Attachment 1 Exhibit A - 2021 General Plan Annual Progress ReportJurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTNote: "+" indicates an optional fieldReporting Year2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element ImplementationPlanning Period5th Cycle01/31/2015 - 01/31/2023Date Application SubmittedTotal Approved Units by ProjectTotal Disapproved Units by ProjectStreamliningApplication StatusNotes23 46 7 8 911 12Prior APN+Current APN Street AddressProject Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)TenureR=RenterO=OwnerDate Application Submitted+(see instructions)Very Low-Income Deed RestrictedVery Low-Income Non Deed RestrictedLow-Income Deed RestrictedLow-Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate-Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeTotal PROPOSED Units by ProjectTotal APPROVED Units by projectTotal DISAPPROVED Units by ProjectWas APPLICATION SUBMITTED Pursuant to GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Was a Density Bonus requested for this housing development?Was a Density Bonus approved for this housing development?Please indicate the status of the application.Notes+Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below0000163121185580529-15-10316777 Frank Avenue ADUR1/19/2021111NoNoNo532-06-01416726 Shannon DriveADUR1/29/2021111NoNoNo510-14-044221/223 AlmendraADUR1/27/2021111NoNoNo537-30-005 16000 Cerro Vista DriveADUR1/28/2021111NoNoNo510-47-045144 Wood RdSFDO1/27/2021111NoNoNo532-36-076 17200 Los RoblesSFDO2/24/2021221NoNoNo510-14-019 246 Almendra AveSFDO8/31/2021110NoNoNo532-29-045 102 Alta Heights CtADUR6/29/2021111NoNoNo527-55-039 131/129 Alta Tierra CtADUR2/20/2021111NoNoNo510-15-011 515 Bachman AveADUR10/12/2021111NoNoNo510-44-020 44 Bayview AveADUR9/20/2021111NoNoNo527-28-024 160/158 Belcrest DrADUR1/5/2021111NoNoNo529-21-036 403 Bella Vista AveADUR6/30/2021111NoNoNo424-12-027 380 Blackwell DrADUR8/30/2021111NoNoNo532-14-028 132 Blueberry Hill DrADUR11/15/2021110NoNoNo510-45-041 101 BROADWAYADUR1/4/2021111NoNoNo406-32-008 14345 CAPRI DRADUR9/15/2021111NoNoNo532-08-025 103/105 CARDINAL LNADUR3/8/2021111NoNoNo537-30-01816135 CERRO VISTA DRADUR11/27/2021110NoNoNo510-45-070 50 CLIFTON AVEADUR8/24/2021111NoNoNo532-21-007 17121 Crescent DRADUR11/18/2021111NoNoNo532-23-072 16890 CYPRESS WAYADUR12/1/2021111NoNoNo532-26-09916330/16332 CYPRESS WAYADUR1/12/2021111NoNoNo527-02-007 72 DRYSDALE DRADUR6/15/2021111NoNoNo529-04-019 231/233 EDELEN AVEADUR12/14/2021110NoNoNo529-04-016 247/249 EDELEN AVEADUR4/21/2021111NoNoNo532-05-023 16358 Englewood AVEADUR12/16/2021110NoNoNo532-07-02816625 ENGLEWOOD AVEADUR6/4/2021111NoNoNo532-05-016 16470 Englewood AVEADUR3/23/2021111NoNoNo510-43-003 48 FAIRVIEW PLZADUR5/13/2021111NoNoNo510-19-005 125 GLEN RIDGE AVEADUR8/9/2021111NoNoNo527-15-01016080/16082 GREENRIDGE TERADUR9/28/2021111NoNoNo527-47-049 233 GREGG CTADUR3/19/2021111NoNoNo527-57-005 16641 HARWOOD RDADUR6/21/2021111NoNoNo523-08-011 113 HILOW CTADUR8/24/2021111NoNoNo529-14-005 15819 IZORAH WAYADUR6/29/2021111NoNoNo532-20-012 16484 KENNEDY RDSFDO9/29/2021110NoNoNo532-17-02516510/16508 KENNEDY RDADUR9/7/2021111NoNoNo424-23-005 112 LAS ASTAS DRADUR8/3/2021111NoNoNo424-23-005 112/114 LAS ASTAS DRADUR8/23/2021111NoNoNo532-28-037200/202 LOMA ALTA AVEADUR4/20/2021111NoNoNo532-29-073 15 LOMA ALTA AVEADUR2/24/2021111NoNoNo409-15-030 14274 LORA DRADUR2/2/2021111NoNoNo424-10-00914926 LOS GATOS BLVD5+R4/20/20211451NoNoNo529-22-058349/351 LOS GATOS BLVDADUR4/12/2021111NoNoNo532-09-03916619 MARCHMONT DRADUR11/5/2021111NoNoNo532-09-032 16515 Marchmont DRADUR6/7/2021111NoNoNo532-09-03316529 MARCHMONT DRADUR3/16/2021111NoNoNo532-10-003212/214 MARCHMONT DRADUR6/15/2021111NoNoNo424-15-018 152 MARICOPA DRADUR11/29/2021110NoNoNo410-12-030 20/22 MARIPOSA AVEADUR7/27/2021111NoNoNo410-15-069 590 MONTEREY AVEADUR10/14/2021111NoNoNo424-44-020 16437 MOZART WAYADUR12/9/2021111NoNoNo406-40008 751 POLLARD RDADUR3/5/2021111NoNoNo410-18-018 517 SAN BENITO AVEADUR7/2/2021111NoNoNo537-26-065 15785 SHANNON RDADUR11/12/2021111NoNoNo537-26-046 15815 SHANNON RDADUR9/29/2021111NoNoNo532-29-063 112 STACIA STADUR7/19/2021111NoNoNo532-29-094 118/116 STACIA STADUR3/26/2021111NoNoNo527-20-003 400 SURMONT DRSFDO7/7/2021110NoNoNo532-09-024 16580 TOPPING WAYADUR11/23/2021111NoNoNo532-09-022 16608 Topping WAYADUR2/8/2021111NoNoNo532-33-054 139 VISTA DEL MONTEADUR10/15/2021111NoNoNo409-14-013 17291 Wedgewood AVESFDO7/26/2021110NoNoNo532-36-066 127 WHEELER AVEADUR3/18/2021111NoNoNo532-29-069 51 WHITNEY AVEADUR7/14/2021111NoNoNo529-11-013, 038, 039, 04015860 WINCHESTER BLVD5+R4/15/20211131130NoNoNo510-47-045 144 WOOD RDSFDO1/27/2021111NoNoNoTable AHousing Development Applications SubmittedCells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas51Project IdentifierUnit TypesProposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes (CCR Title 25 §6202)Density Bonus Applications10EXHIBIT A
JurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTReporting Year2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element ImplementationCells in grey contain auto-calculation formulasPlanning Period5th Cycle01/31/2015 - 01/31/2023Note: "+" indicates an optional field(CCR Title 25 §6202)Streamlining InfillHousing without Financial Assistance or Deed RestrictionsTerm of Affordability or Deed RestrictionNotes2 35 68 911 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22 23 24 25Prior APN+Current APN Street AddressProject Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)TenureR=RenterO=OwnerVery Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeEntitlementDate Approved# of Units issued EntitlementsVery Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeBuilding Permits Date Issued# of Units Issued Building Permits Very Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeCertificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued# of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readinessHow many of the units were Extremely Low Income?+Was Project APPROVED using GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Y/NInfill Units?Y/N+Assistance Programs for Each Development(may select multiple - see instructions)Deed Restriction Type(may select multiple - see instructions)For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions)Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed UnitsDemolished or Destroyed UnitsDemolished/Destroyed Units Owner or RenterTotal Density Bonus Applied to the Project (Percentage Increase in Total Allowable Units or Total Maximum Allowable Residential Gross Floor Area)Number of Other Incentives, Concessions, Waivers, or Other Modifications Given to the Project (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Reductions)List the incentives, concessions, waivers, and modifications (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Modifications)Did the project receive a reduction or waiver of parking standards? (Y/N)Notes+Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below0 0 0 0 0 58 4 62 0 0 0 0 2 36 185223 0 0 0 0 0 23 24470 00 0537-33-00920102 Foster RoadSFDO18/23/201711/10/201900N523-06-03916743 Magneson LoopADU R1 10/3/2017111/13/2018 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-24-026105 Newell Ave SFDO411/6/2018400N523-42-017100 Palo ColoradoSFDO112/31/201619/11/201900N523-42-017102 Palo ColoradoSFDO112/31/201619/11/201900N527-44-012 and 013258 Union AvenueSFD O1 5 3/27/201966/16/2020 01/10/2022 0 N527-44-012 and 013258 Union Avenue2 to 4 R12 3/27/201936/16/202001/10/2022 0 N529-33-05445 Reservoir RdSFDO000N407-06-007403 Montclair RdSFDO19/17/2019100N522-33-00115630 Los Gatos Almaden RdSFD O1 4/2/201911/2/2020 01 9/8/2021 1 N532-17-02716461 S. Kennedy RdSFD O000 N532-34-071248 Jared SFDO14/24/201918/21/202000N537-33-00120101 Foster RdSFDO19/25/2018100N529-23-015 and 016339-341 Bella VistaSFD O1 9/5/2017100 N529-37-043 40 AlpineADU R1 3/19/201817/17/2018 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-081 18 StaciaADU R1 3/13/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-05-02716302/16304 Englewood AveADU R1 5/3/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-30-054246 A Vista Del MonteADU R1 5/30/201815/10/2019 01 5/12/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-20-010 15571 Benedict LnADU R1 5/30/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-22-018 17162 Crescent DrADU R1 5/29/201818/16/2018 01 1/12/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-19-002 146 Apricot LnADU R1 11/19/201813/29/2019 01 6/9/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-02-001 112 A CapistranoADU R1 8/1/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-45-00316107 A Los Gatos-AlmadenADU R1 9/17/201814/24/2019 01 5/24/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-42-051 53 HernandezADU R1 11/1/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-45-003 105 A Paseo LauraADU R1 10/18/2018112/9/2019 01 5/24/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-56-030 114 A ColoradoADU R1 