Staff Report with Exhibits.Wood Road PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/25/2021 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: August 20, 2021 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider Approval for Construction of a New Single-family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5 Located on Wood Road. APN 510-47-045. Architecture and Site Application S-21-003. Property Owners: Omari and Kavita Bouknight. Applicant: Gary Kohlsaat, Architect. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. BACKGROUND: On July 28, 2021, the Planning Commission considered the application and continued the matter to August 25, 2021. The Planning Commission directed the applicant to consider the comments of the Planning Commission, including: • Evaluate options to reduce the height of the residence and therefore the visibility from the viewing area located at Los Gatos-Saratoga Road (Highway 9) and Highway 17; and • Clarify whether a right-of-way exists on the subject property. DISCUSSION: The applicant submitted a written response to the direction provided by the Planning Commission and revised development plans (Exhibits 13 and 15). The changes to the residence and the applicant’s response are discussed below. A. Building Height In response to the Planning Commission’s direction, the applicant has reduced the height of the upper floor by reducing the ceiling height by approximately nine inches and changing the roof form from a hip roof to a flat roof (Exhibits 13 and 15). These changes reduce the height of the upper floor by three feet at the bedrooms and two feet at the common area. As a result, the maximum low-to-high height is reduced by two feet, to 32 feet, 11 inches. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: Wood Road (510-47-045)/S-21-003 DATE: August 20, 2021 DISCUSSION (continued): Building Height Previous Proposal Current Proposal Maximum Allowed per HDS&G for Visible Homes Height 21.16 feet 21.16 feet 18 feet Low-to-High Height 34.92 feet 32.92 feet 28 feet Heights of visible homes are limited by the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G) to a maximum of 18 feet at any point and a low-to-high dimension of 28 feet. The revised residence continues to require exceptions to the height standards of the HDS&G for a portion of the loggia covering a patio at the front of the main level with a height of 21.16 feet, exceeding the 18-foot height standard. Additionally, the revised portions of the upper level would exceed the 28-foot low-to-high standard, having a height of 32.92 feet. B. Visibility Pursuant to the HDS&G, a visible home is one where 24.5 percent or more of an elevation can be seen from any of the Town’s established viewing areas. The previous proposal included a visibility analysis showing that the residence would be 34.9 percent vis ible from the viewing area located at Los Gatos-Saratoga Road (Highway 9) and Highway 17 (Exhibit 4). In response to the Planning Commission’s direction to reduce visibility, the applicant has lowered the ceiling heights and changed the roof on the upper floor from hipped to flat, as discussed above. These changes reduce the overall height of the building by two feet and would reduce the visibility of the proposed residence to 32 percent (Exhibit 15, Sheets VS1 and VS2). During the July 28, 2021 Planning Commission hearing, the applicant was asked to explore opportunities to plant additional trees to reduce the visibility of the residence. The revised development plans introduce eight, 60-inch box redwood trees adjacent to the driveway on the neighboring property, in a landscape easement, east of the residence (Exhibit 15). The applicant outlines the selection process for the screening trees, which considered height, foliage density, growth rate, native species, and cost (Exhibit 13). Redwood trees were ultimately selected, and the applicant indicates that they have consulted with a nursery to purchase trees that are currently 18 feet, six inches tall. Given the average growth rate for redwoods, the nursery anticipates that the trees will grow approximately two feet per year and would be over 20 feet tall at the time of planting. The applicant estimates that the redwoods would be at least 24 feet, six inches tall within two years of planting. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: Wood Road (510-47-045)/S-21-003 DATE: August 20, 2021 DISCUSSION (continued): The applicant submitted a revised visibility analysis calculating the percent of the revised residence that would be visible from the Highway 9/17 viewing area (Exhibit 15, Sheets VS1 and VS2). The analysis includes three visibility calculations based on the revised residence: • The revised residence with no added screening trees; • The revised residence after initial planting of the proposed redwood trees; and • The revised residence after two years of anticipated growth of the proposed redwood trees. The visibility of the revised residence is summarized in the table below. Typically, visibility analyses do not consider proposed trees or landscaping. The applicant has provided the se calculations, including the proposed redwood trees, in response to the Planning Commission’s request to explore the use of screening trees in order to reduce the visibility of the residence. Visibility Analysis Previous Proposal Revised Building Design, No Added Screening Revised Building Design and New Screening Trees at Planting Revised Building Design and Two Years of Growth of New Screening Trees 34.9% 32% 27% 24.2% C. Right-of-Way During the July 28, 2021 hearing, the Planning Commission discussed a claim made on behalf of the neighboring property owner to the west that a public right-of-way exists along the north property line of the subject property. The applicant contends that there is no evidence that this right-of-way or an easement exists in this location (Exhibit 13). The Planning Commission requested that the Town Attorney consult with the applicant and the neighboring property owner’s attorney to determine whether a public right-of-way exists on the subject property. It is the conclusion of the Town Attorney that all parties are in agreement that there is no evidence of a public right-of-way (Exhibit 14). The neighboring property owner’s attorney does contend that, while there is no evidence of a public right- of-way on the subject property, there is a private easement benefitting their client. The applicant does not agree with this claim. A claim of private easement is a civil matter in which the Town is not involved. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: Wood Road (510-47-045)/S-21-003 DATE: August 20, 2021 STORY POLES: Due to scheduling constraints, the installed story poles have been maintained and do not reflect the height reductions to the upper floor. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Exhibit 18 includes additional public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Wednesday, July 28, 2021 and 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 20, 2021. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant has submitted revised development plans responding to the Planning Commission’s direction (Exhibit 15). B. Recommendation Should the Planning Commission determine that the revised project meets the direction provided at the July 28, 2021 meeting, the Commission can take the actions below to approve the Architecture and Site application: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the finding that due to the constraints of the site, exceptions to building height, grading depths, driveway slope, retaining wall heights, and water tanks located in a required setback are appropriate, and the project is otherwise in compliance with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (Exhibit 2); 4. Make the finding that the project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan (Exhibit 2); 5. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and 6. Approve Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3 and the development plans in Exhibit 15. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: Wood Road (510-47-045)/S-21-003 DATE: August 20, 2021 CONCLUSION (continued): C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Approve the application with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the application. EXHIBITS: Previously received with the July 28, 2021 Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Visibility Analysis 5. Color and materials board 6. Project Description and Letter of Justification, dated July 21, 2021 7. Consulting Architect’s Report, dated February 5, 2021 8. Consulting Arborist’s Report, dated March 22, 2021 9. Applicant’s neighbor outreach efforts 10. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, July 23, 2021 11. Development Plans Previously received with the July 28, 2021 Addendum Report: 12. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, July 23, 2021 and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 27, 2021 Received with this Staff Report: 13. Applicant Response Letter, dated August 19, 2021 14. