Attachment 3 - Public CommentATTACHMENT 3 On Apr 19, 2021, at 5:52 AM, Bruce Zurbuchen wrote: Marico, I am in support of the proposed Pinehurst Community Garden. My wife and I enjoy a whole-grain, plant- based diet and would love access to a garden area. Additionally, the foot traffic in the area is substantial with several schools and a healthy lifestyle community utilizing the neighborhood for biking and walking. The street traffic is continually increasing, especially on Union Avenue. I am hoping for your support and positive vote on this project !! Sincerely, Bruce Zurbuchen Los Gatos On Apr 18, 2021, at 5:50 PM, Debbie Sy < wrote: Hello Los Gatos Council Members, I am unable to attend the meeting this coming Tuesday, but I wanted to let you know that I think that the plan to build a community garden near Union Middle School is a wonderful idea. It will definitely improve the aesthetics of the area as well as give people more opportunities to interact as a community. I also like the idea of recognizing Native land with art or a sign about the Ohlone. It will be great to be reminded of our California history and to show respect for the people who came before us. Thank you for listening to my two cents. Sincerely, Debbie Sy Los Gatos resident