Staff Report.030122 Minutes
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832
MEETING DATE: 03/15/2022 ITEM NO: 2
Minutes of the Town Council Meeting
March 1, 2022
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a regular meeting utilizing
teleconference and electronic means consistent with Government Code Section 54953, as
Amended by Assembly Bill 361, in response to the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 and
enabling teleconferencing accommodations by suspending or waiving specified provisions in
the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.) and Town of Los Gatos Resolution
2021-044 on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Rob Rennie, Vice Mayor Maria Ristow, Council Member Mary Badame, Council
Member Matthew Hudes, Council Member Marico Sayoc (all participating remotely).
Absent: None
Mayor Rennie presented commendations to the 2021 STEM award winners.
COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Council Member Hudes stated he attended the Senior Service Workplan Sub-Committee
and Senior Service Committee meetings, State of the Valley Conference, SV@Home Council
Roundtable, Town’s Objective Standards community meeting as an observer, Swearing-In of
Police Chief Jamie Field, Santa Clara County Emergency Operations Council meeting, and
Ribbon Cutting for Tasting House; and met with residents regarding parking for wheelchair
- Vice Mayor Ristow stated she attended the Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB)
meeting, SV@Home Council Roundtable, two Democracy Tent meetings, and Swearing-In of
Police Chief Jamie Field; and met with residents and Supervisor Joe Simitian.
- Council Member Badame stated she met with Finance Commissioner Kyle Park, resident
Joanne Rodgers with other residents and Town Manager Prevetti, and Los Gatos
Community Alliance; observed a Democracy Tent meeting; attended Council Policy
Committee meeting, Swearing-In of Police Chief Jamie Field, Senior Service Committee
meeting as an observer, and Tasting House Ribbon Cutting.
- Council Member Sayoc stated in addition the meetings already stated, she is continuing
work with Cities Association and Cal Cities Peninsula Division.
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Council Matters – continued
- Mayor Rennie recognized Dick Sparrer for his contribution to the community as a former
editor of the Weekly who passed away; stated he supported to the people of Ukraine;
attended the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Board and Stationary
Source Committee meetings; judged the Lion’s Club Speaker Contest; attended the Campo
Di Bocce anniversary event, Tasting House Ribbon Cutting, Valley Transportation Authority
(VTA) Board Study Session meeting, Cities Association Closed Session meeting, West Valley
Mayors and Managers meeting, Swearing-In of Police Chief Jamie Field, and Senior Service
Committee meeting; and met with the principals of Earth Foundries.
Manager Matters
- Announced Adult Commissioner recruitment is underway; the application period closes on
March 25 at 4:00 p.m. Interviews are scheduled for April 5.
- Announced two community surveys, one for seniors 60 and older and a community wide
survey to help inform future decisions for the Town.
Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, stated Council met in closed session as duly noted on the
agenda and that there is no reportable action.
1. Approve Draft Minutes of the February 14, 2022 Closed Session Town Council Meeting.
2. Approve Draft Minutes of the February 15, 2022 Closed Session Town Council Meeting.
3. Approve Draft Minutes of the February 15, 2022 Town Council Meeting.
4. Adopt a Resolution Reaffirming Resolution 2021-044 Regarding Brown Act Compliance and
Teleconferencing and Making Findings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953, as
Amended by Assembly Bill 361, During the COVID -19 Pandemic. RESOLUTION 2022-006
5. Adopt a Resolution Making Determinations and Approving the Reorganization of an
Uninhabited Area Designated as Roseleaf Lane No. 1, Approximately 1.3534 Acres on
Property Pre-Zoned R-1:8. APN 523-18-021. Annexation Application AN21-004. Project
Location: 16253 Roseleaf Lane. Property Owner/Applicant: Jindan Li. RESOLUTION 2022-007
6. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Agreement with M-
Group for Consultant Services as Provided in the Senate Bill 2 Los Gatos Planning Grant
Program Application by Extending the Term of the Agreement and Increasing
Compensation to a Total Not to Exceed $107,679 Including Contingencies.
7. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of
Completion for the Fiscal Year 2020/21 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Maintenance Project
(CIP No. 813-9921), Completed by Villalobos and Associates, and Authorize the Town Clerk
to File for Recordation.
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Consent Items – continued
8. Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements (CIP No. 831-4007) Staff Recommends the
Following Actions:
a. Accept Per Capita Program Grant Funds in Amounts of $177,952 and $18,778 from the
California Department of Parks and Recreation; and
b. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute Grant Agreements for the Per Capita Program;
c. Authorize Revenue and Expenditure Budget Decrease for the Project in an Amount of
$159,174 to Recognize Only the Los Gatos Per Capital Share of the Grant in the Fiscal
Year 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program Budget for the Grant Funds.
9. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of
Completion for the Public Right-of-Way Improvements for 15630 and 15632 Los Gatos-
Almaden Road, Completed by DBI Construction, Inc., and Authorize the Town Clerk to
Submit for Recordation
Opened public comment.
No one spoke.
Closed public comment.
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Ristow to approve consent items 1-9. Seconded by Council
Member Badame.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Kylie Clark, West Valley Community Services
- Invited the Council and members of the public to an event titled “Envisioning an Inclusive
Los Gatos” on March 6.