10/10/201812/5/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-102 108 Los Gatos BlvdADU R1 11/16/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element523-10-031 16233 Short RdADU R1 10/31/201815/9/2019 01 5/25/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element523-42-049 352 Sycamore CtADU R1 1/25/201819/7/2018 01 2/9/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-35-01016213 Camino Del SolADU R1 1/12/2018100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-25-015 239 A Nob Hill WyADU R1 7/23/201814/23/2018 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-37-04226 Alpine AveSFDO112/19/2017117/29/202110N537-25-00215215 Shannon Rd (PD)SFD O000 N527-12-00216100 Greenridge Terrace (PD)SFD O000 N527-09-01815365 Santella CtSFDO13/3/2020100N532-09-01816664 Topping WayADU R1 12/11/201811/28/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-32-036127 A Worcester LoopADU R1 12/19/201815/9/2019 01 4/19/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-11-009 15665 Shady LnSFD O1 2/18/2020 100 N409-04-049232 Calle MargueritaSFD O1 9/3/201911 7/16/2021 10 N529-18-053 16940 Roberts RdSFD O2 12/11/2019200 N532-29-096 124 Stacia ADU R1 1/17/201918/28/2020 01 8/1/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-37-008 76 A Alpine AveADU R1 12/7/201815/13/2019 01 5/24/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-28-037 108 A Belcrest DrADU R1 12/11/201815/9/2019 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-18-025 146 Oakmont WayADU R1 1/17/2019110/13/2020 01 8/30/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-44-005 529-44-012 135/133 Sisters CtADU R1 1/25/201917/26/2019 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-15-020 211 A Belmont AveADU R1 1/17/201918/13/2019 01 10/11/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-41-00733 Walnut Ave/130 WISSAHICKON AVEADU R1 10/1/202011 7/9/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-11-034 14310 Arnerich RdADU R1 2/8/2019112/3/2019 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-15-005 529-15-100 16789 Frank AveADU R1 2/21/201911/10/2020 02/15/2022 0 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element523-23-09415573/15575 Camino Del CerroADU R1 11/8/201911 1/5/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-09-00615680 Gum Tree LaneSFD O07/18/2017 00 N529-16-071400 Blossom Hill Rd (RCFE)5+ R80 3/27/20198080 10/1/2021 800 N529-01-017 25 W. Main St2 to 4 R2 2 1 11/13/2019500 N532-07-039 16496 Ferris AveADU R1 5/14/201913/12/2020 01 9/21/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-19-018 15964 Rose AveADU R1 8/13/201917/31/2020 01 11/22/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-21-044 17260 Pine AveADU R1 6/18/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-02-006 15840 Shady LnADU R1 11/21/201911 5/14/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-47-025 100 Clifton AveADU R1 5/29/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-20-032 15547 Corinne DrADU R1 3/7/201913/3/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element407-14-00614530 Quito RdADUR000N532-29-061 52 Whitney AveADU R1 3/7/201913/6/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-24-015 333 A Happy Acres ADU R1 4/19/201916/14/2019 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-013 121 Johnson AveADU R1 6/27/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-01-040 16082 Shannon RdADU R1 10/16/201911 5/6/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-26-01014652 Golf Links RdADU R1 10/11/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-18-041 104 Massol AveADU R1 10/3/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-34-043 148 A Cleland AveADU R1 9/27/201911 3/2/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-09-00615682 Gum Tree LaneADU R1 10/31/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-27-007 14859 Golf LinksADU R1 11/13/201913/11/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element523-23-09815573 Camino Del CerroADU R1 11/8/201913/6/2020 01 1/26/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-37-073207 A Hollywood AveADU R1 11/14/201917/8/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-38-031 47 Alpine AveADU R1 11/13/201911 1/25/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element407-06-007403 A Montclair RoadADU R1 10/25/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-06853 Whitney/118 Panighetti PlADU R1 12/4/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-35-068 56 Central AveADU R1 