09 Staff Report - Safe Route to School GrantwN DATE COUNCIL AGEN , REPWRT' NE e. 20105 A-1 El- M:(iTE:tW,, Yj*s1 :ITEaYEND., (R' 01 IRO--m, )FBRA J. FIC OTNT, TMV.MM -~5.Flt, St,g3TFCTL- aM)OI'1' RESOLUTION AU' IT-)TWI*Cr. JN,i_xt~~AGEP,,T.0 ArTy)?v F0 ILSAFER0T-T-, E, T0SCI1,0C ON, I ~'tt NII 'ITH`:1iAF-I LYk41 Adopt t esc}lutio~~ autllot i 7i rr To~t`zi4I Lager tcl ak?N; Tc~trt,ttS e.fiiac~l.;aa~itz~Ti,ti` the C A- of Carnpbefl, 3A(--'.KGROT)ND: ;flee Cifv of` C~arripbelJ sia`is~~cc~a>,Lstail~ a joia~r',~rc~j`<~i'k;•p~l'i'eat.i~~r1tu'r=' I#~d~:~tr i~Y~. amid, t~"i'~y;~'l~`i znproverne>at i}1ozl4 Pollard-Road froa-r2 west Tow,,, itr I~ii if t ii'r c e to ul'e~ az;i ,mil pz tc , -would include a l_)iCycle.lane or101110 from Quito ar-dl,sxM M'lk, kl7ill. f6v portionsoIPollardRoad MCampbell, video delraclicir~fij~,tl~,~P~~'1I5n~;'1~tF~~~~traf~ice~i`~riu~ i-A6r: signs for the Rollin Bill school zone; and a li_~,,Ttedl pec~?sliia~ ~~o s~y~l~fafaEA.Vslaez,~?~rl (anlpdell staff is preparing the grant application_ T)ISCOSISJO.Ii. A Its Tot,vII Citylilp7,tjiIAe71zr)saloIt~,- the°cea-itea-of`l;oVarc ':ctac.isFlie.N!ciKcmio TaA:-iF istcmPrut~,. The t\ o jurisdictions share Pollard Road bctwecza' Q14ito-Vct26. arLd.~'~~ust, t< src niter l zonLwes~, Parr Avenue to -~Vipcheslcr Boulevard, Pollard Road i's+iil;t1lu•" zbwu.o~Tloq Gato's'. "fheRolling Hills Middle School is k)cated at tlr~ac~rriei,~~(F'i 1l.'at~1.}~ad'anti;?t"[t~i~~lr~ertrt~..fVl'aiit~' sn.tdents walk or bicycle, to school alum, Pollard oad'., wl~ ' Ti; ,l er,P,ark, A)gajkcd six 7 ixzf~;l~ell:acrc~ssc from )Jos Gatos Moods, is used by many Town r~ id Mats , Si'ircl~ rrc's*c~osSa:E''c~ll4tx'c~,Rlo:~~c3,af~t~e~l~arly, as wc~!I. Staff reccivcd see oral requests frolli Toti~ n'ies' c e~.zt'st ~,r, a+cros 311~:t +f iciiii te.erosszta tot (be park. Coiisidering the trtflic on Pollard Roa,cT,L!St&rF, W-I] 1;esi tent; art'•iIUTpz`;Clnenf:4ivl 4d!- c osswalk would be very beiaeficiG l in i,nr}?rovirl~; ibis +~ro. ~~t~;sc~fut~;a PRLP11l EI) BIT: JOHN E- CURTIS l'>zl~ic~i~ . Director of l'ar ks and !2Cvlewed ley: As istaut Town Nlanagcr Fural~cc. Cotxlznmit}r Pevelopznel?t Ckrl,.' Adi-nini"stiator A 6 .a AGp; 2 M AY(--)R i ND T03 NVNVC()IfNCI'T; 9 SUBEC.T: ADOPT SCH~C~L CrI2taN,TS,•F`~I~IVCxt SAFE ROUTE TO )ITNE 6, 20f)5 m Although) the location oP the proposed= grant fbiidIec~ i~ I' ir{1i~tlx~~aml~~~~~ a~aa~~~ost~.