Cyndi Walker
- Commented on speeding and traffic safety concerns on Los Gatos-Almaden Road.
Kevin Youkilis, Loma Brewing Company
- Requested direction to identify the public and private sections of Grays Lane.
Joanne Rodgers, Community Against Substance Abuse (CASA)
- Commented on the cannabis consultant contract and in opposition of allowing cannabis
dispensaries in Los Gatos.
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Verbal Communications – continued
Joe Rodgers
- Inquired where commercial cannabis operations may be allowed to open and the financial
Travis Rodgers
- Commented in opposition of allowing cannabis dispensaries in Los Gatos.
Luke Leroy
- Commented in opposition of allowing cannabis dispensaries.
Catherine Somers, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director
- Announced the 2022 Chamber Annual Luncheon winners.
Stacey Hein
- Commented in opposition of allowing cannabis dispensaries in Los Gatos.
10. Receive Report on Town Sustainability Efforts.
Marina Chislett, Environmental Programs Specialist, presented the staff report.
Opened public comment.
No one spoke.
Closed public comment.
Council discussed the item and received the report.
11. Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements (CIP No. 813-0218):
a. Receive an Update on the Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements
b. Accept a Transportation Fund for Clean Air Grant in the Amount of $174,250 from the
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority;
c. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Grant Agreement with the Santa Clara Valley
Transportation Authority for the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Funds;
d. Authorize a Revenue and Expenditure Increase for the Project in the Amount of
$174,250 in the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program Budget for the Grant
Funds; and
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Other Business Item #10 - continued
e. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute the First Amendment to the Consulting
Services Agreement with ActiveWayz Engineering for Additional Design Services, in an
Amount of $44,840, for a Total Agreement Amount Not to Exceed $171,471.
WooJae Kim, Town Engineer, presented the staff report.
Opened public comment.
Cheri Binkley
- Commented in opposition to the bike lane buffers between parked cars as stated in the
report and requested Council consider planters instead.
Jeff Thompson
- Commented in support of the bike lane buffers between bikes and car traffic.
Kylie Clark
- Commented in support of the Shannon Road improvements as-is.
Andy Horwitz
- Commented in opposition of the proposed streetscape changes.
Rob Moore
- Commented in support of the three-foot bike lane buffers.
Bill Elhers, Complete Streets and Transportation Commissioner
- Commented in support of the proposed bike lane buffers.
Mark Wyss
- Commented in support of greenery between parking spaces and in opposition of the three-
foot buffer.
Maria Gerst
- Commented in support of the project and would like more green space.
Ned Finkle
- Commented in support of traffic calming measures, green space, and smaller buffers.
Peter Binkley
- Commented in support of green space and in opposition of the three-foot buffer between
parked cars and bike lane.
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Other Business Item #11 – continued
Closed public comment.
Council discussed the item.
MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Ristow to:
• Accept a Transportation Fund for Clean Air Grant in the Amount of $174,250
from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority;
• Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Grant Agreement with the Santa Clara
Valley Transportation Authority for the Transportation Fund for Clean Air Funds;
• Authorize a Revenue and Expenditure Increase for the Project in the Amount of
$174,250 in the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program Budget for
the Grant Funds;
• Authorize the Town Manager to Execute the First Amendment to the Consulting
Services Agreement with ActiveWayz Engineering for Additional Design Services,
in an Amount of $44,840, for a Total Agreement Amount Not to Exceed
• Authorize staff to continue to work with the community on potential minor
revisions as feasible.
Seconded by Council Member Sayoc.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
Recess 9:23 p.m.
Reconvene 9:31 p.m.
12. Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 Trailhead Connector Funding Plan (Project 832-4505):
a. Receive a One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Grant and Commit Town Funds in an Amount up
to $1,000,000 to Leverage Grants in Completing the Funding Plan for the Construction
Phase of the Los Gatos Creek Trailhead Connector Project;
b. Authorize The Town Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the Santa Clara Valley
Transportation Authority in The Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Program; and
c. Adopt A Resolution Authorizing an Application in the Valley Water’s Safe Clean Water
and Natural Flood Protection Program. RESOLUTION 2022-008
Matt Morley, Parks and Public Works Director, and Ying Smith, Transportation and Mobility
Manager, presented the staff report.
Opened public comment.
No one spoke.
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Other Business Item #12 – continued
Closed public comment.
Council discussed the item.
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Sayoc to:
• Receive a One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Grant and Commit Town Funds in an
Amount up to $1,000,000 to Leverage Grants in Completing the Funding Plan for
the Construction Phase of the Los Gatos Creek Trailhead Connector Project;
• Authorize The Town Manager to Submit a Grant Application to the Santa Clara
Valley Transportation Authority in The Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA)
Program; and
• Adopt A Resolution Authorizing an Application in the Valley Water’s Safe Clean
Water and Natural Flood Protection Program.
Seconded by Vice Mayor Ristow.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
13. Review the Fiscal Year 2021/22 – 2025/26 Capital Improvement Program and Provide Input
for Fiscal Year 2022/23 – 2026/27 Budget Planning.
Matt Morley, Parks and Public Works Director, presented the staff report.
Opened public comment.
No one spoke.
Closed public comment.
Council discussed the item and provided input to staff.
The meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Jenna De Long, Deputy Clerk