14a Minutes - Parking Authority Joint Redevelopment Agency -DRAFT TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MARCH 15,2004 /MINUTES Los Gatos Civic Center 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Council Meeting Date: 04105104 􀁉􀁴􀁥􀁭􀀣􀀺􀁾 EJI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM 􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀢 7:00 TOWN COUNCIL PM I 􀁾􀁾 II ROLL CALL 􀁾􀁐􀁌􀁅􀁄􀁇􀁅􀁏􀁆 􀁾ALLEGIANCE 7:03 CLOSED SESSION PM 􀁾􀀺􀁜􀁃􀁌􀁋􀁉􀁁 MARIAN'S FILEIDraft MinutesI4MM-03-I5.04.wpd The Town Council/Parking Authority/Redevelopment Agency of the Town ofLos Gatos met in the Council Chambers ofthe Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:00 p.m., Monday, March 15, 2004, in a joint regular session. IPresent: Sandy Decker, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman and Mayor/Chairman Glickman. Absent: None The audience was invited to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. Town Attorney, Orry Korb, reported that Council had met in Closed Session prior to this evening's meeting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 regarding Labor Negotiations. Town Negotiator: Gary Rogers, Rogers, Human Resources Director. Employee Organizations: Town Employees' Association (TEA); AFSCME; Confidential Unit; Management; and Police Officers Assoc. Council gave direction to Town's negotiator and there was no further reportable action taken. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8regarding Conference with Real Property Negotiator concerning property at Knowles Avenue negotiating price and terms ofpayment between Town ofLos Gatos and County of Santa Clara. Council gave direction to Town's negotiator. There was no reportable action taken. Also reported that Council met pursuant to Government Code Section 54956;9[a] regarding Conference with Legal Counsel concerning Existing Litigation. City of Cerritos et al. vs State Board of Equalization. Direction was given to Town Attorney with a unanimous vote from Council to become a 'party to the case. Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15, 􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀴 Los Gatos, California EJI ITEM I ACTION ON ITEM I PRESENTATION Mayor Glickman presented a Commendation of Recognition to the Jazz Purr Chorus Group from Los Gatos Hi gh SchooI. They perfonncd some oftheir work for the audience which they will also present in New York next month. The audience applauded their efforts and the Mayor wished them well in their future endeavors. I􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀺 ICONSENT ITEMS II CONSENT ITEMS I ITEM 1 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council accept and file informational report regarding currently scheduled SCHEDULE OF public hearings. Carried unanimously. (01.28) PUBLIC HEARINGS ItEM 2 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council ratify the check register for payroll of February 15, 2004 through PAYROLL February 28,2004 paid on March 5, 2004 in the amount of$544,896.40. RATIFICATION FOR Carried unanimously. (02.V) FEBRUARY 2004 ITEM 3 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council ACCOUNTS ratify the check register for accounts payable invoices paid on February PAYABLE 27,2004 and March 5,2004 in the amount of $451,223.96. Carried RATIFICATION unanimously. (03.V) ITEM 4 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wass'ennan, to accept Treasurer's report for month ending January 31, 2004. Carried TREASURER'S unanimously. (04.02) REPORT ITEMS Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council CABLE adopt Resolution 2004-26 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF TELEVISION ,LOS GATOS APPROVING AN AMENDMENT EXTENDING FRANCHISE 'Y.ITH THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH COMCAST CORP. COMCAST CORPORATION, FROM MARCH 31, 2004 TO MARCH 31, 2005. Carried unanimously. (05.35) Resolution 2004-26 ITEM 6 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council DISADVANTAGED' adopt Resolution 2004-27 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF BUSINESS LOS. GATOS AUTHORIZING DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE (DBE) PARTICIPATION FOR USE ON U.S. (DBE) FUNDING DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION FUNDED PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004. Carried unanimously. (06.24) Resolution 2004-27 , NICLKIA MARIAN'S FILE\Draft MinUlesI4MM.03.15.04IVpd Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15, 2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I ITEM 7 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council PROJECT 0409A adopt Resolution 2004-28 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN PARKING LOT 4 OFLOS GATOS AWARDINGACONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REPAIRS WITH RAINBOW WATERPROOFING FOR PROJECT 0409ARAINBOW WATER-PARKINGGARAG E #4 REPAIRS AND REHABILITATION -IN PROOFING THE AMOUNT OF$120,727.65 AND AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDERS UP TO $20,000. Carried unanimously. (07.24) Resolution 2004-28 ITEM 8 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council PROJECT 0207 adopt Resolution 2004-29 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE OF LOS GATOS APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH ASSET MANAGE'T CARTEGRAPH SYSTEMS, INC. FOR SOTWARE, SUPPORT, CARTEGRAPH AND IMPLEMENTATION RESOURCES FOR THE TOWN SYSTEMS, INC. -WIDE INFRASTRUCTURE ASSET MANAGEMENT -PROJECT 0207. Carried unanimously. (08.24) Resolution 2004-29 ITEM 9 CONSENT ITEM BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11 ANNEX This item has been pulled and will be heard after Item 16. ITEM 10 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council adopt Resolution 2004-30 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF ENGLEWOOD #5 LOS GATOS ORDERING THE REORGANIZATION OF ANNEXATION CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ENGLEWOOD AVENUE #5· [APN: 532-05-0151 (16471 Resolution 2004-30 ENGLEWOD' AVENUE) TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. Carried unanimously. (10.26) -ITEM 11 CONSENT ITEM HICKS ROAD 17101 GREENBRIAR This item has been pulled and will be heard after Item 16. ITEM 12 Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that Council ORDINANCE adopt Ordinance 2128 entitled, ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF RENTALS LOS GATOS AMENDING THE LOS GATOS TOWN CODE, LANDLORD AND CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE VII, RENTAL AND OTHER TENANT DISPUTES LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES, which was introduced at the Council meeting of March 1, 2d04. Carried unanimously. (12.39) Ordinance 2128 > , . N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S FILEIDraft Minutes\4MM-03-15-04.Wpd 3 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15, 2004 Los Gatos, Caiifornia ItiME II====I::::::TE=M=======II=========A=C=T=I=O=N=O=N=IT=E=M=============HI I 7:04 II REDEVELOPMENT II REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA I ITEM 13 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RATIFICATIoN c:J1 COUNCIL/AGENCY II ITEM 14 MINUTES MARCH 1, 2004 ITEM 15 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT C:]COMMUNICATIONS II 7: 14 SPEAKER 7:18 SPEA:KltR N\CLKIA MARIAN'S FILEIDraft Minules\4MM-03-15-04 wpd Motion by Mrs. 􀁄􀁾􀁣􀁫􀁥􀁲􀀬 seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that the Agency ratify the c:heck register for accounts payable invoices paid on February 27, 2004 and March 5, 2004 in the amount of $30,100.00. Carried unanimously. (l3.V) TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the Minutes of the Joint Regular Meeting March 1, 2004 as submitted. Carried unanimously. (14.V) Motion by Mrs. Decker, seconded by Mr. Wasserman, that the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency accept the 2002-2003 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Memorandum on Internal Control Structure. Carried unanimously. (I5.V) VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Paul Dubois spoke of cost savings possibilities within municipal operations. He focused on false alarm responses from the police department and suggested keeping the current fees and practices in addressing them. He also noted that he was not in favor of the Town implementing a police impound yard and addressed costs associated with that service. Ray Davis noted that he would not pledge allegiance to the flag in these chambers in protest to his arrest for initiating disruptive behavior in the Civic Center. He reminded Council that they could collect Park Dedication Fees on each new development ifthey so chose; and spoke again concerning Safe Routes to School programs in Los Gatos, especially at the Shannon Road-Los Gatos Boulevard location. 