan are proposed. PROJECT SUMMARY: 1. Application Request The applicant is proposing to construct 49 apartment units and a recreation building on 12.12 acres which consists of three parcels. The PD encompasses four parcels. The fourth parcel accommodates the access driveway to the subject sites only. The two northern parcels are currently undeveloped and will be merged together. The resulting parcel will be developed with 39 units. The southern two parcels are developed with the existing Los Gatos Oaks apartments and Live Oaks apartments. Ten new units will be added to the Live Oaks apartments. Reciprocal easements will be required for access, parking and storm drainage between the property owners. The Town's Consulting Architect reviewed the previously approved plans. The applicant complied with all but two of the Consultant's recommendations. Conditions were included as part of the original approval to require further analysis of the other two architectural items prior to issuance of a building permit. Apartments - The proposed apartments have been designed as townhome type units in that there are no units above each other. The majority of the units will have their own parking area, which is located below the unit. The existing apartments have carports or uncovered parking spaces. The tallest building (which includes the loft) will be 37.5 feet (measured from the floor of the garage/basement). This is consistent with the approved PD which allows a maximum height of 39 feet 10 inches. There will be 42 new market rate units and seven new Below Market Price (BMP) units. The proposed number of BMP units is consistent with the approved PD which provides two more BMP units than required by Town Page 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: APPEAL 615 BLOSSOM HILL RD April 3, 2006 Code. The market rate units will range in size from 1,180 to 1,857 square feet. These units will contain two and three bedrooms. The BMP units will contain one and two bedrooms and will range in size from 690 to 1,194 square feet. The site plan, Sheet Al of Exhibit E of Attachment 5 does not note that Unit 39 is a BMP unit. However, the elevations for this unit, Sheet A7 of Exhibit E of Attachment 5 clearly note this as a BMP unit. Recreation Building - The proposed 3,203 square foot recreation building will contain a lounge/library, bathrooms, exercise and craft rooms. Outside the building, there will be a BBQ, patio and picnic areas, horseshoe pit and a bocce ball court. The proposed recreation building and grounds will be available for use by all three apartment complexes. Soundwall - Pursuant to the approved PD, the plans show a concrete soundwall with a horizontal lap siding pattern which has been located and designed to meet the requirements of the noise study and directions from Town Council. As part of the original Architecture and Site approval, a condition was included that a supplemental noise study maybe required prior to the issuance of a building permit, to ensure that the noise measures proposed meet the requirements of the noise study (condition #18 of Attachment 3). The wall is located four to 15 feet from the property line adjacent to Highway 17 to provide room for landscape screening and irrigation. Gates will be installed in the soundwall to allow access to the landscaped area for maintenance purposes. The landscape screen was required by Town Council in the event Caltrans removed the existing trees in this area which currently provide screening. The maximum height of the soundwall is eight feet on top of a six foot tall berm to meet the requirements of the noise study. Shrubbery and 51-24 inch box Redwood trees are proposed to be planted along the Highway 17 side of the wall. This plan was carefully reviewed during the original Architecture and Site approval process to ensure the wall would be adequately screened. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission considered this matter on February 8, 2006 (Attachment 4). Since no changes were proposed to the project and the plan still meets current Town requirements, the application was advertised as a consent item. A Planning Commissioner however, pulled the item from the consent calendar to discuss noise concerns. The Commissioner admitted there was no new evidence or new facts, but felt the noise concerns were not adequately addressed when the applications were first approved. Staff commented that the original application was conditioned that a supplemental noise study may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit which should address this concern. The Commissioner felt that the condition was not written appropriately and did not adequately address her concerns. The applicant was not present at the hearing to discuss this concern nor to address a question raised by a neighbor regarding the timing of driveway improvements. This neighbor was not opposed to the project. Page 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL, SUBJECT: APPEAL 615 BLOSSOM HILL RD April 3, 2006 Since the applicant was not present to respond to questions, the Commission was reluctant to approve a one year time extension. The matter could not be continued since the applications were due to expire pursuant to Town Code. Therefore, as a compromise, the Commission approved an extension to April 13, 2006. This would allow the applicant time to refile another extension and be present at the next public hearing to respond to the questions raised. The fee for filing a time extension in this instance is $2,670.00. APPEAL An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision was received on February 21, 2006 (Attachment 1). The basis for the appeal is that the Commission brought up already reviewed data and documentation and no new information was presented or discussed. Therefore, a time extension for one year should have been granted. The applicant has also submitted a letter which states that they intend to proceed with the application (Attachment 6). With regard to taking an action on this appeal, the Town Attorney has made the following determinations for each alternative, pursuant to Sections 29.20.325 and 29.20.335 of the Town Code: • Uphold the Planning Commission's decision - If the Town Council upholds the Commission's decision, the two month time extension will be from the date the Council approves the resolution on this matter. • Grants Appeal - If the Town Council grants the appeal, the expiration date of the time extension will be one year from the date the Council approves the resolution on this matter. • Remand to the Planning Commission - If the matter is remanded to the Commission, the time extension will be from the date the Commission takes final action on the matter. TOWN COUNCIL DIRECTION The Planning Commission has recently been struggling with requests for time extensions because it is somewhat unclear as to when an extension should be granted and when an application may become stale. Staff is requesting direction from the Town Council to assist the Commission in making future decisions on these matters. Pursuant to Town Code (Section 29.20.325), time extensions are valid for up to one year from the date of approval. The Town Code does not limit the number of time extensions which may be granted. If there are new facts concerning the proposed project, conditions of approval can be added or modified in order to grant a time extension. The introduction of new facts does not necessarily mean that the extension should be denied. A condition can be added or an existing condition may be modified to address the new fact or evidence. In the past, up to two time extensions were considered reasonable and have been approved on the Planning Commission consent calendar. Depending on the size and scope of the project, additional extensions have been granted (e.g. the Jewish Community Center was granted four time extensions). The purpose of requiring a time extension is to give the Town the ability to modify existing conditions or impose additional conditions to address new facts that have come to light. Staff is requesting direction from Council on the number of time extensions that would be reasonable to Page 5 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: APPEAL 615 BLOSSOM HILL RD April 3, 2006 grant for projects and when an application may become stale. This direction will not only assist the Commission in making decisions on time extensions, but will also assist applicants as they structure the financing and timing of construction of their developments. Staff believes that two time extensions are generally reasonable. Additional extensions will require analysis to determine if General Plan policies or Town Code requirements have changed. Staff will also need to review the environmental documents to ensure that environmental factors, such as traffic and noise, have not changed and the environmental review is still valid. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: It has been determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and a Mitigated Negative Declaration was previously made for this proposal. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachments: 1. Appeal filed on February 21, 2006. 2. Required findings. 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval. 4. Action minutes from the Planning Commission meeting of February 8, 2006. 5. Report to the Planning Commission from the Development Review Committee dated January 25, 2006 for the meeting of February 8, 2006 (Exhibits C and D are deleted and incorporated as Attachments 2, and 3 of this report). 6. Letter from Jason Chartier (one page) received March 27, 2006. Distribution: Cupertino Development Corporation, 1307 South Mary Avenue, Ste 120, Sunnyvale, CA 94087-3071 Steven Dilbeck, Dailey/Dilbeck Management, PO Box 2158, Santa Cruz, CA 95063-2158 William Errico, 6131 Southerness Dr., El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Rodger Griffin, Paragon Designs, 405 Alberto Wy, Los Gatos, CA 95032 BNL:SLB:mdc N:TEV\CNCLRPTS\2006\615bhrd.wpd . FILING FEES $272.00 Residential $1089.00 per Commercial, Multi- family or Tentative Map Appeal 'own of Los Gatos Office of the Town Clerk. 110 E. Main St., Los Gatos CA. 95030. C ~ M& APPEAL OJT PLANNING CO SS-10 =DEC19101 ` 1..., , 11 I, the undersigned, do hereby appeal a decision of the Planning Commission as follows: (PLEASE T OR PRINT NEATLY) DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: -f fib' CD ¢ 1 = 200 PROJECT / APPLICATION NO: / _CD CAAS ADDRESS LOCATION: 3-om Or L'vc G x.1 Ou t ^LERK DEPAIR iris=(~T Pursuant to the Town Code, the Town Council may only grant an appeal of a Planning Commission L-1-M-M, most matters the Council finds that one of three (3) reasons exist for granting the appeal by a vote of at least three (3) Council members. Therefore, please specify hoar one of those reasons exist in the appeal: 1. The Planning Commission erred or abused its discretion because +r.` T ~t Ll~pc -rc 2. There is new information that was not reasonably available at the time of the Planning Commission decision, which is (please attach the new information if possible): OR 3. The Planning Commission did not have discretion to modify or address the following policy or issue that is vested in the Town Council: IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS. IMPORTANT: 1. Appellant is responsible for fees for transcription of minutes. A $500.00 deposit is required at the time of filing. 2. Appeal must be filed within ten (10) calendar days of Planning Co_ nussion Decision accompanied by the required filing fee. Deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the 10' day following the decision. If the 10`' day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Town holiday,'then it may be filed on the workday immediately following the 10" day, usually a Monday. 3.. The Town Clerk will set the hearing withing 56 days of the date of the Planning Commission Decision (Town Ordinance No. 1967) 4. An appeal regarding a Change of Zone application or a subdivision map only must be filed within the time limit specified in the Zoning or Subdivision Code, as applicable, which is different from other appeals. 5. Once filed, the appeal will be heard by the Town Council. 6. If the reason for granting an appeal is the receipt of new information, the applicatio will usually be returned to the Panning Commission for reconsideration. PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE DATE: / .2 I G ADDRESS: .7- 1 l9 Y-Vo PHONE: OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: z-n w- . ?r CONFIRMATION LETTER SENT: Date: Pending Planning Department Confirmation TO APPLICANT & APPELLANT BY: DATE TO SEND PUBLICATION: N:\DEV\FORh4S\Plannin,\Plnnnina Commission Appeal.ivpd -July 1, 2005 DATE OF PUBLICATION: Attachment 1 REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR 615 Blossom Hill Road Architecture and Site Application S-06-36 Requesting approval of a time extension to construct 49 apartment units and a recreational building on property, zoned RM:5-12:PD. APNS: 529-16-026, 073 and 529-14-012 PROPERTY OWNER: Steven Dilbeck and Cupertino Development Corporation APPLICANT: Cupertino Development Corporation FINDINGS Sec. 29.20.325 (b). Time extensions. Before granting an extension of time the deciding body must find from the evidence: (1) There is no legal impediment to granting a new application for the same approval. (2) The conditions originally applied were modified as part of the previous time extension approval to reflect the new facts concerning the proposed project which deal with the time of expiration and the emergency access road. No additional modifications of conditions is required for this extension. N:\DEV\FI N DI N GS\615bhrd.ext.1.wpd Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 615 Blossom Hill Road Architecture and Site Application S-06-36 Requesting approval of a time extension to construct 49 apartment units and a recreational building on property zoned RM:5-12:PD. APNS: 529-16-026, 073 and 529-14-012 PROPERTY OWNER: Steven Dilbeck and Cupertino Development Corporation APPLICANT: Cupertino Development Corporation TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: (Planning Division) 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications made to the approved plans shall be approved by the Director of Community Development (minor changes) or the Planning Commission, depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION OF APPROVAL: This Architecture and Site application will expire on February 97--April 13, 2006 unless it is used before expiration. Section 29.20.335 defines what constitutes the use of an approval granted under the Zoning Ordinance. 3. FUTURE ADDITIONS: No additional square footage shall be permitted to any ofthe units. 4. *MITIGATION #1 (HAZARDS): Prior to project construction, a Phase 1 Site Assessment shall be prepared to determine the presence of hazardous materials in site soils. The assessment shall focus on portions of the site where fill has been placed. If required, the Assessment shall provide appropriate recommendations of any required remediation. 