Study Session - Addendum Island Annexationstown of MEETING DATE: 4/4/05 STUDY SESSION ADDENDUM COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: APRIL 1, 2005 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ISLAND ANNEXATIONS A. DISCUSS POLICY DECISION TO PROCEED WITH COUNTY ISLAND ANNEXATIONS WITHOUT PROTEST PROCEEDINGS AS ALLOWED BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 56375.3 B. PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF WHETHER TO PROCEED WITH THE COUNTY ISLAND ANNEXATION PROCESS OR SEEK ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DISCUSSION: Attached is a copy of a referral to the County Administrator by Supervisors Alvarado and Gage which is scheduled for the April 5, 2005 County Board of Supervisor's meeting. This was provided by Supervisor Gage's office. Staff will comment at the study session on conversations with County staff regarding the County's position on annexations. Attachment: 4/5/05 Santa Clara County Referral Distribution: Ann Ravel, County Counsel, Santa Clara County Counsel's Office, 70 West Hedding Street, East Wing, 9' Floor, San Jose, CA 95110-1770 Ben Lopes, Fire Chief, Santa Clara County Fire Department, 14700 Winchester Boulevard, Los Gatos Pete Kutras, County Executive, Santa Clara County, 70 West Hedding Street, 11" Floor, SJ 95110 Carol Gruetzner, 16192 Oleander Avene, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Larry Gerston, 16191 Lilac Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Woody Nedom, 16280 Azalea Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Forrest Firth, 15905 Orange Blossom, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Ken Waldvogel, Assistant Fire Chief, Santa Clara County Fire Department, 14700 Winchester Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Duma Noel and Neelima Palacherla - Local Agency Formation Commission, Santa Clara County - 11" Floor, East Wing, 70 West Redding Street, San Jose, CA 95110 PREPARED BY: DEBRA J. FIGONE Town Manager N:AMGR\AdminWorkFi(es\cnclrpts\4-4-05 annexation addendum.wpd i Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development Revised: 4/1/05 3:16 pm Reformatted: 5/30/02 4- 1-0b; 1 : ~ 40t32~ r~9y:~~~ 2 7' V V L V V V V V V r~ 9OS'.A.genda, Date :April 5, 20.05 County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors Supervisorial District Two Supervisor Blanca Alvarado BOS2- 040505-3 Prepared by: Javier Aguirre Senior Policy Aide Maureen O'Malley-Moore Board A ide Reviewed by: Kristina Cunningham Chief of Staff DATE: April 5, 2005 ,VO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Blanca Alvarado Supervisor, Second District r 4. Donald F. Gage Sup(:rvisor, District 1 SUBJECT-, COUNTY COSTS 10 CONDUCT ANNEXATION OF COUNTY URBAN POCKETS k>N~t~ LF.~t~t.D ACTION BoeaW of supenisor&; banald F. Gage, Blanca=Alvarado, Pete ldcHugh, Jim Deals, Li? Kniss C,oum Executive Peter Kutras Jr. 1 4U< 4- 1 -U~1' PM e Tu u-u uu uuu • ~ iiri ua ~u.~ uu. „ur a.uii uosc ui Beb ;agenda, data 'Aprii. S, 20:05 Direct the Administration to provide an ofFagenda report to the Board of Supervisors by April 19, 2005 on: I - The cost charged by the County Surveyor to prepare and review the legal maps and the description for city annexations that fall under recent changes in state law; and 2. The cost charged by the State Board of Equalization to file these annexations. On February 9, 2005, local Agency Formation Corrunission of Santa Clara County (LAFCO) adopted the Island Annexation Policies to encourage cities to take advantage of recent changes in state law. As of January 1, 2005, cities have a greater opportunity to annex urban unincorporated islands through a streamlined process that does not require protest proceedings or elections for islands that are 150 acres or less and meet certain criteria. This opportunity expires oa January 1, 2007. Cities in Santa Clara County are interested in pursuing such annexation but find assuming all of the costs of such annexations inhibitive. l'herefore, we are requesting the administration provide the Board an analysis of the costs charged to the cities by the County and the State Board of Equalization to prepare for annexations. Recently, LAFCO approved a two-year LAFCO fee waiver for annexations expiring on January 1, 2007. There is a general understanding between the County and the cities, that cities with urban pockets will eventually annex them into their city limits. In fact, it is in the County's General flan that cities will annex urban pockets. Over the years, some cities have initiated anneaat:ions by election with some success, while other cities have done nothing to encourage annexations. Urban pocket annexations have failed by only a few votes. That was the case in the Burbank arm of Saga Jose in 2002, where 65°,lu of voters supported annexation, just shy of the required 66.7%. Since that election, the city of San Jose has not initiated new annexations. Board of Supervisor& Donald F. wage, Blanca Alvarado, Pete McHugh, Jim Beall, Liz KWiiss County Executive: Peter Kutras Jr. 2 4~. D93;#P 4 1: 3-M > T V V L- V V V V V • T 1lrl V 1 V V V V♦ V Vr' LVI 1 V Q~C L 1 POE A,cJenda Date :April 5, NOS Since the law went. into effect, there is a growing interest from the smaller cities and the City of San Jose to conduct streamlined annexations. However, many cities are concerned over the costs charged for each annexation by a private land surveyor who prepares the map and description of the land proposed for annexation and by the County Survetyor who charges a flat fec for cev iewing these documents. After each annexation is finalized, the State Board of Equalization charges a filing fce. Cities have suggested that: the County assist them in this process. It is in the best interest of [lie County for cities to aunux county urban pockets and provide efficient services while conducting orderly growth and development. By having updated inl-brntation on the costs of initiating annexations, the County will be able to better (ermine what role, if any, it will play during this streamlined annexation period. Attached is a copy of the Island Annexation Policies approved by LAFCO on Februaty 9, 2005. ATTACUMENTS • LAl{CO Island Annexation Policies Board of Supervisors: Donald F. Gage, Nlanca,N\,arado, Pete McHugh, Jim Beall, Liz Kniss C:ounty Execulk,e: Peter Kutras Jr. 3