17 Staff Report - Establishing A Youth Commission DATE: TO: FROM: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT March 25,2004 􀁍􀁁􀁙􀁏􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁄􀁔􀁏􀁗􀁎􀁃􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁃􀁾 DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER MEETINGDATE: April 5, 2004 ITEM NO. ''1 SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A YOUTH COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution establishing a Youth Commission. BACKGROUND: ,. From 1980 until 1993, Los Gatos had a Youth Commission which was subsequently sunseted. At its2004 Council Retreat, the Town Council again considered the formation ofa Youth Commission. Council directed staffto develop and bring forward a proposal. This report provides the framework for the formation of a Youth Commission. DISCUSSION: History of the Youth Commission in Los Gatos A Youth Advisory Commission was established in 1980. It consisted ofadults and students and was directed, in summary, to identify existing resources for youth, identify needs, and report this information to Council along with alternatives as to how the needs could be met. This commission was sunseted in 1993. At its 2003 retreat, Council gave consideration to the re-formation ofa youth commission. This was further explored during a "CommunityConversation" within the "Alive...AndLoving Life" initiative in March 2003 in which the Town, Council and the Community participated. As a result of the interest in a youth commission, a project team from within the "Alive... and Loving Life" (ALL) initiative was brought together during the summer of2003 to further explore this issue. The findings of this work group spoke to the need for and the value ofa youth commission. This work resulted PREPARED BY: Scott R. 􀁓􀁥􀁡􀁭􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀱􀁜 A-J I .. Chief ofPolice \je»-u􀀴􀁾 , Reviewed by: [63OAssista,nt Town Manager 􀁾􀁔􀁯􀁷􀁮Attorney __Clerk__Finance __Community Development 􀁒􀁥􀁶􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀺 3/31/04 8:13 am Reformatted: 5/30102 PAGE2. MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A YOUTH COMMISSION March 25, 2004 in a report which was shared with Council as a part of its 2004 retreat materials (Attachment 2). At its 2004 retreat, Council again considered a youth commission and directed staff to develop a specific proposal for the formation of a youth commission. Staff recommends that the youth commission operate as a pilot for the first year. After the first year, the Commission and the Town Council can evaluate the Commission's practices, activities and effectiveness and make recommendations regarding ongoing operations. Establishment of Commission: Staffrecommends that the commission be chartered as follows: The purpose of the Los Gatos Youth Commission is to allow youth to 􀁨􀁡􀁶􀁾 a "voice" in our community. A Youth Commission would: • Foster greater involvement ofyouth in municipal government affairs. • Study problems, activities, and concerns of youth, especially as they relate to municipal programs or projects of the Town ofLos Gatos. • Hold forums on problems, activities and concerns of youth, either alone or in conjunction with other governmental agencies and community 􀁯􀁲􀁧􀁡􀁮􀁩􀁺􀁡􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀬 as the Commission dee!lls desirable. • Review municipal matters referred to the Commission by the Town Councilor other Town boards, committees, or commissions and, as appropriate, make recommendations on those matters. Composition and Selection of Commission members Staffrecommends that the Youth Commission be made up of a total oftwelve (12) members. The members would be students who are in grades 8 through 12. Membership would require either residency in the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos and enrollment in any accredited school, or residency in the unincorporated areas ofthe County of Santa Clara, whi.ch ha.ve a Los Gatos mailing address, andenrolIment in a school located in the Town of Los Gatos. Sta.ff recommends an even balance ofmembeis from each .grade level, if 􀁰􀁯􀁾􀁳􀁩􀁢􀁬􀁥􀀬.for the bI,"oadest perspective representing the youth in the community. Previous Town youth commissions also had adult members; however, in doing a survey oflocal municipalities, staff found that all other youth commissions have only youth members. Staff is recommending that this youth commission be similarly comprised with only youth members, however, this could be reevaluated and reported on as part ofthe one year review. Members would serve two (2) year terms, with the exception 'of the first year when the initial commission members are selected and half of the commission would be seated for a single year. I PAGE 3 􀁍􀁁􀁙􀁏􀁒􀁾􀁔􀁏􀁗􀁎􀁃􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁃􀁾 SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A YOUTH COMMISSION March 25,2004 It would be necessary in the first year to have six ofthe twelve members serve one-year terms so that the expiration ofterms would be overlapped and staggered. This would ensure that no more than one-half ofthe membership expires each year. Following Town noticing and invitation for application, Commission members would be selected through a formal application process and interview with Council. Staff intends on using existing relationships with the local schools, recreation department, and othercommunitygroups for purposes ofrecruitment. After receipt ofthe applications ofthose interested inbeing on the Commission, staff would