Attachment 5 - Public CommentATTACHMENT 5 Dear Town Council, Recommendation The LGCA is writing to you to strongly recommend that the FY 2022 – 2024 Priorities include completing a Fiscal Impact Analysis for the draft 2040 General Plan prior to any consideration by the Planning Commission and Town Council. As you know, the draft General Plan is promoting a 30% increase in the Town’s population over the next 20 years. Unfortunately, there has been no analysis of the fiscal impact this major growth will have over the 20-year planning period. A Core Goal of the Town is “Fiscal Stability,” and a guiding principle of the 2040 General Plan is “fiscal stability/responsibility”. How does the Town Council know or even have an informed view as to whether the 30% growth projected in the 2040 General Plan is fiscally stable and responsible? This question looms extremely large since the FY 2022 priorities you are considering tonight include potential “revenue enhancements.” Background The LGCA believes the reason why the Town Council feels it must focus on “revenue enhancements” today is not because the Town’s revenue has declined or stayed flat. To the contrary, over the past 6 years (2015 – 2021) the Town’s total revenue from all sources (general tax revenues, investment earnings, charges of services, grants and miscellaneous) has increased 13% ($5.6m), which includes a staggering 54% increase in property tax revenue. Also, during this period, the Town increased the local sales tax rate with the promise that these funds would pay for increased police services, fix potholes, and invest in needed infrastructure. Yet it is in this environment that the Town has increased its total governmental expenditures by 48% ($16.3m) over the same period. Stated another way, over the last 6 years the Town’s expenditures have grown at a rate that is more than 3.5 times the revenue growth rate. And this occurred during a time when the Town experienced almost no growth in population. While we acknowledge the pandemic has impacted the Town’s revenue over the past 2 years, we cannot ignore the harsh reality that the Town’s growth in total expenditures has far outstripped the Town’s revenue growth. The inconvenient truth is that this trend is unstainable – today, let alone for the next 20 years. Discussion Enter the need for a Fiscal Impact Analysis of the draft 2040 General Plan. When we surveyed 400 registered voters on this point, 87% agreed (with 66% strongly agreeing) that a fiscal impact analysis should be required PRIOR to adoption of the General Plan. It is clear the residents understand the fiscal challenge that 30% growth will present and want to study it. The question is does this Council understand and want to be proactive about the challenges? Will the Council consider that having expenses grow at 3.5 time the rate of revenues will soon reduce the Priorities to only one – Fiscal Survival? ATTACHMENT 5 A fiscal impact analysis is a powerful tool to assess whether the growth induced by the 2040 General Plan will strain government services or generate sufficient new revenues that will allow the Town to maintain and even improve and expand services as well as invest in economic growth over the next 20 years. There is simply no compelling argument against completing a fiscal impact analysis before adopting the Town’s “constitution” that will guide all development decisions for the next 20 years. We cannot afford not to perform a fiscal impact analysis. Conclusion Please include as a very high priority for FY 2022 the completion of a fiscal impact analysis of the 2040 General Plan before presenting the Plan to the Planning Commission and Town Council for approval. The voters want this and expect it. Thank you. 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