4 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15, 2004 Los Gatos, California ITIME 􀁉􀁉􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁉􀁔􀀽􀁅􀀽􀁍􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁁􀀽􀁃􀀽􀁔􀀽􀁉􀀽􀁏􀀽􀁎􀀽􀁏􀀽􀁎􀀽􀁉􀁔􀀽􀁅􀀽􀁍􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀱 01PUBLIC HEARING II PUBLIC HEARING -APPEAL I 7:20 ITEM 16 PM 15047 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD MEDICAL OFFICE 7:21 STAFF REPORT DITEM16 SPEAKERS IDOl APPLICANT/L-.J APPELLANT APPELLANT 7:44 SPEAKER N:ICLK\A MARlAN'S FILEIDraft MinutesI4MM-03-15-04,wpd LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 15047/MEDICAL OFFICE SPACFMayor Glickman announced that this was the time and place duly noticed for holding a public hearing to consider an appeal of the decision ofthe Planning Commission denying a request to demolish a single family residence and consider a request for approval ofa Planned Development to change the zone from CH to CH:PD to construct a twostory office building. No significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of this project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended. Planned Development Application PD04-2, Negative Declaration ND-04-1, Architecture and Site Application S-04-05. APN 424-07-087. Property Location: 15047 Los Gatos Boulevard. Property Owner/Appellant: Josco Properties. Applicant: John Lien, Architect. (16.15) Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development, reported oli the history of this application and the workthat has been done with staff, applicants and community. He explained the parking ratios between doctors' offices and retail space, and also the different requiremenTs for the different types of businesses and their clientele. SPEAKERS ON ITEM 16 -LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 15047 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING John Lien, representing Doctor Joan Oloff, spoke ofthe history of the project and the various design elements involved. Brad Krouskup, representing the applicant, spoke ofthe design of the building to house and support the work of some very talented physicians. He noted that this building, and others similar to it, wi11 bring economic stability to the area which in tum will encourage the growth of retail shops over time. Paul Dubois believes the Council should uphold the appeal. He spoke ofthe Planning Commission needing four members to make a decision, They found the design was excellent and believed they should' haye been able to consider the application for its architectural value. He noted that there was no attraction for retail in this area at this time and that Council should begin to set precedents and policies for how it is going to proceed with this segment of our Town. .' 5 ITEM Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency E:JIITEM 16 SPEAKERS CONTINUED II March 15,2004 Los Gatos, California ACTION ON ITEM SpEAKERS ON ITEM 16,...-LOS GATOS BOULEYARD 15047 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING PUBLIC HEARING-APPEAL LJISPEAKER LJ Ll 7:52 7:53 7:56 8:02 """" IR.Ob Naber, owner of PhYSiC.al Ther.apy of Los. Gatos, noted that he would like to keep his growing practice in Los Gatos and be able to offer additional services to the community. IMatthew 􀁍􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁥􀀬 facial reconstruction physician, spoke of his growing practice and the nee.d for addItIOnal work space to offer hIS services to the community from a professional facility. Peter Abaci, MD, pain management practitioner, spoke of a facility that is able to integrate various pain management practices. He noted that there are no current accommodations available for this type of service, and he affirmed that he was looking forward to being able to work in the 10,000 square foot center. John Massey, MD, offering special services for chronic disabilities, spoke of integtatingservices with psychlogists and physical therapists to meet the needs of over 100 hew patients a month calling for appointments. Joan Oloff, representing JOSCO, spoke about her colleagues with pride. She is very pleased to be working with such talented individuals, and noted that they had been hand picked for this location and that they all worked throughproblems with care and encouragement. She then noted that the synergy developed by bringing clients to this facility for healing would also develop a need for other services in this vicinity and on the boulevard. IRay Davis aSk.ed that r.e.ta.il be supp.orted in this building and that this type of business be encouraged on the boulevard. He also asked that soccer fields be encouraged for this area. Bill Hirschman noted that this was a well designed and appropriate building for this area. He spoke to the fact that this section of Town was, is now, and will continue to be a mixture of retail, office, and service businesses. He asked that Council allow the market place to decide when retail is economically feasible in the North 40. He suggested designing sufficient parking at this time to accommodate retail in the future. NICLKIA MARIAN'S FILEIDrafi Minutes\4MM-03-15-04 wpd 6 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15,2004 Los Gatos, California ITEM E:JI II ACTION ON ITEM ITEM 16 SPEAKERS CONTINUED SPEAKERS ON ITEM 16 -LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 15047 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING PUBLIC HEARING-APPEAL E:09JI" IMichael Kane, MD spoke in support and for allowing retail in the . future. 