5. *MITIGATION #2(CULTURAL RESOURCES): In the event that archaeological traces are encountered, all construction within a 50-meter radius of the find will be halted, the Director of Community Development will be notified, and an archaeologist will be retained to examine the find and make appropriate recommendations. 6. *MITIGATION #3(CULTURAL RESOURCES): If human remains are discovered, the Santa Clara County Coroner will be notified. The Coroner will determine whether or not the remains are Native American. If the Coroner determines that the remains are not subject to his authority, he will notify the Native American Heritage Commission, who will attempt to identify descendants of the deceased Native Americans. 7. *MITIGATION #4(CULTURAL RESOURCES): If the Director of Community Development finds that the archaeological find is not a significant resource, work will resume only after the submittal of a preliminary archaeological report and after provisions for reburial and ongoing monitoring are accepted. Provisions for identifying descendants of a deceased Native American and for reburial will follow the protocol set forth in Appendix K of the CEQA Guidelines. If the site is found to be a significant archaeological site, a mitigation program will be prepared and submitted to the Director of Community Development for consideration and approval, in conformance with the protocol set forth in Appendix K of the CEQA Guidelines. 8. *MITIGATION #5(CULTURAL RESOURCES): A final report will be prepared when a Pagel of 13 Attachment 3 find is determined to be a significant archaeological site, and/or when Native American remains are found on the site. The final report will include background information on the completed work, a description and list of identified resources, the disposition and curation of these resources, any testing, other recovered information, and conclusions. 9. BMP UNITS. The Developer shall work with the Director of Community Services and finalize the arrangements for the BMP rental units prior to the issuance of a building permit. Two of the BMP units must receive approved building permits prior to issuance of the building permit for the 21st market rate unit. Prior to issuance of the 32nd market rate unit building permit, all BMP unit building permits must have been issued. 10. EMERGENCY ACCESS ROAD. The emergency access road to Placer Oaks Drive shall be eliminated. A gated pedestrian path from Placer Oaks Drive shall be provided. The gate at Placer Oaks Drive shall be approved by the Town prior to issuance of a building permit. 11. SIDEWALKS. Add a pedestrian pathway around the property to the maximum extent possible to connect buildings and to go along the driveway. Pedestrian access shall be provided off of the driveway to Building 1. 12. TRASH ENCLOSURE. A chain link fence shall not be used for the trash enclosure. The door of the enclosure shall be of a solid metal material. 13. GARAGE DOORS. Garage doors shall be provided for the carports of the one bedroom and BMP units. 14. BENCHES. Benches shall be provided at Building 1 and shown on the building permit plans. 15. SOUNDWALL. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the soundwall shall be modified based on the diagrams presented at the Planning Commission hearing on February 12, 2003. 16. RECREATION AREA. Prior to the issuance of abuilding permit for the recreation building, the applicant shall consider swapping the card and BBQ area if there are no impacts to the existing trees. 17. RECREATION BUILDING AND GROUNDS. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the recreation building, a signed agreement shall be submitted to the Town stating that all three apartment complexes have use of the recreation building and grounds. 18. NOISE STUDY. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a supplemental noise study may be required based on the proposed plans and additional measures imposed, to ensure that the recommendations of the noise study (Attachment 1 of the Initial Study) are satisfied. 19. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following items must be further evaluated by the Town and the consulting architect. The building plans must incorporate the final architectural details approved by the Town. a. Detail of the proposed bracket at the Live Oaks apartment building shall be more architecturally defined. b Look at ways to reduce the crowded effect on certain portions of the facade at the first floor of the Canyon Oaks Apartments. C. Exterior colors. d. Improve irrigation for suspended patios e. Place lofts together, two at a time, to allow a roof wrap. f. Offset windows on decks. e. Look at addressing any other suggestions listed in Exhibit F in the report to the Planning Commission. (Building Division) Page 2 of 13 20. PERMITS REQUIRED: A building permit application shall be required for each proposed structure. Separate Electrical/Mechanical/Plumbing permit shall be required as necessary. 21. CONSTRUCTION PLANS: The Conditions of Approval shall be stated in full on the cover sheet of construction plan submitted for building permit. 22. SIZE OF PLANS: The maximum size of construction plans submitted for building permits shall be 24 in. X 36 in. 23. SOILS REPORT: Two copies of a soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations shall be submitted with the Building Permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 24. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector upon foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the soils report and the building pad elevation and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations are prepared according to approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. Pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations 25. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: California Title 24 Energy Compliance forms CF-1R AND MF-1R shall be blue lined on the construction plans. 26. PLANS: The construction plans for this project shall be prepared under direct supervision of a licensed architect or engineer. (Business and Professionals Code Section 5538) 27. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: This project requires Class A roofing assembly. 28. TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY - MULTIFAMILY: On site parking facility shall comply with the latest California Title 24 Accessibility Standards for disabled. 29. TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY- MULTIFAMILY: On site general path oftravel shall comply with the latest California Title 24 Accessibility Standards. Work shall include but not be limited to accessibility to building entrances from parking facilities and sidewalks. 30. TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY - MULTIFAMILY: The buildings shall fully comply with the latest California Title 24 Accessibility Standards. 31. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by UBC Section 1701,the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit, in accordance with UBC Section 106.3.5. Please obtain Town Special Inspection form from the Building Department Service Counter. The Town Special inspection schedule shall be blue lined on the construction plan. 32. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION STANDARDS: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program specification sheet shall be part of plan submittal. The specification sheet (Size 24" X 36") is available at the Building Department service counter. 33. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The Project requires the following agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. West Valley Sanitation District: 378-2407 b. Santa Clara County Fire Department: 378-4010 c. Los Gatos School District: 395-5570 Page 3 of 13 Note: Obtain the School district form from the Town Building Division, after the Building Division has approved the building permit. 34. CONSTRUCTION HOURS/NOISE. Construction work hours shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Pursuant to the approved construction plan conditioned below, grading hours of operation maybe even more restricted. Procedures with the highest noise potential shall be scheduled for the times during which the ambient noise levels are highest (i.e., during peak commute hours.) The developer's contractor shall employ the quietest alternative equipment to muffle or control noise from available equipment. Especially noisy operations such as mixing concrete shall be performed off-site and not in the general vicinity of the project site. 35. *MITIGATION #8 (NOISE): The project shall be required to include a noise wall along the project boundary that is contiguous to the Highway 17 freeway with the height specifications as recommended in the detailed noise study. 36. *MITIGATION #10 (NOISE): To control flanking noise, the barrier shall continue along the southern property boundary as specified in the detailed noise study (attachment 1 of the Initial Study). 37. *MITIGATION #11 (NOISE): In order to meet Title 24 interior noise standards, the project shall implement general construction measures as well as window and door controls as recommended in the detailed noise study (attachment 1 of the Initial Study). TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS: (Engineering Division) 38. PROJECT PLANS. The prof ect shall be engineered in substantial compliance with the plans approved and noted as Exhibit J in the report to the Planning Commission. titled Canyon Oaks Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan, sheets. C 1 through C6, prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, dated October 15, 2002 and as modified by these Conditions. Any other modification to the project shall require Planning Commission or Community Development Director or Director of Parks and Public Works review and approval. 39. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY. The applicant shall supply suitable securities for all public improvements that are a part of the development in a form acceptable to the Town in the amount of 100% (performance) and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any permit. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the public improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 40. INSURANCE. One million dollars ($1,000,000) of liability insurance holding the Town harmless shall be provided in a format acceptable to the Town Attorney prior to issuance of any permit. 41. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL). The developer shall pay a proportional to the project's share of transportation improvement needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit applications is made. The fee shall be paid before the building permit is issued. The traffic impact mitigation fee for this project, using the current fee schedule and the preliminary plans is $194,922. The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at the time of the building permit application, using a trip generation rate based on apartment use. Page 4 of 13 42. PLAN CHECK FEES. Plan check fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to submittal of plans to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 43. INSPECTION FEES. Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to issuance of any Permit. 44. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated by separate instrument prior to issuance of any permits. a. Reciprocal ingress-egress, parking and storm drainage with adjacent properties, as required. b. Water and sanitary sewer easements, as required. Associated quitclaim easements shall be recorded concurrently. c. No-Build easement adjacent to Building I, as required. 45. LOT MERGER. A separate Lot Merger application submittal and approval is required for the proposed project prior to the issuance of building permits. 46. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Applicant shall install the following improvements. Plans for those improvements shall be prepared by a California registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithful Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a building permit or the recordation of a map. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. a. CANYON OAKS APARTMENTS DRIVEWAY. The existing Canyon Oaks Apartments driveway shall be widened and relocated to align the driveway centerline with that of Roberts Road. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approach, curb ramps, traffic signal reconfiguration, street tie-in paving, signing, striping, utility relocation, and any other work associated with driveway relocation shall be provided as required. Existing traffic signal facilities that are modified shall be upgraded to current Town standards. A letter from the owner of the j oint utility pole adjacent to the driveway shall be submitted prior to issuance of any permit indicating approval of the driveway and signal modification design. b. DRIVEWAY AT ADJACENT TOWNHOMES. The existing driveway shall be relocated approximately 40-feet southwesterly (downhill) of the current location. The precise location shall minimize tree removal requirements and shall satisfy sight distance requirements as determined by the Town Traffic Engineer. The existing driveway approach shall be removed and replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk. A Town standard driveway approach shall be provided at the new driveway location. The applicant shall hire a certified tree surgeon to trim trees as required to provide safe sight distances for the new driveway. c. PLACER OAKS ROAD. The existing driveway approach to the project site on Placer Oaks Road shall be removed and replaced with Town standard curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 47. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. 48. ACCESS DRIVEWAY TO ADJACENT CONDOMINIUMS. A "Stop" sign and stop bar shall be placed on the exit portion of the driveway that is to be built to access the condominiums to the south of the project site. 49. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job Page 5 of 13 related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 50. GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for grading, drainage and erosion control. A separate application for a grading permit (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. 51. SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the grading permit. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. 52. SOILS REVIEW. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations, and provide a plan review letter to the Town. 53. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report, and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing should be documented in an "as-built" letter/report prepared by the applicants soils engineer and submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy permit is granted. 54. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting an work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection. 55. GRADING INSPECTIONS. The soils engineer or her/his qualified representative shall continuously inspect all grading operations. The soils engineer shall submit a final grading report before occupancy/Certificate of Completion. 56. SURVEYING CONTROLS. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall--top of wall elevations and locations. b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. now is the time for all good men to come to the aid fo their country 57. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. A Notice of Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. A maximum of two weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is Page 6 of 13 allowed to go on during the rainy season. In addition, fiber rolls, silt fences and erosion control blankets shall be stored on-site for emergency control, if needed. Install filter berms, check dams, retention basins, silt fences, etc., as needed on the project site, to protect down stream water quality during winter months. 58. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION PREVENTION. The project design shall incorporate water quality mitigation measures in accordance with current NPDES requirements. Water quality measures should include use of biofilters, drainage swales, and detention facilities to mitigate non-point source impacts. In addition, the SCVWD and RWQCB recommend the incorporation of site planning design measures to help reduce potential contributions of urban pollutants from the project. 59. DUST CONTROL. Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three times daily in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 MPH. All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 60. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. It is the responsibility of contractor and home owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a dailybasis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town's storm drains. 61. UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code §27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. 62. SITE SECURITY. Prior to commencement of any site work or the introduction of any earth moving equipment or building materials onto the site, the applicant shall insure that a temporary fence constructed of materials and located to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development has been constructed. This fence shall be in place as approved until the Director of Community Development shall allow it to be removed or changed. The fence may only be expanded or contracted in size upon approval of the Director of Community Development. Failure to adhere to this condition of approval shall result in the permit being brought to the Planning Commission for its review and introduction of stricter site and building construction regulations. 63. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the project applicant, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of Page 7 of 13 approval, and will make certain that all project subcontractors have read and understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on site at all times during construction. 64. EARTH MOVEMENT PLAN. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit, the applicant shall develop an earth movement and management program under the supervision of a licensed soils engineer for review and approval by the Engineering Division of the Department of Parks and Public Works. 65. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Applicant shall submit a construction management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations. As part of the construction plan, the applicant shall provide a construction schedule to the affected neighbors. 66. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division. 67. SITE SUPERVISION. The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the j ob site at all times during construction. 68. PRECONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit, the project Applicant shall complete a pavement condition survey documenting the extent of existing pavement defects using a 35-mm or digital video camera. The survey shall extend the full length of Blossom Hill Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Roberts Road, the full length of Oak Rim Way, and Placer Oaks Road between Frank Avenue and Oak Rim Way. In addition, a pavement deflection analysis conforming to the same limits as the photographic survey shall be performed to determine pavement strength. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review. 69. POSTCONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SURVEY. The project Applicant shall complete a pavement condition survey and pavement deflection analysis to determine whether road damage occurred as a result of project construction and whether there were changes in pavement strength. Rehabilitation improvements required to restore the pavement to pre- construction condition and strength shall be determined using State of California procedures for deflection analysis. The results shall be documented in a report and submitted to the Town for review and approval. The Applicant shall be responsible for completing any required road repairs prior to release of any occupancy permit. 70. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL. The Applicant shall prepare a traffic control plan to address site access and trucking operations during the grading operation. The plan shall be subject to Town review and approval prior to incorporation into the construction bid documents. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following measures: a. Construction truck traffic shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session, and between 9:00 am and 4:00 p.m. on in-service days and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on non-school days. b. Flag persons shall be placed at both the Blossom Hill Road and Placer Oaks Road project entrances. Additional flaggers shall be provided at Oak Rim Way if deemed necessary Page 8 of 13 by the Town traffic Engineer. c. Prior to construction, advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made specifying the dates and hours of operation. d. Trucks shall use the on- and off-ramps on Lark Avenue to access the SR 17 Freeway. e. The use of Placer Oaks Road shall be restricted to occur only during the earth movement phase of construction. Unloaded trucks shall enter the site from Placer Oaks Way. Loaded trucks shall exit the site on Blossom Hill Road. f. No construction materials shall enter the site via Placer Oaks Road. g. No staging of trucks will be allowed on public streets. 71. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. Developer shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 72. DESIGN CHANGES. The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and the design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of the Town before altered work is started. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final "as-built" plans. 73. AS-BUILT PLANS. After completion of the construction of all work, the original plans shall have all changes (change orders and field changes) clearly marked. The "as-built" plans shall again be signed and "wet-stamped" by the civil engineer who prepared the plans, attesting to the changes. The original "as-built" plans shall be review and approved the Engineering Inspector. A Mylar and AutoCAD disk of the approved "as-built" plans shall be provided to the Town before the Faithful Performance Security or Occupancy Permit is released. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform to the layernaming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG-OUTLINE; b) Driveway, Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RETAINING WALL; d) Swimming Pool, Layer: SWIMMING-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TENNIS-COURT; f) Property Line, Layer: PROPERTY-LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as-built digital files must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or higher. 74. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line. 75. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a five year Landscape Maintenance Agreement shall be entered into. 76. STORM DRAINAGE. A civil engineer licensed in the State of California shall prepare hydrologic and hydraulic calculations. Hydraulic calculations shall be based on the 10-year Page 9 of 13 storm with no surcharge, and the 100-year storm with 1-foot of freeboard. The calculations shall address pipe size, inlet size and spacing, energy dissipater size, rock riprap gradation and pad size, overland release channel section, and any surface drainage swale sizing. Overland releases shall be protected by a hardened surface approved by the Town and the project soils engineer. Storm drain pipe shall be HDPE. Drainage collection facilities shall be provided behind the sound wall. 77. RAINWATER LEADERS. Roof rainwater leaders are to be discharged onto energy dissipaters (splash blocks), which are designed to spread out the rain water so that it enters the landscaped areas as sheet flow. Runoff from the site should not be collected into a pipe system, concentrated, and discharged down slope. Control off-site drainage, flowing on to the site similarly. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, down stream or down slope property. Retaining walls shall include provisions for drainage. 78. CALTRANS. A letter from Caltrans approving construction of site storm drainage discharge within the Caltrans right of way will be required prior to issuance of a grading permit. 79. UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERS. Letters from all utility service providers approving easements and layout will be required prior to issuance of a grading permit. 80. PARKING LOT GRADES. Maximum grade in a non-handicap parking stall shall be 4- percent in any direction. Minor deviations will be allowed on a case by case basis. 81. SANITARY SEWER. A manhole is required at the northwest end of the 6-inch sanitary sewer through Lot 1. Hydraulic calculations shall be provided to demonstrate that either no hydraulic jump occurs within the new line or at its connection to existing facilities, or that the jump occurs between two manholes and not at a manhole. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be PVC. Manhole locations shall be adjusted when final grading plans are prepared. 82. UTILITY TRENCHES. The Applicant's soils engineer shall develop recommendations, subject to Town Engineer review and approval, for trench cutoff walls and diversion of surface water for utility trenches with longitudinal slopes greater than 10-percent. 83. UTILITY SETBACKS. House foundations shall be set back from utility lines a sufficient distance to allow excavation of the utility without undermining the house foundation. The Town Engineer shall determine the appropriate setback based on the depth of the utility, input from the project soils engineer, and the type of foundation. 84. SANITARY SEWER MAINTENANCE ACCESS. Twelve foot wide access roads constructed of compacted Class II Aggregate Base Rock shall be constructed to all public off- street manholes. Access roads shall be designed to support a 40 kip truck. Pipe gates shall be installed at entries to all maintenance access roads to prevent access by private vehicles. Turnarounds shall be provided for dead-end access roads longer than 150-feet. Roadway geometry shall accommodate the Town's hydroflush truck. The applicant shall propose maintenance access improvements to sanitary sewer facilities for the Town Engineer to review, comment on, and approve. The Engineering Division shall approve the surface materials over off-street sanitary sewer easements. A gate in the sound wall is required for landscape and maintenance purposes. (Parks and Forestry Division) Pagel 0 of 13 85. NEW TREES: All newly planted trees are required to be double staked to Town standards and shall be planted prior to final occupancy. 86. TREE REMOVAL PERMITS. Tree Removal Permits shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a Building and/or Grading Permit. 87. TREE PROTECTION ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE. All existing trees both on and off-site in the immediate vicinity of the project which may be affected by construction and are not approved for removal shall be protected prior to and during construction. 88. PROTECTIVE FENCING. Prior to any construction or building permits being issued, the applicant shall meet with the Director of Parks, Forestry and Maintenance Services concerning the need for protective fencing around the existing trees. Such fencing is to be installed prior to, and be maintained during, construction. The fencing shall be a four foot high chain link attached to steel poles driven two feet into the ground when at the dripline of the tree. If the fence has to be within eight feet of the trunk of the tree, a fence base may be used, as in a typical chain link fence that is rented. 89. IRRIGATION SYSTEM. All newly planted landscaping shall be irrigated by an in-ground irrigation system. Special care shall betaken to avoid irrigation which will endanger existing native trees and vegetation or any water sensitive species such as Oak trees. 90. WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT. The proposed landscaping shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 91. FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. The applicant shall submit a final landscape plan to the Town for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit to include the following: a. Landscape improvements made at the driveway access along Blossom Hill Road. b. Provision of low vegetation between the parking spaces and bocce ball court. c. Provision of vines to soften the trash enclosure. d. Sculpturing the landscaping along the larger expanse of the property to enhance the streetscape. e. Revegetation of the emergency access road. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: 92. CONSTRUCTION: All buildings shall be Type V-1 hour construction based upon occupancy type. 93. FINAL REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: The final required fire flow has not yet been determined. Final fire flow will be determined at the time of building permit based on building size and construction type. 94. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED. Buildings requiring a fire flow in excess of 2,000 GPM shall be protected throughout with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. The fire sprinkler system shall be hydraulically designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13, 1994 Edition. Prior to installation, a copy of Pagel 1 of 13 the fire department "approved" underground fire service drawings shall be provided to San Jose Water Company for record purposes. To prevent engineering delays, the underground contractor shall submit to the fire department three sets of shop drawings designed perNFPA Std #24, a completed permit application and applicable fees for review and approval. 95. PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT(S) REQUIRED. Developer shall provide four private on-site hydrant(s) installed per NFPA Std. #24, at location(s) to be determined by the Fire Department. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 and the minimum single flow hydrant shall be 1,500 GPM at 20 p.s.i. residual pressure. Prior to designing the system, the project civil engineer shall meet with the fire department water supply officer to jointly spot the hydrant locations. 96. FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION IDENTIFIER. Prior to project final inspection, the general contractor shall ensure that an approved "Blue Dot"fire hydrant location identifier has been placed in the roadway, as directed by the fire department. 97. TIMING OF REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATIONS. Required Fire Service and Fire Hydrant installations shall be installed, tested and accepted by the Fire Department, prior to the start of framing. Bulk construction materials shall not be delivered to the site until installations are completed as stated above. Building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. 98. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS ROADS REQUIRED. Provide access roadways with a paved all weather surface and a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15-percent. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet A-1. 99. TIMING OF REQUIRED ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required access roads up through first lift of asphalt shall be inspected and accepted by the Fire Department prior to the start of construction. Bulk combustible materials shall not be delivered to the site until installations are completed as stated above. Building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. 100. ON-SITE PRIVATE SERVICE MAINS AND/OR HYDRANTS. Installation of private fire service mains and/or fire hydrants shall conform to NFPA Standard #24 and Fire Department Standard Details and Specification W-2. If the supply piping is "combined" (sprinkler system and hydrants), a U.L. approved four way FDC shall be provided. A separate installation permit from the Fire Department is required. 101. FIRE LANE MARKINGS REQUIRED. Roadways deemed necessary to facilitate emergency vehicle access shall be identified in accordance with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications A-6 and local government standards 102. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with their background 103. PARKING ALONG ROADWAYS. The required width of fire access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner. Parking shall not be allowed along roadways less than 28 feet in width. Parking will be allowed along one side of the street for roadways 28-35 feet in width. For roadways equal to or greater than 36 feet parking will be allowed on both sides of the roadway. Roadway widths shall be measured face to face of curb. Parking spaces are based on an eight foot wide space. Page 12 of 13 TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 104. GRAFFITI REMOVAL. The developer shall post a letter of credit or cash in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) which shall be maintained for a period of fifteen (15) years for the removal of graffiti on the sound wall once construction has been completed. *Required as mitigation measures for the Mitigated Negative Declaration. N:\DEV\CONDITNS\2006\615BHRD.EXT.wpd Page 13 of 13 n• U w w 0 O X w H H SI W O ro Cl. H x y ro H w A ro ro n. .u E C ° o ro E ~ 0 44 ° a 41 w o + N o m O > i d k w . C u i w w -rl w IE X C ro b1 H 1 _4 ro P 4 n. 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Id O > d) a) o FI m i m m > U E J 1 •rl tr U 4 v C m -H M C O i E ro m w 3 o C H 3 i J.) m •d r a .4 y O 4 4 O -rl 41 . -rl 0 H O 10 0 m Id ri _ 0 O .0 C U m 3 u m -ri (1) m -ri m x H 4 a) a s H -ri N o }4 -H E rd w JJ 3 m 4 4 0 41 a ro .,1 0 Q) 'd si aJ m •ri 4 ' m 4 rn a) (0 a) J, •ri a) .u w .4 a) 0 •rl 41 H 74 E d ro Ql A 4 J-) -H ~i ro Q) m m .u U 3 m m d) E 0 r, N •rl 4.) 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H O )-I p w O U Q) O ~D y m w y m U 0 a 4 w (Y w 4 a) m m 4 w M a 4 FI -.-i 4 O x x m > H J, x 1J ri JJ H a) 4 P4 m U Pi U U m P: 4 u " m m m r-.. 0 W as H w H ~y A w r J) H w w N '.7 J U -,I z Q) U z u H z J-) m U z z m m •n iJ m O }-i U O U 7 O C P4 A U O O 4 (d PQ O C.' H H H H O H O PG J, H H H O 3 Q) Ii P4 J-) m m a) Cl) w m u O £ m m u 4 (L) O aJ m .4 m w m SG w m Cl) C li 4 m. a K H 41 ~i H (1.' m 0 H m -rl Q$ H H 11 0 .U ~l m x H H u •d 3 >i H m -4 t) O 'N £ U r ~ 0 r ~ m G r ~ 3 0) x O w 14 x O O m - a rq O L U U U 44 U -rl O U U U 3 O a) O O 0 E m a) 0 m 4 H tJ H O) -rl -rl O 3 4 rJ N m A a C J.J ro s - i q o 0 m ro ~ a) m C m m m m ro O n. m C X J-) QI -1 ro N -rl C U IJ m •rl a) O L 4 •rl )d ,o 0 m N -0 )-I ri m t)' a -•i O H 3 m H U) ri N tl W Iff b t` W m O N H ri N H N rl C rl Vl H lp N l~ r1 ao H m N O N N N N N m N ~ N N N 0 ~ro N r4 OH-i H -rl mx Z o O N U O z a ri El Q) ~ji m 0 a m O 0 -ro 00 m N 9 ° OH H -H mx N O O r-I H IJ) H P4 r Q a) CD H 0 a w ro w o w W 0 ,l C (0 3 3 v w C ro . b~ w m w w a C m m C C w ro q w w ro C a m o + 0 0 a) > w m ro M m > m 0 0 1x b w m 4 w w C C 0 a) m a) ro ro 3 4-J 0 Q) 4J H A O 4) O •r1 •rI U S.' m C m E C 41 C s4 H C .u 74 (d a) 4J -H A al -0 0 a 0 H a) E 0 4J ro a) m C w ro a a a) ro w 3 w U 4J m 0 41 U L', to C m 4 (L) m m E 44 .H (d a) w a) C y -rI m O m (D -H 41 s a) ro - ro > m 41 14 xi o > - 44 > 41 w ro ro o M w o C a a 41 s > a) rn C w a) ro m M a S4 O O C n• 0 44 O )-I b4 > (b trl H o r C E a H rd m E m 3 rn o E 0 w a) -H 0 -a -r1 a Aj m m w C x .H .11 p v o d m H w C'. -rl m )-I 4-.) N m H [a b 4-3 S H ro w w U > w w m a r-, m ro 3 x 4J U -ri -r1 fro a) C F4 0 m 4J 1a (1) .0 a . w w (D o m •,I ro 44 0) E O m C 44 (d A A >1 m ~ 4) ro 4) m 3 C Y) 4 H 1"-, a) m U 41 w 4 .u [a ~ a) 11 a) 0 x m J-1 a O Q) H U) U 3 $ 41 m l3 H L •r) -H H C a U S4 3 w w -H w m m H m 4J 14 44 H U 4 J O fa 3 m o C: w 4 a) 0 H A O > (1) C L", O O 44 H m m }4 O E 3 -4 H (d 44 lT w w a) 41 s4 a) 1 a ro •,1 )4 C A w m 0 -,1 C > ~1 w o '0 a 41 U 4J a m 41 w a m U ro 41 a) 14 }-i 4.1 : -ri C -H w w 1i (a 0 O7 m 4! H N )-I O ro A m O m ro w ro 3 3 C w .0 (3 04 A 4 o C 4-) 4a rd r w ro 0 R m a) m o )-I C co 4) m (1) (1) -H m m -rI O O n. -r1 H (D w O O a) S4 1=,' -r1 O > U Q w m rd H X C. .C H -r1 H a) 41 W •C1 ro E w O H a )-1 w - U 4.1 H H a) 4~ 4-1 a m H > > a) a) -ri .0 .r-) a C o 0 3 O C ,C-I O w E C Id (d l (1) 31 4) 4J 4J 4) a O }4 3 w a) O O 3 0 ro w m w }1 O S4 C m m •,1 a G 04 ro a s m w x 41 w -H o a) m 44 41 U m )-I X! W -rl w U J-1 CJ a) x Gi >r 4-J J-1 44 }4 0 m -r1 q w a) Q >r z > }4 A C 0 w w m m a) O) 4 H H W 4 A H O a) U CQ 4J w •r) S4 O) E U .0 14 C 4) a H 41 41 4-) C a H 3 -r1 1k m m .u O C -11 -A w 0 a m x O 0 a UJ 3 w S O 4 U) m 44 m (D O H H A •r1 (a r. a) M m co a) C 3 2G 4) S4 A > a 41 C m r H (0 8 -H 01 a) C -,1 C •rI ro w O H C > m >1 w a (r' a) O ca ~4 O m 4 3 a m 0 a) w m a) 01 w -~4 .C C m 41 E rr C ;j a. U w E 44 m m A E 41 w C k IJ 14 O Id O C as Ix C U 0 w }4 0 a) 3 x H O a) cn A U -r1 a) O w C U C S w m k m a) fa 44 U 4J 41 w ,14 ro a) o T C o C a 41 0 rn C 0 0 w 0 > 0 -,1 ro ro -A -1 O 0 U O O) C. l71 O O N H w m 44 > k 4-1 -rI 41 w •r1 C -A C -rl 4.3 U m -r1 m 4 a) w > C m m m to ~ A w U N C 4 J ~ JJ rA fd m a) m p A ro 1 -H 411 o a) C m C ro a 4J i-1 04 a) C w u H E m 0 41 m U1 m r. 0 w a) 0 > ~ > + w 04 E H w C x k a) $4 o m m A , r m 0 m o m )4 A a 0 w a) -11 w 01 U) U fa 4a 4J 4J -,1 ro .C 44 .4' $ 4J m U H E 0 ~ro co to N 0 Z rr-q -I H -1 co W H E 0 m Om H I)7 w H O E E- a) U H W O a w r1 N N w m to r m m o ,-t N N C~ m ~ r m m o ,1 N m w m r1 H H H r{ rl ri H ri ri N N N N N N m S G ro N 41 m H 44 w ( m O 44 o O) S4 4 m 4) C X 4J 0 w w w 4J x E O -0 H m C S4 41 C H -rI ill , g H U m H m -rI w 44 E bi O ,1 O 4J w 41 C 0 S C O ro H O a) C 4 C ro }4 w m 74 O O O a •r1. 4J w -,I w 3 H w w m E O m H -rI m C m x U w w > I. m O w A m T) u (15 C 41 •r1 m -rI U 3 •,1 4) m x m w -r1 O (IS o ro m > C C U) 0 m )4 H m rn w U C U H U ro m o w m w 4J $4 m .,1 > w w C -ri (a E U m 4-1 4.J U ro 0 m > 4) m w Y4 O) 0 4J 1.1 m m U -rI 0 44 3 w •r1 k m .3 H w -rI >v 0 'r7 w H > 41 O w 4) E 3 m O E H w 41 E .1.1 C H U O w a b w 3 U .1 m U 4) -r1 w 0 a s U m ? to C w w. m 3 U w C m w C O U O 3 4J - w s1 3 r 41 m x 4J .q N H -r1 1..,' H •,1 w O) ;E: •11 -r1 W U N 41 H 41 m 3 C O rl 41 ro }1 m w m -r1 m ro (D •,4 a O C G w m 0 H ,4 a w C ED E m 10 O •rI a) N m 4-3 aa 4-) ;J w 4-) >v Ft; H ED -H o C ro w C. _0 -14 41 41 r4 m am O ~ H N N P N ~ H . N N w C ' 7. 4J 0 0 441 3 a) m -,1 a o o x E to z 0 -r1 z w N G 0 M 41 a) Q J•i w , O H H 4J b, A H >y > C O O C m F1 - U 4 4J w E ~ D m U 5 m m rl C O O •,1 4 - w O rl w m a x H A A O) ro li a) H 41 U1 4-) H "w m a •ri Li O 41 U C li ~ W ro C7 U P' U 0 U E O O; 4J a) ri w • n. 01 0 •,1 O H W n• H O w m ro m `d a 4.J 0 Zi 7`I C w O L U Z (J) 43 w U H 4J z w (d r O H - 1 4J O) 0 w p U O C - i E U 1 O w 4-) m w w w H m O x -r1 H H •rl -,i H 44 H Pi ro u 4 44 4) C)J 4 04 w w O X U) x O) 4J ,X -r1 O) CO O 3 O x 4-) O IU CA U S4 4J kC co m C C,' W •Y, O C U w 4 H w O m w D: H (d -rI r P4 a) O w U) 41 x a) ~4 _0 H H CC C % w w r m E t C " C )-I x a C u 3 0 O O C O 4J 3 O) 8 O a. O 4) A 41 m S4 O 04 O U • o r 44 -,1 •rl U 0 .U O U U H S-I w U U Z U O -r1 w J' , F. w 4J E w -ri 44 0 A U a) 0 4J m U m A m •O O 3 O H w E -,1 A m }-I C," U w )-I O) )4 E H C U w m 0 ro -,i •ri 44 }4 ~j w It 04 - -rl -rl ro w -r1 w 44 44 w 43 CO IJ )-I a a) 44 0 m m > -H -r1 4 A 4J m H la 11 (D -H U a) C O U U w 4J C -r1 E m y.1 }1 w )-I w w ro w (U 11 w w y m C C m a) 4J a a a }4 w 11 .C S'.n Jti -,i a) H 4 x a m m O 3 m E a 4J g 4J E ED U 4J E w m rl N m a m io r m m o N ,1 N N N m N w N N N io H r H m N m N o N r1 N N N N ~ N 0 0 0\0 0 N RO$ Z H O H nx O M U) U O zw H 1n H a ri O a Ln w C a) w J-) .U -r) w X. 11 E w V J-) m U -H a) •H m w H' m -H 3 a) ~ )4 co ).1 w w w O w .u .r.' 3 1) H ro w 0 O > m C o m .u u w a) (d -H .u 4-3 )d w m m m C C C .u -H (d )i a 0 N a) > a) X C E U N m 3 (.1 0 ro H O N H N a) ro O .U O O 41 a) C ro 41 m C y rn m ri w m b a) m ro w w F4 (a a) m tr) co AJ w o fa C -,I 3 ro 0 U O .C w O C b) -rl .U > rd (1) m ro H •11 ro G ro 1li C b) 0 0 H o t~ (d C L14 O u O U X C'• rl a) C w F4 E w -,i -r1 4) m m ro ~4 -11 m a rl 4j m (a C )d G J-) .C a m ro C w ~.i w a m li fa M 0 fa C m J.] ro 7 C 3 (d .q k p It C 0 w m -u m ri o > a) (d a) L y a) a w m 4 m U m w ro m 3 .C 1) m a ro N a) w L) 41 N r 1 C O cN m m p 41 C a) C u ro -H (a 0 a) w m a H 7 4 w m O F4 m o m 3 a) 4 w of .C H S; ro m J-) ro 4 U a) U E a) .u > 41 -11 m rd a) w o + C A-) 3 ro Ci a m o -r+ (d ri o A ro ::1 ro ~4 ro m o m m )-I m 3 o a) w J-) w m )i m m C m J-) -H 3 a ro m U A ri E (6 > E C O J-) a) m 3 0 m U a a) w a) r) O 4 o - m U U .C 1 0 w m C ro 0 m m m ri m m 3 u H L w m ro a, -H w o 'A C v w --A 3 w O Pa X •~Ci w m m 4 ~ E a) y (d J-) F4 ,C 3 a) -4 ca (d C C a) w }l )I J-) (d 0 xi m y) -a U U 13 > -H Ot 4 E -li b) 0 J-) U 5i C C K -H E m ill J-) m w m C A] -rA (1) X O -rl 3 w J-) m (d J) }i m m O to a) m H E C o r U H w 3 a) C co -r) -rl ,C x m a H -1 w r a w b) x H -d a) m ro m .U 11 w a O .C C co E w (d u 41 0 m 3 -H N m 14 4) -H -r) !J O w -H H •r-I •rl m a) m u m .U ro o o m U w ro U m u ~ C C w U w ro w > H a C .C U 0 GQ J-) O ) ro U 1 m C y m w m H b1 GYi -rm i U m - .U m -1 4-3 w H L) C O E w N t1 ) C w w O m G q w 4 A u 0 o x E m m -4 X, tr aJ u w rt o C o H 41 > 4 0 3 ~ U ~l u w C m •C -H -rl A w m H H .u 7+ U w d a) m A 41 y N (d a.) -i q -H .C r.C a C ra .C a, .u q .u m to 0 m + x u E a N C m o w b A w m ro H U 0 O O k C a w y.) w -,i a) O la O m C )400 m C 3 7 E 41 m a) I a u m N w O I O tP i a) 4 •rl ro C. bl m w a) •H w .U w rd AJ ro E 3 E m 0 - C 0 m 4 m w )-I C w H - E m -rl X C C U _0 m }-I 10 o a) > 4J a) w m 11 1) ri rd 0 a) (D -H -.-I 0) F4 ED U 4 0 A m ~j •H }i w H o E ro rt .u E m m si w m a) > + r-) E `4 a m E m b) 0) 3 a o O r+ o a w :j a) o > a cl o •11 a) w 41 a 11 .u C > co m rl A }i u w m 1) U ro )-1 m C co m 0 co rd N RO'. O ~ H -rl co x E 0 U) off z H )n H Pa ri 4 au) 0 H co a oD ~ N m a u) m n m m o r) N m w m io n m m o N N w )n ri N N H ~ ri rl N H N N N N N N N 0 rd )i u " q m ul w A O H E a) .C a) A ji -H 41 (0 0 N F' a) A N 41 w i O )-1 ro 3 0 u -u ro J) H 0 y 'O ro ro O N q 3 0 ~ > m o 4' ai .0 0 U) ~q m ro 41 m b U a > H O H co ro C 0 w H (v -H a) 0 H ji 0 -14 0 " m 0 a ° w w (1) m m A E. m > 4-3 ro C C a) a) m 0 0 0 > o U a Ci 3 q U .11 44 .0 M y m ro (L) .11 R a ro ro m m roof }i m 0 ~-I(dw u ro u 0 o ro w 0 N -H H Pi 0 a) P4 Eu m m O .OU C Z -H Ul 41 m w -i ro m mu a b OH E 3 0 si w -H C -1 W o m N w o m 0 X -4 0 r, U -.a F4 O m w O a) a) 0 44 .C E (D „ y C U w C w 41 p C -H O 3 row A ~rl -H w w m U }I m y -H C ~sl i) H r>i L E y w w )i ~:s a w E 3 G a ° as a ° c b) a) p 3 m li a) A 4 ro q ro u o O 3 U L v 13U C m O ro -rl b) _a) C o .C w w ro 41 C ro (a 4J a) a) w N o U 3 i) O )wi b) A H -ri •ri J.)- ro -H -•i .U 3 P4 10 :3 ~j 0 U m a , 44w C w E Si X aCi 4 rd 4 H U 3 ~ a) 3 ro ro .U .N ro U H AJ 4 .U S4 iJ > C u > m w m u Ai o w H li 4 m Jam-) m 'Cu m G C E 3 ~ a a) a, tai m ) rn a m a) U H b) .u •A 4 ro o -rwi E N H 3 m m to 1) w }4 ro f. m S 2 G 3 P, w 4 m m H .u -wi ~ FHC •H C +1 m C 3 V) r H m U 0 G -.a m U Jam-) ro A-1 Ol E 0 3 m m > 0 m 3 u m ~ ~ u C m d x r c! N 'i °"i Cu q G u x w r) U1 .U G O U y 41 ro -~Ui H v E x m ro -s1 ro E 4 0 C 'o m m 3 10 a w w a, O w C ro -11 m m w rl -4 C U a) m b) C. N twi O 0 U a 110 U o -r) w w O w ED ~c 41 .3 rt O O -1 o tr) 41 O) 3 }i C ro si a) -i ro •r~ 13 o m Q U m o a o H m m E O m ro E U m 0 0 cli ro N 0 oH H -rl cn x cri H E £ O 2: ul 0 [a U O 2m H )n 0. H a~ P4 H O E El (U C) H m 0 14 n ri N N d~ V) N n m N O H N N C~ U) to n m T O .i N N T N N H N ri .i N .i N rl rl N N N N N N ro C m m 0 x ° N 4~J 0 ) N 4 4 ro o m m 41 ra m m m u J.l m U 3 m C m m N A 3 C m m C m ro 47 -ri )4 m •ri al O r ro .C -r1 X m ro C C ~j -,H to ~4 -ri m r-, $ m -1 ro o m N o N x 3 a) U m U 0) a) fd N Ol ro U a 4 A N C u O ~ ~ m m O ro Pi 0 H E m r-, a) 0 -rl ro m U H -r♦ H S4 a) >v J~ 14 4 a) N 4-) ro (d n. a) :3 ji ro (a a) J~ m H 41 a) 43 4) (a m m E a) U a) O Id r l > 0 E id O m -ri 0 3 A O m 3 J~"-, m 000 04-4 o m -rA E O a) m ~4 (a 41 4J -H )4 •14 41 0 0 O C N E U •,1 r. o 04 m 4J a CO m ro " U r1 r O > O 4J C $A Ci m a N O 41 N S4 0 u (1) a) -rl H C.' m 0 a) o U Id •r1 ro u r4 C m C U .q )4 JJ m m m -r1 ro •,H 14 E a) m ro O ro a) 4J a > C E H co aJ r N 44 m E ro ro -ri 14 41 .1, a) E ro -rl )-1 m m O O -H Q$ O ro a) m u a) ro O 4) 4J A 7 ~ O O a) ro a) p u m m m r a) C m m 4J m C 4 s4 C 4-) m -H ro ro O 4-3 ro O m m .U m m x H H 41 m O C 9i -rl 4', Q JJ U m N m E a) v m (d m 0 m a) m v ,44 m (d a) a) 41 H E .c 3 s m N Id ro m N m U m C J) JJ H O N E •ri N 41 a) .1. ' -,H 4J U C (a o -rt C m 0 O E SA C a) 4J o m 41 m (1) a) 44 0 C o 41 m u E a o ro q 0 v -r1 m )H a w -r1 O -ri C H a) O -rf ::s (d A SH m a o 47 •ri JJ a) a .4 u N 4J 43 a) m 4J a) a i m m m m 4-) + E s4 m m H m •ri 4 C C m h R •,4 ro v ro m v m ;j U C 3 41 O J m rt •d r' H (1) .d 3 H a) -r4 H C ::s 41 •14 C O a m JJ 4J m m 3 34 W •rf m C m w O U a O J-) > -ri YH m C a) x .u O 4 •rl O U 0 a 4J 4J (13 a) O (1) )4 m ro U O J, 41 ro FC .4! m O m m 4 0 > ro 4) 0 H FC 0 ro C q 10 a) m s4 A A 4J N m d U qq q W U O D )H 4 A rJ a JJ ro 3 m 47 o m -,I U p to m N m u m 0 U El = a) m J: m A N N ro H m -rl -ri m x E. U r-, N •r4 x m o d a) E. A al m O N O )-I w C o o 4J O J7 o E 34 C >1 H •ri o ;j m •ri -r1 O 4.) JJ U 'C 4C >4 m O m m 1 41 m ro m -,1 4 $ 44 m H ca C -ri O f4 m W a) N (L) 0 4J 4J m •d o C o N m 9 04-) -,H ~ 4 > m N a) m }-1 a) o m k m pC -ri r-t 41 m J-) .u m C m Id N H ro m m -,i m m u m 10 m C (d •.H -r4 a) A O m r 4J 41 m N C ro a) .1 , 13 H S4 O JJ a) a) A O r4 m >r 14 -r1 O C 4J (11 a) H Id ro 1a E -ri rd a) (1) E 0 a) O A (1) (1) ro (d O m 4J C m r JJ E E 4J O X 44 41 )-I a) m (a a O fi JJ m 0 m E 10 0 H m H 4 m > a) E U 1 E U 4 o a) 0 N O ro 4-3 U :S 41 Id 47 U a) C H co ro a m O m a) m m }-I m a) m m H m C O E 43 r )-I m •C S4 .11 m J: C 14 E U m 31- -A Id S4 -H m JJ a m J, ro JJ 0a JJ -.H .