11/1/201918/7/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-08-039 16755 Kennedy RdADU R1 11/7/2019100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-44-005 529-44-017 110 A Sisters CourtADU R1 10/30/201912/28/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-30-032 231 Vista Del MarADU R1 11/26/2019112/17/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-04-01917528 A Tourney RdADU R1 12/3/201911 4/6/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-15-010 15 A Ashler AvenueADU R1 12/10/201916/23/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-15-02556 Ellenwood AvenueADU R1 3/13/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-18-080399/397 Nicholson AvenueADU R1 6/16/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element407-31-022 263 More AvenueADU R1 5/28/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-16-028463 Monterey AvenueADU R1 1/2/202011 1/31/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-15-053500 San Benito/308 Andrews StADU R1 1/17/202019/3/2020 01 6/16/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-35-048 53 Fillmer AveADU R1 1/21/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-01-009 16057 ShannonADU R000 N406-27-006 409 Dardanelli LaneADU R1 2/11/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-03-03416336 A Shady View LnADU R1 10/31/201916/12/2020 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-18-038 103 A Tait AvenueADU R1 8/1/2019111/9/2020 01 6/28/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-31-063 189 Belvue DrADU R1 8/19/201911 8/5/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-07-051 16613 Ferris AveADU R1 7/29/201911 4/14/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-16-055 466 San Benito AveADU R1 9/3/201911 1/27/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-44-005 529-44-009 178 Prospect AveADU R1 9/11/201913/6/2020 01 1/4/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-29-034 20 DittosADU R2 12/10/202022 9/24/2021 20 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-19-006121 Glen Ridge/126 Apricot LnADU R1 12/22/202011 10/5/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-08-00916614 Marchmont DriveADU R1 6/25/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-23-031120/118 Happy Acres RoadADU R1 9/4/202011 4/9/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-20-014 17095 Pine AvenueADU R1 8/11/202011 2/25/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-20-011 17047 Pine AvenueADU R1 6/9/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element523-04-026 836 Lilac WayADU R1 11/20/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-22-062215 A Caldwell AvenueADU R1 9/25/202011 2/4/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-15-10316777 Frank Avenue ADU R1 2/24/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-06-01416726 Shannon DriveADU R1 2/19/202111 7/21/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-09-034 15343 Santella CtSFD O000 N529-22-047104 A Bella Vista CourtADU R1 6/2/2020110/20/2020 01 4/9/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-42-040314 Pennsylvania AvenueADU R1 9/8/2020110/30/2020 01 3/10/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing ElementDensity Bonus1Unit TypesAffordability by Household Incomes - Completed EntitlementAffordability by Household Incomes - Building PermitsAffordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy4710Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed RestrictionsDemolished/Destroyed UnitsProject Identifier
JurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTReporting Year2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element ImplementationCells in grey contain auto-calculation formulasPlanning Period5th Cycle01/31/2015 - 01/31/2023Note: "+" indicates an optional field(CCR Title 25 §6202)407-10-002 592/594 More AveADU R1 1/15/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-43-025 57 Fairview PlazaADU R1 1/22/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-33-00920100/20102 Foster RoadADU R1 12/14/202011 7/28/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-03-010 15775 Gum TreeADU R1 7/21/202011 1/15/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-30-032 111 Speckles AvenueADU R012/17/2020 00 N567-18-003 16410 Harwood RdADU R1 10/29/2020100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-23-08115073 Garden Hill DriveADU R1 12/9/202011 5/10/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-13-040 561 San BenitoADU