14A Minutes - Parking Authority Joint Redevelopment Agency i DRAFT TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APRIL 19,2004/MINUTES Los Gatos Civic Center 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Council/Agency Meeting Date: May 3,2004 Item #: 14A E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM COMMENDATIONS EJI COMMENDATIONS I 7:00 TOWN COUNCIL PM \LJIROLL CALL /EJ:OO PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7:01 CLOSED SESSION The Town CouncillParking Authority/Redevelopment Agency of the Town ofLos Gatos met in the Council Chambers ofthe Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 19, 2004, in a joint regular session. IPresent: Sandy Decker, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman and Mayor/Chairman Glickman. Absent: None The audience was invited to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Town Attorney, OI'l)' Korb, reported that Council had met in Closed Session prior to this evening's meeting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 regarding Conference with Labor Negotiator. Town Negotiator GaryRogers, HumanResources Directorwith the following: TEA Negotiations; AFSCME Negotiations; Confidential Employees; and Management Employees. Council gave direction. There was no final action taken. Pursuantto Government Code Section54956.9(a) regarding Conference with Legal Counsel. Town of Los Gatos vs. Bank One in Santa Clara County Superior Court Action CV815489. Council gave direction. There was no final action taken. 􀀮􀁾 : PARKS COMMISSION N:\CLK\A MARIAN'S FILEIDraft Minutes\4MM-04-19.04,wpd Mayor Glickman presented Commendations to Debbie Gary and April Maiten from the Town of Los Gatos for their years of service on the Parks Commission. Both Ms Gary and Ms Maiten were present to receive their commendations and express appreciation for having been able to serve the Town in this manner over the years. 1 EJI ITEM I ACTION ON ITEM I 1 7:05 II ACcEPTANcE II ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT I MCCLENDON Mayor Glickman accepted a bequest to the Los Gatos Public Library BEQUEST TO for Children's Services frolIl the estate of the late Susan E. (Betty) TOWN LIBRARY McClendon from Barbara Baggerly, her long-time close friend. Mayor Glickman thanked Ms Baggerly and the estate for the generous contribution to the Los Gatos Public Library. c::J1PROCLAMATION II PROCLAMATION I NATIONAL PUBLIC Mayor Glickman presented a Proclamation from the Town to the Police SAFETY Department honoring the Public Safety Dispatchers of our Nation. DISPATCHERS Police ChiefSeaman was present to reqeive the 􀁐􀁾􀁯􀁣􀁬􀁡􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮 from the WEEK Town and noted the dedicated work ofour own dispatchers serving the community with the Los Gatos-Mote Sereno Police 􀁄􀁥􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁾􀀮 I 􀁾􀁾 II CONSENT ITEMS II CONSENT ITEMS I D -ITEM 1·· , Motion byMr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council SCHEDULE OF accept and file informational report regarding currently scheduled PUBLIC HEARINGS public hearings. Carried unanimously. (01.28) ITEM 2 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. W::lSserman, that Council PAYROLL ratify the check register for payroll ofMarch 14,2004 through March RATIFICATION FOR 27,2004 paid on April 2, 2004'in the amottntof$540,560.65. Carried MARCH unanimously. (02.V) ITEM 3 Motion by Mr. Pirzy.uski,secondedbyMr. Wasserman, that Council ACCOUNTS· ratify the check register for accountsipayable invoices paid on March PAYABLE 26,.2004 and April 2, 2004 in the amount of $810,037.76. Carried RATIFICATION FOR unanimously. (03.V) MARCH-APRIL ITEM 4 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seco;nded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council ADMINISTRATIVE accept report on Community Development Administrative Citation CITATION Protocol. Carried unanimously. (04.37) PROTOCOL ITEMS Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council MCCLENDON accept bequest to the Los Gatos Public Library from the estate Of the BEQUEST TO late Susan E. (Betty) McClendon. Carried unanimously. (05.32) LIBRARY DITEM 6 This Item has been pulledfor discussion after Item 17. HAUNTED FOREST AT OAKMEADOW N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S F1LElDrafi Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 2 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEMII ACTION ON ITEM I 􀁾􀁉 CONSENT ITEMS II CONSENT ITEMS CONTINUED I DITEM7 . Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LIBRARY approve revision of Library's Internet Access and Acceptable Use INTERNET POLICY Policy. Carried unanimously. (07.32) Ipulloo IITEM 8 This Item has been pulled for discussion after Item 17. GRAND JURY REPORT ITEM 9 Motionliy Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council COLON CANCER adopt Resolution 2004-44 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF FREE ZONE LOS GATOS DECLARING THAT LOS GATOS WILL STRIVE TO BE A COLON CANCER FREE ZONE. Carried unanimously. Resolution 2004-44 (09.28) ITEMJO Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. y.!asserman, that Council adopt Resolution 2004-45 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWNOF ELECTION LOS GATOS REQUESTINGSNATACLARACOUNTYBOARD SERVICES FOR OFSUPERVISORSTOAUTH ORIZE REGISTRAROFVOTERS ... BLQSSOM HILL· TO PROVIDE ELECTION SERVICES FOR A SPECIAL SPECIAL /MANOR #11 ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPOSED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS BLOSSOMHILL MANOR#11 ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OFLOS GATOS TO BE HELD ONAUGUST 31, 2004; DETERMINING THE OUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED Resolution 2004-45 TO THE VOTERS; AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT FOR SAID SERVICES; APPROVING AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE AND TAKE STEPS NECESSARY FOR THE ELECTION. Carried unanimously. (10.26) ITEM 11 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council adopt Resolution 2004-46 erititled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF 20 S. SANTA CRUZ LOS GATOS GRANTING AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION DENYING AN APPLICATION TO COLD STONE CONVERT A PORTION OF A FORl\1ER RESTAURANT CREAMERY (SWENSON'S) TO ANOTHER RESTAURANT USE (COLD STONE CREAMERY) ON PROPERTY ZONED C-2. APN 510-Resolution 2004-46 45-075. CONDITIONAL USE PERl\1IT U-04-8. PROPERTY LOCATION: 20 S. SANTA CRUZ AYE. PROPERTY OWNER: PARK ROW EAST APARTMENTS, LTD. APPLICANT/APPELLANT: CATHERINE G. ASBUN. Carried /unanimously. (11.15) N:\CLKIA MARlAN'S FlLE\Draft Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 3 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I 􀁾􀁉 CONSENTITEMS II CONSENT ITEMS CONTINUED I ITEM 12 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council adopt Resolution 20d4-47 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN ANNEXATION OF LOS GATOS MAKING. DETERMINATIONS. AND TOPPING WAY #3 APPROVING THE REORGANIZATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS -TOPPING WAY #3 -APPROXIMATELY Resolution 2004-47 0.596 ACRES LOCATED AT 16678 TOPPING WAY (APN:532-09-017). Carried·unariimollsly. (12.26) ITEM 13 Motion by 􀁍􀁲􀁾 Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wass¢tnlan, that Council PROJECT 0408 adopt Resolution 2004-48 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF ROSS CREEK LOS GATOSAPPROVINGTHE PLANS AND SPECIFICATION BRIDGE-ADA FOR CAPITAL PROJECT 0408 -ROSS CREEK BRIDGE, ADA IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS -AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FORBIDS. Carried unanimously. Resolution 2004..48 (13.24) ITEM14A Motion by.Mr.Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution 2004-49 entitled,RESOLUTIONOFTHETOWN DISTRICTS 1 & 2 OF LOS GATOS OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR2003-2004 TOWN REPORT OF LOS GATOS· LANDSCAPING AND ... LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1 & 2. Carried unanimously. (14A.26) Resolution 2004-49 ITEM 14B Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council , .