24 Staff Report - Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation (Brush)G AtOc~ DATE: R TNT, 6,. 2005 TO: MAYOR AN1)'r0WNF CQUM~Jt. FROM, 1)E13RRk J. F160NTE-, TW4-ilJJAA P. { SUBJECT.. ADC)PT,RES01AJTIO OVERMl;lX11C,D JEJ. ,.'l'lONSl .Ni :TlA 'ARDQP'15 VEGETATION'- RE RE CTONJlti'tl N,D.CTlON 1. (.open and liold thcrutilic Hf--zriixg. 2. Ch se the. Pal-i4ic :Elearing. 3- ,4e~t~pt I esohttioa~ f Attachznezzl ovL,rnilir ~ c~l~ e. 1i'vi2siatl rtt~ 4a~ u i~ e ~ ioz ahatelnent (hrczsh)~ RACIDC Rtit.ND: C)tt1av 2 ,21005, theow otmcit passed a resc7)iitF~3r>+tei?lizaroc{s-e t'afiion. hrnsYr}: ptcblic nuisance: ztzld set June 24, 2005 as the t~ati 1~~~~}zc~~ezbli'c l~az:~n~', i~c(~~c~iife~3~~ost~{t~taz~~ pulilisl~n~;lias heei~ done. 1'rc?}~cz~t n~i~er htivc h~~t~ izi~tiucci,h,~~7~:z~1'.'~'t'k~~~~~z-a'rt~s?ar~'cz~pbr,Iutz%l~~ fo u those. objc.ct ng to the potont t char 'e.s tcJ. cc,nzcy ~4ra3rarttaii,%eAoarL. I) ISClJS i(J-N: filie Town Xtzrua'3v Jcc.lares IYacar(T0us'VeJ4ia iozz'(17rikl ~-zrii~s<ttlc~tt~l~~ar~tir.~~r~an~er.4~nc~ezILcrs; tzto a conlrad (along with other ztzuuicipaliti.es ) cG;itli,tlz~~Egtui't~r tcs ~~~at~~tl~~-ha~atr3ous~~Fc e~ti~n (brush) not removed by property owners, Hazard'oust~r etali~az~ t?x1~sI't t~Yaslz}c~l'rreti~a~zt~isamK c ' a public tl~eetizz~ of the Cot~nclt on -lay 2, 2005.. Attached for infoz-mation is a Town COMICltliaZarcT~ed'W'ei b rbolU T)tChh Jtnd \voo is) for Near MOSS - (Attachmciit 2J± N. A' I PREPS ll E3':0}- CI RT> 16 Director of Parks wcl'Pul-iicl Works,, Revie,wed by: _Assi tazjt `Ttzwzz [gj alter _t~,LAtte rn( Finance CammUnity Dcvelcpincnt atss~el' 6e6:0>: 7t~Nt?liatt~d: _ 0:_ 'i.!ti?'~t,E!CffJ6 i~+Q;I1;F'J:.?rE'1R't'~,F?~GSrt ci2ry,?`'~,,;p; MUMANOSOMCCORM DOW? 3 UMIAM w 4,Ammm ?=-Vft ft-- am, out 00,0, IM-4 IN RFSOLUTIC OF THF_ TOWN O~"~L('1 _:Y4 L 9 OVERR LING OBJEC - SfNN-,tx -kBIVrEMFN'L` ()F'HAE.,,kRDOLTS V CET "L'I N. Rt1S+~ ~ } < , '~~131~IC' > IIS (y WIIERFAS, onA lay 2005,o the Towiif oF.Ti)-,lCato,~ adopte , Re.solution 2005-40. entitled., "A RESOLUTION, (BRUS-H) A PUT~L-IC'NVJSANCF ,AND P1Z0vIDw ForO ofmtice that hazardous zee-etation (brush,l will . lien upon the private properties iTOCn whiell ihevt ~ti u'e ll~at ti. i, f tfic,o;~~i~ .z'sit r c~l'ft i'1. ~f oifid and esta17l shing the rune. 20, 2005 meeting, as tbertiillea duz-irz4 Muich all property ovTnc.rs haying any ob~ecjk)zic,~ qrx,gr{ref~~ov such ha/.ardous veeetat on (1)rushj mxuglzt be I~E:atc1<<ln ~,c;i~; `uc ~ ons dci a~ C} ..aTi . `VUVRE S, tliat the Director of Parks ancTX.ubVcf ;ork ;+t f`t ie; `I.'arxc~z~ (:Em rutos-gaNel noCiceof tliepassage of s~iidResolutio»NU_'~t10}~~{l'.6L;caLGSiE~.s ~l~~~ste~"tF~I`~('~ill4~;~)FI?