R1 1/6/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-14-044 221/223 AlmendraADU R1 2/12/202111 9/8/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-30-00516000 Cerro Vista DriveADU R1 2/22/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-29-034 20 DittosSFD R2229/24/2021 20 N424-07-100 N/A 16135 Connor5+ O08/6/2020 02/23/2022 0 N424-07-100 N/A 16031 Bartlett5+ O08/6/2020 016 11/2/2021 16 N424-07-100 N/A 15013 Briggs5+ O08/6/2020 00 N424-07-100 N/A 15025 Briggs5+ O08/6/2020 00 N424-07-100 N/A 15002 Briggs5+ O010/7/2020 00 N424-07-100 N/A 15032 Briggs5+ O08/6/2020 07 10/11/2021 7 N424-07-100 N/A 15018 Briggs5+ O08/6/2020 00 N424-07-100 N/A 14225 Walker5+ R1110/21/2020 00 N527-44-012 - 013 527-59-006 101 HildebrandSFD O06/17/2020 00 N527-44-012 - 013 527-59-001 102 HildebrandSFD O06/17/2020 00 N527-44-012 - 013 527-59-005 103 HildebrandSFD O06/17/2020 00 N527-44-012 - 013 527-59-002 104 HildebrandSFD O06/17/2020 00 N527-44-012 - 013 527-59-004 105 HildebrandSFD O06/17/2020 00 N527-44-012 - 013 527-59-003 106 HildebrandSFD O06/17/2020 00 N424-07-100 N/A 15201 Watkins5+ O05 4/20/2021 50 N424-07-100 N/A 15213 Watkins5+ O05 4/20/2021 50 N424-07-100 N/A 15202 Watkins5+ O08 4/20/2021 80 N424-07-100 N/A 15218 Watkins5+ O07 4/20/2021 70 N424-07-100 N/A 16267 Gellatt5+ O016 4/20/2021 160 N424-07-100 16301 Hamsher5+ O016 10/13/2021 160 N16433 McMillan5+ O000 N15301 McCobb5+ O06 10/13/2021 60 N15501 Sackett5+ O000 N15302 McCobb5+ O06 10/13/2021 60 N15502 Sackett5+ O000 N424-07-100 15102 Shore5+ O05 3/9/2021 50 N13101 Sepulveda5+ O000 N13190 Sepulveda5+ O000 N13111 Sepulveda5+ O000 N13180 Sepulveda5+ O000 N13201 Sepulveda5+ O000 N15314 McCobb5+ O05 10/13/2021 50 N15313 McCobb5+ O05 10/13/2021 50 N13102 Sepulveda5+ O000 N424-07-100 15117 Shore5+ O07 3/9/2021 70 N13116 Sepulveda5+ O000 N424-07-100 15101 Shore5+ O07 3/9/2021 70 N13150 Sepulveda5+ O000 N13160 Sepulveda5+ O000 N424-07-100 15112 Shore5+ O05 3/9/2021 50 N510-47-045 144 Wood Rd1 O1 8/25/2021100 N17200 Los Robles2 O2 6/4/2021200 N532-02-053 16466 Bonnie Ln000 N510-14-019 246 Almendra AveSFD O000 N532-29-045 102 Alta Heights CtADU R1 7/7/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-55-039131/129 Alta Tierra CtADU1 3/13/202111 7/8/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-15-011 515 Bachman AveADU R1 10/13/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-44-020 44 Bayview AveADU R1 11/18/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-28-024160/158 Belcrest DrADU R1 2/5/202111 4/28/2021 11 7/29/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-21-036 403 Bella Vista AveADU R1 7/1/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-12-027 380 Blackwell DrADU R1 9/10/202111 12/8/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-14-028132 Blueberry Hill DrADU R1 1/20/2022100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-45-041 101 BROADWAYADU R1 1/16/202111/7/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element406-32-008 14345 CAPRI DRADU R1 9/30/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-08-025103/105 CARDINAL LNADU R1 4/16/202112/10/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-30-01816135 CERRO VISTA DRADU R1 1/25/2022100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-45-070 50 CLIFTON AVEADU R1 11/5/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-21-007 17121 Crescent DRADU R1 12/16/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-23-07216890 CYPRESS WAYADU R1 12/10/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-26-09916330/16332 CYPRESS WAYADU R1 2/4/202111 10/12/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-02-007 72 DRYSDALE DRADU R1 7/1/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-04-019231/233 EDELEN AVEADU R000 N529-04-016247/249 EDELEN AVEADU R1 5/12/202111 9/16/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element523-22-01015605 EL GATO LNADU R000 N523-22-00715575 EL GATO LNADU R000 N532-05-02316358 Englewood AVEADU R1 2/24/2022100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-07-02816625 ENGLEWOOD AVEADU R1 7/7/202111 11/2/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-05-01616470 Englewood AVEADU R1 4/9/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element510-43-003 48 FAIRVIEW PLZADU R1 6/10/202111 11/29/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-15-087 16838 FRANK AVE000 N510-19-005125 GLEN RIDGE AVEADU R1 12/20/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-15-01016080/16082 GREENRIDGE TERADU