28 Staff Report - Council Commission Retreat April 27, 20051 ~ k7 ~ 1Q3 ~ A~~S DATE: SUBJECT Mi11_:No.1 C'Oi✓NCI GFAD.X`RE PQRF' Juzie 14, '2005 'O. 4IAI OR AND T0WNVOUNC'IC Olvi; APPROVAL OF St.1Z1~~~RX'~T~~~S. U~rIZ~. DEBRA RECOMMENDATDEBRA :k UP THE PLANNING t~~)_t~•IN~I~.[C?:l~' :L AplarE~ve t]te sunnuarv notes from the own (_".~aunc i~ I~]'hi~ in .C ern i SS E z~ ~ tie t c: tart tii'1 ~ ''M5 and ~action .iteriAs include(] therein, and 2? Consider and provide direction on possibly enabling ordinance (if anv) such as number- of! ineiAk'r4 arid. fengifir ~~teran~.. ~tNrf: -wi-IL icoipol'atc c ha i-e to the Town Code as direcfc(l h ;~l.C~utmrjt' t- r6i'scusszoav as dp)sDt Ietagri,ov, at is future inee:ting w1 m) staff return", with tike{7e5c3ifuti~> t.esta~~i ~~ia t~i(~z ~>.l~it~1 `~ti~ Pl`ai~nizi~~ Commission as dis-.ussed in this report ~a.ud iii (J'IC J'trw.~, Cc>~tn~i~T Planning CununissOn Reueat. BACKGROUND: The Towel Cow)cil and C'Iannin C'r~tnznissi€ac ~elil' j~Jit rett2:at su~~ i iC'7i~,~?.h k7k I3: scd ~~i~sirl i t: thuiro "Clo t'Ehe,lCa~tilr~i~~>~c>n,az~~ i'd` ntif: in°l from the Coml ission,the retreat focused oa chtri 'jing; L-L strtategies to improve the qua-ti_t~- of Come tissi;on: rzw'ei iigsa 'T'Izc:, st<a#~'.>a7c~nioianc~'LZ1 ,prci~:icizi~~l 'b ac:i-<grouzix] InfoEbIatlcan for'th~,retre.at is inctudc;c;a5~ Ztta~firiietlt ~ (Conti uuedran aV PREPAU) BY-.- BUD N J-017 D(RECIOR Of-' CD-I1~IVNITKY.15 ~rEI,~7I'.&IE•\T' Tinruicc IImunity~ > a tfn azuent 12e,~ ~ h ` ii)'y{ 4' DEBRA J: FI(CtONE, TO~'~'N:~~1,~'I~~~ pm{ 8€ vim, In : t S ~1ss'rstant Tr7col I:ianaer~~ ii .t~czxte~{ (~f l sfkiistratr, ~l~~D,r'r~C~,~`I~ ~~'.EMS E~?~~~~ ( I? TCiL-PLA SINGCOI~S ~ SS+?C i,RE;T.kE'1 T'C}F' I'I I 3;.A ND' ID;~~~'Cl{=)N OF C'OVS Refc,iti ettec.r34f'()Z P/k G" l'2 NJ AYOR AND,,TOWN' ('(}U Cll-, SUBJECT: RETREAT SUM-N1ARY u"NOTF,S June y 4, 2005 DfSCIiSS'JON: A. Retreat Notes Shawls Spano, tlic retreat facilitator has prx~viYtr c1 a+sllRSrr~ar,~~c,1 ~';cy~ tN)]r .q thaf.m-e e, c]is~rtt~cd~ rt ilifx retreat to aletnortalize the Council_'s ;input acid rl-c l" Tq addit mij sr i1'k~.cstkt (Attach Went -'he retreat motes summarize live mam,tclf} cs} Role of the Consulting architect ;end idle ;rxafuto. alxcl', c~tr~~l~~' o.E ttrC~r e c~r~s~~ItanC'sCf~{~~r~s{ anr~. firlc]i~a~s. stole of staff and the. types of permits and prct,,4 cttrlt.rlt~~•:itltno i~/ rt : to f'l tt~nizT4, Commis5z01r. 3B l"lanninU Commission pmceduro and the. Consistency of the PUirang CoRmlission in apBlt~n~,L{i~,~C7e,n~ra~~;Iai7~i~~i~c>t~`iet 5. Orientation and attitude of the Plattrsing (:'ozzxrl~tss[csn!To,,~wci,apl3lktU1 The aote.s also identify Eve a-feed upDa aclion,i'temst and' " t, IC items. One of the action items requires that staff retisrnict ~ a~n~tl',~z