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Wednesday, July 28, 2021 and 11:00 a.m., Friday, August 20, 2021 15. Revised Development Plans, received August 19, 2021 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Planning Department August 19, 2021 Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: The Bouknight Residence, 145* Wood Road Addendum to Planning Commission Review Dear Mr Mullin: This letter outlines our responses to the direction given by the Planning Commissioners on July 28 2021 when they considered our A&S application for the Bouknight residence, and accompanies revised plans and exhibits. We appreciate the opportunity to work with the Planning Commission and trust that the outlined proposal directly addresses the areas of concern highlighted during the meeting. In summary, the Planning Commission raised concerns regarding exceptions requested on the home’s proposed low-to-high height limit. The original home design was noted to have a visibility ratio of 34.9% from one of the designated viewing areas, which is greater than the 24.5% standard. As such, a more restrictive low-to-high height limit was to be applied and thus the exception request and the noted concerns. Finally, there was some concern regarding the size of the home in relation to the surrounding properties. As proposed during the July 28 review meeting, we have explored a combination of design changes related to the height of the home as well as adding natural screening to decrease the visibility ratio to or below the 24.5% standard, which would obviate the need to issue a low-to- high height limit exception. Beyond the aforementioned proposal to reduce height and visibility, we have completed our due diligence on questions regarding the so-called ‘Old Wood Road’ ROW and related easement rights. Our position on the ROW remains unchanged; after carefully reviewing all available documents there is no evidence that a Right of Way exists in that location. While we also don’t believe there is a recorded private easement, we are willing to work with the neighbor offline and can state with confidence that any development would respect such potential easement. FLOOR AREA The above grade area for the proposed home is 3,295 sf, where the Town’s limit is placed at 3,900 sf. There are two homes on Wood Road listed in the staff report that are much larger than this one (4,609 sf and 4,594 sf).In addition to the listed properties, there are two homes omitted from the list that we contend should be included in the discussion. Both of these properties have been included on our Overall Site Plan (Sheet A-1) from the beginning. The first one, a whopper, is 150 Wood Road, which is just beyond this property, is clearly visible from the viewing area and is 8,940 sf. The second property, 100 Clifton Ave, is directly adjacent to our property, is also highly visible and totals out at 4,557 sf. In the near future, Mr. Ebrahimi’s property (adjacent- above and to the west of ours) surely will seek a highest and best use sized development of at least one but possibly two homes. The Draa’s property at 138 Wood road is 2,808 sf but could be due for a major addition as the property can easily support up to 6,000 sf. In this context, the proposed home of 3,295 square feet is not overly large in relation to the neighborhood. 51 University Avenue, Suite L • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408.395-2555 K O HLSAA T &ASSOCIATES A R C H I T E C T U R E EXHIBIT 13 THE BOUKNIGHT RESIDENCE, 145 WOOD RD*, PAGE of 2 4 VISIBILITY Topography The site has a very narrow development area that is defined by the front setback line on the south side and the least restrictive development area (LRDA) boundary line to the north. This buildable area varies in width between 60 feet at the bottom to approximately 75 feet towards the top. The LRDA does not allow for the house to be spread along the contours so a tiered approach makes the most sense. The house is not only tiered up the slope by bunkering in a good majority of the floor area, it also is divided into 3 sections that progressively step back and follow the angles of the contour lines. This approach greatly breaks up any large expansive walls and mass and keeps the height of the home below the 18 ft vertical plane (Standard for homes which are deemed “visible”). While roughly half of the buildable area is well screened, the southern “third” of this area is exposed to the visibility platform at the Hwy 9/17 interchange. Since we have such a limited area in which to build, this portion of land needs to be utilized and therefore attributes to the majority of the visible portion of the house. The original house had a 34.9% visibility ratio and an overall height of 34’-9”. TWO STEP APPROACH Architecture First, we explored and evaluated ways to lower the height of the house. As noted in the hearing, there is not much if any leeway to reduce the floor to floor heights, so we focused our attention on the uppermost floor, which is the primary contributor to the visibility. The original roof was hipped and had ceiling heights varying between 9’- 9” and 10’-9”. The modified design lowers the ceiling heights to 9 ft and 10 feet respectively, as well as flattening out the roof. The commutative reduction in height is a full 3 feet on the bedroom section (the southern and most visible section) and 2 feet on the Family Room corner (north side). By doing this, the overall height (Low to High) has been reduced from 34’-9” to 32’-9”. This height reduction also results in a 2.9% reduction to the visibility ratio, taking it from 34.9% to 32.0%. While we were able to make significant strides in reducing both height and visibility, we feel the architecture retains its character and style. The flat roof is not visible from most view angles and retains the overhang and corbel detail that matches the rest of the house. Screening Trees Several mature oak trees cover the northern portion of the property, with several more oaks located in the lower apron area that effectively screen the majority of the proposed residence. At the suggestion of the planning commission, we have completed extensive studies using computer simulation to evaluate how effective adding new trees would be in further reducing the visibility ratio. We have been pleased to find that trees can indeed be positioned to provide excellent screening results. PROCESS As part of the process of identifying appropriate screening trees, we felt it critical to identify indigenous trees that had sufficient height and screening potential. We determined that the trees need to be a minimum of 18 feet tall to achieve necessary screening, with a growth potential to reach the desired height to be anywhere between 22-25 feet tall within a reasonable amount of time. The list is short and includes Oaks, Redwoods and Cedars. We did not consider California Bay trees as they have been found to be the prime carrier of SODS (Sudden Oak Death Syndrome). THE BOUKNIGHT RESIDENCE, 145 WOOD RD*, PAGE of 3 4 THE BOUKNIGHT RESIDENCE, 145 WOOD RD*, PAGE of 4 4 Deodar Cedars have more openings within the branch structure and are not solid enough for our purposes. Oaks, especially Coast Live Oaks, are evergreen and have relatively solid canopies. However, there are two significant issues with Coast Live Oaks: One issue relates to size and the second relates to the growth rate. To get our desired starting size between 18-20 feet, the box size is substantial (108” size) and the projected cost of upwards of $25,000 per tree (planted) becomes prohibitive; several trees are needed. The bigger problem is trees of this size take several years to get established and begin to grow again. In contrast, smaller oaks (24”- 36” box sizes) “take” right away and grow much faster, but they start around 8-10 feet in height and would take a good 10-15 years to reach the necessary heights. We are ultimately proposing indigenous Redwoods, which not only are available in 18’-6” heights (see attached photo from Devil Mountain Nursery) but also have a projected 2 feet annual growth rate. This, along with their dense structure make Redwoods our tree of choice. The proposal is to purchase 60” box size Redwoods (18’-6” ft tall) this fall, then contract with the grower to nurture them so they continue to grow at the nursery until ready to be planted. We have already consulted with the nursery and are prepared to move forward. Using this approach, the new trees would easily be 20 feet tall if not more at time of planting, which could be done once the majority of the work is completed, or approximately one year after breaking ground. Working with the topo and view corridor, we strategically positioned 3 groups of Redwoods (8 total) at different elevations in the apron area to create natural layered screening. Each tree is numbered on both the site plan and the visibility renderings to allow us to pinpoint these trees. Computer simulation then allows us to accurately analyze the screening potential. The revised Visibility Screening Study depicts the trees and the proposed home (with modified upper roofs) at three stages: Time of planting, after one and two years time. The corresponding visibility calculations show the progression; after 2 years from the time of planting, these trees are projected to grow to approximately 24’-6” in height- enough to effectively reduce the visibility ratio to less than 24.5%. We have also completed a review of our easement rights and it is clear that the Bouknights have rights to plant and maintain trees in this easement area. One thing to point out is once the visibility ratio of the home is less than 24.5% (when a home is officially deemed as “Visible”), neither the 18 ft height plane limit nor the need for an exception to the 28 ft low-to-high height limit would technically be necessary. CONCLUSION We appreciate your time to review our application and look forward to receiving your support and approval. By following the Planning Commissioners’ suggestion to add screening trees, we have determined that we will be able to reduce the visibility ratio to less than 24.5% in 2 years time or less (from time of planting). Along with making structural changes to reduce the overall height, we hope to have addressed all concerns highlighted during the July 28 meeting. Sincerely, Gary Kohlsaat, Architect C19245 From: Norm Matteoni Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 1:23 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Jeremy Cunningham ; Attorney <Attorney@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Planning Commission Hearing July 28 Item 2 (Wood Rd.) Sean Mullin While m y client does n ot object to the approval of the applicant’s proposed single fam ily residence and two car garage, it does seek to protect the right of way (extension of Wood Rd.) across the back of the property as shown in this 1965 Record of Survey (the applicant’s parcel is at the upper left corner of what was then Parcel 2). I understand that the Town Attorney is reviewing this issue. Thus, it seem s appropriate to continue the hearing to the next ag enda to resolve the m atter an d/or determ ine any conditioning of the approval regarding the right of way. Please advise the Comm ission of t his request. Norm NORMAN E. MATTEONI 848 The Alameda San Jose, California 95126 T: (408) 293-4300 F: (408) 293-4004 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email may be confidential and protected by legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use are prohibited; please notify us immediately and delete this copy from your system. EXHIBIT 14 From: Robert Schultz <RSchultz@losgatosca.gov> Sent: Sunday, August 1, 2021 3:16 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Norm