Attachment 1 - WUI Enforcement Safety Regulations 2022 Non-Compliant PropertiesWildland Urban Interface (WUI) Enforced Safety Regulations 2022 Non-Compliant Properties TOWN OF LOS GATOS APN 51020004 WUI Letter LGA 100 Re-Inspection Date 2022-05-08 Inspector Erin Collins Violations A100: Create 100 feet of Defensible Space around your home. To accomplish this, you must clear all flammable vegetation a minimum of 30-feet around structures. Additionally, create a Reduced Fuel Zone for the remaining 70 feet (or to the property line). Situs Address 48 HERNANDEZ AV, LOS GATOS Property Owner Name BERGH DOUGLAS P AND LESLIE M Property Owner Address 48 HERNANDEZ AV, LOS GATOS, CA ATTACHMENT 1