18J2l1=" =======IJoseph Gemignami spoke in favor of the project and the upgra.ding of l-J .that particular area and believes it is a bettennent for the Town. 8:13 APPLICANT I 􀁾􀁩􀀺 II ITEM 16 Brad Krouskup reaffirmed the plans for the project; noted that the proposal provided for the community good; spoke of the many excellent physicians prepared to bring care to our Town; and spoke of the evolutionary nature of planning. ICLOSED PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Glickman closed the public hearing. 8:15 1ST PM MOTION Motion by Mr. Wasserman, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council grant the appeal. Council Comments and Discussion: * This site is good for doctors' offices as it is close to Good Samaritan Hospital and close to the other physicians offices in the area. * Nominal retail can be portion of the general office functions. * If a physician leaves his office space then retail can move in. * There can be a natural filling of retail in vacated space. * As this area develops there will also be a developing need for retail. * Council should resurrect the Boulevard Plan and prepare a more specific plan. ----Traffic needs to be addressed. ----Impacts of usesneed to be defined ----Planning needs to have complete parameters to work within to formulate answers to the many questions that have risen. ----Retail will eventually settle in the area. ----A North 40 Specific Plan needs to be developed. ----An advisory committee may be formed to develop this plan. Mr. Glickman asked for a minor condition: That retail space be mandated if the medical uses ceases to remain in this facility. This was not acceptable to the maker and seconder of the motion. MOTION AMENDMENT /-'" !􀀢􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀯􀀧􀁬􀀡􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽� �􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀺􀀺􀁤􀁊 N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S FILE\Draft Minutes\4MM-03-15-04.wpd 7 March 15,2004 Los Gatos, California ACTION ON ITEM ITEM 16·...,. LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 15047 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING PUBLIC HEARING-APPEAL Mr. Wasserman, maker of the motion, tabled the motion on the floor in order to attend to other items that must come before the final motion. I ITEM Towil Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency E:JI􀁬􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁮􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽� �􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀱 O ·ITEM 16 • CONTINUED O·. 1ST MOTION TABLED ITEM 16 NEGATIVE DEC. Motion by Mr. Wasserman, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council make the Negative Declaration as appears in Exhibit 1 of Attachment 6 of this evening's staff report to Council. Carried unanimously. ITEM 16 MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN Motion by Mr. Wasserman, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Plan as appears in Attachment 2 ofthis evening's staff report to Council. Carried unanimously. 8:43 ITEM 16 PM A&S: S-04-5 PD: PD-04-2 REQUIRED FINDINGS Motion by Mr. Wasserman, seconded by Mr. Glickman, that Counci1 approve Architecture and Site application S-04-5 and Planned Development application PD-04-2 and make the required findings as appears in Attachment 1 of this evening's staff report to Council. Carried unanimously. Findings by Mr. Pirzynski: * As required in architecture and site approval by the Town Code for demolition of a residence Council has considered the maintenance 0 f Town's housing stock; preservation of historic structures; property owner's desire to maintain the structure; and economic utility of the building. * As required by the Town's Infill Policy for Community Benefit Council has considered that the project will contribute to further appropriate development of the neighborhood with improved circulation, elimination of blighted area, increased architectural unity, and improvement in the existing quality of life. The infill project blends well with the established plans for this area with its excellent design and adherences to all appropriate Architecture and Site requirements. The applicant has clearly demonstrated the requirement for excellence of design, and the project demonstrates a strong community benefit which is part ofthe public record. * Traffic Policy is addressed in that the benefits of the project ha\c been identified and they clearly outweigh the impacts as Council prepares,to approve the project a,lso finding consistency with Town's General Plan. NICLKIA MARIAN'S FILEIDraft MinutesI4MM-03-15-04wpd 8 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15,2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I ITEM 16 ITEM 16-LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 15047 MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING-APPEAL 􀁾􀁉READING OFTITLE ITown Clerk read the Title ofthe Proposed Ordinance. L]WAIVER OF Motion by Mr. Wasserman, seconded by Mrs. Decker, to waive the READING reading of the Proposed Ordinance. Carried unanimously. 