09 Staff Report - Apply for Grant Fund From SCC LS&CR Fund Program COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 4/05/04 ITEM NO. 9 DATE: MARCH 30, 2004 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 􀁍􀁁􀁙􀁏􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁄􀁔􀁏􀁗􀁎􀁃􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁃􀁾 DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER ADOPTRESOLUTIONAUTHORIZINGTOWNMANAGER TO APPLYFOR GRANT FUNDS FROMSANTACLARACOUNTYLOCAL STREETS AND COUNTY ROADS (LS&CR) FUND PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution (Attachment 1) authorizing Town Manager to apply for grant funds from Santa Clara County Local Streets and County Roads (LS&CR) fund program. BACKGROUND: The first cycle of the 2003-04 Santa Clara County Local Streets and County Roads fund program planning phase requested project proposals by February 27, 2004. This funding source is a competitive grant process, wherebythe projects that meet the highyst criteria will be awarded. In an effort to make funding available over the breadth ofthe County, all jurisdictions were encouraged 'to submit candidate proj ects. Town staff submitted this project for consideration just before the 􀁾􀁥􀁡􀁤􀁬􀁩􀁮􀁥􀀮 This resolution is to be included as part of the full submittal package, if adopted by the Town Council. Criteria include improving safety, congestion relief, providing improved access to high-density housing and/or transit centers, and/or traffic calming. The proposal must be developed through inclusion and outreach processes that includes input from stakeholders impacted by the project. Based on these criteria, staff determined the most feasible project for this funding source to be improvements to WedgewoodAvenue, between WimbeldonDrive and GranadaWay, an area where· Public Works staff have received input from residents over the past two years concerning lack of sidewalks and storm drain issues, and, more recently, Town Council have held neighborhood meetings. The public meetings have helped to identify and prioritize specific roadway needs. PREPARED BY: .􀁾􀀨􀀮 􀁃􀁷􀁶􀁾 . lINE. CURTIS . irector ofParks and Public Works " I !QiLAttomey _J·_.Clerk 61.-Finance Revised: 3/30/04 9:58 am Reviewed by: '"􀁾􀀭􀁓􀀮􀁁􀁳􀁳􀁩􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁴Town Manager __Community Development Refonnatted: 5/30/02 N:\B&E\COUNCIL REPORTS\04-05-04 LS&CR resolution.WPD PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN MANAGER TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM SANTA CLARA COUNTY LOCAL STREETS AND COUNTY ROADS (LS&CR) FUND PROGRAM March 30, 2004 DISCUSSION: The public meetings with Wedgewood and Rinconada residents identified three primary problems along Wedgewood Avenue. These issues exist in part because the streetis residential and also a connector of key commercial locations on Pollard Road at one end, and Winchester Bdulevard at the other. The first issue is traffic safety. Wedgewood is twenty-five (25) feet in width and should be widened to twenty-eight(28) feet in order to enable large commercial vehicles using the road to move safely. The second issue is pedestrian safety. There are no sidewalks in this area ofthe road. Residents in the area walk along the roadway to reach parks, shopping areas on Pollard Road; and the local school. It is proposed to construct a sidewalk along Wedgewood to mitigate this concern. The third issue is storm drainage. Historically, storm water has overflowed the bank ofan adjacent swale on Wedgewood Avenue, which has degraded the existing pavement and occasionally created property damage to adjacent residences. It is proposed to install a storin drain along Wedgewood Avenue, in place ofthe swale to carry the storm water away from the street and the properties; while also improving vehicle safety and increasing the life span of the pavement structure. If awarded the grant funds, the anticipated project construction dates are from June, 2005 through October, 2005. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends adopting the resolution to apply for the LS&CR funds as a potential means' to improve a roadway that has multiple issues. This proposal is the outcome ofinput from residents of the Wedgewood-Rinconada neighborhood. The improvements are three-fold: improvements to Wedgewood Avenue will greatly enhance the residents' abilities to access the local parks, schools and commercial areas in a safe manner; provide congestion relief; and improve improve the nearby storm drain system. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Is a project as defined under CEQA but is ministerial, therefore no further action required under CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated total project cost is $600,600 of which $440,000'is being requested from LS&CR funds. A local match of$160,000 is required to qualify for the proposed grant. There is currently a fund balance of $170,931 available in Fund 463 -Storm Drain Basin #3. PAGE 3 .. 􀁍􀁁􀁙􀀶􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁄􀁔􀁏􀁗􀁎􀁃􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁃􀁾 SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN MANAGER TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM SANTA CLARA COUNTY LOCAL STREETS AND COUNTY ROADS (LS&CR) FUND PROGRAM March 30,2004 The Stann Drain Program is funded primarily by revenues from private development stann drain fees. Staffis recommending utilizing the monies available inFund 463, rather than using use General Funds for the matching requirements. Attachments: 1. Resolution authorizing Town Manager to apply for grant :fu.llds . 2. Project area map. Distribution: Santa Clara Valley Water District, 5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, CA 95118 􀁾􀀭􀁾 􀀨􀁾􀀩 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING TOWN MANAGER TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM SANTA CLARA COUNTY LOCAL STREETS AND COUNTY ROADS (LS&CR) FUND PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Valley Transportation Agency's Board ofDirectors adopted "VTP 2020", a long-range countywide transportation plan for Santa Clara County on December 14, 2000; and, . WHEREAS, THE VTP 2020 plan established a series. ofroadway program categories and identified future State and Federal funds to implement the programs; and, WHEREAS, the VTP 2020 plan's purpose is to increase connectivity oflocal streets and county roads as a means to (a) shorten trips by all modes, (b) improve pedestrian and bicycle access, (c) improve transit routing and (d) keep shorter local trips offthe regional freeway and expressway system; and, WHEREAS, the VTP 2020 will create and support a multi-modal local street and county road system by providing funding for local transportation projects not directly connected to, or fully funded by new development; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council ofthe Town ofLos Gatos supports the Valley Transportation Agency's VTP 2020 plan; and, WHEREAS, the Town ofLos Gatos staff and community recently identified Wedgewood Avenue area roadway improvements needed that are consistent with the VTP 2020 plan; and, WHEREAS, the Town ofLos Gatos os committed to improving roadways to a) shorten trips by all modes, (b) improve pedestrian and bicycle access, (c) improve transit routing and (d) keep shorter local trips offthe regional freeway and expressway system, as identified in the VTP 2020 plan. RESOLYED, that the Town ofLos Gatos declares itself eligible to request funding for the LS&CR grant fund; and, RESOLVED, that the Town Manager is authorized to apply and manage project funding from LS&CR grant program for the purpose it is intended. ,, . Attachment 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting ofthe Town Council ofthe Town ofLos Gatos, California, held on the day of , 2004 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK. OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA I I •. t I .'.AY ...... er \ I PIGWIDIM---'''./Qdlf 􀁃􀁴􀁡􀁕􀁉􀀧􀀺􀁜􀁎􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀭􀀺􀀦􀀮􀁟􀁊􀀯􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁟􀀮􀁒􀁾􀀧􀀡􀁊􀁾􀁣􀀡􀀯􀁥􀁴􀁾􀀻􀁬􀁉􀀺􀁩􀁮􀁉􀁾􀀧􀁦􀁾􀀺􀂧 ----􀀭􀀭􀁾 _ ..􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