Interviews - Appointment to Boards, Commissions, and CommitteesYM s ~ I P I . ~ ~.~9Yt N O~c • ~~~;rsP r a~*ra IATE! TO: I{RONI: SUDJECT: f6 le A, I COUNCIL AGENDA PORT )TINE 1 2005 MA YOR AND T( WN` -OUTAN;CIG, • m ® APP4~1NTi~NTSC)r175~'t171ICi~~,C)I4T~E. jmelvi.o s forComintizzity S rvices ornc~~i i~t , enez ~ ~ ~rb.Cti~nir ~ tte~;~ icz~:;Cra ~ #artat4a awl Pa kin" comn-6ssion "veie held prior to the Duna i~ 20) 51 T"!Vv.r ..Cou11A, .Ktotirf0. 'tI'l e..Le x"I ,orze. xpph ant to the Col4mtfnity Service ~c~rt~rzzi5s c~tr~`J,ians}7ot-titiitzz; ancl' az~n ~ C'crnzrn%ssxoriy aA General Plan Comau'ttee. A cazld.idate for the. t Te.caer z1 Yiart.Cr~vlMitfee, PatrIrRjc;~,, a cSrtic?rt, aA.at7~~,rtf?i; ~zfetf4i 'Sztuxrnc:. F, -2(07,s}ut ~z i'E ntrve<~ed dune(, `?C1t~ pr`zot toithefC->~rr~~i~}.'.°'s]'tia;, IFoIlu~~rng tzr~ tlft nanzGS oCf11C af~~]icants <uicI.itic~y;a~rs~ty~~,:itit~L~~~~;c~LSfzf:i~}rzi<i~~a~p~c~l~C;~i~?~li~:trif:~. to the. Vacant posit om on the Corrinltinity erg ic'e~~ G'.ci trn 'Graz 3c3rc1 ;I.}? aza~' ~nizti t e',, and Bans ort"ttian af)dYarkin C'rrzlIrhissiori- a; . • a PREPr EkL)~ _BY: Revi nvCd by: _ -Comp-111111t, RCfC:,m~_ttc,,k ; r_~, l ,~'Iarl~}n l~aszntrs~en "Cjerk Adnu'nsit'lator hlana z° asst, Nf, T_ Vclopmcnt L.1bruy. ~i:`,CLi<;13,(?',~«fJ j 4c ~ CO'~~~7:5SI!3i~:4 PlL ~,TL'i2:PT~~L, ^;fU~: •,vL,s L rLZaS ;Lonna,4~C; zr l t i T i t 1; 6f~I C~ I i !':4A am; m I ~ PAGV 7 SUBJECT: Coma issiovs, Boards, and Ce>mmittgcs- r`r3Cf1 POSITIO S AND ' PPLIC AN S: Transportat.io.n Lind Parkiti2 Co a Liss on One (.l) Vac,aux y Applicants,: • Barbara Camillo' J3r2at:c.I;ntin . _ Lon-miunit r~>c 5 (~73X].ZI)iscit one (1) V ai ancy a Applicants: ® B ali ua Card iiTo - NIAlie Drake ~a [jeneral. flan C°omn ttee (One. business iroper y~'c~~~'zt~,r t~ana~ia es~c~t, xsigtes zti'~1~ i n°.. One Il.) Vacancy Applicants` • Patti -Riue • -~jar ;aret S i gift m Barbara Ca?-dillo has <Lpp]iQ ] `t(y;tic C.c~n~n~tanitys r.,v siCr>trtaai s `can:. ut l ttjel"l;zat~5ptirta oit,an~i: Parking (~oa~unission. . 8 8