Staff Report with Exhibits.300 Marchmont PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager, Community Development Director, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 406-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 11/10/2021 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: November 5, 2021 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Annual Review of an Approved Conditional Use Permit for an Existing Private School (Hillbrook School) on Property Zoned HR-1. Located at 300 Marchmont Drive. APNs 532-10-01 and 532-11-011. Conditional Use Permit Application U-12-002. Applicant/Property Owner: Mark Silver/Hillbrook School. Project Planner: Jocelyn Shoopman. RECOMMENDATION: Accept this report for the annual review of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) as required by Condition 25 (Exhibit 3). PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Hillside Residential and Low Density Residential Zoning Designation: HR-1, Hillside Residential Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan Parcel Size: 14 acres Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8, R-1:10, and R-1:20 South Residential Low Density Residential & Agriculture R-1:10, R-1:12, and RC East Residential Hillside Residential & Open Space R-1:10, R-1:12, and RC West Residential Low Density Residential R-1:8 and R-1:10 PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: 300 Marchmont Drive/U-12-002 DATE: November 5, 2021 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2021\11-10-21\Item 2 - Marchmont 300\Staff Report.300 Marchmont.docx CEQA: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was certified by the Planning Commission on October 6, 2014, and no further environmental review is required. FINDINGS: ▪ An EIR was prepared for the CUP and was certified by the Planning Commission on October 6, 2014, and no further environmental review is required; and ▪ Compliance with CUP U-12-002. ACTION: Accept this report for the annual review of the CUP as required by Condition 25 (Exhibit 3). BACKGROUND: On October 6, 2014, the Planning Commission certified the EIR and approved a request to modify a CUP to increase school enrollment and modify operations of Hillbrook School. On March 17, 2015, the Town Council adopted Resolution 2015-018 approving the request to modify the CUP to incrementally increase school enrollment and modify operations of Hillbrook School subject to modified Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 3). On November 3, 2015, the Town Council held a public hearing for the initial six-month review of the CUP to determine whether there was merit to increase the number of students based on Hillbrook School’s compliance with the maximum number of daily trips. The Town Council approved the initial review and request to increase the school enrollment by 33 students for a maximum of 348 students for the 2016-2017 school year. On August 31, 2016, Hillbrook School vested their CUP by increasing the number of students by an additional 23 students for the 2016-2017 school year as allowed by Condition 2 (Exhibit 3). On October 17, 2016, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for the annual review of the CUP as required by Condition 25 (Exhibit 3) to determine whether there was merit to increase the number of students based on Hillbrook School’s compliance with the maximum number of daily trips. The Planning Commission approved the annual review and request to increase the school enrollment by an additional 33 students for a maximum of 381 students for the 2017-2018 school year. On September 27, 2017, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for the annual review of the CUP as required by Condition 25 (Exhibit 3) to determine whether there was merit to increase the number of students based on Hillbrook School’s compliance with the maximum PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: 300 Marchmont Drive/U-12-002 DATE: November 5, 2021 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2021\11-10-21\Item 2 - Marchmont 300\Staff Report.300 Marchmont.docx BACKGROUND (continued): number of daily trips. The Planning Commission approved the annual review and final request to increase the school enrollment by an additional 33 students for a maximum of 414 students for the 2018-2019 school year. Additionally, the Planning Commission provided the following recommendations for inclusion in future annual reviews: 1. Urge Hillbrook School to be diligent about ascertaining the operation of the monitoring systems and to that end to incorporate suggestions made by W-Trans for calibration; 2. Urge Hillbrook School to follow the updated Data Collection Workflow from W-Trans; and 3. Select three sporadic, non-consecutive days, including at least one sports event day, and conduct future counts in a 24-hour day period. On October 24, 2018 and November 13, 2019, the Planning Commission held public hearings for the annual reviews of the CUP as required by Condition 25 (Exhibit 3). The Planning Commission found Hillbrook School to be in compliance with the CUP and approved the annual review in both cases. On March 16, 2020, Hillbrook School closed for in-person learning due to the Santa Clara County Public Health Office order and began distance learning. Hillbrook School resumed in- person learning on September 23, 2020, until the end of the school year on May 28, 2021. Due to the Santa Clara County Public Health Office order, an annual review of the CUP by the Planning Commission did not take place in the fall of 2020. