22 Staff Report - North Santa Cruz Resurfacing BKF EngineersAM" le FE m ~ w m q m k A a i A 5A I a !A ~ v W In R mR 16 Pt Ott l@d~' _ m 11 PAGE '!N, '1Y_ R AND ('OtTNI('TT _,7 Ckll i1NQ IEILIBLR Cyr T> IE. RFPF C1' QV y j"At; ? 1 'SUBJECT: PR'OJECT 0 13 - -NORT ~ 1~"I'~1(•~'~~5. ~ ~~~P:Iµ3~C I+~SF~:~ Vol :i~ ,A?\jENT)\*f N'.t C~J:1C;Rf.Elfi ti.L't "I'N~ ' 1'~ TGI ! .E i JUNE 8..11-1005 'DISC USSION: he construction of the Santa Cruz -need to tit oy toaetber for a sticc.e ssful Outeozim. ppprcd!,tz1' ord~,-cf(~ beffi;r understand tht, distr iLbution of w ork effort fi ;t iz:consi lz t ?z ,t~ ;tli ~}pt f lle key componeuts of the constructi'ozt of th s yrc~j Darr to iav cof)struciitiiiiiisl2cctions: tivrz.sf~ii t ii fd~: n'c a.iis 'c'ct~C006`3 fog c1Y}il ,n' Nvork. Measure and douumcnt c~u~llt tv ofzi~a~e~ a~s~tlseci~~~x tl~~ pt~?i~;ct'a7~d,iRstzzE cc~,zn~~litiui~, cy Nuitb Lhc plans and spccificatioiis. c.cstl4f Ccx~rclirlation will desi ~?zi team dulr~ contractor Ul<i desigz ti:am to provide xUSI}c tfS l # . ~Tg4iir uSl a~i'd~.c tte=5tit~4t5~ 4 raf 74K.N-l'aris12t r"}'1i dU11'1i, the coarse of construclion. This ~~q an.:Bill ortant.r ol'eIIL~spcc}tig1\"o ill inauy detailed d3~sigu c eirents. -Construction Support svz-vices: This' F o71 ; ec ures~ 41,erprpj cons 4aztt' ~01 pzo i e:;~ compaction Usting, for Lill paver-imts fez"il~e1~o~'ecl;t~~~~e~~;~{al[,sl~t~lr~ti~a~~7kt~sr~rnld'~~ar o~ts# product subialittals for the cozrstruction, E rc~kid ttl` si' t. l ri'fai ati`oxk .air l izli~r 1<i r, t; zt7~ , attend various zneethigs. At the conclusiurr~l~~ti~i~~~i~sfruct~orr,~t~r~.. for the1aro7tct wilt also bepre arcd for p ~!naiv~tkre~ccs1`~sn':eari~'.~ BK'F l .ri izleers, 1c. w'11€ be, assured the tasl~ pioje .t as outlined 'n tho attached proposal and .SCO~~~ ot.xkctrkk. ~li'c, ~ ~~sti'x~ a:~Yutrk~¢'nt,i~ i'th;1~~L.ngneLrs needs to lie zunezided fc>t- tl`ze C'oxz~ultaiat;.fc~il~ru,tide;,ecii~s't'~xctiv~i~up~.c3rt:sez;~;~i~e~. :Staff re-cc= ends tipprovai, of a, fourth: ad dem dul-14; to "tlyc;13I~E~~il~i l~~z~l coz7t~ act;l~i: tl 01 anl,, ~iAMfQC to exceed S213,854M C'C)NCUTSICJN: It is recomztrtendc:d khat' llic Corned 'A eicv adc~l t:1~e{ tt~tc l u re ~tlrtt t~zr ~uzl c?rr ix `th Tc t . Man.ager/Exccuti-v Director to execute an AdAp&irY.1'0i f,Tiol proti ids e ~~~sttuctioz~ support services ~r the Nertlaana~~ rc~; rY,1 .t~cte:'IestTac:iaaI'~~{ c~~.~ m IL m & R T ACE 3 MAYOR AND `]'f VNt C OUNC1Y) CRAW' AND ME,NIBFRS OF, TI.7E REDFVF] 0EN 'A C,r'~ C . 5(_1BJF(T: PK(_),IEL'i`+~~1-1~-N(~J~_THSr~NTr'~fi.:Parr"".R:F.Str~I:1~~~~`J'~.~'•-~ ~ ENVI U)NAIFNTAL ASS-I~SSNJENT: . The pa'c~ject zs C ate c}roc{i yxertilsJzttYxtz t to,5c;ctlst)I:1';~ S z'~'.ln 'k? i 4z State CEQA Gui.de.l n.cs, FISCAL IMPA("P M)Jf,CT 04-1 ~ ~t)RT i ~ 11'T ~ tRLI \lrF fL>'t_ ILT i;ILi ~f;C n Available ICYp (iSCd. ~l't)TatillIIg ,l Budget Encum5tked t~; MkaTitC. . (t°imkact To I)NIe1 FX 2004105 FiscJ Impact Fug lea}a~cE , - fI 1 fr)~saied t - Project 930-0217 595 129-1,621 ~ 2"4:'s 54, ~ t,49,6;ti TOTALS 1,633,595 X 9'lfiZ; ~79 k4J:lt.~t'E;\DkL ATF'G(?Rl j Staff Labor Ajateria)s constructioh_ J1~' 7Q2, ?E41 E ontia"ellcy TO TAI.S .12 9,14%'22 23;,1~ . ® 5li icict~t ;lands gist 11 ~e C"apilaT Tinproven-wd 'ro aux. urri3:, ( tea, c,~;c ' M t e s t~fi~;" Fie,. collstrac.tioii sup ort scrvice5 ct~tltenl ~lafe~ rviitl t il#i~-tldil' tl r r e'c iunt' t t ]at ~ art int p . } , . ~httachrn~,nts: 1, Resolution authorizingTowtt, 'vjazrdgr:rto e~~ci{Ie;a•i~trrf~i~rttz~n~t~r~z~tt,fc>,,~1~ ~a~~cena ,161h . zl0rzeei and BKF .Proposal- (Exhlbit A) th BKF E1-ju, rs 2. 