Matteoni ; Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Jeremy Cunningham ; Attorney <Attorney@losgatosca.gov> Subject: RE: Planning Commission Hearing July 28 Item 2 (Wood Rd.) Hello Norm, The Planning Commission continued the matter until August 25. The 1965 survey you have provided does not establish a right of way (extension of Wood Rd.) across the back of the property. In order to establish a right of way you will need to provide documentation that the area was dedicated to the Town and then accepted by the Town. This documentation will be needed to be provided in order to for the Planning Commission to take your request into consideration. In accordance with the Santa Clara County Public Health Office Order, Town Offices are closed until further notice. Essential Town operations are functioning and staff continues to perform necessary work. This email may contain material that is confidential, privileged and/or attorney work product for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, reliance or distribution by others or forwarding without express permission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete all copies. From: Norm Matteoni Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 1:10 PM To: Robert Schultz <RSchultz@losgatosca.gov>; Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov>; Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Attorney <Attorney@losgatosca.gov> Subject: RE: Planning Commission Hearing July 28 Item 2 (Wood Rd.) - continued Robe rt This will confirm that we did not find evidence of the upper portion of Wood Road had been dedicated to th e Town. But I h ave attached a report from a title expert – Jim Weller, who h as h ad prior experience in Los Gatos an d is a well-known title researcher. It is h is conclusion that the private easem ent rem ains in place, crossing the upper reaches of the applicant’s parcel. Notwithstanding th e RADE lot line adjustm ent that had the result of transferring the fee from a separate parcel, labelled as Wood Road pursuant to a 1965 Record of Survey, into the RADE adjacent holdings, in creating the current lot configuration, the easement was not extinguished. It rem ains run n ing through the new lots. Thus, m y client ag ain requests that an y developm ent approval consider an d protect the easem ent, keeping it free of improvem ents. Norm Matteoni NORMAN E. MATTEONI 848 The Alameda San Jose, California 95126 T: (408) 293-4300 F: (408) 293-4004 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email may be confidential and protected by legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use are prohibited; please notify us immediately and delete this copy from your system. landtitleguru.com 1 July 31, 2021 Frank Lewis 145 Camino Pacifico Aptos, CA 95003 Norman E. Matteoni Matteoni O’Laughlin & Hechtman 848 The Alameda San Jose CA 95126 RE: Wood Road, Los Gatos - APN: 510-46-043 Dear Mr. Lewis and Mr. Matteoni: You have engaged me to provide my professional consulting services with regard to the above-referenced matter. As you know, I am an expert land title examiner, analyst, and advisor practicing independently from my office in Capitola, California. My qualifications and expertise come from some fifty years’ professional experience in land title practice, in connection with a wide variety of California real property transactions and litigation. I am not an attorney at law. My services do not include the practice of law, and my advice is not to be relied upon as legal advice. You have asked me to review a collection of maps and documents, some provided by you, and some collected by me, including publicly available Record of Survey maps, a Prelimi- nary Report dated July 25, 2018, Order No. 4312-5756414 (“the Prelim”) for David Ebrahimi and Jean Ebrahimoun, Trustees (“Ebrahimi”), and relevant deeds and other documents of record, concerning land in the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, title to which is vested in your clients Ebrahmi, and relevant as well to nearby and adjoining lands. Ebrahimi’s land, about six acres in area, is designated as Assessor’s Parcels (“APN”) No. 510-46-006 and 510-46-007 (to- gether and separately, the “Ebrahimi land,” including appurtenances, in some contexts). I have reviewed the contents of all the maps and documents carefully, and I have exam- ined the relevant land title record information indexed in the “title plant” maintained by Chicago Title Company in San Jose, California. I have likewise obtained and reviewed copies of numer- ous other relevant recorded deeds I was able to identify. I have carefully examined all of the rele- vant recorded survey maps, and also all the relevant recorded deeds disclosed by notations on those maps. I have provided you with digital copies of everything I have reviewed. I have not myself conducted a comprehensive title search in the Santa Clara County Pub- lic records. Nonetheless, in view of all the documentation I have reviewed, I believe I understand the contents and significance of the relevant land title records adequately, so as to advise with regard to the matters of concern to your clients. Summary of Facts and Observations landtitleguru.com 2 The Ebrahimi land abuts upon a private roadway area approximately 30 feet wide, com- monly known as Wood Road. The northerly boundary of the Ebrahimi land is described in deeds of record as the southerly boundary of Wood Road. I have been unable to determine how the title in fee as to the roadway area adjoining the boundary of the Ebrahimi land is vested. The adjacent part of Wood Road, extending easterly from the northerly corner of the Ebrahimi land, was designated as a separately assessed parcel of land by the County Assessor, APN 510-47-043 (“APN 043”) until February 15, 2017. Afterward, APN 043 was “retired” and combined with the adjacent 4.321 acres of land now or formerly owned by RADE Properties, LLC (“RADE”), now designated as APN 510-47-044 and 510-47-045 (the “RADE land.”) This change was apparently made pursuant to the deed by Paul S. Liccardo and Toni A. Liccardo to RADE, recorded October 13, 2015, Document No. 23105140, Official Records (the “RADE deed”), and the Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment concerning the RADE land, recorded October 26, 2016, Document No. 23477967, Official Records (the “RADE LLA”). The RADE deed and the RADE LLA both described and depicted APN 043 as a part of the RADE land. The RADE land, apparently including APN 043, was formerly owned by the Estate of Irma L. Farwell, deceased (“Farwell”), who died on March 4, 1964. The corpus of her estate (the “Farwell Estate”) was distributed according to a Decree of Final Distribution recorded Septem- ber 14, 1965 in Volume 7102, pages 582-601, Official Records. The relevant portion of the land belonging to the Farwell Estate was delineated and de- picted on a Record of Survey map filed on February 10, 1965 in Book 190 of Maps, page 52, Santa Clara County Records (the “Farwell Survey.”) According to the Farwell Survey, the 30- foot wide segment of Wood Road (APN 043) that was situated between Parcel 1 (6.494 acres) and Parcel 2 (4.321 acres) was a separate parcel of land, not part of either Parcel 1 or Parcel 2. According to a Quitclaim Deed dated December 29, 1971, recorded March 6, 1972, in Volume 9731, pages 555-556, Official Records, the distributees of the Farwell Estate remised and relinquished their right, title, interest, or claim as to APN 43 unto Werner J. Jasper and Louis L. Jasper (“Jasper”), who were then the owners of Parcel 2 of the Farwell Survey. In this 1971 Quitclaim Deed, APN 043 was described as “. . . a portion of the strip of land designated as Wood Road [according to the Farwell Survey].” It appears that the title in fee as to APN 043 was regarded as having been vested in the Farwell Estate, and it was the intent of the parties that it be vested in the owner of Parcel 2. Jasper’s title to Parcel 2 and APN 043 was subsequently trans- ferred to RADE. The Farwell Estate’s title in fee as to Wood Road apparently was subject to a private, ex- pressly granted easement described as “an open, free and unobstructed right of way from the County Road known as the Santa Cruz Road to the above described property along the road now used and sometimes called the Woods[sic] Road, said road being 20 to 30 feet wide” (the “Wood Road right of way”) according to a deed dated January 24, 1948 by Albert Edward Gately, et al (“Gately”), to James L. Countryman and Edna Countryman (“Countryman”), recorded in Vol- ume 1563, pages 273-274, Official Records. landtitleguru.com 3 The 1948 Countryman grantees were the predecessors in title to Ebrahimi, and “Country- man” was the owner of the Ebrahimi land in 1965, according to the Farwell Survey. Previously, James L. Countryman was the owner of the Ebrahimi land according to the Record of Survey filed September 21, 1951 in Book 35 of Maps, page 1, Santa Clara County Records. Alice Gately was the owner of the Ebrahimi land according to the Map of the Oak Knoll Tract filed May 16, 1914 in Book “O” of Maps, pages 50-51, Santa Clara County Records. I have not determined by what conveyance of record Gately or their predecessor(s) may have acquired title to the Wood Road right of way, though I believe it is a reasonable conjecture that it was granted by a deed executed decades earlier by Farwell, or her apparent predecessor, J. W. Lyndon. The style of the language describing the Wood Road right of way indicates to me that it was very likely granted early in the 20th century, or perhaps some years before then. Where in fact, precisely, the actual traveled way of Wood Road was situated at any time between 1914 and 1965 is indeterminate. The roadway through the RADE land, for travel to and from the Ebrahimi land, may have been relocated, according to the Easement Deed dated Febru- ary 20, 1974 by Rex George Moores, et al (“Moores and Nickele”), to James L. Countryman, recorded July 31, 1974 in Volume B018, pages 553-554, Official Records. In 1974, apparently, Moores and Nickele were the owners of the RADE land, that is, Par- cel 2, and AP 43. According to this Easement Deed, Countryman was granted “an easement for ingress and egress for road purposes” in “a strip of land [within Parcel 2] . . . 