•' . .' I LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution 2004-50 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN DISTRICT 1 OF. LOS GATOS OF ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND BLACKWELL COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 IN DRIVE LANDSCAPINGANDLIGHTINGASSESSMENT DISTRICT "1 " -BLACKWELL DRIVE BENEFIT ZONE -AND SET PUBLIC Resolution 2004-50 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Carried unanimously. (14B.26) ITEM 14C Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution2004-51 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN DISTRICT 1 OF LOS GATOS OF ITS. INTENTION .. TO LEVY. AND KENNEDY COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 IN MEADOWS LANDSCAPINGANDLIGHTINGASSESSMENTDISTRICT "1 " -KENNEDY MEADOWS BENEFIT ZONE -AND SET PUBLIC Resolution 2004-51 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Carried unanimously. (14C.26) N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S F1LElDraft MinUles\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 4 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19,2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM I ACTION ON ITEM I 􀁾􀁉 CONSENT ITEMS II CONSENT ITEMS CONTINUED I ITEM14D Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution 2004-52 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN DISTRICT 1 OF LOS GATOS OF ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND SANTAROSA COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 IN HEIGHTS LANDSCAPINGAND LIGHTINGASSESSMENT DISTRICT "1 " -SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE -AND SET Resolution 2004-52 PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSEDASSESSMENTS. Carried unanimously. (14D.26) ITEM14E Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution 2004-53 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN DISTRICT 1 OF LOS GATOS OF ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND VASONA HEIGHTS COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 IN LANDSCAPINGAND LIGHTINGASSESSMENT DISTRICT "1 " Resolution 2004-53 -VASONA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE -AND SET PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE '., PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Carried unanimously. (I4E.26) " ITEM14F Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution 2004-54 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN DISTRICT 1 OF LOS GATOS OF ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND HILLBROOK COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 IN BENEFIT ZONE LANDSCAPINGANDLIGHTINGASSESSMENT DISTRICT "1 " -HILLBROOK BENEFIT ZONE -AND SET PUBLIC Resolution 2004-54 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Carried unanimously. (I4F.26) ITEM14G Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council LAND & LIGHT adopt Resolution 2004-55 entitled, RESOLUTION OFTHE TOWN DISTRICT 2 OF LOS GATOS OF ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND GEMINI COURT COLLECT ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 IN LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTINGASSESSMENT DISTRICT "2" Resolution 2004-55 -GEMINI COURT BENEFIT ZONE -AND SET PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. Carried unanimously. (I4G.26) 􀁾􀁉REDEVELOPMENT II REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ITEM 15 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that the c= ACCOUNTS Agency ratify the check register for accounts payable invoices paid on PAYABLE March 26, 2004 and April 2, 2004 in the amount of $33,167.84. RATIFICATION Carried unanimously. (I5.V) N:\CLKIA MARlAN'S FILE\Draft Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 5 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los GatOs, California E:JI ITEM ! ACTION ON ITEM I I 7:15 II COUNCIL/AGENCY II TOWN COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I ITEM 16 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded byMr. Wasserman, that the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the Miutes of the Joint MINUTES Regular Meeting ofApril 5, 2004. Carried unanimously. (16.V) APRIL 5, 2004 ITEM 17 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council/Agency adopt Resolutions 2004-56 & 2004-5RD entitled, PROJECT 0344 RESOLUTIONOFTHETOWNCOUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT ALLEY AGENCYOFTOWNOFLOS GATOS DECLARINGJOSEPH J. IMPROVEMENTS ALBANESE, INC. TO BE THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER ON THE PROJECT AND AWARDING A Resolutions 2004-56 & CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT. OF 2004-5RD $198,922.00, and authorizing staff to execute future cha:ngeotders to the construction contract as necessary up to an amount of $12,000. Carried unanimously. (17.24) 01PULLED ITEMS " PULLED ITEMS CONTINUED I ITEM 6 Pulled Item HAUNTED FOREST Council Consensus to postpone