13 Minutes - Parking Authority Joint Redevelopment AgencyDRAFT TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FEBRUARY 7, 2005/MINUTES Los Gatos Civic Center 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Council/Agency Meeting Date: 02/22/2005 Item# TIME ITEM ACTION ON ITEM 7:00 PM TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town of Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:00 PM, February 7, 2005, in a joint regular session. 7:01 PM ROLL CALL Present: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Barbara Spector, and Mayor/Chairman Mike Wasserman Absent: None 7:02 PM PLEDGE OF The audience was invited to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. ALLEGIANCE 7:03 PM CLOSED SESSION No report. 7:04 PM PRESENTATION Commendations • Jeanne Drexel, Planning Commission. • Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Town of Los Gatos. Presentation to Steve Conway, Finance Director. 7:07 PM CONSENT ITEMS TOWN COUNCIL #1-7 1. Ratify Payroll for the period of January 2, 2005 - January 15, 2005 paid on January 21, 2005. (1-V) 2. Ratify accounts payable for January, 2005. (2-V) --J 3. Accept Treasurer's Report for December, 2004. (3-2) IL Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California CONSENT ITEMS 4. Adopt a resolution setting date of February 22, 2005 for #1-7 consideration of reorganization of uninhabited area designated Continued "Kennedy Road No. 15" approximately 0.285 acres located at 16701 Kennedy Road (APN: 532-08-063) RESOLUTION 2005-6 (4-26) 5. Adopt ordinance amending Town Code, Chapter 4, Article I, repealing Section 4.10.085 concerning steel animal traps. ORDINANCE 2138 (5-24) REDEVELOPMENT 6. Ratify accounts payable for January, 2005. (6-V) Motion by Mr. Glickman to approve Consent Items #1-6. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 7:09 PM MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION 7:10 PM CONSENT ITEMS TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT continued 7. Approve Council/Agency minutes of January 18, 2005. (7-V) PULLED ITEM #7 Mr. Davis • Commented on the minutes of January 18, 2005 regarding the telecommunication tower which is located by Strattford School and not the Christian church. 7:13 PM COUNCIL Motion by Mr. Glickman to adopt Consent Item #7. COMMENT Seconded by Mrs. NcMutt. 7:14 PM MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION 11 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLK\JACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFF.doe Page 2 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California 7:15 PM VERBAL Mr. Davis COMMUNICATION • Commended Parks and Public works for the clean-up of a lot located on Blossom Hill Road. • Commented on the second story addition proposed for the Los Gatos L Auto Mall. 7:18 PM CLOSED VERBAL COMMUNICATION 7:19 PM PUBLIC HEARING ITEM #8 Consider an appeal of the Planning Commission decision approving ITEM #8 construction of a second story addition to a pre-1941 residence and to exceed the FAR on property zoned R-11). Architecture and Site S-05-021. CONSIDER AN Property Location: 56 Bayview Avenue. Property Owner: Dave and Lynn APPEAL OF THE Dardis. Applicant E. Gary Schloh. Appellant: Michael Manley. PLANNING COMMISSION 56 BAYVIEW Staff Report Made by Bud Lortz. AVENUE 7:21 PM COUNCIL • Clarification on the Floor Area Ratio. COMMENT • Discussed mass and scale. 7:30 PM OPEN PUBLIC Mr. and Mrs. Manley, Appellants COMMENT • Commented that the garage space was not habitable, and should not be counted as habitable. • Suggested use of the basement area to gain square footage. • Spoke regarding the rear of the home as having the most exposure. • Commented on the Historic District and historic preservation within the District. • Spoke on the impact of privacy relating to their backyard. Mr. and Mrs. Dardis • Spoke on the need for additional living space for their family. • Gave their reasons for locating the master bedroom on the second story. • Commented on the different plans they had developed to L accommodate their neighbors concerns. 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLKUACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFT.doe Page 3 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California ITEM #8 Mr. Schloh, Architect Continued • Commented on design and Floor Area Ratio. • Spoke on mass and scale of the home, and submitted 4 different PUBLIC design plans with different mass, scale and roof lines. COMMENT • Commented on neighborhood compatibility of other home in the immediate vicinity. • Commented on adding a privacy glass to a bathroom window, and trees and plants to give additional privacy. • Stated that a basement design would probably raise the roof line higher than the currently approved design. Mr. Franceschi • Commented that he is in support of the Planning Commission's decision. Ms. Dale • Commented that she supports plans for the second story remodel. Mr. Foster • Commented on the mass of the home, and would like to see a basement design explored. Ms. Nedom • Commented on the living arrangements since they have such a large family, and she would like to see some resolution made at tonight's. meeting. • Commented that a bedroom in the basement and a master bedroom on the second floor was not desirable. 