~r[3 BEAR1j"4G TO ABATE H.VARDOUS ntI14~Lcas;C azc sM~ie~l ly' aiz~es~,za,z~ey4sl?tpez~of enteral sdzdResolutionNo."'00 -It}tob€'l~ublisl~ed 1 circulation I~ul7islred in tll~ Tt~v~•n <~f~Los G~tt~~s c~z~,.~ilrie:1.~~'CIf~~;•t~r~'cl;Jzim~t8} ~~%!~'~„z-r,specti~r~:Ty~;laz~~~ causizlg said notice to be poste-d on 1\~av~ ?5 ?OQ ~i iz7.fi'v~s-(;►~resznii~czzl;,plz 4s~in:llcri~ttia~;ol'I tisl Gatfi),,, and WHERVAN, two -n has givcdNotice jEAi~al{_ 4 Wj air. 0IN11'ez-slfbxlaj.'ily ' compliance-, and IN'HEREAS,,purs-Liant-'to stud resoltitit)n,ii),~-nett'.C-. tt j''o.«,ti;~e3w-iQll.~Qn(~t~c;'~rd- 4.p.u~.li' Ticar xi th s date with respect thereto, at «hichtirue4j l~la?'o~~~zfi ~~~~~~tez~sltiau r>~~t1yf~~jec;t on>~fc~~tl proposed destTuctio-a, or removal oFsuch attest, 11 h RESOLVEU,`by the Town Ccmicil of of Calif:bmia; that all objmions, if ally. to the vc` etation (brash) are bcrclby oven-ulcd, and tile{ ov lei'$ represeMative, is hereby ordered to abate such ii l.si2jx or. caLise,di ,,sarmtj icy., L-0, ab lledli flichazardous vegetation (1,rush) 0-cferred to ixl E~hi►ljtf~~~~desiio,5ec~bl;rte~i~c>s,ecl,£~}~c~~:ttitx ~';~rc7i2t~~. chemical spraying, or any other method which FLR'InERKES(MV, M),Ifiatthe® )ir etc ~'~fl~ tltis!clad'k?iillz , ~`tYks{~t.tta~c c~ rt;of Gatos, or ris autl~oxizcdaoetltoi'r resentati e, alZC'tli C1c ti1`u~ 41i'st'ra, o .,,arc-d1r-~.ct'ed'fog?rocce(~ with. the, inattcrs set foilh.ja Section 11.2-10.010 Code. 1'A55T T > >A. A DOPIE-D at a regular 11cct~i2 o:Eri, ~b'sk'Tr' 4 osl t1~eTcsllo,~,: tg; of . Gatos Held on the day cif '12DL)5, by C0(N IVF-NTB'FRS: A YES A NAYS: SENT. ABSTAF~- ~ZG~I.E AT`IES', MAYOR v --n Cam'vTo ;,fir f y ~k, E CLERK DNIENISTRT(N` OI TOW! N `0.5'1fiaS,.(FtXA OSI LOS GA.TaS, C:AJJT-0RvZA I CHUE tip Tor CI:;;I NOTICE OF PUBI;W,14EArRIiNQ .B 4 TE `H.~~1.1RI~OI Si 1 ~;C1~~'T1N`$R>!_> 5I3 TO MS,'.N'OTICIu IS BFMG SENT C~ Y"OL 3L~ 4 1 1"ar I,` s "~I'I2_C7I? -1 T '~;~N} I TO~NWS HILLSIDE A PRE,LDvIIN, RY fN6', : 6QX R :''MQ SA-T`A C:L,ARA COUNIA FIRE I)I Y 4R"Ci~I~i~l:1;'I~I)ICS~TESI'~'~T~"r,'~~?Lrl~ I?3ZYP RT.; 7 IMAY CONTAVN RRUSII E?IZ ~FGI ~`I ~OI~' If .~II'S~ T L I Z Y~tl c{ `.&WtTEw--w., --T'IZOI'i'IZ PIES I:LL I3I RI I15I'I CT'..IrBFIEREr~~° E)1y:I)IIER:,'L}• tJl a ~~1~,~ '~?