to the next meeting for more public AT OAKMEADOW notice regarding this subject; giving others an opportunity to become involved; and for a clear picture of the costs and obligations involved iIi holding this event. (06.36) ITEMS Pulled Item Ray Davis; speaker, questioned the amount of funds that was passed SPEAKERS through the County to the School Districts from the Redevelopment Agency. Steve Conway, Director of Finance, explained the process of calculation that the Town used and the attempts that were made to communicate with the County so that they would send the appropriate funding to the districts. Orry Korb, Town Attorney, stated that the Grand Jmyfound that all 0 f the actions taken by the Town have. been appropriate anp. that the County finally did pay the correct amount to the schools. COUNTY GRAND JURY Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council REPORT approve response to Santa Clara County Grand Jury Final Report-Review of Audits and Financial Reports. Carried unanimously. (08.28) N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S FILElDralt Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 6 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April19,2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM -I [;] COMMUNICATIONS I VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS PM I 7:37 SPEAKER Jeanne Moore asked for Council's assistance with. the crosswalk at PM Highway 9 and Massol. She asked for an imbedded reflector crosswalk HIGHWAY 9 & that could be funded with Safe Routes to Schools grant. She believes MASSOL that the traffic calming devices that could be used in that location can be totally funded by CalTrans and she requested that that location be PEDESTRIAN placed on the Town's upcoming work agenda. CROSSING Council Comments: * CalTrans is planning bike lanes from Big Basin Way to Massol * Include Saratoga & Monte Sereno in the planning of improvements on Highway 9 * Layout expectations and what CalTrans can do * Place on a future agenda for an update 7:49 SPEAKER Ray Davis noted that the new Gateway design planned for the comer PM of Santa Cruz and Highway 9 would offer a safe crossing and it would j PEDESTRIAN be wise for pedestrians and students to· cross at the engineered CROSSINGS intersection rather that at the Massol crossing. He also questioned his arrest at Town Hall when he had an altercation with a staff member. I;: II PUBLIC HEARING II PUBLIC HEARING I 7:54 ITEM 18 WESTERN ATHLETIC CLUBSIUSE PERMIT AMENDMENT PM WESTERN Mayor Glickman announced that this was the time and place duly ATHLETIC CLUBS noticed for holding a public hearing to consider amending the Town Code to modifY the conditional use permit table to allow parking USE PERMIT facilities on property zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential) under AMENDMENT limited land use conditions. It has been determined that this project could not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore, the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (Section 15061 (b)(3)). Zoning Code Amendment A-03-4. Applicant: Western Athletic Clubs, Inc. LJRECUSED Councilmember Decker recused herselffrom this hearing due to what might appear to be a conflict ofinterest. She noted that she is a member of Courtside but holds no monetary interest in the club. \---/EJISTAFF REPORT [ Bnd Lortz, Director of Community Development, explained the ratIOnale of the request and gave a verbal reView of the staff report. N:\CLKIA MARlAN'S FILElDraft Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 7 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California .PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED THE FOLLOWING SPEAKERS FROM,THE AUDIENCE ADDRESSED WESTERN :ATHLETIC CLUBS. (COURTSIDE) ITIME IIF===I=T=E=M:::::::::===1lll========A=C=T=IO=N=O=N=I=T=E=M=========111 I􀁾􀁾 I􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁒􀁓 FOR HEARING CONT. 8:00 SPEAKER PM 8:02 SPEAKER PM I􀀺􀁾􀁾 /lSPEAKER 8:09 SPEAKER PM I 􀁾􀁩􀁩 II SPEAKER I 􀁾􀁩􀁩 II SPEAKER I8:15l CLOSED PUBLIC 􀁾HEARING-ITEM 18 8:16 ITEM 18 PM COUNCIL ACTION 8:18 ITEM 18 PM REQUIRED FINDINGS N:ICLKIA MARIAN'S FILElDraft MinutesI4MM.04.19.04.wpd Rog¢t Griffin, Applicant, representing Western Athletic Clubs and Cburtside, 'spoke of the applicant's work with the neighbors in id'eIitifying and addressing their concerns regarding