15 Staff Report - Design Alternatives for Skateboard Park DATE: TO: FROM: . COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT AUGUST 13, 2004 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER MEETING DATE: 08/16/04 ITEM NO. JS SUBJECT: COUNCIL DIRECTION ON DESIGN ALTERNATIVES FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK TO BE LOCATED AT THE TOWN-OWNED PARKING LOT ON MILES AVE. RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction on design alternatives for a skateboard park to be located at the Town-owned parking lot on Miles Ave., contingent upon the use permit process, environmental review, and funding availability. Specific direction requested includes: 1. Preference for type of park: 1) an above-ground, all-concrete park; 2) a hybrid park, with above-ground concrete and steel ramps; or 3) a steel ramp park. 2. Direction on the inclusion of a fence around the site. 3. Direction on the inclusion of on-site parking as an option. BACKGROUND: On June 21,2004, the Town Council held a public hearing on the proposed location ofa skateboard park at the Town-owned parking lot on Miles Ave. Based on the preliminary site feasibility' assessment and on input from the public at the public hearing, the Council directed staff to proceed with the design of a skateboard park at this location. The Town Council also authorized the Town Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with Indigo Architects to undertake the skateboard park preliminary design. At the June 21 51 meeting, Council indicated that, although the Town's skate park concept up to that point had assumed a steel-ramp model similar to the Campbell skate park, given testimony from the 􀀿􀁾􀀶􀀮 BaCOJu-PREPARED BY: PAMELA S. JACOBS ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER N:\MGR\PJacobs\Skatepark\8-16-04 Staffreport.wpd Reviewed by: __Assistant Town Manager 􀁾􀀧􀀭􀁆􀀭􀁔􀁯􀁷􀁮 Attorney __Clerk. Finance __Community Development Revised: 8/13/04 9:20 am Reformatted: 5/30/02 PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: COUNCIL DIRECTION ON DESIGN ALTERNATIVES FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK TO BE LOCATED ATTHE TOWN-OWNED PARKING LOT ON MILES AVE. (August 13, 2004) skaters, Council would be open to considering a concrete park. Staff proceeded with the design workshop with this in mind. DISCUSSION: Public Workshop On July 20, 2004, staff and Indigo Architects conducted a public workshop at the Miles Ave. site to obtain input from stakeholders on the design ofa skateboard park at that location. Approximately 20 skaters and 6 parents attended. The session began with a discussion about the process required to develop the skateboard park and the criteria identified in previous Council discussions, issues .raised by neighbors of the site, and considerations related to the operation of the skateboard park. With regard to the type of park, the skaters expressed a strong preference for an all-concrete park.. As to park operations, the skaters expressed their preference for an un-fenced park with no supervision and no requirements for wearing safety pads. The participants then used sand, paper and clay to fashion models of desired features for the skateboard park, followed by the consultant exploring with the youth the goals they were hoping to achieve with each ofthe designs. These designs have been incorporated into the design alternatives the consultant will present before the Town Council on August 16th and to the skaters at a second public workshop to be held on August 18th • Design Alternatives At the August 16th Council meeting, the consultant will make a Power Point presentation about the workshop and the design alternatives. The designalternatives incorporate the ideas from the skaters, as well as earlier input from the neighbors and the Town Council, such as an interest in having a fence around the site and including parking on-site. Two alternatives will be presented: an all concrete above-ground park and a hybrid park comprised of above-ground concrete and steel ramp features. Both alternatives contemplate a builJable area of 12,300 square feet due in part to potential issues related to overhead power lines. Both alternatives include a fence, a skaters entrance on the southwest corner, a drop-off area and optional five ml-site parking spaces on the northeast corner, and the features desired by the skaters. Cost estimates for the alternatives will also be discussed. The construction cost estimate for the allconcrete park is between $725,000 and $775,000, and the estimate for the hybrid park is between $750,000 and $800,000. These estimates do not include final design costs; and are preliminary in nature. Final costs could be greater or less depending on the final design ofthe park, the competitive bid process, and the costs of materials at the time of the bid. The breakdown of the cost estimates is as follows: PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: COUNCIL DIRECTION ON DESIGN ALTERNATIVES FOR ASKATEBOARD PARK TO BE LOCATED AT THE TOWN-OWNED PARKING LOT ON MILES AVE. (August 13, 2004) Site Improvements Skate Park Improvements Escalation & Contingency Total All-Concrete $232,000 $364,000 $146,000 $742,000 . Hybrid $232,000 $385,000 $151,000 $768,000 The estimate for site improvements include items such as removing the asphalt, grading and compaction of fill, paving for drop off and pedestrian areas, storm drainage piping, relocating the light pole, potable water for a drinking fountain, landscaping and irrigation, trees, signage, bleacher style seats and an 8' vinyl coated black chain lirtk fence, among other items. The site improvement estimate contemplates a civic-quality site in terms oflandscaping, fencing, etc., but does not include any additional amenities or higher quality materials which may be desired or required as the project' proceeds through the Conditional