8:20 PM CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT 8:21 PM COUNCIL • Commented regarding square footage and cubic mass. DISCUSSION • Asked about the alternatives and square footage of a basement design. • Asked for clarification relating to the General Plan requiring that the mass be located at the rear of the structure. • Commented on the mass and scale of homes in the neighborhood. • Mr. Wasserman and Mrs. Spector commented on the alternative 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLKUACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFT.doc Page 4 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California 42 PM ITEM #8 Continued COUNCIL DISCUSSION AYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Plan D and suggested that this would be a reasonable compromise. • Mr. Pirzynski commented that no new findings had been determined to reverse the Planning Commissions decision. • Discussed noticing policies, budget considerations, fee recovery and staff involvement. • Directed that noticing practices be studied. Motion by Mr. Pirzynski to uphold the Planning Commission's decision. Seconded by Mr. Glickman. Carried 3/2. Mrs. Spector and Mr. Wasserman voting no. 8:43 PM OTHER BUSINESS ITEM #9 (8-40) Discuss and provide direction on options for sequencing San Jose Water ITEM #9 Company project and Town paving project on Santa Cruz Avenue. OPTIONS FOR SEQUENCING SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY PROJECT AND TOWN PAVING PROJECT ON SANTA CRUZ AVENUE. Staff report made by John Curtis. 8:45 PM COUNCIL • Questioned the West Valley Sanitation project. COMMENT • Asked for clarification regarding the timing of the water company's project and the impact on the Town's scheduled project. • Questioned overlapping the projects to save time and money. • Asked for clarification on the difference between overlaying, which would be done by San Jose Water as part of the project and paving the streets which is a scheduled part of the Downtown Streetscape project. • Spoke on community involvement at the Downtown Community Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, February 9, 2005. 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLK\7ACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFT.doc Page 5 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California 9:22 PM ITEM #9 Mr. Pardini, Vice President, San Jose Water Continued • Commented that San Jose Water Company will be in full support of the Town's needs, and will work closely with the Town during the project. OPEN PUBLIC Mrs. Smith, Owner of Domus COMMENT • Commented that she would like to see this project get started and finished as soon as possible. • Asked about implementing the Marketing Campaign. • Suggested keeping the trees lit in the downtown area, and the traffic flowing smoothly on University Avenue and Tait Avenue. • Suggested regulating the traffic light at Highway 9. • Urged all the merchants to attend the Downtown Community Meeting on Wednesday. • Commented that a good marketing campaign would bring the customers back to Town, and address the concerns of the downtown merchants. 9:35 PM CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT 9:36 PM COUNCIL • Concerns relating to closing N. Santa Cruz for 9 to 10 weeks. DISCUSSION • Encouraged the downtown residents and merchants to attend the Community Meeting. • Commented on the advantages and disadvantages relating to the options presented in the staff report. • Consensus for staff to provide additional information following the Downtown Community Meeting on Wednesday February 9, 2005. 9:46 PM MAYOR CALLED Recess was called at 9:46 PM. Meeting resumed at 9:53 PM. FOR A RECESS 9:54 PM ITEM #10 ITEM #10 (10-9) 2004-05 Mid-Year Budget Performance and Status Report - Six Months 2004-05 MID-YEAR ending December 31, 2004. BUDGET PERFORMANCE a. Accept 2004-05 Second Quarter Budget Performance Status Report, AND STATUS including Fiscal year 2005-10 Five Year Financial Projections. REPORT b. Authorize budget adjustments as recommended in the Second Quarter Budget Performance Report. Staff report made by Steve Conway. 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLK\7ACKIES MINT JTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFr.doc Page 6 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California 10:10 PM ITEM #10 • Clarification on bridge-funding and restructuring. Continued • Commended staff on the report. COUNCIL • Questioned the transfer of funds to the Parking Management Program. COMMENT . Requested clarification on the reduction of staff and revenue for the Parking Management Program. • Commented on the budget adjustment in regards to the Economic Vitality Manager and the Human Resources Director positions • Commented on the Sales Tax revenue as a driving source. 