the Zoning amendment for a parking lot in a residential zone. He noted the improvements to the lot and the security measures that will be used. Lisa Graff, General Manager of Courtside Club, noted the requested zone change to allow improvements to the property and compatibility of design to the overall surroundings and neighborhood. IRay Davis speaker, spoke of traffic impacts in Town and asked if a traffic study had been done regarding the number ofcars that would be using these lots. . Dale Miller, neighbor adjacent to the proposed parking lot? spoke of putting the parking lot on two ofthe lots that have the power poles and high pressure water services onthem, but placing a home on the third lot for increased housing stock in Los Gatos. IJack Aiello, neighbor adjacent to proposed parking lot, reaf1inned the thoughts ofthe previous speaker. , IRoger Griffin, a.pplicant, requeste.d approval tonight ofthe zone change and will address the design of thEi lots at future reviews. Mayor Glickman dosed the public hearing on Item 18. Motion by Mr. ,Pirzynski, seconded by Ms McNutt,to accept the report in the form ofmeeting minutes from the Planning Commission regarding Zoning Code Amendment A-03-4. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mrs. Decker abstained. Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Ms McNutt, that Council find that this Zoning Code Amendment could not possibly have a significant impact on the environment, therefore, the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and that Council find that the Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the General Plan. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mrs. Decker abstained. 8 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California ... E:JI ITEMII ACTION ON ITEM I D ITEM 18 PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED HEARING CONT. WESTERN ATHLETIC CLUBS (COURTSIDE) 8:22. ITEM 18 The Town Clerk read the Title of the Proposed Ordinance. PM READING Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Ms McNutt, to waive the WAIVED reading ofthe Proposed Ordinance. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mrs. Decker abstained. 8:24 ITEM 18 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Ms McNutt, that Council PM INTRODUCTION OF introduce Proposed Ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE OF THE PROPOSED TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING TOWN CODE SECTION ORDINANCE 29.20.185 (TABLE OF CONDITIONAL USES). Carried by a vote of4 ayes. Mrs. Decker abstained. (18;15) [:]OTHERBUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS -ITEM 20 PM ITEM 20 MILES AVENUE -SKATEBOARD PARK [:]ITEM 20 Mayor Glickman announced that this was the time and place duly \, PM SKATEBOARD noticed to consider the use ofTown-owned property on Miles Avenue ./PARK for a skateboard park. 8:31 STAFF REPORTS Town Manager Figone introduced the topic of possible property use PM ITEM 20 ofa parking lot on Miles Avenue for a skateboard park. She addressed the modular skate park concept and gave comparisons to those in Campbell and Santa Cruz. Public Works Director Curtis spoke of the history of the Town's efforts to establish a park over the past four years. Locations reviewed in Town were not feasible and work with the County for property in Vasona was unsuccessful. The land on Miles was then considered and at the moment seems to be a location appropriate for further study and analysis. He noted the possibilities of applying for park grants that would be available for this proposal as it would qualify by increasing the use of the park system. Also mentioned were appeals for private funds and donations. Ms Figone noted that a public hearing would be held regarding the use ofthis site as there would be a change in the zoning and there would be a Conditional Use Permit required. The Planning Commission would need to review the proposals; policies for operational details would have to be· developed; a schedule and process for developing the design formulated; the establishment ofmIes and regulations for the use ofthe '-----> park delineated; and insurance requirements clearly defined for the users and those needed by the Town. N:\CLK\A MARIAN'S FlLElDraft Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 9 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California