36.00 feet wide” extending westerly from APN 043 to the easterly boundary of the Ebrahimi land (the “1974 roadway easement”). This roadway alignment is depicted in Exhibit “C” and Exhibit “E” at- tached to the 2016 RADE LLA. Furthermore, it appears that an adjoining portion of the RADE land, according to Exhibit “D” and Exhibit “E” attached to the 2016 RADE LLA, was intended to become subject to an “easement for ingress, egress & utilities” that would also be appurtenant to the Ebrahimi land. Apparently, this additional easement was not granted of record to Ebrahimi. Conclusions In my opinion, the title in fee as to APN 043 is vested in RADE, or RADE’s successors in interest. The title to the RADE land, including APN 043, is subject to the effect of the Wood Road right of way, appurtenant to the Ebrahimi land, and the 1974 roadway easement, and the effect of the additional easement described in “Exhibit “D” and depicted in “Exhibit E” of the 2016 RADE LLA, both appurtenant to the Ebrahimi land. Best regards, Jas. E. Weller Jim Weller OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A0 1/25/21 - COVER SHEET PROJECT DIRECTORY ARCHITECT: KOHLSAAT & ASSOCIATES 51 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE L LOS GATOS, CA 95030 TEL: (408) 395-2555 SCOPE OF WORK SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT ON AN EXISTING VACANT HR-5 ZONED LOT. WORK TO INCLUDE: STRUCTURES: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE AND BELOW GRADE FLOOR AREAS. 2. OPEN TRELLIS AND LOGGIA 3. EGRESS, VENTILATION WELL AND SITE STAIRS. SITE WORK (SEE CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS): 1. ACCESS DRIVEWAY INCLUDING FIRE TRUCK TURNAROUND 2. UTILITY CONNECTIONS 3. PLANNING FOR FUTURE POOL AND SECURITY FENCING 4. PAVED YARD AREAS 5. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATIONS ALSO SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE SCOPES. NO TREE IS PROPOSED TO BE REMOVED. VICINITY MAP PROJECT DATA PROJECT ADDRESS: APN#: ZONING: OCCUPANCY GROUP: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: GROSS & NET SITE AREA: AVERAGE LOT SLOPE: NET LOT AREA: PARKING: FIRE SPRINKLER: 145 WOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS (ADDRESS PENDING) 510-47-045 HR-5 R-3, U V-B 29,632 SF 35.1% 11852.8SF (AFTER 60% DEDUCTION) 2 SPACES IN GARAGE, 4 SPACES ON DRIVEWAY WILL PROVIDE MAIN FLOOR LOWER FLOOR UPPER FLOOR GARAGE TOTAL MAX. ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA = 3,900SF 1,739 SF 311 SF 1,147 SF 49 SF 3,246 SF = 18.97% STRUCTURE COVERAGE: RESIDENCE + GARAGE FOOTPRINT COVERED PATIOS, DECKS, BALCONIES POOL & SPA SUBTOTAL 3,781 SF 1,136 SF 705 SF 5,622 SF * EXCLUSIONS: (1) BELOW GRADE SF (2) GARAGE UP TO 400SF SHEET INDEX OWNERS: KAVITA AND OMARI BOUKNIGHT 16717 SHANNON ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95032 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYOR: HANNA-BRUNETTI 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY, CA 95020 TEL: (408) 842-2173 FLOOR AREA (A): 1,065 SF (1) 1,648 SF (1) 452 SF(1 & 2) EXCLUSIONS (B)*: 2,804 SF 1,959 SF 1,147 SF 501 SF 6,411 SF (A) + (B): FIRE/ BUILDING NOTES • FIRE SPRINKLERS: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 square feet. Note: The owner(s), occupant(s) and any contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) are responsible for consulting with the water purveyor of record in order to determine if any modification or upgrade of the existing water service is required. A State of California licensed (C-16) Fire Protection Contractor shall submit plans, calculations, a completed permit application and appropriate fees to this department for review and approval prior to beginning their work. CRC Sec. 313.2 as adopted and amended by LGTC. • WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requiremeTnts of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2016 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7 • ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. [CFC Sec. 505.1]. • EMERGENCY GATE/ACCESS GATE REQUIREMENTS: Gate installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specification G-1 and, when open shall not obstruct any portion of the required width for emergency access roadways or driveways. Locks, if provided, shall be fire department approved prior to installation. Gates across the emergency access roadways shall be equipped with an approved access devices. Knox Key- switch is required for the automatic gate. • FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS DRIVEWAY REQUIRED: Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to the Fire Department Standard Details Specifications D-1 and CFC Section 503. •CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction site must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC chapter 33 and County of Santa Clara Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. • REACH CODE COMPLIANCE: This residence will comply with the town's electric appliance, electric vehicle and energy storage system requirements in accordance with town code section 6.70.020 and 6.120.020. DEFERRAL SUBMITTALS • PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT STANDARDS W-1 AND MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. FIRE PROTECTION WATER SYSTEMS SHALL BE PERMITTED, INSTALLED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE PREVENTION OFFICE. THE WHARF HYDRANT SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AT ALL TIMES. TANK SYSTEMS PROVIDING BOTH THE DOMESTIC SUPPLY AND SUPPLY TO THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND/OR HYDRANT MAY REQUIRE CROSS CONTAMINATION PROTECTION. HYDRANT AND TANK OUTLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE CENTER OF THE HOSE CONNECTION IS NOT LESS THAN EIGHTEEN (18") INCHES NOR MORE THAN THIRTY (30") INCHES ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. TWO NEW 5000 GALLON WATER TANKS TO BE INSTALLED. •PV SYSTEM - A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE PV SYSTEM AS REQUIRED BY THE ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMPLIANCE MODELING. GEOLOGIC & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING: C2EARTH 750 CAMDEN AVE, SUITE A CAMPBELL, CA 95008 TEL: (408) 866-5436 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: DAVID R. FOX & COMPANY 1188 KOTENBERG AVE SAN JOSE, CA 95125 TEL: (408) 761-0212 A0 A1 A1.1 A1.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L1.0 L1.1 L1.2 L2.0 L3.0 L4.0 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 VS 1 VS 2 COVER SHEET OVERALL SITE PLAN W/ AERIAL ARCH SITE PLAN GRADING EXCEPTION SITE PLAN TOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA & ABBREVIATIONS BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGEND GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN EROSION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCSAPE PLAN FULL SITE LANDSCAPE PROPOSED STRUCTURE SECTIONS TREE PLAN PLANTING PLAN LOWER FLOOR PLAN MAIN FLOOR PLAN UPPER FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS SECTIONS SECTIONS VISIBILITY STUDY VISIBILITY STUDY 1 1 BUILDING FRONT VIEW FROM DRIVEWAY VIEW FROM DRIVEWAY VIEW FROM WOOD ROAD ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION FOR THE BOUKNIGHT RESIDENCE 145 WOOD ROAD* LOS GATOS, CA 95030 *ADDRESS NUMBER PENDING APPROVAL EXHIBIT 15 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A1 1/25/21 - OVERALL SITE PLAN W/ AERIALDOWNUPUPNUPW O O D R O A D ( p r i v a t e ) WOOD ROAD WO O D R O A D PROPOSED SITE HR-5 145 WOOD ROAD 138 WOOD RD HR-5 WOOD RD HR-5 100 CLIFTON AVE HR-5 110 WOOD RD R:PD 33 CLIFTON AVE R-1D 50 CLIFTON AVE R-1D 135 WOOD RD HR-5 121 WOOD RD HR-5 123 WOOD RD HR-5 40 FAIRVIEW PLZ HR-5 198 BROADWAY HR-5:LHP WOOD RD HR-5 150 WOOD RD SANTA CRUZ HWY HR-5 MOR NI N G ST AR 109 WOOD RD HR-5 115 WOOD RD HR-5 RESIDENTIAL SF: 2,704 TOTAL SF: 2,808 RESIDENTIAL SF: 2,698 TOTAL SF: 2,771 RESIDENTIAL SF: 8,131 TOTAL SF: 8,940 RESIDENTIAL SF: 4,558 TOTAL SF: 4,958 RESIDENTIAL SF: 4,446 TOTAL SF: 4,594 RESIDENTIAL SF: 2,288 TOTAL SF: 2,486 RESIDENTIAL SF: 1,828 TOTAL SF: 1,912 RESIDENTIAL SF: 4,526 TOTAL SF: 4,609 RESIDENTIAL SF: 3,246 TOTAL SF: 3,295 VICINITY MAP N SCALE: 1" = 40' Neighborhood Site Plan SUBJECT PROPERTY (WOOD ROAD - PARCEL B) OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A1.1 1/25/21 - ARCH SITE PLANDOWN(8"SS)(8"SS)(8"SS)JP GUY JP utility box headwall headwall headwall 688.80 INV 18IN PCP 7 0 9 .4 0 709.87SSMH -5.20 INV 8IN JP GUY 737.21SSMH -4.30 INV 8IN T12-15T12-15 T14-25 T12-20 T16-25 T12-20 T12-20760750 7407307207 1 0 7006 9 0 6 8 0 6807 0 0 690710720 730710 7 2 0730 720730740 650660670680690700 710 720 730 96.47 N21° 07' 30"W112.28N01° 06' 30"E32.02S52° 31' 14"E14.89S75° 03' 32"E26.78 S88° 25' 35"E 39.25 N83° 13' 13"E 62.33 N76° 20' 03"E 61.13 N85° 37' 36"E28.78 S77° 06' 34"E36.88 S57° 24' 54"E41.17S38° 54' 44"E36.09N10° 54' 00"W34.01N39° 13' 00"E25.08N 5 4 ° 4 6 ' 4 0 "E31.9 5 N 14° 59' 00"E24.45S13° 01' 00"E19.92S74° 32' 00"E N68° 51' 16"E 203.10 N21° 09' 25"W114.5551.46 10.87 37.16 CURB CURB-5.50INV 48IN CMP (8"SS) (8"SS) (8"SS)740UPUPNC (LOWER FL)C (LOWER FL)C (UPPER FL)BC (MAIN FL)C (MAIN FL) C (MAIN FL)BBBB 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 30'-0"FRONT SETBACK25'-0"REAR SETBACK2'-3"INTO FRONTSETBACK6'-21/2" POOL SETBACK 38'-2"HOUSE TO P.L.12'-6"TO P/L38'-31/2" HOUSE TO P/L 40'-81/2" HOUSE TO P/L 41'-31/2" HOUSE TO P/L 4 0 '-1 /2 " H Y D R A N T T O S T R U C T U R E20'-9"TANK TO STRUCTURE10'-0" TANK SETBACK 18'-0"8'-6" RETAINING WALL ASPHALT DRIVEWAY (W/ CURB AS SHOWN) CONC. RETAINING WALL CONC. RETAINING WALL L R D A LRDA LRDALRDALRDA INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT TO WOOD ROAD SUBJECT PROPERTY FIRE TRUCK TURNAROUND PROPOSED WHARF HYDRANT APN 510-47-027 APN 510-47-038 4.3 Acres EXISTING & PROPOSED 7001008ELECTRIC/TELEPHONE JOINT TRENCH SS CO SS CO 4" SS LATERALDOMESTIC WATERPROPOSEDWATER METER DOMESTIC WATER PROJECT SITE APN 510-47-043 #103 T9-15 #104 T16,16,16,12- #106 T18-25 #107 T20-35 #108 T16-25 #109 T10-20 #118 T12,12-35 #119 T20,26-45 #137 T16,30 #105 T18-35 #101 T24-45 #102 T12,6-15 #128 T24,40 #133 T13,18,18,45 #110 T18-25 #111 T6-15 #112 T6-15 #117 T9,6-25#115 T2,4-12 #113 T27-45 #116 T4,4-12 #114 T8-20 #121 T12-25 #120 T8-20 #127 T12,12-35 #132 T8-15 #129 T12-25 #122 T6-10 #123 T8-20 #124 T11-20 #125 T9-20 #126 T7-20 #130 T5,5-20 #131 T8-15 #134 T7,11,10-30 #135 T6-15 #136 T12-30 WASTE RECEPTACLEUPA (UPPER FL) A (MAIN FL)A (MAIN FL) A (MAIN FL)A (MAIN FL) A (MAIN FL)A (MAIN FL) A (LOWER FL) A (LOWER FL) A (LOWER FL) A (LOWER FL) LOWER FLOOR RETAINING WALL MAIN FLOOR RETAINING WALL GRAVEL PATH FROM LOWER TO MAIN LEVEL INSTALL (3) 7,000 GAL WATER TANKS FOR FIRE PROTECTION ON 6" CONCRETE PAD OVER 6" BASEROCK (TANK HEIGHT 10'-5", IN DARK GREEN COLOR) STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL EGRESS WELL/ STAIRS ADDRES DISPLAY AND MAIL. 6FT HT OPEN WOOD AND WIRE FENCE 6 HT OPEN WOOD AND WIRE FENCE 6FT HT OPEN IRON FENCE STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL W O O D R O A D (private) RESIDENCE (MAIN LEVEL) F.F. 734.58' DECK (MAIN LEVEL) PATIO (MAIN LEVEL) LOWER YARD (UPPER LEVEL) RESIDENCE (UPPER LEVEL) F.F. 744.66' POOL BY OTHERS (UPPER LEVEL) LOGGIA (MAIN LEVEL) GARAGE (LOWER LEVEL) F.F. 723.0' DECK (MAIN LEVEL) DRIVEWAY (ASPHALT) SEE CIVIL FOR SLOPE D R IV E W A Y / T U R N -A R O U N D (C O N C + P A V E R ) COURT YARD (GRAVEL) PATH (GRAVEL) EGRESS PATH (LOWER LEVEL) TURN-OUT DRIVEWAY (ASPHALT) SEE CIVIL FOR SLOPE ENTRY TO RESIDENCE (LOWER LEVEL) F.F. 723.5' FOUNTAIN (4) 8.5x18 PARKING SPACES HOT TUB BY OTHERS (UPPER LEVEL) UPPER YARD (UPPER LEVEL) LOWER YARD (UPPER LEVEL) EQUIP (MAIN LEVEL) TYPE (FLOOR) TYPE (FLOOR) LEGEND LOWER FLOOR GARAGE AND RESIDENCE MAIN FLOOR RESIDENCE MAIN FLOOR DECK AND LOGGIA UPPER FLOOR RESIDENCE UPPER FLOOR PAVERS YARD AREA LOWER FLOOR PAVERS DRIVEWAY AREA ASPHALT PAVED DRIVEWAY D.G. PATH & PATIO (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) GRASS AREA FUTURE POOL WM CO EM STONE FINISH RETAINING WALL AT YARD (SEE CIVIL FOR HTS) STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL AT BUILDING (SEE CIVIL FOR HTS) RUSTIC CONCRETE FINISH RETAINING WALL ALONG DRIVEWAY (SEE CIVIL FOR HTS) EXISTING WOOD FENCE NEW OPEN WOOD & IRON FENCE TREE PROTECTION FENCE (DURING CONSTRUCTION) EXISTING TREE (AND DRIB LINE) TO REMAIN EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE LEAST RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT AREA (LRDA) LINE NEW ELECTRICAL AND DATA LINES VIA W/ NEW JOINT TRENCH LINE TO HOUSE NEW WATER METER W/ NEW LINE TO HOUSE AND FIRE PROTECTION TANKS NEW SEWER CLEAN-OUT, W/ BACKFLOW DEVICE AS SHOWN. SITE ADDRESS ADDRESS SHALL BE PLACED IN A POSITION THAT IS PLAINLY LEGIBLE & VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. THE NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MIN. 4" HIGH WITH A MIN. STROKE WIDTH OF ½". WHERE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF A PRIVATE ROAD & THE BUILDING ADDRESS CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM THE PUBLIC WAY, A MONUMENT, POLE, OR OTHER SIGN OR MEANS SHALL BE USED TO IDENTIFY THE STRUCTURE. CBC R319.1 PROPOSED EXTERIOR LIGHTS: TYPE A B C FIXTURE TYPES: CEILING SURFACED MOUNTED @ 10'-0" A.F.F. PATH LIGHTS @ 3' A.F.F. WALL SURFACED MOUNTED @ 7'-0" A.F.F. EXIT POINT FROM / AROUND RESIDENCE EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES WILL BE SHIELDED AND DOWNWARD DIRECT. ALL EXTERIOR FIXTURES LOCATED AT A HEIGHT OF FOUR FEET OR MORE WILL MEET THE REQUIREMENT TO BE FULLY CUTOFF FIXTURES AND DOWNWARD DIRECTED SO THAT NO DIRECT LIGHT RAYS ARE EMITTED AT MORE THAN 90 DEGREES FRON THE VERTICAL. TYPE (FLOOR) N SCALE: 1" = 10' ARCH. SITE PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A1.2 1/25/21 - GRADING EXCEPTION SITE PLANDOWNT12-15T12-15 T14-25 T12-20 T16-25 T12-20 T12-20760750 7407307207 1 0 7006 9 0 6 8 0 6807 0 0 690710720 730710 7 2 0730 720730740 650660670680690700 710 720 730 96.47 N21° 07' 30"W112.28N01° 06' 30"E32.02S52° 31' 14"E14.89S75° 03' 32"E26.78 S88° 25' 35"E 39.25 N83° 13' 13"E 62.33 N76° 20' 03"E 61.13 N85° 37' 36"E28.78 S77° 06' 34"E36.88 S57° 24' 54"E41.17S38° 54' 44"E36.09N10° 54' 00"W34.01N39° 13' 00"E25.08N 5 4 ° 4 6 ' 4 0 "E31.9 5 N 14° 59' 00"E24.45S13° 01' 00"E19.92S74° 32' 00"E N68° 51' 16"E 203.10 N21° 09' 25"W114.5551.46 10.87 37.16 CURB CURB740UPUPN 18'-1/2" 15'-0" YARD SPACE FROM HOUSE 17'-1" YARD SPACE FROM HOUSE 16'-51/4" YARD SPACE FROM HOUSE 10'-0" L R D A LRDA LRDALRDALRDA 7001008#103 T9-15 #104 T16,16,16,12- #106 T18-25 #107 T20-35 #108 T16-25 #109 T10-20 #118 T12,12-35 #119 T20,26-45 #137 T16,30 #105 T18-35 #101 T24-45 #102 T12,6-15 #128 T24,40 #133 T13,18,18,45 #110 T18-25 #111 T6-15 #112 T6-15 #117 T9,6-25#115 T2,4-12 #113 T27-45 #116 T4,4-12 #114 T8-20 #121 T12-25 #120 T8-20 #127 T12,12-35 #132 T8-15 #129 T12-25 #122 T6-10 #123 T8-20 #124 T11-20 #125 T9-20 #126 T7-20 #130 T5,5-20 #131 T8-15 #134 T7,11,10-30 #135 T6-15 #136 T12-30UPCONTOUR LINE 739.66' USED TO DETERMINE UNDERFLOOR AREA ON MAIN LEVEL CONTOUR LINE 729.58' USED TO DETERMINE UNDERFLOOR AREA ON LOWER LEVEL 5.8 FT OF CUT (MAX.) (5.7 FT OF FILL FOR 6.7 FT HIGH RET. WALL) SEE CIVIL SHT 5.3' FI LL LI NE4' CUT LINE4.25' OF CUT LOCATION OF WATER TANKS IN SETBACK, SEE JUSTIFICATION LETTER (MAX.) (5.7 FT OF FILL FOR 6.7 FT HIGH RET. WALL) 3 ' F IL L L IN E AVERAGE 3' TO 4' OF FILL WITHIN THIS PORTION OF DRIVEWAY SEE CIVIL PLAN SHEET 5 FOR MORE INFO. SEE LANDSCSAPE PLAN L2.0 FOR MORE INFO. W O O D R O A D (private) RESIDENCE PATIO LOWER YARD RESIDENCE POOL BY OTHERS (UPPER LEVEL) LOGGIA DRIVEWAY/ TURN-AROUND COURT YARD EGRESS PATH ENTRY TO RESIDENCE GARAGE UPPER YARD SITTING AREA WATER TANKS TURN-OUTLEGEND CUT EXCEPTION FILL EXCEPTION SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR GRADING QUANTITIES AND RETAILING WALL HEIGHTS SCALE: 1" = 10' PROPOSED SITE GRADING EXCEPTIONS REV.: DEC. 2015 VICINITY MAP PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSTOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA & ABBREVIATIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003REVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE:MAY 21, 2021AMXXAMTMAS SHOWN20053TOWN OF LOS GATOS STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: a. TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS). b. ALL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO THE PROJECT. c. THESE PLANS AND DETAILS. d. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROJECT SOILS INVESTIGATION SOILS ENGINEER ___________________________________________________ REFERENCE REPORT NO. _______________, DATED ____________ LETTER NO. __________, DATED ____________, SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPLIED WITH. BOTH THE MENTIONED REPORT AND ALL UPDATES/ADDENDUMS/LETTERS ARE HEREBY APPENDED AND MADE A PART OF THESE PLANS. 2. NO WORK MAY BE STARTED ON-SITE WITHOUT AN APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND A GRADING PERMIT ISSUED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 41 MILES AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030. 3. A PRE-JOB MEETING SHALL BE HELD WITH THE TOWN ENGINEERING INSPECTOR FROM THE PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE INSPECTIONS LINE AT (4080 399-5771 AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING OR ONSITE WORK. THIS MEETING SHOULD INCLUDE: a. A DISCUSSION OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, WORKING HOURS, SITE MAINTENANCE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATTERS; b. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN WRITING THAT CONTRACTOR AND APPLICANT HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, AND WILL MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL PROJECT SUB-CONTRACTORS HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THEM PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND THAT A COPY OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WILL BE POSTED ON SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4. APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELEASE THE DEVELOPER OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF MISTAKES, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. IF, DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC INTEREST AND SAFETY REQUIRES A MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATIONS OR THESE IMPROVEMENT PLANS, THE TOWN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE SUCH MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE AND TO SPECIFY THE MANNER IN WHICH THE SAME IS TO BE MADE. 5. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN APPLIES ONLY TO THE GRADING, EXCAVATION, PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION OF NATURAL EARTH MATERIALS. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONFER ANY RIGHTS OF ENTRY TO EITHER PUBLIC PROPERTY OR THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF OTHERS AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. 6. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR TO IDENTIFY, LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY USA (UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT) AT 1-800-227-2600 A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS BUT NOT MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ALL WORK. 7. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR AIRBORNE PARTICULATES. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS, CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK IDENTIFIED ON THESE PLANS. THESE SHALL INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SAFETY AND HEALTH RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHED BY OR PURSUANT TO THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OR ANY OTHER APPLICABLE PUBLIC AUTHORITY. 9. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE QUALIFIED SUPERVISION ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE ALL NECESSARY CAUTION TO AVOID DAMAGE TO ANY EXISTING TREES, SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, WATER, SEWER, ELECTRICAL OR TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES WHETHER ABOVE GROUND OR UNDERGROUND. CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE THERETO. 11. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS SHALL BE SET AND CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER QUALIFIED TO PRACTICE LAND SURVEYING. 12. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL APPLICABLE WORK (SUBGRADE, PAVING, ETC.) SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE APPLICANT'S SOILS ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING SUCH WORK. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE ON-SITE TO VERIFY CONDITIONS AS REQUIRED IN HIS REPORT. SHOULD ANY CHANGES TO THE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS BE NECESSARY, TOWN APPROVAL SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ANY ASSOCIATED WORK. 13. THE RESULTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING SHALL BE DOCUMENTED IN AN “AS-BUILT” LETTER/REPORT PREPARED BY THE APPLICANTS' SOILS ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED FOR THE TOWN'S REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE BEFORE FINAL RELEASE OF ANY OCCUPANCY PERMIT IS GRANTED. 