Attachment 1 Director Input to CouncilDirector Input to Town Council Retreat (Collected shortly after the 03/05/2022 Council Retreat) ATTACHMENT 1 Question: What does staff need in its relationships with the Town Council? Responses: • Thank you to the Council for participating in the Retreat, allowing staff to listen, and requesting staff input. • Demonstrate respect for the professional expertise of staff. • Provide feedback, heads up, or questions on agenda items prior to a public meeting so staff can best support the Council discussion and decision-making. • Clarify positions directly rather than through leading questions of staff. • Identify your individual Council needs so the staff can try to meet them. • Communicate your unique opinions; staff can work with the variety of Council opinions. • Recognize that “gotchas” erode the Council/staff relationship. • Thank you to the Mayor for calling on staff to correct the record during a Council meeting. • Know that staff considers the entire Los Gatos community when making its recommendations to Council even when there is vocal opposition by a few.