-t N m w in ~ r m m o ,-t N m a~ m ~ t` m m o r4 N m d, an N r4 H H H ri H rH ri N N N N N N 0 o m C m > 44 -rH -rH C R H (1) 3 ro N C m 4~7 ,G H1d m G 41 m JJ 4.7 J-) H -,H H J,' m O O U) m -ri N 4J N 41 UN 4J 4J .r0,' O 3 N -H 1 0 4J i) m )-i m U 44 CO 4J a) U ro al N 0 ro ro m C a A G a, 4 Li 3 x o H H O 44 (0 3 ro f4 O R m ::1 H rH ro O (1) H U a) a) O -ri 4 ?4 O JJ H U J: U 3 ~4 m 0 4J ro 44 47 O 41 -ri U ro m m m 4-) 44 m a) O -11 Fi a) U 41 a) R ro 3 }4 J4 C w ro 14 C a) m •111 a) m 47 H 4 4J H m a) O H N Is 41 .11, :3 O a) 44 4J 4H 0. H m a) ro -rl H m F4 y N 0 m 4 .,1 -rl y -ri O (L) (1) N -1 41 0 3 ro Ci •r+ 3 4J ro 3 m -ri L 4 a m m U 44 04J O C O R 4J m C C m a) o (a a) -H m Q) m E 4J C m r= N a) o -11 )4 N E y C U •H > )4 U E •H (1) m m O 0 m a) m m i 47 m N > O E H m -r) E C m X 3 N r-, C H H 3 41 (1) 0 -ri H a) -,H 4, a) O o rl m m a O m 41 41 m F, J-) -1 E -ri 4J O JJ 4 y 4 a > JJ u a) C $ 4) r ro 41 •ri H m •rl -rl }4 J•.' 44 ~ ro L U E ro a) O 4-) ro co a) 4 a) 41 4-) ~ ~ u r U m O 4 (D q 41 0 a r A H xi m H o a m m 44 o m o m m O U 41 m m a H -ri 1) 0 4H -ri a) O U r a) C I S4 -ri a) U 3 U '7, 41 m m O M A J, J, H -r1 aI m 4J 4J G J U H H i l L al u m R J) J: 0 - 0 m O $ .4 4H 17 ro J-) m -rl ~ m ~ m m N 4J -H 4.4 0 O 44 U a m 41 (T •C o -ri O -ri C J 4 J m m -r) -rl 0 U 4 L J-) ) J-) ,T; C $ ro H m m .u m O N C a) JJ ro a o .u 1. 47 C O R C m m m U a) r T m W 44 J )-1 O G) O -11 ;:5 A •r+ E E E U 0 (d Z a) ro O 4J m 3 4J 3 a) m 47 E m H E H -ri O a) C )-I )4 R E N 4J O a) C H m a) H .u } 4 co E -rt m a) (n co ::j E X O a) U u m a A X rn ~:j C s4 4.) al A m a) O Ai m C U }4 0 a) a m an L) m 0 -r1 a) H -1 ro J., m ro A-) (a ro E H co 0 -r1 44 a) U in •r1 ro O H 4 4 ro N R H ~ a~ a) JJ C E m C 4J (1) 4 41 O m 4J O xJ ~j O N m O m E O a) H 41 a) 4J J-1 , 4 O 4J O 4-) U U 44 -1 -H H C O m a) L g U m -,A O O H 4J O -H ',S H )-I 4.) A q )-I L{i m H O 1J U m 44 m a) ro O (D 4.) 41 0 $ JJ JJ C m H U ro a) ro -H 44 m (d •ri m ro O 4 )4 C : m O b C (a m -wri li 4Ri m G L full a) y 41 -0 m w q U C m a) -H ro -ri •ri o -.H q X 10 44J 4J m N J E a) li E y 4 a ro a) ( a) r 11 4, a) E v E m E m U O 7 4J r J-' 51 ~4 N O }4 -,1 4 O a) O )4 4, C .C ,1 ro rl 4H G 4J -ri a -H U to JJ 4) O E m a m -rl 4J m m •ri m 0 Cl - ro 00 W N 0 O nx H o o m U o r-I zw H 4n a ri rj) 0 r= C7 H 0 a 0 T 0 CC) ~ O N a 0 ,H-I E x Ell N oa H zw H 4n ID F4 H 4t C7 H 0 a H N m w N ~ r m m o H N ~ ~ en ~ t` m m o r1 N m w m .-4 .-I r4 rl N .4 rl .-1 N N N N N N w 0 Id U O Id m o U) C~ o ca 4-) a) }4 v 41 " v m a U C ° 0, rn ~ m ri 4.3 m FJ 0 O U) -.i O -rl w U C -H Ea 4-3 a) C i i w s~ ro 1-1 v m ° w rn ° m u a) E ro w m o 10 a m u r.) rn H ° °d u o m ro E A J v G a A EQ q U m m m o ••i m 41 C a) x a a) U) -H ca a) a) 0 0 (1) ro U u E A rd m H 00 x C A Si E m ro C •[u C Id .u a ro o (Da) o ro O 4 m w 'j • a) it O A w U m O .u a) ro O ate) aQi Sa q N a a)i (D a a)i m a) E .u ,mJ C a) H a) (1) m C A) -n 14 m 14 -,I ~:l a) m m m x o ro m .u C o a) ;Jo C o w -,a u -.-I C a) -rl N 4 m w C O O o w (13 E G 0 a J O C > a) a; i) 41 a) U) U 4 b) ?Oi H ro b ~ A JJ 0 (d A 0 m L -4 m n. U A m S4 N H 1) -,I -a m Ql O a) H 41 4 rd > rl O Q) J-) a) )d m F4 N (1) m m ro ol o) 0 4 41 lii 10 3 m H 04 '0 A I W (IS m F4 m 11 •H m C O .0 .u O t` Id m H m m m o m a u H r U x H O w N >v rl O C (1) (d m )J ri F4 S > al > a) Q O C~ FI E It a) A L rd > -.i m o to A o 3 y m m 4J 3 0 O 0 iJ C E -n 3 .C b4 f.' C C .C Q > IJ U a) o rn w U v ri rn W o si E m z -•i o 41 )-I r-I o m > m a 443 x ~ o C 10 °a x u u o C a) ro O -H U 3 -o Sa m 044 O ••i Q 4 4i m a O m m U m U 0 a) E S4 n rm 0 v 11 > ai rt 4J o E a ~:j m m rd -1 u (Cl ro ° ad 0 r >1 3 A v EQ 4141 Q L a N y ro C m U m 01 3 n r q 1 d 0 0 04 4-3 r. a) G JJ a co H ro + u' m S4 m a x v m ° C m q 14 0 ° a ) 1 b C A m m A 3 q ~ :J Aj 0 ro 3 C . r-i O 3 C C O O x 4 a o (d m u O 3 a) a) > :1 0 -A m Ed Z O ro a 41 w 4 H 7 J ) 0 3 a) 3 a ) o E [a (d -H rd :3 4 4j U -H (d 0 ED (1) .4' U a) m m A A-3 0) 44 4J H b) H r-I ri H H ro E w 5 rd J-) > U x x a m 0 U a rd m ~ G a ) 1 - i r d a 0 cro OD fo N F° k 0H-I H -'I ca x H E x N O o z H In a rl O 5 H W O a N ri .i N m V~ Ill lp t` m 01 O N N m d~ t!) lp r m m O ~-1 N m p N N .-1 H .-i rl N ri H H N N N N N N N C m o S4 m a) d a) i C a ) r. A 4-1 4 O N -H w JJ >y E H a) a) E 0.l ) r O O o H a) (1) ~4 N U) ro N -H w to H E w G N to 0 0 to m C •H o a) m a .u ,J U 41 u m U E ° m v y G b • d N a) m ro Si S4 a) •rl 1J E m U) li C E O q m m to F4 -H o C H H 1) ::j d) (d a) a (a )-I v m u )J O r. r) E 41 (L) ro w xi C U W O 41 U 0 m Jy ri 4J 4-1 U) }i JJ O a) 0 U 0 J-) -H 0 m w {-I q JJ n U x U 11 L) -H ro H Q m o n. O N -.-I a) Id O F4 C R a) O O C Q O JJ C A a) ri O •n C m a) -.i )a u -H O y 3 A A a) a) rr x m 4J n. v m O u H A m !J C m m 11 N E )J G a IM m w 0 (1) m U C m rn N m C [ m 0 H U + a) v ro + a) U m • A (D iJ E m w 4 a) H )J FI H ::I F4 O 4 4 C U .r•+ 0 a k (d U r, y, m U O) )J JJ a) 41 a) 4J o a a) (1) m m ill m m 4 )J (D a) a n. E r+ 0) J ) }4 ( m )J 4 a a m r O -H 0 0 0 + a m C o 4J ri w A-) H )-I 0 w 0 >i 0 •li (L) JJ H m rn m 3 w > U m 0 H m G 41 rn a a o s C m > ro H x H A C m C a) 41 a) 0 O H a) O ri m A Y) N A x w ro m O x W a H 'o U C 4 m m ::j to x ~:j m x H E O 0 )J m a) m as u a) o a U Co 'o ra m JJ H A -H W .I..) H H k U H M 44 E a) :j U > z m C) 4 rd ro m L w m 0 U o A O U 41 U S4 O (1) 0 3 Ci O O m a) >r H N W O H $ H (L) H > m Id U > Ci H W JJ v J: > 41 3 .U .U 1) o) m Cl) > m C iJ 4 a) -H r m r. P4 0 >1 - H H rx O O Q U H Ol C S4 F'i H -H 11 X .U H 9 C Q) >t -.i -rl al m a) u g U U f- (a m 0 O L > O 10 E - N 3 iJ O 41 tr) y N A m 3 1J m m w O C H ~-l C m M S4 > 4J C m m a) -A )-i m 7 4 tr) s+ a) C C a )4 (L) u u r O a) o -r+ m a) m > O m ro u m o a O 0) A C m s4 a) C C -•i w Sa m ij 3 a m .u O a .C C O ro O 3 E O 0 ~ro ~0 N W O r-I 0)x o O m U O zw H rn kD 04 H R' L C7 H U) O a H H .i N m w N e n m m o .i N a~ u) e n m m o H N m w N H ri N '1 .i .i .-I N ri .-I N N N N N N a) L J m~ > }4 n. S1 E f-t U) E C 3 U a) -,°1i yi A Oi c , j ~ 3 3 A U m bl O - A ro W rd m }4 )-1 O X > H 4 ~ a) m s l k 0 a .U A L 4 U U N . ~ O x ~-i 3 O .t i S - ~I m O H a) > Id a) E y O 4 ~4 S4 a) A) (a C ro )1 W O m O J) E O U o a) H i 0 H H 10 0 fa 9 o 4.3 a) a) > 0 H H C a) d) :3 (1) to co 3 ro 0 o x a) E m E o K a) ro 3 3 ji )4 ro A ro ,i m ° A m 71 O o m : o li S H x H ° (a a) ° > (Cl a) m a) ° E H A) ::s o u (1) x O ~j > G' ro 1b }4 La ro U ro m G' a) 4-3 •r H H ro :j O v ro Q •ri O .C H O m X O )i )-1 a) m -,i a) > m .,i 3 O Q) F] ro a) > A-) ro CT C to H O 3 E m a) F m -,A .C bl C O E > ro > > O o 0 w -,1 0 w o u •,1 ro ro (d 0 H O -1 3 H O F.. O H a) H 4) 3 A U H 3 C 3 0 0 M M ro H H t3) E ? O C ro x H -Oi > 3 o O 44 N C Ha 3 > -,i (a a > •r1 > 44 u a) w u a) w w w w x 4..1 a) b, u 1,l H ° x La i) 3 x H x a x x ro 0 a) ro ro C U X H U L) U u O a) w k a) O 3 La H H H H H )-1 a 4 E .C a) 0) S-1 O {-l U > U u u U a) W a) U (1) a) 4 ::1 0 41 U ro ro ca u M U En U co u J-) > 4 > ~l .u to o x C H )-1 m H H H H H H H H U m O J.1 x a) x (d > > > > 0 O S4 E a ro U w 11 U O rC r~ FC rC E x w 3 # ro O )i a JJ Q a q a A a n a O a) a) 1-1 C,' k H k H~ r m rHH H m >1 S 1.l .U .U 1) O O r~ x r~ r~ ° H yl rx c~ U rx U rx U y a) C 3 (d u O 0 O ro O A m C -,i ro A 0) am m Ed J-) m J rd u U (IS u ,-1 o 0 a) -H a) ~:j m a) 0 3 )-I •r1 x S 1 0 -,i C a O o m 0 E m a) ° E ~ m H i 4 M R H O O (l) - H H .L) A) 4 -,1 a L U Ol m 0 0 cc) m 1- 0 N a 0 H H - l Wx N x O 0 z F° H Ln 'Z H $ ~o a ri R,' y (7 H CA O a H H N M d, N lD r m O) O ,i N N d1 In N m m O rl N N v m rl ei rl ,i rl H H .-L 'i rl N N N N N N ° x u E E C a o ro m w qq ~ F ~ 41 3 X U ro m 0 H -I 1 G I a >y 0 H ro .4 ' E -H N ro l.) G' ••i m a) U C.' H ro u u .C -•i ro C v m aJ C 0 ca w a) (L) O u C m Q) C , o i - C o O > A H m i) x z ro x •,i E ro 1 P4 ,i m li C N H m Ea x q ro o C (d a) ro ro ;j ro -H m (1) of o v N 3 a C H 0 .C La C C O a " d 4-) ° Ol C 0 0 b £ U ~ E O ~ m 3- C C m N C m O .u m Ti -,i a) 0 - •,i •H E a) (a ro > a) > F7 > a) > m > E m > r-i :j a) -Y Aj 4J 0 4-3 C [a m ro Q (a Ca ° Ca W > N - 1i G i ro ro a) -4 ro y m m ro u ro U U U O A A ro a) F4 N }-I m O i-1 H ro ? 3 m £ A H H £ N £ C C7 Sl :E: 41 " m A u v s a a W N N ro ro ro H N Ol to a) w w w w w w 3 E U H H H H t E ) U U U U U U a) m H H H H H H A A Si -'I U U U O U U U >1 O •ri SA U CA U m U co U El) U Cn u CA ro -n ro (O a) a) H H H H H H H H H H H H E 8 > H X > > £ C > z > z > S4 >1 a) a) o N 8 ro + C z a Q a A a as ca a A a Q a A a) 0 H 3 H H H $ H H H ° ~ ~ E n m a U 3 9 u a w > C y O li H m ro O U -H to La bl a) •H O U m (L) H m A m -H H -,i m La 0 1) ro a o 0 H m o tr a, a) Q) C 0 E 0 m A G O 0 O U U m -,i La H .i N N ~ m ~ r m m o .-1 N rn a 1n ~ r m m o ,i N m a vL rl N N ri r-I .i .i .-i .-1 ri N N N N N N M H LD 0 0 ~ro CC) m N R°S o-H ~x H E m0 0 0 0~w H L(1 H a H w 9 ~ H CO 0 a > 4 m O H 44 4.) 0 10 0 m A O U rt O ro N U U N -rl w 44 M m H AJ 44 41 ~4 (1) ul m }-t P 3 E +j P 4 , 4) 4 u O 10 a) (a (6 u 0 m m ro 4 m U 4J H P4 H r . Q) :J O .4 m m C .4 O C u 4.) 41 -H C m 3 ro a 3 C rt u > A N 0 0 ~ 0 3 H H m -r1 41 H rd A O }l fa W 4 m O• 4 04 ° u m 1-1 O 4 z 0 H u m A C 1) m O 10 O W N Q1 0 m ri) O H H C N -rl co ::j a a) - 0 41 H .U O H .4 (1) H M r h ° O a) x O 4 O O U ) O 01 U ro N N n. 0 15 m O H H U 41 C JJ m rt ro N CO M E 4J a) W e U O a) # A E O O) 4 !J H H L m U Ea ° m m -n H U -U ~:j m N m O E E a, ? o w ro 1 .4 4 rl U m U m (1) 41 Id L) 0 E- C U 4-1 0 b 3 n. m q m -°i o 13 M O 3 4-1 -H ri N P o W O C E r EA a) (D (d 44 a) a) co N -•-i .U m m X 4 -A rt m v G ro m y b) U a) 4 41 A rt z~ C N > z~ ~ A z~ -°t W m m 0 rC a H ~4 04 04 H a) 4 ~ 04 S+ H O E C x m J a) ]H !°J CY 0 H a) u z u H WW" z (0 z E H HH m E a O O a r-I off -.i COA m (L) 4 ai x E m ~ m O E 4J a C O n. Pi 4 a) O U U C C O y U q O O O U 4 m O .U N E aj 4.1 U H a) H 44 w C -11 C O AHJ w , i 3 m a m U ° D q ED 10 o E rd 4 J JJ a) ri m a) O O •H 4 CO b) U m ro U O) iJ JJ N ~ro m m \ O N Pi U H cx z O :X: Ea u O H LO w r-i O E C7 H cf) O a ~ N m w 1n Lo n m m o r1 N m w ui ~o r m m o ,-t N m e~ m ri N N N ri ri ri .-1 ri rl N N N N N N A A 0 E H 4-1 > a ) m U A ° 3 _ ~ r-i u m 4 J J O E U) 44 ° 4 3 : m L) 1.1 11 44 4-) .L 41 J J -I -~I C O U n. C m JJ C O m 3 O) A 1) 4 (1) 4 m x H 4-1 >r O O H H ro C O 41 m >v H 4 JJ ro 01 -H AJ m U m m co a) m o 0 m E x o a 3 01 H C O H A O 4 -rf m JJ m m O O a) -J -rl ? n rl 4 w 04 o ° ' ° x -l i u a N rn x rt H 4 m P4 R 4 1) C O A 4 .4 m .4 H ro H m } m •,q JJ -,1 -H U N JJ m O m a) O C -ri 0 4 H p, m JJ o o O O) -r) a .u JJ ra m r m a O O 44 o m m (1) R ra ° m JJ >y m O " n O rd 41 J J N N 4 4 N JJ .u bl to H 4 JJ m ro a) o m > -r) H ,J 4 ro AJ o rci C 0 m m U m 4 m O C J A m C A 4 4 ro a u 0 m 13 a) p1 m o) O) JJ C (a O) C m 44 X H > m C m .u 3 ro o O a) u (d > o u m o JJ L.) o a) a) 4 x la ,J z m m o 4 x a) m H m m a) ,4 m JJ C dt 4 a) co W W S a) :j .4 1) H E al a) fk H H H m 41 C W W 1J H W H 4-1 W a) U C P U n. O U O N U > U N A N H H [11 p; •rl H A a H Q) R: a) H r4 4 O U C w m U m w a) U 4 w } U 44 N O) 3 U U O m U x U 4j ,7 O U .7 H H O •rl H a) O m H O E H CA O m 10 H x O) O E £ H O E £ Ij O O P (D O m r 'a x E a x m ro x O a) x m 0 PS JJ O ai O x .ri .U R$ M ~ m H >>11 U N >1 m a) H L H > > m r ~ E m r J r ~ x o u P £ C U U ~ U U J J , U m m n a a) 4-3 Q) 41 M H r-I Q) 4) 10 m o 4 > m P, .u O -•i .4 a) 'CS 4 y v m 0 C H > !J H m m b) .4 U ro a ri m a) H 11 4 4 .U .Li m 3 44 m C 4 JJ •rl b) m ro > 4-4 H m m Cn E L -rl ,4 C a) v -,A 4 C 4 -.-I W -H m H 11 m ro s ro m m u a) H 0 ,j .a N m ~r m to n m m o rt N m w N e n m m o ,1 N m w m ri .i rl ri N .i .-r ri N rl N N N N N N O 0 ~ ro CC) (d N PS Z H H -H ED x H E 0 m O0 z P9 zHz N W H Q,' N H O a N ri o a) ro a, ro V to m U m al U J) m 4 4 0 4 X LI LI -~I ro •H (d m O 4 m O F'. O o 4 H 0 0 •H -H a) LI C 3 m m H m m H LI A. x U m e U a A a LI .u m sa 4 O O ro a) H O m m rn o H m v v 4 v to o m 4 4 a m .4 -n 0 0 .4 4 x > ro A 4 ro u 41 N o u > u H 4 0 E b m ro ri o u H a) + o > o H H ri :J El m tP m 41 a A m 4a •H x m 1) (1) a) M a) ::j O H 4 10 m H 4 > u 3 a > O) 4 O 3 (a m -H O W N m O O a) m O a) a) 3 4 H E •d 1', .u -H m -H H H m > ro H H o) m JJ A) E (V 41 M O w mu p, U u a H .u ~j ro o > .0 ro a u •H H o 4 E m a) •H A H U m 44 u ri E O ro 4 G E, ro 4 m -H P, m o U a 0 ::S + m 4 o m a o E o 44 4 m o o ro o -H L u 4 44 H O a) tT a) ro 3 O -H U 4 .u O m -H U O H a) 4 4 m O O A 4 4 > O -H m m E 4 U a) 44 > L) -H x) a .j N H O v (a ro x H a) Lt O m 4 o ro 4 o a) m 0 O o -H m ro L) to ro rn m -H m m LI a) 3 A ro mu L! O ro 44 w ,4 44 4 4 C H O E > 4m H H 4 m U 4 O )J o •H >r •H m -H o) a O m o) i) ~i O m m .,1 O o X A 4 44 H m .4 4 m r~ x a) H m LI .u 4 U O (1) o L1 LI m •d m -H L1 H m m o H U a) ro -H a 4 m )J ro o m 0 m (d 4 4 4 •H 4 C m a) 41 L) a) m a) m ri of 4 H H a) 3 o m Lt O it (1) m U m (a H U d H z X > 4 •H z U m ~:l 4 o :J H 4 a x U U 0 m 0 H o m m 41 H U . m .U H o t) m a H •H 1) H m d O 3 3 CY a k A L U H a H ) O a H O N O O L O H •H H E a) 4i Id •H m ).1 4 3 H R -H U C m A m m U N O 4 a) 4 m a) •d 4 O x a m .4 U) •d C U) a H 44 a) w co O .4 -H ri A' -H H H n W ro 41 d d a) -H W ry O 4 .u U Lt O j m LI m ~o 0 0 .U z 4 o m ro z Ca a) LI O) 4 a w 4 O H Z r H O m o w r. H •d o o 4 to a m 4 ro U O H LI a 4 H H 4J a m H a) H w ji l O H E •H H 0 -H -H >1 'd 01 m O U) O 0 4 CO H -H LJ E 0 o m m u 4 H q m ro m x x u H o L) co 4 E H m > u m m 4 3 x H H m 4 :e. 3 H o + H y •H LI (1) m N 'd O (d .U H £ m m m £ J-1 O 7 4 3 .4 4 ro 3 3 a s u L) L) m S C ri tr a) 0 4 L) 4 4 0 44 rd o m a -H it m o o O a) H m 0 > x o o m L -H z o 4 U v o 44 4 4 U -H 4 a E H W -H a) 44 m 4 m LI ro •H LI LI C )-1 y H 41 H a) r4 -H o) m H 4 O H "d o U W U (a J-1 4 4 -H O) t3) m -H 'd o (L) 4 •H O ::J a ri m a) -H O H 0 m 4 L) ri 44 H a) C 3 4-I A R -H a 3 m H ro m O N •H H LI H O m O 4J q aJ O E •H U 4 rt U v m a > -H m H u to 4 d) E Z L) L) al ro 4 ).1 -H H LI O) a) a m m 4 E a) m m a H o m o H H 4 a) 4 a A LI m m o .4 a 4 m m O U -H 4 ro m A A d1 m -H m ri U 11 m -H H ID 0 0 O Na o~ nx o co U O H W w4# o 5 ~ H co O a co H H N tit sM N l0 t` m rn O H N N d~ N b t` m Ol O N N M T N ri H rl rl H N ri N H H N N N N N N C O m 1) o) a) -H 3 ro •H 0 4 N .4 O O ro O A H H L) 4 4) O ri .U LI m ro H -H x 41 ;j H - H N S m O H v .U C A O rO r i E 4 y O E N U m O N a) r-i 4.1 L1 A O a) m m -H O E v ri 4 E H ,O H m M O 4 4 H m -H -n a -H m L) Id A J-) 4 LI L7 Lt a -4 O 0 1) 4-1 4 O H m (L) a) m H H a) L! m 44 3 m a) -H H 4 4 H X 4 L: a .H H o 4) 0 3 W .u o m 01 (a m u U a) a) a) o m 4 4 LI a) W ri 0 > li U a) 4 3 > 4 0 .O H H a) H a 0 o m E 4 A-) m m m LI 41 A A a) 4 O y) p, a) m 3 J-) m m' r-1 ro H .u a) .4 a O 4 O 4 (1) ,4 ro .u H .u m L) H E u m m ro m A o d) L) ri -H 4 4 3 m A 47 W 4J a) d m •H O rd H m (a H 44 O (1) LI E 4J m O a) O 3 ri -H A X. •H 44 4 4 m ~:j ro )-1 H 3 a) :J n• 44 O -U 4 0 L! A o) 0 4 0 4 3 a) o to m H d' ro LI 4 a) a) 44 y O H 4 X a) a (L) a H 41 'H a > a) (1) z (L) -H o 4 m H O 0 m ro LI m m A A O .4 n. L) m m H o m 4 m ro .4 .u 3 4 M •H O ro .4 > m a) to O m al H 0 m > rC > ro x a, L) H A m i O H ri H a) m :j 10 .u E ro -H m r-1 4 4) m m H 4 a) .4 o 01 u v 4 3 a O > m H m O 3 i H X - H H 4 m N E ? L 7 O z a) 3 •1.1 z m H z O H H H -H O H M H H K ro •H H m LI .4) H ro m a) m u m a u ~D > H 4 p m m p 3 4 t3 U a O q a) m it N CY H 0 4 o a O) H 0 H 'd W -H W A H 4 a) a) O 3 z 4 J.) x A r-I ri a N W O) a > U a -H m ;:j a a) a) W o 4 W O 3 W a) A O 41 01 .4 E z LI O 4 z O O) O z A N C W u m m 41 •H O W M E -H 3 O O x 4 C P] O W O a 4 LI H a 1: 7 L) a) H H H X a H 4J a -H O .u m 44 1 X ca O 1) E U H 4-1 co u O ca m -H O 4.1 x al 4 0 ro H vl x H d o fa ca m H ~j x cn 3 x m L O O )J M O H m o H ro H z m O H m L7 N ~ H ro S > 4 -H U 4 C z Al >1 > z > d > 7 a k O r-I a -H E m O d £ u m a E -H a C S a o 0 •H 4 o a to 4 -H O O m O rx o H o L 4 o U o m o 4a U c: Q o u 'o m o m H E ~ m m J ? H M L ) H ro d m m n, u u r m -H u r.) a) 1 H Ol ro m a) U u -H M M a -H 4 b L) H u to O co m 4 a M 3 m X 44 H H y m m 4 H 4 ro u H U) a) H L n• d •H .t-1 4 H A) H n• a) 4-3 a) 4 m L) O E m O O) U) L) -i H Lt 3 m a) U (U rn 4 m 3 A U o) m to U rH m m .11 4 W 4 -H O 4 d O -H d N 4 -H -H 4 L1 LI L) m U 1J H m m ro o' > •H 3 H m N m a N e n m m o ,i N t+1 w m )c r m m o r1 N rn a H H ri ri ri N N .