06yinal Aucement -w" I 11 3. Fl,---,t Amendment to .the AgrccljnQ It 4. SQ.c~ond Amendmeijt to the A~~reemcnt 5. 'Dird Aineadmenl t_o°theAgreement 'IE A M=% At ctmo _ _ a ? V a F a =dA NMI- w 3 it a 3 3 1. ~ 6 CO&M-0 wim- NNMUM L ar r E-OURTITANIEND NT I'1 <~'URM- a 1E\:D IEIrTT TC}. GT L~ hz if;, .)I N, OL 'cre .11AW list ltrs FOURTH ih day of , 2005. by and between the 'I„cii~Yu dtoS.C'Je(s S`Cat i a7: E fe-)rpifrt.~l rji'd called " Town,q ancT, and (Lie Redevelopment hc~reiri called "Considtant." R~ C:1'~r~I.Si f c~vcn <rrziKFngitie~rs ertt.ercd inf~)rnl~tenctzf f~r,ea~j'n;z~~zGr.d ~arc.c~ns~tlta, servicesin October, 2002 ~ rc zrieaat" 1;, a'"a) . y, of 'vr'iicl N aU. -a Best, horettt- asl (At.taclitumt 1) aitd incorporatcd her~r'rt, •ra~'c:r~L~ as, p own-and 3KF Eng,fnecrs cittereclizlto!a~eco~d irneJ~'c~n~unf t~~T~cla`~z~ezu~ ref E~~~1~rc~~: E~lei collstructiozi Support scniccs in attached horeto as (,Attacbiici)t 2) an~~,ii~corl~~ratec~;Jiar ut,b ; eleruxze , ~`ov~n atic~~3k.~' En~ner:rs e;nterecl irlto~a;5e~c~zac~ an~3rcii~cr~l;taXl~+a ~;~erz~,n1:I~~,}~i°4~;i:,~~e~ consinic:tiort support swrvices fliM rciit', 2~403'~:`S'.ec-Vzic1F is attached hereto as (Attachnient ;j'.an~l iris c~z c zaf E ]3rreiri l~yt~ cf r t~ ~ Town and BIU Engiileerrs entered Cratev ray Coriceptaal design sen-icesri`n.l'nuar~;,'21044. ~ '"r r4 d,. rnt3~d133cHt ; ~r,ce .y of wbi.ch is attached hereto as (,1A1ttac1irxi=fi4.!jactOitcwr~zrri'e0.ficrC Ai'l~ ~rrcftrerlce,•1 `011sul#ani will Provide testi s z-~z'ee rtilc~,fic r~sfr~rclxOTr,s~#ppcazi} s~x~; ces4~~;l iC I;; ;gas" not iticludz!d itt.Ihe o igznal c c rac:ta,ir ~~Iltlecfi~on:~ ;itl ''ro t t C1 3} - :5rrzt Gt' .ktt t Avenkle1Zes-ttrfaciny .Project.. A 11~,NI)'&TE- ,T` - The rl tectitent sliere yaiiienc dtc roe ide est n,and~wrtstruc,tioz~'stipl7oilt' e iz€csl for tI)ispraiectinaccordance uT'ith{FMJitAl.~`toth! (l? ourtli':~;zn~tiTm;ent?'~, t icli'e~. hereto and incorporated herciz) by tlai'sit;ef~r~eric-e; tzt:a~~c~5t'.r~ot,Xo,oxc?,gci, ?~11 other #er~tis 3r c~ ~~~iiditions of tl~~., ~a~F eetitetit,~a'~ £~~.tc3la~r;, ~T)1)~?., r~ti'~aitli3~.1a~. force and elect. as of the date lndieaL~~,d on page, me Tolxn ofX:os Gatos,`by: ~3, C3 i~ irtl ef'SL TI ecmnmended'by: folul B.- Curtis WrizT: -net Dlroc±or otParks aid 'ub7ic Vc~rks C']urk' ecretax of the Rcdgvelopment Agency of thcTo\vn,ofJ os Gatos Approved 6 lu lorx Orn,1 . ; I~ orb, ~T c~k~ r_g.~tfor~l~~~'Cseilesa~ ~ ot~Frse l 11 ME& fi - q ME! 011F s "a May 27, 2005 ENGMERS Sur. VEYORS Mr. Kevin Rohani PLANNERS Town of Los Gatos Public Works Department P.0, Box 949, 41 Milers Avenue " 'Los Gatos; CA 95031 ubjec : Proposal far es ing° Services an Construction Engineering Support- " Services for 'Town' of Los Gatos Santa Cruz Avenue Resurfacing Project (#U4-13) Dear Mr. Rohani: 13KF Engineers (BKI=) with the Town of los Gatos has successfully' provided for, R the advertisement of the contract drawings for the Santa Cruz Avenue. Resurfacing ,Project. In anticipation of the upcorning construction project, the Town of Los Gatos has requested BKF to provide a proposal for testing services and construction engineering support services for the Santa Cruz Avenue Resurfacing Project. The testing services, to be provided by Parikh Consultants inc, concentrate on the- dig-out subgrade preparation testing, asphalt concrete testing, and batch plant inspection. Construction engineering support services, to be provided by BKF :Engineers, focus on construction coordination meetings, shop drawing review and submittals, design clarifications during construction (RF'I's), and providing AutoCad, as-built services following completion of construction, Each of these tasks, and the effort required, is broken down in detail in the attached "Materials Testing Services" and comprehensive "Scope of Services." 