Staff Report.Per Capita Program Grant Agreement - Oak Meadow Bandstand
Town Engineer
Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director and Director of
Parks and Public Works
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832
DATE: February 24, 2022
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements (CIP No. 831-4007)
Staff Recommends the Following Actions:
a. Accept Per Capita Program Grant Funds in Amounts of $177,952 and
$18,778 from the California Department of Parks and Recreation; and
b. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute Grant Agreements for the Per
Capita Program; and
c. Authorize Revenue and Expenditure Budget Decrease for the Project in an
Amount of $159,174 to Recognize Only the Los Gatos Per Capital Share of
the Grant in the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Capital Improvement Program
Budget for the Grant Funds.
Staff Recommends the following actions for the Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements
(CIP No. 831-4007):
a. Accept Per Capita Program grant funds in amounts of $177,952 and $18,778 from the
California Department of Parks and Recreation; and
b. Authorize the Town Manager to execute grant agreements for the Per Capita Program
(Attachments 1 and 2); and
c. Authorize revenue and expenditure budget decrease for the project in an amount of -
$159,174 to recognize only the Los Gatos per capita share of the grant in the Fiscal Year (FY)
2021/22 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for the grant funds.
PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements (CIP No. 831-4007) DATE: February 24, 2022
The adopted FY 2021/22-2025/26 CIP Budget designates funding for the Oak Meadow
Bandstand Area Improvements (CIP No. 831-4007) to improve the perimeter outdoor space
around Lyndon Bandstand in Oak Meadow Park to a more accessible and programmable event
space. The project original budget was assuming the City of Monte Sereno collaboration to
provide its per capita share of $177,952. The City of Monte Sereno is no longer participating in
this project.
On November 5, 2019, the Town Council approved a resolution authorizing staff to submit
applications to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for the Per Capita Program grant
funds. The program originated from the Parks, Environmental, and Water Bond Act of 2018
(Proposition 68) passed by the voters in 2018. The Per Capita Program allocated funds for cities
and districts to rehabilitate, create, and improve local parks.
Operated and maintained by the Parks and Public Works Department, Oak Meadow Park is
located on the northeast corner of Blossom Hill Road and University Avenue, west of the main
entry to Vasona Lake County Park. A variety of community events are hosted there, as well as
small private gatherings, through the Town’s reservation process. On December 1, 2020, the
Town Council approved modifications to the Town’s Facility Use Policy to allow private use of
certain areas within Oak Meadow Park, such as Lyndon Bandstand, by reservations.
The Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements Project would provide landscaping and
accessibility improvements to the area around Lyndon Bandstand to accommodate more
variety of public and private events, including small cultural gatherings, weddings, musical
venues, and other community gatherings.
In November 2021, staff submitted the Per Capita Program grant applications for the Oak
Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements Project in an amount of $177,952 and for additional
funds in an amount of $18,778 available through the Urban County Per Capita for cities within
urbanized counties (a county with a population of 500,000 or more).
In January 2022, the State approved the Town’s applications for the Proposition 68 funds for
the project. The grant funds are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the grant
Through the Town’s procurement process, staff has selected a qualified landscape architectural
firm for the design services for the project and is currently in the process of negotiating and
PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements (CIP No. 831-4007) DATE: February 24, 2022
DISCUSSION (continued):
awarding a consultant services agreement. The design phase is anticipated to start in March
2022, and it will involve community and stakeholder engagements.
Staff recommends that Council accept the Per Capita Program grant funds, authorize the Town
Manager to execute the grant agreements, and authorize the budget adjustments in a total
amount of $196,730 in the FY 2021/22 CIP Budget to receive and expend the grant funds.
Approval of the recommendations would allow staff to continue proceeding with the Oak
Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements Project. Construction for the project is anticipated in
early 2023.
This project has been coordinated with the Finance Department.
Budget adjustments will correct the Town of Los Gatos available grant funding in the FY
2021/22 – 2025/26 CIP Budget for the Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements Project (CIP
No. 831-4007).
Parks and Public Works staff costs are tracked for all projects. Tracking of staff costs allows for
accountability in the costs of projects, recovery of costs from grant funded projects, and
Budget Costs
GFAR 90,000$
Per Capita Program Grants 196,730$
Total Budget 286,730$
Design Consultant 50,000$
Design Contingency 5,000$
Construction (including contingency)220,000$
Temporary Staff 6,730$
Other Project Delivery Costs $5,000
Total Expenditures 286,730$
Remaining Budget $0
Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements
Project 831-4007
PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements (CIP No. 831-4007) DATE: February 24, 2022
FISCAL IMPACT (continued):
identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted
staff and temporary staff that support fluctuating workloads. The costs associated with staff
that are not included in the Parks and Public Works Department budget will be charged to the
project through an administrative transfer of funds.
The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
Guidelines - Section 15301: Existing Facilities. A Notice of Exemption will be filed.
1. Grant Contract Per Capita Program for $177,952
2. Grant Contract Per Urban County Capita for $18,778