itl7~ re~c~luLi'csr~ ri#;al di~cLrirrent; that sumnjaTizes the role of the Planning Coinmi~siE?n~., consolidate existing information,as weir its inclutl~~~i~xln~i~'~~ n~~trt;~,o~x,lh ~ r~trLttt<a5Tr,4~e,~~cc~~n;' the summary cotes. B. Structural Changes Io°the'Plannin~-, ~`orxtnus,4is~7i'; The 0-,)uncil shoji t] be,,m,,,re that the terms oft~~o~'rirrxrx~i~Si~'~i1c r tti~i~l]w~}~i4~~t-~~rid;~£tPifsry~ar~ Staff will begizr advertisin< and ac:ceptuxg applicali`crtls! ~ by boa , a}id cr~~txn~i~sic~u; uac ancies} iixl UctobCYPNOVen-tbcr. If COuisc:il deszres to maketar7,y,'gtr~ct~rt~l`~ti'stn~es~tc~~dat e:csrr~~oti~'tzb~r„~>~'tttct Planning Commissior it would lie appropriate' -ic r-makef:rrly,- Aargysi t(4: TOwtT. F 64cr'S'eatior-1: 20.20.015 bct:otc; t:omiiacn6ng the atm reerltitmezit,l?roc~t?ss'.~~ l~xc°, areity~'~~s'ti rt~ara]~har~ es•bisterll below that may be woAy of discussion; l1<»x ev~~,tl~~t~,ciaa~'l~eLotficisith'~i~ L~jun ii.~ oillc} ~li~a~tcx lla`re hrouglxtforward for consideration, ul t L1L""J I1 hL ti12 t the ,,omjj)Tss) i ~rC?~.,i Tt ILI ~()'7i r~3,c I71~~Cti, Council has pi:eviously discussed reduc xg. tfie; siv~, f'tlic, l l'a zsin3;[ r~~zxr ~rs5 C unci mciitioned that it is able to porfora-L it's that pe.rbaps the Commission could also; jj-AIOzxrz, il; r tjitEies~x;i'tli: yo~zr r l ieF talf; i raising this as a pos5ibie structural chatx Et s~`ttc er a ra sedt prq-,,,xotgsfy axr ~i:s st > i:n ; Council.,inpax. PACE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL; SUBJECT: RETREA1,StTNI-1IAP Nt}'lE June 74. 2005 Reducing the length (A a .Plannin C-onu i s rt r ei m~tccari ~l,~r arsEtt?: ?~~c~ rsr,, In the past. prospec tile. Ph nn i Ccamrrus i rrr anc iE anti lia i afec thtil~ ?fir, ti' r5 tsi ibis c~n~x7riimc:nt~~f c~zte's time. Qivett tl~~ amozrrat,of.'t~~~rT~;iil~~~i:«cl.`izi~se~~i~~~Carr'l~iel~'l'<inni~~~ C OM-1rriSSIOD. By reduciiz' the len-th c~tr=tlr, '.f~~r n rr ' i nz si i er:'; • t nn, 4i-'r~.. n'm-v4 Jet.; &(3 der intere-'st from, reside is in Pl zzrszi`nNr~',oat~~ssi~~zx.~ F<lfitt r,dtt~~~r~s,,;;~;• commissioner who would Jibe to be reappoikftt d, t;oold' sttb-nk: ark. ayplftr,' rcappointmc;nt. Staff is raising this as a pcis5ihl trLZC t r l ~iZarr z! rc~ i t i t ~lieezr raised! as yin issue; for sowe`prospeetit-c l'J. tzxtzi_r~ crl7inais5;~~zu,ean idate 41 dr;i seeRangC;t)tmCd ir~pitt. ~-~C auz~ci~ desires fo dIscuss sfru;ttrra~' cb~rnges to `t~zc;tl'~l'an n.iu~~:ozru~rission; ~~a~zic~~~rc~t~l~'recltt~stf that this topic be included for discussion wht~tr staf#+`;re tzr tai tiiEln il; -wall-. IIif i ?