'Through the course of the Santa Cruz Avenge Resurfacing Project design process, several tasks related to a Caitrans' encroachment permit were added to the initial project scope. Specifically, the coordination efforts, traffic counts, and preparation and development of a Traffic Impact Analysis Report and emorandum were necessary to procure an approvers Caltrans' encroachment pen-nit, thus allowing the Contractor to implement specific traffic detours and install, temporary pavement delineation and traffic control handling devices within State right -Of way. 981 Rrdder F'a;~ ~ EJ,,ive- Jnderstanding the Iffportance in Maintaining the °projecf schedule, BKF wo incorporated the work associated with the additional tasks. BKF has been able to ;an Jose absorb the cost of many of these tasks., At present, BKF's contract budget is phol-32 [[4oo. v7 c~ = o w il., a_hl;;`rori' exhausted and some of the additional tasks cannot be absorbed by the original contract. These tasks include the followinj (task identification corresponds "Scope of. Services"): Task 2.1 - A meeting at Caltrans was conducted to review, discuss and attempt to resolve an acceptable detour plan for both parties (Town of Los Gatos and Caitrans) that would allow construction of Santa Cruz Avenue Resurfacing Project without significantly impacting State Route (SR) 9. For Caitrans' to provide an assessment of the impacts associated with the proposed detour, it was agreed that Town of Los Gatos and their consultant would complete a Traffic impact Analysis Report of SR `9, and the intersections of Santa Cruz Avenue and University Avenue. Task 2.2 - Although traffic data from SR 9, SR 17, and The inlersectioris of University and Santa Cruz Avenue were available through Caitrans and the Town of Los Gatos, supplemental traffic counts were needed for AM Peak, PM Peak, and lunchtime supplement the Traffic Impact Analysis Report. Task 2.3 - Based on the traffic detour proposed in the 100% PS&1=, a Traffic Impact Analysis Report was prepared using the traffic data provided by Town of Los Gatos and Caitrans, as well as the supplemental AM, P4, and lunchtime traffic counts. Based on analysis criteria and traffic behavioral assumptions, the outcome of the impact report suggested that the traffic detour would not significantly impact SR 9. This initial impact report was submitted to Caitrans for review and comment.. Task 2.4 - Following receipt and incorporation of comments from Caitrans and additional coordination with Highway Operations, a Final Traffic Impact Analysis Memorandum and Exhibit was prepared for Caitrans review. Based on slightly revised analysis criteria and traffic behavioral assumptions, as directed by Caltrans, the outcome of the impact report still suggested that the traffic detour would not significantly impact SR 9., Caitrans approved the plans, and an encroachment permit was issued prior to the Bid Issue date. In consideration. of the requested work above, BKF