04 Staff Report - 2005-2006 Storm Water Management Budgeti A i °'i wil" 3 i & ~ &A Urn IN O-L -X~ r DATE:. ;NEE, "'005 TO: MAYOR ,-i~lD TOWN C.:OU i WIL, f RANI` DEBRA J FI( C)NE TOWN ~.1x ~ z~t~s R; w U T K~. 1 Yr h2 NfT" 3 ~ ,,1?t ' i SUB rECI. APPROVE-2005-22006 r~I~1 xt~z~[7~; '1~~~ ~~,~E~ T tiT ~?~;LZ:~ ~I ~<,~i~~ ~T~`~I~~N D?s~'It~~j•~ T~~>~~~.~,~, ;PRO GR_- M P~ L_~ rE]~ .BE I ' F3E'I ? 1 :C H lw 0 ;1~T' REC'ON1 141E-NDATIO- Approvv tide FY '211005-21006 Stom-t Water° 1fi ztZafemetzt: a eT;, aLAK1uz 01izC41;e sf: 'at},e ; Sanitation District ts~ collCCt prc>Lrnxi~ ~c tated ~:ces.cart',l~~l'zal'J~eri.;llz~F~'u,~:~ tz~ B A(,',K rR(')C,.- ii : In 1094, fEe Tom zx of I.os t atos, and tile, cities 0f:'C: na l~c~ll"Kri;fft; Sereno-an0.4atot' . wntcrezl mto a;l aoreenient viI l-L ttac West. VaIk 5anitat 0rjx{s z1ic:.t cc:!~k)Iq I rc~t~ zt a~~rnC,rs to fullct v~az-i ous acti:~>itzes relatctjJto the i~?~~tt~oit~ 4cjt~rc~~~'~vll~~~oz~'1'r~.~:ctitx'c3n'I'.'rcaW~r~tT~t'.. E'a~.~' yC,. r the Tow'zl and the tV~'SD cool) rativcly (tevelQl~ ayz•aa . cxl ;,131'<t ,t as '.,azuQ;~ t~th z; Iiiila4s„ establishes the basis for the fcC collected by the Pistqw'., Liz August 1995, the Santa Clara Nralley NotxPouzt;S tttx '~al~t~tfi n'. ;inntr ~ .l;re~ r~~~n ~u~t ~ ',e,3 Program) v.,o,s reissutda N unicipat itotrzl Vattr?~tt`tiizz~al 1'c~l<l it on' . ti a `eiE;li~rn+"izat can, 4stet (WOES) pttrm t by1he Regional Water QaalityC, )fi -ttil' Mkfi;ZI. a zze~v pCrn~it tf~~-c~ugh 20U~ teas issued izz FebrEiar~.i~ttrt7.l'~,~~it1z~~r;• av~erlEt~gt,tc~~>r~~,~~inrz ~"~i:(~7~,~~;~ & Redevelopment) efLc.tivc C)clobu 17, lt~()1: `l> ci rc 41 az~1, t.s!raacl'(a upl ~xf fifreez~.t,o;-I? r ilt ~s1 comprised ofthiiiaen cities andtoxi-is, the cc~tintti;,an~i~tli~iS'~t1xYa;~1~#r~~'ral~iy~~V,'ht'~T:L? strut`, Tl e has cone tbroa h sigmi tcant or lizatlQnai+ nc ,c?; tat anal c) tt s<t>t;e 'ter tts ; fcw years, is zxo\v called the S waa Clara. Val h,-y, kjibim. (SCVT-pPI'). Its ctuxCZZt dixec•,tiozz is to perform- re~'Vpia tl,fyt?, r;,ez ec4;~~uz~,.t'ec zt}ia~l t tctizs~,aAd ictur, alt ether pcevruit rcquir:aicnts to the indivicl aSoc2a es azzc3'to•~v sh co: t er~~a~if cs 1~ ss IL EPA&FR ?'BY, OHN E. C RTI: Director ofParks and PulUiv,Wi'biR i Rev),:\ved by: ~~ssistant Town N1ana,~:r, z~ti,?rnG}~ _ ~ lezlt;~~Ic3rxii~i~s~xatc~~ Fitl.anc C'onim unify l evelopment E r m v F F ft V a al ~ e ~ ~ Syr e WAC if'~1f U x 0 .IK I 9t IF T { 1-1 - r 4 W 0 ~ S r ~ Y R 9 MUM= AM%= n, r WW - y :a a9 7 ~ a p w a P Y a ~ b ~ d x a7 $ C - 9 OUR ti 9 t E a pp f R a~ m s ,e m m 1 Y A I I I" d di@ ik 4 % y Ab" ak SIR It „ w Wail i I RAI,~ w ~11 ~111 9 Vk6 I SW gL(,, mot R k F - LIt, ~f j ! , X ft 03 041 411#4 v ; W r 9 F. A F x 016 d J a 5 44 Im f 49 47 i L, ~J fl; 1 1*1 i 0 A 1