~~f'~CT' S ~N~l;~•,~ ~ if1Z~~•. HOWL -XER, IF YOU A\'-E- DONE TIFF ,C;C3 NTY FII-,E )FPj\RTItiT kNT AT ;I TI ; 11.7 1E LR' L' I 1 LJL~i I F',T cJ~~ NO`1-ICF IS HERESY GIVEN that;are'I~}~~?,~Z,.p~usrza3lt'k~ezviscat~sap#; the California Govemment Code, the Town Cozzitc~i~ ~f',tl~er ~iz«az~c~C'In~; tii~ttos.aiinpt~tf.I~~ sr~l zfil~'r~. 2005-40 declaritz, that hazardous vegctat.i0t3 (brr sj;f.-roAv, n~:to sumli. si~ea aia~i sizelzrt~;pcl 011; an:ML private, Property or in anv street. sidewalk, or olle~V adjaceiif, io, such, propc-rt''yl ri. tlic~, 1Iillsider Hazardous Firs. Area ofthe Town constitutes a ~uhli'c'titr 'satiety tr~d~ft~~at t~i~~:nrt'`jsar'c enr~hxst0,i a ba3 qd. y removal ot- trixtlmin; as specified by the Swifa~. 0i:K t~y YzpaitmenfK Bhzard-'pjisE. veLietation (brush) is defined as a woody perenr?i i l~]andr~tseu3lTyt'~<zt1Y,7rhttlti~l isfen~~! an~i~.trt~zl~s; under teal feet irz height. ldazardc~tzs ve`etation llzrcisgI is:a`}sa41' ao n.to.fiaveEa.l4> Toft.,fir%ti:t~;s~rf~ or low moisture cozlteat in the loves and branches!."Abu,sltfld~aa~lri)Eac1,~rcei e,a,~t~rk?~a~; fhe .S.mta,Clara C,ouitt`yTFire I~epttrttihent enerall'~: lr~s riP~ir> ;rc tii cd al ictlr hht'.aEtiorz~.. NO!.'ICF IS FURTHER GIVEN t}i'at;l~x~peztb;b~~ ~~rs ~~"zll~ii~ft~'c~I [zl~sidc ~Il~raid`c~usF Fire. - xca Shall, by h me 20, 2005 or within the tin.o sp~ci~'zed Director ofl'ark-s arndl'ublic Works.'wlzich~ver titxz~iisiTater+ tiakelstccl~ stc l~stasfaz e'xrcccssary; fQ~b~tc the ilarardous vr.getation (blush) violations, or shYrli' 'iolLatl~frl i41.bekcorr-eGte~ ' ar clsttdli-zhi4 sanAi abated by the Town of Los Gatos in contract w tli-tl'z0l:g3tzxty; of;Saat~;lartizriiii l~ ~.asdrstic:lh,cost'. of abatetne ht will be assessed upon, the Jots mid. l'andsl lio7i~~,~~;l~i~l or, t4W,are,adj'are.14t; tot !:he; sidewalks, streets, or alleys on Nvhlch such aL~titenientl~a`slc~c:c.?itruti„~r~t3 ~~r~+l'l;I~~~1Jee.~d;t~~?ozutiica next tax rolI upon whiotl Lrezxeral rriamcipal taxes[ arg; cull! etc t.F~zzzd~R J~, cc~n tiFhtf - lrt aT.Qz t'l1ie~ affected prop ea tics tint) lpai:d: All propertyow,11er'll7:av~n;n;r~nyt:c3li crct o fc~ tli ~lazo}a3~seiabatenrenlr of the haz-ardous vegetation (brush) violations are ihorAvd &q a:kteij(ij.a 4 jyo,eti't~~tds:t t1ne,C'o~rttcil,C;l azxil ~ rstod;let ' «'n'„k~ aft cJf<<i#:l'1' C,:ouiicil cif the °Io xri ofLos Gatos to be held M. East -MaiaStreet, Los Gatos, C'allforriia, on JUNIF-?8,~~10~~.r1FG :Mv NT,,,w w1i1;ag }v'here tlYeiz O jectiozts will be heard slid givern duq.ic0w1'-11derafJ`otr., A C'Ol\II'i ETE RECORD OF THIS PRUC EEC EN;J J~~'VC~;U~~Il~i,~' T~F'PES'UL'TJ.11IC2&~' ON