has prepared an additio f services proposal related to providing testing services, construction engineering support services and for performing additional design work which was not included in the original project scope. BKF proposes to provide the additional services as described in the enclosed "Scope of Services" for an estimated not to exceed fee of $23,854. The amount of effort for each individual task is described in 1h enclosed "Scope of Services" proposal. IN 1 e )ook forward to continuing Vrgvj~trtg :~ervi id qUe.> Tb.Wn,' tk:Qu'O, tl~~ construction phase of the projects. Please contact me 7 you have anyg4estibos'.or' regpim-additik'al infarmatibm `Very Wy yours, BKE Engineers Gordon C. Sweet, .PEL m Project Manager Attachments: • Scope af Services -,Surnm'arxtc~t' ee~r kFotirs~ by,T,-ag ~ `Town of Los Gatos --,'aant'a; (k."- Averjae; R'esuAcjVg; ~ #x'0.4`7.1;3,jf 3-- °Construction Engineerii Suppo;k. ervkes. Proposal for Testing Sie and Itanstructing:EngjOeering; SupR Services for Town qr 6,n , Project (#04=13) NG031@36076Wropo,dghdons#rucfian admin 05216516tM a BKOE'npineerA ~8^~,Ftitita~r~rsrk[115r~r~a~~ ~attdii~ Scow of,`5`e1p;r4~s,~ Torvt of Las Gatos - S(wto t`r iz Avernre Kesu1facing Offi rY~3)t- C)nstkuctibn~l?~gfrr~nrir~ntSuppor7W rviees+ Tesk 1 Santa Cruz Aven!re Resurfacing Proiej:t Construr; ion iiii ipeorii~glS poi-f; Task 2 Additirma{ D "sign I asks A:3dr snd in Pra}enf" TASK PiC Pill Enc Ili Eng 11 'Y { 1 r ' Cher i i~,il ± C L F:ata!nr ~ l35 b 37 116, y -1 G3 _+q pq 7~,tl 5: 5C! H f,f r7 "ask I 11i 1) C 6 7; -23t 6;~ 3 Task 2 _ 12 ~5:5 0 V1, ; 1 ; c>~ 7•,i'2 SKF 14 27 3 v V• ..51 Suatetat $2,59 3.oJ $4,11u $613 RKF Sutcg nsultanis: parfk# Col-BtAa^:, lnc "l sting sn-rvir: ~-s for Sant ►G'rrrzY~'vz{ ~ ae (i'pclii s ~fgo.o 1 ~ >3~ f; ' 8t75t; °TGt~ Professional Services Reinibur~ aN 4e ,Expnns~s: Printna,`C?sily°r=V '$5g~3 Total Sudget, 23?$ Task I Santa Cruz Avenue Resurfacing Protect Consfruction Eirgrneeri!TATvoppo Tas 1.1 Attend F're Liit'st C3i i Yr Last a^tioNConstrtjcti~ i'CvlaetinGs(ttirnate~dha~{~~r1e`fngs~ Ter* 1.2 Revie•u Shnp Drawings and Sunmittais 'Task 1.3 Provide Design Caarincati0ns D,_rring ConStrw-tinr~, -Fask 1.4 Frovide CAD As-hoist Dravrngs at Conclusion of »stfuciic~rr :FtiSK PIC Pf71 Eng llf Enca 11 Eng'~ _ C4~s*~ 'Fot=a1~ rt s±l Task 'i.1 :i 7 6•?(~ Task 1:2, 2 2 4 12I +561 Task .3 4 ~ qi ~',11Gt T<.s4; 1:4 ~r7,v'S Subtotal s - - ~v r E„'.231 ''ask 2 Additional Design Tasks Addressed in Project; Task 2.1 At end C<,Itr?ns C cords nation {`'eating to Discr}ss Valflic; knl,;a ts!E r Wq► esi C~ 'rask 2 2 Conduct Traffic Counts along Highway 9 Tosk 2,3 Prcpt .m Tiaf'ic Impari<Anafysi;: Report fn, Caltran~ F':,", sw C;cutr€ ic,tttt Tasf 2.4 bcc)Fpolate CT Co,nnients and Prepare Final Trakii; krv,2~t',? a is T rr grandir fl~;l l i~iblts; TASK _ ~P4C _ PM F= vi III r~nq if ErN 1~. 'Tk6 C1 Trotai; t: asf, Task 2.1 2 Task. 2.2 1 C4~ Tpsk 2.3 's 27.9? a" , t~J Ta---k 2.4 1 h If y n~ Ji11 Subtotal- 4' 0 :35.5 '111 6 b! .~747t??. MY vngilleers 98 1 Ride}er Park Drive, Strife 101 cr1 .N Y.:I 20'~rT'-'- :MM' Sail Jose, CA 95131-?30-5: Attz3: hlr, Gordon Sweet Siit): Materials. Testing Service:sa Cost.Pi:()Fosaf. santaCruz Avenue Pavement Cas;cucti`ott„~'.ESatoss . alitortiat Ref: Santa Cruz Avenue RoadGVay I~ep1t~ rirrF~t,,Pfc~ e ry ~cl5ni :~l'f'r~v s o~isl hy_z'f3}4 ! Fns itaeers 7 pages) Gendc= ; Wt are pleased to lnovide yotie,ouz scope o ,:sezz; czs; auk vo~fle5ti' rato tArouglr~c~t t tr rx,iur' ,the proposed project. he project consists of g:rhmi' an(L. restirtacikgi )A tliet j~.xisbii ct)adwa "r between lire intersections of Highway 9 and i~1 k SirtTt`_irv LcoxG'atosi_, d esc activities is trot known. 