8-5-13 Leaf BlowersLeaf Blower Study Session Town of Los Gatos August 5, 2013 1 Purpose Identify environmental and health concerns related to the operation of leaf blowers Provide a survey of leaf blower regulations in Santa Clara County Identify potential impacts of a leaf blower regulation Provide options for a leaf blower regulation 2 Sustainability Plan Adopted July 2012 RE-4 Adoption of a leaf blower ordinance Background 3 Environmental Concerns Noise Pollution Particulate Matter Carbon Emissions 4 Existing Programs BAAQMD Spare the Air Days AQMD Leaf Blower Exchange Program 5 Current Regulations in Santa Clara County Town of Los Gatos Restricted use from 8 a.m-8 p.m. M-F Restricted use from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday-Sundays and Holidays City of Palo Alto Bans the use of gas-powered leaf blowers Current ordinance adopted in 2005 City of Los Altos Bans the use of gas-powered leaf blowers Ordinance adopted in 1991 6 Reduced mobile sources of noise Reduced gasoline fuel emissions Reduced airborne particulate matter Possible health benefits to leaf blower operators if appropriate protection is used. Potential Advantages 7 Issues for Consideration Opposition from homeowners & landscape professionals Financial Impact to Town Operations Enforcement 8 Council Direction Make no change to current ordinance; Amend current ordinance to reduce hours and days of operation; Prohibit the use of electric or gas powered leaf blowers that are higher than 65 dB; Prohibit the use of gas powered blowers; Adopt a Spare the Air policy similar to BAAQMD; Pursue options for a leaf blower exchange program 9 Questions? 10