~r ht3 Vin'. stah'_isii l the role of tic Maujin- C"oz r-LAissioll, chan,~fcs idezzti.fie-d by Council rs worthy of consAtt.taf olv at:that'ti'me_, Sr~t`~' ~it~ta'c`i~atej, tli<rt: rl~e FeTurt will lie Presented to COune.il. in S-epteznber. Chrtng"eS,to tNfT( 'rw is Code' rte iin~'I~~es~~:zrz stnicrural chin-ts wou)d be efl'ective prior to ,ENV iROIN, MENFTAL AS S€SSNIE\ L~ Is not a project defines TISCAL !FACT: Nom. Attachuic;rtts: Staff 11~Ictizorar~r~titn far`l~c~~vn Cc~arn:el-PJanzzii~~aCc~lt~ri7#ssit~rt~fi~t.re~tl~i~o~c'`I'~1~atta~l~zl7e:ritsMc~z memorandum w=ere previously distributed fotj-iq-fe t;eat:j ,2. Draft Sunlrnar~;JNote5 BNL:l2T, nldu CDistributiazz: IPlanuin ~ 'Corrzrtri5 siozl, N~ ~11EVIRAN DY'Town Council`, VY -P(R r tree repoFY ~)6200S: t; MEMO S COMMUNITY E U; OW".. P T M To; Mayor and ferl bets of the 'ruv z1 C;clunco,. Chairman and -tMentbers of the'I'l<trtr}i.i E~YarillnlS"ioI vfroltt: Debra Figonc, Town N11amiger StII~jcc Town Comic l/Plairtti ag C< Ijtrzi sslozzf t ~ tieai~ 4Yli?f'.il, -~;;-"0 S Blatt, April 20,'2(W)5 'flu's memorandum provides i3uck~7rr>u~~ rifbrmati~}n'xn~l~~c:.~u tt oiz,~~rrl:l'rer~e~«t~, Council/Plaiming Coiji nission retreat of ;sprit 27,,, NAW.r:Its; s i~Il; stinzrrlar tfe~isL~st;acti zl Ltal ~n'1~ the Council and Conunission relating to.'t "oil-rr S a~annii~ r ;C`i S? rt}~;~' ~i1P:rt}x ie'v; dati#VexatsF concealing the role of the C-on-izrtissioxt.5 FUCKGROUN C7V4r the l,<ist fc izr years, tire; Town oLUicil, 'l tni?i ,r£ ~~A ri i str r~r. Grn~l s fl~lr r~ e ~ '~>rk .to improve the lplunnin1 prttCesS awd the efficiency effort, Comicil Wis sou` bi to make the process tnorcl e.I ii iezlt'r~ lii]K ~z ai ttai rin riljli'u itrput~ e~plit~rttirt~itiec, az~d prcae3~~•ing tlic chat<Zetet-of the L.Er~T~atdst :%~.strnirnat,y;'c~l;tli'LSC;~ff~rislzs~ included as rlttachrrre.nt 1. C(-,)uned initiated this ~zfiec;r~c~ivin4i applicants that the plamiltr t process w'as Unduly cumbersomefanc~,t+ i r[rPlatiRilig" :i»arr lfssi~)trexs were recltririrtg design. c:lr iges based on personal' prafz, vvice',:Vki4cif.afs(-of it- tiate<3 tlitsE~tciUess4 based on feedback from C:'uzwnissioners that agertclas<yvez~itgrx Ei}71+~s}r , txlgc,ti4l si ccxr~ it tcPcj`}t tai: past rmidtzight. The harden ct-eated by the lengthy nreetigg S~ i_ ~esie3f ng;ii1~ xesidcnt,4 w%allinc to volunteu W ticrve on the Corn7~iisq?(v-. Council dete;rmi aed that atreariTaing thc: planninpr-owess. wn.uTa. iefii ei l reel~Cce :'t~ ajccti'!'es:i 1. Allow the Commission to locus on more S~zhstanCZ~;t,a~4>lictzti~it Increase the capacity of Corxrmission and; 5t'Siff.'ftit.