1l~~vi vEr, °wr iaav i rzia e; s rt ~ ar in 'tip n ~ t'E ~ rig ~a^t' d":C~t 7et~ t 11St LiCtifl7 . got) port services: Observatiou and compaulon testilig, services subgrade testing of dib outs, asphalt c o-tierete f eW.-sarriF) ii gj and, te~tin an~I;lal~c~r t ~ry~' s,ti'iag off' the mss rfacurg work, 'f'he dig o% replacemmt tv ~l'~~isp~t tit;e~rzci,ete!~is;Y~c nr r~zl>~7 r~:i~~Ttesf~ ancf,i~ flheretore not. Included at thls time. Ahove,discusscd scatirices are tit 7)e provided i~~ a~col'da~~~}~ ~~i~crt~rr sf~rrriarc~.ra~~ s~rfic,111Q,auc . lemis and cond'dons and will depend upon tliej ~ onslrucfirrtll pro~r~imt, azt~, s he€l~ile*, ~ray~ei assumed total of 5 Nvorking days of subgrade prgaratTon-- ante ~i-,pph 'c irl'1' fdnm! l~ work (8 hours) is assumed for each play of fh i VduIhgL •wr;rk'.. Si$ t4cG "ve. riot'. t rvov; I I L tb~i contractor W l} work overtime, eve have allol;ved} for, 1'I irur f'r~~ xtii l otr~tlle., ~ s, tear. aver ,expected to be within a-10 .hour window. For laboratory tests, ~xe liavc allcr,~~ed for two d{In~l ictitr .dui ~s. H; t~ iad ~Ftiatekial° ?A T)1557) aril one !C swxrple each for detert for asphalf concrete lease aril 2" asphalt carrcrcf~~sur~ac~~coUrse'., Assinuptions: -We have a_Ssuzrred that Subgrale pr(-parat p)n' a: ~tlae; 1 ; ou tocati~ms, arid., a~phalf; caving is perforrtred otlcr a total of 7 workkzLd'a lroicd' . ;jjid; w~; sl3eiicll.~cl~riva~l~trt; o 411, rotas (inc hr~lin4T travel) for testing drzrinY~ tic priiSd., r . ~dw FM r 4y t i •3 I ` _ q~~~y~~ -~3v4§"dJk"$P3_'W'R'N'a*1 _ $tsl$L4itL~.i[~1-+lE6tFlf!7i 4' ''O ,,~~,,~~~~ggpy~~~ !#~~s~ 1333 E33s~ dr Ri gol alzaWIM, Mm r Y R 11 _ T SA on no M_; PA d3 16 --ow" 0.l A Uzi"= pan r ou WIWI t sue ' a ► 4 RI r1i W., *=7 TA IV M I 'MA NOVA j ?ov fe to». a c ~ .m w 4~ 1.4 9 rd ~ ► I Am a•P Rp r` e ~ ti ~ 0 ak .a.4 IY ^ ~ ='aSp _ ~ • L V ~~'t'Fi ~as• :~s~~ is a €k±Li ~"rve& n-~ .0 .1 ~p*c~wom4r^strAq x; and Ana. vomm"Va RIC M I Ml N" I~ i' ~ 5' n Y A ~v mrwM, .q w y aw• yak rm9 r.i''yna. 'F'^ t4 4+Qp~,,~~yy;s ~ .*.VIP Ile r• y m IV U ~ a m3Ai . e ~ 0 } Admomt a7 oki'm a ~ r - ~ a a ~9 g magb . oll 0 b ml a, Ir l 1_~rfo aticn,/FPrort Lf r~dlint. All dccurri°iltSl Ott-0s~'F'c'c'.vc~~cr•,st<il;t~tat . and all reports and s'ipponive data prcpared','6P, .e; ans> 't'aT~t; L Ttder ifs 'st { ee ;eT argil 2 cf Tcwn/A2encVs ^ropeny and 5hall be del: Artut~r flla'~i ~ , ~ T]I~ Y6rlCyiy= rRJT}~'t It~d ~1T T et9OI9:t3F' Consu,ant's scnices dr at the TcwnEAgenc. n', e~trest'. ~1; repcros',•i~i f6rmaiibr#;,d`a and exhibits prepared o: assembled by Ce'sta!;2~d} it ~crPctjon, irtirrtl~rerfoac dE?'t's~ scram ;'ces pursuant to this .lkg cem-.nt are cone d'c itinl:li'nti'1'.re ~as'ed ~y~~i~erT©: ? ~4 icy.' ~Iti~~1 GllbliC, 2 T'd I 2 C4nzSuliaf7t S all not iTlake 4'rlY Li~N4c!{~tZS~`~t~CUt~iLr~-t 51CI"11~~C~T~ tcanyindividualororganization; not emplcye ~t]'dCi-Psvl'tarwavth'e~ !:1~ ett V/'Niont; th Pwrit'en c o n s c n t 0 the i own!Agcnc bcf-G ,,su.ch',rple gl. j'i2 i7, {73~Sr eri,,&ackn~1ct]'~'~_~Qsl ,that t c reports to be prepared by'hc Consuit nt~p,ursu nt tx~ i reerxr'enia.ar,~tf~r.'th~~purp~5el . o evaluatinty a defined project, and 7o~ n,"" en y r35d o 'th ~~lnio at~`cirt con;'[ai'ried}i'; t'~cl repor s prepared by the Consultant in connccti , a; %nifIh, olf eri praj,eciK;' s£ OX' br'sctl` ' a.: ioTV'Agency's risk, unlessonsultantl eresI carlsanCsl qoi s'it -~7se7 Town/Agency further agrees that it Nvill r;:at; appw_pri'a(ca an?