8:47 1ST Motion by Mr. Wasserman, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council PM MOTION introduce the Proposed Ordinance entitled, ORDINANCE OF THE FINALIZED TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE EFFECTING A ZONE CHANGE FROM CH TO CH:PD AT 15047 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD, with the findings ITEM 16 which were just articulated and are part of the record; and with Paragraph 6 ofthe ordinance, revised to read, "Retail and lor restaurant uses are permitted on the ground floor that fronts on to Los Gatos Boulevard. This condition 􀁳􀁵􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁣􀁾􀁤􀁥􀁳 the Floor Plans of the Official Development Plan." Carried unanimously. 01CONSENT ITEMS II PULLED CONSENT ITEMS I 􀁾CONSENT ITEM 9 CONSENT ITEM CONTINUED PM BLOSSOM HILL #11 Item 9 was pulled from the consent calendar. ANNEXATION ITEM 9 BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11 ANNEXATION ELECTION DATES TO BE CONSIDERED -Mayor Glickman announced that this was the time and place so noted STAFF -.' to consider the adoption of resolution making findings concerning the PRESENTATION value of written protests filed and not withdrawn and ordering the reorganization of the territory known as Blossom Hill #11 and setting an election concurrent with the November 2004 General Election. Council questioned the advisabilityofthe November election and asked that staff review the options for an earlier election and report back to Council. Comparable costs for both types of election are to be addressed. ; ,, . N\CLKIA MARIAN'S FILEIDraft MinutesI4MM·03.15.04.wpd Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15,2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM I DCONSENT ITEM 9 BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11 ANNEXATION CONTINUED ELECTION DATES TO BE CONSIDERED SPEAKERS The following people from the audience addressed this issue: These speakers from the Blossom Hill #11 Annexation area requested an earlier election date and a mailed ballot: -* Larry Gerston * Carol Gruetzner This speaker from the Blossom Hill #11 Annexation area requested that the question be placed on the Consolidated Municipal General Election in November: * Cindy Steele 9:15 MOTION ITEM 9 ELECtION DATES FOR BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11 PM BLOSSOM HILL #11 Council consensus to have staff review the alternatives for an earlier ANNEXATION mailed ballot election. (09.03) 01CONSENT ITEM' II PULLED CONSENT ITEM I 9:17 ITEM 11 HICKS ROAD 17101-PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT HILLSIDE HILLSIDE STANDARDS-GREENBRIER STANDARDS Speaker Ray Davis spoke of maintaining the Hillside Standards and SPEAKER spoke ofthe height, bulk and and mass. He also referred to' the garages that can be placed in the basement. He asked Council to reconsider its decision. --􀁾 9:21 ITEM 11 Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council adopt Resolution 2004-32 entitled, RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF MOTION LOS GATOS GRANTING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART GREENBRIER APPEALS OF A PLANNIING COMMISSION DECISION APPROVING 13 NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN AN APPROVED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY ZONED HR-5:PD, which is reflected in this evening's desk item before Council and which contains the adaptation ofItem E-4 asnoted by staff. Carried unanimously. (11.15) , , N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S FILE\Draft MinuLes\4MM-03-15-04 wpd 10 Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 15, 2004 Los Gatos, California E:JI ITEM II ACTION ON ITEM 9:22 ITEM 17 PM COUNCIL MATTERS ) . 