27 Staff Report - Commercial Design Guidelines+ I'T& ~~S~G ASS DATE; just 9, 2001 F I TO: MAYOR ANI) TOWN C00*NW:1 i ° FRC}Iv : Rh ~;f' CiC I`>v, ° O~ti, ~ tili? 17 C7LR d S 1131,0 T C 0--NSE FRa )0PTrC7NO C.&Ns1~Ic c,I z. n L" 6 160u4DF-txI T-s REC',01 lNffi i1 T10N Adept the kesoluttnn a rovrng the ° 1laaj0 ty of C()U-t',0jl). B,,WKGR0 TiD Cart April 1~, 00;ithe `f'u-\va Counc: on}ids r~~~cira'fi',~C.`~ nzerci'alb'ctsy n',F iic~eIiii~s~a cin~+l`~ifli: thi:te otter draft (locuni.ct is related to cOntrn:Crcigal,c ~,t~It t~rzt rlt', .~y c~ua'ci:l.al?pt ~ zd~ ox t 3 Ordinance €traendt cni and eol-rtpamon resolttfiazi,c~tt~~i~d f c~ t an:f~ft se~K~u~i tit ~~tec .~t.polic ! tntnor alterations to e.on~rnerciai huil_i n s. Tlrer 0ju tdetinesl D~-1 ~ ; ~ cry contilzLred to ~11oGC',stat~tc~ ~~.ddl~es.s cc~~~lmeztts ~nat~~ttt'Llr~t~;tffie!C;;r~u~cz~:'sr~ac,r~ss>!oz~. g T1SCUSSl~--W- Stafflias divided Council coven unts~intc) two furtllr r Council discussion and those where dire ti'~s1.zzgc;d0., Tie; watw;j ;wnune rn~~ ~'se.c~ Attachment ) srunmarizes Cyocutcit"s ecizzu IMtS!, `T~tLl~~1atrx~;ra~~o:i~~entiftts tli~ +t.exf;iit',Ilt ~ C:0(7 documcut where a change is proposed 'The fc3llowing items (highlighted in b uc ut thet ~a#zii j; sl$o I'rP,L e;. ~ cusses , ti. i o:urx a direction should be provided. to staff to ccatnplstcr~h ~ , ~ i' cl~~ettzta~t~t~ peIetc refer;,rices to specific l~uildint s azStl i~:t~ tddr~:ss~ conecI was expressed about ejiji- specific atl~~~ ses;~j~;~u'lcl3 t~s'aStgo,c~d~ er~tnp~e ~ srncr,tt~, , CDCss sho l(I be a timeless doc,oment. ~ hc' docutxz~ezxl;i i liid`es.ref rctt eslfca sue e.ral,aci~3'res5 s'-c~i , . PW~P:~REWRY; 'Bud -"N'. Loiti- Director o~'~~~~zrztut2a~,~D~~cl~~>tne~tr o- ',o, TC,-,J ,n,c dPIl vi i 4'',(. u„ _,'-0s:.op1 Rey- ~c ed ljy': a) _ Assistant Town Managr_~`T~~~~tte~rn' Community Dcvelopment efoiiiiabe is 512-0,%02 R . F TAAGL° 2 AYOR AND ` OWN CC}t_l\TCIT, S~,fi.IP:C"1': C[~;~1I~RCl~1l.• DESIGN Crl_1`L~EI'IN~;S~ June 14, 2005 page historic'b uIW ngs on pages ~9->2, and cL sit?c c~l>u Ic itl ;i on:ca o. 1 ,Ii ~.ti t r lei rnlItitni'le, tite number of specific e,~,arriplcs that ar~~ ~Ga~fif~et~;~rzi~l3~ (~fJCss;~ sta~~'iscig~c ste~it °o~tll General Plan Committee that a separate list cewQ is be developed, The fist could be updated! as; available to any imp rested inetnber o the put-CC, z'tlcl~z~1~<~j d4sig.ri. profissf6nalsl, `f,u'sincs.~ or,- cc-mmercial property owners uld deve,lY)per,. -Sta f'i.,4 not', ~c~~i~ rttecl,ftzat'- e ie.