-1 rl H N N N N N N ID 0 0 C11ro co it 1- 0 N a o rH-1 H -H U x ou U O ri zW H a ri 0 r= El U C7 H 0 t` H ro m W 0 H rn 0 o w )%1 r. 0 H - O -H C C a) •H C C ro a) ro C Ell JJ C ro JJ H N -H ro > .C•. JJ ro O 3 .4' .4 O ro -H 3 -O ~ 1-1 m u O .C 4.3 .H .u m U E 3 JJ C JJ 3 JJ a) W m U X O .U .U O O m 4-) -H X a) A m m G W JJ H F.' H -H H JJ m (d b m a H O m C O 4.1 -H E N A O > H > N b C U) C H m 'O C rd A ro O .u 3 H C C v 'O b m -H 3 .u .G JJ - 0 (a a) .u o a) H W JJ C 4 v r 171 m ill m A a Ul ro ro J-) W L O m O C31 0 A 1.1 JJ ,0 a) O f.' X3 u 3 H ,C C O JJ C a) J) E m ,1.,-' ro 3 0 O m n. JJ ,C 3 •H X3 ro ro 0) >v (d - m .C a) O J.1 -H O JJ o .u m O 3 C ro ro C 41 U E 3 H JJ m p1 4-) A C H o O +n C 1, a) ro b ~ H o w J ro > 3 m m C v N a H N JJ 0 3 co m E > H -H a H ro ,a C ro a- (0 W a) o o 0 H (U o a) o 1~ a) a H u y Ol JJ H A A ro ro u ro H J. Ul JJ H O a) H ~j a) 3 C o E ro a) H S a (1) 4 C O a N fa m m a) 0 - O 3 JJ :j a) 4 E JJ 'd li x a) C H H o H m (d o b - a) b-H o 'O u ro rd H JJ b1 0 4 W Ea a) H q C ro t)) J..1 C C'. C U O H ro JJ H C C 3 -H C :j m ro v H to E C -H O = •r H -H .U O H 0 E N Ol m a O C r o a) C 41 o C H ro -H C C 3 H (d O J) E 0 O 'd Ol (a Ol a) 'O 41 a) -H H W U •H 3 -H O O IQ C JJ H a) m 4 C O to o m •H x H ro (L) U E O a C L (1) W JJ H m C 'd m U 4 H ;j o x o a w -H -H w al a) C rd J) (d H H •H W O C o E m -H A a) A G a) W m o (a N y E •H T) JJ 'O 41 a) m H W a) (L) •H ro W O 'O K a) ro H JJ .u H m x S., JJ 'd ro x O m a) N O C > •H O JJ U JJ a -H rx w X U a -H m (1) W x H bl p O H m 3 W O H m W 4 H C O -H •H a) ro a) a U E O z JJ O U -H z E JJ ro ro ro o 4 H > x > U 0 O m 0 -H H U o C H U ro -H H H fa - H H JJ H 0 JJ H (El a) a) 41 W 41 X W JJ CA m 10 ZG Cl) m a) O 4 W J, A -H O -H fn •H l7 4' a U) H > 'd W a) m O 41 0 - Qi 'd J-j H O W, O H ~ ro C U N ro W J) J.1 H a) ~ U H ~ o m C ro C -H H m al - ro ro H C 3 z A m m m 0 -H O > W JJ H H (1) .r~ m H O O O C U) E O 3 4 H ro m 'O O v U 3 X H V C •H C U ro U ro U O 4.1 U (d it 3 H 4 ro C O ro a .U 'O ro W u m C o N m 3 Z M H 00 or, C O 7 9i ro H v 0 ro ro .r, O H >1 0 E U H w i (a O C X C b O W a) a a > o m W -H 'd •H ro ro C b x (1) ro O ro 3 H 0 m -H O H ro ) ro a) C -H A m m JJ o a) m C H o m a) m H w a) -H E 0 Ol 'O x H a H 'O a) U m X - G' a) > rd o ro m ro ro v H ro rd y m ro H J H JJ r U ro H J) U E .U '0 J) m O E U ro -H W 0 ~ro fp m N0 o rH-) H -H m x cf) H E X: ul u 0 H zw H N 10 10 w ~ 0E E- a) U H 0 a- N H N M d~ N ~ r CO 01 O H N m [M N b r (D O1 O H N m d~ N H H H H H H ri H H H N N N N N N m H JJ JJ H m O O 1 A M 44 IJ 4J C, N N 44 ~ 0 W W ~ W 0 4 .1 A H O 0 cc H rt G > -14 0 A 41 (d N U 41 a H J J C H U C m a) a) (a 41 0 N U J-1 X 4 W H U 3 Rl Id ~ H 0 H 4 E -.,1 44 I ul 10 P, 4.3 0 ji 44 04 U A U A O H m O y , JJ N a) a) 11 a) A -W 411 m i L) > b -H a W a) H JJ H JJ O N JJ H ~:l ro •H ro >v .U X ro O A A A 3 O A N U J j il m r~ J J a) v 0 0 A U z 0t > W } a - i z > a H b 10 H H H o o 0 o m 0 w o m x x A n• m 3 A u H ~ u ro w FC n b C! H ro ro 8 r) H A ~1, fa H H H CA £ E a] m E 3 10 o (15 ° a ) m P4 ::J >q -U A W H .U H ro J) C ro x H ro o] C H •H W £ ~C A 'o o U U 0 0 0 y 0 U L) ul 10 U ° ro u - ro o rl i S U JJ U 0 H A Q) JJ H -H A H .C U 41 41 w v (L) C q m >1 m N N O O A A 0 41 _rA J J E U i 0 Q a) 114 ro a) (1) A > E ~3 4J N w C m H O ro a) J J O 0 3 rn a) A m X C v a ro A -H ro ~ % . .J J ri ,,pp Lei 0 f } i b .rJ ro O al N ro JJ 7{ ro H W ro 2 m -H ;:1 .1 J 41 S 1 N U 3 0 H -H 10 U) o 3 U u .C G a) X H l U H C u J) O 3 :j O O •H Q) H m ro J1 3 w A N o 91. .0 W 4J ' H a) A W >f Q)) n. C E t .1 O1 a) as •H J-1 3 b % H b N 41 01 r 1 H ri H N A N 01 J J (o ~4 Id 4J 4J Fi r, O a .ri lm o O O H 0) U w u > 4 ~ ~ H v w 0 U 0 u . o a o (d x r CO U O ' •H x ~ X a CO m w 0 Cn JJ a CO a .H JJ Pi H (O P4 0 H H £ u A £ H JJ U A u 4.3 H w i L) u U ;J > H -li a N N b tr (d a, ro 3 E ro A v (L) d m q 0 .O 3 v m H O u co ro 1- 0 N Pi H OH H -H ~x H E E O U O H zw H N H aZ 41 ~41 (J H Cn 0 a 0) H H N m a~ N to r vo m o H N w N io r m m o H N m a N H H H H rl H H H H H N N N N N N N >v co dl C (a S-I 4 Q) ::j (a :J IS4 fi a) 10 Cd A G tU J, (d 0 + O N H E 3 'd O E E O rd Si 3 H JJ H - 'd (d C k m 4 A 4 JJ •ri H a) J-) C (1) ro w ca Si w o W JJ •ri ri Ai JJ -li O X m A JJ JJ -•i £ C 0 JJ C ri O 3 4-) (L) JJ ro H m 14 A a 4 O O U O as r. C 3 w 4 fd ro C E r. )P a) JJ 0 JJ JJ rd U ro ro H o a) E ro o i x U JJ r. 44 -H (Z U a) 0 H to k E 3 H C ro a) C b a m m to •d a) -H x 3 w o E Si a) C 7 Si a) JJ O }i '0 H -14 ~j rd m JJ A m 4 rd >1 H )i E ro t)1 4 C ri (d a H C rd (d J.) m m C a) H C o O C J-) (V )U C a a) ro 4 A N ro 4 ro fa U E x O C E ro 4 (d ~ ri 3 H U U i ro C E U v U U H v m ro ro m U ro 0 m H a) a) w C si -ri C i fi to a) A C > U A a) A 44 C si (a O 3 H O -H ro w C 3 N JJ U C -ri rd ~3: N Ol O Q) U W 'd H .C ri ro m U AJ O U 900 H C 4 .,1 00 j a) 40 4 C C x >v 4-) as m -rl co H 0 v O C v .o b aJ o H •n a) (1) U ri •rl rd x N JJ a O 4 O Ol C -,i 3 JJ O ED ro C O ~4 JJ C m JJ ) f C (E m b E t71 U iJ ro o •ri F.' m m O O rf O O H M4 p (D C -ri r,1 H a C 3 44 O C Si 4 E a 44 .U O ro a) -rl dl O x m 0 0 JJ O -rf > ro J, a b JJ d T m m o A C a1 -ri 4 u A C u ro W 7. C C M ,C -rl H fE U (1) J, X of g N JJ Si JJ 0 rd m ro r O fa (d a) > 0) y (D -ri )i (d -ri o o E i-I ro .u 3 U Si a) u -n (1) C C w )i >v 0 C >v m O C Ul W O ri A m O -ri (d -rl r •d q 41 a) JJ q H O E A C to •d )-I y U (d JJ O a .ci o ::j - rl r m a o r, a s r) a) O A a) „ a W O w JJ m C -•i N a) J, O O H x )i C O 'd }i x H m U O 3 > 1: 3 to 3 m a -r+ O z 1 ro Ol O U a N •r) id m m -r) J.) rl a H 41 a) $i )i C r .U H w O 1 O H C E H A -4 .4" FC k n• O -rl (d U z ro C )V 3 .0 JJ X ro 1 3 m > 3 m U O m U JJ O a) J-1 N to m C H H P: y -rl )i C -,i m (d m m C o (d m to 4i N m ox ca O C H 41 w -r1 u A (1) C U) JJ E C i v -ri -,i m X w a) a • i > m 4 3 > O W H O k 4 m C J, a H H rd E a) Ot a) U -rl ~:j JJ fd m -rl Ol 10 O ri H z >i H O -rf O 3 -rl 41 fd J, to ro 4 J, a) C M N 'd 'd M C ~ rx a) U m ,C C m 4 m H -rt A O C ro C M O O cx U m H w a) 3 A m w H 4) z3 N ri 3 H O U `4 U O x a) J-) ro C (1) •ri JJ C m O U m a) 4 •,i U H 0, m - i o C ro JJ JJ C C -rl A 0 a) J-) E U O a) 41 a a) C O U2 fd o m • i O JJ C -r, o E C C JJ (a C A -ri m , •rl O 3 m C Si N 1) J.-) o ro x ( m -r+ O li a~ aJ X A m a) ri m a) .u E a) C E m al J, U O U X b b H C ro a) m u U E (d m )i J-) O C )i C al k O N a) X -ri -rt J, O a) tJ W a) O 4 .U O rd O to O O A )i 4 m 4 x C.) )i d' O 4 Ol m -H U E U C 44 .U 0 b y (V 4J & a) rl N m d~ m N t` m m o ri N m W m lp m H N O N N m sM N ri ri rf H rl H ri H N N N N N N N JJ 4) C a) ri O rd a) m a) 0 u C E ai 5 0 3 H G y a~ A X 0 O 43 and Pi X Si b a JJ ro 41 4J ro O 41 a) d C mi E A ) U 0 3 O -H P( q AU rci ,O Q) (1) O H r O J.) (d a O O JJ 3 AN P J, -H A aro) U J°J Cn m ro b H 90 Ji m C 0 o > to -Ci id r~ H m 40 m i P O H (d E a~4i •pi b aAi C b m to ri -ri -rl m JJ JJ N O a) m m ro a) a) 2) O )i Z -ri O aa) ) O ((d m O C m mEz m ° ~ -ri k > C W 1) }i O JJ O -rl H ai m m ro b a o ro a -ri fd 0 H ro N a) C a 1J m o ,0 a U )J.' ro JJ 4 E m o ro a ,C U) 41 CO m N a) JJ E 0 (d m -H U a) m f ro a) a) E rdq m H d 3 0" )roi m .,j r (1) ro d C JJ O r J, H ro C JJ J C C C 4 3 a) a) O C -rl ri m 0 -.i w (1) i 41 FC Q) A 'd 0 m 3 o 0 G A d 44 4 -H 43 4) 0 O L) ? N 'd .ri JJ ro m u -li m ro W aJ ,c; a) 3 ca fro, O W rd A a) m 43 x C J, 3 al ro C JJ M4 m )i (0JJ U O -rl C A O a MU JJ 1 7 40 H $ JJ W m )i H fd U O m L -li U >r (d O C a) z -rf U C ro o O U A b 4 Pi -rt H O C U rd 44 a) C a H (03 (Oa H Ol O HL N X O £ aJ -rf m O) O O 0 £ r. C 'o ro -li m 0 4-1 fl; m (15 N to a) a a) CO -H H > a ~ -rl JJ E U 41 -H 4 H E •rl N )i m ~y Z (d a) H a 41 JJ O a) AJ a) u ro ro ri 0 X m U "1 O JJ -n JJ (0 4 J: A a) O C ti Q A JJ U rd m H H 1J U a) O U 0) b O ro m JJ 4j u) m o C O 7-I E 3 O 'd (o •rl -rl (d C N a) C a) C m N O •C m J-) )i -rl 'C L C li X > x) m to N a) -rl O m C 00 -H N A UO U LO O 4 JJ a) E U a) E m 4 d (0 ri rd C E 'd v )i -r( to J, A a) v d 4 o o C .C v C .C •ri -H U) E )i 3 3 b U C 3 JJ It y k ri N m aN to t` m m o ri N m w N e t` N r1 rl N ri ri r1 N a 0 .°u 0 H a) m a) J a i ~4 o 4-3 m P H -r i ( 4) H JJ a) ° m u a i ro 04 0 G ro A ~ E (IS sa H E 3 > U 0 -q (D 0 JJ 4 J, O (D p 4-) 4j 4-) w o m k -ri -4 C u) q A 4 -r i Pa -H -H H 3 4 H m U A i w k 0 4 U b 0 4 i w ro Q) w m z 0 z m A O d m N N O jj o O W H a) O am i S O C . 0 > z H a) d E a) 0' w m 4) w a ) ri ,C m C x C A }i ro Q U N -i m R z ,t j 3 O O }J a) W m J-) ro L a) JJ O ° E 0 >i U l u) m O\ O N N m W f+l H rl N N N N N N 0 co 96 N rx O rHi U7 x O U O ri H L[1 Z H w ri U H cl) O a N H N 0 O Cq~ cc) ra N ° o~ Cam H E E o O W U O i z r w zH ul $ l0 a H 0 r= E- 41 C7 H cri O a si o 1) C o o m H -H O F ~J 4 m n. C O 11 ro a) 4 l-) m O y .1-) lJ O 41 4-1 iJ 44 O 3 y ro E W C ji 41 m (d N 10) bi E •H ol 10 41 4 41 rd 1-) 4-) ro ro C b G n. a) o (d a) 4 w O li O O U m O m m O .,i to .U rd a) C a) > H E O 3 A O m al i m rl O E o1 ;:j O C O 11 m E m yl .N -H a) x H S-1 ~ -1 0 H O ro ro ro H o > U m ro U C •11 O 4 •rl m m H a) T m 3 J.) 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CA x U) U U £ iJ Cl) x x O H a 0 a N H a H a Lei H O a H la m a > H O N 0 O E O O C ;j C) Aj u o r) (L) o o u u u u u u u m m u o u -rl E U a) x m v m G a) ~ ~ m ~4 o • i mu 3 ro U m i! m m ro to H a) y ° n. x G i v y C m O H O i] ro 0 o s C ` 0 o o C o ro H m 3 E In u i 0 m > .u ,j C ns rl N m s Vl to r m O l o H .-1 H N H m rl e H 111 H to . r H m H . I o N H N N N m N d N VI N 0 0 ~ro N a O rH-i ux H E O m o0 zm H 111 H a~ P4 ri) p a) ~ H W O a N N Date: January 25, 2006 For Agenda Of: February 8, 2006 Agenda Item: 1 CONSENT REPORT TO: The Planning Commission FROM: The Development Review Committee LOCATION: 615 Blossom Hill Road Architecture and Site Application S-06-036 Requesting approval of a time extension to construct 49 apartment units and a recreational building on property zoned RM:5-12:PD. APNS: 529- 16-026, 042,073 and 529-14-012 PROPERTY OWNER: Steven Dilbeck, Bill Errico and Cupertino Development Corporation APPLICANT: Cupertino Development Corporation DEEMED COMPLETE: January 24, 2006 FINAL DATE TO TAKE ACTION: February 12, 2006 FINDINGS: As required by Section 29.20.325(b) of the Town Code for granting a time extension. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: It has been determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and a Mitigated Negative Declaration was previously made for this proposal. EXHIBITS: A. Ordinance 2122 (Exhibit B excluded) B. Letter from applicant (one page) dated November 21, 2005 C. Required Findings D. Recommended Conditions of Approval E. Development Plans (28 pages) received January 24, 2006 A. BACKGROUND: On March 19, 2001, Town Council adopted Ordinance No.2081 for a Planned Development (PD) to construct up to 49 apartment units and a recreation building on the subject properties. On February 12, 2003, the Planning Commission approved an Architecture and Site application to construct the 49 units and the recreation building. On November 17, 2003, Town Council adopted Ordinance 2122 (Exhibit A) to amend the original PD ordinance to delete the requirement for an emergency access road, which is discussed further in this report. Due to the current market situation Attachment 5 The Planning Commission - Page 2 615 Blossom Hill Road/5-06-036 February 8, 2006 for apartment units, the applicant did not vest their approval and requested and received approval for a time extension on December 8, 2004. Due to the continual market situation for apartment units, the applicant is again requesting a time extension (Exhibit B). No changes to the approved plan are proposed., Following is a summary of the previously approved project. B. REMARKS: 1. Architecture and Site The applicant is proposing to construct 49 apartment units and a recreation building on 12.12 acres which consists of three parcels. The PD encompasses four parcels. The fourth parcel accommodates the access driveway to the subject sites only. The two northern parcels are currently undeveloped and will be merged together. The resulting parcel will be developed with 39 units. The southern two parcels are developed with the existing Los Gatos Oaks apartments and Live Oaks apartments. Ten new units will be added to the Live Oaks apartments. Reciprocal easements will be required for access, parking and storm drainage between the property owners. The Town's Consulting Architect reviewed the previously approved plans. The applicant complied with all but two of the Consultants recommendations. Conditions were included as partof the original approval to require further analysis of the other two architectural items prior to issuance of a building permit. Apartments - The proposed apartments have been designed as townhome type units in that there are no units above each other. The majority of the units will have their own parking area, which is located below the unit. The existing apartments have carports or uncovered parking spaces. The tallest building (which includes the loft) will be 37.5 feet (measured from the floor of the garage/basement). This is consistent with the approved PD which allows a maximum height of 39 feet 10 inches. There will be 42 new market rate units and seven new Below Market Price (BMP) units. The proposed number of BMP units is consistent with the approved PD which provides two more BMP units than required by Town Code. The market rate units will range in size from 1,180 to 1,857 square feet. These units will contain two and three bedrooms. The BMP units will contain one and two bedrooms and will range in size from 690 to 1,194 square feet. The site plan, Sheet Al of Exhibit E does not note that Unit 39 is a BMP unit. However,. the elevations for this unit, Sheet A7 of Exhibit E clearly note this as a BMP unit. Recreation Building - The proposed 3,203 square foot recreation building will contain a lounge/library, bathrooms, exercise and craft rooms. Outside the building, there will be a BBQ, patio and picnic areas, horseshoe pit and a bocce ball court. The proposed recreation building and grounds will be available for use by all three apartment complexes. Soundwall - Pursuant to the approved PD, the plans show a concrete soundwall with a horizontal lap siding pattern which has been located and designed to meet the requirements of the noise study and directions from Town Council. The wall is located four to 15 feet from the property line adjacent to Highway 17 to provide room for landscape screening and irrigation. Gates will be installed in the soundwall to allow access to the landscaped area for maintenance purposes. The landscape screen was required by Town Council in the event Caltrans removed The Planning Commission - Page 3 615 Blossom Hill Road/S-06-036 February 8, 2006 the existing trees in this area which currently provide screening. The maximum height of the soundwall is eight feet on top of a six foot tall berm to meet the requirements of the noise study. Shrubbery and 51-24 inch box Redwood trees are proposed to be planted along the Highway 17 side of the wall. This plan was carefully reviewed during the original Architecture and Site approval process to ensure the wall would be adequately screened. 