R1 11/3/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-47-049 233 GREGG CTADU R1 5/14/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-57-00516641 HARWOOD RDADU R1 6/24/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-23-095 17621 HIGH ST000 N523-08-011 113 HILOW CTADU R1 9/30/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-14-00515819 IZORAH WAYADU R1 8/27/202112/8/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-20-01216484 KENNEDY RDSFD O000 N532-19-02016200 KENNEDY RDADU R000 N532-17-02516510/16508 KENNEDY RDADU R1 10/8/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-35-06716880 KENNEDY RD000 N424-23-005112 LAS ASTAS DRADU R1 11/3/202112/8/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-23-005112/114 LAS ASTAS DRADU R1 11/3/202112/8/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-28-037200/202 LOMA ALTA AVEADU R1 5/25/202111 9/17/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-07315 LOMA ALTA AVEADU R1 3/10/202111 12/7/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-15-030 14274 LORA DRADU R1 3/11/202111 12/8/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-15-028 14300 Lora DriveADU R000 N424-10-00914926 LOS GATOS BLVD5+ R000 N529-22-058349/351 LOS GATOS BLVDADU R1 4/22/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-09-03916619 MARCHMONT DRADU R1 12/20/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-09-03216515 Marchmont DRADU R1 7/7/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-09-03316529 MARCHMONT DRADU R1 3/17/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-10-003212/214 MARCHMONT DRADU R1 7/26/202111/6/2022 00 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-15-018152 MARICOPA DRADU R01 12/10/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-12-03020/22 MARIPOSA AVEADU R1 7/29/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-15-069590 MONTEREY AVEADU R1 10/26/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element424-44-02016437 MOZART WAYADU R1 12/14/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-10-131120 OAK MEADOW DR000 N406-40008 751 POLLARD RDADU R1 3/25/202111 6/22/2021 11 8/20/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element410-18-018517 SAN BENITO AVEADU R1 7/7/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-26-06515785 SHANNON RDADU R1 12/15/202111/19/2022 01 2/2/2022 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element537-26-04615815 SHANNON RDADU R1 10/12/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-063 112 STACIA STADU R1 12/3/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-29-094118/116 STACIA STADU R1 4/19/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element527-20-003 400 SURMONT DRSFD O000 N510-18-015 100 TAIT AVEADU R000 N532-09-02416580 TOPPING WAYADU R1 12/10/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-09-02216608 Topping WAYADU R1 2/19/2021100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-24-003201 TWELVE OAKS RD000 N529-07-041407 UNIVERSITY AVEADU R000 N424-28-03517301 VINELAND AVE000 N532-33-054139 VISTA DEL MONTEADU R1 1/26/2022100 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element409-14-01317291 Wedgewood AVESFD O1100 N532-36-066127 WHEELER AVEADU R1 3/18/202111 6/25/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element532-37-029 142 WHITNEY AVE000 N532-29-069 51 WHITNEY AVEADU R1 7/20/202111 10/28/2021 10 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element529-11-013, 038, 039, 04015860 WINCHESTER BLVD5+ R000 N510-47-045 144 WOOD RDSFD O1 9/10/2021100 N510-15-020 213 Belmont AveADU R1 8/17/202011 12/17/2020 11 10/11/2021 1 NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element
JurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTReporting Year2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element ImplementationPlanning Period5th Cycle01/31/2015 - 01/31/2023(CCR Title 25 §6202)13 4RHNA Allocation by Income Level2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023Total Units to Date (all years)Total Remaining RHNA by Income LevelDeed Restricted - - - - - 49 - - - Non-Deed Restricted - - - - - - - - - Deed Restricted - 2 - - - 1 - - - Non-Deed Restricted - - - - - - - - - Deed Restricted - - - - - 1 2 - - Non-Deed Restricted 2 3 4 16 28 27 36 - - Above Moderate 174 13 38 9 7 3 76 185 - - 331 - 619 15 43 13 23 31 154 223 - - 502 274 Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals and must be reported as very low-income units.Please note: The APR form can only