16 Staff Report - Fehr & Peers Associateso n a 3N1Lf,T1NCb A'lE: 6120,05 -1 NE 8,.2013 TO: A.Y4R ANZY OWN1 CCI;1 NUL !'UBJECT : \1 0PT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TEE TOWN NIzk iAGER TO LXECUTE -N NTME- I)NIE NT TO •I HL' PROYESSI~ NNAL t`ONSL'LT.~,%_N f SURVICES AGREEMENT W[TH FEHR &I PFEWS ASSOCIATES, DJ L\X".'E]ND'TIJF ACrRl?:I 1 FNT FOR TIN'O `1 :SRS TaPERFORM TR:'%.EFIC; E 1t;LNI E ' i rL;() ~ISTJL l` AlT EM" t1NU11i, TOWN'CN" I :OS 6iATOS 0l` ANT ON-C4,- 11 BASIS 'R1~t77Ri OEXIDATI.OIN: , Jopt reso utinn (Attaohttxent 1) autholuing the owit 4 ana let tc~ CKCCIIte an amendment to ific ;I)rufessioral Coi1sullatrt sti- ices agreement (F~1ibit A) with Fehr K Peers .`associates; Ir1c. to extend: 111 a`*rcemcnttt~rt~~,roicar toperiormTi<,ff°tcLfi gi eri C a¢~s2iltarltservices iit.klreTo~~nofLc Gatos an an ull-c<111 Basis. AChC_TRCRMz Tlac Toviii cif L~~s (4-dos hasbeen.-bsinv consultants io ass : t tbf,,Towr in crevleur of eni irc,nn;ental, architecluml, L~eolo -7 traffic, and arborist issues related to private 6evelopme"t projects, These consultant corifracls are rc~ lowed cach year by the appropriate Town department and stafito insure 1'lr<.it .~e are satisfied ~ itlr the stn-ices pcwided and that Toy,<n resid-tints rcceivu quality service. 13ccausc of the xit.ic; li:,tcd it7teztsitv offre work f6r trrailic. studies -vvlIIcIIciiI crCi;`tr oil :)riva~t. &Vev Jopment projects related to tnfffic issues a.-~ibccause it is important to the aims of providjr,,, t{u3lityCU5t0Me:rse1_Vi3r., staffhelicvcsrctcntiozt of'two quahjied.constdtants will ho hencftcial. Fthr & PuL rs Associates, Ir:c, has atlso ;begin wort, zL, for the, Tcl~vji, for ,i.hc -past 2: ti1%:-ars on ati, ou-car„ scrvrocs conttraact. '(.IS bJDirector YREP:ZE7~ Ei'OII7~T EC C>J of forks anc Pulal c ork vie,,vtd1-j 15sist nt Town TVtanaL;€- _ Attorn~.y Clark ~drninistr~~tor Finar ce Cc~:n ~ar~ii~r;[~eYreloptxtett:t Revised: 11,22 am ^._~ounattei ~r3^'~2 &r,LOCil ~wIL I<fiP~aP.1S l ~~d a::G~. i.:~i~cc~r_wli~nt ame:idtri ,ii ngr w dV lr' kGl3 , `VIAYOP' -/ND TOWT~~'OUNCIL 1 O,1t=7kF~ N1J N OIt CAI FIC`'CQ14 Lm, `~I~I_T ~I VIC SLMJFC°C: ANA F-KIDiMEN 2005 TTS', Z',SSIf 1.e servlccs provi&d ny tbce on-c ll trfEG consultant have studies ;~'ltich arc paid -or by the private. developmejAs and rnaua ed by To v n staZ ;~etlr ar1(' Peers Associate, Inn. has been &o?kwg, fear- tLe Towii t=fir the past ? gears aacl, is very f t3iailiar ~T, ith t1~eT 7ti~ tl azlfi its traffic related issues. This 1irEU i.~ i11 corltinac to b «i1e 3f our trafile k~nsciliaa~.ts. ° h Ls rccommcnded that the Cotmeil,adapt.aw, aitached,Resolation author itlg the Too-vll,Mwiager to e?~eetetc. a~r~Jrrerrdlrren~: tLd°lhe ~'~~irssicrnal S~rvie:~s Aar~c>rlettr ~r'itli F~ll~ c~Z P%CTS .~,ssnciat~s~ TICr project Ls C'ateSotir.ally Exenkpt pursuan tc, Sect10sis 15301 15303'e,} and 153(140)1 ol'tl ,St~x~ Cl✓.Qs~ ~ttideline~. T1SCAX. EvTAc_.<'T The work byFcl`Lr Pars Associates, Tile, will be For private devZoptr_lrnljiro ecis nd ti=:lrtl! be fully paid by private d-cvcl(Lpc,-s- ttacll11 Jlts: Kes olutiorl approving ~iaen merit to ,tile Professional Services Agcomcnt (Fxhibit . 