Attachment 3 Annotated Council Retreat Two AgendaATTACHMENT 3 AGENDA Los Gatos Town Council Retreat Two September 17, 2022 Police Operations Building Emergency Operations Center 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Desired Outcomes  Review, refine, and commit to the Values, Principles, and Norms from the March 5 retreat  Clarify the policies, processes, and roles when communicating and engaging with the public Materials  Town Council Retreat Summary (March 5, 2022) – “How We Work Together”  Director Input to Town Council Retreat  Town Council Code of Conduct I. Set Retreat Context • Welcome – Mayor Rob Rennie and Town Manager Laurel Prevetti • Preview agenda and format – Facilitator - Consider again using first names during retreat • Agreements for effective retreat communication: - Be present and engaged - Speak freely - Listen to understand - Challenge ideas, not the person - Maximize participation - Any additional agreements to add? II. Public Comment III. Warm Up Exercise - Accomplishments Councilmembers respond to these prompts: • What do you see as the top or one or two accomplishments from last fiscal year? • What is the one accomplishment you are most personally proud of? IV. Council Values, Principles, and Norms This segment is divided into two parts: 1. Council reviews and discusses the “How We Work Together” document: - What questions do you have about the values, principles, and norms? Do they capture your individual input and the input from your colleagues at the March 5 retreat? - What input was collected from the Directors following the first retreat? How was the input integrated into the current version? [Laurel and Shawn will respond] - What questions does Council have for staff about their input? - Is there anything missing, or anything that needs to be added or changed? 2. Council finalizes the “How We Work Together” document: - What are the next steps to finalize the document? - Where should the document reside? Should it be integrated into the Town Council Code of Conduct or included as an appendix or attachment? Should it be posted on the Town website? Included in meeting packet materials for the public? Other ideas? V. Public Communication and Community Engagement This segment is divided into three parts: 1. Council, first, reviews this “parking lot” topic from the March 5 retreat, and clarifies their interests in addressing it: What are your interests in addressing public communication and engagement? What outcomes do you want to achieve? 2. Next, Council identifies and discusses the roles, policies, and processes that pertain to public communication as codified in the Town Council Code of Conduct: • What are the roles of Mayor and Councilmembers when communicating to the pubic? • What is the role of staff when communicating to the public? • What’s appropriate for individual Councilmembers to share as ideas are forming? • How and when do we speak consistently and with one “voice”? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • How and when do we tell our story (e.g., we do a lot of good work, we can be too humble at times, etc.)? 3. Conclude this segment by identifying next steps: • What additional questions or issues need to be addressed? • Do you recommend any edits, changes, or additions to the Code of Conduct policies? VI. Wrap Up and Next Steps • Summarize and affirm key points, agreements, and next steps for any outstanding items • Mayor Rennie closes the retreat