07 Staff Report - Residential Properties to Office Use for Town Facilitiesm D arI rmmm_l 17 AMA Mo w ~Wem, Gm vaimfido owaftmt, WTI ADM MORM Famm" SUWE r IMUMR M-cm P_ CIVI I ;!MAYOR ANTI'FOWN COUNOL SIN i.l (a. CONDITIONAL USE PERNOT C)WiV D f 3U vir 1T. R.OY I [I I .C T'3 J-11'AM~xti''i vI?' K)F IF,EL rsEs. Illole 15, 200 cone-unity. The residential, pr« po tics l6catc,d a acc~nf`it sit ~ i"$ r~~ -t ;Ct'3viE ~ite'r'r~ e e 3i Y~ ' t solely°firpub cputposesantitheconver"'( o1tlzcs~~resi~ctzti a direct bmietit to thy; TO n a.zlci its re idonts by prq~-•iciiztgm~tteh,tle~t~ci;c~~fi~~~aricl~z x~~i~n~,s~~~cai. The propos;:d resolution N ould cxpcdite the cUrr~;ersion'~pz,t?.ce,,sl °„'s tfit i'~1u, e~ 'e~; -g licieliui:si for he Plaunin Commismozl inilie coos cdexatioi ~f'aj~ lie ~fi r strtsa ont,tyrt iotsi r si ' z~try z~ tc ~ 'c 1~iitLities. Staff belie}cs that 0 e pediL-d m iew pa)cess Town de.partrrlcilt ofpicc space. to serve. the Commull Alyl- ;P.-rmit review proc,-ss for residentitzl conversions., :ENVF[:ONNIENTAL, ASSE'SSM NT: Vitas been dctermined that this Project is cute`c,kt~ulT~,~e~~ nzpt'~~u~u'axL"tta~ ~~~ti'~n. ~t~~l (.fl. MC', California £nv ronrnental Quality A& PZSCAL MP ACTIN None. Aftac zrntni~. i. Dig--lt-Retiolution Dis,iributiozz: Toh7z. Cartis,'~ark arld Ptiblie-IVoa,-s., 7V BN:rrzd;-v PH= Ram OW-R-9-M, m emmun MI. ` T - §t .WMESBARIA A rp& w, W&I w f fit y w v _ msmu6o ` Y n r SUNWIM-Rofi I B. Not vifhstarndiu town f.`oc e Provide appropni te and expteclie-ni con,~ic3"er', oW,~~~h~3~'.~:e~~te1~ convcrsi.oll o To«'zl-oxvizeci TOW13 C'c: micil llereb-v determi»e-s that;,'Coxl,~j tz~elof,-tlir*er~~~c~~erti~ 110.(: iaye.<p. sIgnifica t detrimental, Qfte-ct od, zreigvR)'TP1operti'L~sl jrici. ex ~litin th e rt: Pzvicess w ll, Pl-o vide 10"vn del~artznc ui ~ nxr,ii'} . z}ee~3 s ~i'Fzt e sl? c ;1ct , er t[' Er~tijr~, residents ald busineSScs_ , s required by Town Code Section determines that the conversion T ?wn,wrGices, one caw}tic is to sz~~~t~rt;inr3ilzr~er~atle~~a.~#;i lc>itszn,iz P,A-8WP,AND ADOPTED R UC? , by ttre follows au Vot;: , t T,C:.fL f\TENlBfFRS: AYES-. .I Ay S: AI;;SEIVY: ,M3 STALK AM- s ~ S1GNJ~ I nLLRK 01 THI, T{)W.N OF LOS CATOS LOS GAT0S., ALfF,0RNL.'1 -121