08 Staff Report - West Valley Sanitation Districta g s TNIE rTrN(x -AXE: 6/20/1-0 aw~F ° its AGE D ITEM: S COUNCIL AGENDA MTCl'RT ros ~:nta5 aA m 7unc 17.2005 TO: IAY0 AND TO'1X'`- COL NCIL ® FROM: v ~~ZIi YY P., KQR-B, TO' N1 ATS'nRNI= Y- ' St 3TE(-,:: 'ADOPT RI-SOLrTION APl?hQV1tiTG° A SECOND C'0X)NUA7V-?N1, MGR Eiti FNI 1Vl'T'H THE; 11' ES V ~ fi T T , S 1NTT <iTIf?~ DISTRICT OI a ° R SANTA CI:ARA COUNTY w w RECUNIMEND; TJONT y ® adopt a resolution approving a Second Continuation Agreeujesiq with the Nest Valley Saiulat orb Ilistric•t of Santa Clai'a Comity f n v . s z The :Tu> nbas sire; 1977 operdted and mainiiiirred tha sewer s stem xithin the ~ cj~vn how-rclarics ® -under m agree. anent widi the 'Wcst Vallee Sanitatirjn I?istriet of 4 iz~ta Clar t ounty tt11e `.Uistric:'''}.: he 1977aYra mentrcgttit'es,anson othert>drags,that the Distric,treimbur'sethe Towo-Corthecosts; rlcurred bar thL 'Io~vn in n>aii to zim the systrrn. lrz 2f~Ct~, else To~~ri alid District c,.ak;rtA inti~ Cotltinualzon Agreement that extended the terms of ilre 1977 ag eemeat to June -30, 2005, to allow, the Tmvii and District to complde the steps necessaz-y to enable tlse District to acquire titid Like over'. a the operation and mmairitenam: of -tie T«vvr3's sc--v- z sN stem. This process has not beers completed,: a requiring tbat the To-,xa mid District enter inn a Sc:cou'd colic s1uaiol) A(re4-ment stElir~~ t_crttt-t thi; errns m d conditions that shall overn the adX%t1'0n i1,Eczlod .requirec to concli0te negotiationsi concerning ~lrfprt~posed tiarsf'er:, ,PRt--'P ,RED BY, UiZ1ELY j'.,K0R-B 1O N AT-r oRNEY 17":x;-.?v1Bnj {Tr ;,,;tJnlu3n ,a. k i;c5"i aivn A;ar.1i icandl-iic~rt..1'f,t 1'aileg Sant2[tiu~IG;S o i ;iad~ 1tcvlme ,i Town Mj ana-ev Assi;-cant Town Manager Cle_•l; roan c z _Gt~i nln~ tl-?ti' ~ ~~%z:-t'at~znent T'.cv- {„'i?,'~15 Itl:~a3 am a Reformatted:7/19/99 ~ r 0 i-os PAGE 2 = MAYEW AINL3.`1,(AVIN CCJrjNf .l = SUBJECT; ~~UL}l''I r~ 1Z~ S(jLiJ`I'IQN ~~P~CS~ ING A ~FC~hl7 f 1~~T'1~1~?irT g AGREE-.\4ENT tiV1T11 TUT WPEST VAIT. ; NI ~ 1 I T L T OF SANTA CLAR.,'~ COUNTY iNl 16,'200 ® Is(IT TS 10t 11\1 ;flit District and ;I'cwai are,, illing to extend the 1977 agra4nI_e1;t, subject to the DistricI's conc-aril' ~ u about the amcki zt that thc.'Cowu shouldlie entitled to re rive as reimbursenTent for the costs Inc urre by the 1,(-)WTI ir, Operating mitt maintaining the system, The propn,tied Second CEantimmTloti Agree hunt stares that the terms of the 1977 agreenjcnt shall continue for aiz additional days with the exception of the cost rolinbursern--m pay nict7t conditions. which sh3t4,be_ resolved aV the conclusion of the 90 day p~,- iod.., m~ g FISGV IMTAC_T " Approval of the Second Cor Inuation Agreement will resul(Tzi the continuation of the operation aml M maintenance ofthe Tm'Am's seiner system Nvitliouta gruarantee of-ximbur-semem of the Town's casts = at a level consistent kith past. reimbursement papnents. While the District remiins obligated to rei:mbursc tlTe. Town, the Disrtri(A has stated its iirt~ilt to pay Icss dial" tine p~iur level of YcImbur•semci-A. Nevutheless, the Tovvm wc)uld retain the right to seek relinhursemetnt. of anyr disputed amoti-its. The cost of doing so cannot be estimated at