conduct an orientation, and provide preparation information to the applicants in order to best prepare the applicants for the interview process. During the first year ofthe Commission, students entering grade 12 would be limited to 1 year terms, as they would no longer be be eligible in the second year. After the initial selection, students selected in subsequent years wouldbe limited to students who are entering grades 8 :-11, andwho would serye two year terms. Ifthree members were selected from each ofthe 4 grades, there would be an equal representation across the 12 student members sitting on the Commission. Although staff 􀁲􀁾􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁤􀁳 that the Town Council strive to balance the membership equally among the 􀁰􀁾􀁣􀁩􀁰􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧 grades, we suggest that this remains a goal and not hold up the Commission appointments. Unlike other commissions in Town for which staffwill be recommending terms expiring in January, staff believes that it would be most beneficial to use June as the month of term expiration. This would allow Commission members to work together throughout an entire school year. As this would be a formal commission, it would be subject to the provisions ofthe Ralph M. Brown Act. Staffhas researched this issue with several other municipalities which have youth youth commissions locally, and compliance with the BrownAct is handledbyhaving the provisions ofthe Act explained to the commission members annually. The other municipalities handling the explanation of the Brown Act in this manner, have experienced no problems with compliance of the Act. Staff does not believe that the Brown Act would or should act as a barrier to the formation of a commission consisting of youth members. Staff Liaison to the Youth Commission Liaison and staff support 0 f t he Youth Commission would be the responsibility of the Police Department. This is a new assignment for the department which will have to be absorbed by existing staff. Depending upon the issues or projects being consideredbythe Commission, staffinvolvement in terms of time and commitment would vary; however, using the Transportation and Parking Commission as a comparison, it is estimated that between 15 and 25 hours per month will be required. In addition to the involvement of the Chief of Police, at least one member of of the Police Department at the level of Officer or Sergeant would staff the Youth Commission meetings. One staff member would also be assigned to maintain minutes and ,prepare agendas and commission packets for the regularly scheduled meetings. Staff would also consider using a student on the > ,, . PAGE 4 􀁍􀁁􀁙􀁏􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁄􀁔􀁏􀁗􀁎􀁃􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁃􀁾 SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A YOUTH COMMISSION March 25, 2004 Connnission to be assigned to or assist in these duties. The s'tatfing ofthe youth commission will be apriority. Capacity will be found as needed by making other current administrative or discretionary assignments a lower priority. The resources required to statfthe Youth Commission will be evaluated and reported on as part ofthe one year review. Staff has met with the director of the Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation Department, as he had expressed interest in participating with staffto assist in the development and the ongoing operations of the Youth CoIl1l11ission. Staff recommends that the Town fOTIIl a partnership with the Education and Recreation Department to assist Town Staff with the ongoing work of the Youth Commission. This would allow the Education and Recreation Department to provide valuable input and assistance to the Commission on many issues which they now \leal with on a regular basis, while providing some ofthe support necessary for oversight and guidance ofthe comnusslOn. Time Line .'.'.: ! Upon approval ofthe resolution, staffwould initiate an advertisement and recruitment ofthe initial members to the Commission over a 30-45 day time period. Interviews with persons in,terest!i9-in serving would occur at the June 7, 2004 Council meeting, with the commission being seated shortly thereafter. Upon being seated, the commission would meet for a half-day retreat to further develop and refine the purpose and goals of the Commission and to plan the work for the year. The Commission is expected to meetperiodically over the summer with the 􀁧􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁴􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁭􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁴􀁯􀁦 its work occurring during the school year. CONCLUSION: Staffrecommends Council adopt the attached resolution. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for the Youth Commission are within program 4010. There are sufficient funds in the account for this activity. Attachments: 1. Resolution esta,blishing a Youth Commission in the Town of Los Gatos. 2. "Alive....and Loving Life" project group report regarding a ybuth co"mmission. Distribution: General RESOLUTION NO. 2004-_ . RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ESTABLISHING A YOUTH COMMISSION WHEREAS, it is recognized that a youth perspective on issues which pertain to the youth in t..lJ.e community is an important part of decision making in Town; and WHEREAS, there is value in increasing communication between adults and youth; and WHEREAS, there is value in having a mechanism for youth to have a voice in Town affairs and issues relating to youth; and WHEREAS, the Town Council ofthe Town ofLos Gatos found and determined that the purpose of the Youth Commission is to foster and encourage civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity through the knowledge, understanding, and increased involvement of the Town's youth in the Town's present and future 􀁭􀁵􀁮􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁰􀁡􀁬 affairs. 