10:28 PM OPEN/CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT 10:29 PM COUNCIL Motion by Mrs. McNutt to accept the Mid-Year Budget Performance and DISCUSSION Status report and authorize budget adjustment. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 10:30 PM MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION 10:31 PM ITEM #11 ITEM #11 (11-12) Town Council Retreat TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT a. Approve meeting minutes from the January 28 and 29, 2005 Town Council Retreat. b. Provide direction regarding the suggested actions identified during the Council Retreat. Staff report made by Pamela Jacobs. 10:32 PM COUNCIL Comments on suggested actions in minutes: COMMENT • Suggested adding KCAT as a communication tool for educating the community. • Agreed that the suggested action included language indicating Council would be willing to receive input from a "technology round 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLKUACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFr.doe Page 7 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California ITEM #11 table" consisting of people from the private sector. Continued • Commented on taping the Planning Commission Meetings for training purposes, and for Council review. COUNCIL COMMENT • Commented on televising Planning Commission meetings which might be of interest to the community, such as General Plan revisions. 10:39 PM OPEN/CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT 10:40 PM COUNCIL Motion by Mrs. McNutt to approve minutes with the suggested actions, DISCUSSION including the suggestion made at tonight's meeting. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 10:41 PM MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION 10:42 PM ITEM #12 ITEM #12 (12-1) Town Conflict of Interest Code. TOWN CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. a. Adopt joint resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos and the Board of Directors of the Los Gatos Redevelopment Agency re-adopting the appendices of the Town's Conflict of Interest Code pursuant to Division 4 of Article III of Chapter 2 of the Los Gatos Town Code. RESOLUTIONS 2005-5 and 2005-1RD. b. Introduce ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending Town Conflict of interest Code, Division 4 of Article III of Chapter 2 to allow future revisions of the appendices by resolution. Staff report made by Orry Korb. 10:45 PM COUNCIL • Commented on the disclosure categories in the resolution. COMMENT • Suggested that full disclosure categories be required for all listed positions. • Move Town Clerk and Town Treasurer under heading of Elected Officials. 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLK\JACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFr.doc Page 8 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California 10:50 PM ITEM #12 Continued OPEN/CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT Clerk Administrator read the title. COUNCIL Motion by Mr. Glickman to wave the reading. DISCUSSION Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 10:52 PM MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION COUNCIL Motion by Mr. Glickman to introduce the ordinance. DISCUSSION Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION COUNCIL Motion by Mr. Glickman to adopt resolutions of the Town Council and DISCUSSION Redevelopment agencies with change to require full disclosure for all listed positions. Seconded by Mrs. McNutt. 10:53 PM MAYOR CALLED Carried unanimously. THE QUESTION 10:54 PM ITEM #13 ITEM #13 Mrs. Spector COUNCIL • Update on the San Jose Water District's Board Meeting regarding MATTERS rate increases. • Commended curator of Los Gatos History Museum, Jade Bradbury, for her exhibit honoring the inventors of Los Gatos, and the round table of those individuals held in the Town Council Chambers. Noted that Ms. Bradbury was featured on Evening News Magazine for her event. 2/17/2005 11:07 AM N:\CLK\JACK ES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFr.doc Page 9 of 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency February 7, 2005 Los Gatos, California ITEM #13 Mr. Glickman Continued • The Administrative Building at the Los Gatos Elementary District will be named in honor of Tom O'Donnell for his 23 years of COUNCIL service. The event will be held from 4:00 to 6:00 on February 8, MATTERS 2005. Mayor Wasserman • Invited the Community to the State of the Town Address to be held on February 17, 2005, in the Town Council Chambers, at 7:00 PM. 10:55 PM MANAGER ITEM #14 MATTERS None. 10:57 PM MEETING ADJOURNED Submitted by: Jackie D. Rose, Deputy Clerk 2/17/2005 11:07 AM NACLKUACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM02-07-05.DRAFT.doc Attest: MarLyn J. Rasmussen, Clerk Administrator Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency Page 10 of 10