02 Staff Report - Payroll for Period of 02/29/04 - 3/13/04 DATE: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MARCH 18, 2004 ·MEETING DATE: 04/5/04 ITEM NO. 􀁾 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: RATIFY PAYROLL FOR THE PERIOD OF 02/29/04 -03/13/04 PAID ON 03120/04 RECOMMENDATION: Ratify the check register for the payrolls of 02129/04 -03/13/04 paid on 03120/04. DISCUSSION: The payroll check register listed above reflects payments for the approved payroll. The prior council report ended in check #167166. The gross amount of payroll is $534,958.00 for check numbers 167169-167368. Checks 167167-167168 were voided. Individual department payroll expense is as follows: Council $500.00 Parks & Public Works $113,608.91 Clerk 8,354.66 Police 230,153.38 Treasurer 560.00 Community Service 16,352.47 Attorney 8,522.01 Library 40,818.37 Manager 56,121.50 Management Information 8,902.40 Planning 51,064.30 TOTAL $534,958.00 PREPARED BY: STEPHEN CONWAY, Finance and Administration Services Director n:\fmance\council reports\payrol1.wpd. Reformatted: 5/30101 10/23/95