~,v,tarl~ia:)ri:(ai4dt L scrpoij'c x ~r5srie~.sruclZr aT,~v improved design standards for hillside cctn3rrterc a'? an~~lre~i'~l`ent Wit' rrea~; and, I Enable (lie Commi-ssion to operate as a evidence:. listen for compelling public necssart to aciclr~ ss compelling issues rare;tl, c`trratrg;tle;~l?rilii he ariixg. `plies. lb~t;tr~, Attorr7eyr bas,preparett as description, of a„ a;~i~ j irclici~ali~?a'oceei*lir~ j (t tf~a f'iniexf:2 Uver tile past few years, Council has talie11_several;,act~ns;~'~ IBased orl input from the 2001 reureat, staff bc, an'4ci~~t:c c'{o el tv l . ?tic'trit~~c~i ~l'ekltrf , etr1 issues and negotiate ri (AI- Ficatious to projects pr';c)r. rd'Ovvc.1+Tr~~exL~'ev ietiv~ e~~r~rJrri~ttu< ~ (t1:~kC j (v Com fission bew-in;gs. pz:ojects now, iii nratrylcases~~~t~tl~Cc~u~~ a'is~g~ tzcarzt<evc~fuli~rr;pIior. to a Con i a-ii s s I o n hearing. Staff r'epc~rts havebecoYiie:uil- #re~!aF1411~'~1£1k' , dc~it4it' 1J}~;COX.`ISSLICs4 for. IT' %wq . ' -ter -TAW, apm R&A till ma )W*- "balutift, -IQ ix.-WmibwAmb d ~rmis .ift,~oasea:oe `soot van Up-dfflmdt .0 -,k Uh 24 UUMMA" TowD Council/Kann ng C.oicmis_sion Retreat April '4110,200-5) Page 3 oppot-unite to respond to the observations and irtl3uf°~"romp,6li~~EVoz~uraissi~~zxc,rs{ ut€l:cl'osctil~e tl~ role of the Commission from their: standpoint. Scysi~;ns': acid.s~,iLL~c=rls~s}n.c~ufcanrie ,izn. ctratc~6cs for improvemene. REFERENC MATERI AS As this retreat wiltprirnarilyF focus on the role of~thcd3l mTiiizlp on the quality of Commisskm tnecti;ngs, stafflias cc~, l c . ler~ztc e~z latcrittl Orel ttin i t`c rth see two topics, some of which are mentioned above. re-vice this rizaterial pref~aratic>zt foz;gtie retreat„ lac 1; c~ncuzii~nl;1~,?e brc~ft~{sttnur<uleIT below. I. Attachrnea-t 2: Town ~~ttortztg~~~ T~escrif~tioiz oL~(?t1a5~~Ji~~1~r~ra~I ~{occccli~~} the Tmvn Attorney's doctnnent explains ihe:ci~flerenc~4~ regl'sPatian4,gUasi'' judicial l~earing,w ,~nc~c~escrihes respc}nwibilitie. or,(~'.~zitrrriic~flcr~ helY.ac?ti'n°izliax{Laas Attaclnnezzt 3:,'Resi.,Juti-on 2002--21 "Phis resolutio3z establisbe.d the C'ortsulting rcltit`e t: roc:ess a€tr},~l'usertl,es~f.&ielru]eslofi` 11 ~ amimss,ion and Consuli ne, .Architect., . attachment 8: Excerpt fro a-l Town's Cort ixziss c?ne1:'ti,I nc~hc~e~k; I?~f i` ,i artcl .iuc d'ur s T-lae. Commissioner's 11 :andbook establishes t:7 &,ToWANLl~ -iV(ies:fbr`' 11~,Fifstsrl3cititcl , (Com issiozzs and C ozl~tr~itt:e€s, "This secfiiotl:adi1`z;esseslthc!r~s~c~ns ~ife~~cr~~~t~zrtEr~i~storr rtac.iO)ers (Page 1) and describes the ~ubl c,l~.~r~`n~,f~rcic qua- ,j4 (I'age 10)- 4. Attachmetit ~::l xcei-pt dorn `F'oNyr s ('orruzussiortc.c`'r { I axtdl~o7:i ~Y_}n~zt}issr ant f'i ~ri:vcnc ss_ This, excerpt describes, the Council's expectati(5psi order to iconduct efficient aad effective nrCeti ,zz"Ys1_, 5. Attachment l{ Pltu1]tr onuziissior~ 1'alice5~arrd;Pru~:u+c~r~sr This attacfiinci t contains the Commi.ssion's se,VTadopf tf opmitiiq4Fee 76ai 'S establishes policies on the conduct of CorrznuSSi~nLrtl~trd.l~~tlzt.ie'sf~,:~'t~t7tl'~x i 9',~f r~latett€~i r << the Commissionc}'s role in deliberativy on 6e tachrnem 11: Excorpts from-the Plannizta California Cities -'he l.,eague publishes this handbook as a refs.rent ~i ~~iti~{l'c~ra planni~4~~csraiz~zi5sio s;a' y California. It can N t thous-ht of as a "best lzrilcticer ' €3 c rnenf:'~ s~~c uRc~n'-tte-oj~-'ra2ous zzzanv coam issicws ~'froutr,d the date; ltitg itrrir} ;cask,Pag r i`tlic(tr<irrtllzch ik;l~rt>~:1c£c.5t swagcestions on waifs to create an effoctive pl~inmsz'a~~ ~~rz~z~t`ssz~?n K~z~d,t~is~tkssc>.'sl~~lhttc5~sllrp4 17trildirr{ with fellow commissionors and staff-.' ,mUctings and proc:edums and is parucularly i`c;. tiliettet~eat,cXi'st=~s5xrizl., ti~ ~isct~ssii~rs, r i j orvn_C'ounci/Plannitrg-Cotntnission ketreat ,April 20, 20)5 'age 4, s on P~r~e 0. on quasi-judicird -ind legislative decision-)q CONCLUSION "lie goal cif the Town CouncillPlanning Corzmiission; retreat is to facilitate- a discLission that, clearly,wnculates the desirod. role of the Planning Commission as determined by the Council StLtff has PI-DV ie.d a nt,ml)C,r cif T-OfeUeT(Ce dUCL0ttcrlts dial rcla(c to Ih4e retreat topic- A suggestcci otttconie of the retreat its to update the Plannim, Cornmissiw 's Policies acid Procedures to 01 inrplewent and foi-malize the resnJts of the retreat and to coo oIidate 1nformation.re.lating to the Plaimirtg Cc,rzur6ssion's role into one document. Attaclurxen 5: T Review of Past Efforts to Improve the'PIanrrng Process Quasi-Jedicial Proceedings of the Planning Commission, 3., Resolution 2100 2-25 Town Code Sections 29.20x700 and 29.20;4 5, June 2004 Ketz-eat SviTimaty-Guldelincs for !?cw~14inriiz~~'~t»r~mt~~;5it~t~]~lezr hers 6, Decernlber 2004 Retreat Surnmory Retreat Agenda E ceq)t from Town's Ccramissioner's Hattdbook-Policies m(f Pr-oce.dures .9. 1-N.apt from Twvva's Coxnunissioner's 1-landhoo-k-Cr'on}mission Effcctivelles'l 10. Planning Commission Policics.ancLPtoccclures, Rer-iseC14/16/01 17_- Excc;tpt from the Plannitig Con-imissioner's Handho >lt--teague of Catiformia (itic; Panicta 7acobs Bttd bm-tz ,Randy Tsuda Shawn Spano :1T3GV1~'.t1ND ~nie.rnosl7 C t'C Rctrc ANTC JIC Retreat C42-05_Z. p [ ,Stn uary Nbtoo ?'lalax>ran L`c~mmissic~riE, t~"ouiri 'eWelfT. til ® April IT-V.105 Slm'wy Spano (Facifi> t~ z; ~:Sicz l a Overview c:;tzzzc :rnsE~c~ e c i~i'ni~ ai a Itaf;theiP,fY„ I Ns retreat xas initiated, in part,'because of Council, and public about the PC ~-md tlzc, Towf4. s,pl~n'O rL-~rcicess:, lt~c~~'c~i~c~rns,Tali.r~l t,wo broad calegoric-s_ (l) The scope artd focus, ol~hejp,'C` r art ul iz1'hatzitermstcl ' Ox.ir role is a quasijud)'cial body versus a tecliz~5'c4d. k~ ~t t, a}td r .xztc ~nttt,~ i'~a rc E trrL.niSi an conflicts leading to disrespectful conuzzu~ztc ati~iz;a~xr~g ~;~~z~zz~~~~F?n~.r~~ 'Ifie team respozlsihle for designi_ttg the setae:a .a exzri< ,t~l tl .L~,rrr A: x