~~ eslard iti dc~tr~ specific build.mgs in the C'l)Gs. llowe tier, if thei c>uLicil; decRfesi tl al{ spectt . a~ t.sse •a rc~lt~r, buitdin-s should not he Identified, staff slxoztld be ~l r~~te~! tc~xlp~et~rtliose•r~:fercnt es!s~rt~~~~ dav~l~~: a sepu ate list (,-f buildings that reflect desirable ar?h~'e.j?~i,i~ta, utl er,.4esiIgtx,~~e rxents! Appror)riLite: Colors - Guideline 1.7.1 `?b. (5zt ` F`l; j{ Staff ;provided alternate huic iage for this g,u1dc(itY4 vQgdrrl'ula clili~tn~ based on a concern miseri at the Nlarch 23, ' 005 Rlamuhj~~ Cbtprnt~s,~ c~x:~ztceYirM~ f)1jy'jugjt#teiI',4pr~t. IS, 2005 Council discussion, 5evcral con:ww-nts; }c,'ere.: ntal~i'd al ou~; -thc1 and, proposed. artriae; ho~vcvei, thcxe ~~<<L tir3 consenrts can therr~rel'atgttayc'..lietC'c~ttil~i'l~s`#>u!iircii`.s~Ltsl this and direct Staff on v,hethcr the oviginal ~Tt~icl .lir~~xat,ai`f~rll<;li t~a>~~~taI L MG. _1he alieniative anguage is included ty ttte«naft x (ftizst tt l 'v ag ~ , a t a iiz~~e~C, ~~'nr13 S CLl]C lill@ 3 $ (7a~e 88 V 'k dof -to: the April is, 2005 C6u11c l ti-Rot' operable Ytii nirrgs lie. recluirc~l, md tha ttiorc sl~cci~ it z~r~€c z' as h~ ~n4rLac~~r~ ~u aclt~~ es;~,aw zl2n~~: Staft~ ~cco~nmezzr'~ec~zncl~isi.Unc~t~ab~.lli~tiinpage?Sclisc~Ezca~ii~~~SizL~~c~3'a~:rt~i~t~s~ >;~,~t11'~,v~.i'r~~;~te:6'~>~tYCil; discussion, this issue was taken back to the Gcner~il' P1'atY. C r~n~rrz~rte:~~1'C;~,#~it'firzt{~~14cliseusSiE>t~'® On May, Ii, 200.55 the G:PC consensus was that putfeuii:e .ay,iriiz~sat~c~~ns~;c~+ll;tgec~,, bullet is recommended for inclusion mdcr i I 7fru.tter nc cl ~ctz rcrrts° err c~rcfZ~~scrl, flee Izit~;cli~ isl~at~~2fsk~~~, icczt4t' f.'a~fc1~~?~triyrtiE:'tlcuFl,flz~i Cozor carrel p-ahem rise gpj)ropriate, for tliGr~le, t j1l t~tic o~t~t Uf.'tli ' ~irr~clt.'tz'£!, Staff aecol-11 lends that; offerable awnings riot be recllihrcd' anJ~raotaei'4tlo~iaT7wtgli rff ,h~,bncI d'ec 't the CDG's regarding operable tuxal 1115., Tnfzoductiorz to Auto Dealership tiuidelinMes1 {Sec~Tf>xt' x:,13' 'pa~e,4~1F 7t t~l~7s sup}.gested thzttilxe fixst grapla of f%z~: introFl'u,t:~~citr,fc~ ,~t~~~~~~lersh'p:~'ui'dc:~r'tzcs lie, cie']~te~. MI page 48. 