EJI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I 􀁾 c:J OTHER BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS -ITEM 20 -CONTINUED PM CONTiNUED MILES AVENUE -SKATEBOARD PARK ITEM 20 SPEAKERS SPEAKERS TO THE ISSUE 8:34 SPEAKER Elizabeth Ross, parent, is pleased with this location and for the PM transportation possibilities being situated near a bus route, and being on the creek trail. She said that she is willing to sign a release ofliability and ensure that her son wears all ofhis protective gear. DISPlCAKER -IJ oooy Holst believed that 􀀬􀁾􀁩􀁳area was far too small fot a proper skate park for the number of antIcIpated users III Los Gatos. 01SPEAKER IEric Reichweim asked that Council help with his dream of a park. DISPEAKER ITimGarvey spoke ofthe Sunnyvale andCampbellparks and asked that Los Gatos establish one. o . 0 .01SPEAKER IKevin DeCarvalho supported the proposal. DISPEAKER IMatt HoIstqelieves that it will be a waste ofmoney if it is too small a park. He asked that it be a larger facility. , SPEAKER Chris Wooley noted that the Campbell facility is too small and the MilesAvenue proposal is even smaller than that. He said that wood and steel ramps are alright but the preferred material is concrete which all of the users enjoy. 01SPEAKER IAsa Branden asked for the concrete park if at all possible. DISPEAKER IRay Davis asked that Council consider establishing park dedication fees within the development application process. 0 SPEAKER Ryan Honda noted that Campbell's park was not the best park. He also stated that there were two cement parks in Santa Cruz. Even ifthe Los Gatos park is small he would like to see a concrete structure plannedfor it. He volunteered his services to work on the park and to raise funds for it. He noted that those who desire a good concrete park realize they have to put a great deal oftime and effort into it and they also would like to have the opportunity to help design the park. SPEAKER Roy Reichwein spoke oftaking a road trip to investigate existing skate parks. He noted that the cement parks are the most well used parks. He asked that if the Town builds a small park it explore the possibility of using concrete rather than steel structures. He also relayed that the users of the parks tend to supervIse and control themselves appropriately. N:\CLKIA MARJAN'S FILElDraft Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I DOTHER BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS -ITEM 20 -CONTINUED ITEM 20 SPEAKERS MILES AVENUE-SKATEBOARD PARK CONTINUED SPEAKERS TO THE ISSUE SPEAKER Melissa Morrissey, representing theNC Board Shop, was pleased with this location and believes that with careful thought it can fill the needs at this time. She spoke ofreviewing and questioning the different costs. She believes that with more inquiry they may be able to find some funding options to reduce costs and with enough input, and careful design work, get a small but satisfactory park. SPEAKER Lee Fagot spoke ofthis skateboard park establishing a newresource in Town and of its proposed central location near transportation routes. He also addressed using some parking spaces to produce a larger site for the park. SPEAKER Blake Sundsen spoke of Campbell's metal ramps and the preferred concrete. He also believes that the larger parking lot on Miles Avenue 􀁾􀀢􀀬 would make a perfect skate park. 9:30 COUNCIL COUNCIL COMMENTS ON SKATE PARK ON MILES AVE. PM COMMENTS AND Council Comments & Consensus: CONSENSUS ON * Miles Ave. Site appears to be a good site at this time ITEM 20 * This site should be studied and engineered carefully * Expansion of the size of the site should considered *Funding for the proj ect needs to be carefully reviewed and,alternatives addressed * A skate park committee be appointed to review all options from the skateboard community to present to Council * Public hearing for the local community be scheduled quickly so that the skateboard committee can then move forward on the design concepts and ideas from both the skating and local community * Make use of the earlier consultants' proposals and designs * A facilitator for the process would be helpful in moving all portions of the project forward * Insurance liabilities for skate parks to be reviewed by Town Attorney * Staff took consensus discussion as direction to proceed 􀁾TEN MINUTE Mayor Glickman called for a ten