09 Staff Report - Roberts Road Bridge DATE: TO: FROM: --------------COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 MAYORANDTOWNCOUNClL DEBRA J_ FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER MEETING DATE: 9/20/04 ITEM NO. Cj SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON CONTINUED USAGE, REPAIR, AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ROBERTS ROAD BRIDGE RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction on continued usage. repair, and/or replacement of the Roberts Road Bridge. BACKGROUND: This item was continued from the August 2, 2004 Council meeting and moved from the consent calendar to other business at this Town Council meeting. The report bas been updated and photos have been added to the report. During the 2004-2009 Capital Budget review, the Town Council asked questions regarding the Roberts Road Bridge Capital Improvement Project. This report provides additional infonnation on the current status of the bridges and anticipated next steps. The State of California annually inspects the bridges in cities and towns that are not within their maintenance sphere and reports its finding to the local jurisdictions. The Town received reports covering the condition ofeach of its bridges, all ofwhich received good grades for their condition, with one exception: Roberts Road. The report uses a condition scale of 1 (excellent) to 6 (poor) for various bridge components. The Roberts Road bridge received ratings of3 and 4 which means below average condition. The report found this structure deficient in several categories. PREPARED BY: 􀁾􀁻􀁾􀀭􀁻􀁶􀀬 J HN E. CURTIS ector ofParks and Public Works Reviewed by: ::Y6S=Assistant Town Manager =(tfAttorney __Clerk bCFinance Community Development Revised: 9/15/04 12:41 pm Reformatted: Sl3Ml2 N:\B&E'COUNClLREPORTS\robms.rd.brid,ge.n: place..n'viscd92004.wpd PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON CONTINUED USAGE, REPAIR, AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ROBERTS ROAD BRIDGE SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 The bridge on Roberts Road across Los Gatos Creek was built in 1918. The design ofthis bridge was in accordance with the engineering standards and requirements of the early 1900's and is far from today's modem and complex criteria in terms ofboth structure and seismic design. lbis bridge was basically a one lane structure used to carry agricultural products across the creek at that time. There has been very little rehabilitation work done on this structure over its 86 years. Additionally, the bridge would not meet current seismic standards. The Caltrans report identifies cracks and spalls in nearly all concrete elements ofthe bridge: piers, roadway slabs, and rails. Reinforcing is exposed in several locations. The weakened concrete sections are a cause to heed the recommendations of this report. From it there are 3 options available: 1. Limit the use of the bridge to pedestrians and bicyclists with no allowance for vehicular usage. 2. Repair/rehabilitate the existing structure and impose a load restriction. 3. Replace the existing structure with a facility that meets current standards and code. The bridge has been inspected by Town engineering staff which as determined that it is presently stable and capable ofhandling vehicular traffic, subject to weight limit restrictions. However, staff will continue to monitor the condition ofthe bridge and will inunediatelyclose it to vehicular traffic should there appear any evidence of significant additional deterioration. --􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾 PAGE 3 􀁍􀁁􀁙􀁏􀁒􀁦􀁵􀁾􀁄􀁔􀁏􀁗􀁎􀁃􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁃􀁾 SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON CONTINUED USAGE, REPAIR, ANDIOR REPLACEMENT OF THE ROBERTS ROAD BRIDGE SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 DISCUSSION: Staffhas looked into options as to what can be done with this bridge, both short term and long term. In the short tenn, weight limit restrictions should be and have been placed on this bridge. This bridge has a rating of under 20 tons which is less than most garbage and delivery trucks. Limiting the vehicle weight will increase the service life of the structure until closure, rehabilitation, or replacement is done. We have installed 10 ton weight limits signs on Roberts Road approaches to the bridge. Property owners on Roberts Road and the adjacent streets have been notified properly regarding the implementation of vehicle weight limits, and the garbage company has been contacted. Option 1 -Closure Close the bridge to vehicles, with a detour to Blossom Hill Road. The bridge would remain open to pedestrians and bicyclists. Option 2 -Rehabilitate Structure In the long tenn, if the bridge is to remain open, it will need extensive rehabilitation of the deck, rails, and support structure below the deck at an estimated cost of$I,OOO,OOO. This rehabilitation would repair the structural deficiencies ofthe bridge, but not bring it up to current design criteria, which is a requirement of Caltrans if an agency wants to use grant funding for rehabilitation. It is Caltrans policy not to fund projects where a local agency has not taken appropriate action to address deficiencies identified in a Caltrans Inspection Report for bridges. Option 3 -Replace Structure A more effective option in keeping this road open to all users is to replace this bridge with an adequate structure. A new bridge can be designed with architectural features similar to the existing bridge, in addition to having proper width for all users. Grant funding could be used for the replacement project and architectural features on the bridge, bridge, as long as such features are similar to the existing bridge. Other reasons for replacing the bridge is for improved sight distance and traffic safety, pedestrian and bicycle safe railings, lower maintenance and repair costs, and a much higher level of seismic protection. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Continue existing bridge load restrictions 2. Detennine if bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic 3. Detennine if bridge will be open to vehicular traffic PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PROVIDE DIRECTION ON CONTINUED USAGE, REPAIR, AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ROBERTS ROAD BRIDGE SEPTEMBER 14,2004 If it is determined to keep the bridge open, staff reconunends proceeding with applying for grant . funding from Federal and State sources. If grant funds prove to be unavailable for replacing the bridge, staff will provide an update to the Council at that time for further actions. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This project is not defined under CEQA. A Notice of Exemption is not required. FISCAL IMPACT The cost ofputting weight limit signs on the bridge is under $200 and has alreadybeen implemented. Any replacement costs would ueed to be funded separately by the Town. The FY 2004/09 Capital Improvement Plan allocates $100,000 oflocal GFAR funding and $900,000 of state grant funding totaling $1 ,000,000 for this project. Staffcan pursue grant funding from Caltrans for replacement, if that is the direction of the Council. Attachments: Letter from Nadine Caperton dated September 8, 2004 􀀹􀁙􀁡􀀦􀁮􀁥􀁃􀁀􀁾 j 5830 ;,...an RVJ1iM //'ery ;\/(Il1k StJrelJo. LA 9503fJ-3243 September 8, 2004 Dear Council Members: cffiCEIVEJL SEP 82004 "'yOR&T0WN COUNCE, While driving on Roberts RoadI saw the sign about the meeting. I hope you are not considering tearing down the last historical thing left in town. That road is a dear remembrance oftimes past. It is hiddenfrom the general Los Ga/os loafers who come to town (at least that is what I hope).] don '( want it touched to change a thing. When that group ofhomes was builtyou knew it was an old two lane roadyet you let them build anyway. You probably had in mind to enlarge that road when they were issuedpermits and thought meet that problem later, that was wrong thinking. Now the residents are probably wanting a wider Tood Well J sayjust let them want. That road was used to transport the convoys aftroops during WWII. It is a historic road as it is and should not be changed. I know it doesn't mean anything to you except money. To some ofus who Will not be-at at the meeting it is more than that iJ is home!!!!.! J know you don't respect the memories ofthose ofus who have been here so long and that is to bad but you have torn up so much. Can't it be stopped here and leave something ofthe past. > " I did not live on that road but I hadfriends who did and we visited When we walked up the road pushing our baby strollers the men in the convoy would get out andpush the strollers up the hillfor us. That is a nice memory. The men were lonelyfor theirfamilies and I am sure it made them ftel beller. Some ofourfriends fished offthat bridge. Leave it alone. True it was an ugly area but there were nice people living there. Ifpeople don't Iike it as it is they can move. An example oferrors made--> 208 Tait Avenue is just a"little house buill by a pioneer family The Wilder's. Notia Smith the daughter is still living. You let them tear down the homes on each side and it is now sandwiched in so that it gets no sunshine. Besides that they are to close to the street, they are to large for the little lots and it is a mess in general. You should look al places before you give permission to do things and use betterjudgment. You should not hurt one to please another or to say it another way take money out ofone pocket to put in another which is to often the case. It is usually a newcomer thtJt is given the permits /0 destroy. I do not know who lives there but the area looks nothing /ike it did We need San Benito Avenue to use for getting around butyou closed that. It should be reopened and no streets closed to traffic. Traffic is why we build streets. Ifto much traffic justput up temporary barriers during the rush time but do not close streets permanenJly IIII We would all /ike private streets. Tell them to sit down andshut up or move. Our streets and particularly Santa Croz Avenue needs resurfacing or rebuilt.focusyour interests on that. The streets ofLos Gatos have not been caredfor since the influx ofthe world was irrvited here in the 60's and 70's by the money mad realtors. They should have been chased out but they advertised all over the world and sold us out ofhouse and home. They should have been put out ofbusiness. 9UT children would be living in the area today ifthat had not happened So everyperson in Ihe country came here and now we have nothing ofthe old town Everyone who comes wants to change something. Let them return to where they camefrom ifthey don't like a place. It is home 10 someone and it is special as it was. They even changed our church service time. That was to much. They probably couldn't have changed 􀁴􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁳 where they camefrom. Then the parties the town has given--. That was money that was wrongly spentfor partying thdtCkeeping streets in repair. A Mayor is not the President ofthe natiodthey are just a Mayor yet some have had illusions and spent hours in the beauty shop because they tho.ught they were someone special. It is time you people woke up and do what needs doing and notplay around My dear husband was as concerned as 1am about the fate ofthis town so filled with loafers, bikers, sight seeing, and bars. Yours truly, Mrs. (George F.) Caperton Mrs. Nadine Caperton