􀁾􀀺􀀳􀀴 ITEM 18 PM MANAGER MATTERS N:\CLKIA MARIAN'S FrLE\Draft Minutes\4MM-03-15-04.wpd ITEM 17-COUNCIL MATTERS (17.28) Councilmember McNutt and Council Member Decker addressed Council polkies and the updated draft that staff will be bringing forward on a future agenda. She also asked specifically about active campaigning on Town property. Are there restrictions within so many feet, for instance at the Farmer's Market or during the summer concert series? Town has a policy on when to take down political signs, and does Council wish to establish guidelines on when to put up political signs? Should Council Members endorse political candidates and ifso can they do this publically? Council Consensus to pursue these questions and present a report to Council on a future agenda Councilmember Pitzynski inquired about the policy for pulled items and asked if they could be heard before the public hearings. Attorney Korb said he would look into this and report back to Council. Councilmember Decker spoke oftwo weekend events that took place. One was a performance by the Los Gatos Jazz Purr, the other was an event for the Under 21 Club on Saturday from 7pm to 1Gpm at the Los Gatos Bar and Grill. There were no Manager Matters presented this evening. (18.28) IMayor Glickman adjourned this evening's meeting at 9:34 PM ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency 12 DRAFT II! TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCILIREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING Blossom Hill #11 Annexation Ballot March 18, 2004 Los Gatos Civic Center Council Chambers 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 . Council Meeting April 5, 2004 Item # lYb Ii TIME ITEM ACTION ON ITEM /J-..... l \ \_-_/6:00:00 TOWN COUNCIL PM r58. :52 PM 1MOREDEETRING CALL. ED TO i1\5:59:35 1 VERBAL 1 PM ICOMMUNICATIONS lj 6:00:00 ITEM # 1 PM BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11 ANNEXATION 6:01:54 MAYOR GLICKMAN PM OPENED PUBLIC HEARING The Town CouncillParking AuthoritYlRedevelopment Agency ofthe Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 18,2004 in special session. Present: Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wassennan and Mayor Glickman Absent: Sandy Decker There were no people in the audience to address Council for this agenda item. BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11/ANNEXATION /i RESOLUTION 2004-32 (01.26) Ii Mayor Glickman announced that this was the time and place SOil noted to consider adopting resolution making findings II concerning the value ofwritten protests filed and not withdrawn r and orderin? the reorganization 􀁯􀁾􀁴􀁨􀁥 􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁯􀁾 known as Iii Blossom Hill Manor #11, and settmg an electIon. J Assistant Town Manager Pamela Jacobs reviewed the II resolution and options Iiii Jim Hartigan opposed the August election and preferred the i General Election in November. He believes that it would be 11 more democratic to have a private ballot box to vote in for this . I ISsue. Councilmember Wasserman commented on this Ii speaker's request. !I, .. J ,, . Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency March 18, 2004 Los Gatos California 16:07:4611SPEAKER 1Robin \VU spoke in fuvor ofannexatiOn and in holding an II PM independent election in August on this particular question. 6:11:30 SPEAKER Carol Gruetzner spoke in favor ofthe early election believing PM that in that way the newly annexed voters may even have the opportunity to participate in the.Town's Municipal Election in November. (public Hearing closed by Mayor.) 6:11:56 MOTION by Councilmember Pirzynski for Town to proceed PM MOTION with a mailed ballot to take place August 31, 2004, SECONDED by Councilmember McNutt. i COUNCIL COMMENTS: COUNCIL COMMENTS * The special election for this district allows the residents to express their individual interest on this· issue. * All can participate and can each mail their own ballot to the registrar ofvoters independently. * There is time to argue pro and con and address the issues clearly among those concerned residents. * There is more likely a time to.discuss, in a a more friendly manner, those issues ofconcern to the neighbors. * Council would also like to address this issue as soon as possible. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mrs. Decker was absent. 6:20:28 Attorney Orry Korb noted that Council had adopted the PM ATTORNEY KORB Resolution in Attachment 2 ofthe staffreport and that there was a small typographical correction changing the word "past" to "last Tuesday.•..." in the corrected version before Council this evenmg. iii MAYOR GLICKMAN MOTION by Councilmember Pirzynski, SECOND by CALLED FOR THE ConncilmemberMcNutt, that Council adopt Resolution 2004-MOTION 32 entitled, "RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS MAKING FINDINGS ON THE VALUE OF WRIttEN PROTESTS FILED AND NOTWITHDRAWN IN CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS BLOSSOM HILL MANOR #11 TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS." . , Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mrs. Decker absent. 16:20:451IMEETING I PM ADJOURNED Mayor Glickman 􀁣􀁬􀁯􀁳􀁥􀁾 this evening's meeting at 6:21 p.rn. N:\CLK\A MARIAN'S FILE\Draft Minutes\MM 03-18-2004.doc 2