Attachment 2 - Public Comment Received 1101 am June 11 through 1100 am June 14 2021 ATTACHMENT 2 From: Rob Stump Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 12:23:52 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Rainbow Striping Alongside Crosswalks Councilmember Ristow, Since I regularly review Council agendas looking for anything Wildfire related, I came across Consent Agenda Item 13 - Rainbow Striping alongside crosswalks. First, I have no grudge or agenda against LGBTQ but I would like to understand the policy the Town has in-place to govern these requests. Can anyone request special treatments on the streets of LG? Is it first come first served, or is it a discriminatory act, i.e., we will do it for X but not Y? This seems to have come from nowhere and is moving forward with no public comment at least that I am aware of...perhaps I "missed" a meeting. It seems to be moving at lightning speed which is unusual for Town Government. At minimum, there should be answers to these questions: 1. How did the request for Rainbow crosswalk striping come to the Town. Who fielded the request? 2. Is there a written policy that covers requests along with the approval process? 3. If not, what was the approval process? 4. Will other groups or causes now be able to make requests of the Town for similar treatment? Who will decide? These questions or at least question like these should be asked before we start making "permanent" statements on the streets of Los Gatos. Is this just a no-brainer and I am just missing something? Thanks for "listening." Rob Stump