17 Staff Report - Main Street Resurfacing ProjectI 1 4 9 v f P ~ ML 2 R 6 e A M A E o y J 49 -P" r 40 ca a -;Mau s W a I 10 g~ H3 q c 7 ri m 'n f ur Gct E ,12ESOLtf#0N RESOLD MON OF T"E'f fvA`A l: F!' N!.C']C1 OF THE TOWN ©VU0S,aVF..-0S! AUTHORIZENG TH 1:7r'J_IC`XTI.07. FOR FEDERAL SURFACE T NSP0R ;,z .I' 4N FCNMY,INCQ FOR 'THE MAIN STREET RESL-RFA(ANG.1'ROJ CV, ~~I~t~.~tiI~1~IT~l4rCr~TH E'CESSARY NON-1~EJ F:IL ,1 I I' J1: VUR THE PROJECT(S) AND RIAT , E; (OFF THE TOWN OF S UA JS ~I NVUEREA,S, the Trans portation 175, June 9, 1998) and the TEA 21 !hc Surfaco, Transportation Program (23 U.S.C, -.13:3j-1 % i i3 WHEREAS, the TEA-21 lemslation will TEA-2f Rcuuthorizat onl ilf.is tint -orizcd; anj W HEItEAS, pursumt to TEA:2T_all d the Spmisors "vishin to receive Sur.:face Tr<trtst~ortat rr1',Yi:o r~t~r. arrtsffi ri a„ tc~ji ct~slitiill: sriYin~it~ , application first w th the approl}y_iate rcvicc3r acid consideration in the xid' NN'llEREAS,the.Metropolitan ransportatzon,,j ay region; atrcl WHEREAS, the Town of LUa zZtc p4' ' ki e;pnspi- tcn ~'trrfae~, Am 1 Transportatio(i Pro~cq,-am- arid WHEREVS, the Town of. Los Gatos the SrirfacQrlhmsportador; Prograrn in, fiscal, vca~tl2 09--'66: 'NZ AIN'STREET'RESURF~tC~r~PlROI t eX AS, - recfuires a resol:otr, s a it ;tl el ut 0 110M -W tiie conmaitincrlt of local rnrjtching funds all-d. that the Sponsor ttctdcrsta-lids that the Styr ac ; T-i'ans ~~rt~r~i'can:#'x~, ~atrl~.f~~irdi } fis{~ti ~ec~ at: lze. progracnrned nniouut, and therefore a st. c Gaset'c ct~JZ~tttze,~a ?.e ci,tc ie;r urn ~ i wish Stirface Transportation Program funl7sj.andl, 3) the assurance of the sponsor to completc1lbel approved, as prograrmned in i1ITC's TIV;i-avd. 4) that the sponsor Understands that funds 11314st.koioLtli~~fc~c~~k~y~, at~~l2~'project is progrunime for in the 'Hp, of1liv prplec~~~~s3 n-;~ azld tliatthc spo sortas a'NITC; certified pa~cni~zrztzar~~~_=~z~?:etx~-sy~terxz{(laU5..1 !~,OW, THEREFORE, BE I RESOLVTJ] ll•:y; r~®:~ectivn~ ~c~ u~cr~~tll~Y.tlIe ~o#t~`4 Gatos is authoiized to cxccizte and lxle air applicAo4z;7vrtiler i xuzc~~~yt te! urlace!Vzansp )4atioz7, Program TEA - 21 Rcathorization,in,the arrrc>uia~:~~'(`~115',~10,} 16i:141e 1~aii~~.SYr~c~t 12esttr6.ci'nq~ Project: and BE IT Fti,RH,LR 1kESOtN ED flint the status that: The.TowaofLosGai ,-,understLtindstlrattl gArfacg 'i-au~pi'onf'zgram~un&ig.f6n thepzojc;ctis fired at(S115,710) and tl a,,Nhy G-)f Los Gatos frorrz local match nt-, 1 inks .►arrd~t~r~~t~le~ i~xu~~,c~l ~~S~Fa~c~S;~icS:es~~~~t~ xl~ec f; aEy cost incrcases to be f nideci ~t tlr!~~rfacet~iar>~pnrtatic~ 1~'r~~'~i az~z:t~rnri~,! ai~cF, 7izc Nlaj:i Strett Resurfacing Project ~~;iil~.arc{l~,zz lt;asrci'escrul~ ri' ii~,~ll s; resolution and a submittod appbcation.,, and i ~a .rC e~3'.for, tf> ~az~~ zrz t~ l3oa z~.i ~f I et Metropolitan Transportation Conuiiissiti n OT:C+'" 4'raNsl?ottatioll TlkxnrE,Y.zl ucrtt1fyrq~Tr;mz, ('11P) itlz o6liwatiozr oecurr ng-cv*thiti.tl ellilaiekf'arrz estalilisficc .bcla ~iuc { c prn~ruar-~ fiuit~~ arc •~xl-~ec.tcc~ fi~~ hey ali~'~~~Per~.>_~y~ .TEic}t~ -~4~: ~f;t~eryea~~t~'~,~-~~eo~` c't~ pr°ogaz-t?Tiled for the 'l'l_h. '13E'TTFUl2ri'HERI2ES4L~'`EJ~'tlcalrhe~'*3v~~nr}#`fi:osl~'ati~5~ azxz~Li~;;it~~:~~:~spuz~~crrv.~~r~~~,ect' In the Surface Transportation E'rO L-Iran; and RE IT FURTffE11 RESOLVED that the aurz~..oh '~sl ~:aiasE i <~~ttht~ri e ,~c}:~st 6ii t ail; ~yplicatioil for Surfac;e'T'raiis}xortation Pyogi-am n IL-11~e Sstiu trcei''R~sN ~ viii t3'rt~y~eLt;:anct BE IT FURTIEIEM RESOLN + D that then-tai's-Iij GgTAihlj o2immTtm t4idr mwA MIav'; atosl -makiirg applications for Federal ~E YT,IFLrR'~IIER,RC-SOI,"G;F-D that tlr,ez~4,~isa~c~~eizcj>~~~rrl~eatez~ccl; Iiti~~funti~-lri~c~~i r~ri~ht m any wayF advetrsclr affect the pro}dosed``pzc~jcct,sai.tl7c;rabi+tit ~~~f 4.1 ~ cltiw z~,c~TL'o c,YatiaS;fo~de'~i et: stic}i project; Ada BE IT FURTUE_R RESOE TJ) that a c gy, is its r ~sokir ;i vv lR~ :i'rartslz~it ei .to'rtlae..I~ ii in C.Onjuaction with tl1C filing of the application: ankf. 'BE IT FU R[TH ER lfM SOLVED that the ~ i I,~tr>i rec~tce s~ecl; t supl~~}i r tire: al~ali'~ati'ori for tli'~t ~rojtct desc-riled ii1`the resoluti.~n ancl=!io pfo«rani;t~ciprvj~;ct;,it;a~lr~e~i~„%i~,~'I~i'~~~sr~ a rASSEO AND %.U)OPTED at a Us 'Gatos held on the dav of C'OUNCFJ- NIEMBE'.RCS NAYS: :~.BSC\TT: Q BSTiVTN a S~GNF,I~a 'TMAYO LOS GATQSir C CL,EI- OF TEE TO1~,'N OF LIDS LDS GA_IOSM.CA- LTIORKM.