~' -netl db ag<v,~ ar,7 teChrai' ae~ ~ ' Consultant %vhich is and has been con#'ii ;neu: i rwsr3'tint , ; anru t'a'ntl tb~ era''tr~adeis,eer 'tla 1' Consultant. c~mn nsation. Cornpensation or onsultait,"sforb'f s tonal' ervi s:sl3a ncr;~,exccA(~ 1203,673, and payment shall be based upon~T.'orvr, ti end ~'S ap ro a c f'ea l ,tasl'e, o' billing shall be accompanied by a detail edi expl'ana3t rs what rate and on what date. Also, plans, speci~ati~5ns,rcurraer,t'si'o~ ot;tr,parrtinc~t!at'eri'sr shall be submitted for TownlAgency review; even only.' fi 961 o . i „ m,Pd}merit shall be net thirty (34) days. A~ ill invoices and st2ternert5 to the ~o IJ1~g~nc ,;511a1~i;r rellce~'t e` b ` . eri'G l iriF 't7 raer number and be addressed,a&folloNvs; A , . g L,,~voicEs: 7hTEc~9tiI ~r;~ Town of Los Gatos o,w~; ~s!fi~atvsi 'Y'tln: Accounts Payablir ~ittra:t~~rl~ancei~e~r~rn~~: P.O. Box 65~5 Los Gatos, CA 9503Q" . vai'abiFit~ofR"ecores. t~oilsultanshallaixt'airy,t.elr;ec~r~~npp~t''erg;t~iilli'nglo lt,ss than th-rce years foilotviro completloT Fi .t'ric~ C3rIC'? 7}7~' i~`rl'l'11'S! C T 1L'Ilt';~ r775U1t~F3P'. shall make thCSe reCGrdS 3vallable to u1lt~ l F]' ff eI S~nIiE t p, ~ Ikt ' T'Q:N" L,"'',~ 5ricY FE?e t' °i g C4715Uit37lits C>; CAS Cll3r]ng olisaPeSS 'noul'5 U~}Orl~'~'v'77 i I~ f]CStI L* 419~~~' ?~hTiti:A el`1 rciect _M, a,a r ~aT. T> ' . ~ The Prqiect Ylwnager for~l~~~br_s~~it'a~:t' . 'a.~ L'C:I~erit mall bE 7~1c:Ial~i~2 >`;GITi$7'~i. U d LA m M*nw "cap= a F ig3~►}m1?; 13.7X-ali~y4f w f f v awamim. a a i ow -I W''t ' 1d ]',i a *1 s a "Wumomp L' mil Ar cgs ? a ~ ~ ~~s T ~t . z tr, *mw-zgo Ma", I r w 'S pa+~ rt4a3 ',far-. st s r Ag IN i4 ~ R COW ft-lA -1: b 'and; M&WA to St. oar a~7V.~.D ~4~~5Sror~ ' CM,$4{' tca yew Em w ~ta!.'`3' ~,i~`' h ~~~rr'$ a9 v a~~~" `i*~ - ' w & go t • _Is I r r n u x E, d $ _ gov* w WM ~ s '~a ,a ®a ~ 8~! ~ i ~ e ~ ~ ~ a 'o ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ a. a- sham 8 m R I ti ~ fj- 77- 4 l v~t1~0 C': EiP,tFR T3 ~',ac}erx ,iinte sdspecd~;,~ciide,dtrTi1 -e- • - pri~7 1t er rrclic'e ~ tiil~~ -Fai}, 'I rfi~i~ebpi x esredRia ssj€a ~'otirr,J.~gency:. C'~rrent certificat~i~nt ~~:'st~c~t; i~I~uralzcet shK~ Abe: };-c~-t; o,~i.~iilei ~t,~Jlt~ t,o~ ~,;r,- g the erg el_ _ 'S: a re4 ertt~ Xr1t t et C]`e kl ircF~ g el . g y_, e • In addOicn to these policies, ftarvV and.°tai;1taii7,' lar,l •rs?' Cornper.sation tnsurarce as rPQLI1r~C 1 Itf~I`'l ~~a; }`q'?i('~s l2lt~'~Jroi+JdC'~GY+1~erICCvC.~i~~ such policy to the ""cwnll,genc5;~ ,er T,ei egi';nxr "'e ~a~ces~ und.er;-A?s1 te;eraa~rlt~ Funhcr, CciisUltant shall ensurer tl.atk'd`ll; s cant ,actpzsl ern}aib? ed ' y'~Cbnstilt itt provide the required ~;orkersi C' pcnfia~:"on; insur-Lr~egi 4; r, r17c r s tir;rc~ employees. Indernnific.51,on. The `c'onsultant shahsa,~~e',~keep a , `1' arrrjI'e st7 rd rrrnif3-avd defer ' the Tcl 7iAgency its office,- , agent, emp' opeslar'd.a 1'urt erslf Qrri aI~ darrra► cs,~l'at uifrtie,s; 'penalties, costs, or expenses in Iaw or egpKY' Viii ,x:'at! a7~.y tr~i ~ ris,cro , ~'set~upbp usd of damages to properly or personal in ;t~~, %ccdmedl'by~ asorr. oI?;; orf I'm •tnej i~u~s ~i b ' performing work w ich may be occasipnell ' F :ixlf i`Ovne'pr4t enttacvgrtoMit si'nsro•ftb~~t C.onsuAant, or any Of the ,C071sul ant's 0ff}cemFCiT11 ~ rees~eC3j,'pg5nts}aP,'~1cYY s,uliconS-ul~t'dn-- Wai%,e . No Failure en the part of.either pa.i~'t~iai e eroiseFar~,yt ~tCx r, rert~cd Z r~ur~ci'oz~'sli~a'I'll operate as a waiver of any othcr right ar, r exrted'y~ h tl par; 'rr ' a~ctlicrc.undcx;~ aorf d'oesi waiver of a breach or default under this Ageernentf ccnsdit-u,tz ai conc;nuirigt wa#ivcth of a. subsequent breach of the same or any otheTproNiV ontof','thfslAskr, wrsenv.