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The project is located at 300 Marchmont Drive (Exhibit 1), at the east end of Marchmont Drive, south of Shannon Road and east of Los Gatos Boulevard. B. Zoning Compliance The zoning designation, Hillside Residential (HR), allows a school pursuant to the approved CUP. DISCUSSION: A. Conditional Use Permit Annual Review The applicant has provided a letter of justification (Exhibit 7) describing the actions taken to comply with the CUP as outlined below: PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: 300 Marchmont Drive/U-12-002 DATE: November 5, 2021 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2021\11-10-21\Item 2 - Marchmont 300\Staff Report.300 Marchmont.docx DISCUSSION (continued): • Posted a list of the School’s exception days and evening events on their publicly accessible website as required by Condition 27 (Exhibit 3); and • No athletic competitions were held on campus as discussed in Condition 5 (Exhibit 3); • Maintained a mandatory Traffic Demand Management Plan (TDM) as required by Condition 18 (Exhibit 3); • Installed and monitored the traffic count monitoring system as required by Condition 19 (Exhibit 3); • Worked with the Parks and Public Works Department to ensure approval of existing and proposed bus stops (Exhibit 6) as required by Condition 20 (Exhibit 3); • Enrolled no more than the maximum of 414 students for the 2020-2021 school year as required by Condition 15 (Exhibit 3) (as of August 30, 2021, 360 students were enrolled); and • Reduced the School’s summer programs as required by Condition 11 (Exhibit 3). B. Traffic On March 16, 2020, Hillbrook School closed for in-person learning due to the Santa Clara County Public Health Office order and began distance learning. Hillbrook School resumed in-person learning on September 23, 2020 until the end of the school year on May 28, 2021. On June 3, 2021, the Town’s traffic consultant, W-Trans, submitted the Traffic Monitoring Report for the fall 2020 semester (Exhibit 4). Due to the Santa Clara County Public Health Office order and per direction from the Parks and Public Works Department, the consultant did not complete a video review comparison with the Sensys data of the traffic count for three, non-consecutive days. However, W-Trans continued to provide monthly traffic count data which was posted on the Town’s website on a monthly basis. In review of the Sensys data, the Town’s traffic consultant, W-Trans did note that on November 6, 2020, the maximum number of daily vehicle trips was 1,142, exceeding the maximum of 880; however, this was due to an adjacent house hosting an estate sale in which the two Sensys magnetometer traffic counters embedded in the pavement of the exit lane outside of the school’s gate recorded excess trips that were not associated with the school. The fall 2020 report found Hillbrook School to be in compliance with Condition 17 (Exhibit 3). On October 28, 2021, the Town’s traffic consultant, W-Trans, submitted the Traffic Monitoring Report for the spring 2021 semester (Exhibit 5). The consultant completed a video review of the traffic count for February 4, April 14, and May 4, 2021 as required by Condition 19 (Exhibit 3). It should be noted that Hillbrook School did not host any athletic or school events during the spring 2021 semester. As detailed in the report, on February 4, April 14, and May 4, 2021 the vehicle trips (750, 88, and 796, respectively) did not exceed the maximum of 880 daily vehicle trips as allowed by Condition 17 (Exhibit 3). The average PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: 300 Marchmont Drive/U-12-002 DATE: November 5, 2021 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2021\11-10-21\Item 2 - Marchmont 300\Staff Report.300 Marchmont.docx DISCUSSION (continued): difference between the video count and Sensys data for the three-day period was approximately five percent (5.37 percent). The Town Traffic Engineer reviewed the Traffic Monitoring Report and found Hillbrook School to be in compliance with Condition 17 (Exhibit 3). Condition 19 of the CUP states that Hillbrook School shall be considered out of compliance with their CUP if any mechanical readings exceed the Sensys counts by more than five percent, and where the readings are above the maximum number of daily vehicle trips. In the reports provided by W Trans (Exhibits 4 and 5), for both monitoring systems (video review and Sensys counts), Hillbrook School did not exceed the maximum number of daily trips of 880 or 960 (Exhibit 3, Condition 17) and was found to be in comp liance with their CUP. The Town’s traffic consultant, W-Trans will be available at the meeting to answer any questions from the Planning Commission. C. CEQA Determination An EIR was previously certified by the Planning Commission on October 6, 2014, and no further environmental review is required. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Written notice was sent to property owners and tenants within 500 feet of the property. CONCLUSION: A. Conclusion Based on the information in this report, staff has determined that Hillbrook School is in compliance with their CUP. B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends accepting this report for the annual review of the CUP. If the Planning Commission finds merit with the request, it should: 1. Find that no further environmental analysis is required (Exhibit 2); and 2. Find that Hillbrook School is in compliance with their CUP (Exhibit 2). PAGE 6 OF 6 SUBJECT: 300 Marchmont Drive/U-12-002 DATE: November 5, 2021 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2021\11-10-21\Item 2 - Marchmont 300\Staff Report.300 Marchmont.docx CONCLUSION (continued): C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings 3. Conditional Use Permit U-12-002 4. Fall 2020 Traffic Monitoring Report 5. Spring 2021 Traffic Monitoring Report 6. Hillbrook School Bus Stops for 2020-2021 School Year 7. Hillbrook School Letter of Justification BONNIE LNLONGMEADO W D RSHADY VIEW LNCLOVER WYW O LL IN WYANNARBORDRPEACOCK LN CERRO V IS T A C TLA CROIX CTKAREN CTMARCHMONT CT300 Marchmont Drive 0 0.250.125 Miles ° EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – November 10, 2021 REQUIRED FINDINGS: 300 Marchmont Drive Conditional Use Permit Application U-12-002 Annual Review of an Approved Conditional Use Permit for an Existing Private School (Hillbrook School) on Property Zoned HR-1. APNS 532-10-001 and 532-11-011. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Hillbrook School/Mark Silver FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: ■ An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Conditional Use Permit and was certified by the Planning Commission on October 6, 2014 and no further environmental review is required. Required findings for compliance with Conditional Use Permit (U-12-002): ■ Find that Hillbrook School is in compliance with their Conditional Use Permit. N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2021\MARCHMONT 300_CUP ANNUAL REVIEW.DOCX EXHIBIT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL – March 17, 2015 300 Marchmont Drive Conditional Use Permit U-12-002 Environmental Impact Report EIR-13-001 Requesting approval to modify a Conditional Use Permit to increase school enrollment and modify operations of an existing private school (Hillbrook School) on property zoned HR-1. It has been determined that this matter may have a significant impact on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). APNs 532-10-001 and 532-11-011. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Hillbrook School/Mark Silver TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1.APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below. 2.EXPIRATION: The Master Plan approved May 7, 2001 (Resolution 2011-048) is vested. The Conditional Use Permit modification will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. Pursuant to Town Code Section 29.20.335 an approval is vested when the activity approved is commenced in a substantial, as distinguished from tentative or token, manner. For this Conditional Use Permit, substantial shall mean any increase in student enrollment above 315. 3.USE: The approved use is a junior kindergarten (JK) through eighth (8th) grade educational institution/private school, with ancillary after school activities, after school care, and after school sports. a.HOURS: STUDENTS and their families may be on campus Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., during the academic calendar year (mid-August through mid- June). b.EXTENDED HOURS: Up to 10 times per year, hours may be extended past 6:00 p.m. up to 9:30 p.m. The school’s management and maintenance staff do not count towards the 10 times per year for extended hours. 