14. ALL PRIVATE AND PUBLIC STREETS ACCESSING PROJECT SITE SHALL BE KEPT OPEN AND IN A SAFE, DRIVABLE CONDITION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. IF TEMPORARY CLOSURE IS NEEDED, THEN FORMAL WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE ADJACENT NEIGHBORS AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE OF CLOSURE, AND NO CLOSURE SHALL BE GRANTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE TOWN. NO MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE STORED IN THE PUBLIC OR PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN FENCES, BARRIERS, LIGHTS AND SIGNS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO GIVE ADEQUATE WARNING AND PROTECTION TO THE PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES. 16. OWNER/APPLICANT: ____________________________ PHONE:_____________ 17. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: _________________________ PHONE:_____________ 18. A TOWN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. A STATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY (IF APPLICABLE). THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING INSPECTION PERFORMED BY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES. 19. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES SHALL BE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. SUPERINTENDENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DILIGENTLY PERFORMED BY A PERSON OR PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO DO SO AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THE STORING OF GOODS AND/OR MATERIALS ON THE SIDEWALK AND/OR THE STREET WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS A SPECIAL PERMIT IS ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. THE ADJACENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF ALL JOB RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS AT THE END OF THE DAY. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCORDING TO THIS CONDITION MAY RESULT IN PENALTIES AND/OR THE TOWN PERFORMING THE REQUIRED MAINTENANCE AT THE DEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. SHEET INDEX 1.TOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA & ABBREVIATIONS 2.BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET 3.EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 4.SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGEND 5.GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - 20 SCALE DRIVEWAY PROFILE 6.GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - 10 SCALE 7.EROSION CONTROL PLAN PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003 TOWN OF LOS GATOS NPDES NOTES 1. SEDIMENT FROM AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE USING STRUCTURAL CONTROLS AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 2. STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE PROPERLY CONTAINED TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES VIA RUNOFF, VEHICLE TRACKING, OR WIND AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 3. APPROPRIATE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED MATERIALS, WASTES, SPILL OR RESIDES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO MINIMIZE TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, OR ADJOINING PROPERTY BY WIND OR RUNOFF AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 4. RUNOFF FROM EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE WASHING SHALL BE CONTAINED AT CONSTRUCTION SITES AND MUST NOT BE DISCHARGED TO RECEIVING WATERS OR TO THE LOCAL STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ARE TO BE MADE AWARE OF THE REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES FOR THE PROJECT SITE AND ANY ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREAS. 6. AT THE END OF EACH DAY OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS SHALL BE COLLECTED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED IN TRASH OR RECYCLE BINS. 7. CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A CONDITION THAT A STORM DOES NOT CARRY WASTE OR POLLUTANTS OFF OF THE SITE. DISCHARGES OF MATERIAL OTHER THAN STORMWATER (NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES) ARE PROHIBITED EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY AN INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT OR THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: SOLID OR LIQUID CHEMICAL SPILLS; WASTES FROM PAINTS, STAINS, SEALANTS, SOLVENTS, DETERGENTS, GLUES, LIME, PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, FERTILIZERS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES AND ASBESTOS FIBERS, PAINT FLAKES OR STUCCO FRAGMENTS; FUELS, OILS, LUBRICANTS, AND HYDRAULIC, RADIATOR OR BATTERY FLUIDS; CONCRETE AND RELATED CUTTING OR CURING RESIDUES; FLOATABLE WASTES; WASTES FROM ENGINE/EQUIPMENT STEAM CLEANING OR CHEMICAL DEGREASING; WASTES FROM STREET CLEANING; AND SUPERCHLORINATED POTABLE WATER FROM LINE FLUSHING AND TESTING. DURING CONSTRUCTION, DISPOSAL OF SUCH MATERIALS SHOULD OCCUR IN A SPECIFIED AND CONTROLLED TEMPORARY AREA ON-SITE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED FROM POTENTIAL STORMWATER RUNOFF, WITH ULTIMATE DISPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. 8. DISCHARGING CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING GROUNDWATER THAT HAS INFILTRATED INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IS PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING OF CONTAMINATED SOILS VIA SURFACE EROSION IS ALSO PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING NON-CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING ACTIVITIES REQUIRES A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT FROM THE RESPECTIVE STATE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. TOTAL SITE AREA: 29,632 SF TOTAL SITE AREA DISTURBED: 14,637 SF (INCLUDING CLEARING, GRADING OR EXCAVATING) EXISTING AREA (SF) PROPOSED AREA (SF) REPLACED NEW TOTAL AREA POST-PROJECT (SF) IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL NEW & REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS AREA TABLE OF PROPOSED PERVIOUS AND IMPERVIOUS AREAS AB AGGREGATE BASE AC ASPHALT CONCRETE AD AREA DRAIN ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE BC BACK OF CURB BFP BACKFLOW PREVENTER BW BOTTOM OF WALL CATV CABLE TELEVISION CB CATCH BASIN CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND C/L CENTERLINE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEANOUT CY CUBIC YARD DCVA DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY DI DROP INLET DIA DIAMETER DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DWY DRIVEWAY (E)EAST EG EXISTING GRADE ELEC ELECTRICAL EP EDGE OF PATH EVAE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT EX EXISTING FC FACE OF CURB FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE FH FIRE HYDRANT FL FLOW LINE FM FORCED MAIN FS FIRE SERVICE FT FEET G GAS GA GAUGE GB GRADE BREAK GM GAS METER GS GAS SERVICE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HP HIGH POINT IEE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IN INCH INV INVERT ELEVATION LAT LATERAL LG LIP OF GUTTER LP LOW POINT MAX MAXIMUM MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MPH MILES PER HOUR (N)NORTH N.T.S.NOT TO SCALE O.C.ON CENTER O.D.OUTSIDE DIAMETER PAD PAD ELEVATION PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PERF PERFORATED PG&E PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY PIEE PRIVATE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PL PROPERTY LINE PR PROPOSED PSDE PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PSE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT PSSE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE R RADIUS RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RIM RIM ELEVATION R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY (S)SOUTH S SLOPE SCC SANTA CLARA COUNTY SCCFD SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SD STORM DRAIN SDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT SDE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SDR STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO SF SQUARE FEET SJWC SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY SS SANITARY SEWER SSCO SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT SSE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STD STANDARD S/W SIDEWALK TC TOP OF CURB TELE TELEPHONE TLG TOWN OF LOS GATOS TW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE (W)WEST W WATER WM WATER METER WS WATER SERVICE WV WATER VALVE WVSD WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT XING CROSSING ABBREVIATIONS 7SHEET OF 1CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.APN 510-47-045CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COM145 WOOD ROAD - APN 510-47-045 Santa Cruz High way 17Santa Cruz AvenueWe s t M a i n S t r e e t Bro a d w a y S t r e e t Wo o d RoadBayviewAvenueTaft AvenueNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 REV.: SEPT. 2016 7SHEET OF 2 PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSREVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE:MAY 21, 2021AMXXAMTMNONECONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.20053GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANSLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADBLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAYARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045HB JOB NO. 20053 3SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMMAY 21, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003APN 510-47-045TOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 4SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMMAY 21, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGENDTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 5SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMMAY 21, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 6SHEET OF 7 200531"=10'TMAMXXAMMAY 21, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 7SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMMAY 21, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION NO. S-21-003EROSION CONTROL PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 145 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 8'-6"22'-6"8'-6"13'-6" Stone veneer Steel beam Wood lattice Electric fireplace Electric fireplace Side Elevation Front Elevation Rear Elevation Plan View Wood lattice Perspective View Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.TheBouknightResidence145WoodRoadLosGatosCaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212phonedavid@foxla.net1188kotenbergAvenuesanjose95125DavidR.Fox&CompanyLandscapeArchitectureProposedTrellisStructure4-12-21 1"=2'-0" L1.2 Canopy from report Tree number from report Tree protective fencing see detail 2" dia x 8' galv. steel fence post Drive minimum 24" into soil Chain link fabric 2'6'6' TYPE I TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING NTS1 6'Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.TheBouknightResidence145WoodRoadLosGatosCaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212phonedavid@foxla.net1188kotenbergAvenuesanjose95125DavidR.Fox&CompanyLandscapeArchitectureTree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications 1. Size and materials: Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base. 2. Area type to be fenced: Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. 