􀀬􀀬􀁾 !c NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVEDBYTHETOWNCOUNCILOFTHETOWN OF LOS GATOS: 1. There is a need for a Youth Commission to function in the Town ofLos Gatos, which would. establish a formal body by which the youth youth of Los Gatos would have a voice in the community. a. There is hereby established a Youth Commission which shall generally be responsible for studying various problems, activities and other issues ofconcern to the youth in general, and for advising Council on matters pertaining to issues involving the youth ofLos Gatos. b. Membership/Organization 1. The Youth Commission shall consist oftwelve (12) members. The members .shall be students who are entering grades 8 through 12 during the establishment of the initial Commission, and of students who are entering grades 8 through 11 thereafter. Membership for the students would require either residency in the incorporated limits of the Town of Los Gatos and enrollment in any accredited school, or residency in the unincorporated areas· of the County of Santa Clara, which have a Los Gatos mailing address, and enrollment in a school located in the Town ofLos Gatos. ATTACHMENT 1 11. Members first appointed to the Commission shall so classify themselves by lot so that the terms ofthe first members shall end as follows: the term ofsix (6) ofthe student members shall expire on June 1,2005, which group shall include any members who are entering grade 12 at the time ofappointment. The terms the other six (6) student members shall expire on June 1, 2006. Succeeding members shall serve a term oftwo (2) years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, except any appointments. to fill an unexpired term shall be for such unexpired period. Ill. At its first meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, the Commission shall elect officers and adopt bylaws for the conduct ofbusiness. The Commission shaH appoint 􀁾􀁤 prescribe the term ofthe office for its Chair and Vice-Chair. IV. Six (6) voting members ofthe Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose oftransacting business. v. Commission members shall serve without compensation, provided that, with advance budgetary approval of the Town Council, the actual and necessary expenses (ifany) incurred by the members in the conduct ofTown business shall be reimbursable pursuant to the current Council policy. VI. The Commission shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month between September and June. The Commission shall establish a regular time and location fofits meetings and shall otherwise call and conduct its 􀁾􀁥􀁥􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁳 in compliance with the provision s ofthe Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Sections 54950 and following.) V11. Minutes of the actions taken during its meetings shall be kept and filed with the Town Clerk. V111. Meeting attendance requirements will conform with the current Town Resolution. c. The duties ofthe Commission shall include the 􀁦􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁷􀁩􀁾􀁧􀀺 1. Foster greater involvement ofyouth in municipal government affairs. 11. Study problems, activities, and concerns ofyouth, especially as they relate to municipal programs or projects ofthe Town ofLos Gatos. 111. Hold forums on problems, activities and concerns of youth, either alone or in conjunction with other governmental agencies and community organizations, as the Commission deems desirable. IV. Review municipal matters referred to the Commission by the Town Council or otherTownboards, committees, or commissions and, as appropriate, make recommendations on those matters. PASSED AND ADOPTED at aregular meeting ofthe Town Council ofthe Town ofLos Gatos, California, held on the day of , 2004 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS AYES: NAYS: 􀁾􀁓􀁔􀁁􀁉􀁎􀀺 ii, ABSENT: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS" CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA < - ti 2. Youth Commission Repon Town of Los Gatos June 6, 2003 Youth Commission 'Vorking Group Suggestions Report Submitted toTown of Los Gatos June 2003 History of Los Gatos Youth Commission The Town established its first Youth Advisory Commission in 1970. It consisted of adults and students and was directed, in summary, to identify existing resources for youth, identify needs, and report this information to Council along with alternatives as to how the needs could be met. The Commission was slated to exist 2 years and was staffed by the Delinquency/Crime Prevention Officer. A Youth Advisory Commission was again established in 1980 and tasked with essentially the same duties as its predecessor. In 1993, Council accepted the Commission's recommendation that it be sunseted. The Commission cited three primary reasons for its recommendation: 1. It felt that it had met its primary objective through existing services and activities and determined that youth needs were largely being met. They perceived their projects as being duplicative of those being provided by other community organizations. 