4.AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Enrichment programs including but not limited to arts, mechanics, engineering, and language for the school’s students are permitted, up to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, mid-August through mid-June. 5.AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS AND COMPETITIONS: Any sports, competitive or not, and other competitions with at least one participating team from this approved school are permitted up to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, mid-August through mid-June. These competitions are permitted to occur a maximum 3 days per week, up to 2 days per week outdoors. 6.AFTER SCHOOL CARE: Childcare for the school’s students is permitted up to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, mid-August through mid-June. 7.VOLLEYBALL AND BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS: A tournament is a series of contests/matches/games between two or more schools/teams one of which must be the approved school. Tournament hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, EXHIBIT 3 2 and Saturday. Vehicles must be off campus by 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays. These tournaments may occur up to 2 Saturdays, mid-August through mid-June. 8.EVENING/NIGHTTIME AND WEEKEND EVENTS: Evening/nighttime events are events that occur between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Evening/nighttime and weekend events are permitted up to 10 times per academic year, mid-August through mid-June. These events must be listed by August 1st on a publicly accessible online School Calendar. 9.OPEN HOUSE: One weekend Open House per calendar year is permitted 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (vehicles off campus by 4:00 p.m.), Saturday only (not Sunday), mid-August through mid-June. This event does not count as one of the 10 exception days from the maximum number of daily vehicle trips. 10.DELIVERY HOURS: Deliveries shall only occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 11.SUMMER SESSION: A summer program is permitted between mid-June and mid-August for six contiguous weeks. Summer hours are limited to 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 12.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/CONFERENCES: Training for the parents of enrolled students and/or the school’s faculty only is permitted from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., unless designated as a nighttime exception, Monday through Friday, mid-August through mid-June. No other conferences are permitted. 13.THIRD PARTY USE/RENTAL/LEASE: Third party use is allowed. A third party use is defined as a school program run by an entity that is under a contractual partnership agreement with the school, payments for participation in the activity are paid directly to the school, and the school has control of the operations of the activity. Any such third party use will be subject to all of the conditions contained in this Conditional Use Permit. 14.ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES: Any activity that is not expressly identified in this Permit is prohibited. 15.NUMBER OF STUDENTS: The maximum number of students shall be limited to 414 students over the life of the Conditional Use Permit with an increase over 315 students of up to 33 in year 2016-2017, up to an additional 33 in year 2017-2018, and up to an additional 33 in year 2018-2019. The right to add any additional students is contingent on the school’s compliance with the traffic count requirements. The maximum number of students during the summer session is 150. 16.INITIAL REVIEW: Six months after the date of this approval, the Town Council shall review the school’s compliance with the maximum number of daily vehicle trips. At a publicly noticed hearing, Town Council will consider whether there is merit to increase the number of students from 315 based on compliance with the maximum number of daily vehicle trips. This review shall be completed at the school’s expense. 17.MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DAILY VEHICLE TRIPS: The maximum number of daily vehicle trips shall not exceed 880 pursuant to the following: a.The school may designate 10 days per year that can be removed from the maximum calculation, which shall be referred to as “exception days.” b. Exception days shall not exceed 960 maximum daily vehicle trips. c.Exception days must be identified on a publicly accessible online School Calendar by August 1st. d.The maximum number of daily vehicle trips shall not exceed 300 during the summer session as defined in condition 11. 