Use process. The estimates for skate park improvements are for the features themselves, either concrete or steel-/ramps. The hybrid estimates are greater due to the need to replace the existing asphalt with 􀁦􀁬􀁡􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀧 concrete throughout the􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀻 The cost estimates for escalation and contingency include a 6% additional cost for escalation under the assumption the skate park would be built within the next year (the cost may be greater ifthe park is built further into the future) and a 20% contingency cost for unforeseen issues. Comparing the current cost estimates to those in 2001 for a potential skate park in Vasona Park, the earlier estimate for the all-concrete park was $577,400 and $500,200 for a hybridpark with wood ramps rather than steel. The difference in these estimates and the current estimates is attributable to several factors. First, requirements for site improvements are site-specific and thus would be different for any site. For example, the Miles Ave. site will require removal ofasphalt. With regard to the costs ofthe skate park improvements themselves, inflation since 2001, in general, and a major spike in these materials in the last six months, in particular, add to the current costs. The escalation and contingency costs would be adjusted based on the other two categories. Costs of recently-built concrete skate parks are in the range of our consultant's current cost estimates. The alternative of a steel-ramp skate park is not included in the power point presentation, although the consultant will be prepared to respond to any questions about the estimated costs ofsuch a park, which would be expected to be less than the costs for the all-concrete or hybrid models. PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: COUNCIL DIRECTION ON DESIGN ALTERNATIVES FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK TO BE LOCATED AT THE TOWN-OWNED PARKING LOT ON MILES AVE. (August 13, 2004) Issues for Council Guidance At the August 16th Council meeting, staff is se.eking Council guidance on the preferred alternative upon which the preliminary design would be based. In particular, staff would like Council to comment on their preference for an above-ground all-concrete, a hybrid, or a steel-ramp only park, if the Council remains interested in this type. Staff is also seeking Council comments on the inclusion ofa fence and on-site parking in the design. With regard to the parking, staff is continuing to collect parking counts for the Miles Ave. lot during different periods and will use this information in the CEQA review to determine if on-site parking is required to mitigate the loss of parking. The issues ofsupervision and requirements for safety pads will need to be addressed as the project proceeds; however, these issues do not need to be resolved at this time. With regard to the estimated cost for the skate park, Council direction has been that the Town will contribute $1-25,000 of the total cost, and that the balance will require fundraising. A coin:nmnitylead fundraising effort with minimal staff involvement is assumed unless otherwise directed by Council. The allocation of $125,000 is currently being used to fund the development of the preliminary design which will be used to apply for State park bond funds to reimburse the Town for these preliminary costs, with the remainder contributing to the final design and construction costs. It is likely that only a small amount ofthe $125,000 will remain available for the construction ofthe park. Funding for the total construction costs will need to be available prior to proceeding to build the park once the final design is completed. Next Steps Following the second public workshop on August 18th, staff will begin the CEQA and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. A final preliminary design will be brought before Council in late September, after which CEQA and the CUP process can be completed. As noted above, staff will use the final preliminary design to apply for State park bond funds. It is expected that the CUP will be before the Planning Commission in late October. CONCLUSION: At the August 16th Town Council meeting, Council will hear a presentation from Indigo Architects regarding the design alternatives for the skateboard park. Staff is seeking Council comment and direction on the design alternatives specified in the recommendation so that the CEQA and CUP process can begin. PAGES ... _ MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL ,. \ SUBJECT: COUNCIL DIRECTION ON DESIGN ALTERNATIVES FOR A SKATEBOARD PARK TO BE LOCATED AT THE TOWN-OWNED PARKING LOT ON MILES AVE. (August 13, 2004) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This step in the project is not a project defined. under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: No additional fiscal impact is associated with this action. Attachments: 1. Power Point presentation on the Los Gatos Skateboard Park Distribution: Staff contacted interested parties via e-mail and telephone to offer to provide copies of the staff-report following distribution to the Council. Bruce Playle, Skatepark Architect Al'TACHMENl'l Bruce Playle, Skatepark Architect (". Preliminary Design... • Synthesize workshop results • Combine with skate park design experience • Prepare Preliminary Design 􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁾􀁩􀁡􀁬􀁳􀀬􀀮􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁩􀁥􀁷 these with the Town Council and take designs back to the skaters at Public Workshop #2 Bruce Playlet Skatepark Architect i\ Bruce Playle!· Skatepark Architect Bruce Playle, Skatepark Architect \. Bruce Playle, Skatepark Architect · ,,_, J ..... Los Gatos Skate Park Bruce Playle, Skatepark Architect ..... 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭 . _..