01 Staff Report - West Valley Sanitation DistrictRd ba!fto c f m ww~ et'x~r 5~ Sara a Ma c~ ~ hate i ~ . xxa t_crsces ~ s` z> m 21 1 4 E LiR Lt ct~s~4m`e~~et~~e~~`s sfancetr~~a~~~,'z.~v~e~~e:;tcz`t 3 law- IM l F f aw 1* a 4 V. s t, _ on= le ma". if v r ELVADQM r~ w s s IT ~ ti-Vq '%'SLems. m 0 N. K' ~ It IK R x WA a I RE, hlS0f tk%l[~~` ACTHORIZI-N6 ~,,,TA DR TO SIGN THF: A. 6) -DBN'lf A ~tf iS-I S,-- yN J TATI Oit DI.STT{IC L AZ 1 Tl ih; 'I'(}t~T F I ( l GlM E) D.,0 TAIL; "1 }'I?~I OL INE I.OS GAT'OS SAN,I'DaY SE,WEIt ~,~I~?:C~~~{ )~S~:Ii~;5r.1i~~~~I~> ~~~I ~.i,l'~•t~. RE_.SPONSIBII_,ITTES TO tt'FS'[' N~IICRE A.S, p Wrest Valley County SauitatiaTl Cotiulty Sanitation Distriel No. 4 of Santa Clara i'c~~ri~t~ ei tz7afterief~3 e'c3,f iast`UiSt i~t:"t+ndttliei "iTowo o I.os Gates, ItcroUiu'cr n-fcTwd to as "T•i)cnte:ra; .ianlaqg1'~'~rn~i~t~:c~7z:nl ent(l],- l "District 4 - Lis Garbs I) i SevveT AgT.`,~` rtgi~ntT" 1r~i'Lttlattt*1 `t~~rt': t~ ~t:t1 ct~ ~r~~t~~t rlt;i~' B. On Decctxther 4, 199 1, the DIAl"3i t ar..t~Z~eenleiit:-t facilitaT, cl~~rnes itil~roc~.dttts ar~.c}tec}zrloloU (,iel:e.il~3ft$~-rCierr~iti-~ca:5 Viet Fi~t'.:n~erd~iLrz:'':, C. On Ju»e 12, 2001 113,2, Ustrict anc` flief ,vfgl ente,recl.i It >«raiarr~~r~~l'z~~~itt; e~tep~lii~ the -terns of tlr: ,fi r erner,~t and First r'ln~enilrne ref: a~, y✓~I~ ash a~~l a ~t~t~ci tic711.Y~-~e3'zlrs} ~f~e e~r~a~t~-r f refjTed to as the "Second . -niendmeni"); ;Jule 2005 the District and; Mte,,C ,'irtio: a♦ Soci( zl~ Ctrxt iauatii k ,~~rcc-nlent hexeiaraftc.r r:;1c~r~nce~1 as tlxc~ c-~.trndiz>tx~tl~et:~~r;L~r7zerrt,ar~~~r,~l' axxre-rac"~at~~r~y,t'it~~,}~fettzl~ex-} p m 30. '1005 as well as adding a ditional ttrmz E. In , tryust 2005 the District atx tte,,'~~~~~~~} sAgre, tmcnt c Nlcndi;icr the Acrcement and all a rne:Atc4zlgetzis}tq L 'ecesx~tie~i ?}?1. r a • F The.Aueei-notrt.tooetltcr-vvitiitbc i5t<<~r~clr5~c~~7d~ ~ri~iezrcl'~~~~1~t5*~ nti~ru~tii~ agr,cezrrr;nts «iII cxpirc ors Deccrnbcr• fi, 200.5, G. The A`-.recmcut, hotli Atrrencinie-nls'k~rrcl. l cillti'iiu t re tzi izzsl~~rtii i~I ~f >r, 1ie; 'To1,~,rT's oE t?mtiun of its sanitary sz~ver s~stenl ~~itir%il.Ylie ~<1rk~~i~ariesl+rt:Ll~~I~'stxtcta~~zl~},® H. The Town vvishi:-s to iranstcr and tie~,vez systenr ej'lecti- c Nwvenibcr 1, 2005. 'T, 'HLE:FO:t~E, BE I`I' R]SOLVED. That the A recrnerrt t.ttr rn tt'€:~t ' jlle.~;~~ anz`t'~ti{e?i~° FSt ict'arx~tlrc ~~ti-n o ;iasl t ~T: il're Transfer of Sanitary Seu e r S,,-stein, attaelied, l'leret'c~asi ".1i' with F-:hbit's "A" and "B" thereto, as descrin, ~rz~ tlt~il:-lay ~i~~~} rtll~~za acf;fc~ ~i;~la, tic • a; reenltrit orrlel-,Af of tT1e nj.vrr< M a PASS1,A) AND kDOPTLn ai arogttlar v cvM# g;lyf,-K f:6; vt l.oiV.ol';-;cs! Gates. California, bell on the 3rd da~~ of C,0t TC'4 MEMBERS: , AYES: &ct'c Glickman. Diane ,AET~~t~+.,1,~~;rk; Rkfayor Mile Wasscrman. a done _kBsEI<T.. No ° SICNED z "'s' 01-i 1 1,5sciua an, ~XTTFSTe ~is!,Vlar ,yll J. Raslvussetl CLERK, AD-MINI;STRZVFOl Of "I.I-TE ON-,V-N OF LOS G;1T a -1 -2 -=-a & A .1 .1A M AM ' 15 _ LIN ~ar Iff Raft MR"19,; 9~mxwfteiiftw w %ft ",SOW. Onftdmmzfx M, %1, 9 wjuiy 5, ZQ5 to Distrist to Tawa ~w-lo :Yh L a,$eond: nab x ~ ~tn'f 0 P" a Too M _ afiftl "N a~ p s ='It~ I R@;.Id#fa.doffmjmdfn '.Amid 5D mamm&Msm to" " W 0- M-1 i LL o a -4mxalf wn-N A- jn;Tvli &Wgg,Ta-ff law-sJ-0rhe&~j&.dad, Vdu - Ofd am* W&WN)ff )q%um- zed # is_ y - - , IE POO R ~q10'.~.M. ~ mom . IM Iwo Wpia a a a 1) VOTMAA WOWED M, v m 0-0-b-b-M . rat k } ; a fiffbn ' Wove", Y' Ric fWadq0b, m! A woo r w err w1l", NAM lao n* -MTd .w thift Mao mm-mom rrf al ' v UM dillbTloteg mw oft _ f AMAMI& 'tr M r d .t ame"t ~f t Ar*f &tft I r d,~ " ' TM t-M D A-4 M- t qu o R. ON"', wm"Anwm awl6g, at Jul: ~}~{w _ Vol" W ` . 4 H ~ `M-~ p , =R%maptanglo % y~ Wum 0- .t Aa A _CA RMONUO r 4 ~ +d soft, & SEROM ii OW&YA gg M& id i IWo# . €f "k, 00 t 1 ' ~1 Ng bolumucu-19-mm OWtAA ~s T..~` 'Bufflo rm_wpm m t • w YY Q m ~ ~ l A i ~ 'M R.