3 18. MANDATORY TRAFFIC DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN: The school shall implement, at its expense, a Mandatory Traffic Demand Management Plan consisting of any of the following means to limit daily vehicle trips: carpools, busing, shuttle buses, traditional school buses, bicycling, walking management plans, or other methods submitted by the school. The school must inform persons and entities, covered by the plan, that pickup and drop-offs are prohibited on public streets in the immediate vicinity of the school. The school is solely responsible for enforcement of and compliance with a Mandatory Traffic Demand Management Plan. 19. TRAFFIC COUNT MONITORING: The school shall monitor its compliance using the existing embedded counter and by installing tube counters as a backup. The data from the counters will be used to determine whether the school has complied with the traffic requirements contained in condition 17. The Town shall conduct ongoing traffic data validation by contracting for a random manual traffic count for three days, each semester. The data shall be compared with Sensys data (i.e, the embedded counter data) and results provided to the Town Traffic Engineer. If the Town Traffic Engineer finds the school out of compliance, the Town shall contract for additional data collection, with a one week mechanical (hose) traffic count to verify the counts. The school shall be considered out of compliance if any mechanical readings exceed the Sensys counts by more than five percent and where the readings are above the maximum number of daily vehicle trips. If the Sensys data continues to demonstrate ongoing non-compliance, the discrepancy shall trigger the compliance proceedings portion of the CUP. The school is required to reimburse the Town for all staff and contract services associated with this condition. 20. BUS STOPS: The school may continue to use bus stop locations negotiated with private businesses. Any existing or new bus stop must be approved by the Los Gatos Parks and Public Works Department as a suitable and safe place for a bus stop. 21. PARKING: All parking shall be accommodated onsite. 22. PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF AREA: A pick-up and drop-off area shall be maintained on school grounds. 23. EMERGENCY ACCESS ROAD: The emergency access road to Ann Arbor Drive shall not be opened up at any time to public or school use. The road may be opened for construction access only if it is part of an approved construction plan for an Architecture and Site application. 24. CURFEW AND NOISE: The school shall comply with the Town Code governing curfew and noise levels with the exception of one amplified DJ event, mid-August through mid- June (not summer). 25. ONGOING COMPLIANCE REVIEW: Upon completion of the six-month initial review set forth in condition 16, the Planning Commission shall conduct an annual review to determine if the school is in compliance with this Conditional Use Permit. If, at any reviews, the Planning Commission finds that the school is in violation of this Conditional Use Permit or that new or more effective data collection methods are available to compute traffic counts, then the Conditional Use Permit may be modified and/or revoked as allowed under the Town Code. Compliance review shall be completed at the school’s expense. 26. PENALTIES FOR EXCEEDANCES OF THE MAXIMUM DAILY TRIP CAP: a. If the Town’s Traffic Consultant’s review of the trip cap monthly monitoring reports reveals that the number of trips exceeds the maximum daily trip cap, the applicant shall pay a penalty of $1,000 per day and $100 per excess trip. 4 b. If the Town’s Traffic Consultant’s review of the trip cap monthly monitoring reports reveals that the number of trips exceeds the maximum daily trip cap for a second consecutive monitoring period, the applicant shall pay a penalty of $2,500 per day and $250 per excess trip. c. If the Town’s Traffic Consultant’s review of the trip cap monthly monitoring reports reveals that the number of trips exceeds the maximum daily trip cap for a third consecutive monitoring period, the applicant shall pay a penalty of $5,000 per day and $500 per excess trip. d. Penalty money shall be paid to the Town and used towards neighborhood traffic/pedestrian improvements as approved by the Town’s Parks and Public Works Director. e. The school is not subject to fines in the first six months after the date of this approval. 27. NEIGHBORHOOD COORDINATION: The school shall post a schedule of events on a website accessible to the public at the beginning of every academic calendar year. 28. GYMNASIUM DOORS AND WINDOWS: The loading doors on the Ann Arbor side shall be closed at all times whenever activities are being held inside the gymnasium. The other doors and windows in the gymnasium shall be allowed to remain open during activities. 29. SQUARE FOOTAGE: The maximum structural square footage is 55,715 square feet as approved by the Master Plan on May 7, 2001 (Resolution 2011-048). The existing campus is currently 52,683 square feet and an additional 3,032 square feet is permitted in the library and cafeteria/art classrooms with an approved Architecture and Site application. 30. BUILDING FOOTPRINTS: The footprints of the future buildings may be required to be modified during the Architecture and Site approval process to reduce tree impacts. 31. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2015\Marchmont300_TC.3.17.15.docx EXHIBIT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT 5 Hillbrook School Bus Routes 2021-22 San Jose AM Route Bus Stops Arrives at: 7:15 AM 1309 Willow Street, San Jose, 95125 Willow & Camino Ramon VTA bus stop Arrives at: 7:20 AM 1405 Dry Creek Road, San Jose, 95125 Dry Creek & Hicks Road Arrives at: 7:26 AM 3053 Meridian Ave, San Jose, 95124 Front of Wells Fargo parking lot Arrives at: 7: 30 AM Meridian & Corte De Callas VTA bus across the street from Lunardi’s Arrives at: 7:38 AM 14184 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos, 95032 Blossom Hill Square Shopping Center (behind US Bank)* Arrives at 7:45 AM 16445 Shannon Rd, Los Gatos, 95032 Blossom Hill Park AM bus on this route reaches Hillbrook at 7:50 AM EXHIBIT 6 Hillbrook School Bus Routes 2021-22 San Jose PM Route Bus Stops PM bus on this route departs Hillbrook at 3:10 PM Arrives at 3:15 PM 16445 Shannon Road, Los Gatos, 95032 Blossom Hill Park Arrives at 3:25 PM 14184 Blossom Hill Rd., Los Gatos, 95032 Blossom Hill Square Shopping Center (behind US Bank) Arrives at: 3:33 PM Meridian Ave. & Branham VTA bus stop in front of CVS/Lunardi’s shopping center Arrives at: 3:35 PM 3053 Meridian Ave, San Jose, 95124 Wells Fargo (front parking lot) Arrives at: 3:43 PM 1405 Dry Creek Road, San Jose, 95125 Dry Creek & Hicks Road Arrives at: 3:48 PM 1309 Willow Street, San Jose, 95125 Willow & Camino Ramon VTA stop Hillbrook School Bus Routes 2021-22 Los Altos AM Route Bus Stops Arrives at: 7:10 AM 1975 Grant Rd., Los Altos, 94024 Woodland Branch Library Arrives at: 7:20 AM 12988 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd Suite A., Saratoga, 95070 Argonaut Shopping Center (near Union Bank) Arrives at: 7:25 AM 20390 Park Place, Saratoga, 95070 Village School of Saratoga Arrives at: 7:33 AM 276 N Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos, 95030 Public Parking Lot near Manresa Bread Arrives at: 7:38 AM 106 E Main Street, Los Gatos, 95030 Los Gatos Civic Center (VTA stop) Arrives at: 7:43 AM 16880 Kennedy Rd. at Gem Ave., Los Gatos 95032 AM bus on this route arrives at Hillbrook at 7:48 AM. Los Altos PM Route Bus Stops PM bus departs Hillbrook at 3:10 PM. Hillbrook School Bus Routes 2021-22 Arrives at: 3:15 PM 16929 Kennedy Rd./Ferris Ave., Los Gatos 95032 Kennedy & Ferris Arrives at: 3:20 PM 151 E Main Street, Los Gatos, 95030 High School Court/Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Arrives at 3:25 PM 140 Saratoga Los Gatos Rd., Los Gatos, 95032 (near Chase Bank & Coldwell Banker) Public Parking Lot Arrives at: 3:35 PM 20390 Park Place, Saratoga, 95070 Village School of Saratoga Arrives at: 3:40 PM 12988 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd Suite A., Saratoga, 95070 Argonaut Shopping Center (near Union Bank) Arrives at: 3:55 PM 1975 Grant Rd., Los Altos, 94024 Woodland Branch Library Saratoga AM Bus Stops Arrives at 7:20 AM 18764 Cox Ave, Saratoga, CA 95070 Quito Village Shopping Center Hillbrook School Bus Routes 2021-22 Arrives at: 7:28 AM 14107 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos 95030 Vasona Station (Aldo’s parking lot) Arrives at: 7:33 AM 15861 Winchester Blvd, at Via Sereno, Monte Sereno,95030 (VTA stop) Arrives at 7:40 AM 15545 Los Gatos Blvd., Los Gatos (FedEx Kinkos parking lot) AM bus on this route arrives at Hillbrook at 7:50 AM. Saratoga PM Route Bus Stops PM bus departs Hillbrook at 3:10 PM. Arrives at: 3:15 PM 20 Cherry Blossom Ln. Los Gatos, 95032 Shir Hadash Arrives at: 3:25 PM 14107 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos 95030 Vasona Station (Aldo’s parking lot) Arrives at 3:35 PM 18764 Cox Ave, Saratoga, CA 95070 Quito Village Shopping Center Hillbrook School Bus Routes 2021-22 Late Afternoon PM Shuttle Stops* Late Afternoon Courtesy Shuttles for students participating in afterschool athletics, activities and enrichment classes. Departs Hillbrook 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM Shir Hadash 4:20 PM 4:35 PM 4:50 PM 5:05 PM Willow & Camino Ramon 5:25 PM Shir Hadash-20 Cherry Blossom Lane, Los Gatos, 95032 Willow & Camion Ramon-1309 Willow Street, San Jose,95125 Dear Commissioners, The following is our annual update to the Planning Commission. This update details our compliance with the conditional use permit. As the Planning Commission is aware, the Town Council approved a new CUP for the school in March 2015. Since that approval six years ago, the school has been in full compliance. We feel Hillbrook remains fully in compliance with the new CUP. In particular, the school has: ●posted the exception days and a list of the evening events for the 2021-22 school year on our publicly accessible neighborhood section of our website as of August 1, 2021 -link here. See below for the full list of exception days and events. ●reorganized our athletic program so that we only have athletic contests on campus at most three days a week and only two days outside ●maintained a robust and mandatory Traffic Demand Management plan (TDM plan). Highlights of the plan can be found on our website -link here. ●Installed and continued to monitor the traffic count monitoring system as approved by the Town of Los Gatos. ●Worked with the Los Gatos Parks & Public Works department to ensure approval of any new bus stops as explained in the CUP. ●Enrolled no more than the 414 maximum number of students for the 2018-19 school year. As of the first day of school, September 1, we had 360 students enrolled. ●Reduced our summer programs to be in compliance with the requirements described in the CUP. Over the last few years, we have implemented measures to manage our traffic and to ensure our compliance with the CUP. We have an extensive Traffic Demand Management Plan (TDM plan), that includes: ●A clear expectation for all families that they bike, walk, shuttle, or carpool to school each day. ●A Transportation Coordinator who oversees our TDM and ensures that families understand the expectations and are given support in meeting the requirements. ●Three shuttles that bring students to and from school each day. For the first few weeks of the school year, we averaged 146 students taking the shuttle in the morning and 136 students taking the shuttle in the afternoon. Overall, more than 40 percent of students are consistently using the shuttles. ●An active carpooling program, that includes online maps that help families identify carpool buddies. The Transportation Coordinator supports families looking for carpool matches. ●A traffic and safety monitor who provides a daily presence in the neighborhood as well as extensive signage that reminds people to drive slowly through the neighborhood (25 mph on Lower Marchmont and 15 mph on Upper Marchmont). ●Active participation in Safe Routes to School. Hillbrook is the only private school in Los Gatos that is an active member of this important organization. ●Various measures to encourage employee carpooling and alternative transportation options, including financial incentives for using alternative forms of transportation. EXHIBIT 7 The following are the exception days for the 2021-22 school year (days in which the school can have up to 480 cars exiting campus): First Day of School - September 1, 2021 Back To School Night*- September 14, 2021 Halloween/Fall Festival - October 29, 2021 Winter Concert*- December 15, 2021 Admission Open House - January 29, 2022 8th Grade Musical*- March 23, 2022 8th Grade Musical*- March 24, 2022 New JK/K Family Event - May 20, 2022 Alumni Celebration*- May 13, 2022 Middle School SIL Impact Summit*- May 26, 2022 The following are the evening & weekend events for the 2021-22 school year: Back To School Night - September 14, 2021 Board/Employee Dinner - September 29, 2021 New Family Event - September 30, 2021 Winter Concert - December 15, 2021 Open House - January 29, 2022 8th Grade Musical - March 23, 2022 8th Grade Musical - March 24, 2022 Alumni Celebration - May 13, 2022 SIL Impact Summit - May 26, 2022 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony - June 6, 2022 The Planning Commission will see when it reviews our traffic from the 2020-21 school year that we are successfully meeting the expectations of the daily cap of 880 cars (or 440 cars exiting campus). We had no violations of the daily cap during the 2020-21 school year. This is particularly noteworthy given that we were operating the school during the pandemic (school opened in mid-September 2020), and yet even with the COVID-instituted restrictions on carpooling and limiting bus ridership, we managed to remain below the cap. As an additional note, there were two days during the 2020-21 school year where situations outside the gates caused the counter to inaccurately capture the number of cars entering and exiting our campus. On November 6, 2020, an estate sale was held at the house directly next to the school. As a result, numerous cars used our campus as a turnaround spot. We sent video footage to the Town on that day. On February 9, a tow truck parked outside the gate between approximately 2:30 -3 pm, forcing cars to drive through the exit lane when they entered campus (thus doubling the count). We sent video footage of this incident to the Town on that day. We feel confident that the measures we have implemented these past few years will ensure we remain in compliance with the traffic conditions as we increase our enrollment this year. We have worked hard to prepare for the successful implementation of this new CUP, and we continue to make a concerted effort to be a positive member of the greater Marchmont neighborhood and the Los Gatos community. Sincerely, Mark Silver Chuck Hammers Head of School Chair, Board of Trustees This Page Intentionally Left Blank