y Wasserimn, and Shawn Spano) chase to fecxtstoFt;t~Z~~~rst~~<~~e~ra., 4~sE WFI *e;.aL,etad~: was designed to achieve two pu oses: (k) C 1 ifti~ t igirpl~ Wi the4IM11izt~;~ozz~zzai ,s' . and (2) Pev'ejop st=rategies ~md, act oni for do rc ~ t'z lfi ~ u lil i'e~T PGlrgoetings.. The Format of t-ic z`c;trt,at vas `cicvelopec ~ rounc ,d series c~i~~;c rsatzoti:tlal~i s'., ~ ~ 1 consisted of heating from each of the PC' memhers? role of the PC. Topic ? consisted of Council ~zui~l~~~b r~s~crns~s;~tck tlzQiizi{ii~i~Jiaa1~, statements ri 3ade by f'C members. In topics 3 na. `;,«'hi~h;V c~~;ctcd,iiz zn,c~pe~ discussion format, par icipants discussed tine ixt~c rat; ~ I C; uic}~ 'd'ezztif~ L~,ac i7 i:te~~t1~ iir~ improving the plaimb,)g process.. 'riiicaI Issues Several issues surfaced fronj the openinf stafemenV,~'.-~ ; PC'~trK t~xc?ttazcj i ~ tz~LJ~rs.,W6e► first two, the Rc l(~, of the Architect Co.usiiltaz r~arit~I ~~.e'~~~~5taff~`'~~1~idits~ussc c~.at~t~ri"tt~' daring the secoiid half of the r,~--treaf'. 't`. :Role (~f the Consldf' ag.Architect ctrr.c llac +~~tt~ia~ ~«rtii~c it~clitw~of~ )ac~cc~nsrtifcrfit,'s~' reports sand findings. The key question nfNe'd. net:~s~x~nsc~tc~~I~:s~iss~ :x~:a5~ liczi w.' at' extent slat uld PC tzzembers questicna or ag;oe: ,thy}l1etC=omulklmgt,~'rc~zzfecf,':~reporu i and findEws? Discussion of this issue: explore tensions and differeaces (i.e. is it`.alxlazcrpriate' f ',4'tct' ef; tiirrt~ae~.Ie;i~ti)!s1 f consultant's report, question the. direction of accepting [be reports anti findin~sta't~,t~~.ak~seit~,~ i~,f ~e«r~f~acl ctc~r.~,b~ factually Incorrect: evidence?). There aslc:o~z's~iisu~iaitl~ti~~G~zrnt.it, zftirrxiit ~tlt~i role of [lie Cotzsithing Architect and the la~gezct~et~zx.t~4rC,crizsLt~ti~~:~rcli tact resolution, and that th ; PC lean in the direi ticiri~c~l ic~:~el~til ~thU~arc(aat `ct s,r~ i~rts~ and findings. In adclition, participants deg;ci~Ctp clan-iclivja:%tevzi;relafec,~'t ,t 1e, Architect Constilt.ain.t'sreport (sec action~Wrt4: 1i5t!bz-,'fcjv~ , 2. Rohl of at{tff ur cl rite types ntepE:rjrrits t~~j~rtsgt~ctt,'r,t~~~rrr~t~:rizimalal,m? 'C l,lf0 o. to the PC'. Fc llowing discussic'n of this issi4j.~~~~~tc~l',affi`rrite~iktl~e~c~i~r~•zit'rol~ioi: tablianetM staff and the types of petutit and sincic fatliil~ Homes. The consensus quo. > P rttEetirt, `roc-(-:(&r-e awl the role (,,fl l '1Ycrih. fzi lis. itt~'t'~tti~~C3~ r~{cl lir~L 7:y:,zftt ~v,ts lint iwd to the. Ekarro'~&' question of WhOIT'IfiiS dluing public, mcetinas. The current pia:.tie'ejtsf#i~c'VGTr~1 ril_ tsl t~ rrk rmoti~ixs{'d't~e'- they have discussion; not betore, while afst7Lzrlli)w Iii' liiar,t:Yuepi~»kS.Ec~~,{n~ac{~, ~ti case by case basis. That pz•actice was atfkr~z~ed~„~u?~w~'stl~i~tliat:t~~eic;~'S,no,ba~IS,fbL' c}) ctn.,?E_ . 