3. Duration of Type I, II, III fencing: Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence. 4. Warning Sign: Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025.” Text on the signs should be in both English and Spanish (Appendix E). All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 1. Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. 2. Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. 3. Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. 4. Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. 5. Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. 6. Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. 7. The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered.TreePlanSYMBOL DESCRIPTION Existing tree from arborist report Existing tree to remain (typical) Tree to be removed (typical) Tree canopy from arborist report Fire truck turnaround New residence Proposed pool and spa Proposed play area Stone patios set on permeable base Proposed tree protection fencing Type 1 Driveway paving with installation that meets H/20 and HS/20 load standards Driveway to garage This section of path to be deferred until tree fencing can be removed 1 3 4 5 8 10 11 12 14 15 29 30 49 Θ∆Ε∆Θ∆ΜΒ∆ ΜΝΣ∆Ρ ΡΒΓ∆ΧΤΚ∆ 1"=20'-0" L3.0 11/26/20 New 60" box Sequoia Sempervirens - Redwood to be planted as shown N3 QA 25 BP 5 CD 5 VRL 1 FM 3 FM 9 AH2 4 PB2 4 CG 3 SG 3 SV 3 LP2 2 ML 2 PR3 2 CY 2 LA 8 AH 4 CL 3 CO 6 AL 5 AL 3 VRL 3 CO 3 VRL 4 MS 3 PL 2 LP 1 DB2 17 CP2 8 ML 24 SP2 4 CE 2 BG 5 AD2 14 AA2 1 CC 5 SP2 1 CH 10 SP2 1 LA 10 ML 7 LP 4 CO 25 CY 3 CD 9 RC2 6 CD 11 AL 3 VC 4 VC 3 VC 8 PL 8 CL 5 CO 1 PR2 3 CD 3 CD 16 CP2 14 AH 15 SP2 1 CH 6 LA 4 HC 4 LP2 6 AH2 3 LA 9 AA2 2 ZG 2 MR 3 FM 1 CD3 1 CD2 1 FM 1 CH 3 MP 4 CY 2 FM 5 AH2 2 ML 1 CC 1 PR2 4 CO Concrete pads with synthetic turf strips TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY CH Ceanothus x `Ray Hartman`Ray Hartman Wild Lilac 24" Box 3 CO Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Multi-trunk 24" Box 19 CD2 Citrus x aurantiifolia `Dwarf Bearss Seedless`Dwarf Bearss Seedless Lime 15 gal 1 CD3 Citrus x limon `Dwarf Improved Meyer`Dwarf Improved Meyer Lemon 15 gal.1 PR2 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 24"box 2 QA Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 24" Box 3 ΟΚ≅ΜΣ ΡΒΓ∆ΧΤΚ∆ Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.TheBouknightResidence145WoodRoadLosGatosCaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212phonedavid@foxla.net1188kotenbergAvenuesanjose95125DavidR.Fox&CompanyLandscapeArchitectureSHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY AD2 Abutilon x hybridum `Dwarf Red` Dwarf Red Flowering Maple 1 gal 5 AL Acacia redolens `Low Boy` Low Boy Bank Catclaw 5 gal 22 AA2 Anemone x hybrida `Alba` White Japanese Anemone 1 gal 23 AH2 Anigozanthos x `Big Red` Big Red Kangaroo Paw 5 gal 20 AH Arctostaphylos densiflora `Howard McMinn` Howard McMinn Manzanita 5 gal 22 BP Baccharis pilularis `Pigeon Point` Coyote Brush 5 gal 25 BG Buxus x `Green Mountain` Boxwood 5 gal 2 CL Callistemon citrinus `Little John` Dwarf Bottle Brush 5 gal 12 CE Carpenteria californica `Elizabeth` Bush Anemone 5 gal 4 CY Ceanothus `Yankee Point` California Lilac 1 gal 31 CG Ceanothus gloriosus Point Reyes Creeper 5 gal 4 CP2 Ceanothus griseus `Point Sal` Point Sal Carmel Ceanothus 1 gal 33 CD Ceanothus x `Dark Star` California Lilac 5 gal 20 CC Clytostoma callistegioides Violet Trumpet Vine 5 gal 2 DB2 Distictis buccinatoria Blood Red Trumpet Vine 5 gal 1 FM Ficus pumila minima Creeping Fig 5 gal 10 HC Heuchera villosa `Citronelle` Coral Bells 1 gal 4 LP Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana 1 gal 9 LA Lantana montevidensis `Alba` White Trailing Lantana 1 gal 12 LP2 Limonium perezii Statice 1 gal 7 MS Miscanthus sinensis `Adagio` Adagio Eulalia Grass 5 gal 4 ML Miscanthus sinensis `Little Kitten` Little Kitten Eulalia Grass 1 gal 22 MP Miscanthus sinensis `Purpurescens` Flame Eulalia Grass 5 gal 3 MR Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass 1 gal 2 PR3 Pennisetum rubrum Red Fountain Grass 5 gal 2 PL Perovskia atriplicifolia `Lacey Blue` Russian Sage 5 gal 11 PB2 Phormium tenax `Bronze Baby` Bronze Baby New Zealand Flax 1 gal 4 RC2 Rhamnus californica California Coffee Berry 5 gal 9 VRL Rosa banksiae `Lutea` Banksia Rose 5 gal 11 SP2 Salvia `Celestial Blue` Santa Rosa Island Sage 1 gal 54 SG Sempervivum x `Green Giant` Hen-and-Chicks 1 gal 3 SV Senecio vitalis Blue Chalk Fingers 1 gal 3 VC Vitis californica `Roger`s Red` California Wild Grape 1 gal 10 ZG Zantedeschia aethiopica `White Giant` White Giant Calla Lily 1 gal 2 ΟΚ≅ΜΣΡΒΓ∆ΧΤΚ∆ SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY 30 30 30 25 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Property line Line of Zone 3: 100` defensible zone 30` Ornamental planting line and line of Zone2: 30` defensible zone 11 25 30 Θ∆Ε∆Θ∆ΜΒ∆ ΜΝΣ∆Ρ ΡΒΓ∆ΧΤΚ∆ Note: This plant list is in conformance with low fuel varieties and the installation of the landscape shall comply with California Public Resources Code section 4291 numbers 1-6 and sections and California Government Code section 51882 numbers 1-6. Regular maintenance shall be performed by the homeowner as per cited code sections in this note. See calfire.ca.gov for information regarding creating defensible space. Note: Trees to replace ordnance size trees that are to be removed will be placed as space allows. Required replacement trees that cannot be planted on site will be subject to the Town in-lieu fee. Total replacement trees on this plan - 19, 24" box trees.PlantingPlan4-12-21 1"=10'-0" L4.0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Note: See sheets L1.1 and L3.0 for additional tree planting locations and type. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A3 1/25/21 - LOWER FLOOR PLANUP12345678910111213141516171819UPR12'-9"24'-11"34'-1"23'-5"57'-6"37'-8" 41'-10"22'-111/2" 64'-91/2"22'-0"16'-0"21'-10"59'-10"SHADED AREA: NOT INCLUDED IN FLOOR AREA COUNT: 1) 4 FT BELOW GRADE LINE 2) UP TO 400SF EXCLUSION FOR GARAGE CONTINUE EGRESS WELL/ PATH TO UPPER LEVEL 4 FT BEL OWGRADE L I NEWORK #2 FOYER BDRM #3 WORK #1 BA #3 COVERED PORCH ELEV. FF 723.5 EGRESS WELL MECH EQ. open to above MUD GYM STORE FF 723 FF 723.5 STORAGE UP DRIVEWAY GARAGE COVERED PORCH 1,698 sq ft SHADED AREAS NOT INCLUDED IN FLOOR AREAS: 1) 4 FT BELOW GRADE LINE 2) WITHIN FOOTPRINT OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE HALL B A10 B A10 F A10 F A10 A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 WOOD STUD WALL CONCRETE REC. WALL PAVED OUTDOOR DECK / PATIOS PAVED YARD AREAS ROOF COVERING LEGEND SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" LOWER FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A4 1/25/21 - MAIN FLOOR PLANDOWNUPDOWN12345678910111213141516171819UPUPUPDWRGDWR 73'-9"51'-7"47'-2"17'-1"13'-3"20'-5"21'-10"EGRESS WELL/STAIR CONNECTS UPPWER AND LOWER LEVELS. FF 734.58 PANTRY KITCHEN DINING BATH #1 BDRM #1 BDRM #2 LIVING RM ELEV.4 FT BELOWGRADE LI NELAUNDRY WALK-IN PWD OPEN DECK O/ GARAGE LOGGIA O/ DECK BA #2 clo. MECH/ STORE open to below/above TRELLIS O/ DECK coat PANTRY clo. DECK FF 734.58 skylight skylightskylight skylight pool equip on pad UPB A10 B A10 F A10 F A10 TO UPPER REAR YARD PATH TO LOWER LEVEL A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 WOOD STUD WALL CONCRETE REC. WALL PAVED OUTDOOR DECK / PATIOS PAVED YARD AREAS ROOF COVERING LEGEND SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" MAIN FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A5 1/25/21 - UPPER FLOOR PLANUPDOWNDOWN18'-4"25'-1/2"35'-1" 17'-111/2"17'-9" EGRESS WELL/STAIR CONNECTS TO LOWER LEVELS. BDRM #5 BDRM #4 PLAY BA #4 FF 744.66 BACK YARD PATIO ELEV. open to below BA #5 linenBAR clo. pool rinse area clo. DECK BELOW DRIVEWAY BELOW DECK BELOW FF 744.66 pool equip below DOWNB A10 F A10 EGRESS WELL/STAIR CONNECTS TO MID LEVELS. PATH TO LOWER LEVEL A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 WOOD STUD WALL CONCRETE REC. WALL PAVED OUTDOOR DECK / PATIOS PAVED YARD AREAS ROOF COVERING LEGEND SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A6 1/25/21 - ROOF PLAN SEE NORTH ELEVATION A8. PORTION OF LOGGIA OUTSIDE OF 18' HEIGHT PLANE d.s. d.s. d.s. d.s. d.s. d.s. d.s. d.s. d.s.d.s. B A10 B A10 F A10 F A10 49'-93/4" UPPER LEVEL SETBACK 34'-101/4" UPPER LEVEL SETBACK 41'-73/4" UPPER LEVEL SETBACK 19'-61/2" MAIN LEVEL SETBACK HIGHEST RIDGE LINE ELEVATION 755.91' MEMBRANED ROOF COVERING OPEN TRELLIS BALCONY ABOVE GARAGE CONCRETE SHINGLES STYLE ROOF COVERING CONCRETE SHINGLES STYLE ROOF COVERING DECK AND STAIR BELOW EGRESS WELL BELOW FACING REAR YARD FACING FRONT DRIVEWAY CONCRETE SHINGLES STYLE ROOF COVERING MEMBRANED ROOF COVERING MEMBRANED ROOF COVERING MEMBRANED ROOF COVERING MEMBRANED ROOF COVERING MEMBRANED ROOF COVERING 3:123:123:123:123:12 3:123:123:123:121/4:12 3:123:12 3:12cricket skylight skylight cricket 1/4:12 1/4:12 1/4:12 1/4:12 A A9 D A10 C A9 A A9 D A10 C A9 E A9 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED ROOF PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A7 1/25/21 - ELEVATIONS32'-11"(REDUCED FROM 34'-11")10'-1"9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")3'-0"BLDG