display data for one planning period. To view progress for a different planning period, you may login to HCD's online APR system, or contact HCD staff at 13 49 This table is auto-populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous APRs. 119 Moderate 201 112 132 Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here 3 2Table BRegional Housing Needs Allocation ProgressPermitted Units Issued by Affordability 152 109 Please note: For the last year of the 5th cycle, Table B will only include units that were permitted during the portion of the year that was in the 5th cycle. For the first year of the 6th cycle, Table B will include units that were permitted since the start of the planning period.Total RHNATotal UnitsIncome LevelVery LowLow
Jurisdiction Los Gatos
Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
1 2 3 4
Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation
North 40 Specific Plan
Area Rezoning Rezone Specific Plan Area Within 3 years North 40 Specific Plan zoning designation adopted on August 4, 2015.
Below Market Price (BMP)
Continue to implement the BMP
Program in order to increase the
number of affordable units in the
On-going BMP Program is implemented on all residential projects that meet the criteria.
Enhanced Second Unit
Amend the Town Code to allow more
opportunities for new deed-restricted
second units to be affordable to lower
income households.
Within 1 year Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance amendments adopted on 2/6/18.
General Plan Density
Continue to provide up to a 100%
density bonus for developments that
provide housing for elderly,
handicapped, and/or very low and low
income households.
On-going This is an incentive that would be provided to projects that meet the criteria.
BMP In-Lieu Fees Use BMP in-lieu fees to increase and
preserve affordable housing.On-going Use of BMP in-lieu fees will be considered as opportunities arise.
Extremely Low-Income
Offer incentives to developers to
develop this type of housing.On-going The Town will consider incentives when projects of this nature are proposed.
Funds for Development
for Extremely Low-Income
Use BMP in-lieu fees to subsidize these
types of projects.On-going Use of BMP in-lieu fees will be considered as opportunities arise.
Large Site Program
To assist development of housing for
lower income households on sites
larger than 10 acres.
On-going Incentives and assistance will be considered as opportunities arise.
Affordable Housing
Overlay Zone
Continue to implement minimum
density and incentives in the AHOZ.On-going This will be implemented when a project in the AHOZ is considered.
Meeting Los Gatos'
Housing Needs Using the
Develop by-right development findings
for North 40 and AHOZ site.Within 1 year This has not yet been completed.
Transitional and
Supportive Housing
Amend Town Code to clarify
Transitional and Supportive housing is
a permitted use in residential zones.
Within 1 year The Town will comply with State Law and SB 743 if a project is proposed before
the Town Code is amended.
By Right Findings Develop by-right development findings
for North 40 and AHOZ site.Within 1 year This has not yet been completed.
No Net Loss
If residential capacity is reduced on a
property on the Sites Inventory then the
Town will identify and zone another
property to accommodate the
remaining RHNA.
On-going If this situation arises the Town will comply with this requirement.
Preserve "At-Risk"
Affordable Housing Units
Monitor affordable housing to ensure
affordability status is maintained.On-going No units are at-risk of converting to market rents in the planning period.
Rental Housing
Conservation Program
Any conversion of residential uses
must saisfy the housing goals and
policies of the General Plan.
On-going This will be considered if a conversion of residential uses is proposed.
CDBG and other Housing
Rehabilitation Programs
Continue to participate in CDBG JPA
and CDBG Housing Rehabilitation
On-going The Town still participates in these programs.
Countywide Home Repair
Support countywide programs that
provide assistance to lower income
On-going The Town supports these programs.
Town Housing Resources
Provide information on developments
that provide affordable housing units.On-going Town Housing Resources Guide is updated when necessary.
Rental Dispute Resolution
Continue to administer a Rental
Dispute Resolution Program.On-going The Town continues to use Project Sentinel to administer a Rental Dispute
Resolution Program.
