Staff Report with Exhibit.CIP - PC FY2021-22 to 2025-26 PREPARED BY: Matt Morley Parks and Public Works Director Reviewed by: Finance Director and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 4/28/2021 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: April 23, 2021 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Draft Proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/22 - 2025/26. RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation of approval to Town Council for the FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 draft proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Exhibit 1). CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15061(b)(3), in that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this CIP action will have a significant effect on the environment, and does not involve approval of any specific project that may have a significant effect on the environment. Each project of the CIP will be evaluated and as applicable each project will conduct the appropriate level of environmental analysis. FINDINGS: ▪ As required, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, this project is Exempt, Section 15061(b)(3). ▪ That the potential projects in the 2021/22 - 2025/26 draft proposed CIP are consistent with the General Plan, North 40 Specific Plan, Albright Specific Plan, and Hillside Specific Plan. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Draft Proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/22 to 2025/26. April 23, 2021 7/29/2021 4:24 PM ACTION: Forward a recommendation of approval to Town Council for the 2021/22 - 2025/26 draft proposed CIP. DISCUSSION: Section 65401 of the Government Code requires that when a town or city has adopted a General Plan, all proposed public works projects be classified into a coordinated program and submitted to the Planning Commission for review. The Planning Commission is required to report to the Town Council on the conformity of the program with the adopted General Plan and any adopted specific plans. The draft proposed CIP is a five-year program identifying potential investments to the Town’s roads, parks, and other facilities to maintain and/or enhance the infrastructure supporting Los Gatos residents and businesses. The draft proposed CIP is evaluated annually to ensure the mix of potential projects and their timing respond to the ever-changing needs of the community. The draft proposed CIP also reflects a budget forecast that reflects realistic revenue sources. In this budget cycle, funding for the capital program is significantly constrained. The draft proposed CIP includes potential capital project s proposed for construction during the next five years, 2021/22 - 2025/26. Projects are classified under three programs: Streets; Parks; and Public Facilities. The draft proposed Streets Program implements the General Plan’s Transportation Goals and Policies. Examples of potential street projects within the Streets Program include an ADA Transition Plan, multi-modal improvements along Shannon Road and Winchester Boulevard, and downtown parking improvements, as well as annual maintenance projects. The General Plan Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Element Goals and Policies are implemented through ongoing efforts to complete a new connection to the Los Gatos Creek Trail at Highway 9 and through capital maintenance to ensure infrastructure remains in good condition. This year the Town also has access to grant funds from State Proposition 68 that will allow for capital improvements at Oak Meadow Park. The Town’s sustainability goals and policies are being implemented through a variety of potential CIP projects, such as stormwater capital maintenance and upgrades. The Town’s safety goals and policies are being implemented through projects that include increased vegetation management in Town open space to prevent wildfires and significant transportation projects that emphasize safety for all transportation modes. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Draft Proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2021/22 to 2025/26. April 23, 2021 7/29/2021 4:24 PM DISCUSSION (continued): Matt Morley, Director of Parks and Public Works, will be available to answer any questions at the meeting. The scope of the Planning Commission’s review is to determine that the draft is consistent with the General Plan, North 40 Specific Plan, Albright Specific Plan, and Hillside Specific Plan. PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time, the Town has not received any public comment. RECOMMENDATION: The Town Council is tentatively scheduled to consider the draft proposed CIP on May 18, 2021. For the reasons stated above, staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1. Find that the project is Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15061(b)(3); 2. Find that the potential projects in the 2021/22 - 2025/26 draft proposed CIP are consistent with the General Plan, North 40 Specific Plan, Albright Specific Plan, and Hillside Specific Plan; and 3. Forward a recommendation of approval of the 2021/22 - 2025/26 draft proposed CIP to the Town Council. EXHIBIT: 1. Town of Los Gatos Draft Proposed CIP for Fiscal Years 2021/22 - 2025/26 This Page Intentionally Left Blank CALIFORNIA T ĔĜē Ĕċ L ĔĘ G ĆęĔĘ Proposed Capital Improvement Program Budget Fiscal Years 2021/22—2025/26 EXHIBIT 1 Cover Photo: Ricky Pan (Old Town Los Gatos) Ken Benjamin (Yellow House) TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA PROPOSED Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2026 Town Council Marico Sayoc ............................................................... Mayor Rob Rennie ........................................................... Vice Mayor Mary Badame .............................................. Council Member Matthew Hudes ........................................... Council Member Maria Ristow ................................................ Council Member Prepared under the direction of: Laurel Prevetti ........................................................................................................... Town Manager Stephen D. Conway ................................................................................................. Finance Director 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 www.losgatosca.gov PROPOSED TABLE OF CONTENTS i INTRODUCTION Town Manager’s Message .................................................................................................................... A – 1 FY 2020/21 Completed or Withdrawn CIP Projects .............................................................................. A – 10 Budget Process Overview ..................................................................................................................... A – 16 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES Program Summaries Streets Program ............................................................................................................................... B – 5 Parks Program .................................................................................................................................. B – 5 Public Facilities Program .................................................................................................................. B – 6 Fund Summaries Total CIP Fund Summary .................................................................................................................. B – 9 Fund 411 - GFAR Fund ..................................................................................................................... B – 10 Fund 471 – Traffic Mitigation Fund ................................................................................................. B – 12 Fund 421 – Grants Fund................................................................................................................... B – 14 Fund 461/462/463 – Storm Basin Funds ......................................................................................... B – 16 Fund 472 – Utility Underground Fund ............................................................................................. B – 18 Fund 481 – Gas Tax Fund ................................................................................................................. B – 20 STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing Projects Street Repair & Resurfacing ............................................................................................................. C – 6 Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects Traffic Calming Project ..................................................................................................................... C – 12 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance ............................................................................................ C – 14 Retaining Wall Repairs ..................................................................................................................... C – 16 Annual Street Restriping .................................................................................................................. C – 18 Guardrail Replacement Projects ...................................................................................................... C – 20 Massol Intersection Improvements ................................................................................................. C – 22 Shannon Road Repair ...................................................................................................................... C – 24 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction .......................................................................................................... C – 26 Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing ............................................................................................ C – 28 Street Improvement Projects Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping. ............................................................................. C – 34 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements ............................................................................. C – 36 Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements .................................................................. C – 38 PROPOSED TABLE OF CONTENTS ii Sidewalk Improvements – Multiple Locations ................................................................................. C – 40 Utility Undergrounding Improvements ........................................................................................... C – 42 Traffic Signal Modernization ............................................................................................................ C – 44 Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements ....................................................................................... C – 46 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements ................................................................................................ C – 48 Stormwater System – Pollution Prevention Compliance ................................................................ C – 50 Parking Program Implementation ................................................................................................... C – 52 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project ...................................................................................... C – 54 ADA Transition Plan ......................................................................................................................... C – 56 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements ................................................................ C – 58 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts ................................................ C – 60 E. Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk ................................................................................ C – 62 Local Road Safety Plan ..................................................................................................................... C – 64 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Safety ...................................................................................................... C – 66 Winchester Class IV Bikeway ........................................................................................................... C – 68 VMT Mitigation Program ................................................................................................................. C – 70 Kennedy Sidewalk – LGB to Englewood........................................................................................... C – 72 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design .................................................................... C – 74 Bridge Projects Quito Road - Bridge Replacement ................................................................................................... C – 80 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge – Design .......................................................................... C – 82 PARKS AND TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects Parks Playground Fibar Project ........................................................................................................ D – 6 Town Plaza Turf Repairs................................................................................................................... D – 8 Outdoor Fitness Equipment ............................................................................................................. D – 10 Vegetation Management – Town-wide ........................................................................................... D – 12 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements ................................................................................ D – 14 Trail Improvement Projects Open Space Trail Upgrades .............................................................................................................. D – 20 Charter Oaks Trail Repair ................................................................................................................. D – 22 Trailhead Connector Project ............................................................................................................ D – 24 PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Infrastructure Projects Building Replacement at Corporation Yard ...................................................................................... E – 6 PROPOSED TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Town Beautification. ......................................................................................................................... E – 8 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms – Adult Recreation Building ......................................................... E – 10 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices ....................................................................................................... E – 12 Waterproofing – Town-wide ........................................................................................................... E – 14 Sound Mitigation Library Lobby ....................................................................................................... E – 16 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms ..................................................................................... E – 18 Adult Recreation Center – Floor Repair ........................................................................................... E – 20 Battery Power Supply - Library ........................................................................................................ E – 22 Equipment Projects Information System Upgrade .......................................................................................................... E – 28 Audio / Video System Upgrade ........................................................................................................ E – 30 Town-Wide Document Imaging Project .......................................................................................... E – 32 Engineering Document Archiving .................................................................................................... E – 34 EOC Communication Upgrades ....................................................................................................... E – 36 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements ................................................................................................ E – 38 REFERENCE Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. F – 1 Index....................................................................................................................................................... F – 7 Introduction This Page Intentionally Left Blank A - 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 April 19, 2021 Honorable Mayor and Town Council: I am pleased to submit to you the Proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 – 2025/26 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the Town of Los Gatos. The CIP is a comprehensive five-year capital improvement plan designed to identify projects to develop and maintain the Town’s infrastructure, consistent with the Town Council Core Goals of high quality infrastructure, community character, public safety, fiscal stability, good governance, and civic enrichment. This CIP budget message contains: • Town’s Core Goals and Strategic Priorities • CIP Financial Summary - Funding Sources • Proposed FY 2021/22 – 2025/26 CIP Overview • Proposed FY 2021/22 CIP Overview • FY 2020/21 Completed or Withdrawn Projects • Budget Process Overview Guidance for determining capital improvement projects is also derived from key plans, including the General Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, and the Council’s Strategic Priorities. Specifically, in January 2021, the Town Council established the 2021-23 Strategic Priorities (see page A-2). The Core Goals and Strategic Priorities guide the preparation of both the Capital and Operating Budgets. In terms of capital projects, the Town Council stated its priorities to begin to implement the Comprehensive Parking Study, continue mobility improvements for all transportation modes, manage the vegetation on Town lands to protect against wildfire, and advance other needed improvements. All of these efforts support improving and enhancing transportation options, public safety, and quality of life within the context of prudent fiscal management. In addition to the aforementioned guidance, on December 9, 2019, the Town’s former Sales Tax Oversight Committee convened its first meeting. Per the Measure G Sales Tax Ordinance, the Committee’s role was to review the revenues and potential expenditures and advise the Town Council on whether such expenditures meet the Town Council’s objectives as stated in the Ordinance. At that time, the Committee’s recommendation to Council was to expend Measure G funds on capital projects associated with road repair and maintenance. The Measure G funds accumulated since its inception remain in a separate reserve and the Town Council is scheduled to discuss the use of these funds consistent with the voter approved measure later in the 2021 calendar year. The Town Finance Commission has assumed the role of the prior Sales Tax Oversight Committee and will be providing its recommendation on Measure G funds as part of the Council consideration. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 2 This year, due to limited available funds, the proposed CIP concentrates on funding key ongoing maintenance commitments (e.g., street paving), projects that have grant funding and a FY 2021/22 schedule obligation, and supplementing projects that are underway to ensure they are completed. These funding priorities leave no funds to add additional projects. As a result, the CIP documents several unfunded projects within the respective programs. All proposed capital projects are described in this document. The reserves and operating expenditures are discussed in more detail in the Proposed FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 4 CIP FINANCIAL SUMMARY – FUNDING SOURCES As in the past, the Town continues to be challenged in its attempts to secure a reliable ongoing source of revenue for the Capital Improvements Program. This year, the challenge is increasingly evident as the five-year CIP shows very little fund balance in year five. The proposed five-year CIP reflects $6.5 million in ongoing Gas Tax dedicated sources to help fund the proposed $22.7 million of planned capital improvements. The balance of CIP funding of $16.3 million is funded by one–time appropriations from the General Fund Appropriated Reserve (GFAR), Utility Undergrounding Funds, Traffic Mitigation Funds, Grant Funds, and Storm Drain Funds as follows: GAS TAX State Gasoline Tax revenue is distributed to the Town from the State of California and recorded in the Gas Tax Fund. This tax is also known as the “Highway Users Tax” or the “Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax.” The gasoline tax is an 18-cent per gallon tax on fuel used to propel a motor vehicle or aircraft. Gas Tax revenue is allocated to the Town based on a per gallon of gas purchased within the Town limits and based on population. The estimated Gas Tax revenue totals approximately $1.4 million for FY 2021/22 due to the Road Recovery and Repair Act of 2017 (SB1). These funds can only be used for new construction and reconstruction of Town streets. LOCAL 2010 AND 2016 MEASURE B As part of a voter-approved measure from 2010, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) assesses a $10 per vehicle registration surcharge to repair and rehabilitate streets. This funding source is expected to generate approximately $180,000 annually for Los Gatos, which will be used for street rehabilitation Town-wide. In 2016, Santa Clara County voters approved Measure B, a transportation focused sales tax measure. After several years of legal challenges, the funding from Measure B has begun to flow. The most important element of this measure is ongoing road maintenance funding to the Town, an average of $591,035. Additional funds may be distributed to local projects on a competitive basis. GFAR The primary source of funding for the Town’s capital program is the Town’s General Fund Appropriated Reserve (GFAR). By Council direction, this fund receives transfers from the General Fund’s designated Reserve for Future and Special Projects, which receives most of the Town’s annual revenues above operating expenditures after funding all legally restricted reserves at their required levels, including Ongoing Gas Tax 6,479,323$ GFAR 12,606,753 Utility Undeground Funds - Traffic Mitigation Funds - Grant Funds 3,404,433 Storm Drain Funds 240,000 Total Funding Available 22,730,509$ Funding Sources for the FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CIP One-Time CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 5 receipt of one-time funds from grants, property sales, and other reserves. Because of the availability of General Fund “one-time” sources in recent years, the Council approved a General Fund transfer to the GFAR fund in the amount of $2.7 million for FY 2013/14, an additional “one-time” source allocation of $6.6 million for FY 2014/15, and additional funding of $6.9 million for the Almond Grove Street Rehabilitation project in FY 2016/17, $2.8 million funding in FY 2017/18, $2.4 million transfer in FY 2018/19, $5.8 million transfer in FY 2019/20, $3.4 million transfer in FY 2020/21. For FY 2021/22, given no prior year surpluses, the transfer to GFAR is proposed to be $550,000, which is the base amount assumed annually in the Five Year Program. After these allocations, the Reserve for Future Capital and Special Projects forecasted June 30, 2021 balance is $6.9 million. Sufficient balances are anticipated for the following four years of the Plan to allocate approximately $550,000 from the General Fund Reserve for Capital and Special Projects for FY 2021/22 and $800,0000 from FY 2022/23 through FY 2025/26. The other revenue source for GFAR is the Construction Impact Fee and a Refuse Vehicle Road Impact Fee. This Construction impact fee is assessed on construction projects based on the square foot size of the project at a rate of $1.14 per square foot. These fees are intended to recover the damage caused to Town streets by construction traffic. Construction Impact fees generate at least $110,000 annually. Refuse Vehicle Road impact Fee estimated to generate $745,676 for FY 2021/22. The funding from GFAR provides limited funds to implement the CIP; however, it is not enough to support future annual infrastructure maintenance or construct new facilities. Establishing a reliable, dedicated source of funding for basic capital improvements beyond the use of accumulated reserves remains a long- term need and important goal for the Town. UTILITY UNDERGROUND FUNDS The Utility Undergrounding Fund serves as a funding source for activities generally undertaken in conjunction with street improvement projects. The Town receives approximately $30,000 annually in Utility Undergrounding funding which is derived from a Town construction tax of 18 cents charged for each square foot of building addition or alteration within the Town. Total cash balances currently on hand from the utility undergrounding construction tax are approximately $3.2 million at FY 2020/21 year-end. In addition, the Town has accessed $3.8 million in Rule 20A funds allocated from a percentage of electric bills. PG&E retains and tracks these monies. Construction is underway on a project to underground utilities along Los Gatos Boulevard south of Lark Avenue. Recent legislative changes will end the Rural 20A portion of the undergrounding program, making this the last opportunity the Town will have for this type of project. TRAFFIC MITIGATION FUNDS The traffic impact mitigation fee assures that each new development or expansion of use pays its fair share of the transportation improvements needed to accommodate the cumulative traffic impacts. The fee is paid in full prior to issuance of the building permit for new development or expansion of use. This fee continues to play an important role in the Town’s ability to fund roadway improvements. Traffic Mitigation Funds must be used solely for construction of identified traffic and transportation improvement projects. As the General Plan 2040 update concludes over the next fiscal year, staff will re- align this program to match revised Town policies as needed. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 6 GRANT FUNDS The Town receives grant funds from various sources that help address some of the maintenance and improvement costs associated with Town infrastructure. Grants include federally funded Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds which pay for general roadway capital improvements, and a combination of Federal Innovative Deployment to Enhance Arterials (IDEA) grant funds and State Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) grant funds are contributing to the Traffic Signal Modernization project. In addition, the Town utilizes Community Development Block Grant funds for specific qualifying projects, usually focused on accessibility. Total grant funding for FY 2021/22 is estimated at $837,883. STORM DRAIN FUNDS The Town also receives funding from its Storm Drain Fund, which relies on an established charge of $0.75 per square foot of impervious surface created by new development. Depending on development activity, this fee produces approximately $100,000 in revenue annually. This fee has not been adjusted for several years and should be evaluated in the future as part of the NPDES storm water permit process and as part of a continuous review of development related fees. The remaining sources are primarily one-time funds from State or Federal government or from special revenue funds that have often fluctuated in tandem with the economy and the state budget. Examples of one-time funds include Valley Transportation Authority/Transportation Fund for Clean Air (VTA/TFCA) funds and State Proposition 42 Gas Tax funds. PROPOSED FY 2021/22 – 2025/26 CIP OVERVIEW The Capital Improvement Program is broadly grouped into the following categories:  Streets Program, which maintains and ensures functional streets, pedestrian, and bike systems.  Parks Program, which repairs or improves parks, park buildings, trails, and urban forestry.  Public Facilities Program, which constructs and repairs public buildings, and purchases equipment. The proposed CIP projects include both new and carry-forward projects from the prior year as part of the multi-year programming of $25.8 million. Approximately $37.5 million (89.0%) is allocated to the streets, retaining walls, sidewalks, and curbs category; $2.0 million (4.8%) is allocated to parks and trails projects; and $2.6 million (6.2%) is allocated to public facility projects. Allocations are summarized below by type of major improvements within the program categories. Carry-forward from 2020/21 2021/22 Carry-forward and New FY 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 Total By Category Total By Program Streets Reconstruct/Resurfacing 3,091,593$ 3,078,604$ 6,170,196 2,912,038$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 18,196,718$ Maintenance & Safety 3,080,331 435,000 3,515,331 235,000 235,000 335,000 435,000 4,755,331 Street Improvements 7,149,314 638,250 7,787,564 1,734,250 356,700 897,300 - 10,775,814 Bridges 3,750,744 - 3,750,744 - - - - 3,750,744 37,478,607$ Parks Park Improvements 133,482 445,904 579,386 25,000 - 25,000 - 629,386$ Trail Improvements 662,429 736,000 1,398,429 - - - - 1,398,429 2,027,815$ Public Facilities Infrastructure Projects 1,211,109 1,051,979 2,263,088 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,303,088$ Equipment Projects 298,952 - 298,952 - - - - 298,952 2,602,040$ TOTALS 19,377,953$ 6,385,737$ 25,763,689$ 4,916,288$ 3,639,862$ 4,305,462$ 3,483,162$ 42,108,461$ Five Year CIP Summary FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CIP by Program CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 7 Total funding for street reconstruction and resurfacing for the next five years is planned at $18.2 million with approximately $6.2 million allocated in FY 2021/22 including carryovers. Over the five-year period, the CIP proposes $19.3 million for various other street-related infrastructure improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk maintenance; street intersection improvements; retaining wall reconstruction; and storm drain improvements. Total funding for parks and trail improvements for the next five years is planned at $2.0 million with approximately $2.0 million allocated in FY 2021/22 including carryovers. Total funding for public facilities infrastucture improvements and equipment projects for the next five years is planned at $2.6 million with approximately $2.6 million allocated in FY 2021/22 including carryovers. Although the Proposed FY 2021/22-2025/26 CIP is a five-year plan, only the first year of the plan is formally adopted with funds appropriated by the Town Council as part of the budget process. Future year projects are funded with designated cash reserves on hand, supplemented by estimated annual revenues for capital funding purposes such as Gas Tax funds and state transportation funds. The scope and funding estimates may change based on the Town’s fiscal situation and evolving priorities. PROPOSED FY 2021/22 OVERVIEW $25.8 million is being proposed in the first year of the CIP and is comprised of approximately $19.4 million in carryover funds from FY 2020/21 and approximately $6.0 million in new funding. The $6.0 million of new funding is comprised of $4.1 million in General Fund Appropriated Reserve (GFAR). The first year of the five year plan (FY 2021/22) continues funding for the Town Council Strategic Priorities, including basic infrastructure needs. Street maintenance remains high Council priority as the Town is making efforts to improve its Pavement Condition Index (PCI), a standard rating of street conditions. The PCI reached a recent high rating of 74 in 2008 due to concentrated investments and is now at the level of 70 (2020 survey data). With the new County and State Transportation Funds, the investment in street maintenance of $2,962,517 per year will allow the Town’s PCI to increase to 72 within the next five years. This investment continues to leave a deferred maintenance backlog in excess of $10M. The complete list of the proposed FY 2021/22 carry-forward and proposed projects (categorized by funds and programs) can be found on page A-7. Projects are listed in the Financial Summary section and further described in the project detail pages by category. Below is a summary by category. The total FY 2021/22 CIP is $25.8 million. Grant and Total Awards Estimated Street Projects 12,307,843$ 5,065,992$ 1,941,841$ 1,908,159$ 21,223,835$ Park Projects 1,076,692 901,122 - - 1,977,815 Public Facilities Projects 2,483,061 78,979 - - 2,562,040 TOTAL OF CARRY-FORWARD & NEW PROJECTS 15,867,596$ 6,046,093$ 1,941,841$ 1,908,159$ 25,763,689$ * Other Funds include Storm Drain Fund, Traffic Mitigation Funds, Utility Underground Funds GFAR Gas Tax Other * Carry-forward & New FY 2021/22 CIP Projects CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 8 FY 2020/21 COMPLETED, CONSOLIDATED, OR WITHDRAWN PROJECTS Several projects are expected to be completed by the end of FY 2020/21. The table below outlines the projects, funding sources, and total expenses of the completed projects, which is estimated to be $2.2 million. More details about the completed projects can be found beginning on page A-10. GFAR Grants and Gas Tax Other TotalCARRY-FORWARD PROJECTS Awards Streets *Street Repair & Resurfacing 4,228,355$ -$ 1,941,841$ -$ 6,170,196$ *Annual Street Restriping 194,772 - - - 194,772 *Traffic Calming Projects 29,135 - - - 29,135 *Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance 708,906 - - - 708,906 *Retaining Wall Repairs 465,254 - - - 465,254 Quito Road - Bridge Replacement 50,000 - - - 50,000 Guardrail Replacement Projects 92,691 239,332 - - 332,023 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping 52,585 - - - 52,585 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements - - - - Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 109,896 940,100 - 48,003 1,097,999 Sidewalk Improvements - Multiple Locations 60,000 - - - 60,000 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 946,210 2,754,534 - - 3,700,744 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 228,174 - - 33,650 261,824 Utility Undergrounding Improvements - - - 300,000 300,000 Traffic Signal Modernization - 751,126 - 870,949 1,622,075 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts 1,310,622 - - - 1,310,622 ADA Transition Plan 100,000 15,000 - - 115,000 *Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements - - - 85,258 85,258 Massol Intersection Improvements 98,128 - - - 98,128 *Annual Storm Drain Improvements - - - 570,300 570,300 *Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets (Final Design)543,198 - - - 543,198 E. Main St. Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk 15,000 - - - 15,000 VMT Mitigation Program 250,000 - - - 250,000 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements - - - - - Stormwater System - Pollution Prevention Compliance 286,578 - - - 286,578 Shannon Road Repair 1,436,927 - - - 1,436,927 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction 185 - - - 185 Parking Lot 4 Repair/Waterproofing 250,000 - - - 250,000 Local Road Safety Plan 28,000 72,000 - - 100,000 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study 76,590 - - - 76,590 Winchester Class IV Bikeway 549,017 293,900 - - 842,917 Kennedy Sidewalk - LGB to Englewood - - - - - Parking Program Implementation 197,619 - - - 197,619 Parks Outdoor Fitness Equipment 6,000 - - - 6,000 Town Plaza Turf Repairs 28,000 - - - 28,000 Parks Playground Fibar Project 49,264 - - - 49,264 Open Space Trail Upgrades 152,000 - - - 152,000 *Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 474,891 545,218 - - 1,020,109 *Trailhead Connector 226,319 - - - 226,319 Vegetation Management - Town-wide 50,218 - - - 50,218 Public Facilities *Town Beautification 20,456 - - - 20,456 Waterproofing Town-wide 75,000 - - - 75,000 *ADA Restrooms and HR Offices 600,000 - - - 600,000 *Building Replacement at Corporation Yard 1,001,812 - - - 1,001,812 Engineering Document Archiving - - - - - Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby 22,000 - - - 22,000 *ADA Upgrade for Public Restrooms - Rec Building 183,000 78,979 - - 261,979 Audio/Video System Upgrade 42,552 - - - 42,552 Town-wide Document Imaging Project 16,990 - - - 16,990 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms 51,841 - - - 51,841 Information System Upgrade 77,026 - - - 77,026 EOC Communications Upgrade 24,940 - - - 24,940 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements 137,445 - - - 137,445 *Adult Recreation - Floor Repair 200,000 - - - 200,000 TOTAL OF CARRY-FORWARD PROJECTS (INCLUDES NEW ALLOCATIONS)15,747,596$ 5,690,189$ 1,941,841$ 1,908,159$ 25,287,785$ NEW PROJECTS Parks Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements 90,000$ 355,904$ -$ -$ 445,904 Public Facilities Battery Power Supply - Library 30,000 - - - 30,000 TOTAL OF NEW PROJECTS 120,000$ 355,904$ -$ -$ 475,904$ TOTAL OF CARRY-FORWARD & NEW PROJECTS 15,867,596$ 6,046,093$ 1,941,841$ 1,908,159$ 25,763,689$ * These carry-forward projects include new money for FY 2020/21 in the amount of $19,720,286. Carry-forward & FY 2021/22 CIP Projects CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Introduction Section A - 9 CONCLUSION The challenge of finding a reliable ongoing revenue stream available for capital projects continues to be a Town priority. Recognizing the realities of funding challenges and uncertain local economic trends, the Town’s FY 2021/22 – 2025/26 Capital Improvement Plan continues a strategy of funding the Town’s most urgent capital needs. I wish to thank all of the Departments, in particular Department Directors and members of their management and support staff, for their many hours of work and tireless efforts to present this Capital Improvement Program to the Town Council, as well as the following staff members: Stephen Conway, Finance Director Gitta Ungvari, Finance and Budget Manager Matt Morley, Parks and Public Works Director WooJae Kim, Town Engineer Mark Gaeta, Accountant Maurice De Castro, Accountant Bobby Gonzalez, Senior Administrative Analyst Melissa Ynegas, Administrative Analyst Dorrie Romero, Administrative Technician Kinjal Buch, Senior Engineering Technician Respectfully submitted, Laurel Prevetti Town Manager Grant & Traffic Total Awards Mitigation EstimatedExpExpExpExpExp Street Program Pilot School Busing Program Completed 344,941$ -$ -$ -$ 344,941$ Public Arts Gateway Completed 25,000 - - - 25,000 Stormwater Master Plan Completed 219,985 - - - 219,985 Downtown Parking Study Completed 111,289 - - - 111,289 Park Program Fence Replacement - Shire Court Completed 26,506 - - - 26,506 Creek Trail & Parks Path & Parking Lot Seal & Striping Completed 184,606 - - - 184,606 Forbes Mill Footbridge Improvements Completed 29,919 - - - 29,919 Public Facilities Program Facilities Assessment Completed 93,822 - - - 93,822 Cert Equipment Completed 49,928 - - - 49,928 Plaza Level Railings - Code Upgrade Completed 33,060 - - - 33,060 Police Headquarters Roof Repair Completed 47,752 - - - 47,752 Library Carpet Replacement Completed 48,597 - - - 48,597 Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Management System Completed 517,474 - - - 517,474 Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project (SVRIP) Service Completed 430,774 - - - 430,774 TOTAL OF COMPLETED PROJECTS 2,163,653$ -$ -$ -$ 2,163,653$ * Other Funds include Storm Drain Fund, Gas Tax Funds, Utility Underground Funds Projects Completed or Withdrawn in FY 2020/21 GFAR Other * This Page Intentionally Left Blank Completed Projects This Page Intentionally Left Blank PROPOSED COMPLETED OR WITHDRAWN CIP PROJECTS FY 2020/21 A - 10 A Stormwater Master Plan G Library Carpet Replacement B Public Art Gateway H Plaza Level Railings – Code Upgrade C Pilot School Busing I Police Headquarters Roof Repair D Creek Trail & Park Pathway & Parking Lot Seal Coat Striping J Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project (SVRIP) Service E Forbes Mill Footbridge Improvements K Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS) F Facilities Assessment PROPOSED COMPLETED OR WITHDRAWN CIP PROJECTS FY 2020/21 A - 11 A Stormwater Master Plan Stormwater Master Plan This project developed a Stormwater Collection System Master Plan that provides the Town of Los Gatos with the necessary planning tools and capital improvement projects to address flood management and water quality within the collector portion of the storm drainage system. The total project cost was approximately $219,000. B Public Art Gateway Public Art Gateway By June 2020, the first phase of artwork at Town entrances is expected to have been installed in collaboration with the Town’s Arts and Culture Commission, following the Town’s Public Art Selection Policy and Procedures. The first installation is located on Los Gatos- Saratoga Road just east of Alberto Way. The total project cost was approximately $25,000. C Pilot School Busing Pilot School Busing This project explored congestion relief around schools through piloting school bus service. The pilot school bus service provided morning and afternoon routes to and from school with neighborhood-based stops. Low ridership hindered the long-term viability of this project and the Council ended the pilot. The total project cost was approximately $443,000. PROPOSED COMPLETED OR WITHDRAWN CIP PROJECTS FY 2020/21 A - 12 E Forbes Mill Footbridge Improvements Forbes Mill Footbridge Improvements This project installed solar LED pathway lighting across the 400-foot span of the pedestrian bridge and additional art panels. Th total project cost was approximately $28,000. F Facilites Assessment Facilities Assessment This project funded a consultant to assess the condition of all Town facilities and provide a comprehensive condition report as well as a preventive maintenance program. This assessment provided the condition of equipment and building systems within Town facilities. This assessment is being used to determine priorities for repair versus replacements and help predict capital expenditures needed year by year for life-cycle scheduled work and replacement. The project included staff time for inspection. The staff time for this project was included in the Parks and Public Works (PPW) Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. The total project cost was approximately $79,000. D Creek Trail & Park Pathway & Parking Lot Seal Coat Striping Creek Trail & Park Pathway & Parking Lot Seal Coat Striping The project resurfaced and restriped park parking lots, pathways, and sections of the Los Gatos Creek Trail. The locations were Belgatos Park, Blossom Hill Park, Live Oak Manor Park, Oak Meadow Park, and the Los Gatos Creek Trail. The total project cost was approximately $229,000. PROPOSED COMPLETED OR WITHDRAWN CIP PROJECTS FY 2020/21 A - 13 G Library Carpet Replacement Library Carpet Replacement This project replaced a large section of the carpet in the children’s area of the Library. The carpet in this section of the building had started to fail, showing signs of wear and tear, such as staining and matting from extensive foot traffic. This is an important area of the Library where the young children play, listen to stories, and congregate for different activities while sitting on the carpet. The project included staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project was included in the PPW Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. The total project cost was approximately $49,000. H Plaza Level Railings – Code Upgrade Plaza Level Railings – Code Upgrade This project provided safety railings around the upper deck (Plaza Level) of the Civic Center to make existing railing system code compliant. The upper deck railing had wide gaps that created a safety hazard with a risk of children falling through. The project included staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project was included in the PPW Department’s FY 2020/21 Operating Budget. The total project cost was approximately $33,000. I Police Headquarters Roof Repair Police Headquarters Roof Repair This project replaced the Police Headquarters roof with a new membrane and permanently installed a critical microwave antenna for Police communications. The total project cost was approximately $94,000. PROPOSED COMPLETED OR WITHDRAWN CIP PROJECTS FY 2020/21 A - 14 J Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project (SVRIP) Service Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Project (SVRIP) Service This project focused on radio system infrastructure and regional interoperability of public safety communications, including Police, Fire services, and Public Works, across jurisdictions within Santa Clara County. Project completion involved the Police Department, Silicon Valley Radio Interoperability Authority (SVRIA), City Managers Association and the County Chiefs Association. The total project cost was approximately $458,000. K Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS) Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS) This project completed the replacement of the Police Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS). This new CAD/RMS system allows for an integrated solution offering the capability to comply with existing and upcoming mandates, capture ongoing statistical data, accurately measure performance, better equip first responders with relevant information, reduce report writing time, enhance internal cross-training, and be technologically progressive. The total project cost was approximately $525,000. PROPOSED COMPLETED OR WITHDRAWN CIP PROJECTS FY 2020/21 A - 15 Financial Summaries This Page Intentionally Left Blank PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 1 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES PROGRAM SUMMARIES Streets Program ....................................................................................................................................... B – 5 Parks Program ........................................................................................................................................ B – 5 Public Facilities Program.......................................................................................................................... B – 6 FUND SUMMARIES Total CIP Fund Summary ......................................................................................................................... B – 9 GFAR Fund ............................................................................................................................................... B – 10 Traffic Mitigation Fund ............................................................................................................................ B – 12 Grants and Awards Project Fund ............................................................................................................. B – 14 Storm Basin Funds ................................................................................................................................... B – 16 Utility Underground Fund........................................................................................................................ B – 18 Gas Tax Fund ........................................................................................................................................... B – 20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 2 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 3 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES BY PROGRAM PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 4 FY 2021/22 BUDGET BY PROGRAM CATEGORY (Includes Carryforward and FY 2020/21 Budget) Carryforward & Budget by Program Category FY 2021/22 Category % Streets Program Street Reconstruction 6,170,196$ 24% Maintenance, Repair & Safety Projects 3,515,331 14% Street Improvements 7,787,564 30% Bridges 3,750,744 15% Streets Program 21,223,835$ 82% Parks and Trails Program Park Improvements 579,386$ 2% Trail Improvements 1,398,429 5% Parks Program 1,977,815$ 8% Public Facilities Program Infrastructure 2,263,088$ 9% Equipment 298,952 1% Public Facilities 2,562,040$ 10% TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING 25,763,689$ 100% PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 5 Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing 9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing 19,833,691$ 1,145,976$ 3,091,593$ 3,078,604$ 2,912,038$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 39,176,385$ Street Maintenance, Repair & Safety 9910 Traffic Calming Projects 199,201 16,664 19,135 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 285,000 9921 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance 3,778,935 408,906 408,906 300,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 5,846,748 9930 Retaining Wall Repairs 1,427,457 170,066 365,254 100,000 - - 50,000 100,000 2,212,777 9902 Annual Street Restriping 180,228 - 169,772 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,000 0120 Guardrail Replacement Projects - 718,115 332,023 - - - - - 1,050,137 0236 Massol Intersection Improvements 64,912 344,108 98,128 - - - - - 507,148 0008 Shannon Road Repair - 63,073 1,436,927 - - - - - 1,500,000 0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction - 499,815 185 - - - - - 500,000 0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair/Waterproofing - - 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 Street Improvements 0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping 44,481 2,934 52,585 - - - - - 100,000 0409 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements 17,180 - - - - - 65,000 - 82,180 0218 Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 49,104 42,201 1,097,999 - - - - - 1,189,304 0221 Sidewalk Improvements - Multiple Locations - - 60,000 - - - - - 60,000 0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements - - 300,000 - - - - - 300,000 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization 140,498 860,378 1,622,075 - - - - - 2,622,951 0410 Bicknall Avenue Storm Drain Improvements 156,432 4,500 60,258 25,000 - - - - 246,190 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 468,753 3,350 261,824 - - - - - 733,927 0414 Stormwater System - Pollution Prevention Compliance 1,422 - 286,578 - - - - - 288,000 0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvements 59,700 - 420,300 150,000 - - - - 630,000 0129 ADA Transition Plan - 30,000 115,000 - - - - - 145,000 0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements - 600,000 - - - - - - 600,000 0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization 48,332 613,439 1,310,622 - - - - - 1,972,394 0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets (Final Design)114,174 85,878 79,948 463,250 1,734,250 - - - 2,477,500 0131 E. Main St. Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk - - 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 0132 Local Road Safety Plan - - 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 0239 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study - 48,410 76,590 - - - - - 125,000 0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway - 139,538 842,917 - - - - - 982,455 0133 VMT Mitigation Program - - 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 0241 Kennedy Sidewalk - LGB to Englewood - - - - - 356,700 832,300 - 1,189,000 0242 Parking Program Implementation - 881 197,619 - - - - - 198,500 Bridges 0801 Quito Road - Bridge Replacement 64,594 235,087 50,000 - - - - - 349,681 0803 Hwy 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 87,049 147,247 3,700,744 - - - - - 3,935,039 Total Streets Projects 26,736,144$ 6,180,567$ 17,071,981$ 4,151,854$ 4,881,288$ 3,629,862$ 4,270,462$ 3,473,162$ 70,395,317$ STREETS PROGRAM SUMMARY 2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget 2025/26 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 2020/21 Estimated Actuals Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2021/22 Budget Total Budgeted 2022/23 Budget s Park Improvements 4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project 75,736$ -$ 49,264$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 175,000$ 4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs 8,116 - 28,000 - - - - - 36,116 4006 Outdoor Fitness Equipment - 54,000 6,000 - - - - - 60,000 4508 Vegetation Management - Town-wide 13,520 186,970 50,218 - - - - - 250,707 4007 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - - - 445,904 - - - - 445,904 Trail Improvements 4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades - - 152,000 - - - - - 152,000 4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 72,942 - 440,109 580,000 - - - - 1,093,051 4505 Trailhead Connector 245,126 241,835 70,319 156,000 - - - - 713,280 Total Parks Projects 415,438$ 482,805$ 795,911$ 1,181,904$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 2,926,058$ PARKS AND TRAILS PROGRAM SUMMARY 2025/26 Budget Total Budgeted 2023/24 Budget 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Budget 2024/25 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 2020/21 Estimated Actuals Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 6 Infrastructure 2302 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard 163,250 750,738 251,812 750,000 - - - - 1,915,800 2002 Town Beautification 94,240 14,930 10,456 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 169,625 2117 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices - - 450,000 150,000 - - - - 600,000 2010 Waterproofing Town-wide - - 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 2504 Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby - - 22,000 - - - - - 22,000 6004 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms - 92,555 51,841 - - - - - 144,396 2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms - Adult Recreation Bldg.51,882 - 250,000 11,979 - - - - 313,861 2206 Adult Recreation - Floor Repair - - 100,000 100,000 - - - - 200,000 2505 Battery Power Supply - Library - - - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 Equipment 6101 Information System Upgrade 254,769 37,759 77,026 - - - - - 369,554 6001 Audio/Video System Upgrade 68,048 - 42,552 - - - - - 110,600 6003 Town-wide Document Imaging Project 198,011 - 16,990 - - - - - 215,000 2305 Engineering Document Archiving 14,199 78,084 - - - - - - 92,284 6103 EOC Communications Upgrade 24,060 1,000 24,940 - - - - - 50,000 6104 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements 30,924 31,631 137,445 - - - - - 200,000 Total Facilities Projects 899,383$ 1,006,698$ 1,510,061$ 1,051,979$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 4,508,121$ Total Streets, Parks and Trails, and Public Facilities Projects 28,050,965$ 7,669,188$ 19,378,834$ 6,385,737$ 5,016,288$ 3,839,862$ 4,405,462$ 3,483,162$ 78,229,496$ 2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget 2025/26 Budget Total Budgeted Expended Through 2019/20 2020/21 Estimated Actuals Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Budget PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 7 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES BY FUND PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 8 FY 2021/22 PROJECT SUMMARY BY FUND (Includes Carryforward and FY 2021/22 Budget) Carryforward & Budget by Fund FY 2021/22 Fund % GFAR 15,867,596$ 62% Traffic Mitigation Fund 904,599 4% Grant Funds 6,046,093 23% Storm Drain Funds 655,558 3% Utility Underground Fund 348,003 1% Gas Tax Fund 1,941,841 8% Total Budget by Fund 25,763,689$ 100.0% PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 9 Beginning Fund Balance 411 GFAR 12,261,926$ 13,861,073$ 12,737,901$ 31,657$ 280,165$ 70,849$ 93,233$ 411 Reserved for Parking 1,460,210 - 1,460,210 1,460,210 1,460,210 1,460,210 1,460,210 411 Reserved for Comcast PEG 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 411 VTA Vehicle Registration Fees 88,937 - - - - - - 471 Traffic Mitigation 120,119 120,119 348,661 348,661 348,661 348,661 348,661 421 Grant Fund 36,546 36,546 (1,425,517) (325,082) (325,082) (325,082) (325,082) 461 Storm Basin #1 1,034,521 1,034,521 1,083,991 933,661 984,231 1,035,969 1,088,903 462 Storm Basin #2 1,853,117 1,853,117 1,936,607 1,790,537 1,845,387 1,901,435 1,958,700 463 Storm Basin #3 (127,362) (127,362) (132,482) (385,100) (384,480) (383,799) (448,066) 472 Underground Utilities 3,118,173 3,118,173 3,158,462 2,862,949 2,907,259 2,951,799 2,996,559 481 Gas Tax 290,370 290,370 771,711 125,735 125,735 125,735 125,735 Total Beginning Fund Balance 20,186,557$ 20,186,557$ 19,989,544$ 6,893,229$ 7,292,087$ 7,235,778$ 7,348,854$ Revenues 411 GFAR 8,150,271$ 6,205,328$ 3,578,969$ 2,552,297$ 2,552,297$ 2,552,297$ 2,552,297$ 471 Traffic Mitigation 2,305,641 883,793 921,940 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 421 Grant Fund 6,658,041 140,352 7,146,528 1,734,250 - 832,300 - 461 Storm Basin #1 49,470 49,470 49,670 50,570 51,738 52,934 54,149 462 Storm Basin #2 53,490 83,490 53,930 54,850 56,048 57,264 58,499 463 Storm Basin #3 1,380 (620) 2,940 620 681 733 466 472 Underground Utilities 3,863,048 62,490 52,490 44,310 44,540 44,760 44,980 481 Gas Tax 1,233,317 1,233,317 1,401,865 1,401,865 1,401,865 1,401,865 1,401,865 Total Revenues 22,314,658$ 8,657,620$ 13,208,332$ 5,848,762$ 4,117,169$ 4,952,153$ 4,122,256$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 42,501,216$ 28,844,178$ 33,197,876$ 12,741,991$ 11,409,256$ 12,187,931$ 11,471,110$ Capital Program Expenditures 411 GFAR 17,781,730$ 5,400,674$ 15,867,596$ 1,886,173$ 2,343,997$ 2,112,297$ 2,187,297$ 471 Traffic Mitigation 1,785,438 881,134 904,599 - - - - 421 Grant Fund 6,983,825 1,602,415 6,046,093 1,734,250 - 832,300 - 461 Storm Basin #1 150,000 - 200,000 - - - - 462 Storm Basin #2 150,000 - 200,000 - - - - 463 Storm Basin #3 185,058 4,500 255,558 - - 65,000 - 472 Underground Utilities 6,836,204 22,201 348,003 - - - - 481 Gas Tax 1,291,952 645,976 1,941,841 1,295,865 1,295,865 1,295,865 1,295,865 Total Capital Program Expenditures 35,164,207$ 8,556,901$ 25,763,689$ 4,916,288$ 3,639,862$ 4,305,462$ 3,483,162$ Transfers Out & Other Sources 411 GFAR 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 411 GFAR Designated for Parking 1,460,210$ -$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 411 Reserved for Comcast PEG 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 471 Traffic Mitigation 10,000 2,659 17,341 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 481 Gas Tax 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 Total Transfers Out & Designated 2,043,826$ 526,275$ 2,051,167$ 2,043,826$ 2,043,826$ 2,043,826$ 2,043,826$ Unrestricted 5,293,183$ 19,761,002$ 5,383,019$ 5,781,877$ 5,725,568$ 5,838,644$ 5,944,123$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 42,501,216$ 28,844,178$ 33,197,876$ 12,741,991$ 11,409,256$ 12,187,931$ 11,471,110$ FY 2025/26 Source and Use Summary Schedule All Capital Improvement Program Funds Adjusted Budget FY 2020/21 Carryfwd & FY 2021/22 FY 2022/23 FY 2023/24SOURCE of FUNDS USE of FUNDS Adjusted Budget FY 2020/21 Estimated FY 2020/21 FY 2024/25Estimated FY 2020/21 FY 2025/26Carryfwd & FY 2021/22 FY 2022/23 FY 2023/24 FY 2024/25 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 10 Adjusted Budget Estimated Budget & Carryfwd Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 SOURCE OF FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Designated for Parking 1,460,210$ -$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ Reserved for Comcast PEG 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Reserved for Almond Grove - - - - - - - VTA Vehicle Registration Fees 88,937 - - - - - - Unrestricted 12,261,926 13,861,073 12,737,901 31,657 280,165 70,849 93,233 Total Beginning Fund Balance 13,861,073$ 13,861,073$ 14,248,111$ 1,541,867$ 1,790,375$ 1,581,059$ 1,603,443$ Revenues Use of Reserves - Parking -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Construction Impact Fees 110,000 223,089 160,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 Refuse Vehicle Road Impact Fee 619,553 310,698 1,054,531 871,800 871,800 871,800 871,800 School Busing Fare Revenue 46,500 (206) - - - - - Developers Contributions 78,000 - - - - - - Cost Sharing - Curbs & Gutters 76,000 33,098 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Cost Sharing - Traffic Calming 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Slurry Seal - 8,175 - - - - - Pavement Rehab-Crack & Seal - Measure B Funding 180,000 201,732 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 Other Contributions - 85,830 - - - - - One-way Downtown Street - 48,256 - - - - - Other Contributions - City of San Jose - - - - - - - Misc CIP refund - 48,013 - - - - - 2016 Measure B Funding 570,497 - 1,243,683 570,497 570,497 570,497 570,497 City of Monte Sereno 368,829 34,829 - - - - - Measure B - 2016 580,663 - - - - - - Tesla Charging Stations 48,000 - - - - - - PG&E Financing for Energency Efficiency Upgrades (2008)1,439,995 1,560,336 - - - - - Library Lobby Sound Mit 20,755 - 20,755 - - - - Operating Transfers In From General Fund 3,401,479 3,401,479 550,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 From Open Space Reserve - - - - - - - From General Plan Update 250,000 250,000 - - - - - From Stores and Vehicle Maintenance Funds - - - - - - - From Community Benefit Albright (Close Proximity)350,000 - 350,000 - - - - From GFAR Abright (Close Proximity)- - - - - - From Equipment Replacement - - - - - - - From IT Fund - - - - - - - From Facility Maintenance - - - - - - - Total Revenues 8,150,271$ 6,205,328$ 3,578,969$ 2,552,297$ 2,552,297$ 2,552,297$ 2,552,297$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 22,011,344$ 20,066,401$ 17,827,080$ 4,094,164$ 4,342,672$ 4,133,356$ 4,155,740$ USE OF FUNDSTotal Completed Projects 1,441,564$ 886,831$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Carryforward Projects Outdoor Fitness Equipment 60,000 54,000 6,000 - - - - Town Plaza Turf Repairs 28,000 - 28,000 - - - - Parks Playground Fibar Project 49,264 - 49,264 25,000 - 25,000 - Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 364,891 - 474,891 - - - - Open Space Trail Upgrades 152,000 - 152,000 - - - - Trailhead Connector 174,226 103,907 226,319 - - - - Vegetation Management - Town-wide 237,188 186,970 50,218 - - - - Town Beautification 25,386 14,930 20,456 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Waterproofing Town-wide 75,000 - 75,000 - - - - ADA Restrooms and HR Offices 450,000 - 600,000 - - - - Building Replacement at Corporation Yard 1,002,550 750,738 1,001,812 - - - - Engineering Document Archiving 45,801 78,084 - - - - - Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby 22,000 - 22,000 - - - - ADA Upgrade for Public Restrooms - Rec Building 183,000 - 183,000 - - - - Audio/Video System Upgrade 42,552 - 42,552 - - - - Town-wide Document Imaging Project 16,990 - 16,990 - - - - Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms 144,396 92,555 51,841 - - - - Information System Upgrade 114,785 37,759 77,026 - - - - EOC Communications Upgrade 25,940 1,000 24,940 - - - - IT Disaster Recovery Improvements 169,076 31,631 137,445 - - - - Adult Recreation - Floor Repair 100,000 - 200,000 - - - - Street Repair & Resurfacing 2,757,432 500,000 3,860,171 1,436,173 1,562,297 1,562,297 1,562,297 Annual Street Restriping 169,772 - 194,772 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Pavement Rehab-Crack Seal 188,185 - 368,185 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 Traffic Calming Projects 35,799 16,664 29,135 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance 817,813 408,906 708,906 200,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 Retaining Wall Repairs 535,320 170,066 465,254 - - 50,000 100,000 Guardrail Replacement Projects 92,809 119 92,691 - - - - ADA Transition Plan 110,000 10,000 100,000 - - - - Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 129,896 20,000 109,896 - - - - Sidewalk Improvements - Multiple Locations 60,000 - 60,000 - - - - Traffic Signal Modernization - - - - - - - Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 231,524 3,350 228,174 - - - - Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts 1,924,062 613,439 1,310,622 - - - - Massol Intersection Improvements 442,236 344,108 98,128 - - - - Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets (Final Design)165,826 85,878 543,198 - - - - VMT Mitigation Program 250,000 - 250,000 - - - - Stormwater System - Pollution Prevention Compliance 286,578 - 286,578 - - - - Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping 55,519 2,934 52,585 - - - - Quito Road - Bridge Replacement 285,087 235,087 50,000 - - - - Shannon Road Repair 1,500,000 63,073 1,436,927 - - - - Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction 500,000 499,815 185 - - - - E. Main St. Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk 83,000 - 15,000 - - - - Local Road Safety Plan 28,000 - 28,000 - - - - Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study 125,000 48,410 76,590 - - - - Winchester Class IV Bikeway 688,555 139,538 549,017 - - - - Kennedy Sidewalk - LGB to Englewood - - - - 356,700 - - Parking Program Implementation 198,500 881 197,619 - - - - Parking Lot 4 Repair/Waterproofing 250,000 - 250,000 - - - - Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge - Design 946,210 - 946,210 - - - - New ProjectsOak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - - 90,000 - - - - Battery Power Supply @ Library - - 30,000 - - - - Total Project Expenditures 17,781,730$ 5,400,674$ 15,867,596$ 1,886,173$ 2,343,997$ 2,112,297$ 2,187,297$ p Operating Transfers Out Transfer to Equipment Replacement -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Transfer to GF 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 417,616 Total Operating Transfers Out 417,616$ 417,616$ 417,616$ 417,616$ 417,616$ 417,616$ 417,616$ Ending Fund Balance Designated for Parking 1,460,210$ -$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ 1,460,210$ Reserved for Comcast PEG 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Reserved for VTA Vehicle Registration Fees 88,937 - - - - - - Unrestricted 2,212,851 14,248,111 31,657 280,165 70,849 93,233 40,617 Total Ending Fund Balance 3,811,997$ 14,248,111$ 1,541,867$ 1,790,375$ 1,581,059$ 1,603,443$ 1,550,827$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 22,011,344$ 20,066,401$ 17,827,080$ 4,094,164$ 4,342,672$ 4,133,356$ 4,155,740$ GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATED RESERVES (GFAR) STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 11 Carryforward Projects 4006 Outdoor Fitness Equipment 54,000$ 6,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ 4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs 8,116 28,000 - - - - - 36,116 4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project 75,736 49,264 - 25,000 - 25,000 - 175,000 4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades - 152,000 - - - - - 152,000 4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 109 364,891 110,000 - - - - 475,000 4505 Trailhead Connector 143,961 70,319 156,000 - - - - 370,280 4508 Vegetation Management - Town-wide 200,489 50,218 - - - - - 250,707 2002 Town Beautification 109,170 10,456 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 169,625 2010 Waterproofing Town-wide - 75,000 - - - - - 75,000 2117 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices - 450,000 150,000 - - - - 600,000 2302 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard 913,988 251,812 750,000 - - - - 1,915,800 2305 Engineering Document Archiving 92,284 - - - - - - 92,284 2504 Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby - 22,000 - - - - - 22,000 2601 ADA Upgrade for Public Restrooms - Rec Building - 183,000 - - - - - 183,000 6001 Audio/Video System Upgrade 68,048 42,552 - - - - - 110,600 6003 Town-wide Document Imaging Project 198,011 16,990 - - - - - 215,000 6004 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms 92,555 51,841 - - - - - 144,396 6101 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms 292,528 77,026 - - - - - 369,554 6103 EOC Communications Upgrade 25,060 24,940 - - - - - 50,000 6104 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements 62,555 137,445 - - - - - 200,000 2206 Adult Recreation - Floor Repair - 100,000 100,000 - - - - 200,000 9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing 10,733,641 2,445,616 1,782,739 1,616,173 1,742,297 1,742,297 1,742,297 21,805,060 9902 Annual Street Restriping 180,228 169,772 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,000 9910 Traffic Calming Projects 215,864 19,135 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 285,000 9921 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance 4,187,842 408,906 300,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 5,846,748 9930 Retaining Wall Repairs 1,597,523 365,254 100,000 - - 50,000 100,000 2,212,777 0801 Quito Road - Bridge Replacement 299,681 50,000 - - - - - 349,681 0120 Guardrail Replacement Projects 119 92,691 - - - - - 92,809 0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping 47,415 52,585 - - - - - 100,000 0409 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements - 0218 Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 20,104 109,896 - - - - - 130,000 0221 Sidewalk Improvements - Multiple Locations - 60,000 - - - - - 60,000 0803 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design - 946,210 - - - - - 946,210 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 261,826 228,174 - - - - - 490,000 0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements - 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization - - - - - - - - 0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Eff 661,772 1,310,622 - - - - - 1,972,394 0129 ADA Transition Plan 10,000 100,000 - - - - - 110,000 0410 Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements - 0236 Massol Intersection Improvements 409,020 98,128 - - - - - 507,148 0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvements - 0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets (Final Design)200,053 79,948 463,250 - - - - 743,250 0131 E. Main St. Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk - 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 0133 VMT Mitigation Program - 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements - 0414 Stormwater System - Pollution Prevention Compliance 1,422 286,578 - - - - - 288,000 0008 Shannon Road Repair 63,073 1,436,927 - - - - - 1,500,000 0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction 499,815 185 - - - - - 500,000 0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair/Waterproofing - 250,000 - - - - - 250,000 0132 Local Road Safety Plan - 28,000 - - - - - 28,000 0239 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study 48,410 76,590 - - - - - 125,000 0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway 139,538 549,017 - - - - - 688,555 0241 Kennedy Sidewalk - LGB to Englewood - - - - 356,700 - - 356,700 0242 Parking Program Implementation 881 197,619 - - - - - 198,500 New Projects 4007 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - - 90,000 - - - - 90,000 2505 Battery Power Supply - Library - - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 Total GFAR Projects 21,914,835$ 11,790,607$ 4,076,989$ 1,886,173$ 2,343,997$ 2,112,297$ 2,187,297$ 46,312,196$ 2022/23 Budget 2024/25 Budget 2021/22 Budget Total Budgeted Expended Through 2020/21 Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2023/24 Budget GFAR FUND PROJECT SUMMARY 2025/26 Budget PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 12 Adjusted Budget Estimated Budget & Carryfwd Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 SOURCE OF FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Unrestricted 120,119$ 120,119$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ Deferred Traffic Mitigation Total Beginning Fund Balance 120,119$ 120,119$ 120,119$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ Revenues Deferred Revenue 2,189,515$ 883,793$ 921,940$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ In-Lieu Fees 116,126 - - - - - - Total Revenues 2,305,641$ 883,793$ 921,940$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 2,425,760$ 1,003,912$ 1,042,059$ 358,661$ 358,661$ 358,661$ 358,661$ USE OF FUNDS Completed Projects Cut-Through Traffic/Wood Road Roundabout -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Carryforward Projects Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 146,951$ 147,247$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Bike & Pedestrian Improvements 33,650 - 33,650 - - - - Traffic Signal Modernization 1,004,837 133,888 870,949 - - - - Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improve 600,000 600,000 - - - - - Proposed Projects Total Project Expenditures 1,785,438$ 881,134$ 904,599$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000$ 2,659$ 17,341$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ Total Operating Transfers 10,000$ 2,659$ 17,341$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ Ending Fund Balance Unrestricted 630,323$ 120,119$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ Total Ending Fund Balance 630,323$ 120,119$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ 348,661$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 2,425,760$ 1,003,912$ 1,270,601$ 358,661$ 358,661$ 358,661$ 358,661$ TRAFFIC MITIGATION FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 13 Carryforward Projects 0803 Hwy 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 147,300$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 147,300 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization 232,340 870,949 - - - - - 1,103,289 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 41,350 33,650 - - - - - 75,000 0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements 600,000 - - - - - - 600,000 New Projects Total Traffic Mitigation Projects 1,020,991$ 904,599$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,925,589$ TRAFFIC MITIGATION FUND PROJECTS Expended Through 2020/21 Total Budgeted 2025/26 Budget Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2022/23 Budget 2021/22 Budget 2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 14 Note: The grants function primarily on a reimbursement basis. Adjusted Budget Estimated Budget & Carryfwd Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 SOURCE OF FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Unrestricted 36,546$ 36,546$ (1,425,517)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (318,413)$ Total Beginning Fund Balance 36,546$ 36,546$ (1,425,517)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ Revenues 3 5 11 13 15 17 Traffic Signal Modernization 1,015,248$ -$ 1,015,248$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 86,599 - 556,599 - - - - Trailhead Connector 159,992 52,643 107,349 - - - - Sidewalk Improvements Shannon/LGB/Cherry Blossom 940,100 - 940,100 - - - - Bike & Ped Improvements (BHR East & West)36,300 - - - - - - Guardrail Replacement 971,174 34,714 936,459 - - - - ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms - Adult Recreation Bldg.67,000 - 67,119 - - - - Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 2,807,529 52,995 2,754,990 - - - - E. Main St. Speed Table/ Raised Crosswalk 86,200 - - - - - - Winchester Class IV Bikeway 293,900 - 293,900 - - - - Local Road Safety Program 72,000 - 72,000 - - - - Kennedy Sidewalk between LGB and Engelwood - - - - - 832,300 - Winchester Blvd. Complete Streets (Final Design)- - - 1,734,250 - - - School Bus Pilot Program 87,000 - - - - - - ADA Transition Plan 35,000 - 35,000 - - - - Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - - 355,904 - - - - Total Revenues 6,658,041$ 140,352$ 7,134,668$ 1,734,250$ -$ 832,300$ -$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 6,694,587$ 176,898$ 5,709,151$ 1,397,308$ (336,942)$ 495,358$ (336,942)$ USE OF FUNDS Completed Projects Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 75,218$ -$ 545,218$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Trailhead Connector 137,929 137,929 - - - - - School Bus Pilot Program 87,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Carryforward Projects ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms - Adult Recreation Bldg.67,000$ -$ 78,979$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Guardrail Replacement 957,328 717,996 239,332 - - - - Traffic Signal Modernization 1,477,616 726,490 751,126 - - - - Bike & Ped Improvements - - - - - - - Winchester Blvd. Complete Streets (Final Design)- - - 1,734,250 - - - Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 2,754,534 - 2,754,534 - - - - ADA Transistion Plan 35,000 20,000 15,000 - - - - Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 940,100 - 940,100 - - - - E. Main St. Speed Table/ Raised Crosswalk 86,200 - - - - - - Winchester Class IV Bikeway 293,900 - 293,900 - - - - Local Road Safety Program 72,000 - 72,000 - - - - Kennedy Sidewalk between LGB and Engelwood - - - - - 832,300 - Proposed Projects Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - - 355,904 - - - - Total Expenditures 6,983,825$ 1,602,415$ 6,046,093$ 1,734,250$ -$ 832,300$ -$ Ending Fund Balance Unrestricted (289,238)$ (1,425,517)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ Total Ending Fund Balance (289,238)$ (1,425,517)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ (336,942)$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 6,694,587$ 176,898$ 5,709,151$ 1,397,308$ (336,942)$ 495,358$ (336,942)$ GRANT FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 15 Carryforward Projects 4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 72,833$ 75,218$ 470,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 618,051 4505 Trailhead Connector 343,000 - - - - - - 343,000 2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms - Adult Recreation Bldg.51,882 67,000 11,979 - - - - 130,861 0120 Guardrail Replacement Projects 717,996 239,332 - - - - - 957,328 0218 Shannon Road Class 1 Multi-use Path - 940,100 - - - - - 940,100 0803 Hwy 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 86,995 2,754,534 - - - - - 2,841,529 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization 768,536 751,126 - - - - - 1,519,662 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 168,927 - - - - - - 168,927 0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets (Final Design)- - - 1,734,250 - - - 1,734,250 0241 Kennedy Sidewalk - LGB to Englewood - - - - - 832,300 - 832,300 0131 E. Main St. Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk - - - - - - - - 0132 Local Road Safety Plan - 72,000 - - - - - 72,000 0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway - 293,900 - - - - - 293,900 0129 ADA Transition Plan 20,000 15,000 - - - - - New Projects 4007 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - - 355,904 - - - - 355,904 Total Grant Funded Projects 2,230,169$ 5,208,210$ 837,883$ 1,734,250$ -$ 832,300$ -$ 10,842,812$ Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 Expended Through 2020/21 2021/22 Budget GRANT FUNDED PROJECTS 2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget Total Budgeted 2022/23 Budget 2025/26 Budget PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 16 Adjusted Budget Estimated Budget & Carryfwd Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 SOURCE OF FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Unrestricted 2,760,276$ 2,760,276$ 2,888,116$ 2,339,098$ 2,445,138$ 2,553,605$ 2,599,537$ Total Beginning Fund Balance 2,760,276$ 2,760,276$ 2,888,116$ 2,339,098$ 2,445,138$ 2,553,605$ 2,599,537$ Revenues Drainage Fees 92,500$ 120,500$ 94,500$ 94,350$ 96,237$ 98,162$ 100,125$ Interest 11,840 11,840 12,040 11,690 12,230 12,770 12,990 Total Revenues 104,340$ 132,340$ 106,540$ 106,040$ 108,467$ 110,932$ 113,115$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 2,864,616$ 2,892,616$ 2,994,656$ 2,445,138$ 2,553,605$ 2,664,537$ 2,712,652$ USE OF FUNDS Completed Projects Carryforward Projects Hernandez Ave Storm Drain Improvements - - - - - 65,000 - Bicknall Avenue Storm Drain Improvements 64,758 4,500 85,258 - - - - Annual Storm Drain Improvement Prj 420,300 - 570,300 - - - - Proposed Projects Total Expenditures 485,058$ 4,500$ 655,558$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ Ending Fund Balance Unrestricted 2,379,558$ 2,888,116$ 2,339,098$ 2,445,138$ 2,553,605$ 2,599,537$ 2,712,652$ Total Ending Fund Balance 2,379,558$ 2,888,116$ 2,339,098$ 2,445,138$ 2,553,605$ 2,599,537$ 2,712,652$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 2,864,616$ 2,892,616$ 2,994,656$ 2,445,138$ 2,553,605$ 2,664,537$ 2,712,652$ STORM BASIN FUNDS STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 17 Carryforward Projects 0409 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements 17,180$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ 82,180$ 0410 Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements 160,932 60,258 25,000 - - - - 246,190 0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Prj 59,700 420,300 150,000 - - - - 630,000 New Projects Total Storm Basin Funds Projects 237,812$ 480,558$ 175,000$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ 958,370$ STORM BASIN FUNDS PROJECTS 2025/26 Budget 2023/24 Budget Expended Through 2020/21 2024/25 Budget Total Budgeted Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Budget PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 18 Adjusted Budget Estimated Budget & Carryfwd Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 SOURCE OF FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Unrestricted 3,118,173$ 3,118,173$ 3,158,462$ 2,862,949$ 2,907,259$ 2,951,799$ 2,996,559$ Total Beginning Fund Balance 3,118,173$ 3,118,173$ 3,158,462$ 2,862,949$ 2,907,259$ 2,951,799$ 2,996,559$ Revenues Construction Tax 30,000$ 40,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ Interest 22,490 22,490 22,490 14,310 14,540 14,760 14,980 Balamce from PG&E 3,810,558 - - - - - - Total Revenues 3,863,048$ 62,490$ 52,490$ 44,310$ 44,540$ 44,760$ 44,980$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 6,981,221$ 3,180,663$ 3,210,952$ 2,907,259$ 2,951,799$ 2,996,559$ 3,041,539$ USE OF FUNDS Completed Projects Carryforward Projects Utility Undergrounding Improvements 6,766,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 70,204 22,201 48,003 - - - - New Projects Total Expenditures 6,836,204$ 22,201$ 348,003$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Operating Transfers Total Operating Transfers -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Ending Fund Balance Unrestricted 145,017 3,158,462 2,862,949 2,907,259 2,951,799 2,996,559 3,041,539 Total Ending Fund Balance 145,017$ 3,158,462$ 2,862,949$ 2,907,259$ 2,951,799$ 2,996,559$ 3,041,539$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 6,981,221$ 3,180,663$ 3,210,952$ 2,907,259$ 2,951,799$ 2,996,559$ 3,041,539$ UTILITY UNDERGROUND FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 19 Carryforward Projects 0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ 0218 Shannon Road Class 1 Multi-use Path 71,201 48,003 - - - - - 119,204$ New Projects Total Utility Undergrounding Projects 71,201$ 348,003$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 419,204$ Expended Through 2020/21 Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Budget 2025/26 Budget UTILITY UNDERGROUND FUND PROJECTS Total Budgeted 2023/24 Budget 2024/25 Budget PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 20 Adjusted Budget Estimated Budget & Carryfwd Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 SOURCE OF FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance Unrestricted 290,370$ 290,370$ 771,711$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ Total Beginning Fund Balance 290,370$ 290,370$ 771,711$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ Revenues Gas Tax 458,121$ 458,121$ 521,198$ 521,198$ 521,198$ 521,198$ 521,198$ Gas Tas - Traffic Congestion 247,247 247,247 273,745 273,745 273,745 273,745 273,745 Road Maintenance Rehabilitation 526,739 526,739 605,651 605,651 605,651 605,651 605,651 Interest 1,210 1,210 1,271 1,271 1,271 1,271 1,271 Total Revenues 1,233,317$ 1,233,317$ 1,401,865$ 1,401,865$ 1,401,865$ 1,401,865$ 1,401,865$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 1,523,687$ 1,523,687$ 2,173,576$ 1,527,600$ 1,527,600$ 1,527,600$ 1,527,600$ USE OF FUNDS Carryforward Projects St Repair & Resurfacing 1,291,952 645,976 1,941,841 1,295,865 1,295,865 1,295,865 1,295,865 Proposed Projects Total Expenditures 1,291,952$ 645,976$ 1,941,841$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ Operating Transfers 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ Total Operating Transfers 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ Ending Fund Balance Unrestricted 125,735$ 771,711$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ Total Ending Fund Balance 125,735$ 771,711$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ 125,735$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 1,523,687$ 1,523,687$ 2,173,576$ 1,527,600$ 1,527,600$ 1,527,600$ 1,527,600$ GAS TAX FUND STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND USE OF FUNDS PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 21 Carryforward Projects 9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing 10,246,027$ 645,976$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 17,371,325$ New Projects Total Gas Tax Fund Projects 10,246,027$ 645,976$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 17,371,325$ GAS TAX FUND PROJECTS 2024/25 Budget 2025/26 Budget Total Budgeted Estimated Carryfwd to 2021/22 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Budget 2023/24 Budget Expended Through 2020/21 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Financial Summaries B - 22 Streets Program This Page Intentionally Left Blank STREETS PROGRAM DIRECTORY C - 1 STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACING PROJECTS PAGE 9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing C – 6 STREET REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE & SAFETY PROJECTS 9910 Traffic Calming Projects C – 12 9921 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance C – 14 9930 Retaining Wall Repairs C – 16 9902 Annual Street Restriping C – 18 0120 Guardrail Replacement Projects C – 20 0236 Massol Intersection Improvement C – 22 0008 Shannon Road Repair C – 24 0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction C – 26 0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing C – 28 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping C – 34 0409 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements C – 36 0218 Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements C – 38 0221 Sidewalk Improvements – Multiple Locations C – 40 0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements C – 42 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization C – 44 0410 Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements C – 46 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements C – 48 0414 Stormwater System – Pollution Prevention Compliance C – 50 0242 Parking Program Implementation C – 52 0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvements C – 54 0129 ADA Transition Plan C – 56 0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements C – 58 0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts C – 60 0131 E. Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk C – 62 0132 Local Road Safety Plan C – 64 0239 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study C – 66 0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway C - 68 0133 VMT Mitigation Program C -70 0241 Kennedy Sidewalk – LGB to Englewood C - 72 0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design C - 74 BRIDGE PROJECTS 0801 Quito Road – Bridge Replacement C – 80 0803 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge – Design C – 82 STREETS PROGRAM C - 2 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing C - 3 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Street Repair & Resurfacing PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing C - 4 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing C – 6 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing C - 5 The Streets Program’s Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that resurface or repave the Town’s streets as the primary scope of work. Projects may also encompass minor components of streetscape or street improvements; however, to be categorized in the Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing section, projects must have pavement rehabilitation as their main purpose. Safety issues, traffic levels, the Pavement Condition Index, available funding sources, project costs, and community impacts are all considerations in prioritizing Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing projects in the five-year Capital Improvement Program. This section contains an annual ongoing street rehabilitation project. The dedicated ongoing funding sources for street repair are the Gas Tax, which was increased by SB 1, and Proposition 42. In addition, Countywide Measure B (Nov 2016) increased the sales tax by ½ cent for 30 years to fund transportation related projects. One part of 2016 Measure B is a formulaic distribution of funds for roadway maintenance. The Los Gatos annual allocation averages approximately $591,035. Additional sources include grant funding, if secured, such as State programs that focus on funding specific street categories or that fund rehabilitation of specific arterial or collector streets. Other than the funds mentioned above, Los Gatos has limited designated funding sources for maintaining the Town’s roadway system. The Town has a Construction Impact Fee (approximately $110,000 annually) and a Refuse Vehicle Road Impact Fee (approximately $746,000 annually). Both of these sources recover costs for additional street and roadway repairs due to the disproportionate amount of wear and tear caused by construction and other heavy vehicles. STREET RECONSTRUCTION & RESURFACING PROJECTS SUMMARY * Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $3,091,593 Carryforward Projects 9901 Street Repair & Resurfacing 20,979,667$ 6,170,196$ 2,912,038$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 39,176,385$ New Projects Total Street Reconstruction Projects 20,979,667$ 6,170,196$ 2,912,038$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 39,176,385$ 20254/25 Budget 2022/23 Budget 2023/24 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Total Budgeted 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* 2025/26 Budget PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing C - 6 Town Wide Project Name Street Repair & Resurfacing Project Number 811-9901 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This is an ongoing annual project for street rehabilitation throughout the Town to enhance safety for all travel modes and to maintain the Town’s roadway infrastructure. It is important for the Town to keep up with the annual street rehabilitation projects each year to improve the Town’s roadways and prevent street pavements from deteriorating to more extensive and costly repair conditions. Location This project occurs in various locations including Town-wide arterials, collectors, and neighborhood streets. To meet the SB1 requirements, every year the Council adopts a resolution identifying the streets needing repair. The final streets for the current construction season are identified at the time the specifications are brought forward for Council approval, which generally occurs in the spring. Project Background Street rehabilitation projects are identified and prioritized according to pavement quality reflected by the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), field inspection, traffic level, and safety issues. Every three years, the Town conducts a full assessment on the condition of the streets through a consultant who specializes in the field. This assessment is funded through a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. The PCI information that results from the survey feeds into a street maintenance software program called StreetSaver. Every jurisdiction in the Bay Area uses the same program and methodology, making it the best practice in the industry. With the PCI information in the StreetSaver database, the program can produce a list of priority project street segments with types of recommended rehabilitations based on street conditions and budget available. As with many computer-generated reports, the output requires some validation and adjustment. Staff conducts this element of the work through field observations and consideration of project proximity, all with an eye towards maximizing the value to the Town. The resulting list, sized to the available budget, creates the annual list of streets for this project. Ongoing preventive maintenance of streets that are in good condition (PCI’s above 70) with cost effective treatments such as crack sealing and slurry seal is an importance practice to prevent streets from reaching lower PCI levels that require more extensive and proportionally more expensive rehabilitation. Streets in worse condition can often be treated with a rubber cape seal. For arterial streets with a lower PCI, asphalt overlay or rubber cape seal are often considered as the best return on investment over time. Streets in the poor condition category may need to be reconstructed. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing C - 7 Reconstruction is the highest cost solution for fixing streets, and the goal is to maintain and rehabilitate street segments to avoid reconstruction. The Town has annually focused its resources on arterials and collector streets using asphalt overlays and rubber cape seal. Residential streets are typically treated with rubber cape seal or slurry seal. The dedicated ongoing funding sources for street repair are the Gas Tax, which was increased by SB 1, and Proposition 42, which total approximately $1,300,000 for FY 2021/22. In November 2016, voters passed Countywide Measure B. This Measure increased the sales tax by ½ cent for 30 years to fund transportation related projects. One part of 2016 Measure B is a formulaic distribution of funds for roadway maintenance. The Los Gatos annual allocation is $570,497, though a one-time increase is expected in FY 2021/22. As part of a voter-approved measure from 2010, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) assesses a $10 per vehicle registration surcharge to repair and rehabilitate streets. Eighty percent of the revenues collected by the VTA are returned to the local municipality in which they were generated. The remaining twenty percent is used for regional and County-wide projects. This funding source is expected to generate approximately $180,000 annually for Los Gatos, which will be used for street rehabilitation Town-wide. Other than the annual revenues mentioned above, Los Gatos has limited designated funding sources for maintaining the Town’s roadway system. The Town has a Construction Impact Fee (approximately $110,000 annually) and a Refuse Vehicle Road Impact Fee (approximately $746,000 annually). Both of these sources recover costs for additional street and roadway repairs due to the disproportionate amount of wear and tear caused by construction and other heavy vehicles. Operating Budget Impacts Conducting preventive maintenance on the Town’s roadways extends the life of the streets and reduces the need for extensive reconstruction in the future and staff time spent on routine road maintenance. Engineering staff time for project design and oversight associated with the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing C - 8 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2021 Design Prepare plans and specifications Winter 2022 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Begin construction Fall 2022 Completion Project completed Senate Bill 1 (2017-2018, Beall) Road Repair and Accountability Act project list: Location Description Scheduled Completion Estimated Useful Life Winchester from Lark to Santa Cruz Placement of rubber cape seal to maintain pavement surface. These are arterial roads and are critical for transit needs in the Town. Fall 2021 10 - 25 years Union Avenue from Blossom Hill Road to Los Gatos-Almaden Road Placement of rubber cape seal or overlay to maintain pavement surface. This is an arterial road and is critical for transit needs in the Town. Fall 2022 10 - 25 years Quito Road from Bicknell to Woodbank Placement of rubber cape seal or overlay to maintain pavement surface. This is an arterial road and is critical for transit needs in the Town. Fall 2023 10 - 25 years Santa Cruz Avenue from Blossom Hill Road to Highway 9 Placement of rubber cape seal or overlay to maintain pavement surface. This is a collector road and is critical for transit needs in the Town. Fall 2024 10 - 25 years Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Vehicle License Fee - 2010 Measure B 1,173,355$ -$ 188,185$ 180,000$ 368,185$ 180,000$ 180,000$ 180,000$ 180,000$ 2,261,540$ VTA Allocation - 2016 Measure B - - 570,497 673,186 1,243,683 570,497 570,497 570,497 570,497 3,525,671 Other GFAR 9,060,286 500,000 1,686,935 929,553 2,616,488 865,676 991,800 991,800 991,800 16,017,849 Total GFAR 10,233,641$ 500,000$ 2,445,616$ 1,782,739$ 4,228,355$ 1,616,173$ 1,742,297$ 1,742,297$ 1,742,297$ 21,805,060$ GAS TAX & PROP 42 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) -$ 526,739$ -$ 605,651$ 605,651$ 605,651$ 605,651$ 605,651$ 605,651$ 3,554,994$ Other Gas Tax & Prop 42 9,600,051 119,237 645,976 690,214 1,336,190 690,214 690,214 690,214 690,214 13,816,331 TOTAL GAS TAX & PROP 42 9,600,051$ 645,976$ 645,976$ 1,295,865$ 1,941,841$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 17,371,325$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 19,833,691$ 1,145,976$ 3,091,593$ 3,078,604$ 6,170,196$ 2,912,038$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 39,176,385$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 10,233,641 500,000 2,445,616 1,782,739 4,228,355 1,616,173 1,742,297 1,742,297 1,742,297 21,805,060 TOTAL GFAR 10,233,641$ 500,000$ 2,445,616$ 1,782,739$ 4,228,355$ 1,616,173$ 1,742,297$ 1,742,297$ 1,742,297$ 21,805,060$ GAS TAX & PROP 42 Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 9,600,051 645,976 645,976 1,295,865 1,941,841 1,295,865 1,295,865 1,295,865 1,295,865 17,371,325 TOTAL GAS TAX & PROP 42 9,600,051$ 645,976$ 645,976$ 1,295,865$ 1,941,841$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 1,295,865$ 17,371,325$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 19,833,691$ 1,145,976$ 3,091,593$ 3,078,604$ 6,170,196$ 2,912,038$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 3,038,162$ 39,176,385$ STREET REPAIR & RESURFACING Project 811-9901 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 9 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Traffic Calming Projects F Massol Intersection Improvements B Curb, Gutter, & Sidewalk Maintenance G Shannon Road Repair C Retaining Wall Repairs H Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction D Annual Street Restriping I Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing E Guardrail Replacement Project PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 10 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 9910 Traffic Calming Projects C – 12 9921 Curb, Gutter, & Sidewalk Maintenance C – 14 9930 Retaining Wall Repairs C – 16 9902 Annual Street Restriping C – 18 0120 Guardrail Replacement Project C – 20 0236 Massol Intersection Improvements C – 22 0008 Shannon Road Repair C – 24 0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction C – 26 0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing C – 28 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 11 The Streets Program’s Street Repair, Maintenance & Safety Projects section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that repair, maintain, or enhance safety features of the Town’s streets and parking lots as the primary scope of work. Projects may also encompass minor components of streetscape or street improvements; however, to be categorized in this section, street repair, maintenance, or safety enhancements must be the project’s main purpose. Safety issues, available funding sources, project costs, and community impacts are all considerations in prioritizing Street Repair, Maintenance & Safety projects in the five-year Capital Improvement Program. This section contains annual ongoing projects as well as one-time projects. GFAR funding is utilized for the Traffic Calming Projects, which are funded at $10,000 annually. The Annual Street Restriping Project is funded at $25,000 per year. The Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Maintenance Project is funded at $300,000 per year. The Retaining Wall Repairs Project is typically funded with an ongoing GFAR stream of $100,000 per year. While annual appropriations are planned for these ongoing projects, funding adjustments may occur from year to year to align with changing priorities and schedules. One-time projects are prioritized by safety factors, community impacts, equity considerations, and the availability of grant funding. GFAR funds may also be utilized to fund a portion of grant driven projects as a grant’s local “match requirement.” Los Gatos does not have an ongoing designated funding source for projects in this section. STREET REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE & SAFETY PROJECTS SUMMARY * Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $3,080,331 Carryforward Projects 9910 Traffic Calming Projects 215,864$ 29,135$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 285,000$ 9921 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance 4,187,842 708,906 200,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 5,846,748 9930 Retaining Wall Repairs 1,597,523 465,254 - - 50,000 100,000 2,212,777 9902 Annual Street Restriping 180,228 194,772 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,000 0120 Guardrail Replacement Projects 718,115 332,023 - - - - 1,050,137 0236 Massol Intersection Improvements 409,020 98,128 - - - - 507,148 0008 Shannon Road Repair 63,073 1,436,927 - - - - 1,500,000 0130 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction 499,815 185 - - - - 500,000 0708 Parking Lot 4 Repair/Waterproofing - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 New Projects Total Maintenance & Safety Projects 7,871,479$ 3,515,331$ 235,000$ 235,000$ 335,000$ 435,000$ 12,626,810$ 2023/24 Budget 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* 2022/23 Budget FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Total Budgeted 2025/26 Budget STREET REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE & SAFETY PROJECTS 20254/25 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 12 Project Name Traffic Calming Projects Project Number 812-9910 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description In accordance with the Town’s Traffic Calming Policy, this project involves conducting minor traffic studies and developing traffic improvements such as installing roadway devices to address speeding concerns and further enhance school pedestrian and roadway safety. Implementation of improvements may need to be coordinated with other capital projects due to funding. Location In FY 2021/22, funds will be used to continue developing a traffic calming project for Shannon Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Short Road and to reinstall one speed hump on Massol Avenue. In addition, funds will be used for studies on Tait Avenue and Corrine Drive to determine if these streets qualify for a future traffic calming project. Project Background In 2002, the Town implemented a Traffic Calming Policy to address and mitigate neighborhood traffic and pedestrian safety issues, such as speeding and cut-through traffic. This program relies on residents to bring projects forward at the neighborhood level. The process begins with neighborhood meetings for staff to work with residents to develop a temporary traffic calming plan (TTCP). Staff then poll the residents to determine if the devices should be installed as temporary devices. If a super majority of residents supports the TTCP, staff would seek approval from the Town Council to install the proposed devices. Four to six months after installation, staff will conduct another traffic study in the area to determine the effectiveness of these devices. Upon the completion of this study, staff will poll the residents to determine if the devices should be made permanent. A final Council action is required to memorialize the permanent traffic calming devices. If the poll for the permanent devices is not approved by the residents, project funds will be used to remove these devices. Funds from other street and sidewalk projects or coordination with other project may be required for the construction and installation of these traffic calming measures. At the time the Policy was adopted, twelve project areas were under consideration for traffic calming improvements. Annual neighborhood requests for this program continue to exceed the available funding and staff resources. Projects are prioritized and addressed as resources are available. Traffic calming improvements such as speed bumps, traffic circles, center medians, and bulb-outs are installed where appropriate to slow vehicles and enhance pedestrian safety. Operating Budget Impacts Engineering staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 13 workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Construct the speed hump for Massol Avenue (removed by the Almond Grove Roadway Project) and install traffic calming measures on Shannon Road. Fall/Winter 2021 Conduct studies to determine which streets qualify next for Traffic Calming. Pending results, host first Neighborhood Traffic Calming meeting for Tait Avenue or Corrine Drive. Spring 2022 Host follow-up meeting and conduct post card vote. Summer 2022 Install traffic calming devices for Tait Avenue or Corrine