HT REDUCTIONON THIS SIDETEMPERED SKYLIGHT (NOT VISIBLE) CAST STONE SHAPED BAND TRIM FINISH GRADE STAINED WOOD TRELLIS WITH SHAPED ENDS CAST STONE SHAPED BAND TRIM 3 12 3 12 EXISTINGGRADE WOOD DOOR AND WINDOW WITH ALUM. CLADDING PAINTED GALVANIZED OGEE GUTTER CLAY TILE ROOF COVER STUCCO FINISH SOLID RAILING INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING STONE TILE SIDING W/ LIMESTONE TRIM INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING PROPOSEDGRADE 18' HEIGHT PLANE @ THE ELEVATION CUT LINE EXISTINGGRADE LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' PLATE 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' PLATE 753.74' GARAGE FL 723' PLATE 733.58' PLATE 743.66' UPPER FL 744.66' MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91'10'-1"STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL 10'-1"32'-11"(REDUCED FROM 34'-11")10'-1"3'-0"2'-0"9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")EXISTINGGRADE LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' PLATE 753.74' GARAGE FL 723' MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SOUTH (STREET SIDE) ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EAST (FRONT) ELEVATION OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A8 1/25/21 - ELEVATIONS10'-1"(FROM 10'-9")2'-0"3'-0"FINISH GRADE ARCH OPENING WITH LIMESTONE TRIM EXISTING GRADE WOOD WINDOW W/ METAL CLADDING STUCCO FINISH SOLID RAILING W/ LIMESTONE TRIM PAINTED GALVANIZED OGEE STYLE GUTTER INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING WOOD WINDOW W/ METAL CLADDING WROUGHT IRON RAILING 18' HEIGHT PLANE @ELEVATION CUT LINE LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' PLATE 753.74' MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91' STONE TILE SIDING METAL WINDOW INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING 9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")10'-1"9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")2'-0"BLDG. HT REDUCTIONON THIS SIDE10'-1"(FROM 10'-9")STONE TILE SIDING W/ LIME STONE TRIM STUCCO FINISH SOLID RAILING F I N I S H G R A D E PAINTED WOOD TRELLIS WITH SHAPED ENDS E X I S T I N G G R A D E LOGGIA WITH FLAT ROOF AND PAINTED WOOD COLUMNS WROUGHT IRON RAILING STUCCO FINISH SOLID RAILING INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING PAINTED GALVANIZED OGEE STYLE GUTTER STUCCO LOW WALL ARCH OPENING WITH STONE TRIM WOOD DOOR AND WINDOW WITH ALUM. CLADDING PAINTED GALVANIZED OGEE STYLE GUTTER CLAY TILE ROOF COVER STONE TILE SIDING LIME STONE TRIM INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH STUCCO SIDING STONE TILE SIDING 1 8 ' H E I G H T P L A N E @ T H E E L E V A T I O N C U T L I N E POOL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' PLATE 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' PLATE 753.74' GARAGE FL 723' PLATE 733.58' PLATE 743.66' UPPER FL 744.66' MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91'10'-1"32'-11"(REDUCED FROM 34'-11")RED SHADED AREA: PORTION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OUTSIDE OF 18' HEIGHT PLANE (SEE ROOF PLAN & ELEVATION) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" WEST (REAR) ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" NORTH (SIDE) ELEVATION OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A9 1/25/21 - SECTIONS10'-1"9'-1"32'-11"GARAGE GRADE(FROM 34'-11")10'-1"LOWER FL HT.10'-1"MAIN FL HT.9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")38'-4" LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. 18' HEIGHT PLANE AT CUT LINE natural grade 744.66 734.58 MAIN LEVEL LOWER LEVEL UPPER LEVEL ELEVATOR LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' GARAGE FL. 723' 723.5 723.0 GARAGE PLATE 753.74' REAR YARD DRIVEWAY 734.58 744.62 749.26 753.78 REAR YARD749.26P/LMODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91'32'-5"TOTAL HEIGHT (@ ENTRY)(FROM 34'-5")34'-101/4" STORY SETBACK 9'-1"9'-1"10'-1"10'-1"(FROM 10'-9")LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. 18' max.height limit natural grade MAIN LEVEL LOWER LEVEL UPPER LEVEL DECK BACK YARD LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' LAUNDRY COVERED PORCH 734.58 723.5 744.66 DRIVEWAY BACK YARDP/LMODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91' PLATE 753.74'DOWNUPUPUP11'-1"10'-1"32'-5"AT PORCH(FROM 34'-5")49'-1/2" STORY SETBACK 10'-1"(FROM 10'-9")NATURAL GRADE LOGGIA LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' MAIN FLOOR PLATE & UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' LOWER LEVEL COURT MAIN LEVEL PANTRY UPPER LEVEL REAR YARD COVERED PORCH PLATE 754.74' 18' HEIGHTPLANE (ATSECTION CUT) POOLP/LMODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91' SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" A THRU GARAGE AND UPPER BEDROOMS SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" C THRU ENTRY AND UPPER PLAY ROOM SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" E THRU LOGGIA & KITCHEN A C E OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 4.17.21 Resubmit 5.26.21 Resubmit 8.13.21 1 2 3 AS SHOWN A10 1/25/21 - SECTIONS10'-7"GARAGE9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")32'-11"(FROM 34'-11")10'-1"NATURAL GRADE LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. 18' HEIGHTPLANE (ATSECTION CUT) LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' MAIN FL PT. 744.66' GARAGE FL. 723' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' UPPER FL. 744.66' PLATE 753.74' MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91'10'-1"32'-5"(FROM 34'-5")10'-1"9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")10'-1"2'-0"3'-0"LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. 1 8 ' m a x . h e i g h t l i m i t (a t t h e c u t p l a n e ) n a t u r a l g r a d e MAIN LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' MAIN FLOOR PLATE & UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' GUEST RM WORK KITCHENBATH #1 734.58 723.5 MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91' PLATE 753.74'DOWNUPUPUP10'-1"32'-5"AT PORCH(FROM 34'-5")9'-1"(FROM 9'-9")10'-1"LOWER ROOF/BLDG HT. 1 8 ' m a x . h e i g h t l i m i t (a t t h e c u t p l a n e ) n a t u r a l g r a d e MAIN LEVEL BATH #1 LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' MAIN FLOOR PLATE & UPPER FL. 744.66' PREVIOUS ROOF RIDGE 757.92' PLATE 753.74' MUD RM ENTRY PORCH WORK MODIFIED ROOF RIDGE 755.91' SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" D THRU EGRESS WELL/STAIR SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" B THRU KITCHEN AND MASTER BEDROOM SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" F THRU LOGGIA D B F OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 8.13.213 AS SHOWN VS 1 4/20/21 -26 VISIBILITY STUDY760750740730720710700690 6 8 0 6807 0 0 690710720 730710 7 2 0730 720730740 750740 670680690700 710 720 730740 CURB CURB740N L R D A LRDA LRDALRDALRDA SETBACK 7001008VIEWING ANGLE FROM HWY17 / HWY9 PLATFORM New Tree #4-5 New Tree #1-3New Tree #6-7 New Tree #8 #1 (ELEV 694') #2 (ELEV 692') #3 (ELEV 692') #6 (ELEV 714')#7 (ELEV 710') #5 (ELEV 708') #4 (ELEV 710')#8 (ELEV 715') W O O D R O A D (private) PROJECT SITE HWY 17/HWY 9 PLATFORM MAIN/BAYVIEW PLATFORM BLOSSOM HILL / LG BLVD PLATFORM VERIFIED, NO VIEW TO PROJECT SITE, STRUCTURE NOT VISIBLE TOO FAR, NO VIEW TO PROJECT SITE VIEW TO PROJECT SITE, SEE ANALYSIS BELOW OBSERVATION LOCATIONS BLOSSOM HILL/LG BLVD MAIN & BAYVIEW SELINDA WAY & LG ALMADEN ROAD HWY 17 & HWY 9 VERIFIED, NO VIEW TO PROJECT SITE, STRUCTURE NOT VISIBLE METHOD 1. STORY POLES WERE INSTALLED PER TOWN'S POLICY: WITH METAL POLES AND ORANGE NETTING AND HEIGHTS WERE CERTIFIED. 2. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE STORY POLES WERE TAKEN USING 50MM AND 300MM LENSES. 3. SEE PHOTOS FOR RESULTS AND ANALYSIS. REQUIREMENT CONDUCT A VISIBILITY ANALYSIS AS REQUIRED BY THE HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR PROJECTS WITH THE POTENTIAL FOR BEING VISIBLE FROM ANY ESTABLISHED VIEWING AREA. ANALYSIS RESULTS 3 OUT OF 4 ELEVATIONS OF THE PROPOSED HOME ARE NOT VISIBLE TO THE VIEWING PLATFORM. PART OF THE FRONT ELEVATION IS SHOWN TO BE PARTIALLY VISIBLE TO THE VIEWING PLATFORM. THE RATIO BETWEEN VISIBLE PART VS. NON-VISIBLE PART IS 42 : 58. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS TO MINIMIZE VISIBILITY OF PROPOSED HOME 1. MINIMIZE BUILDING WIDTH ON VISIBLE SIDE OF THE LOT. 2. KEEP BUILDING NO MORE THAN 18 FEET ABOVE NATURAL GRADE. 3. EMPLOY TIER BUILDING CONFIGURATION, FOLLOWING THE HILLSIDE NATURAL CONTOUR. 4. USE OF BELOW LRV LIMIT EXTERIOR FINISHES INCLUDING: ROOF COVERING, WALL SIDING AND EXTERIOR TRIM. 5. SITE PLANNING TO PRESERVE EXISTING MATURE TREES, WHICH PROVIDE SUBSTANTIAL SCREENING OF HOME. NEW TREE # 6 & 7 (ELEV 710' - 714') NEW TREE # 1-3 (AT ELEVATION 692' - 694') NEW TREE # 4-5 (AT ELEVATION 708' - 710') NEW TREE # 8 (AT ELEVATION 715') SITE PLAN MAP SHOWING PROJECT SITE IN RELATION TO VIEWING PLATFORMS PHOTO TAKEN WITH 50MM LENS AT HWY17/HWY9 PLATFORMPHOTO TAKEN WITH 300MM LENS PROJECT SITE 40 FAIRVIEW 100 CLIFTON AVE138 WOOD RD 150 WOOD RD 123 WOOD RD 135 WOOD RD SITE PLAN SHOWING BUILDING PLACEMENT ON SITE AND IN RELATION TO EXISTING TREES. NOTICE BUILDING ENVELOPE IS FURTHER RESTRICTED BY LRDA. INCORPORATE EXISTING MATURE TREE GROVES INTO DRIVEWAY DESIGN. NO TREE IS PROPOSED TO BE REMOVED. REPRESENT THE VISIBILITY OF THE PROPOSED RESIDENCE FROM THE NAKED EYE REPRESENT AN UP-CLOSE PERSPECTIVE TO IDENTIFY VISIBLE STORY POLES, NETTING, TREES AND/OR SHRUBBERY NEW TREES ARE ADDED TO REDUCE VISIBILITY TO PROPOSED RESIDENCE. PROPOSE NEW SCREENING TREES. SEE VS 2 FOR IMPACT ON VISIBILITY. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY145 (PENDING) WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030Resubmit 8.13.213 AS SHOWN VS 2 4/20/21 -27 VISIBILITY STUDY BEFORE NEW SCREENING TREES20.5 FT TREES - NEWLY PLANTED22.5FT TREES - 1 YEAR GROWTH24.5 FT TREES - 2 YEAR GROWTH % OF VISIBLE EAST ELEVATION 32% VISIBLE PORTION AFTER HEIGHT REDUCTION % OF VISIBLE EAST ELEVATION 27.0%% OF VISIBLE EAST ELEVATION 24.2% REDUCED VISIBILITY WITH ADDITIONAL TREE SCREENING VISIBILITY ANALYSIS - MODIFIED BUILDING DESIGN: LOWER OVERALL BLDG HT BY 2' - BEFORE NEW TREE SCREENING - MODIFIED BUILDING DESIGN + - INSTALLATION OF (8) NEW SCREENING TREES, EACH PLANTED AT APPROX. 20.5 FT HIGH. - MODIFIED BUILDING DESIGN + - NEW SCREENING TREES, GROW TO BE 24.5 FT HIGH.