FILE IN WE OFFICE OF THE CI: UR ~'!A'l~tiI~II~I:S"~' EZ1~'T~~l~;j l~cated`~at: tJ,"Q• E.', re~~~rcl'ilia ~~zart~ohzss v~~et'atic}~r (gust ; ~r~t,~v~'e~l}i Street, Los f: aos, CA. Fwher information abatement acid hillside ire hazards atnd prover:tiolT,is,.a~;ailalal~ ~fiorrr,t~e:~'~fafa; C:'I irrz;~c>rint}~~Yqe, HDep<rt m>nt located at 14700 Witich€ster Eon le;ar.(3; I:6~q K awj" tjT,onel Furtlhur izlforination rc(,arding the location and c fL -t:c}fll e: zl's kl~ei a r~lbus:Ifi e `rcci,m • SeE obtained from eitlh.er the Santa Clara C,'ount y:1{ire.I~arsli~l''S~(~F~i~ Parks and Public 'arks Dcl2arfmcnt at 1 ~Iilest~ ;Gi~ztuo4ls0s! 'aws:,,C xS',60it4ne!(; f)~ .El-x,11 a A,TTBST: CT PLY OF TI7 ToWil-11 C l"'Ll, s C ~vIi;;~] Extiibif ' S, k { ~~C 1f I J TOW CIF T10st E A;XO TONA-N COUNCIL SCHEMTLE' (M200, HAZARDOTJS Lf,k A1tDQUS Pvlay2, 2005 Hazardous Veactatiun Agra Ak, Adopt resolabot) declanhQ4azardb.uslyteb t'at c~kz~ brus{a)f~' tifal. nuisance: and prb iditt}o~:'tii "liatLxi~.nl'. , Set Tune 20, 21005, as Tit ie 20 ?o 0- NI)afmient, ofHaraf(Tous et ` rta. 'r«slyr , ~-ta i~ztY, Adopt resoli tiwi oce2~rulllt 'bi~,eefioiis~.a~lci,c is r iY }ha7,ard~~s;~;c1D ahatemcnt (hrusly,). Open and hold the Pubhc~lc aria- 3. ;Close; tho Public Hearic g, V. Adopt kcsoludotl o~ er~u' nr ;e? }~e~ti . i~3. is t ~ a arEi'otts, ~;e eta abatem.eut (brush). August 1, 2Q05 E%batcment ofHazardoua ti e~t:t:afion.~'~B slr} a. 'onduc.t public lzcd6llg;T'C cwnsztd'er~ ht z' ~~o ;nf ,t ~:elt, t?t~; l zT ~ 'bass' a , (avaiWl Ie ira the Clerk Ike}~r~7tm'e~t~,~1o~,'xlie: ah~itzi~i~ri~ic~f:li'a~ar+~oiESl veuetaticn (brush) for season: . Adop rest liitim l~to~, t1 }saic .rel~o~ a.~ ai al~i'~rii ~l e; lenk~ 3 pat r e, t`i;, 7_.r)US~C.ETATCI1'E'IEF 5J u~t s ' becnient of Hazardogs_ le ~et'<~t>t}x (~,T~~:a's ; Loncluctpublie liearix~'~+~o~~ou:sad.r't~teixc~?~?r~~~~t]~e~Q;,oi~rifv,~~i'rz:ltctarsia;~l (available. iii the C3erk:~'~c~~aitt~~i~t);oYi tli~~alaal~r~i~rat~ 'hazaic~c?it~ ve..YetatkHl (weeds) for, i }e, rr .-rt?( I s asc~n'.+ 3. Adopt xesolutiou appro,~-;i~z~g; sai:c~ rcpoA; (hvaiki- c' iit-~tbca tczk~;lJ:c l~ai xrtit t7t tiT'ovenibetg 7. 2005 Ab itet zeta of Haz it azrs ° !L effatic~i~ d ~i~s). jk, Adopt resolution d. ct ii azau~a~t,' e ftft t n' - ed'sl a} itbli't; r nuisance and pro~idii ~r. tliet4, ataa~err~e~ t:. 73. Set December 5, 2t}(35 ~as(~~Ptih~xG~~e~riti~~'date,~c~u"Cl~~at~nutil,~r,~~~t~xrt.~ cembor 5, 20(6 110fic Heat im-, - ki ~aT:doi~ ct tk f~ i:t rzzr.nt' 1 f d ' A-dopt resolution