Emergency Shelters
Change Town Code to allow emergency
shelters in the CM zoning district as a
permitted use.
Within 1 year Town Code has been amended to address this.
Supportive Services for
the Homeless
Continue to support organizations that
provide supportive services for
homeless persons.
On-going The Town continues to support organizations that provide supportive services
for homeless persons.
Santa Clara County
Housing Consortium
Support the efforts of the Santa Clara
County Fair Housing Consortium. On-going Project Sentinel is a member of the Santa Clara County Fair Housing
Consortium and administers the Town's Rental Dispute Resolution Program.
Non-Profit Affordable
Housing Providers
Support the efforts of non-profit
affordable housing organizations.On-going The Town has met with affordable housing organizations regarding potential
development in Town.
Increased Range of
Housing Opportunities for
the Homeless
Continue to support Santa Clara
Couty's Continuum of Care Plan.On-going The Town continues to support Santa Clara Couty's Continuum of Care Plan.
Compliance with the
Employee Housing Act
Amend Town Code to adress the
Employee Housing Act.Within 1 year The Town will comply with State Law if a project is proposed or an issue comes
up before the Town Code is amended.
Senior Housing
Update senior resource materials
regularly.Annualy Senior resource materials are updated when necessary.
Governmental Constraints Remove affordable housing
development constraints.Every 3 years The Town's Housing Element contains a number of items that limit or remove
Housing Programs Progress Report
Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing
Table D
Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583
Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Amend the Town's Reasonable
Accommodation Ordinance.Within 1 year This has not yet been completed.
Persons with Disabilities Remove constraints to housing with
persons with disabilities.Every 3 years Removal of constraints is considered when necessary.
Special Needs Housing Give priority to special needs housing. On-going If a project of this nature is submitted it will be given priority.
Special Needs Housing Include preferential handling of special
needs populations.On-going Will be considered when plans are adopted and projects are funded.
Rental Assistance for
Persons with
Explore opportunities to work with
local and/or regional partners to
provide rental assistance for persons
with developmental challenges.
On-going The Town will explore opportunities with local and/or regional partners during
this Housing Element cycle.
Universal Design
Consider universal design
enhancements and include universal
design features in new construction.
Every 2 years
The Town will consider enhancements to universal design and the Town
requires universal design features in new construction consistent with Building
Code requirements.
Universal Design
Increase awareness of universal design
principles.Within 2 years The Town will take appropriate actions to increase awareness of universal
design principles.
Continue to work with the CA
Department of Developmental Services
to inform citizens of available services.
On-going The Town will work with the CA Department of Developmental Services to
inform citizens of available services.
Development Standards
Continue to review, evaluate, update,
and streamline the development
process for affordable housing
On-going The Town considers improvements to the development review process for
affordable housing projects when they are proposed.
Energy Conservation
Continue to enforce Title 24
requirements. On-going The Town enforces Title 24 requirements.
Annual Housing Report Prepare an annual housing report. On-going The Town prepares an annual housing report.
Housing Management
Continue to fund staff for management
and planning of housing programs and
By December 2016
The Town has contracted with Hello Housing to administer our affordable
housing program and has staff that dedicate time to our affordable housing
Coordination with Water
and Sewer Service
Provide the Housing Element to the
San Jose Water Company and West
Valley Sanitation District
Upon adoption of Housing
Town staff regularly work with the San Jose Water Company and West Valley
Sanitation District on upgrades to their infrastructure and they are involved in
development applications and environmental review.
Jurisdiction Los Gatos
Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
Planning Period 5th Cycle 01/31/2015 - 01/31/2023
Current Year
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 2
Non-Deed Restricted 36
Units by Structure Type Entitled Permitted Completed
SFA 0 0 0
SFD 1 4 1
2 to 4 0 0 0
5+0 183 23
ADU 58 36 23
MH 0 0 0
Total 59 223 47
Income Rental Ownership Total
Very Low 0 0 0
Low 0 0 0
Moderate 0 0 0
Above Moderate 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
Very Low
Above Moderate
Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits
Number of Streamlining Applications Approved
Total Developments Approved with Streamlining
Total Units Constructed with Streamlining
Total Housing Applications Submitted:
Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received:
Total Housing Units Approved:
Total Housing Units Disapproved:
Total Units
Housing Applications Summary
Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions
Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals
Number of Applications for Streamlining
Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary
Income Level
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