49 C onsistenc;' Ofthe PC in applying 076 ,oagoino pai-t aline plaiminuprocess in l.c~s;Ghtos,, i_ii, ttri,,b arts tfir E=fir ~nC`,otli r! codes involve lam-ntaue and wording that:~'~.~,~en t~dnteihreta'tic~~..~"'~innc C.rnea~bcxs: ackno-iMedgye.d This reality in. brief isclZtarks~at; .l e#~T'et'rent., t; tlelsar~~ ~timc~,,llie ,1 encoura-ed the. PC it) be consistent in rhez4;ra i at~ii~l ifi't iE;~C ntt','I"Fi.~vzzkcci it r and for PC members to base (heir decisi.UnSlc~trect~;~ ~i~Z}ie;5~~c~trGUFr~~r~i~~z~d'l~ut;c~n' their own personal profe'rences. PC metliftr>'We'Te dso~n~oilTa~~f f~~tr~c reasruaaW)v izrcl`me,nt tivhen consideriiVg policies standards s}loxlld hr: applieil Wit}liiz the e~artr<tfizh e.Ytirzi{'lc;crtrc?.lt~t' ra'tficil: tsar silz~lilx~ out selected ifejli5 and usirl~ tl~c.rzr•a~~,zaffora ~le.,+lctr~cle d n~pro~c€s!_, 5. Orientation cmel m-titu(le of the P( t,~rvczr2lic~~iltic<rrtts+.,`~'f~i~isst:~e ~tz3tf'~ic~tl,~Zt'~#~ff~rc pointy in the xe xeat frorn 1ud1i,idoal com»oerztsi, jt~x asknc3i.'.c#itici~s5 d~d'ir tC ,'c r' systematically. I raise it here as a potentialto r collimcllts oil this ISSue by'sonl ; C'ol.]1-1 Lilie klil_?erst 5il~bErtifitf(~,11la':shk~ P,aw attitude, of "customer scrvico," Nvith an orientaftZi Y!tl~~rici^tr~~~~ura~et•a~~~l~`c~ll~sl acid the community achieve, their,,',oals. ~l~t}ict het; of;po mentsi-inad sO rtA Qt COnux-issioners 5ir.,gested that the PC ad~al~f;~tr~n.c~ic~t T'ilical,and-skeJJUi t'li STanC,0 'towards applicaufs. These comment.,, if ~ e.etzratel`~; interRrc~tet , o t~l' ctielifte~ n : pertipectives about the role of, tile PC, cmd, -Council resolution describing the role, of" fihc~'ftE!K~ eeracti'orr.iYertr:~~l zr,list tt€.t~w°,~:~axx~ hole ill elaril-yin') the Cott]"cili's e"Pee tatzlrtsloX,t~~i~?~ :ihlti-ri slregudi., Activa Itei-us I . Staff will develop and provicle training, `fc)r;t'4zitll,noxv, iod.~ T.zfi'eRCe4 Pu rndmlicrF;, and incl.kldirlbothizldividaltizzc]rc>zzpfaniziiaesstcts,rsxr`Itclfzait~is zt~ilit'~t~Ic1'el orientation sessions with the Consulting ~`rcliii'~E~;,l?l:l „~intl.t}~r~lali11 41~,~st~ fy 2. Staff will develop a "modet" consulting at~cllifee(XcRl~t,0 at;piov:J&s PiokeL back-ground and .rationale for concl isionsi, 3. Staff trill provide mjcruplwne:s for studt~SC,ssicxt~sitt at~ui%ll#tn ibl ~I?C ztxettz er t~ si't around tbe, table in the Council. Charliber~iii~te~~l oaf: th~r I~'ai~•.. 4, Staff wiD provide a summary of DRC aetii~rtsil't~i;~t}~ta~'~. iy~ar~;t~l~a~o~:ezall~iCfeinptr to enhance communication between staff"Md; therPU-., 5. Staff will cowiohdate existinV iiikc~rt1tario l; tntf~~tetnare',in'z~z~cK,~~ae~nrrieitk~~.sck:c~f` uidelilies that eswblishes'the tole of t}~ adopting as yesol:iltion. nee-i<ed -'J6"'r]1/J_5 L 0=1 ORT( F Sk O a