>'atci~,, Canipbel l witl bathe project sponsor, The compIcte&vork-will set ve'bcitl Fart iiwYini` s'as the c fi ~oL is in Campheil and many of,its students live in 1,61~ (~atolsL If the project application is awarded, a detailed a~reexn'ei~l .~v~l,zieed`t~ljas fined l?ei~~ e~n'thel`I'o~;n~: and Campbell- The 'prop o;ed cost sharing` and fi3ai41t~nan~~~~~~p~~t~s~l~ilify5~tc~e~~d.bc~■~stt~l~l`c~~ k;; . Bicycle lane or route: proportion td jurlsdicti o.. 2 Speed radar signs for RolLngJ Hills School: 50.i.5_0, ® k Video detection for Pu lard'Nlore: 50-50 - {~cj7lac~sl~~is~~m~r~rritibr:~nttui c~,~raffiet~Y~nal',7c3o detection). Id Sidewalk in-fill: Campbell. "Is Strect light; Campbell. M fit-pavement lighted Crossv~,-a ail sheL .R `Yc . CQNI IGN' Staffrecornmends that the Council adoptResolutic~ri.t'oapp'l~~ if~~1, Sa~e~I~ outeato~~'i>~c~c~ll grants ~irrtc~i~~;, ;L- VIRO1ti~INITNTAL ASSESSiNiENT s a prc ject as defined uiidQc .;EQA biii_is C alcgoi- ca IExeri-ipt:' Iii eLu-L`Ekc.nrPIi~) vTv;It1.ti'a filed. FISCAL 61PACT- The estimated total project costs are$400,000i T1i~ie;5trzr~afecl:'I'r'owxz►slitiz El ''IocaT c 'i ~i 2C~;~k {a~ if this Competitive mrit is az{.aZdcd, staff %vill hri3lg;Fc r.~vaz~., z~ C:xe est ri ; l ation.,~l fi . zw~ !match flinding at that ilme, antic pate `later this cal6l4v ;earl, 8 Y Attachinents: 1. Resolution to apply for Safe Route io Schoo7.g axiN-cati&vza,; 2 J)rqieot location map ~a 3 ,SCIMTIUIN RLSOLTMON OPTRWT,O:~r JNI' .(DMA M„ A~j ,C, ~nj1117f ;G JO1? NT MANAGER SAFE' R ULITE& TO SCHOOLS Nki[ H If E] WDEREAS, the Safe, Routes to Sc ~ Is. R2 );.F'fc ~a ~a ~e.5t~al li`sl d t l protect dli ldrerl as tfi.cy make their »vav io and iio t~,scfic cilt~wt.t~d; "WHEREAS, t4e State L~ei~a~tmet~tkai; i'ran5oiiai'oTr' ~~°uclfuitd:~ f Ilk- competitive kcc,al projects 21111 CA zitredudii,, -ij27ri s a1i~;fal t~ldies;t~b~t~iE~cii..~~f. ncc~t~r ige increased nTaikii~ Lind Vicyclin WHERLAS, California State Senaie- Bill 1()Sls ft ' debt '27~?'til ~ ec -t a SR2S prograin for ztai additional three years; acid. VHEREA5~,;1fieTown ort'os 4choor,xalk.in- routes for school d-d1dren-, ahj W14tRF S; the "I.'oNNii of Los Gat~;,~ tY 'nebool walkw,a routes for all school children: :P,ES0LV'F0 the Town o'fLos atost Jc-siresit?j`r.o11G c~!coTNba irat'c~~ local schools and agencies to provide safe:- routes!1oc 'school. '{OW, TIIEREFOR>N;, BL ff RES;OUVE'D14 ~-"'owictfpEt1Ze;~I hcitli L-)s Gatos suppoi-ts thcw- corx)bi1ACk1 OFfMrts Of Gatcvs to si:curL~ furidill, for the Safe Routes to S~Aoel's Ei'rmf4k xoutcs- A ~aanrn~t~°~~ a •i7 ~ 14 7 ii f AROAN, Tw- m ,W ft IF A w tw in I;p s m r i l$ 0