1)ri, nalr,A-gctm&t,liwd,t~a:btisi 30, 2004 dnd Sebe&Jle ofCharg,es B 9 se. a iYM Y T". Om hoay AITENDAL, NT TO AGREEMENT ~;~as ,4rti'11 NI7 ~ l ;~1~°T'C,t a.GR1✓;ENIFNT is cutereel into this e. Lv of by° a,Abenvc~e n. the Torun Of I,os Gatos, Statc ofCaliforala, hercixt called "Towel,'"-and Fehr ;&nd Peers Associates Ne., here-iii called "[ConsultdntiEantrdctor],„ RECI` ^ L S ToeKtx.artl S~~ttcnl~ i~ti?t~r IilYti~ tip au~~ en~e1}t tt? p ~,z ic3~ [r~~fic en?ini errn c~riallrnf services on August 30. 2004 ("Agreement"), a copy of G,vhich 'is otac led h~'eto (,~ttachnl~ rat i and i~tcor orated hcrdri by r~l:ere~~ce. XN I FN DM , The A,-:eesnent Is }tereby mended to exiend the a eement for a period c F two rears ft nl ILI~V 1, 20( All oflici terrt-L5 anti conciitions ux ~1~.e, , i c n:ezitof ~~n u~1 3t?> ''i)f34 xeinain -u hall >orcc r~uci effect. 1-WUNESS WI R.l;QF, t'.)e Trjwl-i anJ ~ui► tlt~inl l~atic c teertie: tlu,s sccoiid A ree:ne to they Age;,nwnt as of, the date imiiewed on pale one {"1). lo,xii o (los Gates. by- Bye: 'Uehx a;x~'Pe 15 Msooiatesjnc Debra J. Figone, Te wn'-Malzlp~ur IoAxn of Los Gatos ecommended'byt: Solm : Curtis a'ec.to cffParks anilPrb]iu~~rcarks Approved as to Form: I 0r:y.j. Kurb,, 1b,%Vn A.ttomey .,~%TTE- SJ'. ~1llari~r~: ~Zasn_j ctsscr7;, ~'.letl Adrt~atii strato~; . 'rilh~l~ ML, ISO " ~ _uuff H a1~ ~ 0 sEA y+ yq~ hy~+ - 7 ~ P-4pomt-10 4 a arc. d4 S Y t ~4 m 9W ro a r Ott 4 _ n i UPS I , .a mm it c w 1,44r` r 4t s OW ,y~am ~p,p f S m 1t mm r . z e ♦ ^ 4 V' d It j(y JJQQ~~ F~y~.yrr} yyygry~~l,~_~5i6~ l,~l~pt j-~p a ~M, MA Obn,'~~dW .m any yww~=OR q R yl ~5f AIM jd-rVW7dk Wp 0-1 a)n l W, w wk + . R a L- aim w"o Am musty v O affil- ® ok YSM s ago, CA W6 X-91 soo, d _ r a e ~ la s d bz R ~&VLa {s 2 R& a m ~L .we. i3~ rr k 3 O~3 K a 3 ~ m r g} aft, VA mm *242 MIM, P r w I. F F iti~y n.~i ~HF~~]W7B.t:~i:R!~ILL'NdV.~'~'f~411 nii'!NW~ii~•~i~'r~r~M. € 1# r c y s m Wz kftgd 'ice 58 o T M jAdOf NIA VAMMI, 04 mat.' Sad JM fir' ~x s ISY. }.y '-W~ • -r fir.' Wow , 9 a - ' IL er Off. i wmtA oMP-Twd MPUWO% s aa~'~`~a*~+a.,~.rk,~.,'i,~.r~...,s,t~s~~ ~~d''a~.seMS~s~+►Y_'II~S#~sssaa~aa~+a~ E i 1 ~-1 m A v ffi IU 14 n Y i $ 3G AP iiX i 1T pi-- ^ S!.I.~4 y1.1A '34.skA A.Nl~4/[s1 +9,~ E 1Rf 3 c 3Y 'ae r S _ Yi m&le ABYiza Ifs h ~(y{ QFj j`~y~' IL 6 W-1 W, mo 5~ ' w p A 4 66]eV N4/M'N Y t~ h k g- Swa 3 ~yyYi~~w~, low 4 Any ~§wm or ~yv 9 ~ ryi IL L7j~5 t ll,MT&% q ilk IL h 4 7 Y ~p 0 a I Tri acl~~ili<atr tc then uiic•, s, t onsul aat 51,x11 have and naiafatn `r ~.oz'rzltclsatioza ittsur~lnce as r,~Uired l~_yCallf~rniri iaYv a,~d s1a11~ pz~vlde e~ i::cnc~ ~;i~' W ` sl:ich policy to Towi}, lltf ct, lie`=,inninq ,ervic s zzidi~r Jiffs Aylecrricnt. [ ,t:e.I, Consultant shall e,rzsure that all subcontractors erz Toyed by Consultant ji_-ovide- till reat:ircd W`orkers' C:`ompensatioll Ulsurartce tol th-1 r respcctiue LMployees. ~L:lcnwifzcalittn. C.'onsultam shall sa n, keep =d hold hamless indeoutify and cielend To Yvv, its t:i3i€-c s, a °z~t er:11~1n ccs arlci volt ul zs Crr r~:, a1I chin anus. Labili. ic:s, peI_atties, costs, or cxaelises it la:T, or equiiy flat ruay, at an} time arl,re or be set uD bt-cause of damages >t P10pc,cty 01 pe ,Sanal I1rilily rt~ceivcd bpi' jtnsn of, C)r M f[]E u)lir sc i1t ~ U'I ll[TILII work lxnav be occasienc-d bl., a tivihful or lie plat act or Orr?issions of Consultant, or anu cf ;c;ittSLfltiTlC4 Ofkcrs, tnnpIOA,Cts or anent; or aPV Sub-cnjI sultant, 116. 