Attachment 1 - 2021-22 CIP ProgressData Highlights
Number of Projects that Address Some Element of:Project Funding Status # Projects
Category Count Red 12
Safety 32 Yellow 5
Equity 31 Green 32
Quality of Life 34
Mandates 9
Capital Improvement 34
Capital Maintenance 19
Graphical Presentation
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program
The following pages provide an alternative look at the Town's Capital Improvement Program.
Some key highlights include:
•This document is meant to be used in conjunction with the published budget and may reflect
additional information not contained in the budget document, such as future funding needs.
•This is an evolving effort and input to make it more useful is always welcome.
Navigating the Worksheets:
This Project Addresses:
•Each project identifies a series of targets and measures the degree to which the project addresses
those targets. This can be found in the upper left box on each page.
•The ratings may be subjective and discussion on the ratings may be appropriate.
Project Challenges:
Many projects have challenges. These are addressed in this box.
Funding Sources:
An at a glance funding summary. Additional information is available in the published CIP.
Budget Estimate Summary:
High level look at the design, construction, and total cost of a project.
Funding Status:
Reflection on the funds in place to deliver the project. Red is low funding, green is high funding.
Schedule (chart):
Designates the percentage of the project costs for design and construction and a marker for the current
Schedule (table):
Provides target dates for the project.