3. Students appointed to the Commission often had other obligations and were unable to meet Commission related commitments. The Commission also recommended that Council expand the Community Services Commission to include two youth members. Council acted on thIs recommendation at the same meeting at which theYAC was sunseted. Youth Commission Working Group -Spring 2003 Background lnformation The Youth Commission Working Group met three times: April 8th, April 29th and May 13th to determine the purp.ose, need and structure of a Youth Commission in Los Gatos. The idea for (re-) establishing a Youth Commission was generated from two different meetings. First through a Town Council Retreat in January 2003 and again through one of the project groups at the March 8th Community Conversation where Town Council member, Mike Wasserman and Vice Mayor, Steve Glickman, were in attendance,as well as other interested parents and youth. There were 24 participants present at the first meeting -an equal number of youth and adults. About 12 people were present at each of . the following meetings. Andrea Schneider, Town Consultant and Chloe Wilder, LGHS student, facilitated the meetings. , ATTACHMENT2 Youih'Commission RepoJ1 Town of Los Gatos June 6" 2003 Issues From the beginning, the idea of a fonnal body giving youth "a voice" in Los Gatos resonated with the Working Group. It was seen as an opportunity to empower youth in a way that they could be heard. The group also felt that a "youth perspective" and an opportunity for youth to voice their issues should be an important part of decisionmaking in the Town. It was hoped that this type ofbody would increase communication and understaueling between adults and youth. It would bridge awareness and reduce misunderstaJ]ding and help to increase.the number of teen-oriented activities and civic participation. It would be an outstanding learning opportunity for those 􀁹􀁯􀁵􀁴􀁨􀁪􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁴� �􀁾 in getting involved. In tum, the Town would be investing in its future citizens, fonning a partnership with youth· and· would benefit from a new understanding and perspective in regards to its teens. Another key issue was the need for this effort to be representative representative of a diverse group of youth. There is no system presently in place that would ensure equal and diverse representation. There are many other opportunities currently in our town for youth involvement such as Student Council, Reality Check, El Gato, CASA, Outhouse,Board 􀁾􀁲 and School Board to name a few. The Working Group felt these groups were doing an L adequate job organizing teen activities and events as we]) as community;service'and that this should not be the focus of a new youth group. Actions Jt was decided that people in the Working Group would partner up -one adult and one youth -to investigate various youth commissions, task forces and advisory committees in other local towns and cities. The teams wanted to find out how they function and/or to see if they have any other meaningful ways to involve their youth with the community. An interview fonn was developed to guide the investigation (see attached). The towns covered were as follows: Cupertino, Gilroy and Morgan Hill, Milpitas and and Mt View, Palo Alto and Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, Santa Clara County and San Jose. Not everyone was succ.essful in connecting with a town, but the following isa sampling: San Jose Youth Commission -goal was to provide a youth perspective regarding community issues. Their.biggest success has been running teen conferences on important youth issues like drugs and gangs. Funding .and adequate leadership are the biggest obstacles. There.are 10 students on the commission from 16-21 who need to be available 2417. They are appointed by city council district, serve.a 3-year term, and they put in a lot of time. Their position on the Commission is taken very 􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁯􀁵􀁳􀁾􀁹􀀮 Cupenino Youth Commission -goal is to advise the City Council on matters relating to teens in the city. They have been successful hoJdingjob fairs, dances and doing community service. They feel "extremely influential" on matters concerning youth in the2 Youth Commission Report Town of Los Gatos June 6, 2003 city. The biggest obstacle is fostering participation and getting everyone's ideas expressed because it is such a diverse group. There are 13 members from grades 8-12. Sunnyvale Teen Advisory Council-goal is to plan and implements activities for teens. Their biggest success has been local band concerts open to youth. Their biggest obstacles are commitment and scheduling and getting youth to take ownership of the events. Members must be attending high school and are appointed for one year, which can be renewed. Santa Clara City Youth Commission -acts as an advisory Board to the City Council on matters regarding youth. Review and make recommendations to Town Council. Some successes have been the development of a skate park and teen center, a newsletter, a leadership conference and recreation activities. Obstacles are recommending enough ideas so that some become a reality. 