2. Gradin The project will require 10,600 cubic yards of cut and 1,600 cubic yards of fill for a total of 12,200 cubic yards. Nine thousand cubic yards will be hauled off site. 3. Access Access to the new apartments will be from an existing driveway at Blossom Hill Road. The existing access driveway will be widened and realigned with Roberts Road. Some of the existing uncovered parking spaces along this roadway will be relocated elsewhere on the site to accommodate the driveway changes and to improve circulation. All parking spaces meet Town Code requirements. The applicant will provide landscape screening along the driveway to reduce existing headlight and noise impacts to the adjacent neighbors. As part of the approved PD and the proposed intersection improvements, the applicant proposes to relocate an existing traffic light at the entrance to the subject site and relocate a driveway on an adjacent residential development located southwest of the subject site. The current location of the offsite driveway is unsafe for the adjacent residents to make a left turn onto Blossom Hill Road since it is near the street intersection and pedestrian crossing. The relocation of the driveway will improve the vehicular movements from the site. The original PD was approved with an emergency access road to Placer Oaks Drive. Subsequent to this approval, the Fire Department determined that this access was not required since another emergency access road exists out to Blossom Hill Road. As stated above, Town Council approved a modification to the PD to eliminate the emergency access road to Placer Oaks Drive. The existing road to Placer Oaks Drive will be used, during the construction as discussed under the traffic section of this report. Once the grading construction is completed, the road will be closed off and brought back to natural conditions. Currently there is a chain link fence and gate at the top of the driveway at Placer Oaks Drive. The gate will be removed and the fence will be replaced with a six foot high black wrought iron fence. The civil and landscape plans erroneously indicate that the gate will be replaced. A condition was included with the original approval to ensure that the gate is replaced with a wrought iron fence. The gate was requested to be removed by the Placer Oaks neighborhood. 4. Traffic Trips - Traffic was evaluated during the PD application process. The proposed project will result in a net increase of 318 trips per day with 25 trips occurring in the AM peak hour and 31 trips during the PM peak hour. The developer is required to pay traffic impact mitigation fees. The Planning Commission - Page 4 615 Blossom Hill Road/S-06-036 February 8, 2006 Construction Traffic Plan - During the original Architecture and Site approval process, the applicant worked with Town staff to prepare a construction traffic plan to mitigate the concerns of the Placer Oaks neighborhood, to reduce traffic impacts on Blossom Hill Road during school commute times and to reduce impacts to the existing on-site tenants. This plan was previously reviewed and accepted by the Planning Commission. The applicant proposes to use Blossom Hill Road and Placer Oaks Drive for one way construction traffic during the grading operations since the existing driveway to Blossom Hill Road is not adequate to accommodate two way tandem truck usage. Staff considered using flag persons to control two way truck traffic along the driveway to eliminate access to Placer Oaks Drive. However, this process would require staging trucks along Blossom Hill Road, which would result in a significant traffic impact. The proposed one way route will allow trucks to be staged on site. Following is a summary of the proposed Traffic Construction Plan. • The travel route has been defined to exit the site to Blossom Hill Road and to enter the site from Placer Oaks Drive. One of the reasons this direction of travel is proposed is to reduce the amount of dirt and dust in the Placer Oaks neighborhood. Depending on weather and other conditions, grading operations are expected to last two months. • Reduce hours of grading operations to less than what is permitted by Town Code and the PD. Proposed hours will be 9 AM to 2:30 PM on school days and 9 AM to 4 PM for nonschool days. • Coordinate with school for in-service days. • Monitor street cleaning and dust control. • Notification to residents 'in the Placer Oaks and Blossom Hill neighborhood prior to commencement of construction. • Coordinate meetings with affected school administration. 5. P_arkinR The required parking for the new apartment units is 123 spaces (2.5 spaces per unit). A total of 143 new spaces will be provided (2.9 spaces per unit). The data table on the development plans erroneously notes that there are 140 spaces, but the site plan shows 143 spaces. The parking data table on the development plans also erroneously notes that there are tandem garage spaces. The garages have been designed to provide side by side parking. The parking consists of the following: • Two car garages (total of 80 spaces). • Four one car garages (the plans show these as carports but the Commission conditioned the project that the carports be enclosed for the BMP units). • One individual carport space. • 58 uncovered parking spaces. The Planning Commission - Page 5 615 Blossom Hill Road/5-06-036 February 8, 2006 6. Open Space A minimum of 9,800 square feet of open space is required by Town Code for the development. This open space can be composed of private and/or community areas. The square footage of the recreation area alone is approximately 17,000 square feet. In addition, each unit has its own private open space which is enclosed by a five foot high patio fence. The development far exceeds code requirements for open space. 9. Planned Development Conditions It was found during the original approval of the Architecture and Site application that all performance standards were addressed. C. RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee considered this matter on January 25, 2006. Since no changes are proposed to the project and the plan still meets current Town requirements, it is recommended that the Planning Commission make the required findings for the time extension (Exhibit C) and approve the application subject to the conditions (Exhibit D). Final action must be taken at this hearing since the application will expire on February 12, 2006. r Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development Prepared by: Sandy L. Baily, Associate Planner BNL:SLB:mdc cc: Cupertino Development Corporation, 21060 Homestead Road, Ste 120, Cupertino, CA 95014 Steven Dilbeck, Dailey/Dilbeck Management, PO Box 2158, Santa Cruz, CA 95063-2158 William Errico, 6131 Southerness Dr., El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 N:\DEV\REPORTS~2006\615bhrd.ext 615 Blossom Hill Road elli° - ` \ _/'r L. ~~tae J uas°na Tercac ~ Gai . ~ r n ® o spa °y 0 SX~ ~~0~ ~ hrr~p o f r rr' Aar/~ CO Pe ~ mil e are ` F~~~~~C~ \ v \eocc e r ShelbQr~- ~ v /a o \ ~O~' Q rle R. m \pd E)i~ de N CO ~ rya / Cf cr J`` a t / ) am ~ U ~m y ~ 10-ISO Hin Ra er r N ~ aJ o ~ ° \ n L-- . . eris~RC ~ y ~R O `~~eLgC~ ~i J O h /n0 , ` like- Ri • Ra heraD \ .C Lr \ 0 non. l~ ~ ORDINANCE 2122 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2081 RELATING TO MODIFICATIONS TO A PERFORMANCE STANDARD AND SITE PLAN TO ELIMINATE AN EMERGENCY ACCESS FIRE ROAD EFFECTING A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1:8 AND RM:5-12 TO RM:5-12 PD FOR PROPERTY AT 517 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD, 615 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD AND PARCELS BORDERING PLACER OAKS DRIVE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The Performance Standards of Ordinance No. 2081 are hereby amended to reflect the elimination of an emergency access fire road. The following Performance Standards and revised site plan shown in Exhibit A, are part of the original Official Development Plan of Ordinance No. 2081 and must be complied with before any issuance of any grading or construction permits: (`MITIGATION MEASURES) TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: (Planning Division) ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPROVAL REQUIRED. A separate Architecture and Site application and approval is required from the Town prior to the issuance of any permits or construction on site. 2.' DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (SETBACKS, HEIGHT, PARKING, ETC.): Minimum yard setbacks, building heights, etc. shall be limited to those depicted on the approved development plan. All setbacks shall comply with the approved development plan. 3. FUTURE ADDITIONS: No additional square footage shall be permitted to any of the units. 4. ***MITIGATION #1 (HAZARDS): Priorto project construction, a Phase 1 Site Assessment shall be prepared to determine the presence of hazardous materials in site soils. The assessment shall focus on portions of the site where fill has been placed. If required, the Assessment shall provide appropriate recommendations of any required remediation. 5. ***MITIGATION #2(CULTURAL RESOURCES): In the event that archaeological traces are encountered, all construction within a 50-meter radius of the find will be halted, the Planning Directorwill be notified, and an archaeologist,will be retained to examine the find and make appropriate recommendations. Page 1 of 9 Exhibit A 6. ---MITIGATION #3(CULTURAL RESOURCES): If human remains are discovered, the Santa Clara County Coroner will be notified. The Coroner will determine whether or not the remains are Native American. If the Coroner determines that the remains are not subject to his authority, he will notify the Native American Heritage Commission, who will attempt to identify descendants of the deceased Native Americans. 7. ---MITIGATION #4(CULTURAL RESOURCES): If the Planning Director finds that the archaeological, find is not a significant resource, work will resume only after the submittal of a preliminary archaeological report and after provisions for reburial and ongoing monitoring are accepted. Provisions for identifying descendants of a deceased Native American and for reburial will follow the protocol set forth in Appendix K of the CEQA Guidelines. If the site is found to be a significant archaeological site, a mitigation program will be prepared and submitted to the Planning Director for consideration and approval, in conformance with the protocol set forth in Appendix K of the CEQA Guidelines. 8. `MITIGATION #5(CULTURAL RESOURCES): A final report will be prepared when a find is determined to be a significant archaeological site, and/or when Native'American remains are found on the site. The final report will include background information on the completed work, a description and list of identified resources, the disposition and curation of these resources, any testing, other recovered information, and conclusions. 9. FENCING. All proposed fencing for the. development shall be reviewed during the Architecture and Site approval process: 10. SOUNDWALL. Final details of the soundwall shall be provided during the Architecture and Site approval process. Gate(s) shall be provided in the soundwall to access the landscape area adjacent to Highway 17 for maintenance purposes. 11. BMP UNITS. The Developer shall work with the Director of Community Services during the Architecture and Site approval process to make the required arrangements for the BMP rental units. 12. BMP PARKING. The assigned parking spaces forthe units will be further reviewed during the Architecture and Site Approval process. 13. DEPRESSED GARAGES. Slope details of the driveway to the depressed garages shall be provided during the Architecture and Site approval process. 14. STUDY SESSION. Prior to the Architecture and Site hearing for all of the improvements articulated with the changes and finalizing the plan, a noticed study session, involving all interested parties and the Planning Commission shall occur. 15. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. The developer shall develop a construction schedule and a traffic control plan during the Architecture and Site approval process to minimize the potential for traffic safety and congestion impacts to the neighboring streets during construction. 16. LOFTS. During the Architecture and Site approval process, the Planning Commission Page 2 of 9 shall consider whether or not the loft should be removed. (Building Division) 17. PERMITS REQUIRED: A building permit application shall be required for each proposed structure. Separate Electrical/Mechanical/Plumbing permit shall be required as necessary. 18. CONSTRUCTION PLANS: The Conditions of Approval shall be stated in full on the cover sheet of construction plan submitted for building permit. 