'Me concern is a statement that c ~istrtig;di alerslit~si ~~rel l'~c ate'd.in:~>l'c~erl'l~rr~l'di'r~gst{kra~ fall sfiort of indu try° s-andards. The Council shoLligd1's ussiwvttAlik.i,tiusidiaitr t~ [ uul efz~iaci't ter if the p~u agraph should remain in the doctm)c;ril'., S.ta to 'S ni?t',~,onc i t.ed~titl~~~r t; ~ pit g ph, Ir PAG r 3 NIAYOR,kNr TOWN CO 'N'CJL- SLBJ,ECT: C ONIN'IERCL~L DESICjN CU'IDEIi.Tj',,7,~! June 13, 00 because thy:. statezr t,,uti.s important and. is Ilse stdtement, the following bold text could be added, t'd: ~lieq)eg'nnxz~~; At the time of ttrloptiirrt nf't/rese guiclelrit~sl ~ttct~~i~tl~~i~e ~'e~Jkrs~i t~srifr.7~a,,, ~crr~,s: ~r~r~f7e: mo' part. crre? lo<:c (ed i. relatiuelv c lcle'1, ~~arxlt~iir?s.'.A7x r~,~c ~l( ;rfic~rF,'.~'rcrfi;etzt,F.~f~ at€>r4a~2ilx standtwds fog- tile bmfi vt, brc'wdin d~.s ~ cl'1}~} trust}trtclhiL~I rtr trarf tcti.~t c rs;. 1litl(aj'rl~ odi ~c.atic~rzs_ e ~l?tioi~s, tupo r t Iiica~_en~>: 5y.,w:urci cl auges) lirzot riZOClific-atioir nclizdi nb °the addition of capt4,pusif;bp p+'hE>t s; lint c,~tz entl3.'c a nit; Zave~ tl c.n~; correction cif typogapliical errors and minor cvord:tliazages';ra i~~~~i~fic~i' zzz: ~f~acllin~nt ~}I f:~e~ made prior to publishing the find version of the di~'~ .l yz s' , C'a til x <«.ill' e. e c> cz ed' i yes i f'azz~ . the t .cnsUltin Architect since, these chztnes are tzat'~x~ta~ti~ia~ii[,cizra,'.rc,yz.u~e C ~tiznt il;texie~h'. CONCLUSI4.' : It is recom vended than. the Council adopt the Re-s~~u~ Dee,ign Guidelines. Staff should be directed to zIza~N;;~1ti,~ outstandiri issues listed above. All c:hauge alSl~rc~,sec~}J3~ tl~zun~i'l:~r'a} c~trtliyriediiia'ilijsirc~t~r~~cl. 'the amiched inatrix strip'be mado pri6'i to 1~zrblish%h ;t is it ' n`tp LNVIRONNfi . ASSESSN SENT; ,VLF-its irvzunezital LupacMcpoft (FIR vial prepar°z JIFfot: the ~U?~i~1(~c izer tli E',~~ri;up~~al~ip~lrs~ ZtiI,Ij~ ,,the State F,nvaranzntntal'Guidelirr.cs as adopted` ,~licl'a~°a~a'., `l'd~;~~~rxrz~~eri.tal'~~~si~ll~fu d~llnes~ is an impleni nration Est the General Plan and. nd.tdi_iiit)nall ist sitriply cstablishiiatetiirw criteria. Co3~uncxci<(l,~xojeEts.tt;ill',l~tae~;a}iratct~.Lau,,',^„.ct>r~tplanc, and against the Commercial Design}. Guide.llnes ~t'tfa~~tlr~~~ .ilxcli~i'dua~l;. r~+i~l`i'cat~orts' rt~itil~c}. FISCAL BVACT: None Aitach t-i,nts 3. Dra tResohition (two 'pages) tvlth 9 2. Matrix of changes azzd, discussion iterns fc~uL;ae~'i' Distribution: ,l laililing CoTP aus57Qn PNJ,:SD:indc 16 1_ is RE S(7V 31I ON'-1 AO,-5'" ;R£SCILUTION f)F TILE::"I~~ ~ 'Ir'.K ),Is <II OF THE TO' N7X,:O LTUf)S1" G T 97S{} ADOPTING WHEREAS,'tho `}'o« n oiflus Galas desiresit~a~ta~s~iat~ais cc~zlllz~et'~7~i~1 11t stahcZal'1Ts[ and ;guidelizles. mid WHI+.I -V A..S, the draft ( orome.rc l,r)I )csl s ,izstixag docurtzents that yoi ezn canimerca tI devc1lo write WUEREAS, the Advaa-wed Plamal- - ' i'brk:.l'~'r3 z}alrs.a3le z~c t' tii t ldb d t of` 41,mv, conlnzercial desi_p Daidelirics; and NNIIEREAS; adoptioi- of ae 'C:omilrerol'al. )cs r uidc lix s} ti" W. held xi'l'~ clear ti direcli'm to developers ant buslijcss, owners ~rACC ss~ng~ .e ~opz~~en't; a~p7i'ctatlcit~s Gorfenal: P4azv Goal. I..< .?.2 altd Lupleii oming Stlaiegy L.. ,a►a:eJ~1 ~~TI ,1211.5 numerous Genera] PI'm gc~JIS pc lice ~ zncl i1}sir ~ iG t 1_st afc ies} ~x p ' c.roation .of this docimient.p anti. WTWREA$~ The. Gcncrat`P.la-r~ Coitanitt0,41 1 ;corrmeji~sr 4i Lt -t aek °or lrnerc.i'a'1'. etii' Guidelincas be adopted; and WIIVRFAS.'the C_Tcneral Plan C'oi2lnlitx ,rceoli}nic.aidst ~ t`t1 ~ 3 :its i 'tl r i il: i n'. I„ w&-Iiizes be adopted, an(T 1N'RERFAS, the Plannipz 'C ornral.sic >'ti 17as1 a T~..~d, ffdl. tbrt-war&'M. IL xmuw endation for adoption ofthe,samc docutlle-nt;. Kttaclimea-t 7, `1"11F_,RE.F( RE, 13E r1-1Z F:SOf"VED: Ihe~`Ti~~ ;i ,C E~Y~nc i'c~f~t}t G i! ' 1'14 sloes hereby resciud Resolutions 1987-68 anEi cjc~~t;~~ Fti'ItT~F~1FIR;RESa~.~;I~D, t~e'~o~~--~i Coun~il,d~k}es•litre'b~restx~d~atLest'atz~arerlfs~rel~ec~•t~~r t7le {'ommercTa esign Llidf llu es For the C ei~tralil~iisiri~ss C1~ ~t17~tx'u~7t2i11L~i`c1 I~csol'c~ti'oi~,~}yet. 189. FURTHER RES+«LN'FD, the Towi) Comcif.adopi~ssh'e; C"~trta~a retalT', esigrr.~tt'tttcl (il~:e attached hereto as Exhibit A. T~`ese ,uidellnes sl~slll~e~used'toic'~tsie~s ~le~e>c~l?t~ent;ap~?l~eat'uTr~+i'c~g I C, cvnjtcnetioll with the oals and policies Set ft~rtl~~>~?.;1$ ~~C,ct ~Cw~iC~z 3 rz1'r~at 'l: izla c~pyeXl~ • Resolution 1907-136, hi the event pf <a coTttlict,.t~l~ inor~; resdi4t I+ti RTIIER RLSt~~~'~D,thc C:~ot~inlet-ca['L)c,s~Yn• ~~rtt~c~t,1>:t~~s~~a~1 appl;~;ft~ta l1'c~~v eli~p3ne~~°P: ® <applicali.ons that have not been approved prior ',I ASSED AND ADOPITI) at a re-day of.Tcm , 2005, by the iollowingy vo%.,; c~L?` Cl~'si~l~ I~LBE RS: A YTS: ABSENT: . . -W)JAM SIGNED: :ATTEST: CLEhIL ,rj)M0\Tl5TR-.1.1VF0R OF *1114E TOWN QVTIO$X~ - AT. C-1 j S. I.OS GATOS, C'AU,'ORNIA A 17 `win ilk Owmercid D.;es,.il:gp. GAIdellne To-w- 4) of -'Uas- Gatlv- Hamm; Draft PREVIMSLY OJT Is, I d - rx~szzustit~q' ~i'ct*eI ~}?rzacn t, ; a ~ 3.~ s Gatos, CAr. 9,50ZT.. A A I 0 lP 8 k ~ .rrm ~ q :4i e 41I~ lk, INA it I w w R I I I Is I 41 l N 11 161 TM eVoI~I y IN Nd