1Va,ver. Na failure 0n the pa, of olti-xi- part,' to ex c-rciso, xv rigfit oT rcrncdy'11Lreulader elial c}}3c: 1t at- a ,v=alver of a~tv- other ngbt or FQ1Iw v that pally _na;v 11«v-, lienunder, n. z dv.:s 7,vaiver of a breach or default ender this geenient constitste a cOntiruing w-giver of. L s,tbs::quen, b_-e,axh of the 'aloe or any other prow i.s o-n of dais A`re,,jmez)t, 17 G )vt,.u tlg Law. Pus Amt ~ziae,nt, -ent-ditss of where ex c di-d; SEA be, ~r~vJec~ecl 0y and, constrzed to the lavats of the State of Cal fbrnia. Venue for anv avtion renardim, this O?rce+nerl' shall be in tie Sapt, 'or or Muuicipal QoW of'the Co-,mtv of anla Clara. r7aiilcition q_ Agre-ct-ant, 'Io:wn au6 Consultant shall have the nuht to temunate this A agleczrrent with ar wifliout cause; bj, g:iving uc t 1 ss tha u. fitfie,2:u (15) days wn teu uotic(f of'' lon-nination. In the event of termination; Consultant shall deliver to Tavv n all plans, f lcs, tiocutrier.#s, :rcpc3a s pcrfnl 1 Zed try date by C_ onsultaZ~t. In t'he event of such tcrn,inatinn, Towle, shall pa Consultant an amount that b-,ars the same ratio to the rmxizntlm contract price as the A_; ork iicli:uered to'I own bears to completed seI-v'iccs cmiteniplated under this Agrucni,2nt purse an to the uoCBd Saopt• of S-t nice, arzd Exhibit A Thereto, unlLss sucl, t~zri1i11atic1zi is mauls for cause, in which evcnt cotnpensati;en, if any, shall he adjusted in light of the- particular facts a110 circrantitallc•es involved i11 such te- i.nitioil. g Atvendrn(:~nt. 'No z tod tication, m`aiv-er. rnratualtez-tninatk,in, ur-arrendment ofthis i~nreP~len~; is effcciive unless inade ia3 writhag and signed by= Tovv,zl aad Consultant. % t'Y. L1 ally ,spute over way a,,,pcct of dais A~~.cc;rncn,, The. Z~c.vsa~lir paiiy slia11 entitled to reasauable atto,-nev's #eesa Including Costs of appeal. ,Erntire Aiueeinent, This Agre~n~ nt, (Exhibit cunst tutes: the complete an&cxclusive, statement of th° Agc--mcni betwccTi Town Mul Covs'alt.am, No tC'rs , conCitlon,, iz2c}erstanclul or 4gt °rzzlents puff-poring to modify or vary this AyTecrn ent, unless hezeafte.r made irk writing and signed by the par to tie bourLd, Shall b b jtdiz2 7 un either Party. L ~ P 4 Jr Y F v4R 'S.- PUT 1-1"S ~S4NSPS1n 1AC:1 ON L('!tS51 LCl+3Y~. jTourly~3iliing Kates Classification M Hourly Fate Principal _ $150,00 =521.0.00 Senior Associ $,145,00 - $200.Og Associate $125,00 - $170.00 Senior EngineeriPlanner $100.00 - $150.00, ErigineeriPlanner $80.00 $125.00 Senior Technical SHppnrt $80.00 ~ $125.00 Administrative 5uppc m $55.00 590.00 Technidai-L $60.00 - S95.Oa nttr $60.00 - 570.00 6 Notes: Re mbursable expenses are invoiced at cost plus 1 Ollu for, handling, including personal auto mileage, at IRS approved rate X40.5 cents per mile as of January 05). 7jie following relrnbursaVe expewsej are iwcbed at-GO-St: ® lReproduction work at $.07 per sheet m Plotter/ Computer use at $10 per hour w ';ommunication, Expense (Telephone, fax, F--,,m ail, etc.) 0 8