Drive Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 199,201$ 16,664$ 19,135$ 10,000$ 29,135$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 285,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 199,201$ 16,664$ 19,135$ 10,000$ 29,135$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 285,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 199,201 16,664 19,135 10,000 29,135 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 285,000 TOTAL GFAR 199,201$ 16,664$ 19,135$ 10,000$ 29,135$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 285,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 199,201$ 16,664$ 19,135$ 10,000$ 29,135$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 285,000$ TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECTS Project 812-9910 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 14 TOWN-WIDE Project Name Curb, Gutter, & Sidewalk Maintenance Project Number 813-9921 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This is an ongoing annual project for the repair and replacement of hazardous and non-compliant curbs, gutters, and sidewalks throughout Town to enhance pedestrian and bicyclist accessibility and safety and to improve storm water runoff infrastructure. Location Curb, gutter, and sidewalk repair projects occur throughout the Town based on priority needs. Project Background Curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements in public parking lots and rights-of-way have historically been funded by the Town. The intent of this project is to keep pace with the deterioration of sidewalks and curbs. Specific project locations are identified and prioritized based on the level of damage, accompanying potential safety issues, and accessibility requirements. The primary source of damage to sidewalks, curbs and gutters is tree root intrusion. Most of the streets in Town have mature trees in the planter areas between the sidewalks and curbs. These trees were planted many years ago without consideration of root growth and its impacts to the sidewalk, curb, and street. Over time, the tree roots cause cracks and raised concrete, leading to uneven surfaces. Staff develops an annual plan for sidewalk repair based on the level of damage as observed and reported by staff and residents, confirmed by staff inspection. The level of repair and maintenance performed in any given year has been limited by available annual funding. Funds are utilized predominantly to address locations where paving projects create a requirement for curb ramps and curb and gutter repair. In addition to sidewalk, curb and gutter maintenance, this project is used for installing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant accessible curb ramps on Town streets as required by federal law in conjunction with Town street maintenance projects. Title II of the ADA obligates a jurisdiction to provide compliant curb ramps whenever streets are resurfaced from one intersection to another. ADA compliance has required a substantial portion of the annual funding allocation. Operating Budget Impacts Engineering staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 15 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2021 Design Prepare plans and specifications Winter 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Project construction Summer 2022 Completion Project completion Project 813-9921 Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 3,778,935$ 408,906$ 408,906$ 300,000$ 708,906$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 250,000$ 300,000$ 5,846,748$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 3,778,935$ 408,906$ 408,906$ 300,000$ 708,906$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 250,000$ 300,000$ 5,846,748$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 3,778,935 408,906 408,906 300,000 708,906 200,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 5,846,748 TOTAL GFAR 3,778,935$ 408,906$ 408,906$ 300,000$ 708,906$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 250,000$ 300,000$ 5,846,748$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 3,778,935$ 408,906$ 408,906$ 300,000$ 708,906$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 250,000$ 300,000$ 5,846,748$ CURB, GUTTER & SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 16 Project Name Retaining Wall Repairs Project Number 815-9930 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description The Retaining Wall Repair and Replacement Program focuses on the repair and/or replacement of retaining walls that have become structurally deficient. Location Retaining wall repair projects are identified throughout the Town and are prioritized in order of repair based on safety issues, roadway impacts, retaining wall damage, and project costs. Project Background Retaining walls are installed to hold a hillside from sliding and are placed alongside a street at strategic locations where hillside erosion is anticipated. If the retaining wall fails, the street subsequently fails; therefore, it is important to maintain the retaining walls as they are an integral part of the hillside roadway system. Some existing retaining walls have reached the end of their serviceable life and require replacement. Hillside locations are prioritized over smaller roadside embankments in accordance with the potential impacts from failures. Retaining walls are visually inspected annually; however, unanticipated weather events can quickly erode a wall’s integrity and cause failure. Town staff continues to monitor and schedule retaining wall installation and replacement as needed. Due to limited yearly funding for this project, projects are typically bid every two or three years. In FY 2020/21, the retaining wall repair at Wooded View Drive was completed. In FY 2021/22, staff will inspect and evaluate retaining walls to be prioritized and considered for future projects. Operating Budget Impacts Once repaired, improved retaining walls reduce ongoing operating costs associated with maintenance and emergency response. Engineering staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full- time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 17 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2021 Preliminary Design Assess conditions and prioritize TBD Future project milestones Project 815-9930 Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 1,427,457$ 170,066$ 365,254$ 100,000$ 465,254$ -$ -$ 50,000$ 100,000$ 2,212,777$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 1,427,457$ 170,066$ 365,254$ 100,000$ 465,254$ -$ -$ 50,000$ 100,000$ 2,212,777$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 1,427,457 170,066 365,254 100,000 465,254 - - 50,000 100,000 2,212,777 TOTAL GFAR 1,427,457$ 170,066$ 365,254$ 100,000$ 465,254$ -$ -$ 50,000$ 100,000$ 2,212,777$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 1,427,457$ 170,066$ 365,254$ 100,000$ 465,254$ -$ -$ 50,000$ 100,000$ 2,212,777$ RETAINING WALL REPAIRS PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 18 Project Name Annual Street Restriping Project Number 811-9902 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project is an annual program that restripes a portion of the Town’s streets, ensuring the safety of vehicles and pedestrians. Location Roadway restriping work is done at various locations throughout the Town based on conditions and available funds. Project Background The Town initiated the annual Town-wide striping in FY 2006/07. Often the restriping of streets is included in the annual pavement maintenance program as one project to take advantage of efficiencies in contracting and project management. This annual street restriping program installs new striping and marking for center lanes, bicycle lanes, crosswalks, stop sign and signal light markings, and other roadway signage as needed. Roadway stripes wear out due to traffic and weather which creates a safety concern. The goal is to have Town streets that are properly striped for safe operation and use by the public. Since FY 2007/08, the ongoing annual GFAR appropriation has been $25,000. Operating Budget Impacts Engineering staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 19 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2021 Design Project Design & development Spring 2022 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2022 Construction Project construction Fall 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 180,228$ -$ 169,772$ 25,000$ 194,772$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 475,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 180,228$ -$ 169,772$ 25,000$ 194,772$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 475,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 180,228 - 169,772 25,000 194,772 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 475,000 TOTAL GFAR 180,228$ -$ 169,772$ 25,000$ 194,772$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 475,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 180,228$ -$ 169,772$ 25,000$ 194,772$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 475,000$ ANNUAL STREET RESTRIPING Project 811-9902 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 20 Project Name Guardrail Replacement Project Project Number 812-0120 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description The project will construct a new metal beam guardrail and replace old and damaged guardrails along sections of Town roadways. Location This project will take place in various locations where guardrails are present and are in need of repair. The project locations include More Avenue, Reservoir Road, Cleland Avenue, Miles Avenue, Los Gatos Boulevard, Blossom Hill Road, and Santa Rosa Drive. Project Background There are many roadways throughout Town that are located near hillside areas where guardrails are present. Guardrails are often located on narrow stretches of roadway and protect vehicles and pedestrians from steep hillside embankments. Over the years, due to hillside erosion and years of deferred maintenance, the guardrails have worn out and are in need of repair or replacement. Staff will assess guardrails and determine which ones are in the most need of repair, budget permitting. In FY 2018/19, the Town was awarded $980,100 in federal grant funds for replacement of 2,300 linear feet of guardrails throughout the Town. The construction for the grant funded project started in spring 2021 and is anticipated to be completed by summer 2021. If funds are remaining after the completion, the project may continue with other guardrail locations to be identified in FY 2021/22. Operating Budget Impacts Engineering staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 21 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Construction Construction Completion TBD Preliminary Design Future project milestones TBD Construction Future project milestones Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 119$ 92,691$ -$ 92,691$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,809$ GRANTS & AWARDS - 717,996 239,332 - 239,332 - - - - 957,328 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 718,115$ 332,023$ -$ 332,023$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,050,137$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 119 92,691 - 92,691 - - - - 92,809 TOTAL GFAR -$ 119$ 92,691$ -$ 92,691$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,809$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 717,996 239,332 - 239,332 - - - - 957,328 TOTAL GFAR -$ 717,996$ 239,332$ -$ 239,332$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 957,328$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 718,115$ 332,023$ -$ 332,023$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,050,137$ Project 812-0120GUARDRAIL REPLACEMENT PROJECTS PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 22 Project Name Massol Intersection Improvements Project Number 813-0236 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will add intersection safety improvements. Location This project will take place at the intersection of Massol Avenue and Highway 9. Project Background The intersection of Massol Avenue and Highway 9 currently has only a pedestrian activated flashing beacon that is intended to alert drivers when a pedestrian is crossing. Looking at accident history, this intersection experiences collisions at a higher level than other uncontrolled intersections, including a pedestrian fatality on September 1, 2017. This project is providing green bike lanes approaching the crosswalk from both directions to alert drivers of the changing conditions and help to reduce speeds. In addition, the project is upgrading the existing flashing beacon to a LED rectangular rapidly flashing beacon (RRFB), which are utilized at many of the Town’s other crosswalks. These beacons are much more intense than the existing beacon and will greatly improve the visibility of the crosswalk for drivers. This improvement has the advantage of improving safety while not impacting the flow of traffic. The project is waiting for PG&E to provide new electrical service to the site. The project was completed in spring 2021, and the release of the contractor’s retention funds is anticipated at minimum 60 days after the project acceptance. Operating Budget Impacts There will be no Operating Budget impact as a result of this project. Project delivery costs for this project are included in the CIP project’s total cost, which is approximately 12%. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 23 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2019 Design Project design & development Summer 2020 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Winter 2020 Construction Project construction Summer 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 64,912$ 344,108$ 98,128$ -$ 98,128$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 507,148$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 64,912$ 344,108$ 98,128$ -$ 98,128$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 507,148$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 64,912 344,108 98,128 - 98,128 - - - - 507,148 TOTAL GFAR 64,912$ 344,108$ 98,128$ -$ 98,128$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 507,148$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 64,912$ 344,108$ 98,128$ -$ 98,128$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 507,148$ MASSOL INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS Project 813-0236 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 24 Project Name Shannon Road Repair Project Number 811-0008 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will repair the roadway on Shannon Road annexed from the County in 2018. Location This project will take place on Shannon Road between Santa Rosa Drive and Diduca Way. Project Background This portion of Shannon Road has experienced long-term pavement cracking and settlement issues related to the downslope portion of approximately 1,300 linear feet of the paved road along Shannon Road between Santa Rosa Drive and Diduca Way. The section of the road was annexed into the Town of Los Gatos from unincorporated Santa Clara County in 2018. Routine maintenance undertaken by the County had typically consisted of sealing of asphalt pavement cracks and placement of additional asphalt concrete along the settling portions of the roadway to relevel the driving surface. There is reportedly up to 27 inches of asphalt along the outer edge of the road in some locations. Approximately two years ago, measures were undertaken by the County to stabilize the problematic areas of the roadway by injecting polyurethane foam below the outer half of the road embankment within the areas of historic settlement and cracking. The road was annexed to the Town from the County shortly after the completion of this repair. Despite the foam injection work, the road embankment has continued to move downslope and significant pavement distress has re-developed. The settlement has caused some of the injection pipes that were left following injection to protrude up through the pavement surface. A geotechnical study was conducted in 2020, and the consultant recommended retaining walls and reconstruction of the westbound lane to stabilize the embankment. Through the consultant procurement process, the Town hired NCE for the final design of the project to start the design process in spring 2021. The funding appropriated for this project will provide for design of permanent solutions to the roadway failure. The total project cost, including design and construction is estimated in excess of $5M. Full construction funding has not been identified for this project. Operating Budget Impacts Engineering staff time associated with the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 25 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 Preliminary Design Project design & development Winter 2021 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Project construction Winter 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 63,073$ 1,436,927$ -$ 1,436,927$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 63,073$ 1,436,927$ -$ 1,436,927$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 63,073 1,436,927 - 1,436,927 - - - - - TOTAL GFAR -$ 63,073$ 1,436,927$ -$ 1,436,927$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 63,073$ 1,436,927$ -$ 1,436,927$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,500,000$ SHANNON ROAD REPAIR Project 811-0008 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 26 Project Name Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction Project Number 812-0130 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager PPW Director: Matt Morley Description This project will perform brush/vegetation management work along hillside roadways. Location This project will take place on hillside roadways in Town. Project Background The Town will award a contract to perform brush/vegetation management work along hillside roadways to reduce the fuel risk in Town. These roadways are critical as ingress and egress routes in the Town, essential for both resident evacuation and emergency first responders. Fuel reduction will provide enhanced safety on these routes. The first year of this project in FY2020-21 completed 6.5 miles of 11 miles of high priority roadway. The overall project will benefit approximately 1,300 structures. Funding for continued work in FY2021-22 has not been identified for this project; however, this project should remain in the CIP as staff is seeking other funding. Another vegetation management project for Town open spaces can be found in this document in the Parks section. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 27 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2020 Design Project design & development Fall 2020 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2021 Construction Project construction – Phase 1 Spring 2021 Completion Project completion – Phase 1 Summer 2021 Design Design of Phase 2 Pending funding Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 499,815$ 185$ -$ 185$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 499,815$ 185$ -$ 185$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 499,815 185 - 185 - - - - 500,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ 499,815$ 185$ -$ 185$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 499,815$ 185$ -$ 185$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ ROADSIDE FIRE FUEL REDUCTION Project 812-0130 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 28 Project Name Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing Project Number 817-0708 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager PPW Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project will remove and replace sections of concrete, waterproof the upper deck, and rework the planters of Parking Lot 4. Location This project is located at Parking Lot 4 which is located on Railroad Way between Elm Street and Gray’s Lane Project Background Parking Lot 4, which includes an underground parking garage, was constructed nearly 25 years ago and there have not been any major infrastructure improvements to this facility since then. The concrete deck has deteriorated to the point that has caused water leaking from the upper section to the underground garage below. This project will replace sections of concrete, waterproof the upper deck, and rehabilitate the planting areas. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time associated with these projects is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 29 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Design Project design & development Spring 2021 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2021 Construction Project construction Fall 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 250,000 - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ PARKING LOT 4 REPAIR & WATERPROOFING Project 817-0708 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects C - 30 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 31 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping L ADA Transition Plan B Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements M Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements C Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements N Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts D Sidewalk Improvements – Multiple Locations O E. Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk E Utility Undergrounding Improvements P Local Road Safety Plan F Traffic Signal Modernization Q Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study G Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements R Winchester Class IV Bikeway H Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements S VMT Mitigation Program I Stormwater System – Pollution Prevention Compliance T Kennedy Sidewalk – LGB to Englewood J Parking Program Implementation U Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design K Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 32 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping C – 34 0409 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements C – 36 0218 Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements C – 38 0221 Sidewalk Improvements – Multiple Locations C – 40 0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements C – 42 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization C – 44 0410 Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements C – 46 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements C – 48 0414 Stormwater System – Pollution Prevention Compliance C – 50 0242 Parking Program Implementation C – 52 0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project C – 54 0129 ADA Transition Plan C – 56 0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements C – 58 0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts C – 60 0131 E. Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk C – 62 0132 Local Road Safety Plan C – 64 0239 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study C – 66 0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway C – 68 0133 VMT Mitigation Program C – 70 0241 Kennedy Sidewalk – LGB to Englewood C – 72 0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design C - 74 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 33 The Streets Program’s Street Improvements section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that improve a roadway’s function or structure, other than paving, as the primary scope of work. Typical Street Improvements projects include sidewalk, curb, and gutter improvements, storm drain improvements, the undergrounding of utilities, intersection improvements, sidewalk and median ramps, crosswalk improvements, street lighting, and retaining walls. In this CIP, the Street Improvements section contains one-time projects and no ongoing projects. One-time Street Improvements projects are prioritized based on safety needs, traffic levels, available funding sources, project costs, equity considerations, and community impacts. Traffic Mitigation Funds, Storm Drain Funds, and the Utility Underground Fund all provide designated funding revenue through development fee charges for their related project categories. Los Gatos does not have a designated funding source for other street improvements which do not fall into these categories; however, grants, in-lieu fees, CDBG funds, and community benefit funds are utilized when available. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY * Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $6,551,547 Unfunded Projects for future consideration • Montebello Way Island Removal • Blossom Hill Road Improvements • Los Gatos-Almaden Road Improvements • Union Avenue Widening and Sidewalks • North Santa Cruz Avenue Curb and Gutter Improvements north of Highway 9 • Sidewalk infill across from Fisher Middle School • Permanent Downtown Parking Sign Enhancements Carryforward Projects 0705 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping 47,415$ 52,585$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ 0409 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements 17,180 - - - 65,000 - 82,180 0218 Shannon Road Ped & Bikeway Improvements 91,305 1,097,999 - - - - 1,189,304 0221 Sidewalk Improvements - Multiple Locations - 60,000 - - - - 60,000 0225 Utility Undergrounding Improvements - 300,000 - - - - 300,000 0227 Traffic Signal Modernization 1,000,876 1,622,075 - - - - 2,622,951 0410 Bicknall Avenue Storm Drain Improvements 160,932 85,258 - - - - 246,190 0231 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements 472,103 261,824 - - - - 733,927 0414 Stormwater System - Pollution Prevention Compliance 1,422 286,578 - - - - 288,000 0420 Annual Storm Drain Improvements 59,700 570,300 - - - - 630,000 0129 ADA Transition Plan 30,000 115,000 - - - - 145,000 0237 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements 600,000 - - - - - 600,000 0235 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization 661,772 1,310,622 - - - - 1,972,394 0238 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets (Final Design)200,053 543,198 1,734,250 - - - 2,477,500 0131 E. Main St. Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk - 15,000 - - - - 15,000 0132 Local Road Safety Plan - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 0239 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study 48,410 76,590 - - - - 125,000 0240 Winchester Class IV Bikeway 139,538 842,917 - - - - 982,455 0133 VMT Mitigation Program - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 0241 Kennedy Sidewalk - LGB to Englewood - - - 356,700 832,300 - 1,189,000 0242 Parking Program Implementation 881 197,619 - - - - 198,500 New Projects ``- - - - Total Street Improvement Projects 3,531,587$ 7,787,564$ 1,734,250$ 356,700$ 897,300$ -$ 14,307,401$ 20254/25 Budget 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2022/23 Budget STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Total Budgeted 2023/24 Budget 2025/26 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 34 HWY 9 E MAIN STHWY 17N SANTA CRUZ AVUNIVERSITY AV Project Name Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping Project Number 817-0705 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will resurface downtown parking lots by applying a seal coat and then restriping. Location This project is located at various Town-owned parking lots in downtown Los Gatos. Project Background The public parking lots in downtown Los Gatos are heavily used. In order to keep their surfaces in good condition and prevent long term wear and damage, the parking lots need to be resurfaced and restriped. This project is necessary to prevent possible drainage or broken pavement problems in the future. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 35 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2021 Preliminary Design Project design & development Spring 2022 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2022 Construction Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 44,481$ 2,934$ 52,585$ -$ 52,585 -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 44,481$ 2,934$ 52,585$ -$ 52,585$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 44,481 2,934 52,585 - 52,585 - - - - 100,000 TOTAL GFAR 44,481$ 2,934$ 52,585$ -$ 52,585$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 44,481$ 2,934$ 52,585$ -$ 52,585$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ DOWNTOWN PARKING LOTS SEAL COAT & RESTRIPING Project 817-0705 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 36 Project Name Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements Project Number 816-0409 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will improve the Hernandez Avenue storm drain system with the installation of an underground storm drain pipe and sidewalk above. Location The storm drain project is located on the south side of Hernandez Avenue, between Walnut Avenue and Wissahickon Avenue. Project Background Hernandez Avenue is a hillside collector street with an incomplete sidewalk network and storm drain systems alongside the roadway. This street averages over 1,000 vehicles per day, a normal amount for a collector street. At previous neighborhood meetings, residents indicated an interest in having continuous sidewalks, particularly in the area where an open storm drain exists. This project proposes to install an underground storm drain pipe into the existing ditch and concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter system along the roadway to feed runoff water into the storm drain pipe. This street improvement addresses several neighborhood needs, including an improved drainage system, a safer pedestrian area, and an improved appearance of the neighborhood. This project will be funded by the Storm Basin Fund. This project is scheduled for construction in FY 2024/25. Operating Budget Impacts Ongoing operating costs would be significantly reduced as this project would eliminate the need to clean or repair the existing open ditch. Engineering staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full- time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. L O S G A T O S - S A R A T O G A R D HWY 17N SANTA CRUZ AVUNIVERSITY AV PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 37 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2024 Preliminary Design Project design & development Winter 2024 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Fall 2025 Construction Project completed Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) STORM BASIN #3 17,180$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ 82,180$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 17,180$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ 82,180$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) STORM BASIN #3 Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 17,180 - - - - - - 65,000 - 82,180 TOTAL STORM BASIN 17,180$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ 82,180$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 17,180$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 65,000$ -$ 82,180$ HERNANDEZ AVENUE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Project 816-0409 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 38 LOS GATOS BLVDBLOSSOM HILL RD SHANNON R D Project Name Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements Project Number 813-0218 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will make pedestrian and bikeway improvements at Shannon Road between Los Gatos Blvd. and Cherry Blossom Lane. Currently, there are approximately 500 feet of existing sidewalk and 860 feet of sidewalk gap. Location The project is located on Shannon Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Cherry Blossom Lane. Project Background Shannon Road is a two-lane hillside collector roadway, heavily traveled especially when the schools are in session. Shannon Road is used by residents dropping off students at various schools, such as Blossom Hill Elementary, Van Meter Elementary and Fisher Middle Schools. In addition, many parents walk their children to school along this segment of roadway. Shannon Road currently has intermittent sections of sidewalk on the south side of the roadway between Los Gatos Boulevard and Cherry Blossom Lane. Most pedestrians cross Shannon Road to walk along the south side, while some walk along the unimproved shoulder on the north side. In June 2018, the Town was awarded federal funding of $940,100 by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in the Vehicle Emissions Reductions Based at Schools (VERBS) Grant Program to support this project. Grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis. Although the Town was informed of the award in 2018, the funding will be recognized in the year it is received and will be carried forward to the current year as the project progresses. The initial plan was to consider a Class 1 multi-use path along the project area. Upon further investigation and meeting with Shannon Road residents, staff is now investigating sidewalks with Class II bike lanes on both sides of Shannon Road to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and use. Working with a civil engineering consultant, staff may consider other active transportation design options that would meet the needs of the residents and community. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget.  PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 39 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 Preliminary Design Project design & development Summer 2022 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2023 Construction Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 104 20,000 109,896 - 109,896 - - - - 130,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS - - 940,100 - 940,100 - - - - 940,100$ UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING 49,000 22,201 48,003 - 48,003 - - - - 119,204$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 49,104$ 42,201$ 1,097,999$ -$ 1,097,999$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,189,304$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed $ - USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 104 20,000 109,896 - 109,896 - - - - 130,000 TOTAL GFAR 104$ 20,000$ 109,896$ -$ 109,896$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 130,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 940,100 - 940,100 - - - - 940,100 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ 940,100$ -$ 940,100$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 940,100$ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Salaries and Benfits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acqusition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 49,000 22,201 48,003 - 48,003 - - - - 119,204$ TOTAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 49,000$ 22,201$ 48,003$ -$ 48,003$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 119,204$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 49,104$ 42,201$ 1,097,999$ -$ 1,097,999$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,189,304$ SHANNON ROAD PEDESTRIAN AND BIKEWAY IMPROVEMENTS Project 813-0218 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 40 TOWN-WIDE Project Name Sidewalk Improvements – Multiple Locations Project Number 813-0221 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will construct sidewalk, curb, and gutter at prioritized locations that may include the north side of Kennedy Road from Ferris Avenue to Los Gatos Boulevard; the south side of Mitchell Avenue from George Street to Fisher Avenue; and Shannon Road from Los Gatos Boulevard to Cherry Blossom Lane Location This project is located in the following areas: Kennedy Road from Ferris Avenue to Los Gatos Boulevard; Mitchell Avenue from George Street to Fisher Avenue; and Shannon Road from Los Gatos Boulevard to Cherry Blossom Lane. Project Background Kennedy Road from Ferris Avenue to Los Gatos Boulevard currently has a shoulder that is heavily utilized by parents and students walking and biking to school in the morning and afternoons. The sidewalk improvements will complete the connection in this residential block. In 2009, the Town completed the sidewalk installation on the north side of Mitchell Avenue from George Street to Fisher Avenue. Then in 2012, sidewalk was constructed on north and south side of Mitchell Avenue between Los Gatos Boulevard and George Street as part of the redevelopment of the former Honda site. This project will complete the last component of the sidewalks in this heavily utilized pedestrian area between Van Meter Elementary and Fisher Middle Schools. Sidewalks or other types of path are being considered on Shannon Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Cherry Blossom Lane. This project will provide the necessary resources required to complete the installation of safe pedestrian and bike routes there. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of this project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget.  PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 41 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2021 Design Project design & development Winter 2021 Bid process Project bidding & contact award Spring 2022 Construction Project construction Summer 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 60,000$ -$ 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 60,000$ -$ 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 60,000 - 60,000 - - - - - TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 60,000$ -$ 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 60,000$ -$ 60,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Project 813-0221 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 42 HWY 17LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GA T O S- ALMADEN RD Project Name Utility Undergrounding Improvements Project Number 813-0225 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will allow relocation of utilities from above ground poles to underground facilities and covers the California Public Utilities Commission’s Rule 20 Programs for utility undergrounding. Location Current Rule 20A project is located on Los Gatos Boulevard between Lark Avenue and Chirco Drive. Project Background Rule 20A projects are funded and delivered by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in coordination with cities and counties. Rule 20A funds are collected from PG&E ratepayers. These funds grow in a reserve called Rule 20A credits, until such time that sufficient credits have accumulated for PG&E to implement an undergrounding project at an area identified by the local jurisdiction. Rule 20A credits are limited to use on roadways where traffic is heavy, making Los Gatos Boulevard a viable candidate. PG&E Rule 20A projects may take between seven and ten years to initiate depending on other PG&E priorities (such as fire safety), accumulation of credits, resolution of right-of-way issues, and completion of design. The Town’s allocation of Rule 20A credits has grown to approximately $4.6M. PG&E completed the design for a Rule 20A utility undergrounding project on Los Gatos Boulevard between Lark Avenue and Chirco Drive. An encroachment permit was issued for the project, and PG&E started construction in January 2021. The underground project is anticipated to take a year to complete. Staff is overseeing the work and coordinating closely with PG&E on activities that would have impacts to traffic and neighboring communities. In addition to the Rule 20A program, the Town collects developer fees for utility undergrounding. These funds are held by the Town for future projects. Staff has asked PG&E to look at an expanded project scope utilizing some or all of the Town funds as well. This will take full advantage of economies of scale through design and construction. Operating Budget Impacts Staff costs for this project are included in the CIP project’s total cost. Project delivery costs are estimated at $266,000 over the five-year term of the project or 4% of the total project cost. Project costs are significantly lower on this project due to the efficiencies in the project size and a larger proportion of work that will be conducted by PG&E. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 43 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2020 Design Project design & development January 2021 Construction Project construction begins Winter 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING -$ -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) UTILITY UNDERGORUNDING Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 300,000 - 300,000 - - - - 300,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING IMPROVEMENTS Project 813-0225 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 44 Project Name Traffic Signal Modernization Project Number 813-0227 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Senior Traffic Engineer: Mike Vroman Description This project is also known as the Smart Signals Project and will modernize and upgrade the Town’s traffic signals and communications infrastructure providing real-time data for the advanced traffic management and adaptive traffic control systems. Location This project is located Town-wide at 31 signalized intersections and the communications network connecting the traffic signals to the new Traffic Management Center (TMC) in the Engineering Building. Project Background This project will modernize and enhance the Town’s traffic signal controllers throughout the Town and provide adaptive timing capability along the Los Gatos Boulevard corridor to allow for greater control and adaptation depending on real-time traffic conditions. It will also ensure that all 31 signaled intersections meet current safety standards and are upgraded to the advanced traffic management system for robust monitoring and control of signals from the Town’s new TMC. The Town was awarded several grants through the VTA and the MTC to complement the Town’s investment of Traffic Impact Mitigation Funds. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 45 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2018 Design Project design & development Winter 2020 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2021 Construction Project construction Winter 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) TRAFFIC MITIGATION 98,452$ 133,888$ 870,949$ -$ 870,949$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,103,289$ GRANTS & AWARDS 42,046 726,490 751,126 - 751,126$ - - - - 1,519,662 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 140,498$ 860,378$ 1,622,075$ -$ 1,622,075$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,622,951$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) TRAFFIC MITIGATIONS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 98,452 133,888 870,949 - 870,949 - - - - 1,103,289 TOTAL TRAFFIC MITIGATIONS 98,452$ 133,888$ 870,949$ -$ 870,949$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,103,289$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 42,045.58 726,490 751,126 - 751,126 - - - - 1,519,662 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS 42,046$ 726,490$ 751,126$ -$ 751,126$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,519,662$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 140,498$ 860,378$ 1,622,075$ -$ 1,622,075$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,622,951$ TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODERNIZATION Project 813-0227 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 46 Project Name Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements Project Number 816-0410 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will reroute a Town storm drain line at Bicknell Road to improve drainage in the area. Location This project is located on Bicknell Road near Montclair Road. Project Background This project will provide design services for the rerouting of an existing Town storm drain line from private property. This project has provided challenges due to utility conflicts/relocation and connection to the adjacent creek. After the initial drainage improvements were completed, additional drainage issues were identified. A second design was provided to alleviate the storm drain issues on Smith Creek Drive. Utility conflicts were identified, which had to be relocated prior to the second phase construction. Over the fiscal year, staff will monitor the project for performance and identify any additional adjustments necessary. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. QUITO RDBICKNELL RD HWY 9 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 47 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2019 Design Project design & development Spring 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Fall 2021 Construction Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) STORM BASIN #3 156,432$ 4,500$ 60,258$ 25,000$ 85,258$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 246,190$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 156,432$ 4,500$ 60,258$ 25,000$ 85,258$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 246,190$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) STORM BASIN #2 Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 156,432 4,500 60,258 25,000 85,258 - - - - 246,190 TOTAL STORM BASIN 156,432$ 4,500$ 60,258$ 25,000$ 85,258$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 246,190$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 156,432$ 4,500$ 60,258$ 25,000$ 85,258$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 246,190$ BICKNELL ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Project 816-0410 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 48 Project Name Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements Project Number 813-0231 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety and mobility throughout the Town. Location This project is located Town-wide. Project Background This project will enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety and mobility Town-wide in the form of multiple projects. As has been done in the previous years, staff will continue to work with Safe Routes to School, Town Commissions, the Town Council, and the general public on prioritizing projects that have been recommended in the Council adopted Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. In addition, this money will be used as matching funds for available grants related to Town bicycle and pedestrian projects. In the past the Town received Transportation Fund for Clean Air Grants for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 49 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Design Project design & development Fall 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Winter 2021 Construction Project construction Spring 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 258,476$ 3,350$ 228,174$ -$ 228,174$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 490,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS 168,927 - - - - - - - - 168,927 TRAFFIC MITIIGATION 41,350 - 33,650 - 33,650 - - - - 75,000 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 468,753$ 3,350$ 261,824$ -$ 261,824$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 733,927$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 258,476 3,350 228,174 - 228,174 - - - - 490,000 TOTAL GFAR 258,476$ 3,350$ 228,174$ -$ 228,174$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 490,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 168,927 - - - - - - - - 168,927 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS 168,927$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 168,927$ TRAFFIC MITIGATION Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 41,350 - 33,650 - 33,650 - - - - 75,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC MITIGATION 41,350$ -$ 33,650$ -$ 33,650$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 468,753$ 3,350$ 261,824$ -$ 261,824$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 733,927$ BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS Project 813-0231 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 50 Project Name Stormwater System – Pollution Prevention Compliance Project Number 816-0414 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager PPW Director: Matt Morley Description This project will install improvements, such as trash capture devices, to reduce pollution in the storm water system. Location This project is located Town-wide. Project Background This project will install solutions, such as multiple trash capture devices in storm inlets, throughout the Town to meet the Municipal Regional Permit Provision C.10 trash reduction requirements. The Town has submitted a plan to meet the requirement to reduce trashload impacts to creeks which are 70% by 2017 and 100% by 2022. Staff will evaluate this project for funding eligibility from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 51 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2020 Design Project design & development Winter 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contact award Spring 2021 Construction Project construction Summer 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 1,422$ -$ 286,578$ -$ 286,578$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 288,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 1,422$ -$ 286,578$ -$ 286,578$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 288,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 1,422 - 286,578 - 286,578 - - - - 288,000 TOTAL GFAR 1,422$ -$ 286,578$ -$ 286,578$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 288,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 1,422$ -$ 286,578$ -$ 286,578$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 288,000$ STORMWATER SYSTEM - POLLUTION PREVENTION COMPLIANCE Project 816-0414 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 52 Project Name Parking Program Implementation Project Number 813-0242 Department Police Department Project Manager Police Captain: Jaime Fields Description This project consists of the phased implementation of the recommendations found in the Comprehensive Parking Study that concluded in early 2020. First phases include an employee permit program and a design for enhanced signage. Location This project is located downtown and nearby neighborhoods. Project Background In 2019 the Town conducted a Parking Study to identify the needs for parking in Los Gatos. The Parking Study provided a series of recommendations that should be implemented over time. The recommendations include adjustments to time limits, permitting programs, wayfinding or signage enhancements, and other ideas that ensure the existing inventory is utilized effectively. Later stages of the program may look at supply enhancements based on ongoing analysis. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 53 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Employee Permit Program Implement employee permit program Summer 2021 Signage design Design signage Fall 2021 Bid Signage Winter 2021 Construct Signage PARKING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Project 813-0242 Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 881$ 197,619$ -$ 197,619$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 198,500$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 881$ 197,619$ -$ 197,619$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 198,500$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 881 197,619 - 197,619 - - - - 198,500 TOTAL GFAR -$ 881$ 197,619$ -$ 197,619$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 198,500$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 881$ 197,619$ -$ 197,619$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 198,500$ PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 54 Project Name Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project Project Number 816-0420 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will install infill storm drain systems that are required to enhance safety and improve infrastructure to accept water runoff. Location This project is located Town-wide. Project Background The Town is responsible for keeping Town roads clear of excessive water and maintaining and improving storm water infrastructure. Storm drain improvements in the Town right of ways and parking lots are necessary to manage water drainage issues within these Town locations. The intent of this project is to keep pace with the needs of the Town’s storm drain system to prevent flooding in the Town right of ways. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 55 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 Design Project design & development Summer 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Winter 2021 Construction Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Adjusted 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) STORM BASIN #1 10,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 50,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ STORM BASIN #2 10,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 50,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ STORM BASIN #3 39,700$ 120,300$ -$ 120,300$ 50,000$ 170,300$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 59,700$ 420,300$ -$ 420,300$ 150,000$ 570,300$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 630,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Adjusted 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) STORM BASIN #1 Project Construction Expenses 10,000 150,000 - 150,000 50,000 200,000 - - - - 210,000$ TOTAL STORM BASIN #1 10,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 50,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ STORM BASIN #2 Project Construction Expenses 10,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 50,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ TOTAL STORM BASIN #2 10,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 50,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ STORM BASIN #3 Project Construction Expenses 39,700$ 120,300$ -$ 120,300$ 50,000$ 170,300$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ TOTAL STORM BASIN #3 39,700$ 120,300$ -$ 120,300$ 50,000$ 170,300$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 210,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 49,700$ 420,300$ -$ 420,300$ 150,000$ 570,300$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 630,000$ ANNUAL STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Project 816-0420 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 56 TOWN-WIDE Project Name ADA Transition Plan Project Number 812-0129 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will update the Town’s ADA Transition Plan. Location This project is located Town-wide. Project Background The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, provides comprehensive rights to persons with disabilities in different areas including access to public accommodations and transportation. The ADA requires that all public agencies develop a transition plan for eliminating barriers for persons with disabilities. The Town’s ADA Transition Plan has not been updated since 1994, and it is necessary to develop programs that comply with the new standards Operating Budget Impacts Staff time associated with the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 57 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 Bid Process Contract award Summer/Fall 2021 Design Self-evaluation and transition plan Spring 2022 Completion Finalize report Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 10,000$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,000$ GRANTS - 20,000 15,000 - 15,000 - - - - 35,000 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 30,000$ 115,000$ -$ 115,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 145,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 10,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - - - 110,000 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ 10,000$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 10,000$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,000$ ADA TRANSITION PLAN Project 812-0129 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 58 Project Name Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements Project Number 813-0237 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description These funds will be used as a local match necessary to begin a conceptual study for improvements at Highway 9 and Highway 17. Location This project is located on Highway 9 and Highway 17. Project Background The Countywide 2016 Measure B sales tax measure includes investments in the regional transportation infrastructure across nine program areas. The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) manages the 2016 Measure B program and the VTA Board approves project prioritization and funding. The VTA approved the first set of projects on a two-year budget cycle with a ten-year look ahead at potential projects. This project has begun the design phase with VTA as the project lead and Caltrans as a stakeholder and permitting authority. There are two components to this project. The first includes mainline efficiency improvements such as adding auxiliary lanes and realigning existing lanes. Auxiliary lanes might include continuing the on ramp from Lark Avenue south to the Highway 9 off-ramp, facilitating a smoother transition of traffic. The second component includes reconstruction of the interchange at Highway 9. VTA approved 2016 Measure B funds to bring the project through preliminary design and environmental review. The allocation of 2016 Measure B funds requires at least a 10 percent contribution from non-2016 Measure B sources. The Town funds identified in this project provide for that match. Additional funds for construction will be required prior to project bidding. The additional funds will likely derive from a state or federal funding source. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 59 Project Components & Estimated Timeline 2020 PA/ED Phase Project assessment for viability 2021-25 Environmental & Design Conduct design and environmental work on the project June 2025 Construction Start construction of project Dec 2027 End Construction Complete project. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) TRAFFIC MITAGATION -$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) TRAFFIC MITAGATION Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 600,000 - - - - - - - 600,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC MITIGATION -$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ HIGHWAY 17/9 INTERCHANGE & CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS Project 813-0237 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 60 HWY 9 E MAIN STHWY 17N SANTA CRUZ AVUNIVERSITY AV Project Name Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts Project Number 813-0235 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager PPW Director: Matt Morley Description These funds are being used to support economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and as initial funding for a larger Downtown Streetscape Revitalization project. Location This project is located downtown. Project Background The Downtown Streetscape infrastructure has aged and needs updating to continue to attract visitors and facilitate maintenance. This initial funding set aside is in preparation for a future project to reinvent the Downtown. Past efforts that inform this project include a one-way street pilot on North Santa Cruz Avenue and a Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study. In addition, the Town’s Operating Budget provides for increased attention to the maintenance of landscape and hardscape. Progress and expenditures on this project will occur only following ongoing discussion and direction from the Town Council. On May 26, 2020, the Town Council unanimously voted to utilize the Downtown Streetscape Revitalization project to assist businesses in the economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the installation of temporary parklets, curbside pickup locations, and other modifications to the downtown. On June 8, 2020, Council allocated $150,000 from the Downtown Streetscape Revitalization project for these improvements. In October 2020, the Council voted to create a grant program to assist with ADA compliance in the temporary K-rail parklets. January 2021, the Town Council establishing a grant program to incentivize the construction of semi-permanent parklets. In April 2021 as this document was being prepared, the Council voted to apply the Town’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds towards an enhanced semi-permanent parklet grant, continue subsidizing half of the costs of Conditional Use Permits, and put unallocated funds into this CIP project for future Council decisions related to economic recovery. Since the Town is expected to receive the federal funding in phases, these dollars are not included in the financial accounting yet for this project. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 61 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Business Revitalization Support deployment of semi-permanent parklets, business license reductions, planning fee waivers, and other efforts. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 48,332$ 613,439$ 1,310,622$ -$ 1,310,622$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,972,394$ . TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 48,332$ 613,439$ 1,310,622$ -$ 1,310,622$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,972,394$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 48,332 613,439 1,310,622 - 1,310,622 - - - - 1,972,394 TOTAL GFAR 48,332$ 613,439$ 1,310,622$ -$ 1,310,622$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,972,394$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 48,332$ 613,439$ 1,310,622$ -$ 1,310,622$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,972,394$ DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE REVITALIZATION/ECONOMIC RECOVERY EFFORTS Project 813-0235 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 62 Project Name E. Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk Project Number 812-0131 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description The project will investigate constructing speed tables, raised crosswalks, and bulb outs on East Main Street in front of Los Gatos High School for pedestrian safety. Location East Main Street in front of Los Gatos High School, between High School Court and Chicago Avenue. Project Background The East Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk project includes installing two speed tables on East Main Street in front of Los Gatos High School, combined with raised crosswalks and the construction of bulb outs at all three crosswalks. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 63 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2022 Preliminary Design Project design & development Summer 2022 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Winter 2022 Construction Project completed Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 15,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 15,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 15,000 - 15,000 - - - - - TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 15,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 15,000$ E. MAIN ST. SPEED TABLE/RAISED CROSSWALK Project 812-0131 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 64 TOWN-WIDE Project Name Local Road Safety Plan Project Number 812-0132 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Transportation & Mobility Manager: Ying Smith Description This project will prepare a Local Road Safety Plan for the Town. Location This project is located Town-wide. Project Background A Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) is a new initiative in the State’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). Preparing a LRSP is an opportunity for jurisdictions to address unique local roadway safety needs while contributing to the success of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan. The process of preparing an LRSP creates a framework to systematically identify and analyze safety problems and recommend safety improvements. Preparing an LRSP facilitates the development of local agency partnerships and collaboration, resulting in a prioritized list of improvements and actions that can demonstrate a defined need and contribute to the statewide plan. The LRSP offers a proactive approach to addressing safety needs and demonstrates agency responsiveness to safety challenges. In the future Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Calls-for-Projects, an LRSP (or its equivalent) will be preferred or required for an agency to be eligible to apply for federal HSIP funds. The Town has received HSIP grants in the past for this Plan. Completing a LRSP will ensure the Town’s eligibility to apply and receive future HSIP funds. The Town was awarded a HSIP grant for completing the LRSP in an amount of $72,000, the maximum grant amount allowed per agency. A minimum of 10% local match is required. The Study was kicked off in January 2021 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 65 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2020 Design Project design & development Fall 2020 RFP & Selection Process Council authorizes issuing RFP Proposal evaluation and vendor selection. Council awards the contract and study begins. January 2021 Study Study, analysis and community engagement. December 2021 Completion Project completed. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 28,000$ -$ 28,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 28,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS - - 72,000 - 72,000 - - - - 72,000 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 28,000 - 28,000 - - - - - TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 28,000$ -$ 28,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 28,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 72,000 - 72,000 - - - - 72,000 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ 72,000$ -$ 72,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 72,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ LOCAL ROAD SAFETY PLAN Project 812-0132 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 66 Project Name Blossom Hill Road Traffic Safety Project Number 813-0239 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description These funds will be used to implement traffic safety measures on Blossom Hill Road. Location This project is located on Blossom Hill Road from Camelia Terrace to Hillbrook Drive. Project Background A traffic safety study for Blossom Hill Road focusing on the areas from Camelia Terrace to Hillbrook Drive was completed. The study identified opportunities for improvements to the corridor to benefit multi-modal transportation, provide traffic calming, and increase safety. This project will further investigate the recommendations in the traffic study and seek funding sources to complete final design and construction. Town funding to further advance this project are not available. Staff will continue to explore grant funding opportunities for this project. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 67 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Scoping and Funding Seek funding Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 48,410$ 76,590$ -$ 76,590$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 125,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 48,410$ 76,590$ -$ 76,590$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 125,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 48,410 76,590 - 76,590 - - - - 125,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ 48,410$ 76,590$ -$ 76,590$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 125,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 48,410$ 76,590$ -$ 76,590$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 125,000$ BLOSSOM HILL ROAD TRAFFIC STUDY Project 813-0239 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 68 Project Name Winchester Class IV Bikeway Project Number 813-0240 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description The project will install Class IV protected bike lines on Winchester Boulevard. Location This project is located on Winchester Boulevard between Blossom Hill Road and Albright Way. Project Background Winchester Boulevard is a major arterial street parallel to Highway 17, which borders both the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Monte Sereno. The Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) identifies the construction of Class IV bike lanes along Winchester Boulevard as an important improvement project for the Town. On January 29, 2020, the Town was awarded the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Regional Fund grant of $293,900 from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) for the Winchester Boulevard Class IV Protected Bike Lanes Project. The TFCA funds will be applied to the construction phase. Winchester Class IV Bikeway will be installed as part of the annual Street Repair and Resurfacing Project by fall 2021. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 69 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2020 Preliminary Design Project design & development Spring 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Fall 2021 Construction Construction completed. 2021-2031 Monitoring Report Annual Operations Report to BAAQMD Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 139,538$ 549,017$ -$ 549,017$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 688,555$ GRANTS & AWARDS - - 293,900 - 293,900 - - - - 293,900 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 139,538$ 842,917$ -$ 842,917$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 982,455$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 139,538 549,017 - 549,017 - - - - 139,538 TOTAL GFAR -$ 139,538$ 549,017$ -$ 549,017$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 688,555$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 293,900 - 293,900 - - - - 293,900 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ 293,900$ -$ 293,900$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 293,900$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 139,538$ 842,917$ -$ 842,917$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 982,455$ WINCHESTER CLASS IV BIKEWAY Project 813-0240 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 70 TOWN-WIDE Project Name VMT Mitigation Program Project Number 812-0133 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Transportation & Mobility Manager: Ying Smith Description This project will fund a required nexus study to establish a Vehicle Miles Travelled fee program. Location This project is located Town-wide. Project Background Staff is working on Transportation Analysis Policy and Guidelines in compliance with state law and the CEQA Guidelines. The remaining tasks include VMT mitigation measures and updates to local transportation policies. The work is expected to complete at the same time as the General Plan update in the 2021 calendar year. The Town will need to establish a robust VMT reduction program to lower VMT Town-wide. Based on other jurisdictions’ experience and considering the local setting, the most effective and feasible actions will likely include bike and pedestrian improvements, Transportation Demand Management actions, parking and policy changes, shuttles, and financial incentives. It is anticipated that the new Transportation Analysis Policy and Guidelines will make it necessary for the Town to update the Traffic Mitigation Fee program. The current Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee is based on roadway capacity analysis. The transition to VMT as a metric will necessitate different mitigation measures to address impacts from driving. A nexus study will be required to establish a mitigation fee program. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 71 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2020 Design Develop scope for the nexus study. Summer 2021 RFP & Selection Process Prepare RFP and seek Council authorizing issuing RFP. Proposal evaluation and vendor selection. Council awards the contract and study begins. Fall 2021 Study Study, analysis, and community engagement. 2022 Completion Study and recommendations completed. Council considers the VMT Mitigation Program and Fee. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 250,000 - 250,000 - - - - 250,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 250,000$ -$ 250,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,000$ VMT MITIGATION PROGRAM Project 812-0133 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 72 Project Name Kennedy Sidewalk – LGB to Englewood Project Number 813-0241 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description The project will install sidewalks and Class II bike lanes on Kennedy Road. Location This project location is Kennedy Road Between Los Gatos Boulevard and Englewood Avenue. Project Background The Kennedy Road Sidewalk improvement project will provide safe connections to Los Gatos Boulevard, a destination point in Town for employment. The project is in a residential neighborhood that will provide benefits to Louise Van Meter Elementary School, R.J. Fisher Middle School, and Los Gatos High School. The project location is in close proximity to the VTA – Bus Route 27 stop at Los Gatos Boulevard providing access to further destinations within the Town . In June 2020 the Town was awarded a Measure B grant in the amount of $832,300 for final design and construction of this project. The local match amount is included in this project budget. The project schedule is contingent upon Measure B grant fund schedule. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 73 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2022 Preliminary Design Project design & development TBD Bid Process Project bidding & contract award (pending Measure B grant funding schedule) TBD Construction Project completed. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 356,700$ -$ -$ 356,700$ GRANTS & AWARDS - - - - - - - 832,300 - 832,300 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 356,700$ 832,300$ -$ 1,189,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - - - - 356,700 - - 356,700 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 356,700$ -$ -$ 356,700$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - - - - - 832,300 - 832,300 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 832,300$ -$ 832,300$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 356,700$ 832,300$ -$ 1,189,000$ KENNEDY SIDEWALK BETWEEN LGB AND ENGELWOOD Project 813-0241 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 74 Project Name Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design Project Number 813-0238 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Transportation & Mobility Manager: Ying Smith Description This project will fund the conceptual engineering and final design for Complete Streets improvements on Winchester Boulevard. Location This project location is Winchester Boulevard between Blossom Hill Road and Knowles Drive (Town limits). Project Background Winchester Boulevard is a major arterial street parallel to Highway 17, which borders both the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Monte Sereno. The Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) identifies the construction of Class IV bike lanes along Winchester Boulevard as an improvement project. The construction of Winchester Class IV Bikeway is included as a separate project (813-0240). Complete Streets treatments will likely include enhanced bike lanes, pedestrian crossing, filling sidewalk gaps, pedestrian refuse islands, landscaped medians, intersection modifications, and stormwater retention. In December 2019, the Town selected Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. as the consultant to complete engineering design. The conceptual engineering work was completed in the spring of 2020 and was used to support a grant application in the Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Competitive Grant Program. In June 2020 the Town was awarded a Measure B grant in the amount of $1,734,250 to complete final design. The Measure B grant is available in FY2022 or FY2024, pending VTA’s decision. The local match amount is included in this project budget. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 75 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2020 Conceptual Design Complete Conceptual design Fall 2022 Final Design Complete Design Engineering (PS&E) and right-of-way certificate (pending Measure B grant schedule) TBD Construction Begin and complete construction Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 114,174$ 85,878$ 79,948$ 463,250$ 543,198$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 743,250$ GRANTS & AWARDS - - - - - 1,734,250 - - - 1,734,250 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 114,174$ 85,878$ 79,948$ 463,250$ 543,198$ 1,734,250$ -$ -$ -$ 2,477,500$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 114,174 85,878 79,948 463,250 543,198 - - - - 743,250 TOTAL GFAR 114,174$ 85,878$ 79,948$ 463,250$ 543,198$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 743,250$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consul;tant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - - - 1,734,250 - - - 1,734,250 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,734,250$ -$ -$ -$ 1,734,250$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 114,174$ 85,878$ 79,948$ 463,250$ 543,198$ 1,734,250$ -$ -$ -$ 2,477,500$ WINCHESTER BOULEVARD COMPLETE STREETS FINAL DESIGN Project 813-0238 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Street Improvements C - 76 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 77 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Quito Road - Bridge Replacement B Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge – Design PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 78 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 0801 Quito Road - Bridge Replacement C – 80 0803 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge - Design C – 82 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 79 The Streets Program’s Bridge Projects section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that repair, replace, or rehabilitate a deficient bridge structure as the primary scope of work. Bridge structure safety falls under the guidance of state and federal regulations, and bridge projects are often driven by available funding from these jurisdictions, such as Caltrans grant programs or the federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) program. Los Gatos does not have a designated funding source for repairing, maintaining, and improving the Town’s bridges, and relies upon grant programs for major bridge improvement projects. BRIDGE PROJECTS SUMMARY * Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $3,750,744 Carryforward Projects 0801 Quito Road - Bridge Replacement 299,681$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 349,681$ 0803 Hwy 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge-Design 234,295 3,700,744 - - - - 3,935,039 Total Bridge Projects 533,976$ 3,750,744$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,284,720$ BRIDGE PROJECTS 2025/26 Budget FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 20254/25 Budget 2023/24 Budget 2022/23 Budget 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* Expended Through 2019/20 Total Budgeted PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 80 Project Name Quito Road - Bridge Replacement Project Number 818-0801 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project funds the Town’s portion of the replacement cost for two bridges on Quito Road lead by the City of Saratoga to improve roadway safety and provide adequate storm water flow capacity in the creek under the bridge. Location The two Quito Road bridges span a tributary of San Tomas Aquino Creek. The bridges are located on Quito Road in the vicinity of Old Adobe Road, approximately 1½ miles north of Highway 9, on the common boundary line between the City of Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos. Project Background San Tomas Aquino Creek is under the jurisdiction of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), while the replacement of the bridges is the shared responsibility of the City of Saratoga and the Town of Los Gatos. Both bridges are approximately ninety years old and have been classified “structurally deficient” under Caltrans guidelines. In addition, both bridges are not adequate to receive 100-year flood flows. In 2001, the City of Saratoga, the project sponsor, secured partial funding (80%) through the federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) program to replace both bridges with wider span structures that will allow the 100-year design flood flow to pass underneath. Saratoga is the lead agency to oversee the design, environmental, right-of-way acquisition, and construction services for the project. The City of Saratoga, the Town of Los Gatos, and SCVWD agreed to share the duties and responsibilities for the project and the remaining 20% local match funding requirement. After further evaluation of the bridges, it was determined that Quito Road would require reconstruction at each end of the bridge, which in turn requires additional right-of-way acquisitions and environmental reviews under both the State of California (Caltrans) and federal regulations. These changes have made it necessary to redesign this project, significantly increasing the estimated costs. The City of Saratoga has applied for additional funding from Caltrans due to the redesign. As a result of the additional project costs, the local funding match from the City of Saratoga, the Town of Los Gatos, and the SCVWD has increased from $155,000 to $238,000 for each agency. Based on the 2021 updated schedule from the City of Saratoga, the construction of these bridges is anticipated to be completed by 2023. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. HW Y 8 5 POLLARD R D QUITO RD PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 81 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Jan 2001 Grant Funding The City of Saratoga obtained grant funding from the federal HBRR program. Oct 2001 Cooperative Agreement Council approved a cooperative agreement with the City of Saratoga and SCVWD for the replacement of the two bridges. May 2002 Preliminary Design City of Saratoga started preliminary design. 2013 Right of way Right of way acquisition process is ongoing and environmental permitting is underway. Spring 2022 Final Design Complete design and project bidding by the City of Saratoga. Summer 2022 Construction Start Begin reconstruction of bridge. Summer 2023 Completion Anticipated construction completion. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 64,594$ 235,087$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 349,681$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 64,594$ 235,087$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 349,681$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 64,594 235,087 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - 349,681 TOTAL GFAR 64,594$ 235,087$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 349,681$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 64,594$ 235,087$ 50,000$ -$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 349,681$ QUITO ROAD - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Project 818-0801 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 82 LOS GATOS BLVDHWY 17N SANTA CRUZ AVBLOSSOM HI L L R D SHANNO N R D UNIVERSITY AV Project Name Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge - Design Project Number 818-0803 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will fund the preliminary design, environmental clearance, and final design for the bicycle and pedestrian bridge over Highway 17 at Blossom Hill Road. Location This project is located at Blossom Hill Road crossing Highway 17. Project Background Highway 17 presents a barrier for bicyclists and pedestrians wanting to cross from one side of Los Gatos to the other. Current crossings are largely vehicle focused and often uncomfortable for other transportation modes. This is a suggested path included in the Safe Routes to School Phase 1 Study. In September 2019, the Town selected BKF Engineers as the consultant to prepare a feasibility analysis and officially kicked off the project. At its March 3, 2020 meeting, the Town Council approved the project’s Purpose and Need and authorized proceeding with design alternatives for a separate bicycle and pedestrian overcrossing. The feasibility analysis was completed in September 2020 and the Town Council approved the study and directed staff to proceed with the final design of a separate bicycle and pedestrian structure crossing over Highway 17 south of Blossom Hill Road. In June 2020, the Town was awarded a grant of $2,754,990 for final design of the project as part of VTA’s Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Competitive Grant Program. The grant required a local match of $946,200 which was approved by Council on December 1, 2020. A request for proposals for the final design was released on December 4, 2020. Through the consultant procurement process, the Town selected BKF Engineers to continue with the final design and initiated work for the phase in May 2021. The final design phase will include coordinate with Caltrans, environmental clearance, right-of-way, and final design. It is estimated that the final design will be completed by spring 2024. In future years, funds will be needed for the construction phase. The construction cost is currently estimated to be in the range of $20 to $30 million. Staff will continue to seek grant funds to complete this project. Construction is anticipated to take a year to complete following the bidding and award of a construction contract. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 83 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2023 Environmental Clearances Completion of technical studies - CEQA and NEPA determinations completed Spring 2024 Final Design Completion of final design TBD Construction Complete construction Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 946,210$ -$ 946,210$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 946,210$ TRAFFIC MITIGATION 54 147,247 - - - - - - - 147,300 GRANTS & AWARDS 86,995 - 2,754,534 - 2,754,534 - - - - 2,841,529 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 87,049$ 147,247$ 3,700,744$ -$ 3,700,744$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,935,039$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TRAFFIC MITIGATION Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - 946,210 - 946,210 - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 53.81 147,247 - - - - - - - 147,300 TOTAL TRAFFIC MITIGATION 54$ 147,247$ 946,210$ -$ 946,210$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,093,510$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - 2,754,534 - 2,754,534 - - - - 2,754,534.00 Project Construction Expenses 86,995.00 - - - - - - - - 86,995 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS 86,995$ -$ 2,754,534$ -$ 2,754,534$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,841,529$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 87,049$ 147,247$ 3,700,744$ -$ 3,700,744$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,935,039$ HIGHWAY 17 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE - DESIGN Project 818-0803 PROPOSED STREETS PROGRAM Bridge Projects C - 84 Parks Program This Page Intentionally Left Blank PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM D - 1 PARK PROJECT DIRECTORY 4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project D – 6 4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs D – 8 4006 Outdoor Fitness Equipment D – 10 4508 Vegetation Management – Town-wide D – 12 4007 Oak Meadow Park Bandstand Area Improvements D – 14 TRAIL PROJECT DIRECTORY 4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades D – 20 4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair D – 22 4505 Trailhead Connector Project D – 24 PARKS AND TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 2 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 3 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Parks Playground Fibar Project B Town Plaza Turf Repairs C Outdoor Fitness Equipment – Balzer Field D Vegetation Management – Town-wide E Oak Meadow Park Bandstand Area Improvements PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 4 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project D – 6 4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs D – 8 4006 Outdoor Fitness Equipment D – 10 4508 Vegetation Management – Town-wide D – 12 4007 Oak Meadow Park Bandstand Area Improvements D – 14 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 5 The Parks Program’s Park Improvement Projects section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that repair or improve a Town park as the primary scope of work. Typical park improvement projects include parking lot, walkway, and basketball or tennis court resurfacing; and park equipment or facility upgrades. The Park Improvement Projects section does not have ongoing programs; all projects are considered one-time projects. The exception to this is the Parks Fibar replacement project. Because Fibar requires regular replacement and infill, this project is scheduled as a bi-annual project. One-time park improvement projects are prioritized based on health and safety issues, available funding sources, infrastructure impacts, project costs, equity considerations, and community impacts. Los Gatos does have Park Construction Tax Revenue as a designated funding source for the Parks operating program budget; however, tax receipts are limited to approximately $11,000 per year, and are not sufficient for a capital program. In addition to GFAR funding, grants, in-lieu fees, and CDBG funds are pursued and utilized for park improvements when available. PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY * Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $133,482 Unfunded Projects • Oak Meadow Park Upgrades • Civic Center Irrigation System Replacement & Upgrade • Turf Renovations - Various Parks • Oak Meadow Park Fencing Upgrades • Oak Meadow Park Restroom Expansion • Park Rehabilitation – La Rinconada Park • Park Rehabilitation – Live Oak Manor Park • Park Rehabilitation – Blossom Hill Park • Plaza Park Improvements PARKS Carryforward Projects 4605 Parks Playground Fibar Project 75,736$ 49,264$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 175,000$ 4202 Town Plaza Turf Repairs 8,116 28,000 - - - - 36,116 4006 Outdoor Fitness Equipment 54,000 6,000 - - - - 60,000 4508 Vegetation Management - Town-wide 200,489 50,218 - - - - 250,707 New Projects 4007 Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements - 445,904 - - - - 445,904 Total Park Improvement Projects 338,341$ 579,386$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 967,727$ Total Budgeted 20254/25 Budget FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Expended Through 2019/20 2025/26 Budget 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* 2022/23 Budget 2023/24 Budget PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 6 Project Name Parks Playground Fibar Project Project Number 831-4605 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project will replace fibar material at all Town playgrounds. Location This project will be completed at various parks in Los Gatos. Project Background Several Town parks have playground structures that are heavily used by children and their families. Playground safety codes require that the fibar material be spread under and around playground structures to prevent injury to children. Fibar replacement is required when the material is below a specific depth near the playground structure. Fibar is a wood product that degrades over time based on foot traffic and weather conditions. This material should be replaced on a regular, as needed basis. This is an annual CIP project to improve the safety of the Town’s playgrounds. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for construction inspection and management. The staff time for this project is included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 7 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2020 Scope Project development Spring 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2021 Construction Project construction Fall 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 75,736$ -$ 49,264$ -$ 49,264$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 175,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 75,736$ -$ 49,264$ -$ 49,264$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 175,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 75,736 - 49,264 - 49,264 25,000 - 25,000 - 175,000 TOTAL GFAR 75,736$ -$ 49,264$ -$ 49,264$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 175,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 75,736$ -$ 49,264$ -$ 49,264$ 25,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ 175,000$ PARKS PLAYGROUND FIBAR PROJECT Project 831-4605 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 8 E MAIN STHWY 17N SANTA CRUZUNIVERSITY AVAV Project Name Town Plaza Turf Repairs Project Number 831-4202 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project will renovate the turf at Plaza Park. Location The project is located at Town Plaza Park, at the corner of West Main Street and Santa Cruz Avenue. Project Background Plaza Park, located in the heart of downtown Los Gatos, is a popular park and hosts a variety of community events, such as Jazz on the Plazz and the Farmer’s Market. Because of the amount of high foot traffic at this location, the turf is heavily impacted. This project will remove the existing sod and soil. New soil will be added to the area to enhance root growth and to re-grade the ground to mitigate standing water issues. Additionally, along with the installation of new turf grass, minor changes to the irrigation system will be completed to maximize water coverage. The turf was last replaced around 2010. The project will be completed during a period when there is the least impact on scheduled downtown events. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for construction inspection and management. The staff time for this project is included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 9 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Design Project design & development Fall 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Project construction Spring 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 8,116$ -$ 28,000$ -$ 28,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,116$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 8,116$ -$ 28,000$ -$ 28,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,116$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 8,116 - 28,000 - 28,000 - - - - 36,116 TOTAL GFAR 8,116$ -$ 28,000$ -$ 28,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,116$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 8,116$ -$ 28,000$ -$ 28,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,116$ TOWN PLAZA TURF REPAIRS Project 831-4202 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 10 Project Name Outdoor Fitness Equipment Project Number 831-4006 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project will install outdoor fitness equipment. Location This project is located at the Balzer Field parking area. Project Background The Town was awarded an outdoor fitness rig after attending a California Parks & Recreation Society conference and participating in a competition. The Town has received equipment that is valued at $30,000. The equipment has been installed at the Balzer Field Parking Lot. Minor complimentary site improvements are still required to complete the project. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for construction inspection and management. The staff time for this project is included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 11 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2019 Scope Project design & development Summer 2020 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2021 Construction Project construction Summer 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ 54,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 54,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 54,000 6,000 - 6,000 - - - - 60,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ 54,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 54,000$ 6,000$ -$ 6,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 60,000$ OUTDOOR FITNESS EQUIPMENT Project 831-4006 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 12 Project Name Vegetation Management – Town-wide Project Number 832-4508 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project funds an ecological assessment to provide guidance for fuel removal in Town open space and right-of-way and the first year of open space fuel reduction. Location The project location is Town open spaces and rights-of-way. Project Background The FEMA-approved Santa Clara Operational Area Hazard Mitigation Plan lists the wildfire hazard for the Town of Los Gatos as “high.” The funding allows for an ecological assessment to provide guidance for fuel removal in Town open spaces and rights-of-way, and funding for the first year of open space fuel reduction. The Town has applied for a FEMA grant for vegetation management work and a portion of these funds may be used for as a funding match for that grant. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for coordination of the assessment and fuel reduction. Parks staff time associated with this project will be charged to the project as it is delivered. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 13 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fall 2019 Scope Project scope development Winter 2020 RFP Process Project RFP for ecological assessment Summer 2020 Bid Process Bid to implement fuel reduction Fall 2020 Implementation First season of fuel reduction Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 13,520$ 186,970$ 50,218$ -$ 50,218$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,707$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 13,520$ 186,970$ 50,218$ -$ 50,218$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,707$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 13,520 186,970 50,218 - 50,218 - - - - 250,707 TOTAL GFAR 13,520$ 186,970$ 50,218$ -$ 50,218$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,707$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 13,520$ 186,970$ 50,218$ -$ 50,218$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 250,707$ VEGETATION MANAGEMENT - TOWN-WIDE Project 832-4508 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 14 Project Name Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements Project Number 831-4202 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project will renovate the area around the Lyndon Bandstand at Oak Meadow Park. Location The project is located at Oak Meadow Park, at the corner of Blossom Hill Road and University Ave. Project Background Oak Meadow Park is a popular park and hosts a variety of community events, as well as many small private gatherings through the reservation process. Because of the increased demand for event space in the Town, the Lyndon Bandstand has become a popular destination for larger events and activities. To accommodate the increased need for programmable and reservable space, the area around the bandstand needs some improvements and modifications. This project will make improvements to the landscape and hardscape around the bandstand and improve any irrigation, electrical, or other infrastructural needs to help make the area more programmable for weddings, musical events, and other community gatherings. This project is largely funded through formula funds provided by State Proposition 68. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 15 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Design Project design & development Fall 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Project construction Spring 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ -$ 90,000$ 90,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 90,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS -$ -$ -$ 355,904$ 355,904$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 355,904$ TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ -$ 445,904$ 445,904$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 445,904$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipm - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Prepar - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expe - - - 90,000 90,000 - - - - 90,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ -$ 90,000$ 90,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 90,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ -$ 445,904$ 445,904$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 90,000$ OAK MEADOW BANDSTAND AREA IMPROVEMENTS Project 831-4007 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Park Improvement Projects D - 16 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 17 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Open Space Trail Upgrades B Charter Oaks Trail Repair C Trailhead Connector Project PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 18 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades D – 20 4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair D – 22 4505 Trailhead Connector Project D – 24 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 19 The Parks Program’s Trail Improvement Projects section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that construct, repair, or improve a Town trail as the primary scope of work. Typical trail improvement projects include pathway construction or resurfacing. TRAIL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY * Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $662,429 ` Carryforward Projects 4504 Open Space Trail Upgrades -$ 152,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 152,000$ 4503 Charter Oaks Trail Repair Project 72,942 1,020,109 - - - - 1,093,051 4505 Trailhead Connector 486,961 226,319 - - - - 713,280 New Projects Total Trail Improvement Projects 559,903$ 1,398,429$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,958,331$ FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2023/24 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 20254/25 Budget TRAIL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Total Budgeted 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* 2022/23 Budget 2025/26 Budget PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 20 Project Name Open Space Trail Upgrades Project Number 832-4504 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Superintendent: Jim Harbin Description This project will repair and replace old and damaged retaining walls, fences, and embankments along the trails in the Town’s open spaces. Location This project is located at Santa Rosa Open Space, Heintz Open Space, and Belgatos Park. Project Background The Town has a number of open space preserves that are under its jurisdiction. There are several public trail networks that traverse the open space preserves in the hillsides. The aging process has deteriorated a number of retaining walls and embankments along some trail sections. Without proper repair and replacement, the possibility of failure of the trails will increase greatly. This project will repair and replace several retaining walls that are supporting the trails and their embankments. In addition, this project will improve the drainage system around the retaining walls to prevent further erosion of the trails. This project will also address two bridges at Belgatos Park. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. TOWN-WIDE PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 21 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2020 Design Project design & development Spring 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2021 Construction Project construction Winter 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Open Space Reserve Fund -$ -$ 152,000$ -$ 152,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 152,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 152,000$ -$ 152,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 152,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 152,000 - 152,000 - - - - 152,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 152,000$ -$ 152,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 152,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 152,000$ -$ 152,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 152,000$ OPEN SPACE TRAIL UPGRADES Project 832-4504 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 22 HWY 17WINCHESTER BLVDLOS GATOS BLVDHW Y 8 5 LA R K A V KNOWLES Project Name Charter Oaks Trail Improvements Project Number 832-4503 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will evaluate improvements along the Los Gatos Creek Trail from Lark Avenue towards Highway 85 near Charter Oaks. Location This project is located on the Los Gatos Creek Trail near Charter Oaks. Project Background The existing trail is adjacent to Los Gatos Creek and was damaged by flooding during the winter storms of 2017. The impacts of the storm included damage to the fencing and to the asphalt concrete pathway. The last trail repair work was completed in 2018 with funding provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Subsequent to the trail repair work, the Town will further evaluate improvements along the trail from Lark Avenue towards Highway 85 utilizing Community Benefit funds in the amount of $350,000 from the Albright project. In addition to evaluating long-term and feasible solutions to prepare the trail to be flood-ready, this project will also aim to address other concerns raised by the community, including congestion, user conflicts, and natural landscape. The scope will be determined through community outreach efforts. Staff submitted two grant applications in the spring of 2021 seeking grant funds for comprehensive feasibility study and conceptual design. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 23 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Preliminary Design Project design & development Spring/summer 2022 Final Design Project bidding & contract award TBD Construction Project construction (pending available funding) Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 109$ -$ 364,891$ 110,000$ 474,891$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 475,000$ GRANTS 72,833 - 75,218 470,000 545,218 - - - - 618,051$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 72,942$ -$ 440,109$ 580,000$ 1,020,109$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,093,051$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 109 - 364,891 110,000 474,891 - - - - 475,000 TOTAL GFAR 109$ -$ 364,891$ 110,000$ 474,891$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 475,000$ GRANTS &AWARDS Salaries and Benefits - - - - - - - - - - Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 72,833 - 75,218 470,000 545,218 - - - - 618,051 TOTAL GRANTS &AWARDS 72,833$ -$ 75,218$ 470,000$ 545,218$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 618,051$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 72,942$ -$ 440,109$ 580,000$ 1,020,109$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,093,051$ CHARTER OAKS TRAIL REPAIR Project 832-4503 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 24 H W Y 9 HWY 17N SANTA CRUZ AVUNIVERSITY AV Project Name Trailhead Connector Project Project Number 832-4505 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will fund the design and construction of trailhead connections for Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9. Location This project is located on the Los Gatos Creek Trail near Highway 9. Project Background This project will fund the design and construction of trailhead connections for Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9. The project is an identified priority within Measure B and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The Council approved the staff recommendation for the next steps on this project in June 2017. Caltrans approved the Authorization to Proceed with Preliminary Engineering, also known as E-76 approval, on December 13, 2018. In February 2019 the Town issued a Request for Proposal for the design and environmental services, and the consultant firm of Mott MacDonald Group was awarded the contract to complete the final design for the project. On March 3, 2020, Council approved the preliminary layout of Los Gatos Creek Trail connections on both north and south sides of Highway 9. Caltrans’ approval of the final design may depend on resolving an underlying land rights issue. Portions of the Los Gatos Creek Trail and the concrete-lined channel at the trailhead connections are located within Caltrans lands, which is currently for sale or relinquishment. Caltrans is requesting that the Town and Santa Clara Valley Water District take over title and maintenance responsibilities. Staff is investigating all possibilities to move the project forward. The current schedule for completion of project design is December 2021 with construction targeted for late Spring 2022, depending on available grant funding. Grant funding for additional final design and construction has been requested from the MTC Safe and Seamless Mobility Quick Strike Program. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 25 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 Environmental Clearance Completion of CEQA and NEPA determinations Winter 2021 Final Design Completion of final design Pending Construction Project construction dependent on funding Pending Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 40,054$ 103,907$ 70,319$ 156,000$ 226,319$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 370,280$ GRANTS & AWARDS 205,071 137,929 - - - - - - - 343,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 245,126$ 241,835$ 70,319$ 156,000$ 226,319$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 713,280$ ` 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 40,054 103,907 70,319 156,000 226,319 - - - - 370,280 TOTAL GFAR 40,054 103,907 70,319 156,000 226,319 - - - - 370,280 GRANTS &AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 205,071 137,929 - - - - - - - 343,000 TOTAL GRANTS &AWARDS 205,071$ 137,929$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 343,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 245,126$ 241,835$ 70,319$ 156,000$ 226,319$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 713,280$ TRAILHEAD CONNECTOR PROJECT Project 832-4505 PROPOSED PARKS & TRAILS PROGRAM Trail Improvement Projects D - 26 Public Facilities Program This Page Intentionally Left Blank PUBLIC FACILITIES DIRECTORY E - 1 TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT DIRECTORY 2302 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard E – 6 2002 Town Beautification E – 8 2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms – Adult Recreation Building E – 10 2117 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices E – 12 2010 Waterproofing – Town-wide E – 14 2504 Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby E – 16 6004 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms E – 18 2206 Adult Recreation Center – Floor Repair E – 20 2505 Battery Power Supply - Library E – 22 EQUIPMENT PROJECT DIRECTORY 6101 Information System Upgrade E – 28 6001 Audio/Video System Upgrade E – 30 6003 Town-Wide Document Imaging Project E – 32 2305 Engineering Document Archiving E – 34 6103 EOC Communication Upgrade E – 36 6104 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements E – 38 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 2 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 3 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Building Replacement at Corporation Yard F Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby B Town Beautification G Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Room C ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms – Adult Recreation Building H Adult Recreation Center – Floor Repair D ADA Upgrade Staff Restroom – Civic Center I Battery Power Supply – Library E Waterproofing Town-wide PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 4 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 2302 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard E – 6 2002 Town Beautification E – 8 2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms – Adult Recreation Building E – 10 2117 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices E – 12 2010 Waterproofing – Town-wide E – 14 2504 Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby E – 16 6004 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms E – 18 2206 Adult Recreation Center – Floor Repair E – 20 2505 Battery Power Supply – Library E – 22 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 5 The Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that maintain or improve the Town’s public buildings and structures to keep them in a clean, safe, and functional condition. Town-owned buildings include the Civic Center, Library, Police Operations Center, Parks & Public Works Building, Corporation Yard and associated structures, and the following buildings leased to other agencies: the Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation headquarters building and the Adult Recreation Center (formerly the Neighborhood Center). Other Town facilities include the Venue, Tait Avenue, and Forbes Mill. Town Infrastructure and Facilities Projects are prioritized in consideration of the user needs, federal and state mandates, federal and state grant restrictions, and local community standards. The Community Development Department assumes responsibility for evaluating the overall conformance to the General Plan and the status of environmental assessment. The Parks & Public Works Department assumes responsibility for project design, planning, and construction. This section contains annual ongoing improvement projects as well as identified one-time projects. One-time infrastructure and facilities projects are prioritized based on health and safety issues, infrastructure impacts, available funding sources, project costs, and community needs. Los Gatos does not have a designated funding source for repairing, maintaining, and improving the Town’s public facilities; however, grants, CDBG funds, and donations are pursued and utilized when available. TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE & FACILITIES PROJECTS SUMMARY *Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $1,211,109 Unfunded Projects • Civic Center Improvements • Deferred maintenance at Town-owned, leased properties • Deferred improvements to Town-owned properties Carryforward Projects 2302 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard 913,988$ 1,001,812$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,915,800$ 2002 Town Beautification 109,170 20,456 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 169,625 2117 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices - 600,000 - - - - 600,000 2010 Waterproofing Town-wide - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 2504 Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby - 22,000 - - - - 22,000 6004 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms 92,555 51,841 - - - - 144,396 2601 ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms - Adult Recreation Bldg.51,882 261,979 - - - - 313,861 2206 Adult Recreation - Floor Repair - 200,000 - - - - 200,000 New Projects 2505 Battery Power Supply - Library - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 - - - Total Infrastructure / Facility Projects 1,167,595$ 2,263,088$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 3,470,683$ 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2025/26 Budget 2022/23 Budget Expended Through 2019/20 Total Budgeted 20254/25 Budget 2023/24 Budget TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE & FACILITIES PROJECTS PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 6 Project Name Building Replacement at Corporation Yard* Project Number 821-2302 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller *This project was presented to Council as part of the Capital Improvement Program in FY 2015/16. A portion of these funds ($200,000) for this project was transferred to provide funding for the Almond Grove Street Reconstruction project. Description This project will replace an old building at the Parks and Public Works Department (PPW) Corporation Yard that is used for office space and evidence storage. The project also includes improvements to the Engineering building. Location This project is located at the PPW Corporation Yard (41 Miles Avenue). Project Background The maintenance lead staff has been using a small portable building located at the north side of the PPW Corporation Yard for their office facility. This building has deteriorated over the years and is becoming more difficult to maintain because of its aging infrastructure. The existing building has several problems including a leaky roof and windows, a poor heating and cooling (HVAC) system, and lacks a restroom facility in the building. This building is also used partially by the Police Department as their evidence storage facility. Evidence must be stored and kept at a certain room temperature, which requires an updated HVAC system. To save costs, this project will relocate staffing to another building and reconstruct the existing building for storage only. The Engineering and adjacent warehouse space are being remodeled to accommodate the maintenance staff that will be displaced in the building replacement portion of the project. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 7 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2020 Design Project design & development Fall 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Winter 2022 Construction Project construction Spring 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 163,250$ 750,738$ 251,812$ 750,000$ 1,001,812$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,915,800$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 163,250$ 750,738$ 251,812$ 750,000$ 1,001,812$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,915,800$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 163,250 750,738 251,812 750,000 1,001,812 - - - - 1,915,800 TOTAL GFAR 163,250$ 750,738$ 251,812$ 750,000$ 1,001,812$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,915,800$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 163,250$ 750,738$ 251,812$ 750,000$ 1,001,812$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,915,800$ BUILDING REPLACEMENT AT CORPORATION YARD Project 821-2302 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 8 TOWN-WIDE Project Name Town Beautification Project Number 821-2002 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Environmental Specialist: Marina Chislett Description This project funds Town-wide beautification projects on an annual, as-needed basis. Location This project location is Town-wide. Project Background The Town Beautification Program was established to provide improvements to enhance the Town’s beauty, particularly along public streets, sidewalks, and other Town property. One example is the Town’s Outside the Box Program which enhances the character of the community by adding artwork to utility boxes that are often targeted by graffiti vandals. Selected artwork contains environmental sustainability messages that include: alternative transportation, clean energy, clean creeks, community sustainability, and healthy lifestyles. In FY 2021/22 four utility boxes will be added to bring the total to 25, and another four are planned in FY 2020/21. The design RFP will request a diversity, equity, and inclusivity element in the design. Operating Budget Impacts The project will use staff time for program management and inspection. The staff time for this project will be included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 9 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2020 Artist Recruitment Project noticing Summer 2021 Design Project submittals and development Summer 2021 Installation Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 94,240$ 14,930$ 10,456$ 10,000$ 20,456$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 169,625$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 94,240$ 14,930$ 10,456$ 10,000$ 20,456$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 169,625$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 94,240 14,930 10,456 10,000 20,456 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 169,625 TOTAL GFAR 94,240$ 14,930$ 10,456$ 10,000$ 20,456$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 169,625$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 94,240$ 14,930$ 10,456$ 10,000$ 20,456$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 169,625$ TOWN BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS Project 821-2002 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 10 Project Name ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms – Adult Recreation Building Project Number 821-2601 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will make ADA-compliant upgrades to the public restrooms at the Recreation Building. Location This project location is at the Adult Recreation Center at 208 E. Main Street. Project Background The upstairs restrooms are beyond their useful life and are very small and non-ADA compliance. The building serves seniors and having an accessible building is essential. This project shows the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds as a supplemental funding source. The CDBG Entitlement Program provides grants on a formula basis to develop viable urban communities by providing a suitable living environment, among other goals. The grant program has specific requirements, and this is one of the few Town projects that meets the CDBG requirements. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 11 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Design Project design & development Fall 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Project construction Summer 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Transfer from Facilities -$ -$ 183,000$ -$ 183,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 183,000$ GRANTS 51,882 - 67,000$ 11,979$ 78,979$ - - - - 130,861$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 51,882$ -$ 250,000$ 11,979$ 261,979$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 313,861$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 183,000 - 183,000 - - - - 183,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 183,000$ -$ 183,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 183,000$ GRANTS & AWARDS Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 51,882 - 67,000 11,979 78,979 - - - - 130,861 TOTAL GRANTS & AWARDS 51,882 - 67,000 11,979 78,979 - - - - 130,861 TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 51,882$ -$ 250,000$ 11,979$ 261,979$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 313,861$ ADA UPGRADE PUBLIC RESTROOMS - ADULT RECREATION BUILDING PROJECT 821-2601 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 12 Project Name ADA Restrooms and HR Offices Project Number 821-2117 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will make ADA-compliant upgrades to the staff restrooms at the Civic Center and modify the HR offices. Location This project is located at the Civic Center (110 E. Main Street). Project Background The Building Inspectors have moved out of their previous space in the lower level of the Civic Center. The restrooms adjacent to this space are small non-ADA compliant restrooms. This project will upgrade the restrooms taking advantage of the available space to meet additional area requirements. In addition, this project will remodel the HR offices in the Civic Center. Operating Budget Impacts Staff time for design and construction of the project is tracked, which allows for accountability in the costs of the project, recovery of costs from grants, and identification of future staffing needs.  This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff to support fluctuating workloads.  The costs for temporary staff will be funded through the project. Full-time staff is accounted for in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 13 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2021 Design Project design & development Fall 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2022 Construction Project construction Fall 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR - Transfer from Facilities -$ -$ 450,000$ 150,000$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 450,000$ 150,000$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 450,000 150,000 600,000 - - - - 600,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 450,000$ 150,000$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 450,000$ 150,000$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ ADA RESTROOMS AND HR OFFICES Project 821-2117 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 14 TOWN-WIDE Project Name Waterproofing -Town-wide Project Number 821-2010 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will waterproof a balcony and a roof at two Town facilities. Location The project is located at the Adult Recreation Center (208 E. Main Street) and the PPW Corporation Yard at 41 Miles Avenue. Project Background The roof of the engineering building at the PPW Corporation Yard is starting to show signs of age and potential leakage as it approaches its end of serviceable life. Recent HVAC improvements added new penetrations through this aging membrane, including relocation of a large HVAC unit in the center of the roof. The new roof will upgrade the membrane to a single ply cool roof which will also improve the building's energy conservation. At the Adult Recreation Center, the rear balcony for the two manager offices upstairs cantilevers over the activity room below. During heavy rainstorms, water leaks from under the thresholds upstairs into the middle of the room below. The membrane needs to be replaced which entails significant reconstruction of the sliding doors, siding, and balcony deck. Operating Budget Impacts The project will use staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project will be included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 15 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2021 Design Project design & development Spring 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2021 Construction Project construction Fall 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Transfer from Facilities -$ -$ 75,000$ -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 75,000$ -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 75,000 - 75,000 - - - - 75,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 75,000$ -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 75,000$ -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ WATERPROOFING - TOWN-WIDE Project 821-2010 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 16 Project Name Sound Mitigation in Library Lobby Project Number 821-2504 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will install sound baffling to the low ceiling in the Library lobby. Location This project location is inside the Library at 100 Villa Avenue. Project Background This is the second phase of sound reduction in the Library following successful installation of doors to the teen area in phase one. This project will install sound baffling to the ceiling in the Library lobby to help diffuse noise. Operating Budget Impacts The project will use staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project will be included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2020/21 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 17 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2021 Design Project design & development Spring 2021 Bid Process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2021 Construction Project construction Summer 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Transfer from Library Trust -$ -$ 22,000$ -$ 22,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 22,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 22,000$ -$ 22,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 22,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 22,000 - 22,000 - - - - 22,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 22,000$ -$ 22,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 22,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 22,000$ -$ 22,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 22,000$ SOUND MITAGATION IN LIBRARY LOBBY Project 821-2504 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 18 TOWN-WIDE Project Name Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms Project Number 841-6004 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will install fire suppression systems that are specific for server rooms. Location This project is located at the Civic Center (110 East Main Street) and the Town of Los Gatos Police Operations Building (15900 Los Gatos Boulevard). Project Background Basic fire suppression systems use water-based sprinklers to protect infrastructure. Server rooms require different fire suppression to avoid damaging equipment in case the fire suppression is triggered. This project will install non-destructive gas suppression systems at main server rooms at essential facilities. Operating Budget Impacts The project will use staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project will be included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 19 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2020 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2020 Construction Project Construction Spring 2021 Completion Project completion FIRE SUPPRESSION (HALON) FOR SERVER ROOMS Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR - Transfer from Facilities -$ 92,555$ 51,841$ -$ 51,841$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 144,396$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ 92,555$ 51,841$ -$ 51,841$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 144,396$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - 92,555 51,841 - 51,841 - - - - 144,396 TOTAL GFAR -$ 92,555$ 51,841$ -$ 51,841$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 144,396$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ 92,555$ 51,841$ -$ 51,841$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 144,396$ Project 841-6004 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 20 Project Name Adult Recreation Center – Floor Repair Project Number 821-2206 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will replace the flooring in the multi-purpose room at the Adult Recreation Center. Location This project will take place at the Adult Recreation Center (208 East Main Street). Project Background The floor at the Adult Recreation Center has reached the end of its useful life. This project will replace the floor. Operating Budget Impacts The project will use staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project will be included in the Parks and Public Works Department’s FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 21 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Winter 2021 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Spring 2021 Construction Project Construction Summer 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - 100,000 100,000 200,000 - - - - 200,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ ADULT RECREATION CENTER - FLOOR REPAIR 821-2206 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 22 Project Name Battery Power Supply - Library Project Number 821-2505 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Facilities Manager: Dan Keller Description This project will include the development of a design plan and installation of a battery energy storage tied to the solar photovoltaic (PV) system at the Library. Location This project will take place at the Los Gatos Library, 100 Villa Avenue. Project Background In FY 2020/21 Grant funding became available through Silicon Valley Clean Energy Program and California Office of Emergency Services. To qualify for the Grant funding, development of a plan for a community resilience project is required. The Library was chosen as a site for a battery energy storage system tied to the existing Solar PV energy system. This storage system will provide short term backup power to the Library in the event of a power outage. An agreement for Services for this project is underway with the planning phase of the project to be completed and start of construction in FY 2021/22. Grant funds for this project will be recognized as a separate budget action when the grant agreements are put in place. Operating Budget Impacts The project will use staff time for construction management and inspection. The staff time for this project will be reimbursed by the grant. On-going maintenance of the battery storage system should be minimal, with large cost replacement batteries in 7+ years. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 23 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 Bid process Project design, bidding & contract award Spring 2022 Construction Project Construction Summer 2022 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ 30,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ 30,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - 30,000 30,000 - - - - 30,000 TOTAL GFAR -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ 30,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ 30,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ BATTERY POWER SUPPLY - LIBRARY Project 821-2505 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Town Infrastructure & Facilities Projects E - 24 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 25 PROJECT LOCATIONS A Information System Upgrade B Audio/Video System Upgrade C Town-Wide Document Imaging Project D Engineering Document Archiving E EOC Communication Upgrade F IT Disaster Recovery Improvements PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 26 PROGRAM SECTION DIRECTORY PAGE 6101 Information System Upgrade E – 28 6001 Audio/Video System Upgrade E – 30 6003 Town-Wide Document Imaging Project E – 32 2305 Engineering Document Archiving E – 34 6103 EOC Communication Upgrade E – 36 6104 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements E – 38 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 27 The Equipment Projects section contains Capital Improvement Program projects that provide new equipment; or replace, improve, or upgrade existing Town equipment. This section does not have ongoing equipment programs; all projects are considered one-time projects. One-time equipment capital improvement projects are prioritized based on service level considerations, available funding sources, project costs, and community impacts. Los Gatos does not have a designated funding source for new equipment or the replacement or upgrading of existing equipment; however, grants are pursued and utilized when available. EQUIPMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY Total FY 2020/21 Carryforward $298,952 Carryforward Projects 6101 Information System Upgrade 292,528$ 77,026$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 369,554$ 6001 Audio/Video System Upgrade 68,048 42,552 - - - - 110,600 6003 Town-wide Document Imaging Project 198,011 16,990 - - - - 215,000 2305 Engineering Document Archiving 92,284 - - - - - 92,284 6103 EOC Communications Upgrade 25,060 24,940 - - - - 50,000 6104 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements 62,555 137,445 - - - - 200,000 New Projects Total Equipment Projects 738,486$ 298,952$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,037,438$ 2023/24 Budget 20254/25 Budget 2025/26 Budget EQUIPMENT PROJECT SUMMARY BY PROGRAM Expended Through 2019/20 2020/21 Budget & Carryfwd* FY 2021/22 - 2025/26 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Total Budgeted 2022/23 Budget PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 28 Project Name Information System Upgrade Project Number 841-6101 Department Finance Project Manager Finance Director: Stephen Conway Description This project upgrades the Town’s existing financial/human resources information database, enhancing its reporting system and providing future web-based online services. This project will be coordinated with the upgrade of the Town’s existing permit tracking system. Location The project will enhance the information systems used by the Finance, Human Resources, and Building Departments. Purchased computer hardware will be located in the IT Department, 110 E. Main Street. Project Background In FY 2008/09, staff completed a significant portion of a multi-year financial information system upgrade. This project involved the conversion of General Ledgers, Payroll, Budget, and Human Resources modules, followed by the implementation of the Cashiering and Business License modules. Planned for FY 2021/22 required system upgrade, cloud hosting, online-timesheet management, completion of the fixed asset module, and continuation of electronic commerce, including online permitting and business license applications. Operating Budget Impacts The remaining project balance is estimated to be $77,026. It is anticipated that the maintenance costs for the Finance/Human Resources information system would be approximately $40,000 annually, which has been incorporated into the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 29 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Spring 2021 System Implementation Upgrade and test data migration and functionality of financial/human resources information database. Fall 2021 System Implementation Develop and test fixed assets, electronic commerce and electronic timesheet functions. Spring 2022 System Implementation Implement data migration Summer 2022 System Implementation Implementation of electronic commerce and electronic timesheet functions. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Transfer from MIS 254,769$ 37,759$ 77,026$ -$ 77,026$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 369,554$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 254,769$ 37,759$ 77,026$ -$ 77,026$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 369,554$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services 254,769 37,759 77,026 - 77,026 - - - - 369,554 Project Construction Expenses - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL GFAR 254,769$ 37,759$ 77,026$ -$ 77,026$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 369,554$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 254,769$ 37,759$ 77,026$ -$ 77,026$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 369,554$ INFORMATION SYSTEM UPGRADE Project 841-6101 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 30 Project Name Audio/Video System Upgrade Project Number 841-6001 Department Town Manager Project Manager IT Manager: Sai Kim Description This project provides for the replacement and/or upgrade of Council Chamber video, audio/visual, and other applicable equipment used for televised and non-televised public meetings. Location The video production system is located in the audio/video equipment room at the Civic Center, 110 E. Main Street, and involves various electronic equipment required to cablecast public meetings and make presentations. Project Background In FY 2008/09, the audio/visual equipment located in the Town Council Chambers was upgraded to meet the needs at that time. The maintenance of the video production equipment is now the responsibility of KCAT, who receives Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) fees, provided by local cable operators for this purpose. The remaining funds in this project will be used to replace and/or upgrade the Town’s A/V equipment in the Council Chambers, as needed. Staff will also explore the availability of additional audio/visual meeting management enhancements. Operating Budget Impacts This Audio/Video System Upgrade project is funded in the GFAR Fund. It is unknown at this time which replacements or upgrades will be required during FY 2021/22. Staff oversight of this project will be included in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 31 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Fiscal Year 2021/22 Monitoring As needed. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 68,048$ -$ 42,552$ -$ 42,552$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,600$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 68,048$ -$ 42,552$ -$ 42,552$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,600$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment 68,048 - 42,552 - 42,552 - - - - 110,600 Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL GFAR 68,048$ -$ 42,552$ -$ 42,552$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,600$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 68,048$ -$ 42,552$ -$ 42,552$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 110,600$ AUDIO / VIDEO SYSTEM UPGRADE Project 841-6001 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 32 Project Name Town-Wide Document Imaging Project Project Number 841-6003 Department Community Development/Police Project Manager Community Development Director: Joel Paulson Description This is the continuation of the first phase of a Town-wide project to convert existing microfiche and paper files to electronic storage and provide desktop access. Location Town of Los Gatos Civic Center complex (110 E. Main Street). Project Background The Community Development Department has an immediate need to provide electronic storage and retrieval of many archived documents. The electronic retrieval system will allow immediate access to all building and planning files for members of the Community Development Department via desktop access. Following implementation, priorities will be identified to expand document imaging to other departments, subject to available funding. Operating Budget Impacts The Community Development Department collects permit fees, a portion of which will be used to offset some costs for document storage. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 33 Project Components & Estimated Timeline FY 2021/22 Production Continue document conversion of Building and Planning Division files. Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Adjusted 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Transfer from MIS 198,011$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 215,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 198,011$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 215,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Adjusted 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 198,011 16,990 - 16,990 - 16,990 - - - - 215,000 TOTAL GFAR 198,011$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 215,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 198,011$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ 16,990$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 215,000$ TOWN-WIDE DOCUMENT IMAGING PROJECT Project 841-6003 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 34 HW Y 9 E MAIN STHWY 17N SANTA CRUZ AVUNIVERSITY AV Project Name Engineering Document Archiving Project Number 821-2305 Department Parks & Public Works Project Manager Town Engineer: WooJae Kim Description This project will scan and archive all engineering record documents such as as-builts, federal and state funded capital improvement projects, and recorded documents, all of which are currently stored in paper format. Location This project is located at the Engineering Services office (41 Miles Avenue). Project Background Currently, most files are kept in a hard copy format in the Engineering Services office. These hard copies have become damaged due to age and need to be preserved through archiving to maintain pertinent records. By digitally archiving these documents, searching through records becomes much more efficient. It is anticipated that this project will be implemented over several fiscal years, starting in FY 2014/15 and completion estimated in FY 2021/22. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for management. The staff time for this project is included in the Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 35 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2015 Design Project development Fall 2015 Bid process Project bidding & contract award Summer 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 14,199$ 78,084$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,284$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 14,199$ 78,084$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,284$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 14,199 78,084 - - - - - - - 92,284 TOTAL GFAR 14,199$ 78,084$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,284$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 14,199$ 78,084$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 92,284$ ENGINEERING DOCUMENT ARCHIVING Project 821-2305 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 36 TOWN-WIDE Project Name EOC Communications Upgrade Project Number 841-6103 Department Town Manager Office/IT/PD Project Manager Assistant Town Manager, Arn Andrews Description This project upgrades identified deficiencies in the Town’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) communication capabilities. Location The project will enhance the communication systems within the EOC to create better interoperability between Town staff, Public Safety, other agencies, and citizen volunteers in the event of an emergency. Project Background The recent wildfire disasters in California and lessons learned from prior Town emergency preparedness exercises continue to identify a lack of adequate communications as a major flaw in emergency responses. Without robust EOC communication capabilities the situational awareness necessary to adequately assess, and respond to, an operational area in the event of an emergency is severely compromised. Staff is seeking to create multiple seamless communication channels between the Town EOC, County EOC, Town Public Safety staff, Town PPW staff, Town CDD staff, and CERT volunteers. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for management. The staff time for this project is included in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 37 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2018 Design Project development Fall 2018 Procurement Procurement of equipment and installation Fall 2020 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR 24,060$ 1,000$ 24,940$ -$ 24,940$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 24,060$ 1,000$ 24,940$ -$ 24,940$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 24,060 1,000 24,940 - 24,940 - - - - 50,000$ TOTAL GFAR 24,060$ 1,000$ 24,940$ -$ 24,940$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 24,060$ 1,000$ 24,940$ -$ 24,940$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ EOC COMMUNICATION UPGRADE Project 841-6103 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 38 TOWN-WIDE Project Name IT Disaster Recovery Improvements Project Number 841-6104 Department IT Project Manager IT Manager: Sai Kim Description This project upgrades the Town’s existing Information Technology infrastructure including windows servers, storage, and network switches. Location The project will enhance the IT systems used by all Town departments at all locations. Purchased computer hardware will be located at 110 E. Main Street and 15900 Los Gatos Boulevard Project Background Annually staff evaluates and replaces older servers and network infrastructure to ensure reliable operation. In FY 2017/18, staff began an IT disaster recovery inventory, identifying many areas to improve our disaster preparedness posture and increasing efficiencies with more modern infrastructure design. These improvements to IT infrastructure require more than a simple staggered replacement of a small percentage of servers. Improvements include Hypervisor Server Clusters and Replication, redundant Storage Area Networks, and Public Cloud DR Data Center. Operating Budget Impacts This project will use staff time for management. The staff time for this project is included in the FY 2021/22 Operating Budget. PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 39 Project Components & Estimated Timeline Summer 2019 Design Project development Fall 2019 Procurement Procurement of equipment and installation Fall 2021 Completion Project completion Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project SOURCE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Transfer from MIS 30,924$ 31,631$ 137,445$ -$ 137,445$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS 30,924$ 31,631$ 137,445$ -$ 137,445$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ Prior Yrs Actuals 2020/21 Estimated Estimated Carryfwd 2021/22 New Funding 2021/22 Budget 2022/23 Proposed 2023/24 Proposed 2024/25 Proposed 2025/26 Proposed Total Project USE OF FUNDS to 2021/22 (with Carryfwd) GFAR Salaries and Benefits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies/Equipment - - - - - - - - - - Site Acquisition & Preparation - - - - - - - - - - Consultant Services - - - - - - - - - - Project Construction Expenses 30,924 31,631 137,445 - 137,445 - - - - 200,000 TOTAL GFAR 30,924$ 31,631$ 137,445$ -$ 137,445$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ TOTAL USE OF FUNDS 30,924$ 31,631$ 137,445$ -$ 137,445$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ IT DISASTER RECOVERY IMPROVEMENTS Project 841-6104 PROPOSED PUBLIC FACILITIES PROGRAM Equipment Projects E - 40 Reference This Page Intentionally Left Blank PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Glossary of Terms F - 1 Accrual Basis Accounting - Under this accounting method, transactions are recognized when they occur, regardless of the timing of related cash receipts and disbursements. Adoption - Formal action by the Town Council which sets the spending limits for the fiscal year. The Town's budget is adopted by Council resolution. Appropriation - An authorization made by the Town Council that permits officials to incur obligations against and to make expenditures of government resources. Appropriations are typically granted for a one-year period. Audit - Prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the primary objective of an audit is to determine if the Town's Financial Statements present fairly the Town's financial position and results of operations in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. In conjunction with its performance of an audit, it is customary for an independent auditor to issue a Management Letter stating the adequacy of the Town's internal controls as well as recommending improvements to the Town's financial management practices. Bonds - A bond is a written promise to pay a specified sum of money (called the face value or principal amount) at a specified date or dates in the future (called the maturity date) together with period interest at a specified rate. Bonds are typically used to finance capital facilities. Budget - As the Town's financial operating plan for the fiscal year, the budget displays the estimated expenditures (costs) for providing services and the estimated sources of revenue (income) to pay for them. Once the Town Council adopts the budget, the total becomes the maximum spending limit. Los Gatos' budget encompasses a single fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Budget Amendment - The Council has the sole responsibility for adopting the Town's budget and may amend or supplement the budget at any time after adoption. The Town Manager has the authority to approve administrative adjustments to the budget as outlined in the Financial and Administrative Policies set by Council. Budget Document - The official financial spending and resource plan submitted by the Town Manager and adopted by the Town Council explaining the approved budget to the public and Town Council. Budget Message - Included in the opening section of the budget, the Budget Message provides the Council and the public with a general summary of the most important aspects of the budget, comparative data from previous fiscal years, goals and objectives, and the views and recommendations of the Town Manager. Budget Overview - This section provides an overview of the changes adopted in the budget. Additionally, the significant impacts of budgetary changes are outlined along with dollar amounts (increase/decrease). Budget Policies - General and specific guidelines adopted by the Council that govern the financial plan's preparation and administration. PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Glossary of Terms F - 2 Capital or Community Improvements - Capital or community improvements are major construction, acquisition, or maintenance/repair projects. Typical examples of major construction would include new street improvements, park development, and public buildings. Acquisition includes land for parks and open space. Major maintenance/repairs may include street resurfacing or modifications to public buildings. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - The plan or schedule of expenditures for major construction of roads, sidewalks, Town facilities, and/or park improvements and for the purchase of equipment. The Town of Los Gatos' CIP follows a five-year schedule. Although the Town adopts the CIP budget in a process which is separate from the adoption of the budget, the budget incorporates the first year of the five-year CIP. Capital Projects Fund - In governmental accounting, a fund that accounts for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of capital facilities. The total cost of a capital project is accumulated in a single expenditures account which accumulates until the project is completed, at which time the fund ceases to exist. Capital Outlay - Expenditures which result in the acquisition of or additions to fixed assets. Examples include land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and construction projects. Capital Assets – See “Fixed Assets.” Cash Basis Accounting - A basis of accounting under which transactions are recognized only when cash is received or disbursed. CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) - Federal grant funds distributed from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that are passed through to the Town. The Town primarily uses these funds for housing rehabilitation, public improvements, and local social programs. Construction Tax - A construction tax is imposed upon the construction of any building, portion of a building, or a mobile home lot. Construction by definition means either new construction or enlargement. The taxes imposed are based upon a set rate per square foot as follows: a) Capital Improvement Tax - $0.18 for each square foot of building addition or alteration b) Underground Utility Tax - $0.18 for each square foot of building addition or alteration c) Park Fund Tax - $0.04 for each square foot of building addition or alteration Contingency - A budgetary reserve set aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures not otherwise budgeted. Contingent Liabilities - Items which may become liabilities of the Town but are undetermined at a given date, such as pending lawsuits, unsettled disputed claims, unfilled purchase orders, and uncompleted contracts. Contract Services - Services provided to the Town from the private sector or other public agencies. PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Glossary of Terms F - 3 Contributed Capital - Resources which are extremely restricted for the acquisition or construction of capital assets. This category includes, but is not limited to, capital grants, residual equity transfers in, and contributions from developers. Cost Allocation - A fair and equitable methodology for identifying and distributing direct and indirect cost from a service provider to the service consumer. In the Town’s case, the general fund is the service provider and the external funds are the service consumer. Deficit - The excess of liabilities over assets. Department - A major organizational unit of the Town that has been assigned overall management responsibility for an operation or a group of related operations within a functional area. Developer Fees and Permits - Fees that are charged for various development-related services or permits based upon actual cost to the Town for providing the service or permit. Documentary Transfer Tax - Imposed on the transfer of real property, exclusive of any lien or encumbrance. The Town receives 50% of such revenue collected by Santa Clara County. Encumbrance - Commitment against an approved budget for unperformed (executory) contract for goods or services. Encumbrances cease when the obligation is paid or otherwise terminated. A purchase order is a common encumbrance. Expenditure - The outflow of funds paid or to be paid for an asset obtained or goods and services obtained. An encumbrance is not an expenditure; an encumbrance reserves funds to be expended. Fiscal Year - A 12-month period to which the annual operating budget applies and at the end of which the Town determines its financial position and results of its operations. The Town’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Five-Year Financial Forecast - Estimates of future revenues and expenditures to help predict the future financial condition of the community. Fixed Assets - Assets which are intended to be held or used for a long term, such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment. Fund - An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts in which financial transactions relating to revenues, expenditures, assets, and liabilities are recorded. Funds other than the General Fund typically have a unique funding source and purpose. Establishing funds enables the Town to account for the use of restricted revenue sources and carry on specific activities or pursue specific objectives. Fund Accounting - System used by non-profit organizations, particularly governments. Since there is no profit motive, accountability is measured instead of profitability. The main purpose is stewardship of financial resources received and expended in compliance with legal requirements. PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Glossary of Terms F - 4 Fund Balance - Also known as financial position, fund balance is the excess of current assets over current liabilities and represents the cumulative effect of revenues and other financing sources over expenditure and other financing uses. GAAP - (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) - Uniform standards for financial accounting and reporting. They govern the form and content of the basic financial statements of the Town. Gas Tax Fund - The Gas Tax Fund is used to account for revenues and expenditures apportioned under the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Expenditures may be made for any street- related purpose in the Town’s system of streets. General Fund - In governmental accounting, fund used to account for all assets and liabilities of a non- profit entity, except those particularly assigned for other purposes in another more specialized fund. The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the Town. General Government – Includes offices and departments to support the Town Council, Town Clerk, Town Manager, Town Attorney, Town Treasurer, Human Resources, Finance, Community Development, Police, Parks and Public Works, and Library functions. General Liability Self Insurance Fund - The General Liability Self Insurance Fund is used to provide the Town with liability and property insurance. Coverage is provided through the Town’s participation in a joint powers agreement through the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). Grant - External contribution, and/or gift of cash, or other asset typically from another governmental entity to be used or expended for a specific purpose, activity, or facility. An example is Community Development Block grant funding from the federal government. Housing Set-Aside Fund – This fund is used to account for the Redevelopment Agency’s 20% set-aside property tax increment revenues and the associated expenditures to be used for increasing or improving low and moderate income housing. Improvements - Buildings, structures, or attachments to land such as sidewalks, trees, drives, tunnels, drains, and sewers. Intergovernmental Revenue - Revenue received from other governmental agencies and municipalities, such as grants from the state or federal government. Inter-Fund Transfers - When the Town moves money between its various funds, it makes an inter-fund transfer, referred to as “transfers in” and “transfers-out.” In aggregate, transfers in and out offset each other for the fiscal year. Levy - (Verb) To impose taxes, special assessments, or service charges for the support of governmental activities. (Noun) The total amount of taxes, special assessments, or service charges imposed by Santa Clara County levying property taxes. Licenses and Permits - Revenues earned by the issuance of licenses or permits levied in accordance with the benefits conferred by the license or permit. PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Glossary of Terms F - 5 Lighting and Landscape Fund - The Town has formed six landscape and lighting district funds established by written consent of the property owners owning all of the property within the boundaries of the district. Objective - A statement of specific direction, purpose, or intent based on the needs of the community and the goals established for a specific program or service level. Ordinance - A formal legislative enactment by the Town Council. It has the full force and effect of law within Town boundaries unless pre-empted by a higher form of law. An Ordinance has a higher legal standing than a Resolution and is typically codified in a Town's municipal code. Operating Budget - The operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing of acquisition, spending, and service delivery activities of a government are controlled. The use of annual operating budgets is required by law. Personnel - Town staff. Program - As subdivisions of departments, programs are budgetary or organizational units of government with limited sets of work responsibilities within their respective departments. Programs also serve to increase budgetary accountability. Los Gatos' budget is compiled on a program basis. Property Tax – A tax Imposed on real property (land and permanently attached improvements). The tax is based upon the assessed value of such property. The tax rate may not exceed 1% of assessed value. Reserve - An account used to indicate that a portion of fund equity is designated, undesignated, or legally restricted for a specific purpose. Resolution - A special order of the Town Council, which has a lower legal standing than an ordinance. Resources - Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues, inter-fund transfers, and beginning fund balances. Revenue - Sources of income which the Town receives during a fiscal year. Examples of revenue include taxes, intergovernmental grants, charges for services, resources forwarded from the prior year, operating transfers for other funds, and other financing sources such as the proceeds derived from the sales of fixed assets. Revenue Estimate - A formal estimate of how much revenue will be earned from a specific revenue source for some future period; typically, a fiscal year. Road Impact Fees - Pursuant to Article III of Chapter 15 of the Town Code, the Town collects road impact fees to finance road construction and maintenance projects throughout the town. Article IX of Chapter 15 authorizes the establishment of special fund accounts known as Road Impact #1, Road Impact #2, and Road Impact #3, into which all such fees are deposited. Because the road systems generally follow drainage patterns, the existing drainage basin map boundaries are used to track and expend funds for road construction and maintenance. PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Glossary of Terms F - 6 The amount of each fee collected is based on an estimate of the weight of the loads to be hauled to or from the project and the weight of heavy vehicles to be used in connection with the project. The fee is collected for Building Permits, Grading and Landscape Permits, Improvement Contracts, and Encroachment Permits. Money collected from such fees is to be used solely for design, construction, and repair of Town streets and installation of sidewalk curb cut ramps when such a requirement is triggered by the level of work as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act, within the prescribed area. Projects will be brought forward on an as-needed basis. SA Trust Fund – Fund used to account for the proceeds of notes, and other forms of indebtedness, and the expenditure of these funds to pay the debt, administrative services and projects with the specified boundaries of the Successor Agency of the Town of Los Gatos Redevelopment Agency. Sales Tax – 1% of taxable sales is returned to the Town by the State Board of Equalization on a monthly direct deposit basis. Under the “Triple Flip” agreement, 0.25% of the 1% is now received in association with property tax but remains sales tax in substance. Special Revenue Fund - In governmental accounting, a fund used to account for the proceeds of a special revenue source (other than special assessments, expandable trusts, or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for a specified purpose. Service Charge - Charges for specific services rendered. Services and Supplies - Expenditures for services and supplies which are directly related to a department's primary service activities. State Gas Tax Funds - Portions of the tax rate per gallon levied by the State of California on all gasoline purchases are allocated to cities throughout the state. These funds are restricted to expenditures for transit and street-related purposes. Supplemental Appropriation - An appropriation approved by the Council after the initial budget is adopted. Taxes - Compulsory charges levied by the Town, county, or state governments for the purpose of financing services performed for the community’s benefit. Town Code - A legal compilation of Town Council-approved ordinances currently in effect. The code defines Town policy with respect to areas such as planning, etc. Transfers In/Out - Money transferred from one Town fund to another. Differs from revenues and expenses - see definition of these terms, above. PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Index F - 7 Financial Summaries – by Fund Total CIP Fund Summary .................................................................................................................. B – 9 Fund 411 - GFAR Fund ..................................................................................................................... B – 10 Fund 471 – Traffic Mitigation Fund ................................................................................................. B – 12 Fund 421 – Grants Fund................................................................................................................... B – 14 Fund 461/462/463 – Storm Basin Funds ......................................................................................... B – 16 Fund 472 – Utility Underground Fund ............................................................................................. B – 18 Fund 481 – Gas Tax Fund ................................................................................................................. B – 20 Financial Summaries – by Program Streets Program ............................................................................................................................... B – 5 Parks Program .................................................................................................................................. B – 5 Public Facilities Program .................................................................................................................. B – 6 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. F – 1 FY 2020/21 Completed or Withdrawn CIP Projects ............................................................................. A – 10 Parks Program - Park Improvement Projects Oak Meadow Bandstand Area Improvements ................................................................................ D – 14 Outdoor Fitness Equipment ............................................................................................................. D – 10 Parks Playground Fibar Project ........................................................................................................ D – 6 Town Plaza Turf Repairs .................................................................................................................. D – 8 Vegetation Management – Town-wide .......................................................................................... D – 12 Parks Program – Trail Improvement Projects Charter Oaks Trail Repair ................................................................................................................. D – 22 Open Space Trail Upgrades .............................................................................................................. D – 20 Trailhead Connector Project ............................................................................................................ D – 24 Public Facilities Program – Equipment Projects Audio/Video System Upgrade ......................................................................................................... E – 30 Engineering Document Archiving .................................................................................................... E – 34 EOC Communication Upgrade ......................................................................................................... E – 36 Information System Upgrade .......................................................................................................... E – 28 IT Disaster Recovery Improvements ................................................................................................ E – 38 Town-Wide Document Imaging Project .......................................................................................... E – 32 Public Facilities Program – Infrastructure Projects ADA Upgrade Public Restrooms – Adult Recreation Building ......................................................... E – 10 ADA Restrooms and HR Offices ....................................................................................................... E – 12 Adult Recreation Center – Floor Repair ........................................................................................... E – 20 Battery Power Supply - Library ........................................................................................................ E – 22 Building Replacement at Corporation Yard ...................................................................................... E – 6 Fire Suppression (Halon) for Server Rooms ..................................................................................... E – 18 PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Index F - 8 Sound Mitigation Library Lobby ....................................................................................................... E – 16 Town Beautification .......................................................................................................................... E – 8 Waterproofing – Town-wide ........................................................................................................... E – 14 Streets Program - Bridge Projects Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge – Design .......................................................................... C – 80 Quito Road - Bridge Replacement ................................................................................................... C – 82 Street Program - Street Improvement Projects ADA Transition Plan ........................................................................................................................ C – 56 Annual Storm Drain Improvement Project ..................................................................................... C – 54 Bicknell Road Storm Drain Improvements ....................................................................................... C – 46 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements ................................................................................................ C – 48 Blossom Hill Road Traffic Study ....................................................................................................... C – 66 Downtown Parking Lots Seal Coat & Restriping .............................................................................. C – 34 Downtown Streetscape Revitalization/Economic Recovery Efforts ................................................ C – 60 E. Main Street Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk ................................................................................ C – 62 Hernandez Avenue Storm Drain Improvements ............................................................................. C – 36 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements. ............................................................... C – 58 Kennedy Sidewalk – LGB to Englewood........................................................................................... C – 72 Local Road Safety Plan ..................................................................................................................... C – 64 Parking Program Implementation ................................................................................................... C – 52 Shannon Road Class Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements ......................................................... C – 38 Sidewalk Improvements – Multiple Locations ................................................................................. C – 40 Stormwater System – Pollution Prevention Compliance ................................................................ C – 50 Traffic Signal Modernization ............................................................................................................ C – 44 Utility Undergrounding Improvements ........................................................................................... C – 42 VMT Mitigation Program ................................................................................................................. C – 70 Winchester Boulevard Complete Streets Final Design .................................................................... C – 74 Winchester Class IV Bikeway ........................................................................................................... C – 68 Streets Program - Street Reconstruction & Resurfacing Projects Street Repair & Resurfacing ............................................................................................................. C – 6 Streets Program - Street Repairs, Maintenance & Safety Projects Annual Street Restriping .................................................................................................................. C – 18 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Maintenance ............................................................................................ C – 14 Guardrail Replacement Projects ...................................................................................................... C – 20 Massol Intersection Improvements ................................................................................................. C – 22 Parking Lot 4 Repair & Waterproofing ............................................................................................ C – 28 Retaining Wall Repairs ..................................................................................................................... C – 16 Roadside Fire Fuel Reduction .......................................................................................................... C – 26 PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Index F - 9 Shannon Road Repair ...................................................................................................................... C – 24 Traffic Calming Project ..................................................................................................................... C – 12 Town Manager’s Message .................................................................................................................... A – 1 PROPOSED REFERENCE SECTION Index F - 10 This Page Intentionally Left Blank