minute recess at this time. /. PM RECESS CALLED N:\CLKIA MARlAN'S FILE\Draft Minutes\4MM-04-19-04,wpd 11 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency Apn119,2004 Los Gatos, California EJI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I 􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁾 IlpUBLICHEARING II PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 19 I ITEM 19 TOWNFEES, RATES & CHARGES FORCERTAINSERVICES TOWN FEES, RATES Mayor Glickman announced that this was the time and place duly AND CHARGES FOR noticed for holding a pUblic hearing to consider adopting resolution CERTAIN SERVICES amending certain Town fees, rates and charges for certain services. STAFF REPORT Steve Conway, FinanceDirector, gave an overview ofthe fee schedule for the Town and the metheds used to reassess these fees on an arumal basis so as to meet Council's directive' to maintain Cost recovery on certain Town services. PUBLIC SPEAKER The following person from the audience addressed Council on this ITEM 19 issue: Ray Davis spoke regarding the peer review fees for geo-technical consultants: He asked'that the consultants be included in the public hearings. No dne else from the audience spoke on this item. 01CLOSED HEARING IMayor Glickman closed the public )learing. 10:24 ITEM 19 Motion byMs McNutt, seconded byMr. Pirzynski, that Council adopt PM MOTION Resolution 2004-57 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF FEES, RATES AND LOS GATOS ADOPTING CONTINUING DEPARTMENT CHARGES FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN Resolution 2004-57 FEES, RATES AND CHARGES. Carried unanimously. (19.09) 10:25 ITEM21B COUNCIL MATTERS -HIGH SPEED RAIL GATEWAY PM Mr. Pirzynski spoke as the President of Cities Association and of the COUNCIL request to lend support for the California High Speed Rail Authority's MATTERS conclusion regarding how the High Speed Rail will enter the BayArea. The ErR has been completed and the southern allignment appears to be HIGH SPEED RAIL the 1ll0St favorable, either at Pacheco Pass or the Diablo Range. He GATEWAY TO asked that Council consider accepting the conclusion in the draft EIR VALLEY and attend the public hearing May 26th to speak in support. Council consensus to have staff return this subject to Council with report and proposed resolution. N:\CLKIA MARlAN'S FILElDrafi Minutes\4MM-04-19-04.wpd 12 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency April 19, 2004 Los Gatos, California ITEMII ACTION ON ITEM 10:30 ITEM 21A PM COUNCIL MATTERS BED AND BREAKFAST COUNCIL MATTERS BED AND BREAKFAST IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA Mayor Glickman asked if Council was interested in requesting a report on the history and the present standing of this issue within the Town. Council discussed parking issues, impacts to residential neighborhoods, and the possibility of one being considered in a commercial zone. The C-2 zone will support hotels and motels and someone could apply and be considered for this use. Council felt comfortable with this discussion and no further information or work is needed on this subject at this time. 10:40 PM ITEM 22 MANAGER MATTERS PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM OPERATION & MANAGEMENT PUBLIC SEWERSYSTEMOPERATIONANDMANAGEMENT Ms Figone, Town Manager, spoke of the West Valley Sanitation District Board's review of a current report. This study of the sewer maintenance operations has been ongoing for three years, including regulations concerning the management ofsewer districts, responsibility ofoverflows, and the fact that Los Gatos provides its own.maintenance in comparison to the other member agencies using the District's maintenance services. The study asks the question as to whether Los Gatos should remain in this business, and staffwill return to.Council at a later date with a report addressing that question. Mr. Pirzynski, representative to the District Board, noted that the District supports the total maintenance ofthe Town's sanitation system. He noted two Board meetings on the 2151 and the 28th to take up the issue of full service to Los Gatos. [ 􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀳􀁉􀀱􀁁􀁄􀁊􀁏􀁕􀁒􀁎􀁍􀁅􀁎􀁔 N:\CLK\A MARIAN'S FILElDraft Minuces\4MM-04-19-04.wpd IMayor Glickman adjourned this evening's meeting at 10:43 PM ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency 13