Verbal Communications Received Non-Agenda Items.061021From: Amy Nishide Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 7:09 PM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: public comment non-agenda item for 6/15 Dear Council, I write to express my wholehearted support for the Town's efforts at diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Chamber's "Listen, Learn, Change, Grow" signs are a positive step in that direction, and we hope that the Town will continue to take steps that will make Los Gatos a welcoming place for people of backgrounds and faiths, especially Black, indigenous, and people of color, who have been traditionally marginalized in our society. Thank you for your efforts! Please continue to forge ahead! Amy Nishide From: TogetherWW LosGatos Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 10:51 AM To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Comment in support of Los Gatos DEI effort I'd like this email to be a part of the verbal communications for the next meeting. Dear Council members, Thank you so much for encouraging us to learn more about what it means to be an inclusive community. The past year has been one in which many of us have been very aware of racial issues. I have learned so much recently about the experience of life in America for people from different backgrounds, about parts of our history that were never taught in school, and it has been eye-opening for me. In talking about our experiences, I have been surprised and sad to hear of friends who encountered poor treatment in local businesses due to their race. As a resident, it's painful to hear about that type of incident. Not everyone wants to learn, and isn't easy to hear some stories, but thank you so much for your commitment to supporting that process. As well as educating myself, I have been sharing things that I read and watch with my parents, who are around 90, though I'm not always sure how it will be received. I've been pleasantly surprised, my mother has found information on the Black experience in the US particularly eye-opening and has searched for more to learn on her own. I applaud the diversity, equity, and inclusion effort that Los Gatos is undertaking. Thank you very much for leading! Best, Kjirste Morrell