19. SIZE OF PLANS: The maximum size of construction plans submitted for building permits shall be 24 in. X 36 in. 20. SOILS REPORT: Two copies of a soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations shall be submitted with the Building Permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 21. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector upon foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the soils report and the building pad elevation and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations are prepared according to approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. Pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations 22. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: California Title 24 Energy Compliance forms CF-1 R AND MF-1 R shall be blue lined on the construction plans. 23. PLANS: The construction plans for this project shall be prepared under direct supervision of a licensed architect or engineer. (Business and Professionals Code Section 5538) 24. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: This project requires Class A roofing assembly. 25. TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY -MULTI FAMILY: On site parking facility shall comply with the latest California Title 24 Accessibility Standards for disabled. 26. TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY - MULTIFAMILY: On site general path of travel shall comply with the latest California Title 24 Accessibility Standards. Work shall include but not be limited to accessibility to building entrances from parking facilities and sidewalks. 27. TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY - MULTIFAMILY: The buildings shall fully comply with the latest California Title 24 Accessibility Standards. Page 3 of 9 28. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by UBC Section 1701, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit, in accordance with UBC Section 106.3.5. Please obtain Town Special Inspection form from the Building Department Service Counter. The Town Special inspection schedule shall be blue lined on the construction plan. 29. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION STANDARDS: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program specification sheet shall be part of plan submittal. The specification sheet (Size 24" X 36") is available at the Building Department service counter. 30. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The Project requires the following agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a) West Valley Sanitation District: 378-2407 b) Santa Clara County Fire Department: 378=4010 c) Los Gatos School District: 395-5570 Note: Obtain the School district form from the Town Building Department, afterthe Building Department has approved the building permit. 31. CONSTRUCTION HOURS/NOISE. Construction work hours shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Procedures with the highest noise potential shall be scheduled for the times during which the ambient noise levels are highest (i.e., during peak commute hours.) The developer's contractor shall employ the quietest alternative equipment to muffle or control noise from available equipment. Especially noisy operations such as mixing concrete shall be performed off-site and not in the general vicinity of the project site. 32. ***MITIGATION #8 (NOISE): The project shall be required to include a noise wall along the project boundary that is' contiguous to the Highway 17 freeway with the height specifications as recommended in the detailed noise study. 33. `MITIGATION #10 (NOISE): To control flanking noise, the barrier shall continue along the southern property boundary as specified in the detailed noise study (attachment 1 of the Initial Study). 34. ***MITIGATION #11 (NOISE): In order to meet Title 24 interior noise standards, the project shall implement general construction measures as well as window and door controls as recommended in the detailed noise study (attachment 1 of the Initial Study). TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS: (Engineering Division) 35. LOT MERGER REQUIRED. A separate Lot Merger application submittal and approval is required for the proposed project prior to the issuance of building permits. Page 4 of 9 36. GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for all on-site improvement, grading, drainage and erosion control. A separate application for a grading permit (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. 37. SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the grading permit or public improvement application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. 38. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated by separate instrument. The dedication shall be recorded before any permits are issued. Reciprocal ingress-egress, storm drainage and sanitary sewer easements, with adjacent properties, as required. 39. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL). The developer shall pay a proportional to the project's share of transportation improvement needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit applications is made. The fee shall be paid before the building permit is issued. The traffic. impact mitigation fee for this project, using the current fee schedule and the preliminary plans is $194,922. The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at the time of the building permit application, using a trip generation rate based on apartment user 40. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town. Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of=way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the Town' performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 41. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. 42. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting an work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection. Page 5 of 9 43. GRADING INSPECTIONS. The soils engineer or her/his qualified representative shall continuously inspect all grading operations. The soils engineer shall submit afinal grading report before occupancy/Certificate of Completion. 44. SURVEYING CONTROLS. Horizontal-and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, forthe following items: a. Retaining wall--top of wall elevations and locations. b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. 45. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and . submitted to the Engineering Development Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. On sites over five (5) acres, a Notice of Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. Grading activities shall be limited to the period of least rainfall (April 15 to October 1). A maximum of two Weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed to go on during the rainy season. In addition, straw bales and plastic sheeting shall be stored on-site for emergency control, if needed. Install filter berms, check dams, retention basins, silt fences and straw bale dikes as needed on the project site, to protect downstream water quality during winter months. 46. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION PREVENTION. On-site drainage systems shall include a filtration device in the catch basins or a grease and oil separator shall be installed. 47. ACCESS DRIVEWAY TO ADJACENT CONDOMINIUMS. A "Stop" sign and stop bar shall be placed on the exit portion of the driveway that is to be built to access the condominiums to the south of the project site. 48. UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility, services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code §27.50.015(b). Cable television capability shall be provided to all new homes. 49. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. Developer shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 50. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line. Page 6 of 9 r`°'°~, Yom) 51. MITIGATION #6 (TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION): The minimum inside turning radius for dead-end, two-way aisles shall be 20 feet. Either the two dead-end aisles shall be redesigned to achieve such a radius or hammerhead-type design shall be employed. 52. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a five year Landscape Maintenance Agreement shall be entered into. (Parks and Forestry Division) 53. NEW TREES: All newly planted trees are required to be double staked to Town standards and shall be planted prior to final occupancy. 54. TREE REMOVAL PERMITS. Tree Removal Permits shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a Building and/or Grading Permit. 55. TREE PROTECTION ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE. All existing trees both on and off-site in the immediate vicinity of the project which may be affected by construction and are not approved for removal shall be protected prior to and during construction. 56. PROTECTIVE FENCING. Prior to any construction or building permits being issued, the applicant shall meet with the Director of Parks, Forestry and Maintenance Services concerning the need for protective fencing around the existing trees. Such fencing is to be installed prior to, and be maintained during, construction. The fencing shall be a four foot high chain link attached to steel poles driven two feet into the ground when at the dripline of the tree. If the fence has to be within eight feet of the trunk of the tree, a fence base may be used, as in a typical chain link fence that is rented. 57. IRRIGATION SYSTEM. All newly planted landscaping shall be irrigated by an in-ground irrigation system. Special care shall be taken to avoid irrigation which will endanger existing native trees and vegetation or any water sensitive species such as Oak trees. 58. WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCE REQUIREMENT. The proposed landscaping shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. TO SATISFACTION OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY CENTRAL FIRE DISTRICT: 59. CONSTRUCTION: All buildings shall be Type V-1 hour construction based upon occupancy type. 60. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED. The buildings shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. The fire sprinkler system shall be hydraulically designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13, 1994 Edition. 61. FINAL REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: The final required fire flow is 1,500 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressure with the installation of the automatic fire sprinkler system. This flow Page 7 of 9 shall, betaken from any two fire hydrants, on or near the site so long as they are spaced at a maximum spacing of 250 feet. 62. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT(S) REQUIRED. Provide four public fire hydrants at locations to be determined jointly by the Fire Department and the San Jose Water Company. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 feet, with a minimum single hydrant flow of 1,500 GPM at 20 psi, residual. If area fire hydrants exist, reflect their location on the civil drawings included with the building permit submittal. Required fees to be paid ASAP to prevent engineering delays. 63. PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT(S) REQUIRED. Provide private on-site hydrant(s) installed per NFPA Std. #24, at location(s) to be determined by the Fire Department. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 250 and the minimum single flow hydrant shall be 1,500 GPM at 20 p.s.i. residual pressure..Priorto designing the system, the project civil engineershall meet with the fire department water supply officer to jointly spot the hydrant locations: 64. TIMING OF REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATIONS. Required Fire Service and Fire Hydrant installations shall be installed, tested and accepted by the Fire Department, prior to the start of framing. Bulk construction materials shall not be delivered to the site until installations are completed as stated above. Building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. 65. FIRE APPARATUS (LADDER TRUCK) ACCESS ROADS REQUIRED. Provide access roadways with a paved all weather surface and a minimum unobstructed width of 30 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 45 feet outside and '31 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 10-percent and vehicle loading of 52,000 pounds. 66. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS ROADS REQUIRED. Provide an approved fire department engine roadway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15-percent.' Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications A-1. Cul-De-Sac Diameters shall be no less than 72 feet. 67. FIRE LANE MARKINGS REQUIRED. Provide markings for all roadways within the project. Markings shall be per fire department specifications. Installations shall also conform to Local Government Standards and Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications A-6. 68. PARKING ALONG ROADWAYS. The required width of fire access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner. Parking shall not be allowed along roadways less than 28 feet in width. Parking will be allowed along one side of the street for roadways 28-35 feet in width. For roadways equal to or greater than 36 feet parking will be allowed on both sides of the roadway. Roadway widths shall be measured face to face of curb. Parking spaces are based on an 8 ft wide space. 69. TIMING OF REQUIRED ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required access roads up through first lift of asphalt shall be inspected and accepted by the Fire Department prior Page 8 of 9 to the start of construction. Bulk combustible materials shall not be delivered to the site until installations are completed as stated above. Building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed. 70. FIRE LADDER TRUCK SETUP AREA(S) OPTION: Provide Fire Department Ladder Truck set up areas with a minimum unobstructed width of 30 feet and a minimum length of 60 feet. Area shall support 75,000 pounds of gross vehicle weight. Area shall be paved or other engineered surfaces may be used with Fire Department approval. 71. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property: Numbers shall contrast with their background and be a minimum of four inches in height. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 72. GRAFFITI REMOVAL. The developer shall post a letter of credit or cash in the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) which shall be maintained for a period of fifteen (15) years forthe removal of graffiti on the sound wall once construction has been completed. SECTION II This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on November 3, 2003, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the. Town of Los Gatos on November 17, 2003. This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, Mayor Sandy Decker. None None None SIGNED: A LOS ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN .0 S GATOS LOS GATO S, CALIFORNIA OF THE TOWN OF LOS TOS, CALIFORNIA GATOS Page 9 of 9