- (7overning Law. This ,Agreement, regardless f`w ie~~i xectzt d;~s'ha11; governed 6~,,-~n;d construed to ,thc Jaws of the State of ~b~46rn~a'...`Y nuE~r to r,' ~in.y, :=T , zed "iri ~thi x m Agreement sh be. ,the Superior Couz~{df.t~,, L.o14z t,)116f Sanf;N CIa t . Termination o greement. The Townf gene s' `.'ti,~~ ors its ' shallj~aryc.~}ry't -g.itrtctt r terminate :his agreement with or without', cat3se4b~' g; ~aira~ snot; ~:Pssl lhan,-fif tea J)60,1 dzgsl written notice of termtinatjon. In the eventaof tee 's;at3'an~ ti ei nsult~n~;s all:d'e~kv zi ;c~'th ~ cwnl.Ageztcy all clans, llles: dacuments~xepptrfsn erfb eq~ t 44fx- by'th-,tConsu~~t2nt'., the event of such termination; Town/.4geta,shlI:pa':onsliant~an; aznounfrtlat.liea~slthi same ratio to the maxim-urn contract pce~asirthiI,H'e1ia~'er'e'd to:tlif',~`Fcn.~v'p,~s F~ to completed sen'ices contemplated unde~is,A;eerner~t;F,ryuarrt!,fo+•t}~ibi;1Fi•fiereo, -unless such termination is made for catty;'rt.~vlii)a'given„omi~nsaEio,irr!;~s#i~ji.r+ adjusted in light Q the particular facts and:c rc-,xrT: ~tane~st lwc4t ll:swhurmmatiom. A-mcT,)dmen3 1~'omoaifcatxcn tivai~er, mui Cana aati;are,,cr,'a enu ~ntF~St1n"s' rlglee e is cffectlvc unless made In writing and sig~ec~'~1,4z~e~~~o•~ar`{r~;~en'c};~andi tie! ~'~rs-u1€urt, 'I leis tes Ln any dispute o•;er any aspect 06 t~-Jq 4~ligTc pgeuai4 jfi N 11 961 . ~ entltted t0 r4~SC} lad }e ~1;GIT3 ra ICZs, ]F]CIUU~T ~ CQSF 0~ e$~l - . p fl ,e' ,1> A're n-itn , TI I's 2, :'nent, I )CJ'u 4'n E;~ X7 1]L?]tS~•t~I"o'. C,C~7tS't}`t~eSit~I?etac%IF.P1:irC4, Statf,)7e3' It Cif tr}e :`%gTeener1't '~'t e:~ 1, ~i~ !1] v 13 C' ylircrrl GrSI]It 3 t Gt t,3.-Mtc ~OT1d;i]OrI$ i1 lCt'ISi^1Sd7T S C.Y 2~ pC rLS' yi h~ lit r`1 ITT"?'~ICb?i ~'?Jt''Y'21, irt]?7° A. eCi m1. 1"1, r: ? ]J°~5 ~ ICI 4~ 'm wr i 7 and S'gne- i lbi Ii P: TYttI~ F~• ~'JC:; [J~L?{~~~~.. It i e:1?3 i ~linI PcTE1 m ry a, 4 dt'a WARM, 1 C i F Ya' Va. Name) .1 @NOW 6 1a3 R, Fa. v4qi § ;9#MA 410 Ti Vx r Au Am a W* r N - 1 a a e~ ~ aP w - - r _ d IB _ : !~&6 °r , 3 W 19 2. WA Mr, Irv it Io S 4 i 6 gudn,,%44~ m ao 4w w E. , say A u m 9 x -2 % -4 a @ A ti IR 40 aY 0 g as W F r °Th1, r t 1,'D SENT TO AGRFEM577" 7E ~tbi~!N 's' enl~teZi~77cti. Injsl 7j 1`t~,1 t 7vrarc7~, 2003, by a,-d be ti=peen :he Town of Las G'affbs,l 5i'att I7ergi!q caIT-d "Tq~~~t and, an. tl e Redevelopment Agency, hcrein: e tl'; d ` ; enc, an,J B' r,e ts'~ hz-%~i21 'JU: "CDnsuItant."° g P~Ci L ~~~tf ' l ovv,,- and BK Engineers ~rit~rPt~.I4# 0 w 11 °II$; Qt'? 1 1r1~ Ii1i7 c ~5d 1~CC S« ;j~aZ' s~--2-'!legs 1?i October. 2004 `I~1~C2P,751 a']1 A.t.acl,-rrcnt 2) ani inco poraieC e;e n•11,y~~ , Ierenee. Consultant will prov~idc construc} prlsu~~o~' sk.~;ices:~aat.k,;ot ng the; rcmam:rig part On of the pro' ect;cons~rucsswot i~~I~ided} Nr!