this time. Because cif tht: uncertainty of the revenu4s ico be received by the Tov,in for its ot.uoliig mahnc jtanck p activities in. Fiscat Year 2005%06, no budget ac]justmeut is proposed at this time. \%"'h en tire. ,negotiations are completed,- staff expects to aditist the opuatilw l~uci'~ct accordj-ngl} 'at that tinge. v Attaalywrrt: °LF(Auticn approyino a Second Continuation Agreement with, iho lVVst Valley Sanitation District: of Santa Clara County F 'Disli-T)ution: Robert Reid, C>eiwnul M'mawcr, West Valley Sarutatim District - E100 E. Stuwy O,~1113 Avmue Campbell, CA 9-5008 m a a g Mimi a y a .a r RT✓'SOLC If ON' 01!~~ SEC(_)i`iC1 CONTI_N S.~it~~I:~~t~`i.I~l~`~x~►~I~tT ' tiVITTj THE NVFST VALVE SANTA e` ?l lrzl± AS, ca 4,oll 19, 1977. the foti°;n en e ct info. a enzerri, ~v~t i, lze e. r 1I }3 Sanitatiori District of Santa Clara C«tzntti' ' Asreernezit" (hexein`refetretl to zzs "Agxcemc nt";T;; anci. -NNIILREAS„ on Tune. , -2001, `f"oWrr. iutg 41;~ r~xia0izclzno'z17, icy tl3~r ® e A_(1reemert to ,coJati7_trGe said,Agree-ment For : r per ci, r~~ i~t z c;eec ,X}7~ee~ -iars rzLj, m . a $ WtWRLAS_ Said Agreemmf and all a}rerrda;ent~ wc.reW tei mr paf~ioz~.Fautc ~ ~E>„2(,(.14:..1,citid. 'N'S KREAS. can Itily 7, 2004. Tovm mrd. k;cn~etgd. iu O.- ~ -'VN'e zr~nt'~viiia,T)V ti- QT; . entiti.edp"Continuatioia A recxmtlt aad Amendrue~:t . of Laos Gatos and West Valicy Saaitation District"' for e_xt'Lt~d~flic~ f~rrt~s~~~f,P~c~~r.ECZxrLnt fist;`:ant aM addl'tiozlal. e , Terminating on .Tiny 2t141 izi c~rt~er.fo;, rc~,~,itIi :rti:nee s E0, Ti tipwf r ~IIL 'c_uz7ent and future oNNner{hip and a ,'oe atcd ovo"ratidzl: azzFl=,ritaint zt trUr,' r~ss l~.~r~ if tl IzeslKZl ti lrea sanitary sewer system vitl~zz-. the,I~?~~at's m® 4'i''lE>YRFAS. Toci )r and bistr ct ciesi c! towx ct d-1hettiMel for, nego.liat'noke;rf-rm ,1 rOposed transfer for an additional ninety (90) da~.rsl f7 ~ical3d~ ~t~L ~ ] ~~'QC~C,:[~t~~ Asa i~ti~c~~tezac~iix~; ~xcd terms of the Agrecment, but without dctcr,'x~irrirr kla. Tikslti i~ # l ia7 ~~~nt:tfrtit, ll~l `l ? Tz7,z zltitl d •toreeeive as reimbursement of its costs to o~crak'rat~r~rxain"tal;~;tl~~isewvei as set fvrtlt in the. Agreezrrertt. • RESO W11. by tile'TO-wil council of tht,''I;i~~yn ~f; ~~s,,{safes { h~iv~'y~ ~1; at~'i' ;7C azFi„ S:s tc ofC aIiforriia, that the Tovvii of Vos Gatos enter intgKi~~c;nn:~ ° - alley SaTl1wLiori District for the purpose o • • the District of the ownership, operation and Town Manacer is authoriud, and ishoreby direct'edb'3'xeml f€, s~~d~.e~ta~t'aei'%~n~e~~~en~• ~7.tli~~~zm~ • and on behalf of the To,,vn of Los Gatos. A• VASS ) V .1) OPTE-1) at a rema&.. Grates, CaliComia, held on tl Flak p1~~= ?4)f~~ fxy~'tlr~ f~;llcry:~.il~~ va~tr r • s ° • C0 NcIT tEit 3 5: ° :AWES: • • A • ° - ~ • • a -AY°S : ° • ° ~1BS ~ T: 6BSTAIN ° ° i1c~Y~rOT.~:(~+1•i''I'1~~1~✓'~iC~Z~~':i~)~'L•'C~)~ C~`~1'd:~S~ a LOS oC"I'LL ~_L' 1IZL- Q p • ~ s • • ATTESTS C ZX ADIMINISTRATOR LOS GATOS, CALJFQRNIA. \:_~Tl" Ad in 'nilFi'es',;Tow;z Att; me \.Can:ic;1 E c}~vns\1'c t 'zti ~;'S' iY >'~sTi~rti ttiC ! f)'-I~ Pefio!5, <3~ E r PLUM J,1,O'rEL SI C ON , CONI NI A ION° A6RCC 4 r ry M E , . VAILl YSANII-'AaI()NT.UISIR CI',lYS'ANNEA,CLL .CQ~ ON .MONDA T' E.Ail. R n a ~ t y , F~ ~t