15 members meet once/month and serve a one-year term. Los Gatos There is a Community Services Commission that has two non-voting teens slots and a Parks Commission that has 2 students, out ofa Board of9, and they can vote on matters relating to parks and trails. Key Findings from Investigation's • Youth act in an advisory/creating activities role -no voting rights -how much of the teen voice is heard? • Many boards/commissions are tied to Parks and Recreation • Terms seem to be 1-3 years with about 12 participants each year • Most involved high school age youth -not middle school • Hard to determine if they represent themselves or the interests of a diverse youth population • Training was not addressed but seems to be a key component • Other cities in the County have some form of a youth board or commission is there a reason Los Gatos doesn't have one? • Each city has a different reason for establishing a board -what would our purpose be? What would our goals be? • Need to do more research locally, statewide and nationally on organizations that serve youth in this capacity to learn about their successes and obstacles. Possible Obstacles • Can we find enough kids interested in this type of commitment -hard to fill town positions already • Would teens burn out after 6 months and/or get distracted with conflicting • activities? • How would it be promoted and marketed? ,, . 3 Youth Commission Report Town of Los Gatos June 6, 2003 • YC's would have to have a true voice and a meaningful purpose -would they have voting rights? ' • How do you ensure continuity when kids graduate, move ofhave more pressing demands? • How do we make sure enough elected members people attend the meetings on a regular basis? • How does it connect with the high school? How would it be different than Student Council? • Is this the best way to get youth involved in civic affairs lind/or leadership activities? , .' \. ". . Recommendations At the end of3 sessions, the Working Group recommend,s that an elected body of youth be established by the Town of Los Gatos in order to give youth a voice in the town and to empower them. The group could not decide if this body should be in the form of a fonnal youth commission or some type of an advisory group that was more fluid and gathered energy around specific issues on a quarterly basis or every other month. They preferred the structure of this youth group to be looked into further by the Town Manager .Ie. and staff since they seemed split between making it a formal vs. fluid body. Suggested Guidelines The Working Group would like to see the development ofleadership skills and a training program for new participants. They felt that] 5 members-3 members per grade from 8th to 12th grade would be a good number. Participants would have to live in 95030,31,32,33 zip codes.. They would be able to bring issues to the Town Council and access information. Youth could air complaints and idea.s atmeetings. Theycould initiate ideas or respond to suggestions. They must represent the youth voice in Los Gatos and be elected in a manner that would ensure representation of all different types of youth. The Working Group all agree that this group does not have to spend time planning teen activities since it is being done by multiple organizations at the high school and in the community. It could, however, be used for individual projects such as educating teens on certain issues or planning a youth conference. These are only guidelines for the Town to consider based on the preliminary findings of this Working Group. The group would be available for questioning, research or more dialogue as needed. 4 Youth Commission Report . Town of Los Gatos June 6, 2,003 Special Thanks. to Laurie Terrat for her note taking and drafting of this report, Regina· Falkner for sharing past history with the group and Chloe Wilder for co-leading with such expertise and spirit. Submitted by: Andrea Schneider, Town Consultant and Facilitator ,, . 5 Youth'Commission Report Town of Los Gatos June 6, 2003 Attachments Youth CommissionIWorking Group Investigation Questions for Other Towns and Cities Please see if you can get information on the following questions: 1. Goal/Objectives 2. Who or what group is responsible for the Commission, Advisory, Task Force? 3. In what ways do they get youth participation? Do they have active participation? 4. What are the biggest obstacles? 5. What are some of their big successes? 6. What is their best advice for Los Gatos? 7. How long is the Youth Appointment? 8. What is their arrangement for oversight? 9. What is the most powerful youth group in their city? What makes it so good? 10. Great Advice? Investigation Pairs: Nicole Wasserman and Chris Miller Steve Glickman and Lindsay Funston Kim Smith and Kevin Slattery Kellin Dunne and Steve Rauwolf Chris Miller and Julia Moorhead Chanel Cramer and Michael Bertoldo Mike Wasserman and Chloe Wilder Cupertino Gilroy and Morgan Hill Milpitas and Mt. View , Palo Alto and Sunnyvale Santa Clara Santa Clara County San Jose ,, . 6 ·. . Youth Commission Repon Town of Los Gatos June 6, 2003 Working Group Participants Julia Moorhead Snowgirl126@aol.com Chris Miller camillier@scu.edu Kim Smith knsmithl g@aol.com Nicole Wassennan Nicnac055@aol.com Lindsay Funston spritengum@aol.com Chanel Cramer . Calichick500@hotmail.com Ali Cramer Calichick500@hotmail.com Michael Bertoldo Corrupt86@hotmail.com Steve Rauwolf steve@lgsrecreation.org Kellin Dunne Bluidgrl22@aol.com Kevin Slattery handeman@sbcglobal.net . Mike Wassennan mwassennan@aol.com Negin Saei supemegin@yahoo.com Scott Seaman sseaman@town.]os-Qatos.ca.us Laurie Terrat Lterrat@aol.com Steve Glickman steve@glicktech.com David Burkhart kmalbri ght@attbi.com Felix Li LGUnitedFC@aol.com Regina Falkner rfalkner@town.los-gatos.c a.us David Ross Sara Slattery HorseQurl14@yahoo.com Megan Slattery Smartypants8] O@hotmail.com Greg Benton GreQ481 @aol.com Jacqui Kemp wackY; axs@attbi.com Andrea Schneider cmtvactn@aol.com 7