(Rci or~att ~~1. • contract rOr the Du'rrtothntreet;$eatztiiaat'cr>11idlprvezn h A ee'ment I ` erei v amcnd tC 1r~,ti ZdditibriA))iorR!aftd?5tdt-;.tt e e'c' ':i5{ pm'eGt in accordance with (Exl-ibit;' ~~r >~I'-:iysl A. rien;dM'errt;,r a~taLf e~ f7e.etol and;. at,a~cost;m~r~~~ol ancorporatcd here n by this reference] All other terms a 03ditions oVt~ea gr~ erri~i~t; e fab,e ~ rerxla nl rr, ' L force and eff'ect.9 m IN ti~~`f'~SS'~'HEC~;~, the xa~'~Iar~~~~ 'rr~ir~,crs!I~a~e~ec~ut~dt~isla~~?:eerne~t, n ® as of the date indicated on page one T of Los Cafosjv . n~s a .i Fngiz~ er : ~~I?X8 .i•. fi1Q0 TownManagerfExcutivq Directors C , ~ecornrri~~ca = ~ Toh~ F. Curtis Dir°,Cflor of Parks and Public Wor3 Cle!-ITSecretarJ~ ~z tFi~? edevf "g of ::ie_lown of Los Gatos, Vk- { r 4n dj~ .Appro~,~ed as to Fom:: oTh, T own :w~tio 1~~~C7 Sieru; ~ llns~li fix 1;E' - r a e f - ~ NO. ft OWE an-Flo R.. ~.,1 ~ 4~ PiS b 2 - A ~ Adl~ p~`" ~STl~W ~ :'~7F'~~AF✓l=•V~~ ~cW ~ fi~ 7~~, ~,~t r ",mat ; . Cdr ffion F ~ A i a a MOW Fe . e o ti a y~y,~- yva wry 8: 3rax s 7iFSN' f+nr y ~c ss s li -owe it A• >s ffl.mt" ~o wF r°° $ y. 66mmmk frFr ° A~~' ,AwFi.,. ~~S !ac's ~iw 40 ~ y r ~ s a, thti 49 c e .x 406 =s ay G N w A 71 A 'm r~ ip 2 p k w IN w i l•NE.SS WHER; OF, the lovh-L H ~ ers; mi ndmcn, to the Agree-mcnt as of the dato indicaleder,;pc - n~~F°~~,• To ~,n Gatos, by. rl'n°s: T. Dcbo a J. Figonc-, Town ~G~ager'Ex~c~~ive'L~irector t~ e+~ 4' MAI RPcOT-,I MCIIL ~Q ' Y-: f j/ v g 1 John E. Curtis D'T-ctor ofPari~s an,:Puaiic'~ crns w ' 'n ` ~mea~F ATTEST: f % f t ~ 1 A/ 14ej 4ck c e:ar3' Df the l edev le ment,~ aen , cl the Town of Los Gaf,osz, ®,-:pproVecL as to FOrm:n . i e. . ~z-iti~ ~~rb, Tow'n.Attarna~~~G~ner ;l unsex ~ g ~ ~ ~ r, ~ m . I . . . . A . . a I THMM;11E14D11T.:''1EE~1~ This 'TH~D 204 , by and betWreen the ToNNm of Los and the Redevelopment Agency, herein, called 'V,o~pnc~N-, ~ "rid. B i l± iig$uegyr , , kvre~rni "Consultant." 'RE-cu-T/. "S! ff 'Town and BKF Eng'MCcrs entered into ate. i9ixernent;~6v p~i.g~szee1~~zg.4esip il,C..oj-LS4faDI, ° sm, ces in October, 2002 ("A rce.ment"), a'cz) er~torastl! tac'i i7 u ~ I) and izlc~?rporated ter6a'by,reference:. ° & B, ez tered into an; a~nen~tne~. Yoi ttei age eeniieDt,10 Azov, ql Own and BKF Etigineexs ennstritc6on suppoz-t services in March, 2 6 l~~ k r~errdz etrt;' j,~,a,~~ ?,tii Ir~c1 '.t l att Che f hereto as (Attachment 2) and incorp~rat~d'l~~i~in'.l; 'refeiertcet. Tfl~7z and BKF Engineers entered into a sc'Goiiclr,~~zldnaent; tcai~t ira~~~~nent~~o,~~rc~~~d desi ;ti suprfmt services in July, '.2003 hereto as (Attachment 3) and incorpoxatedl t reii~',t~s~rc "er n.ce~. a Consultant will provide Gat4:,wzy Concepttia5 T esi` n sez zcesttlz~r ,i ~ h:e needecl~c t z i ftliet TU.MaiTling portion of the 2rc ject which tiva~zlc~t h~tid~d;lF~.tY c~rt~ri~~n~'1.c~in~raz t:f~i~il?za~~c~' 02-33 P;North Santa -Cruz Avenue Sn,eetscap,etl,?z¢i51cn Tie. Agrcc;ine37iisfier6T)vammJ (ICoprovIIdadditio w oiT4: an0si-affi 'uIC or,tk s►pr(7ec:. I accorJance with (Exhibit A) to attqehpdi hp e)oi Ind! incorporated herein by this Teference at a cast' All otl-ter teens aiid conditions of the ~ gr~;en~ tT a '•(l t~ c z ,l,(1 ; zematz~. fftil c r atid effect. I 9 7~1 fpr I'r1 r4: '3 A r ~ N IN WITLESS \AIHERECW`, tb Vown of he date. indicated on page on Town of Los Gatos, by: Town Manag-v/Exc ciAvve Pirector Town of Los Gatos - Ro-con-imended hy: i_.. Curtis - - D ctor ofParks and Publicll'orks ANDES M Marian V cosgove. - - Icrk'4~crcta ~ of the Redevelopment Agency - - of the Town bfLos Gatos . Aproved as to 'F'onrx° - ui Orzy P. Korb, Town.Attorney/GeDex:al counsc a