06 Staff Report - Extend Contracts to Perform Workers' Compensation Claims Administrationpow N` aF = COUNCIL AGENDAREPO !ps ~A~Oh MAYOR AND TO-W'N CWNTC::IT,', FRONT- k l~h A ~ iC~C+h E ~["f 1 ~ !~'I' ' ~ ~ GE SUBJECT-9a ADOPT 'RE, SOLI lok ENECUTE ,N AP,JENDN4Ebl~,T` T14c-l ~I~Y~I ~`SrS`~31~~1Ir. SE~IZt?~ ffi` ~;5~ .1C3LZ1 EMENT WITH l USX' ~ILN)F; G`L'r 1>ti%1SI ()Ii.IJ"ZI;(Ia S„ LNC'.C3R'C)R_I'1) "I'C} 1 I:~I,'fFE IfZ PERFORM, ~VOR ER S' C, ON'I'Irk:~-NSOLION C)Lr""I~I44~iI~Y1I~i'IS:I'I~ RECt» IMENDATIT)N" ab adopt resolution,.uthurizing the Tmi m llat~3~=er.fic~~~ t~cufet'all' ci cai ~e 't ~,tlita'' a~;etne'rir~~ itiir Imo-vati-ve Claims Solutiutls, Irrco i-posted (ICS)',tfv: e ~etrc ,tl~t rzlg~eel~ era ; i~t, ~T e~ tr:at, tc~:c~tl irzuw; ro-%iding service,, as the Tovvii'q third party atlz~lini's1'r~rto~' fk ~¢tilalTea.s<itio{t claim~~ admirristratioll. B,N- CK GGR01jND The Town uses an adzuinistrator for its = selected f>:om a competitive laid process to scrve,6A-Aea is iIjpat.l~,- aXbtitji5ttafor: jk~Tf t'110 S.6,v\,n,"q NVorkers' Compensationprograxn. l he agreerrrenthe ~ eery't1ie;T4?:G~%t'a~1d~IC ~re# ectz~ I'CI X2002, for a three-year ii2ruv ending rune 0, -1005-1 DISCUSSION: . The Town las realize' cost say riffs in tale 1VcA-ors, f 'e r2lper:, ati x: ~rc_, tn.c ur~i ~ iet 'e i its A . a~leemcnt. ~~ost rlotitbly, t11c Iasi sip-rrlo~lfll per~z~r7~~arc~:,z•c.~,i'~;~',~'Iieri~~~ (',Ttit~~~. th~;ou~:Txi~cxczzibc,~ 31. -1004) identified a reduction in the total r, v a $102,321. ICS also oversaw the review al~~ aci~ilsizx~e~zt:~~~,'~F~rtl.~:cll~a~~t~i11's~t2iat z~sulte ~~~Yz',nei~ sa-vItio o $128.786 to the Tore. ICS successfulPykllpkRq~x .z~tt l ~.:z~ur~_L~ r:~fl;s~rl~s aul l'~Ia h st RF?AR'ED BY: RUMI PORTHIO Human Resources Direcior., _p ~1:`11G.IZ' ~viirir~l'Yr~i ilcs' n lr t .~(5 ASru~ I ii i cci ;r it , ' Qa:., pc7t R~'iered ley: <'~s~iSiatrt `I'o:~n 1lart tr _ . 11tFYl .Cttlrrie ~'YIt~;t~kxli ~zst`r.,~ Fizaariae = ~~'ozr~lrl:unit<< DF.~~~lUp~rte.it. I;c~riss~:i~?ta~~51 S{~':ti~l ~;~1, Refot7t}4tte:~: 5/' Q'~ I 4 r ° PA GI ? ° vIAYOR ANT) ` 0NN N COLNC'JT'. TECT:)OPTISOLITIONAC:TTiOr7lNGE11 1O'WNALAAc,k:TO ° fail LTT'F N A tiIE D ~~ENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL S}~R~'IC'ES SI~FLMF-X"T_ WITH NNOV ~4TIVE CLAWS SOLI TI(~l\S, i7C+~Ttil?{JLL~fi l Q T XT END THE CONTRACT FOR ONE' Y F AI-TO Pl-RF0R-NCI wORK IRS' R r()MPENSATION CUUMS AI NIFNIISTPAJ 10-N N E 17,200> ° tq%Vorlcors'C~mpt.rlsati~<>t egisl~ttonenactoddurillotheterrno this,a41;eonienf.r`rirlhieS-legislati.ve charges are anticipated, and ICS cr~titbiues to keep staff infnrmed. of'nc,v a.ad pending actions "that may impact the prOgT"A1l arnd Town employees., M ~:ONC'L r'ION: ~ ° ICS has demonstrated good poTforniance and cost savings for th , Tk)wn as the third parry a-invinistratr)r• or Worlcers' Cempens itiori c.lairt~s adn7ittistratic~n. )C is kno~nled_ E;allle 31?otlt die. ® "legislative changes in the Workers' Compensation arena and is working Nve11 «vith 'Fw,,vn staff to implement Jeg slat ve jianrlates.ir± a v ay that,ullnirrtizes disruption to the. program and a#Tecte ein.ploy'ees._ 'EWIRON-ViENTAL ASSESS ME-N T; I5 nit zojzCt defuTed under-LE'QA. and nU urjhet =iotI TS' requ rel a R PISSCAL EVIPACT ® A % The Town is currently paryim-, $3,197.25 monthly in professional se vice Rtes to ICS to sen%e as the d~t~-,s Workers- Compensation third park admiuiistrator. JCIS-has proposed a 5°, incrcasi: ibrthe. tertn ti the one year aVreezne.n for FY 2005-06,.t6r wee of 3a~51 morathly ($40 2 4 annually . g ° Fundiag try nppOrt this aLreeMCIAT is provided as follows.- Department: ToA n i1 allager° Program 6610 )Workers' 0ampensation, ccoui~.t: ~ a? 1 Ir~~urarice ~Atln~iilistratirtt (Ol~~ra~:ing ~sperts4 s~` Attachment.: ;Resolution Authorizing the To wn V..artager to Execute an A-menjin nt to the`P:rofessional Ser ces ,greetnent with hinovail e Claims Solutions. Itacorporated to E\tend the Contract for One Y eor try Pe i'min 'Xorkers' CompensaJoa Claims Adinbliszratiorr i~~fE liibzt A o Amendment to die Agrcementj strTl~Grkidti; Iii estettten,'I:i o~ atxve Iai}ris fioiri€iotrs„ j1ct>zp iratecI I3ox 1 ? , Saa Ram,l rt, C-A 94,583 C 4' Qz eb b S C ~ r ~ a b ' - 4 I a +'C T A 4 e G Qi gawft4 A M Wft, a % ~ ftAPFOP x r v _ - i P 0. ~IIR~ lb AFEMM V1 N W u 4 S 4Y Lo a